#parker brailsford
inwokewetrust1981 · 1 month
LANK: The Documentary
LANK The Documentary
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Best Dancers and their TDA results over the years:
(Only includes dancers that placed multiple times/competed in more than one year)
Caleb Abea:
2020: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2021: Teen Male Best Dancer
Alyssa Allen:
2012: Teen Female Top 10
2014: Senior Female Best Dancer
Finley Ashfield:
2020: Mini Female Top 10
2021: Mini Female Top 10
2022: Mini Female Best Dancer
Luke Barrett:
2017: Mini Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2022: Teen Male Best Dancer
Jacob Barrow:
2020: Mini Male Top 20
2021: Mini Male Best Dancer
Aedyn Bekker:
2018: Mini Male Top 10
2019: Mini Male Best Dancer
Hailey Bills
2016: Mini Female Top 10
2017: Mini Female Best Dancer
2019: Junior Female Top 10
2021: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2022: Teen Female Best Dancer
Dyllan Blackburn
2016: Mini Female Top 10
2017: Mini Female 1st Runner-up
2018: Junior Female Top 10
2019: Junior Female 1st Runner-up
2020: Teen Female Top 10
2021: Teen Female Best Dancer
Stefania Bonomo
2016: Mini Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2017: Mini Male Best Dancer
2019: Junior Male Best Dancer
Kazuma Brailsford:
2021: Mini Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Junior Male Top 20
2023: Junior Male Best Dancer
Brightyn Brems:
2015: Mini Female Top 20
2016: Mini Female Best Dancer 3rd Runner-up
2017: Mini Female Best Dancer
2019: Junior Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
Bostyn Brown:
2014: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2015: Junior Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2016: Junior Female Best Dancer
2018: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2019: Teen Female Best Dancer
Nicholas Bustos:
2017: Mini Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2018: Mini Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2019: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2020: Junior Male Best Dancer
2022: Teen Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2023: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
Keagan Capps:
2017: Mini Female Top 20
2018: Junior Female Top 10
2019: Junior Female Best Dancer
2021: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
Kylee Casares
2018: Mini Female Top 20
2019: Mini Female Top 10
2020: Mini Female Top 10
2022: Junior Female Best Dancer
D'Angelo Castro:
2012: Junior Male Best Dancer
2014: Teen Male Top 10
2015: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2016: Teen Male Best Dancer
2018: Senior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2019: Senior Male Best Dancer
Ruby Castro
2013: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2015: Mini Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2017: Teen Female Top 10
2018: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2019: Teen Female Best Dancer
2021: Senior Female Top 10
2022: Senior Female Best Dancer
Artyon Celestine:
2014: Mini Male Top 6
2015: Mini Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2016: Mini Male Best Dancer
JT Church:
2017: Mini Male Best Dancer
2019: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
Kyle Patrick Clarke:
2012: Teen Male Best Dancer
2014: Senior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2015: Senior Male Best Dancer
Dylan Custodio:
2021: Mini Male Top 10
2022: Mini Male Best Dancer
Brady Farrar:
2014: Mini Male Best Dancer
2017: Junior Male Best Dancer
2020: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2021: Teen Male Best Dancer
Sam Fine:
2018: Junior Male Top 10
2020: Teen Male Top 20
2021: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Senior Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2023: Senior Male Best Dancer
Zoe Flores:
2022: Mini Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2023: Junior Female Best Dancer
Jackson Foley:
2016: Mini Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2017: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2018: Junior Male Best Dancer
2020: Teen Male Top 10
Gracyn French
2018: Mini Female Top 10
2019: Mini Female Best Dancer
2021: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Teen Female Best Dancer 3rd Runner-up
2023: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
Parker Garrison:
2015: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2016: Junior Male Best Dancer
Avery Gay:
2015: Mini Female Best Dancer
2017: Junior Female Best Dancer
2021: Senior Female Top 10
Joziah German:
2014: Mini Male Best Dancer
2016: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2017: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2018: Teen Male Best Dancer
2020: Senior Male Best Dancer
Seth Gibson:
2018: Junior Male Top 20
2022: Senior Male Best Dancer
Megan Goldstein:
2014: Junior Female Top 10
2015: Junior Female Top 10
2016: Teen Female Top 10
2017: Teen Female Best Dancer
Ashley Green:
2014: Senior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2015: Senior Female Best Dancer
Kalani Hilliker:
2011: Mini Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2013: Junior Female Best Dancer
2015: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2016: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
Avery Hall:
2019: Junior Female Top 10
2020: Teen Female Top 10
2021: Teen Female Top 10
2022: Teen Female Best Dancer
Morgan Higgins:
2014: Teen Female Top 20
2015: Teen Female Top 10
2016: Teen Female Best Dancer
2018: Senior Female Best Dancer
Ella Horan:
2016: Junior Female Top 10
2017: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2018: Teen Female Best Dancer 3rd Runner-up
2019: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2021: Senior Female Best Dancer
Crystal Huang:
2017: Mini Female Top 10
2018: Mini Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2019: Mini Female Best Dancer
2021: Junior Female Best Dancer
2023: Teen Female Best Dancer
Tristan Ianiero:
2015: Mini Male Best Dancer
2017: Junior Male Best Dancer
Lex Ishimoto:
2014: Teen Male Best Dancer
2016: Senior Male Best Dancer
Kelsie Jacobson:
2021: Mini Female Best Dancer
2023: Junior Female Top 10
Jazzmin James:
2011: Junior Female 2nd Runner-up
2012: Teen Female Best Dancer
2015: Senior Female Best Dancer
Jenna Johnson:
2011: Senior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2012: Senior Female Best Dancer
Payton Johnson:
2012: Junior Female Best Dancer
2014: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2015: Teen Female Best Dancer
2017: Senior Female Best Dancer
Jayce Kalb:
2011: Junior Female Best Dancer
2012: Teen Female Top 20
2013: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2014: Teen Female Best Dancer
2016: Senior Female Best Dancer
Brianna Keingatti:
2021: Senior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-Up
2022: Senior Female Best Dancer
Bella Klassen:
2015: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2016: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2017: Junior Female Best Dancer
2020: Teen Female Top 10
Savannah Kristich:
2017: Mini Female Top 10
2018: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-Up
2019: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2020: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2021: Teen Female Best Dancer
Murphy Lee:
2015: Junior Male Best Dancer
2017: Teen Male Top 10
2018: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2019: Teen Male Best Dancer
Addison Leich:
2017: Mini Female Top 20
2018: Junior Female Top 20
2019: Junior Female Best Dancer
2021: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2022: Teen Female Top 10
Julian Lombardi:
2013: Junior Male Best Dancer
2015: Teen Male Top 10
2017: Teen Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2018: Senior Male Top 10
Patricio Lopez:
2021: Teen Male Top 10
2022: Teen Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2023: Teen Male Best Dancer
Sophia Lucia:
2013: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2014: Junior Female Best Dancer
Cooper Macalalad:
2019: Mini Male Top 10
2020: Junior Male Top 10
2021: Junior Male Best Dancer
2023: Teen Male Top 10
Easton Magliarditi:
2016: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2017: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2018: Teen Male Top 10
2019: Teen Male Top 10
2020: Teen Male Best Dancer
2022: Senior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
Kayla Mak:
2013: Mini Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2014: Mini Female Best Dancer
2016: Junior Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2018: Teen Female Top 10
2019: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2021: Senior Female Best Dancer
Savannah Manzel:
2019: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2020: Mini Female Best Dancer
2022: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2023: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
Holden Maples:
2015: Junior Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2016: Junior Male Best Dancer
2018: Teen Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2019: Teen Male Best Dancer
2021: Senior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
Kya Massimino
2019: Mini Female Top 10
2020: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2021: Mini Female Best Dancer
Ryan Maw:
2014: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2015: Junior Male Best Dancer
2017: Teen Male Best Dancer
Findlay McConnell
2011: Mini Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2014: Junior Male Best Dancer
2016: Teen Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2017: Teen Male Best Dancer
2019: Senior Male Best Dancer
Tate McRae:
2012: Mini Females Top 10
2013: Mini Female Best Dancer
2015: Junior Female Best Dancer
2018: Teen Female Best Dancer
Keenan Mentzos:
2020: Mini Male Best Dancer
2022: Junior Male Best Dancer
Nicholas Moreno:
2021: Junior Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2022: Teen Male Best Dancer
Taylor Morrison:
2019: Mini Female Top 20
2021: Junior Female Top 10
2022: Junior Female Best Dancer
Michael Novitski
2016: Senior Male Top 10
2017: Senior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2018: Senior Male Best Dancer
Ali Ogle:
2016: Mini Female Top 20
2017: Mini Female Top 10
2018: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2019: Junior Female Top 10
2020: Junior Female Best Dancer
2022: Teen Female Top 10
Jonathan Paula
2015: Mini Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2016: Mini Male Best Dancer
2018: Junior Male Best Dancer
2020: Teen Male Top 10
Simrin Player:
2014: Teen Female Best Dancer
2016: Senior Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2017: Senior Female Best Dancer
Hudson Pletcher:
2018: Mini Male Best Dancer
2020: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2021: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Teen Male Best Dancer 3rd Runner-up
2023: Teen Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
Moses Rankine:
2017: Teen Male Top 20
2018: Teen Male Top 10
2019: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Senior Male Best Dancer
Christina Ricucci:
2012: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2013: Teen Female Best Dancer
Kelis Robinson:
2017: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2018: Teen Female Best Dancer
2020: Senior Female Best Dancer
Zachary Roy:
2019: Mini Male Top 10
2021: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Junior Male Best Dancer
Vivian Ruiz:
2016: Teen Female Top 10
2017: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2018: Senior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2019: Senior Female Best Dancer
Brynn Rumfallo:
2013: Mini Female Top 10
2014: Mini Female Best Dancer
Michael Cash Savio
2020: Mini Male Top 10
2021: Mini Male Best Dancer
Eric Scholoesser:
2012: Teen Male Top 10
2014: Senior Male Best Dancer
Malia Scott:
2022: Mini Female Top 20
2023: Mini Female Best Dancer
Talia Seitel:
2011: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2012: Mini Female Best Dancer
2014: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2015: Teen Female Top 10
2016: Teen Female Top 10
2018: Senior Female Top 20
Alex Shulman:
2016: Junior Male Top 10
2017: Teen Male Top 10
2018: Teen Male Top 10
2019: Teen Male Top 10
2020: Senior Male Top 10
2021: Senior Male Best Dancer
Taylor Sieve:
2012: Teen Female Top 20
2013: Teen Female Top 10
2014: Teen Female Best Dancer 3rd Runner-up
2015: Senior Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2016: Senior Female Best Dancer
Christian Smith:
2014: Teen Male Top 10
2015: Teen Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2016: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2017: Senior Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2018: Senior Male Best Dancer
Santiago Sosa:
2022: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2023: Junior Male Best Dancer
Quinn Starner:
2015: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2016: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2017: Teen Female Best Dancer
Ian Stegeman:
2019: Mini Male Best Dancer
2021: Junior Male Best Dancer
2023: Teen Male Best Dancer
Emma Sutherland:
2014: Junior Female Best Dancer
2016: Teen Female Best Dancer
Ellary Day Szyndlar:
2021: Mini Female Top 10
2022: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2023: Mini Female Best Dancer
Carly Thinfen:
2022: Teen Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2023: Senior Female Best Dancer
Ricky Ubeda
2011: Teen Male Best Dancer
2012: Senior Male Best Dancer
Keanu Uchida:
2013: Senior Male Top 10
2014: Senior Male Best Dancer
Lucy Vallely:
2014: Junior Female Top 10
2015: Teen Female Best Dancer
2018: Senior Female Best Dancer
Isaiah Villegas:
2016: Mini Male Top 20
2019: Junior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2023: Senior Male Best Dancer
Cameron Voorhees:
2017: Mini Female Best Dancer 3rd Runner-up
2018: Mini Female Best Dancer
2020: Junior Female Top 10
2021: Junior Female Best Dancer
2023: Teen Female Best Dancer
Jonathan Wade:
2011: Junior Male Best Dancer
2014: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2016: Senior Male Best Dancer
Kiarra Waidelich:
2015: Mini Female Top 10
2016: Mini Female Best Dancer
2018: Junior Female Best Dancer
2020: Teen Female Best Dancer
2022: Senior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
Ava Wagner
2016: Mini Female Top 20
2017: Junior Female Top 10
2018: Junior Female Best Dancer
2020: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2021: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Senior Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2023: Senior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
Ellie Wagner:
2016: Teen Female Top 10
2017: Teen Female Top 10
2018: Teen Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2019: Senior Female Best Dancer
Wyeth Walker:
2015: Teen Male Top 10
2017: Senior Male Best Dancer
Elliana Walmsley:
2017: Mini Female Top 10
2018: Mini Female Best Dancer
2020: Junior Female Top 10
Jaycee Wilkins:
2013: Mini Female Top 10
2014: Junior Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2015: Junior Female Best Dancer
2019: Senior Female Top 20
Jaxon Willard:
2016: Teen Male Top 10
2017: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2018: Senior Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2019: Senior Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2021: Senior Male Best Dancer
Carter Williams:
2014: Junior Male Best Dancer
2016: Teen Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2017: Teen Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2018: Teen Male Top 10
2019: Senior Male Top 10
2020: Senior Male Top 10
2021: Senior Male Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
Skylar Wong:
2021: Mini Female Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2022: Mini Female Best Dancer
Fiona Wu:
2020: Mini Female Top 10
2021: Mini Female Top 20
2022: Junior Female Top 10
2023: Junior Female Best Dancer
Emma York:
2014: Mini Female Top 10
2015: Junior Female Best Dancer 2nd Runner-up
2016: Junior Female Best Dancer
Zenon Zubyk:
2012: Teen Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2013: Teen Male Best Dancer
Timothy Zvifel
2017: Mini Male Top 10
2018: Mini Male Best Dancer 1st Runner-up
2019: Junior Male Best Dancer
2022: Teen Male Top 10
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recentlyheardcom · 20 days
Who is Parker Brailsford? What to know about Alabama football's new center
When it comes to football, the chemistry between a center and a quarterback is everything for an offense. A perfectly timed — and placed — snap either allows a play to develop properly or kills a play before it starts. Something the latter of which was well documented last season for Alabama football in the Rose Bowl vs. Michigan ended when former Crimson Tide center Seth McLaughlin low-snapped…
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nflespn · 8 months
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Parker Brailsford picks Alabama football, Kalen DeBoer via transfer portal https://nflespn.net/ncaaf/parker-brailsford-picks-alabama-football-kalen-deboer-via-transfer-portal/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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Fire Island | Gay Storyline | Watch all 07 parts Part 06 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to A family dinner erupts in conflict when Patrick’s invited guest, an ex, enflames Cheyenne. Patrick performers in a talent show and then makes a startling accusation. Part 07 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to Season Finale. As summer draws to a close, Patrick makes an accusation that threatens to tear the house apart. Khasan choreographs a performance for pop star, Betty Who on the island. The boys reflect on their summer adventure.
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Is growth hacking future of marketing?
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Sir David Brailsford coach of cycling team, British Team Sky, had a difficult challenge ahead of the Olympic Games in the year 2012. He had to coach the team that hadn’t won a single major cycling tournament since 1966. Brailsford didn’t feel discouraged and went on finding everything that could help in riding a bike and then he went on improving every single thing that is in anyway related to cycling. He improved ergonomics of bike seat and also weight of the tires. Other things improved on his advice were nutrition, massage gel and the pillows that cyclists slept on. Everything was improved on the advice of the coach but it was only by 1%. By aggregating all the improvements, Brailsford did a remarkable job. In 2012, the team accumulated 70% of the gold medals in cycling in the Olympic Game. It won the prestigious Tour de France and two other tournaments. Brailsford became a growth-hacker. His experiment proved that performance can be improved by making small human-centered changes in the process. He proved that even small improvements can help in getting big achievements in cycling. Airbub, Uber, Instagram, Spofity, Warby Parker and WhatsApp also followed the growth-hacking formula. What they did is they discovered the channels that are yet untapped and improved their features to tap those channels. Their strategy was to stay close to their customers and continuously improve their services through a rigorous analytical approach. Growth-hacking got them top-dollar price for their efforts and they also made a huge customer base. The rate at which these brands acquired the market, retained position and monetized their efforts is certainly astonishing. But what is more surprising is that their efforts have nothing to do with traditional marketing. All the credit for their growth goes to growth-hacking formula. Growth-hacking is now a strategy of customer acquisition and retention and it follows a midway path between product development and marketing. The process is to take advantage of social dynamics and network effects marrying marketing with product. The term was coined by Sean Ellis in 2010. Twitter’s “Suggested Users List” is a good example of growth-hacking. This feature made service quite easy and increased user base. Similarly Dropbox introduced “I get something if you get something” to offer free storage space for users who like sharing the service with friends. It is a prerequisite for free storage. Mailbox went a step ahead by putting a condition of super-slick interface. Users can see how many people are ahead of them on the waitlist of Mailbox. These cases are examples of good user acquisition, retention and referrals due to the get-go feature that was included in the product experience. By simply choosing a service, users spread the word about that service in their social network and new customers made through referrals and mentions. It is a “use-awareness-use” loop and it works like a self-starter without requiring a strategy or budget. The most important thing in growth-hacking is network effect and to create a network effect, you need more users on board. Brands have a strategy called “piggybacked” for attracting more users. It is relying on pre-existing networks to create new. The networks were created on the user base and interactions already happening in those networks. Airbub took advantage of Craiglist that it piggybacked for its initial growth. Similarly PayPal piggybacked on eBay to take advantage of the flourishing world of online transactions of the ecommerce platform. There are more examples that show how brands piggybacked for growth. Instagram and Spotify piggybacked on Facebook for its massive social dynamics and resources. And also Snapchat and WhatsApp piggybacked on phonebook contacts of phone users to grow their customer base. Piggybacking helped these brands in building networks from other resources instead of starting from scratch. Another advantage of piggybacking is that the brands accrued huge returns on their existing investments by saving money on marketing and distribution. In conventional marketing, spending on sub-par products is compensated by spending on distribution. But spending a huge sum on distribution isn’t a guarantee of success, if the product isn’t acceptable to the targeted market. No matter how massive the launch is, it won’t create a scalable, repeatable and sustainable way to grow, if the product isn’t good. Lesson to be learnt from traditional marketing is that the product must be as good as the promotion. Or it is the product that matters more than marketing. And the message comes from the brands that have neither budget nor knowledge of marketing. Brands like Instagram and Airbub focused their efforts on creating products and services that not only have good distribution system but they also have features that make the products and services must have for customers. It is “product plus distribution equals modern marketing” approach catapulted brands like Airbub to the height of popularity that only Hilton enjoys. Now these brands need to start hacking their own growth. It is necessary as it is the only way to stretch the shrinking marketing budget for introducing and expanding service network. Conclusion Some brands display exemplary marketing skills using latest technology. They built their networks using resources of the existing networks. The process is called growth-hacking and it works for every business, product and service. Its advantage is that it needs little investment and efforts and it gives excellent returns. The growth-hacking formula has shown brands a new way to build relationships and clients. 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torentialtribute · 5 years
Tour de France news: Egan Bernal set to become youngest winner of Tour de France in post-war era
Egan Bernal becomes the youngest winner of the Tour de France in the post-war era after defending yellow jersey in rain-hit phase 20
The 22-year-old is the race leader for the final stage on Sunday
Bernal is ready to win a seventh tour of the last eight for Team Ineos
Geraint Thomas has moved to second place in the general classification
By Ian Parker, Press Association
Published: ] Published:] 16:44 BST, July 27, 2019 | Updated: 16:44 BST, July 27, 2019
Egan Bernal is going to win the Tour of France after successfully defending his yellow jersey over a shortened stage 20 in Val Thorens
Vincenzo Nibali gathered the victory stage in the Alpine ski area, but the biggest celebrations will take place in the Team Ineos hotel, with their 22-year-old Colombian ready to become the youngest winner of the post-war Tour.
Bernal can now enjoy the traditional procession from Sunday to Paris, where he will seal a seventh Tour win of the last eight for his British-registered team and become the first Colombian to win the Tour.
Bernal held onto the yellow jersey after he in fourth place when it was rainy – hit Val Thorens
The 22 -year-old is congratulated by Ineos team-mate Geraint Thomas at the finish
Bernal appears to be the first Colombian Tour de France winner on Sunday
Last year's winner gave Geraint Thomas his young team-mate high-five when they crossed the line in Val Thorens, after he moved himself into the overall standings to make it a one-two for Team Ineos.
Steven Kruijswijk of Jumbo-Visma takes the bottom step on the podium after Julian Alaphilippe, who started the second day after his remarkable run in yellow, squatted again on the last day.
Bernal, the first Colombian to win the Tour, was almost called the winner without a pedal, was turned on Saturday while the bad weather that struck on Friday continued in the Alp, and threatened the Albertville stage. see, already cut from 130 km to 59 km, all left together.
Bernal will probably seal a seventh Tour victory from the last eight for Team Ineos seal
But the rain, hail and lightning persisted long enough for the race to run at an aggressive pace, given the short distance.
Bahrain-Merida Nibali, the 2014 Tour Winner but never a fight this year after his efforts in the Giro d & # 39; Italia, pulled the stage win out of the escape, while Jumbo-Visma slowed the pace look for Alaphilippe to shake off to get Kruijswijk on stage.
Nibali made the decisive step on the 33.4 km climb to Val Thorens 13 kilometers from the summit, just as Alaphilippe went the other wa and from the back of the main group.
Tour de France classification
1. Egan Bernal
2. Geraint Thomas
3. Steven Kruijswijk
4. Emanuel Buchmann
5. Julian Alaphilippe
6. Mikel Landa Meana
7. Rigoberto Uran
8. Nairo Quintana
9. Alejandro Valverde
10. Warren Barguil
This was perhaps the weakest Team Ineos viewed their long-running race dominance, and yet they are with their best results emerged since Sir Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome took the top two stairs of the podium in 2012.
They did not take the yellow jersey before Bernal & # 39; s attack on the Col de l & # 39 Iseran paid dividends on a 19 shortened by the weather, and the view of their riders gathered on the front of the platoon setting a pace designed to burn down their rivals is rare.
But the lead team Sir Dave Brailsford does not care, whose investment in the precocious Bernal has paid off even before.
Bernal was trained in the main team of the Spin in May, but after crash training had ruled him out, he turned his attention to the Tour, which he was expected to support Thomas and Froome.
But after the Froome crash at the Cr iterium du Dauphine and Thomas & Spill in the Tour de Suisse, Bernal was elevated to co-leader status and the faith shown in him was repaid.
Although he did not win a stage – without a winner on stage 19 where he was the first to crest the Iseran – Bernal consistently attacked in the mountains to make up for the team he lost to Thomas in the time trial of stage 13 .
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themusicsite · 7 years
Betty Who – Ignore Me (Official Music Video)
Official music video for ‘Ignore Me’ performed by Betty Who. Betty Who “Ignore Me” Out Now: http://ift.tt/2EUWP9d Director: Mark McCune & Mariana McCune Creative Director/Choreographer: Khasan Brailsford Production Company: More Media Producer: Aly Parker Production Supervisor: Tony Rosenthal 1st A.D.: Luke Barber DP: Jon Chema Production Designer: Christian Snell Color: Dan Finlayson Special thanks to: […]
Credit: The Music Site (www.TheMusicSite.com)
source https://themusicsite.com/music-news/videos/betty-ignore-me
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Season 19
Frank & Barbara Manley
Tom Hormel
The Parker Family Foundation
Building Hope
Peter and Laura Olle
Studley, Inc. Education Practice Group
Gloria and Wilson Aboudi
Myron & Elaine Adler Private Foundation
Ronald Aroesty Trust U/W Herbert Seid
George Bean Investments
Berit and Martin Bernstein
Anita and Howard J. Blatt -
Rampart Agency, Inc.
Myrna and Yale Block
Janet and Bernard R. Bober
Marvin Eiseman
Carl Epstein
Eleanor and Edward Epstein
Feldman Charitable Foundation
Judy and Ary Freilich
Steven Morey Greenberg, Esq,
Joan and Robert M. Hess
The Kaplen Foundation
Wendy Feldstein King
The Proctor Foundation, Inc.
Judy and Joseph Klyde
William J. Lippman
Cynthia and Stanley Low
Perlman Family Foundation, Inc
Daniel Rubin
Donna and David Schweid
The Barbara & Norman Seiden Foundation
Nancy and David Sharp
Sylvia & Stanley Shirvan Foundation
Carole and Alan Silberstein
Michael Sternlieb, Esq.
Harley and Eli Ungar
Inge and Paul Wolff
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visionariesinc · 7 years
Visionaries 21st Season is brought to you through the generosity of the following sponsors:
Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut
National Cooperative Bank
Eco Serendib Villa & Spa St. John, USVI
Anna-Maria & Stephen Kellen Foundation
The Catholic Communication Campaign
Capital Impact Partners Citi Foundation
H.J. Promise Foundation
PNC Bank
Ruth Alden Doan
Cooperative Development Foundation
Trayser Family Trust
The Goodnow Fund
The Suzanne M. and Robert L. LaBoiteaux Family Foundation
Virgin Island Lottery
Carol Furneaux
And for the 20th Season of Visionaries:
Nick Candy and Holly Vallance
Conrad Clauson
Jeff & Mary Madura
International Raw Materials
Wilma Harris, In memory of her parents, August Uebel and Martha Moebus Uebel Howard and Maxine Lewis
Foundation for the New York United Hospital Medical Center, In memory of Ryan Mahoney
First Metro Bank
San Antonio Friends
Mr. William Inglee and Ms. Jane Madden
Bank of America
Fertilizer Industry Roundtable
The A.J. Sackett & Sons Company
Dr. Sherif Zafraan and Mrs. Tara Turk-Zafraan
Mr. Chris Townsend
Coptic Community of San Antonio, TX
Dr. & Mrs. Mohamed El-Shafie
Dr. Randi Rubovits-Seitz
Drs. Samia and Kamal Khalil
Mr. and Mrs. Art Spanjer
Mr. John Rakolta, Jr
Mrs. Terry Rakolta
The Beneficial Foundation
Nelson Talbott Foundation
Dr. Bonnie Sampsell
Mr. Bernardo Brasil
Mrs. Stephanie Denkowicz
Vision Hospitality Properties
Dr. and Mrs. John OâÄôBrien
Mr. Thomas O'Keefe & Ms. Norma Comer
Ms. Myra Whitlock
Mr. Dennis O'Connor and Mr. William McCluskey
Alliance Source Testing
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bussey
Dr. & Ms. Craig Boyer
Dr. Michael Lovellette & Ms. June Doezema
Drs. Samir & Chahira Gabriel
Mr. Robert Wilson
Ms. Beverly Weber
Dr. L. Donald Pearlstein and Mrs. Helen Pearlstein
Dr. Melissa Barden Dowling
Critical Fluid Management
Dr. Flora Anthony and Mr. Clay Anthony
Elementar Americas/Sandy Hughes
Onset HOBO Data Loggers
Captain and Mrs. Hiram Patterson, USN/Ret
Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard Kennedy School
And for the 19th Season of Visionaries:
Frank & Barbara Manley
Tom Hormel
The Parker Family Foundation
Additional support provided by
Building Hope
Peter and Laura Olle
Studley, Inc.âÄôs Education Practice Group
Gloria and Wilson Aboudi
Myron & Elaine Adler Private Foundation
Ronald Aroesty Trust U/W Herbert Seid
George Bean Investments
Berit and Martin Bernstein
Anita and Howard J. Blatt -
Rampart Agency, Inc.
Myrna and Yale Block
Janet and Bernard R. Bober
Marvin Eiseman
Carl Epstein
Eleanor and Edward Epstein
Feldman Charitable Foundation
Judy and Ary Freilich
Steven Morey Greenberg, Esq,
Joan and Robert M. Hess
The Kaplen Foundation
Wendy Feldstein King
The Proctor Foundation, Inc.
Judy and Joseph Klyde
William J. Lippman
Cynthia and Stanley Low
Perlman Family Foundation, Inc
Daniel Rubin
Donna and David Schweid
The Barbara & Norman Seiden Foundation
Nancy and David Sharp
Sylvia & Stanley Shirvan Foundation
Carole and Alan Silberstein
Michael Sternlieb, Esq.
Harley and Eli Ungar
Inge and Paul Wolff
The 18th Season of Visionaries is provided in part by:
The David & Carol Myers Foundation
The Doree Taylor Charitable Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Monsanto Company
United Church of Christ
Additional Visionaries Season 18 underwriting was provided by
Week of Compassion
The Sandy River Charitable Foundation
Women's Division/General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church
Dole Fresh Fruit
Latin American Agribusiness Development Corp. (LADD)
Ms. Vivian Nolte
Murphy-Brown LLC
The MORF Foundation
Cargill of Honduras
Season 18 of the Visionaries is also brought to you by
American Baptist Churches, USA
Bangor Savings Bank
CEI Capital Management LLC
Horace Hildreth
Gordon Hall
Judy & Richard Guggenhime
The Episcopal Church
The Lyme Forest Fund
The Marshall Miller Foundation, Inc
Espresso Americano
Stratmark, LTD
Weatherby Maine Fishing & Hunting Lodge
Jerold & Pamela Hamza
Belfair Gardens
Hospice Care of South Carolina
Trident Villa Rentals at Palmetto Dunes
Boys Arnold & Company
Hargray Communications Group
Thomas and Genevieve Arnold
Emeritus Senior Living
Hilton Head Hospital
Andres Egas
Armando Larragan
Hector Toribio
Joakin Gonzalez
Jorge Lopez
Renieri Nunez
Ramon Roadas
Jose Monroly
Reynero Barahona
Roy Rivera
Agusto Mendoza
Marco Castro
Emerson Villeda
Jose Blacio
And for the 17th Season of Visionaries:
China-United States Exchange Foundation
Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company
PetSmart Charities
FJC- A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds
And by the generous support of the following:
Mr. & Mrs. James Dankenbring
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Flaa
Joseph S. Allerhand, Esq.
Paul G. Levy, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Clement
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Egland
The Johnson Family
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Maurice
The Kansas District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Rev. and Mrs. Dennis Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Walrath
Mr. & Mrs. Winston Wilson
Rev. & Mrs. Ricky Jacob
Mrs. Marilyn Dahl
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Schoenbeck
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Gebel
Dr. & Mrs. Lee Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Christensen
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Lawrence, Kansas
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Biegner
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pantazon
Mrs. Lorraine Stege
Rev. & Mrs. Layton Lemke
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Warren Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. James Timm
For the 15th and 16th Seasons of Visionaries:
Halloran Philanthropies
And by the generous support of the following:
Crossroads Facility Services, Inc
Law Offices of Kessel & Associates
Cihigoyenetche, Gossberg & Clouse
Musick, Peeler & Garrett, LLP
Vogl & Meredith, LLP
Brack & Mason Attorneys at Law
Archer Norris Charitable Fund
Roger W. and Jocelyn A. Gilbert
Mary K Stroube
Suzanne K. Cross
Chapman & Associates Foundation
Johnson Lambert & Co, LLP
Suhr Risk Services
First Insurance Co of Hawaii, Ltd.
Safetrak Inc
E. C. and Susie Stark
James Eggert
Law Offices of Matheny, Sears, Linkert & Jaime, LLP
Cooley & Darling Insurance Agency
Alfred L Williams or Elaine Eubank
For the 13th and 14th Seasons of Visionaries:
The Anne M. and Philip H Glatfelter III Foundation
Hershey Trust Company
The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation
For the 12th Season of Visionaries:
The Campion Fund
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) Seafarers Trust
Bighorn Toyota
Margaret and W. George Greig
The Helmerich Foundation
David and Inez Black
Hale Family Foundation Fund of Tulsa Community Foundation
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07 parts | season 1 completed. trailer | imdb | how to watch Fire Island follows a group of young gay guys living together in a beachfront share house for the summer as they search for the romance, temptation and thrills that have brought the LGBTQ community to the island for decades. The house mates include Khasan Brailsford, a choreographer and back-up dancer who has performed with pop legends like Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and Rihanna; his best friend Jorge Bustillos, who left his career as a doctor in Venezuela in order to move to New York City, where he works as a marketing strategist; entrepreneur and model Cheyenne Parker; Kings Park native Justin Russo, a New York City based artist and illustrator; Patrick McDonald, who works as a bartender on Fire Island and is recently single, and Brandon Osorio, a photographer and NYU student.
Part 01 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to Part 02 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to Part 03 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to Part 04 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to Part 05 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to Part 06 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to Part 07 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to
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Fire Island | Gay Storyline | Watch all 05 parts Part 05 - openload | thevideo.me | vidup.me | netu.tv | estream.to Some of the boys invite their parents to the island. Khasan reveals shocking stories from his childhood. Cheyenne and Patrick struggle to find common ground. Brandon must confront his summer romance.
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