#park seonghwa soulmate au
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solaris-amethyst · 5 months ago
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💫Did I even deserve you?💫
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✨Pairing: Vampire!Seonghwa x dead!gn!reader ✨Prompt: Vampire Seonghwa is still miserable many decades after losing his soulmate. ✨Word Count: 3.4k ✨Genre: angst, vampire au, soulmate au 🌙Warnings: talks of death, reader is mentioned but not alive in this story, no use of y/n, mentions of Seonghwa not feeding for a long period of time, lost of a loved one, mentions of how he wishes he wasn't on this earth anymore, grief, ghosts, let me know if I missed any warnings! ☀️️Authors note: Got this idea into my head and wanted to explore writing angst in this setting. It is very different from what I usually write and I have worked hard on this one and I am quite pleased with the outcome.
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The moon was high up in the sky, illuminating the forest in a light wash of grey. Highlighting the fog that is developing the forest and the castle making it look eerie and abandoned. Cobwebs dancing around windows and moss climbing up the bricks together with the roses that are climbing parts of the castle.
Both beautiful and dangerous.
It was said that sometimes you could see ghosts walking past the windows. Some even claimed to have seen a ghost in the rose garden. Walking around and calling out for their beloved but no response.
Young children were warned not to go there. It was dangerous and better to stay away from a place that would most likely fall in a few decades. The road to the castle was brittled with rocks, thick trees and bushes.
It was not a pleasant road.
Despite that there was a lone figure hiking their way up to the castle, dressed in a black robe. The figure was walking very slowly as if every step towards the castle was painful, making him hurt deeply. Despite that, he continued on with heavy footsteps to the one place he called home.
The owl up in the tree hooted familiarly once he was spotted and the howls of wolves could be heard throughout the forest. None of this bothered the man, for he knew that no one would dare to try and hurt him. A man of the night, a bloodthirsty bloodsucker as the humans once had called people like him.
Now he and his family were nothing more than a mere legend.
A myth.
Something humans wrote stories about without believing they actually existed. Sometimes the man wishes he no longer existed in this world.
It would be easier than walking around the world knowing your fated one was no longer walking this earth.
Unfortunately he was doomed to walk this cruel earth until the end of time as it was now.
The closer he got to his home the more dread and sorrow filled his entire being. He used to be filled with such happiness coming back here but now that was all gone.
The grand doors to the castle opened welcoming, sensing one of its masters returning home. The candles lighting up as he entered the hallway and walked down towards the place where he knew his brothers were residing.
They were expecting him after all. Like they do every year around this time when he gets back from his three month search around the world for anyone who could help him bring back his fated one to life.
And like every year he came back unsuccessful.
It was as if the world was taunting him. Taunting him for not being careful enough. For not appreciating what he had and for being arrogant thinking he could best fate and death because of who he was.
Your voice.
He stopped what he was doing. Only the wind was blowing in from an opened window. The figure looked around carefully, not making much movements, for us mortals it would have looked like he was completely still.
He shook his head gently. It must have been the wind. It cannot have been your voice he heard.
You are no longer here he told himself as he continued his walk towards the room his brothers were in. He could not have heard your voice whisper his name in the wind. You were dead, no longer walking this earth and it felt like his heart was breaking into thousands of pieces every single day when he remembers that.
He remembers your smile, your laughter, your kindness. Everything that he once took for granted he now misses with such intensity that he does not know what to do with himself. It is like the joy he once had is now gone, sucked out of his body leaving behind a cold empty shell.
He starts walking again. He knows his brothers have heard him arrive and he knows that they are waiting for him. The closer he gets the more he can hear them. Shuffling around in the living room, living their normal lives.
Not stricken by grief.
The doors open once again welcoming, just like the front doors to one of its masters returning home and the noise dies down as he steps inside looking around at his family. They are all there. The first ones he notices are the two brunettes sitting together on the sofa. Yunho, Yeosang. Then he sees the them, San, Wooyoung. The latter holding a large book, open on some random page that they seemed to have been discussing before he arrived. He searched for the youngest of his brothers who he found standing next to the tall blond man near the table. Jongho. Mingi. He counted them in his head, he looked around, searching for the leader of his coven. He found him, standing near the big window gazing out into the garden. Hongjoong.
A part of him felt a little better after doing the count. For some reason he had worried they would not all be here when he came back despite the fact that they were always there. No doubt. They would always be here to welcome him home after his long journey.
The blond at the window turned around and when their eyes met he gave him a smile.
"Welcome home Seonghwa. We have missed you." He said taking a few short steps forward to greet him. Taking him into an embrace which he returned.
"I am glad to be back." Seonghwa replied even if it was only half the truth. He was glad to be back seeing his brothers but in reality he was not overly pleased being back without a solution to his suffering.
"How was your journey around the world? Did you find what you were searching for?" Hongjoong questioned even though Seonghwa suspected he already knew the answer to that just like the rest in the room listening in on their conversation.
"Unfortunately I have yet to find someone or something that could help me bring back my loved one." He told him, his shoulders slumping forward. He tried to put on a neutral face but Hongjoong was smart, he could see through his facade quicker than anyone else in their coven. His eyes had shown a glimt of understanding as he nodded carefully.
"You look awful, have you been feeding at all when you have journeyed???" Wooyoungs voice pierced through the air, clearly targeted at him and he could only shrug his shoulders opting not to look at the younger vampire.
"I do not feel hungry anymore Wooyoung." Was the only thing he could give as a response and if he had not already been dead the look Wooyoung sent him would have put him 5 feet under the ground as they spoke.
"You have to feed Seonghwa. It is not healthily to avoid feeding for as long as you have! Lat time I saw you feed was three months ago before you left!" Wooyoung stalked towards him "Are you telling me you have not feed in three months??"
They stared at each other for a long while. He knew all of them already knew the answer. It was the same every year and like every year before this year Wooyoung always grew furious when he figured that he had been neglecting his own health.
He could feel the energy around him tense up. The others were clearly not happy at all with this and yet despite that Seonghwa could not get himself to care about it. Had it been the other way around he would have been furious, furious at his brothers for ignoring their health and not eating but since it was him and not them he found himself often not caring. He would rather wallow in his grief, allowing the ugly feelings tormenting him to come to the surface in various ways.
"How is my beloved? Are they still safe in their casket?" He asked, voice cracking at the word beloved.
The very thought of you not being there or the possibility of something happening to you whilst he was gone was terrifying to him and he had to fight hard to stop the tears wanting to well up in his eyes.
Wooyoungs furious eyes soften instantly when he had asked the question and the other looked at him with sympathy. Yunho nodded confirming that you were still safe, still protected in the garden he had grown just for you.
"They are safe Seonghwa. We have made sure nothing could harm them whilst you were away." San said, giving him that kind smile only San could give someone when they needed it the most. Seonghwa felt like he could see the stars in his brothers eyes at that moment and it never failed to amaze him how much love and adoration could be seen in Sans eyes and how it was always something very real. It never faded or changed no matter how many decades had passed and right now he was thankful for it.
For the love and compassion his brothers were showing him.
"Why do you not sit down? Tell us about your journey? What has changed in the world since last time you went outside?" Hongjoong questioned whilst leading him over to the big chair, gently guiding him to eventually sit down in it. A blanket was placed over him, Mingi moving with utmost care to wrap it around him to keep him warm. He almost let words of protests out until he saw the worry in his eyes.
"Your beloved would not want you neglecting yourself like this." Was all he said with a low rumble before standing up and walking over to Jongho.
That stung.
His heart ached at the comment Mingi had said. Everyone had heard it. It was impossible for them not to hear him. They just pretended like nothing had been said but he knew they were silently agreeing with him. Agreeing with the statement that you, his beloved, who no longer walked this earth, would not want him to neglect himself and his health.
He wants to respond. To deny what Mingi has said. He has rationalized in his head that you would be okay with what he is doing so he can bring you back and the two of you can live together again like you did before.
The rest of his coven sits down all looking at him with curious eyes. Waiting for him to start telling them about his journey.
"It is all the same. Nothing has really changed in the outside world. We are still myths and legends. The only thing that has changed amongst humans is their greed. I would say they have become even greedier and distrusting than before."
"Humans have always been greedy and distrusting Seonghwa." Hongjoong cut him off before sending an apologetic look when he glared at his coven leader.
"I would say they are even more so now than before. I searched through every country on this bloody earth and I found no one. No one who could help me bring my beloved back. The sights I saw when wandering should have taken my breath away but all it did was make me angry. Furious that they were not next to me witnessing it all. At one point on a cliff looking out at the ocean I screamed. I cursed everything living and dead that day. I was so angry and I still am." Seonghwa spoke, his hands fiddling with the blanket as his eyes darken in anger.
His brothers look at each other in worry. They had hoped after many decade that Seonghwas fury and anger would dwindle down but it only seemed to grow with each year. Wooyoung looked at his older brother and friend in sorrow, he had been close to you, Seonghwas beloved, when you were still living and breathing. He understood the pain and anger Seonghwa was feeling but he also knew that you would not wish this upon anyone. Once having confided in him that you would want them to move forward to be happy, not to forget but to eventually come to cherish what had been rather than constantly living in the past thinking of what you could have done together if only things had gone differently.
"And I-" Seonghwa started but stopped once he heard it again.
He looked around. He swore he had heard your voice again. This time it could not have been the wind for no window was open.
"Hwa? What is wrong?" Yunhos voice brought him back from his thoughts as he turned to look at him.
"Y-you did not hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"Nothing." He shakes his head "It was nothing."
"Perhaps you should go and rest?" Yeosang chimed in and the others agreed, nodding their heads.
Seonghwa looked at them before glancing around again, he was sure he heard you but now since none other than him seems to have heard you he wonders if some rest would actually help him.
So he nods and he can see the other's shoulders drop down in relaxation as if they had been expecting him to put up a fight and argue with them about resting.
"Perhaps I should... but I would like to go see them first." He feels stupid, like a child asking for permission to do something when he is the oldest in the coven. He could do whatever he wanted and if that was to go out into the rose garden and visit you then he could without permission.
He stands up before anyone can answer what he has said, he lays the blanket back on the chair before he strides towards another sets of doors which will lead him back to a corridor and down a few flight of stairs before he can enter the garden.
The doors open immediately for him and he makes a point of quietly thanking the castle for opening its doors for him. He remembers the first time he had gone out on his three month journey. When he had come back inconsolable wanting to leave that room to go see you the castle had refused. Refused to open its doors and windows for its master to go wherever he pleased.
Not until he had calmed down and only the silent tears were staining his cheeks had he been allowed out. It was after his brothers had held him close, allowing him to grieve in safety and then being given a cup of blood to drink by Wooyoung to help stabilize himself.
After that the castle had always listened to him. And now he was walking with a sense of purpose, he had to see you again. It always pains him to be away from you for three months when he spends almost every single day around you. Tending to the roses or cleaning the glass casket you lay inside whilst talking quietly to you about his days or how much he misses you.
As he walks out of the door and into the garden he stops in his tracks when he sees something or rather someone walking ahead of him.
He cannot stop himself before he rushes forward and just as he is to grab your hand you vanish.
"No... No no no no no!" He mumbles to himself, now sprinting towards the rose garden, you cannot be gone.
You cannot.
Seonghwa almost trips over the steps leading up to where you lay and he stops at the casket breathing heavily gripping it tightly as he takes you in.
You are still there. Untouched. Just like the way you had been when he had left three months ago.
"My beloved." He whispers and just like that the tears are welling up again in his eyes.
Seonghwa. My love.
Seonghwa gasps as he hears your voice again turning around since he can hear your voice from behind him. He had not expected to actually see you. You are pale, standing there and he notes as he falls down on his knees in shock that you are slightly transparent.
"My beloved. My love." He says while the first tear fall down his pale cheek. His voice is growing thick with emotion and when you look at him with those sad eyes he cannot help himself from crawling up to you trying to take ahold of your hand in his only to realize he is unable to.
"No. Please no. Please." He whimpers looking up at you as the waterworks starts afresh.
You have to let me go.
"No! No no no no please I cannot do that. Please I am sorry I cannot live in a world without you. Please do not leave me." He pleads over and over again trying to take ahold of you but he keeps going through you. His eyes looks almost wild as he tries everything to be able to hold you.
You can see how his heart breaks over and over at not being able to hold you and you know you cannot be visible for much longer.
I love you.
When Seonghwa notices that you are disappearing from his view is when he goes into hysterics. He wails for you to come back to him, he screams in fear, anger and grief and it echos loudly throughout the entire forest. He roars in anger, smashing a statue before breaking down again near the casket. Sobbing over and over again that he is sorry, that he wishes you would come back to him. He asks for death to take him once and for all so he can reunite with you.
He grips his head as he cries, wails and screams in fury and sadness. It is like an explosion he cannot control. Seonghwa is unsure of how much time has passed but he finds that he does not care. All he cares about is that he saw you and he could not hold you one last time like he wished he could. He contemplates for a moment to destroy your casket just so he could hold you in his arms again but he physically cannot make that move.
He cannot destroy your last sleeping place. That would be like spitting on your entire existence if he did, so he finds himself hurting himself and the statues and rose bushes around himself in a fit of anger.
Up in the castle seven figures are looking out of the window from the room they still were in. Hearing Seonghwas wails of agony and grief pained them. It was as if someone was driving a spear into their non-beating heart over and over again.
"I wish I could take away all his pain and suffering. All this grief." Jongho mumbles before leaning close to Hongjoong, hiding his face in the crook of his leaders neck as said man brings an arm around him to bring comfort.
"I never want to find my soulmate... It will only bring even more anguish to him. He will constantly be reminded of his own soulmate who he no longer has. I do not want to make him go through that." San says, tears building up in his eyes.
"You cannot stop it from happening San. Do not deprive yourself of the happiness of finding your soulmate because Seonghwa lost his. That is not something he would want. He would want you to be happy. You know that San." Yunho said whilst giving the younger a sad smile, tears also in his eyes as Seonghwa continues to scream and wail out apologies, curse words and asking for you to come back to him.
"Grief... What is not grief if not love persevering. It is proof of how much he has loved and cherished his beloved. He was just too blind in the moment that he thought he could best death and now all these years later after death won he cannot handle it. Because he has yet to fully accept that they are gone. He has yet to accept that they are gone. It might take years until he gets over the stages of anger, denial, depression and guilt. We will be there to help him through it all. I was thinking of going with him next year so he will not be alone on his journey." Hongjoong says eyes sharply focused on the figure down below.
Eyes slightly widening when he sees something or someone behind his brother before it disappears. He could have sworn it looked like you but he must have been wrong. It was probably the tears in his eyes clouding his vision.
It could not have been you.
You were dead.
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callmeagardengnome · 9 months ago
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☕︎ fated ☕︎ | ATEEZ
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pairings ᯓᡣ𐭩 idol! individual! ateez x fem!reader
genre ᯓᡣ𐭩 soulmate au, one-shot, fluff, hints of angst (?) but like idk honestly
synopsis ᯓᡣ𐭩 soulmarks are a thing - some being more clear and direct and some offering very little guidance. everyone is born with one, though they can manifest at any time. with all the different types of soulmarks today, what would you do to find your soulmate?
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˚ʚ colour me rainbow ɞ˚ [kim hongjoong x fem! reader]
˚ʚ taste of you ɞ˚ [park seonghwa x fem! reader]
˚ʚ dreamy believer ɞ˚ [jeong yunho x fem! reader]
˚ʚ written in skin ɞ˚ [kang yeosang x fem!reader]
˚ʚ sore thumb ɞ˚ [choi san x fem!reader]
˚ʚ paint my world ɞ˚ [song mingi x fem!reader]
˚ʚ miles across ɞ˚ [jung wooyoung x fem!reader]
˚ʚ in my head ɞ˚ [choi jongho x fem!reader]
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SERIES TAGLIST [OPEN] - @cara-rey @hwasbabygirl @chngbnwf @passerbyforfun @butterfliesinthenightsky @ismelllikechlorine247 @pansexual-and-eating-pancakes @forever-atiny @arki-sha @la-undercover-latina
author’s note: some titles or stories may change in the future! i also dont write smut so if you’re into that please go somewhere else 😗
other fics
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milo-mars · 3 months ago
|12 Days of Drabbles|Day 9: Pink in the Night|
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{Park Seonghwa x Male!Reader}
{Plot; A soulmate AU in which you and your soulmate will glow pink in eachothers presence once both you turn 25.}
{A/N - This is obviously very inspired by Pink in the Night by mitski, so thank you queen for making one of the best songs EVER <333}
{Word Count; 758}
{Tags; Soulmate AU, Light angst, Happy ending, Fluff, song inspired drabble.}
Y/N felt himself sink deeper into his bed sheets as the rain and traffic sounded from outside his apartment; he had just turned 25 today, and he hadn't barely spent it with Seonghwa. He didn't want to have to face Seonghwa and come face-to-face with the chance that he wouldn't glow; he'd already been through so many relationships before, and the thought of Seonghwa not being the one was already making his heart break. He heard it beat like thunder in his ears and took it as a sign it was breaking. What if he was wrong? What if one of his past partners was the one, and he'd never find them again? What if they, or Seonghwa, didn't love him back?.
Y/N almost didn't hear the knocking on his door; from the sounds of his heartbeat, he knew it was Seonghwa, and he also knew that Seonghwa had a key. But he wouldn't enter yet since he knew how hard it would be for Y/N and himself if they were never destined to be. His phone buzzed, and he opened it to find Seonghwa's text.
My Love ♥
Hey darling, I'm at your door. Do you want to talk to me?
I know… Could you just give me a minute?
Of course, I'll be right here when you're ready.
Y/N hugged his phone to his chest and wiped away the tears that fell down his cheeks; he couldn't say goodbye to Seonghwa, and he could never in his life imagine him with someone else. Seonghwa no doubt was feeling it too; Y/N had been there for him when he needed him the most. He could feel that special kind of fondness and genuine connection that Y/N had with him. It didn't sound real that there could be anyone more meant to be than them; they loved each other. After some few tear-filled moments of contemplating, he rid his eyes of any more tears that threatened to fall before texting back.
My Love ♥
You can come in… please.
Y/N needed to know if his anxiety was right, that the last three years they'd been together were a mere waste of time. that his real soulmate would never compare to such love that Seongwa gave him. He never knew how much he could hate a squeaky door hinge until his opened. He squeezed his eyes tightly as he heard Seonghwa's footsteps come closer to the door, and then, inside his room, Y/N buried his face into his pillow as Seonghwa put his hand on the crown of his head. He gently strokes his locks as he lets out a heavy sigh. “Y/N... I don't—” His words stopped short, and Y/N tensed for the worst; the rain outside seemed to grow more with his constantly growing heartbeat. Seonghwa took a moment to look out at the heavy rain on the balcony through the glass doors; he breathed in a shaky breath. And he pulled the pillow out of Y/N's face to hold his face. “Y/N, open your eyes.” His tears started to come back as he slowly opened them up to Seongwa, now bathed in a pink glow. He let out a shaky gasp and sat up abruptly. As he looked down at himself, he too was glowing pink. Seonghwa was quick to pull him up into his arms and hold him tightly, their pink glows growing brightly as Y/N cried into his shoulder.
He wiped away his tears before he gave Seonghwa a weak and loving smile. “You're finally mine…” he breathed out. “I was always yours. This just makes us more concrete.” Seonghwa pressed his lips onto Y/N's; the faint sweetness on his lips felt like a new flavor he could never find anywhere else. They pull away after a moment, and Seonghwa looks at the rain through the glass doors. “I didn't do it right; can I try again?” He asked as he pushed them open, the sound of pouring rain nearly indistinguishable from the way Y/N's heart. Y/N nodded and stepped out into the rain with Seonghwa, smiling down at him with a softness that was amplified by his pink glow. He put his arms around Seonghwa’s neck, Seonghwa following suit around his waist. And with hearts beating and their beings glowing pink, they touched their lips together once more, with every drop of rain seeming to sing.
‘I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you, I love you’
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hongjoongspoetry · 20 days ago
A Second to Forever | Teaser
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🍄 Summary: The countdown on your wrist was getting closer to its end and the jitters of finally meeting your soulmate were rendering you an anxious mess. It was a moment you had waited for your entire life — the chance to put a face and name to the person you were destined to meet — and it made you think of different ways to escape fate. After a series of comedic events where everything that could go wrong, did, you met your soulmate. In that instant, everything changed. The encounter was filled with sparks of attraction, warmth and genuine connection, leading to a tender first interaction that left you both feeling enchanted.
🍄 Pairing(s): Fairy!Seonghwa x Fairy!Reader
🍄 Genres/Tropes: Soulmate AU, non-idol AU, fantasy AU, fluff, humour
🍄 Warnings/Tags: female reader, no use of (Y/N), use of magic, water manipulation, flower manipulation, more to come...
🍄 Wordcount: Estimated 7K
🍄 Author's Note: Click the image for a better resolution (Tumblr I hate you). Thought it'd be cool to make a lil teaser for the next part of our Cherry Blossom March Event!!! As always, this is just a draft and minor changes can still be made before the entire work is published. I also want to take the time and say thank you for all the love and feedback I've received on Jongho's fic <3
Masterpost Event taglist
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As if sensing your chasing figure, the wind picked up and pushed the leaf further away. Like a game of cat and mouse, the blade would land on the ground and then jump a few paces whenever you’d get too close. It was taunting you and that alone made you more determined to capture it again. The thought of Wooyoung casting a spell on it back in his shop didn’t sound too unbelievable. The more time you spent with the wizard, the more of his foxy personality broke through his innocent act. 
“Come back here,” you hissed and chased the lively leaf while successfully avoiding collision with the other pedestrians.
A brilliant idea flashed before your eyes and everyone watched in awe as your blue wings fluttered to life, and lifted your figure off the ground.
The leaf brushed off your command and continued its path further and further away from you. There was actually no point in retrieving it, but you realized you felt much better not having to look at your timer than when it was visible for everyone to see. Even now, as you were losing your mind trying to get it back, you didn’t think to glance down at your wrist.
Entirely occupied by the stupid part of a random plant Yeosang summoned, you didn’t realize your timer was rapidly coming to an end. Your wings flapped rapidly, propelling you forward. Victory filled your veins as you inched closer and closer to the blade. The harsh wind stilled and the leaf fell limp on the ground just as you touched down with the soles of your feet. You ran the last stretch with your arm extended and fingers spread, ready to capture the green piece. A noise of triumph escaped your mouth as you grabbed the end of the blade.
“I got you!” 
What you didn’t expect was for the leaf to be pinched between a thumb and forefinger, twice the size of yours, at the other end. You traced the path up the stranger’s arm and gazed into the most beautiful pair of brown eyes you could ever imagine — round and wide, akin to a surprised bunny. A bubble you weren’t aware of burst in your ears and all of your thousands thoughts stored in various chests scattered in the vast space of your mind were reduced to nothing. Your breath was trapped in your throat, yet you didn’t feel the need for air as long as you kept staring at the stranger. A soft breeze — nothing like before — brushed against your bodies and a rain of cherry blossoms followed. The petals landed in the stranger’s hair and blended with his baby pink strands. The man was breathtakingly beautiful and your heart squeezed in content of being the center of his attention. 
“Hey,” he said and your insides nearly collapsed from the combination of his slight rasp and soft-spoken tone.
His raspberry-colored lips curled upward and dethroned the sun as the warmest source of light in the galaxy. The fairy who couldn’t go a day without speaking was for once at a loss for words. 
“Hi,” you squeaked out and hastily rose to your feet, letting go of the oh-so-important leaf.
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© HONGJOONGSPOETRY 2025. All rights reserved. Copying, editing, reposting or translating my work is not allowed.
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mxnsxngie · 2 years ago
Meant For Me (Park Seonghwa)
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All your friends start finding their soulmates, but you are convinced you don’t have one. You have no physical marks showing you have one, and haven’t found them yet. But could that change when you meet Park Seonghwa, a friend of your friends’ soulmate?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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captain-joongz · 1 year ago
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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ot8/multiple members
♤ in the same class as ateez by @essenteez
◇ murphy's law by @atzfilm
alien!ateez, soulmate au
♧ into the aurora by @honeyhotteoks
idol!ateez x non-idol!reader
☆ inception by @remedyx
dragon!ateez, kings!ateez
♤ hotel california + paradise gardens by @mint-yooxgi
demon!ateez, yandere, supernatural au
◇ morning mist by @mint-yooxgi
dragon au, fated lovers
♧ deep down. by @seventhcallisto
a/b/o, idol au, 9th member au
☆ in love and lore by @shadowynn
demon!ateez, soulmates au, supernatural au
♤ dew drops at dawn by @sunmoonjune
demon!ateez, soulmates
◇ breed by @sanjoongie
alien!ateez, sexual experiments
♧ oh my *** by @ohmyamor
guardian angel!ateez
☆ first flight to hong kong by @byuntrash101
flight attendant!reader, kind of sex work, since reader gets paid
♤ circus by @lani-heart
hybrid!ateez, writer!journalist!reader
◇ wider by @seventhcallisto
9th member au, bf!ateez
♧ the best friend's code by @tenelkadjowrites
hongjoong, seonghwa x reader, best friends to lovers
☆ we ransacked the city by @tenelkadjowrites
hongjoong, seonghwa x reader, rich kids au, menaces to society united
♤ be the light by @written-in-flowers
seonghwa, hongjoong x reader, historical au, royalty au
◇ sex and embers and frost by @sanjoongie
dragon!seonghwa, san x bunny!reader
♧ between friends by @anyamaris
seonghwa, hongjoong x reader, best friends au
☆ my filthy boy by @potatomountain
bf!woo x reader x witch/hybrid!ateez, coven shenanigans
♤ compromise by @cyberpxnk
bf!seonghwa x reader x footballer!yunho, infidelity with a twist
◇ it's you by @holybibly
best friends to lovers, threesome
♧ sharing is caring by @ja3hwa
seonghwa, hongjoong, san x reader
☆ ateez as royals who fall for you (hyung line) + (maknae line) by @eightmakesonebraincell
♤ five for five by @bh-archive
hongjoong x san x chan x hyunjin x juyeon x reader
kim hongjoong
◇ red by @nateezfics
established relationship, public sex, bathroom sex
♧ forbidden fruit by @nateezfics
greek mythology au, hades!hongjoong
☆ deal by @hongism
roommates to lovers, sassy joong
♤ marigold by @yoongiseesawmp3
frat boy!hongjoong, best friends to lovers
◇ tell me to stop by @tenelkadjowrites
best friends to lovers
♧ declaration by @tenelkadjowrites
virgin!hongjoong, roommates to lovers
☆ shells by @last-words-ofashootingstar
mermaid!hongjoong, yandere
♤ project d by @setsugekka
exes to lovers, infidelity, racing au
◇ off the table by @setsugekka
established relationship, morning sex
♧ the dressing room by @imaginidol
idol!hongjoong, best friends to fucking (?) for "stress relief"
☆ paint me yours by @moonseonghwa
artist!hongjoong, fwb au
♤ ohmami by @bambikisss
bad boy!hongjoong, racer au (mentioned), best friends to lovers
◇ hideaway by @minisugakoobies
stoner!frat boy!hongjoong, strangers to lovers
♧ what lies beneath by @noramoons
siren!hongjoong, a little angsty but wholesome
park seonghwa
☆ better check twice by @essenteez
accidental nude au, brother's best friend!seonghwa
♤ attention by @tenelkadjowrites
camboy!seonghwa x inexperienced reader
◇ essence by @whatudowhennooneseesyou
siren!seonghwa, dark, yandere, mommy!seonghwa
♧ the thing about pretty boys by @wonusite
friends to lovers, seonghwa proving he got it
ATEEZ rec list pt.2 BTS, TxT, Stray Kids, Seventeen, NCT rec list
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edenesth · 2 years ago
ATEEZ Masterlist
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About the author✨
♡ — Author's personal favourites ☆ — Fan favourites
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Kim Hongjoong
↪ Undying Bonds (zombie apocalypse au) ♡☆
↪ Pride and Prejudice (office au) ♡
↪ The Captain's Favourite (wonderland au) ☆
↪ 4:43 AM ☆
↪ Stitched Hearts (historical au) ♡☆
↪ Clumsy Hearts, Steady Love (non-idol au) ☆
↪ Until Death Claims Us (vampire au) ♡
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Park Seonghwa
↪ Undying Bonds (zombie apocalypse au) ♡☆
↪ One Day at a Time (single parent au) ♡
↪ The General's Wife (wonderland au) ♡☆
↪ The Way to His Heart (historical au) ♡☆
↪ 2:36 PM ♡☆
↪ 7:03 AM ♡
↪ 2:49 AM
↪ The Paradox of Us (non-idol au) ♡☆
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Jung Yunho
↪ Blossoming Alliances (arranged marriage au) ☆
↪ 3:52 AM
↪ The Duke's Weakness (wonderland au) ☆
↪ Little Touch of Heaven (historical au) ♡☆
↪ 9:15 PM ♡☆
↪ Cheat Codes and Heartstrings (gamer au) ♡
↪ 5 Steps to Losing to You (high school au) ♡☆
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Kang Yeosang
↪ Speak Now (hanahaki au) ☆
↪ The Royal Librarian (wonderland au)
↪ 7:29 PM ♡
↪ Until I Found You (historical au) ♡☆
↪ Arrows and Affection (historical au) ♡☆
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Choi San
↪ The Secret Admirer (high school au) ☆
↪ 8:35 PM
↪ The Chosen One (wonderland au) ♡☆
↪ 12:58 PM ♡☆
↪ Dear Soulmate (soulmate au) ♡
↪ Love to Hate You (historical au) ♡☆
↪ 3:00 PM ♡☆
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Song Mingi
↪ The Heart Wants What It Wants (mafia au)
↪ 5:04 AM ☆
↪ The Key Keeper (wonderland au) ♡
↪ 9:47 PM ♡
↪ Written in the Stars (historical au) ♡☆
↪ 8:54 PM ♡
↪ the boy is mine (idol au)
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Jung Wooyoung
↪ Still You (office au) ☆
↪ 6:14 PM ♡
↪ The Painter's Muse (wonderland au) ♡
↪ Take Me Away (historical au) ♡☆
↪ Midnight Fiction (non-idol au) ♡
↪ 5:45 PM ♡☆
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Choi Jongho
↪ Guarding Hearts (fake marriage au) ♡☆
↪ The Mapmaker's Assistant (wonderland au)
↪ 7:16 AM ♡☆
↪ Try Again (historical au) ♡☆
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↪ ATEEZ as Disney Princes ♡☆
↪ ATEEZ as Hogwarts Students ♡☆
↪ By Order of the Black Pirates ♡☆
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A/N: This is an SFW blog and I only write using female pronouns. Leave a reply or message to let me know if you wish to be added to my general ATEEZ tag list (or if you wish to be removed, I'd understand).
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All Rights Reserved © edenesth
**I only post on Tumblr and Wattpad, so if you happen to see any of my work being posted on other platforms, please report and alert me! Thank you, my lovelies!♡
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seonghwaddict · 1 year ago
ateez fic recs!
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🧸 lilo’s notes! here is a collection of works that i loved and thought everyone should read! works marked with a bear emoji are some of my favs. i’ll be updating the list, of course. this list contains both sfw and nsfw content, minors please interact accordingly.
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he’s kinda hot — @ohmyamor
“After a decent run with your boyfriend, you finally decide to end it when his paranoia becomes too much. Except, maybe he wasn’t crazy. And now you have demon who refuses to leave you alone.”
demon!hongjoong, fem!reader, fluff, slight angst, please see content warning before reading, suggestive
lilo’s notes! i absolutely love demon!atz aus and i can testify that this is definitely one of my favs. everything about this was absolutely fantastic and i may or may not revisit it every few weeks
you’re hongjoong’s bias — @jnginlov
“when you and your group go on idol radio to promote your latest comeback, you don’t anticipate one of the hosts to be completely enraptured by you”
idol au, fluff, gn!reader
lilo’s notes! listen… idol aus are usually not my cup of tea (though several fics on here prove that wrong), but this is absolutely one of the cutest things i’ve read.
new horizons — @fivestar-outlaw
“Attempting an all-nighter while playing Animal Crossing alongside your bias, you didn't expect your turnip prices to be such a high amount... nor did you expect Park Seonghwa to actually accept your offer to sell his turnips on your island.”
completed series, FLUFF, idol!hwa x nonidol!fem!reader, nsfw
🧸 honest (but happy) accident — @ad0rechuu
uni student!hwa, gn!reader, fluff, slice of life
lilo’s notes! y’all are gonna get so sick of me cuz you’re gonna see multiple of zero’s fics on here. jokes aside, this is genuinely so fucking cute i was rolling around and giggling while reading it.
🧸 12:25 time of love — @jaehunnyy
kindergarten teacher!hwa, mom!reader, meet cute, fluff
lilo’s notes! imagining seonghwa in a job like that genuinely makes me so soft. whenever i’m in that Emotional mood i like to read this.
🧸 impressionism — @hwaightme
“a post-graduate student specialising in impressionism, you were a regular visitor to the many art galleries in the city. who knew that among the paintings you would encounter your favourite, timeless work of art?”
vampire!gallerist!hwa x art historian!gn!reader, fluff, soulmates
lilo’s notes! as an art history nerd, this fic is so beautiful especially when combined with a vampire au like AHHHH some of my fav things in one fic
early hours — @honeyhotteoks
“you run into him in the hallway of the hotel, it's late and you're exhausted from the concert, but he thinks you should grab a drink and you can't help but agree”
idol!yunho x nonidol!fem!reader, one night stand, nsfw, some fluff
lilo’s notes! HDJSJDJSJKF the way this had me glued to my phone and giggling should be studied.
🧸 principia and opticks — @bro-atz
“you're struggling with a specific class that's required for your major; but, luckily, your professor, professor jeong, has no problem helping you out outside of class” // “you and professor jeong yunho decided to continue your relationship secretly, only to almost get caught one day”
professor!yunho x student!reader (legal), nsfw, fluff
lilo’s notes! don’t judge me but i think professor x student (COLLEGE. LEGAL.) is such a good trope it’s always gonna have me running laps around my room.
bottle service — @bro-atz
“all yunho wants to do is fuck the bottle girl's brains out.”
big dick!yunho x small!afab!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! i have nothing to say for myself other than size kinks are hot. even more so when it’s related to yunho
christmas dinner — @a1sh1teruu
“it didn't just end with one dinner.”
ceo!yunho x secretary!fem!reader, fluff
lilo’s recs! THIS WAS WRITTEN FOR ME AGHHHHHHHH i love it so much i think about it at least once a week
🧸 summer nights — @honeyhotteoks
“he's your best friend and roommate, but during the heat of summer and the confinement of quarantine, you just can't seem to help yourselves.”
roommate!yunho, nsfw, fluff
lilo’s notes! i reread this yesterday and realised there’s a sequel. TRUST i will be devouring that as soon as i can
track 3: cyber sex — @highvern
whipped loser!yunho x camgirl!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! STOPPIJDIDJ yunho was so cute and shy in this i wanted to scream into a pillow
🧸 lessons in intimacy — @honeyhotteoks
“you didn’t mean to actually meet the man who’s audio porn was single handedly getting you off every night, but you do”
camboy!yeo, nsfw, fluff
lilo’s notes! absolute perfection this was so sjsjjcjsjd i could feel myself slowly losing my mind
evolve — @nebulousbrainsoup
“more often than not, a life lived in Night City is carefully crafted, slotted firmly between preapproved lines—or it is if you value keeping it. whispers of freedom float just beyond the city's neon lights, and it's only through a chance encounter with the most unlikely of characters that you finally start to hear them.”
biker!yeosang x fem!reader, fluff, nsfw, some angst
lilo’s notes! despite it being 12k words i gobbled it up in a single sitting which is crazy tbh, it didn’t feel that long at all and i was so invested
🧸 prelude in e minor — @bro-atz
“your brain tells you to focus on your education, but your heart tells you to focus on professor choi”
professor!san, CELLIST!san, nsfw, angst
lilo’s notes! back at it with the professor aus yupppp y’all know me so well. i felt so many emotions while reading this i thought i was gonna go insane.
🧸 slowly, i’m going down — @yutasbellybuttonpiercing
“mingi hates studying, but what he hates way more than that is being perceived as stupid. what mingi loves on the other hand, are pretty people getting flustered about his voice or mingi shows you exactly what he hates and loves.”
college au, tutor!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! not only was this written so well, but it was so fucking entertaining. mingi is just so silly in this i love it.
angel eyes — @binniesbang
“Yunho teases Mingi when he trips over his words infront of a girl, he needs a little loving to make it better:((“
coffee shop au, fluff, comfort
lilo’s notes! AHHHHHHHH sobbing crying screaming this was so cute and soft i love this mingi
🧸 untitled — @teasteeper
“kissing practice with your best friend mingi”
best friend!mingj x fem!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! GRRRSGHDJDJD OH MY GOD mingi you ain’t slick at all- anyways, my turn when?
ribbon — @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
“You just love Wooyoung's dick, and maybe you wanted to make it look pretty like it truly is.”
daddy!wooyoung, nsfw
lilo’s notes! they be fucking but somehow it’s so??? cute?? really enjoyed this one 10/10
spiderman! — @cherrysoojins
“being spider-man comes with a lot advantages, but those advantages can have their disadvantages. like jung wooyoung not being able to show up to study groups to be able to see the girl he’s crushing on big-time.”
spiderman!wooyoung, smau + written, fluff, angst, crack. ongoing(?) series, last updated: july 7th, 2023
lilo’s notes! this was actually such a cute and fun fic and i really wished there were more chapters :c
backstage rockin’ — @a1sh1teruu
“after a late night of practice with the band, and with you lounging in the background. when his friends finally left, he couldn’t keep his hands to himself any longer.”
bandmate!wooyoung, nsfw
lilo’s notes! i think this was THE fic that awakened my love for bassists, that’s how good it was. zerda’s writing always has me giggling
jung wooyoung’s superpower — @ad0rechuu
best friend!wooyoung, fluff fluff fluff
lilo’s notes! ik i’ve probably said this a lot but this is ACTUALLY one of the cutest fics i’ve ever read i adore it so much
🧸 i’m just bein’ curious — @teeskz
“in which your friend wooyoung invites you over for a movie night”
pervy best friend!woooyung, nsfw
lilo’s notes! it’s short but if i said this didnt awaken something in me, i’d be lying. i reread it this morning and that’s what made me start this rec list
🧸 adorable — @i-luvsang
frenemy!jongho, gn!reader one bed trope, fluff, comedy
lilo’s notes! AHHHHH I LOVE RIA’S WRITING SO SO SO MUCH fluff by ria is genuinely so djdjdjsjd it’s got me giggling
untitled — @nateezfics
nsfw, fluff
lilo’s notes! i’m sorry but idc if they’re going at it, it’s so cute and soft?? they’re just so silly
🧸 milky way — @ad0rechuu
“It’s not everyday that your friends childhood friend turns out to be the girl that you literally have a fan account for, but for Seonghwa, San and Mingi it’s become a reality. being able to get close to your bias is great! even if she does have a raging crush on someone else…”
fanboys!hwasangi x idol!reader, smau + written, fluff, angst, suggestive, slow burn. completed series, 60 chapters + 3 different endings
lilo’s notes! i will never not be grateful that this series exists. it’s funny, cute, and angsty and i absolutely love it with my whole heart. i think it’s one of the first fics i read on tumblr, so it’s really special to me + i think this was part of the reason i got close to my lovely zero
🧸 blurred lines and lies — @yuyusuyu
the synopsis is really long
best friend!yeosang x fem!reader x best friend!jongho, love triangle, romance, slice of life, angst. completed series, 10 chapters + 2 different endings
lilo’s notes! words cannot describe how i felt reading this but i think it’s comparable to going through every stage of grief possible plus more. genuinely, one of the best fics i’ve ever read
strawberry mocha — @pirateprincessblog
“your favorite café has a new barista, and he seems oddly familiar, especially when you see his hands move when he prepares your favourite beverage”
barista!camboy!wooyoung x fem!reader, ft yunho, nsfw, angst
lilo’s notes! my thought process while reading was a cycle of “oh my god” and “what the fuck” in the BEST way possible. the writing is so good i wanted to reach through the screen a smack some characters, and hug some others
clair de lune — @atzfilm
“you’ve finally gotten the chance to enter “clair de lune”, a infamous night club to see the band hiraeth. but why did you feel like their eyes only watched you?”
yandere!ot8 x fem!reader, angst, fluff, nsfw. completed series, 8 chapters.
lilo’s notes! so iconic. if you haven’t read this, you better and that’s a threat.
murphy’s law — @atzfilm
“according to murphy’s law, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Black holes circle each other until they collide and merge, a cataclysm so fierce, sends ripples soaring through the fabric, crossing thousands of kilometers within a fraction of a second, leaving behind a wave on the space-time continuum. That’s the simplest way you can describe meeting him. And yet, even that is an understatement.”
alien!ot8, multi x fem!reader (not ot8), soulmate au, fluff, angst, nsfw, check other warnings. completed series, 5 chapters.
lilo’s notes! another iconic fic by an iconic writer, we love to see it
mists of celeste — @hongism
“Sneaking aboard the ship of a renowned space pirate may not have been the best idea, but you’ll have to make do with what fate has handed to you.”
space pirate!ateez, multiple pairings, angst, fluff, nsfw, check other warnings. ongoing series, 49 chapters + additional content
lilo’s notes! i’m pretty sure everyone on tumblr who reads atz fics has seen this one at some point and it definitely deserves its hype. this is probably one of the best, well thought-out fics i’ve ever read and i believe it can definitely be considered better than many published books
🧸 hotel california and paradise gardens — @mint-yooxgi
“You can check out any time you’d like, but you can never leave.” // “Eternity means nothing if I don’t have you.”
yandere!demon!ot8 x fem!reader, horror, fluff, angst, nsfw, check other warnings. complete fic, 42 chapters combined
lilo’s notes! yeah i reread this every few months and i’m not ashamed to admit i’m obsessed with it.
outlaw miniseries — @hongism
individual parts for each member/unit, nsfw with a side of fluff and angst. ongoing series, 4/6 chapters
lilo’s notes! hi no i won’t shut up about hongism i think ive read everything she’s published and if i didn’t want to make this list diverse i would’ve just put a link to her masterlist and called it a day. seriously, highly recommended. my fav on this is the 2ho one.
from storm to sunrise — @ad0rechuu
“you and your boyfriend yunho wake up to find your other boyfriend mingi no where to be found”
fem!reader x bfs!yuyu and mingi, fluff, mild angst
lilo’s notes! zero try not to write something i’ll fall in love challenge, go! oh no you already failed because everything by user ad0rechuu is a masterpiece
🧸 hooked — @songmingisthighs
“A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your ‘relationship’ led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you?”
ot8 x fem!reader, smau + written, college au, fluff, crack, nsfw. completed series, 91 chapters
lilo’s notes! this is also one of the first fics i read on tumblr!! it’s definitely one of my all-time favs and it’s just such a fun read
🧸 unconventional first encounters with ateez — @bluehwale
ot8 headcanon, fluff, humour
lilo’s notes! i also reread this occasionally, the humour tag really is accurate
hongwooho — @yourfatherlucifer
idols!hongjoong, wooyoung, jongho x fem!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! the first time i read this (and all the times after that) i was giggling and rolling around on my bed. this kind if scenario is something i’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to see more of
sway with me — @luvt0kki
“former noble turned space pirate, wooyoung was now part of one of the most revered and hunted group of pirates of the galaxy. sure he’s only known them for six months but there’s only so much you could do in a ship when you travel from one planet to the next. the ship was their home, his home… and the members of this crew were friends that he felt he was fated to meet. // but he hasn’t met one person of the crew… and he didn’t know that.”
ot8 x fem!reader, space pirate au, nsfw, fluff. ongoing series, 5/?? chapters + 1 interlude
lilo’s notes! i gobbled the posted chapters up in a single sitting and it was honestly sososo good 10/10 recommend. i can definitely see this being added to my favs as soon as it’s done!
🧸 ¡arriba! — @teeskz
“being a bookworm, you’re used to your regular schedule of simply studying, eating, oh, and the occasional sleeping. it isn’t until one night, you find yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time, and soon get swept up in one of the craziest games you’ve ever heard. in hindsight, maybe you should’ve declined. but it was only supposed to last for one night. one, dirty night.”
hongjoong, yunho, san, mingi, wooyoung x fem!reader, college au, nsfw, part of a series (“T!TS UP”)
lilo’s notes! NO YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND I WAS GAGGEDDDDDD the way i had to pause multiple times to cool off while reading this it was so hot and something i didn’t know i needed in my life until i found it
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ldysmfrst · 6 months ago
Incomplete (3) - Something is Wrong...
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Paring: Ateez OT8 x Plus-sized FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 3 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 8,272
Word count for Story: 18,866
Genre: Idol Soulmate AU
Warnings: NOT BETA READ!! This story will contain a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter contains panic attacks, unintentional causing of said panic attack.
Story Summary: Ateez are soulmates who earned their way to Fame once they found each other. What happens when a new pull comes during their Towards The Light World Tour? Does 8 really make 1?
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“This way! It’s underground,” yells San, leading the way to the ladymate. The sea shanty sounded from San loud enough that there was no way his ladymate couldn’t hear it. He wasn't about to lose connection with you this time.
Seonghwa is right on San’s heels. He has felt the loss of the missing soulmate the longest. The feeling, compounded with the loss of his grandfather, propelled him forward. It was almost as if he had to slow down just so that he could follow San. Unlike Yeosang and San, his ability lets him know when a soulmate is nearby and what they are feeling, but he couldn’t use it to search for them. 
Taking the escalator like they were stairs, San and Hwa were closely followed by Yeosang. Seeing the desperation in his oldest soulmate's eyes, he wasn’t about to let go of the silken rope binding him to the ladymate they were closing in on.
Keeping up with his hyungs, Jongho used what he could of his ability to keep his mates focused and not fearful or anxiety-ridden. It wasn’t until San came running back to the museum that Jongho finally believed that this was actually happening—his anticipation building towards having another bonded soulmate soon.
Some sasaengs in the past had figured out Captain's ability and tried to confuse him with it. A few times, they got close enough to him that it caused strange rifts in the group, but after consulting with a specialist, we were informed that if we had a new soulmate, they would have a connection to everyone. There would be no single soulmate connection. 
Hwa, on the other hand, seemed to find someone to keep from somewhere, but they always became good friends. Look at how close his soulmates got with Stray Kids. Hwa would have kept the little blonde Aussie if Chan-hyung had let him– soulmate bond or not. 
Reaching the correct parking garage floor, the group stopped, looked around, and trying to see anyone who could have been affected by what was happening. A few groups were laughing, talking, and having a good time, but none looked aware of people walking by, much less feeling a soulmate bond pull. 
“There, the lady with our tour shirt on and the clear purple bag,” says Yeosang. The other three looked in the direction he was pointing. 
Taking tentative steps forward, Yeosang pulls hard on the invisible rope connecting him to his new soulmate. He smiles when he sees your feet stop moving momentarily before stumbling forward as if resisting him. 
San crescendos the song he made for you, moving closer to you without hesitating once he hears a sweet hum following his tune. San has only seen the back of his new lady soulmate, and he can already tell you are beautiful. 
You have a lush backside with full hips, broad shoulders, shapely legs, and arms with the smoothest-looking skin. Don’t even get him started on your plum rump. 
He and his soulmates joked about all of them being strong but slender until he started going to the gym and Jongho filled out. Now, more than ever, he was happy that he bulked up because this meant he could be your personal mountain.
As they have learned from past mistakes, San must be the first to connect with the new soulmate to initiate the metaphysical bond. Back when San found Hongjoong, Yunho, and Mingi, they introduced themselves as ‘bandmates.’ None of them realized they were soulmates until San hugged them. After that, each mate gained their ability, and everything fell into place rather quickly, with San taking the lead.
San jogs around to stand before you, the woman holding the last piece of their soul. He didn’t expect you to run into him, but you did and quickly snapped out of your trance. You step back, touching his chest with your fingertips brushing the skin of his collarbone. The energy from the bond hits his body like a cannon blast through each fingertip.
When he sees your attempt to walk away, Seonghwa steps up behind you. His natural reaction is to hold his soulmate, placing his warm hands on your chilled skin. Closing his eyes, he lets the chill of the bond form from your skin crash over his body like a tidal wave.
The four fully bonded soulmates can see your confusion, your body seemingly frozen. 
Hwa finally opens his eyes to see everyone is there but hasn’t heard anything from anyone. You aren’t acting like a huge fan. Maybe you aren’t a fan and only have the shirt because you went with some friends who knew them. Surprisingly, this thought makes Hwa sad because, well, they are idols, and a non-fan won’t understand the lifestyle, which could cause problems. 
You go to take a step forward out of Seonghwa’s hold, but he grips just a little tighter. He whispers, “Wait, please.” Looking at San, Hwa nods, prompting him to say anything.
Barley, loud enough to hear, you finally speak, “This isn’t real.”
Your voice sounds like the most beautiful notes in their world. 
Ah, it’s denial, denial we can work with, thinks Jongho as he watches the three soulmates all fawn at you with heart eyes already. 
With a warm, soft, and gentle smile, San steps towards you, the new baby mate, in the hands of his oldest mate and says, “Hello, Miss, I am Choi San. I think the nine of us need to sit down and talk.”
There was a moment of silence before a stuttered, “I… ah… have a plane to catch,” came from your lips. Which slightly confused everyone. Seonghwa, in particular, was confused because either fate had superb timing or something was amiss. 
Jongho, at least has the smarts and tends to be the most level-headed one, asks, “You’re going on vacation now? Or going home?”
She looks at the man who spoke and whispers, “Choi Jongho.”
A smile graces the youngest soulmate; you know his name. This means that you are at least a fan of K-pop, if not a stan of Ateez. 
“Yes, sorry. I am Choi Jongho. It’s nice to meet you,” he introduces himself.
You stare at the three before you, and a giggle sneaks out, but you still haven’t said anything more. This is when the remaining bonded mates join the circle around their new ladymate. 
Unfortunately, this has started to attract the attention of people who pass by. They all understand that their time is limited once they get recognized. While they love Atiny, there is a better time for them to circle and vie for attention because it will become something akin to a shark frenzy. 
“Oh, good! You found her, Sannie,” smiles Wooyoung. While they might not be an ability-match couple, they undoubtedly favored each other, which shows. Woo’s scent blankets the group around the circle, lowering the tensions. 
 “Christmas,” you murmur just above a whisper. 
Joyfully bouncing, Wooyoung smirks, “So you did catch my scent, pretty.” Pretty is the first word that came to his head when you looked at him. You have the prettiest eyes he has ever seen.
“If she caught yours, then she must have felt my anchors,” Yunho comments while holding up Mingi. All the mates notice this and glance down at your ankle, worried that it is still hurting you since Mingi is still limping.  
However, at this point, you had already leaned into Seonghwa, much to his delight. Now, however, you shifted to actually look at him. He watches with a soft, shy smile as your eyes dart across his face. 
At first, he thought you were just accepting of him and the bond. Then he felt the panic building in your body, which was getting unhealthy in his eyes. Then again, any of his soulmates with any amount of panic is considered unhealthy. He concentrated on that feeling and tried to pull it into himself as he did with the others.
Nothing happens. 
Hwa can still feel your emotions' instability. It isn’t working. He keeps trying to use his ability while attempting to remain calm and not add to your current state of disarray. Jongho pushes his ability to try to help keep Hwa from spiraling along with you.
“She hasn’t recognized us yet. We can’t help her. Hongjoong, I can’t,” Seonghwa says with a hint of desperation. His hands gripping your arms as thumbs rub in circles across your bare skin to comfort you.  
He has also pulled you close to his body, not wanting to impose himself on you but offering another form of support. Seonghwa feels it’s the only support you are willing to accept right now.
San and Yeosang move, allowing Hongjoong to join you in the center. His eyes roam your form. Taking a deep breath, he relishes the addition of your Italian Stone pine blend to the rest of the soul mates. It has become the perfect balance with you in the center of it all. 
“Do you know who I am?” questions Hongjoong with concern etched on his features. He knows you recognized the maknae, but it's not surprising, with millions of clips showing him singing like an angel while breaking apples with his bare hands. 
“Captain,” you answer him with a shaky tone. 
Pleased that you seem to be an Atiny, his eyes narrow as a smirk shows, “That is one of the many names Atiny uses, and it is my title. However, my soulmates don’t use that name unless we are in front of a camera. I am Kim Hongjoong, the second oldest of the Ateez soulmate bond.”
They watch you as you rapidly look at the rest of the members. They each agree with nods or hums. It's not common knowledge that Ateez is a bonded soulmate group. They have tried to keep it private. 
Seonghwa gets ripples of happiness and relief from everyone.
“Soulmate bond? A whole group bond?” you question.
Nodding, Hongjoong answers, “The group of us, yes but I wouldn’t say we are whole yet. Boys…”
It’s then all attention is back on you. Everyone with a usable ability focuses on you, trying to get you to recognize the bond. 
San starts your song back up.
Wooyoung scents the air heavily with his Mugo pine. 
Yeosang pulls on the plaited silk rope and attempts to double its thickness. 
Seonghwa and Jongho work together to help you escape your panicked state. They try to clear your mind of emotions so that you may think clearly and understand who they are to you.
“No. No, nonononoo,” you say, pulling away from Seonghwa and dropping to your knees as you continue to mumble, “Something is wrong, or I must be dreaming.” 
“Y/n!” says a woman from just outside the circle.
San, ever the protector, with Jongho at his side, blocks the woman from getting near you. Their eyes glance at the guards, who start to make their way over. Hongjoong made a mental note to find out who let this woman get this close. 
“Y/n! Excuse me, not to be rude, but let me get to my friend before she passes out,” another woman, closer to your age, demands.
The first woman steps up almost chest to chest with San, shaking off the guard who attempted to grab her wrist and says, “Back off or I will make you. I don’t care how famous you are.”
Hongjoong considers the seriousness of the two women who demand to get closer to you. He noticed they also wear concert merchandise and seemed to know your name. 
With a nod, Jongho and San move enough to allow them to rush to your side. The two soulmates turn back to the center and close the gap. The privacy of what is happening is imperative, and it gets more challenging as the gathering crowd grows. 
Joining you, kneeling on the parking garage floor, the bonded males watch as the women murmur to you calmly. They sound like they are coaching your breathing.
After some time, the feisty one stands to look at the members of Ateez and the gathering crowd. Turning to Hongjoong, she says, “I don’t know what your attention is with Y/n, but remaining here will just make her worse.”
“I would agree. We need to talk to her, but I am afraid that she won’t hear what we are saying,” laments Hongjoong, his eyes never leaving your kneeled form, blanketed by the younger of the two friends. 
One of the bodyguards steps away from the human barricade that has formed around the eleven of you and says, “Sir, we have access to the conference room at the hotel if you wish to move there.”
“Thank you.” Hongjoong breaks his gaze on your form to meet that of the more forceful, older, leader-like friend: “We are staying at the hotel right around the corner. Maybe we can all talk there; I am sure she will need someone familiar with her right now.”
“What about our flight?” questions the younger and current human-esque blanket friend.
“That’s right. She mentioned she had a flight to catch. Do you three not live here?” San questioned.
They are all holding their breath because this time is very delicate for the nine soulmates. Breaking the bond that started with San and Seonghwa would permanently disable them. For the others who haven’t, they will have a permanent, hollow feeling in their chest. 
The leader-like friend answered, “Kat and I don’t live here anymore. We live in Oregon. Y/n lives here. We have a flight in about 4 hours to return home.”
“Excuse me, Miss.” Seonghwa politely gains the attention of the leader-like friend. “We really must speak with your friend. Our manager will help you change your flight, and I will personally cover any fees or additional costs if you would come with us. Please?”
The two friends share an unspoken conversation. Finally, the older one turns to address Seonghwa, “Fine. BUT! We are not doing this because of who you are. You are requesting this meeting. You are causing whatever is happening to Y/n to happen. You will fix it. Understood?”
Nodding with a smile, Seonghwa agrees, “Of course, Miss. We take full responsibility for anything that happens with Y/n moving forward.”
“How many cars did you come in, Miss?” asks Jongho.
Both friends point to the rental car just a few feet away. “We were already getting in the car when you surrounded our friend. My name is Cindy, by the way. That is Kat, my only child. Y/n has been a family friend and a second child to me for almost 15 years.”
“Thank you, Cindy and Kat. I promise we will explain everything in the conference room,” Seonghwa says with another toothy smile. “Can I ride with you to the hotel? I can show you where to park, or you can follow the vans.”
“Hwa…” Jongho says softly, knowing that his match will keep trying to pull you to a calming center and wear himself down doing so. 
The eldest soulmate sends Jongho a pleading look. It’s a broken look filled with hope and desperation, almost palpable, to do something to strengthen the connection between himself and you. The youngest nods in understanding. Hwa has to do this, or it will break him apart. 
Looking at the trio in the middle, Jongho continues, “Hwa is the best choice right now to accompany Y/n. It wouldn’t be wise to leave her unattended.”
Cindy’s eyes narrow at Jongho before she reluctantly says, “Fine. You can go with us,” she relents suspiciously, looking at Seonghwa. “It’s a small car. You will have to sit in the front.”
“It’s settled. Hwa will go with you. The rest of us will go in the van,” Hongjoong says, pointing to the blacked-out, large passenger van that has pulled up with two additional cars. “The guards will be in the cars. When you pull out, Miss Cindy, it would be a good idea to follow between our van and the last guard car.”
“You got it, Captain,” says Cindy.
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The drive literally around the block feels like it takes way too fast, but at the same time, it takes forever. The distance between the van and the car is almost too much for San, but since he is surrounded by 6 of his bonded mates, he can handle it. 
Seonghwa, on the other hand, tries his best to sit in the front seat while angling himself to at least see you the whole trip. He politely answers simple questions from Cindy without giving away too much information while you are still seemingly not present.
Once the boys make it to the hotel, all but San quickly move to the conference room. 
Hongjoong speaks with security to ensure they have started to figure out options for when it's time to go to the venue. He needs to know that you will be safe when not in the sight of one of the soulmates.
Wooyoung and Yunho started gathering water and sweets for you because they remembered all the warnings they got when Mingi went on his hiatus. The sugar will keep you from dropping worse, and staying hydrated during this time is vital. 
Mingi was forced into a chair despite his protests to help by Yeosang and Jongho. His limping from your injury has gotten worse, and they need both of you to stop hurting. Not only did watching the two of you in pain hurt their hearts, but it would affect their performance tonight.
San stayed in the garage, waiting for Cindy to park the car. Once he heard the engine cut, he ran to your side of the car and helped you out. You either didn’t seem to know it was him, or the feel of the bond was lending to your acceptance of his help. 
Seonghwa quickly exited and joined San, walking you into the building and the conference room. Glancing back to make sure the two friends were following. At the door, they were greeted by Hongjoong, their manager, and the head of their bodyguards.
Turning to San, Cindy, and Kat, Hongjoong instructs, “Please make your way inside. The boys have set up some refreshments. Hwa and Cindy, I believe the two of you need to speak with manager-nim to figure out the flight situation, and then you can join us.”
Kat and San nod, then guide you into the conference room with Hongjoong in tow.
“Miss Cindy, this is our main manager,” Seonghwa introduces the man standing in a simple suit and then gestures to the man dressed as a classic bouncer. “and here is our head of security.”
“Hello, I am Cindy. The other person with the short hair is Kat, and we are close friends with y/n. I guess we need to discuss the flight with you,” Cindy points to the manager. “Is there something else?” she questions, looking at the bodyguard.
The guard says, “Firstly, meeting such a protective friend is a pleasure. There are so many fake friends in the world today. Y/n is lucky to have the two of you, and it will be our job to keep the three of you safe.”
“We are in danger?!?” Cindy’s eyes widen at the new information.
Shaking his hands in protest, Seonghwa explains, “It isn’t that you are in danger. The crowd in the parking garage followed us. Your pictures will be online and in the tabloids. KQ will do its best to keep them out. However, in the meantime, we would be remiss not to ensure you are not disturbed between now and when you reach home.”
“Oh,” Cindy says with a bit of unease. “Um… Thank you for the concern, but won’t bodyguards just draw more attention to us?”
“That is where Mathew comes in,” the head of security says, gesturing to someone. A few seconds later, there is a guy dressed in emo-looking clothes. He looks Asian but not simultaneously; his eyes are crystal blue, and he has an undercut hairstyle. 
“Mathew is one of the few of our team that tracks with stealth and blending in. He will join your group of friends and pose as either a boyfriend, friend, or brother to Kat, as they are close in age,” informs the guard.
“Wow, um. Okay. Well, that would be for Kat to decide. If Kat is comfortable with it, so am I,” Cindy says with determination. Mathew nods and heads into the conference room to speak with Kat. 
“Miss Cindy, thank you again for your adaptability during this time,” smiles Seonghwa genuinely, almost short-circuiting Cindy’s brain for a second. 
“You gotta stop doing that for now,” warns Cindy, confusing Hwa and causing his manager to laugh. “I am the first Atiny of the group. I knew of your group before your debut and have been trying to see you in concert since then. You are not my bias, but still, it's overwhelming when you smile like that.”
Hwa’s eyes widen briefly with an ‘o’ of his lips before he smiles again, “Sorry, I will try not to smile too much. If I am not your bias, may I know who is?”
Cindy narrows her eyes at him, so he clarifies, “I can warn them to take it easy on you during the meeting for now, though I can’t promise once you are back home if any of us will. It seems to be a game for the younger ones to try and steal fans.”
“I see. Well, you don’t have to warn anyone right now. I know who I should avoid, and warning them will give me more ammo,” Cindy giggles. 
“Seonghwa-ssi, Hongjoong-ssi said something about covering expenses?” interrupts the manager.
“Yes, Cindy and Kat will miss their flight home. I agreed to cover their change-of-flight expenses. I will also cover their meals, transportation to LAX, and their stay in the hotel tonight,” says Seonghwa with a voice that tells everyone there is no other option.
“Very well,” the manager says. Reaching into his inner coat pocket, he pulls out a credit card and hands it to Cindy, “This is Seonghwa-ssi’s KQ expenses card. When you reach home, please return it to Mathew. If you two require anything between now and then, please purchase it with this card.”
“Seonghwa, you don’t have to. It’s fine. We can stay with relatives and take care of ourselves. Just helping with the tickets is sufficient,” Cindy says, taken back by the offer. 
“It’s not that you can, Miss Cindy. It’s because I want to care for those who care for Y/n. It’s the least I can do in thanks to you being here,” pleads Seonghwa with almost puppy eyes.
“Did anyone ever tell you that you are hard to say no to?” questions Cindy with a smirk. Seonghwa laughs. “Fine. Thank you for the expense card. I will also save any receipts. Let me get you the flight information.”
Seeing that Cindy has finally agreed to everything, Seonghwa nods to both of them and enters the conference room. He sees that his bonded mates have sat to the far side of the room, allowing you to have unblocked access to the doors. 
Kat is sitting at your side, having accepted cookies and water. Reaching out with his ability, Hwa can feel that you are calmer. Your skin has taken on a healthier hue. Your form also seems more relaxed as you converse quietly with your friend. 
Hwa decides to walk over to the refreshment table to get water for himself and stand leaning against the wall. He wants to sit next to you. In all honesty, he wants you to sit in his lap but doesn’t want to crowd you like that. 
It isn’t long before Cindy and the manager walk in and sit around the table. What shocks Hwa is Cindy’s choice to sit next to Kat and not on your other side. Cindy raises her eyebrow at Seonghwa and tilts her head towards the chair with a soft smile, which makes Hwa blush slightly. 
Taking the hint, Seonghwa sits in the chair beside you, and the room becomes quiet. You look around the room, seemingly taking in everyone here– Ateez, the staff, and your friends, but you still say nothing. 
“I guess I will start,” Hongjoong said, leaning forward in his seat at the head of the conference room. All eyes turned to him. “Miss Y/n, Miss Cindy, and Miss Kat, I am sure you know by now that we are Ateez, but many don’t know that we are a bonded soulmate group.”
“We each have abilities but haven’t gained our completion mark. About two years ago, we had all discussed that we most likely would never find all of our soulmates and become a complete bond. However, we know now that that isn’t the case,” informs Hongjoong as his eyes never stray from you. 
You look at the captain like he should have more to say for a few moments before they watch you glance around the room again. Your emotions start to rise in trepidation. Seonghwa quickly looks between you and Jongho. 
Jongho sees his companion’s movements and sends out a sense of calmness. To the rest of the soulmates, this feels like a blanket covering them in cool comfort. 
“You…Okay… How…” you seem to be at a loss of words. 
Kat shakes her head. Taking your hand, she speaks for you, asking, “Are you suggesting that Y/n is your missing soulmate?”
“Yes,” declares Hongjoong. 
“Ladies,” Seonghwa starts. “We think you, y/n, are our missing soulmate for several reasons. It’s my fault that we didn’t connect with you sooner.”
Turning to face him, you interrupt, asking, “What do you mean sooner? What reasons? Why me? I am no one.”
“That won’t do,” speaks up Mingi with a growl. “You are not nor will you ever be a ‘no one,’ Y/n. Please do not speak of yourself so negatively. Let Hwa explain further; maybe you will understand what is happening.”
As you look down at your lap, everyone can see your cheeks have been painted rosy pink. Cindy and Kat find humor in your reaction to Mingi and snicker. If Hwa weren’t sitting next to you, he would have missed you smack Kat on the leg in protest. 
Over the next almost hour, Seonghwa explains everything from the forming of Ateez to the events during their filming while in California for Coachella and ending with the concert. Another bonded mate would jump in to clarify or add information a few times. 
“So once San could pin you at the museum, we couldn’t miss you again. It would have broken us more than we could ever explain,” finishes Hwa. 
The boys sit and wait, watching as you take in the information. It worries them because you never reacted to anything they said during the whole spiel. They would look to Jongho a few times, who just shook his head, indicating that he wasn’t the one dampening your reaction. 
Cindy shifts in her seat before she says, “I want to make things clear for you and Y/n.” Taking a deep breath, Cindy looks to y/n, who slightly nods, then focuses back on her lap, still quite like a mouse.
Excited to learn something about you, the soulmates lean into their bond. One thing is for sure– they weren’t prepared for what Cindy had to tell them.
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He did, didn’t he? 
He said he was Choi San.
Choi San wants to talk to you. Wait, no. He said the nine of us wanted to talk.
“I... ah… have a plane to catch,” you stumble out. Your mind is still considerate of your friends, who were like family to you. You watch as confusion graces the mountain of a man in front of you.
A voice to your right asks, “You’re going on vacation now? Or going home?”
Following the voice, you look to see who it is, and with a whisper, you say, “Choi Jongho.”
When you recognize the youngest member of Ateez, a smile graces his face as he introduces himself: “Yes, sorry. I am Choi Jongho. It’s nice to meet you.”
You nod with wide eyes as your hands start to shake.
This isn’t real.
There is no way.
Looking to the left, you see none other than Kang Yeosang. You cannot believe how cute he is up close. You giggle to yourself, thinking of all the Tic Toks of Yeosang saying, ‘I’m not cute,’ flutter through your brain because nothing right now is making sense.
Words are not coming. 
You think you are going crazy as the delulu is finally manifesting in hallucinations now.
Breathing is happening because it is autonomic. 
“Oh good! You found her Sannie,” another voice joins as you look past Yeosang to see the twerk prince himself, Jung Wooyoung.
When he gets closer, you are enveloped with the scent you smelled in the Grammy Museum. “Christmas,” you murmur just above a whisper. 
The playful member smiles broadly and bounces in place, “So you did catch my scent, pretty.”
“If she caught yours, then she must have felt my anchors,” the tallest man you have seen in a long time speaks up while holding his “twin.” 
At this point, your breathing has turned shallow. Unconsciously, your body starts leaning into the body behind you. You are not trying to run, but your mind and body are unsure of what is happening, what to do, and what to say.
All you know is that you would be on the floor without the man at your back. Speaking of the man at your back, you shift slightly to get a better look at him, and it’s like the world stops. 
That is Park Seonghwa… like THE Park Seonghwa. Mars. Hwaseong. Angry Bird.  Mama Hwa. 
Your bias. 
The one where you have an unhealthy amount of concert photos focused on the handsome beauty from the concert less than 24 hours before. 
“She hasn’t recognized us yet. I can’t help her. Hongjoong, I can’t,” Seonghwa says with a hint of desperation. His hands grip your arms, thumbs rubbing in circles across your bare skin, pulling you close.
It’s like the sea parts when San and Yeosang break the inner circle that has formed around you to allow Kim Hongjoong to join you in the center. His eyes are roaming your form. It’s like he is not looking at you but into you, at the who of who you are. 
It’s an uncanny feeling that you start getting dizzy from. 
“Do you know who I am?” questions the leader.
“Captain,” you answer with a shaky tone. 
His eyes narrow as a smirk shows, “That is one of the many names Atiny uses, and it is my title. However, my soulmates don’t use that name unless we are in front of a camera. I am Kim Hongjoong, the second oldest of the Ateez soulmate bond.”
You swallow and rapidly look at the rest of the members. They each agree with nods or hums. This is new information for you. You, after all, are a new stan of Ateez, a baby Atiny, and figured there was so much that you didn’t know.
“Soulmate bond? A whole group bond?” you question, feeling your skin vibrate. To begin with, soulmate bonds were challenging to find, but having a group bond to this extent was rare. 
Nodding, Hongjoong answers, “The group of us, yes, but I wouldn’t say we are whole yet. Boys…” It’s then that everyone is looking back on you. 
You hear the song start back up in your head from before it takes over all other mental tabs you had open.
The scent of Christmas trees becomes a whole forest, almost too much.
The thick rope around your chest is back and tighter, pulling you to the left, but you struggle against it.
The panic ebbs and wanes within you like a riptide.
“No. No, nonononoo,” you say, pulling away from Seonghwa, causing the boys to step back out of reflex. Everything stops. Silence rings in your ears, all scent has vanished, and nothing is holding you to yourself, much less to Earth anymore. 
Dropping to your knees, you mumble, “Something is wrong… must be dreaming.” 
“Y/n!” a familiar female voice comes from somewhere. Your ears pop as your brain kicks back online, and the natural environment around you floods in. It’s too much all at once but not enough of what you need. 
What is it that you need, though? Something is missing again. You paw at the ground, almost like you are looking for something or ensuring Earth is still below you. Your breathing rapidly increases as your vision starts to fade in and out. 
You are having a panic attack.
The first panic attack you ever had was why you missed going to Coachella. You ate lunch at this little hole-in-the-wall diner you loved, but it made you sick. Then, the rest of that week, any time you went near it, it was like your body remembered being sick and would kick you into a panic attack like you had PTSD or something. So you avoided it altogether, which wasn’t hard because the area was shut off for filming.
During the first Coachella weekend, you still had a headache from everything. Your doctors also suggested avoiding large crowds or anything non-routine for a bit. You still were getting symptoms like hyperventilating, getting dizzy, and having chest pains. You swore it was like your insides were hollowing out. You ended up in the ER, and they said it was just a panic attack.
You had to deny helping with Coachella the second weekend, even with the bonus pay, because you were scared you would be more in the way than helpful, especially with this new panic attack issue. The medications they gave you weren’t helping much either. 
“Y/n! Excuse me, not to be rude, but let me get to my friend before she passes out,” you hear another voice, but everything sounds like you are underwater. 
The first voice sounds closer, saying, “Back off, or I will make you. I don’t care how famous you are.”
Joining you, kneeling on the parking garage floor, Cindy and Kat take their time speaking to you calmly. They coach you into breathing exercises, bringing you slowly out of the dark pit you had started to spiral into. Both knew about the panic attacks, and Kat had them as well. Kat was a fantastic source of advice when you first got the diagnosis.
Seeing that you were improving, Cindy stood and looked at the members of Ateez plus the gathering crowd. Turning to Hongjoong, she says, “I don’t know what your intention is with Y/n, but remaining here will just make her worse.”
“I would agree. We need to talk to her, but I am afraid that she won’t hear what we are saying in her current state of mind,” says Hongjoong, his eyes never leaving you.
One of the men dressed in all-black suits steps away from the human barricade that has formed around the eleven of you and says, “Sir, we have access to the conference room at the hotel if you wish to move there.”
“Thank you.” Hongjoong breaks his gaze on you to talk to Cindy, offering, “We are staying at the hotel right around the corner. Maybe we can all talk there; I am sure she will need someone familiar with her right now.”
“What about our flight?” questions Kat, still grounding you in their arms.
“That’s right. She mentioned she had a flight to catch. Do you three not live here?” San questioned.
The feisty friend answered, “Kat and I don’t live here anymore. We live in Oregon. Y/n lives here. We have a flight in about 4 hours to return home.”
“Excuse me, Miss.” Seonghwa politely gains Cindy’s attention. “We really must speak with your friend. Our manager will help you change your flight, and I will personally cover any fees or additional costs if you would come with us. Please?”
Cindy and Kat share an unspoken conversation. Finally, Cindy turns to Seonghwa, “Fine. BUT! We are not doing this because of who you are. You are requesting this meeting. You are causing whatever is happening to Y/n to happen. You will fix it. Understood?”
Nodding and smiling, Seonghwa agrees, “Of course, Miss. We take full responsibility for anything that happens with Y/n moving forward.”
“How many cars did you come in, Miss?” asks Jongho.
They point out the rental car just a few feet away. “We were already getting in the car when you surrounded our friend. My name is Cindy, by the way. That is Kat, my only child. Y/n has been a family friend and a second child to me for almost 15 years.”
“Thank you, Miss Cindy and Miss Kat. I promise we will explain everything in the conference room,” Seonghwa says with another toothy smile. “Can I ride with you to the hotel? I can show you where to park, or you can follow the vans.”
“Hwa…” Jongho says softly but seems to stop at the pleading look he gets from Seonghwa. “Hwa is the best choice right now to accompany Y/n. It wouldn’t be wise to leave her unattended.”
Cindy’s eyes narrow at the choice of wording. Her mind is trying to piece together what is going on. “Fine. You can go with us,” she relents suspiciously, looking at Seonghwa. “It’s a small car. You will have to sit in the front.”
“It’s settled. Hwa will go with you. The rest of us will go in the van,” Hongjoong says, pointing to the blacked-out vehicles. “The guards will be in the cars. When you pull out, Miss Cindy, it would be a good idea to follow between our van and the last guard car.”
“You got it, Captain,” says Cindy.
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With a hovering Seonghwa, Kat helps you stand and takes you to the car. She tries to get you to laugh by telling you that MamaHwa is looking at her with puppy eyes. You can only concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other right now.
Once in the car, you still feel a softer pull on your chest. It is nowhere near what it was before or while Ateez surrounded you, but it was still there. 
Kat sits as a quiet reminder that this is real. You keep your eyes downcast because you can feel Seonghwa’s eyes on you, and you are nervous about looking at him.
On the other hand, Cindy can’t stand the tension in the car. “So Seonghwa, you have connected to her, haven’t you?”
Not looking away from you, he answers, “You could say that, but I would prefer to discuss that with everyone together.”
“You still have a concert tonight. This meeting is going to have to be a quick one. I am not sure she will be able to process everything as quickly as you want her to,” comments Cindy. “She keeps herself guarded. I guess it is good that there are eight of you then.”
“We will all be there for her. As I said before, she is our responsibility from now on,” says the man sitting in the front seat, as if the world had just given him a significant gift wrapped in the most complex box he had ever seen. 
Soon, you feel the car stop moving, automatically prompting you to unbuckle your seatbelt. Your door opens before you can get it, and a hand appears. You glance up to see that it is San. You feel your body want to move to him, almost as if he was a magnet. 
You hear your mom in your head say, “Following your instincts, Y/n. It is your greatest gift.” With this in mind, you place your hand in his. The second you connect with him, the song in your head becomes clearer but softens, granting your mind a chance to relax. 
Once out of the car, you look around, noting that everyone else has also gotten out, and Seonghwa is now standing next to you. The two men walk you into the building and guide the small group to the conference room. 
At the door, they were greeted by Hongjoong, their manager, and the head of their bodyguards. Seeing the leader again sends shivers down your spine, but nothing happens. 
Hongjoong instructs, “Please make your way inside. The boys have set up some refreshments. Hwa and Cindy, I believe the two of you need to speak with manager-nim to figure out the flight situation, and then you can join us.”
When you enter the small conference room with Kat, San, and Hongjoong, the feeling in your chest almost completely disappears. You can’t help but smile a little at the looks of anticipation and worry that grace the faces of one of the most popular K-pop groups you have ever known. 
“You can go ahead and sit here,” offers Yunho as he pulls out the chair in front of you. “We figured it may be the most comfortable spot for you. Your friends can sit next to you as well.”
You nod and smile at their consideration of not trapping you in the room. They don’t know that you aren’t one to run when you freak out, but their actions bring their own sense of security and trust. 
A water bottle appears next to you as someone opens it and sets it down. Looking up, you see Wooyoung smiling, “Please drink some water. We also have cookies, candies, and brownies for you to eat, or we can order anything you like.”
“Thank you,” you say softly. “I could go for a cookie. Anything without oats or cocoa, please.”
Hongjoong is the closest to the platter of cookies and plates up two peanut butter, two white chocolate chip macadamia nuts, and two Snickerdoodle cookies. He brings them over with napkins and places them between you and Kat. 
“I put two of everything on the plate for you and Kat. These are all the non-cocoa-based cookies over there. I hope there is something you like in the bunch,” he says. 
You glance at Kat, who is smiling from ear to ear because their bias just served them cookies. You shake your head, grab a white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie, and start eating it as someone else walks in and takes up a corner to lean against. 
Kat giggles and tells the man of their K-pop dreams: “For someone who knows nothing about Y/n, you sure know how to find her favorites.” 
Kat then took one of the peanut butter ones to eat, and Hongjoong smirked with confidence and sat at the head of the table.
Leaning towards Kat, you ask, “Where is Cindy and Seonghwa?”
“They are outside dealing with the flight situation,” informs Kat, leaning closer to you. “How are you doing?”
“I feel like I entered a Twilight Zone episode,” you breathe out, taking another bite of the cookie and glancing at the men in the room. Some of them catch your eyes while they are talking amongst themselves. “This is real, right?”
“Umhumm, you have the dream of almost every Atiny in the world. You have caught the attention of Ateez,” smirks Kat. 
“I don’t want Ateez's attention,” you whisper. “I will bring them nothing good.”
Kat stares at you, “Y/n. Be real yourself right now. Just wait to see what they have to say.”
You go to respond but hear the door of the conference room open, and Seonghwa enters, walking to the table with the snacks. What surprises you is the fact that he stays there. You look at Kat with furrowed brows and then back at Seonghwa.
“Why is he over there?” you question in hushed tones. It was really meant just to be for yourself, but loud enough, Kat hears and chokes a little on their water. 
“Is someone getting attached to their bias?” says Kat teasingly. 
“Oh, hush you,” you try not to blush at the comment. “He wouldn’t stop looking at me in the car and, well, you were there! Why the distance now?”
“Don’ know, maybe he is giving the others a chance to get close,” suggests Kat.
It isn’t long before Cindy and the manager walk in and sit around the table. Cindy sits next to Kat, and the manager sits next to Hongjoong. Once the room starts to settle, Seonghwa sits in the chair beside you, and the room becomes quiet. 
You look around the room, seemingly taking in everyone here– Ateez, the staff, and your friends, but you still say nothing. 
“I guess I will start.” Hongjoong leans forward as all eyes turn to him. “Miss Y/n, Miss Cindy, and Miss Kat, I am sure you know by now that we are Ateez, but many don’t know that we are a bonded soulmate group.”
“We each have abilities but haven’t gained our completion mark. About two years ago, we had all discussed that we most likely would never find all of our soulmates and become a complete bond. However, we know now that that isn’t the case,” informs Hongjoong as his eyes are locked on yours.
You look at the captain like he should have more to say for a few moments before you glance around the room again, waiting for someone else to chime in. Your mind is reeling with several possibilities and a barrage of negative conclusions. 
You are on the verge of spiraling again when it feels like a blanket of comfort covers you. It’s a coolness to your skin but a stillness of your mind that you can’t help leaning into. 
“You…Okay… How…” you attempt to say, but you are at a loss. You have questions to ask and things to say that all want to come out at once, but you can’t seem to organize them in a way that makes sense.
Taking your hand, Kat shakes her head, asking, “Are you suggesting that Y/n is your missing soulmate?”
“Yes,” declares Hongjoong. 
Your heart shudders at the declaration. There has to be something else. There has to be another thing it could be. You glance at Kat as they give you that look again, the one that says to wait and see what they have to say. 
“Ladies,” Seonghwa starts. “We think you, y/n, are our missing soulmate for several reasons. It’s my fault that we didn’t connect with you sooner.”
You turn to face him. Your thoughts finally in an order you interrupt, asking, “What do you mean sooner? What reasons? Why me? I am no one.”
“That won’t do,” Mingi's deep voice says. “You are not nor will you ever be a ‘no one,’ Y/n. Please do not speak of yourself so negatively. Let Hwa explain further; maybe you will understand what is happening.”
Feeling like you just got scolded by one of the hottest rappers in the world, you look down at your lap, attempting to hide the blush from the room. It isn’t the first time you have been told that you do not hold yourself in a good light, but hearing it from him brings on a new form of embarrassment. 
Cindy and Kat start snickering at your reaction to Mingi, and you smack Kat on the leg in protest. They know of your newfound attraction to the second-tallest member and are seemingly more at ease with this situation than you are. 
Over the next almost hour, Seonghwa explains everything from the forming of Ateez to the events during their filming while in California for Coachella and ending with the concert. Another bonded mate would jump in to clarify or add information a few times. 
“So once San could pin you at the museum, we couldn’t miss you again. It would have broken us more than we could ever explain,” finishes Hwa. 
You force yourself not to react to anything they say or interrupt during the whole spiel. About halfway through the information dump, the blanket pulls away, but you can maintain yourself just fine. 
You have put together that your panic attacks started because you almost met Seonghwa at the hole-in-the-wall diner. Then you had the chance to meet them all at Coachella twice. You also could have met them walking around town while they were filming. So many missed chances to meet them. 
Cindy shifts in her seat before she says, “I want to make things clear for you and Y/n.” Taking a deep breath, Cindy looks at you. You know what she wants to say, and she isn’t wrong to tell them because if they don’t hear it now, then they won’t understand.  
You hesitantly nod, then focus back on your lap, remaining quiet as you prepare your mind for rejection, yelling, coarse words, and any other harsh reaction they had every right to have. You didn’t see the looks of anticipation on their faces.  
Kat takes your hands in theirs and nods to Cindy, knowing the next part of the meeting won’t be easy.
With a serious look, Cindy meets each of their eyes before she stops at Seonghwa and says, “Y/n…Y/n’s soulmate was murdered June 15, 2016– on her 18th birthday.”
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hwaightme · 7 months ago
Lone soul
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🏢pairing: singer!seonghwa x gn!reader 🏢genre: comfort, healing, angst, fluff, sci-fi/spec.fiction, soulmate au 🏢summary: numb to the pleas of those who receive the 'lone soul' verdict, what can happen when a man who lives for love enters your office, and for the first time you are met with eyes that wonder, that care, that feel so familiar, so true? 🏢wordcount: 4.1k total 🏢warnings/tags: unedited, set in another reality (softcore 1984?), discussing romance/love, fictional gov structures, soulmate theory/lone soul theory, partnership, companionship, sweet conversation, romance/romanticism, learning about what makes you who you are, trust, bonding, mutual respect 🏢 taglist: at the bottom of the fic 🏢 a/n: crafted after the beautiful ask from @sorryimananti-romantic <3 thank you my love <3 and to all, thank you for reading, any notes/reblogs appreciated!
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Early morning - perfect time to check the mail, perfect time to watch the world fall apart. Each letter on the page left a searing sensation, hot iron piercing through the skin and twisting itself again and again, confirming the one thing that the reader feared, in cold formal terminology. There was little left to suggest any alterations, no additional words to imply an uncertainty or the need for a re-testing. Nothing. The letter, along with the rest of the contents of the hefty envelope were clear as the breaking of Park Seonghwa’s heart - he was a Lone Soul.
Rushing back inside, cowering away from the horrifically cheerful chirping of the birds outside, the young man stared at the piece of paper, flipping it again and again in his hands as if the words were going to magically change themselves and reveal a deeper meaning, or express their sincerest apologies for the mistake. He had been so certain in himself, in love, that Seonghwa had never even imagined the possibility of receiving anything from the National Soulmate Register Office aside from a prompt response to his request for a Soulmate Search.
What could this mean for his career? He, a song-writer with more lyrics written about love than he could remember - how would fellow musicians, artists, groups, companies, the public react upon hearing that the creator of their favourite tunes was confirmed to be lacking in a soulmate. How could he craft songs about love when he was not destined for it? When he would never find out the real feeling of meeting and having a soulmate, and watching the stars align? Seonghwa glanced at the awards that decorated the display case in his living room, settling on titles ‘Meant To Be’ and ‘Love, Love, Love’. This had to be a joke. A cruel joke. He knew love better than anyone could, he could feel it, express it and write it. Certainly better than anyone at that damn Office could. Seonghwa’s anguish rapidly transformed into a seething anger as he slammed the papers onto the coffee table and stormed away to change into the nearest outerwear he could find. With equally feverish determination and the envelope wedged under his arm, the man sped to the metro, only checking the location of the Office when he passed the turnstiles. 
If one were to ask any friend, neighbour or relative, they would all say that Seonghwa was a hopeless romantic. A believer in a happily ever after, a person who grew up overcoming so many challenges and turning to be surrounded by and receiving so much love that all he wanted to do was to share it. Truthfully, you were intrigued by his result as much as he was, this onyx-haired man with his head cradled in his hands, eyes studying the carpeted floor beneath him as he awaited for any elaboration from you. But there was no such thing as a mistake in your line of work. With a short sigh you finished your inspection of Seonghwa’s result letter, setting it down on the centre of the table, and began to type up his details for what you called a ‘routine check’ - truly, it was you making airs and pretending that you were trying your hardest to see if anything at all could be changed. A cruel, but necessary dance to ease the fall of those who ended up on the Lone Soul Registry, since, the sooner the individual accepted it, the sooner they could begin taking steps towards another future.
You suppressed a bitter smile; parents who were soulmates, brother who had found a soulmate early on in his life… no possibility of this outcome being hereditary. Checking key milestones of his life, you could only see things that point towards adoration itself and an appreciation of life’s beauty. There was even growth to self-acceptance and self-love - commendable. Scrolling, scrolling through, now accompanied by Seonghwa’s desperate gaze settled on your form that forced you to control your bored expression and settle on professional neutrality, there was nothing that gave you obvious hints on why exactly this young man was now in the Registry, but your judgement decided against pursuing this curious case further. It was far too early, on a Friday, and any more snooping would most certainly be above your pay grade and above average activity.
“Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with any more information other than what had already been given to you through the letter and booklet. If it is of interest to you I can provide you with some more resources on potential Lifestyle adjustments and point you to Lone Soul networks-”
“What I need is answers!” Seonghwa raised his voice, setting a hand down onto the edge of the desk a little too aggressively for you to feel totally comfortable. Your eyes narrowed as you regarded him with suspicion.
“Sir, all that could be provided to you-”
“This is a government office, for goodness’ sake. Don’t you have access to everything? This isn’t possible. This cannot be possible. How am I, of all people, a Lone Soul?”
“You are not the only Lone Soul, Mister Park. And yes, we are a government office, and as such, are able to offer you a number of resources that can help cope with the change and find a new rhythm-”
“New rhythm, you have got to be kidding.”
Biting the inner corner of your upper lip you admonished yourself for the joke that slipped through in response to the agitated visitor. Luckily for him, and perhaps unluckily for you, he had made it into the Office right at opening time, and coincidentally, you had no consultation bookings set for the hour. Of course, the receptionists had to be kind enough to change that in the blind of an eye, and now you had to power through yet another session of all stages of grief while not yet having drunk a single cup of coffee. The man was adamant on getting something, anything out of you - you were sure of it, even if it was a false promise. Inspecting his profile, which you pulled up and exploded onto the full screen of your monitor once again, you noted his request submission twenty seven days ago. And then another one, twelve days ago. All asking the same thing: who his soulmate was, what he could do, so on and so forth. The usual. So he was a desperate one. A shame.
“Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to change the status, seeing as it is permanent, but if you are interested in Lone Soul Matching then we can arrange a separate appointment to discuss this further.”
The mention of the Matching process seemed to be the final nail in the man’s hopeful coffin as he slouched forward, and whatever had been left of his anger quickly dissipated to reveal a shattered, melancholic artist who had just realised that whatever muse he had worshipped was nothing but a lie. You almost felt sorry as you slid the rest of the papers across, complete with a self-help guide and an information pamphlet summarising all services available in the NSRO. The minutes ticked away, but Seonghwa remained frozen in place. It was almost as if with your words, even though standard and practically scripted, you revealed to him a dark truth and the music that ruled the real world. You had uncovered his ears and sung the song of the harsh present, and he could not dare find himself relieved or content with the outcome. He knew that you were only a messenger, a passing face that represented thouSeonghwads of people working for an answer, but you could read a resentment in his expression as he finally raised his head after having hid his face from you. The usual agony, a standard response that you had been trained to not antagonise, and instead to de-escalate. You sat straighter, clasped your hands together and leaned forwards, an unreadable hint of a smile on your lips, somewhat comforting, but alluring to a chilling power that you still retained for as long as you were in this office.
“Shall we make another appointment? Or would you prefer to take some time to process the results and engage with us at a later date?” as you tilted your head a little, you took note of the clouded over, spaced out gaze of the man before you. Even when Seonghwa answered with a confirmation, you were not sure of what exactly he was agreeing to, nor if he was entirely there with you. “Mister Park, would you kindly state your availability?” he shook his head, evidently clearing the haze he was in, and you were met with the mist of two endlessly dark orbs.
His eyes were translating many stories to you, some of which you probably heard on the radio. Love songs, serenades, ballads, rap about love… songs turned into an amorous encyclopaedia a while ago. Even in this, Seonghwa was bound to be ‘just another’. At the same time, your heart hurt for him; perhaps the same as it did for others who came into your lonely office at the end of the corridor, perhaps in some other mysterious way. But anyhow, your expression softened, and you allowed yourself to sympathise with his misery. It was never pleasant to find out that you were not destined to have a life partner, to have that fairy tale happily ever after.
You have seen relationships fall apart before your very eyes after couples who naively thought that requesting the Soulmate Search would simply reveal one anothers’ names instead of a mismatch and a Lone Soul. You have seen familial disappointments, arguments… but at the same time, you witnessed unfiltered joy, liberation, excitement. There was never one answer to fated romantic solitude. You wished you could say that to the very distraught young man sitting in front of you. He was not much different in age to you. He was just like everyone - human. A human faced with intense change. Change that you yourself knew a little too well. In a moment of weakness, though you would like to think it was bravery, you made a tentative proposal, a tiny thin straw to grasp:
“I wholly understand how it must be for you, Mister Park. Which is why I would strongly recommend we meet again. Not for a request or escalation, but for a chat.”
“...a chat? You cannot be serious…” he uttered, head slipping into his hands once more, fingers running through long tresses, eyebrows furrowed.
“I am perfectly serious. Aside from human investigation and data management we do offer other types of services and support, considering our line of work,” while you were trying to be compassionate, the words would not twist themselves, choosing to remain in strict lines and scenarios, as though you were reading from a pre-prepared script. Thankfully, Seonghwa did not seem to mind, far too consumed by grief that you knew would pass eventually.
“And what would that be?”
“Like I said, a chat. Or many chats, depending on what feels most comfortable for you.”
“Are you saying you… are therapists?”
“Thoroughly trained and fully licensed.”
“I will be honest, that is quite impressive. I never knew that about the NSRO,” the hint of amusement was all you needed to know that he was climbing upwards, closer and closer to regaining at least some stability.
“The centre of our business and operations is people.”
“I figured.”
“Then, if this is of interest to you, would you be able to tell me the times you are available or prefer?”
“And about payment-”
“Government service.”
“Oh. Okay fair.”
“Then? Mister Park?” you tilted your head, eyeing the man. While his present demeanour was far from threatening - a quality which you had attributed to him following earlier outbursts, he was not quite a picture of comfort. A little dishevelled here and there, top a little crumpled. Many details reminiscent of a picture hanging on a wall being ever so slightly tilted.
“I have a concert in two days… then a festival next week… oh but that’s later so no trouble…” he was mumbling to himself as he recalled his schedule. It was awe inspiring to see his emotionality dissipate as soon as he talked about work. Your prior worries of how he would handle his career after being declared a Lone Soul disappeared rapidly, and you clicked on your calendar for Monday, feeling Seonghwa would be one unlikely to stall.
“Monday? Hm… four? PM? I have a couple of schedules in the morning but should be free then.”
“Four it is. Fantastic, well, Mister Park, I just booked the appointment for our chat, and the details should have automatically been sent to you via email. You will receive a text message reminder the day before, but should there be any other concerns do not hesitate to contact us.”
“Well I would assume I would be wanting to contact you, rather than the whole Office?” slowly, Seonghwa stood up, giving you one last tired smile.
“Of course. The email would be from me, and my official contact details would be in the signature. Anything else I can assist with?” While professionalism was preventing you from rushing the singer out of the office, your head was already drumming out an incessant, painful beat; it genuinely was far too early in the morning, and you were forced to feel far too many things. 
“Thank you,” the words were quiet, but genuine, and most certainly took you by surprise, “thank you for not leaving me alone.” The morning sunlight seeped into your office, casting a glow over his form. Tall, lean, disposition so familiar to you.
“Not at all. Good luck for the concert, and see you Monday.”
“See you Monday.”
He turned to leave your office, and as soon as the mutely coloured door clicked shut you closed his records, switching to massaging your temples. With one swift turn you were staring out of the windows behind you, wondering if the otherwise traditionally pleasant day appeared different to Seonghwa too. An artist, a dreamer, a lover. A couple of minutes passed, and you noticed him appearing out of the building and ambling across the concrete tiled yard. Another Lone Soul.
He would have been a great soulmate, you concluded, and with a sigh, rose to trudge to the shared kitchen for a cup of something mediocre, wondering if you had been like him when you discovered your own identical fate. No, no you hadn’t been. Passing a few posters that lined the corridors of the NSRO, you chuckled. No, you were not ambitious enough to dedicate yourself to what was essentially fuelled by love. Instead, you looked at the careers page of this exact place. In a few swift clicks, you had applied. In a few numb weeks, you had been interviewed and tested. In a few monotone months, you were no longer a Lone Soul, but a faceless, nameless entity that dissolved in the grey walls, unaffected, unobserved.
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It was impossible to tell how many Mondays had passed. Even when Seonghwa decided to stop seeing you for ‘official’ chats, your meetings never exactly stopped, him having made it a habit to find you after your strenuous work hours and his own untameable scheduling. Quiet strolls, occasional bursts of conversation. A stop at a vending machine for beverages here and there. Nothing demanding on either of you. Except perhaps the fact that you decided to take the long way home on Mondays. But that was on you. And you did not mind. And neither did he mind nor care, apparently, considering how his frequent outings could always turn into a scandal, but somehow, it never turned out to be so. Maybe society had finally changed and people learned how to mind their own business, or maybe you really were faceless. At least one person could see you.
While Seonghwa had been surprised to find out that you, too, were a Lone Soul, you could see an immediate change in his approaches. A more relaxed, trusting manner and a sweeter resolve, he had transformed from a man mourning his future to a man who found a kindred spirit and in turn, rediscovered hope. You noted that a glimmer in his eyes did suit him best. He was inquisitive: almost in every session prior to their end he asked about what it was like to be a Lone Soul in the long term, and he quickly familiarised himself with all the relevant vocabulary that floated in the community’s shared lexicon. In part because it was your job and in part because you had been touched by his sense of self that was blooming anew, you told him all and then some. Of course, it was endearing how even though he was perfectly away that he would not experience that standard run of the mill romance nor that exhilarating, somewhat spiritual connection with another, he was still adamant on being a believer in romance.
Romance that went beyond love. Romance could be a good cup of tea drunk on a cool autumn day in one’s favourite cafe. It could be a particularly deep and vulnerable conversation with someone close that brought clarity. It could be a soothing melody trickling into the ears after drowning in cacophonous cityscapes. To Seonghwa, romance was everywhere regardless of whether one had a soulmate or not. To you it was bewildering, interesting, but a little outrageous. You would have agreed to disagree on this, not being one to enjoy dwelling in general, but there was one other thing that set Seonghwa apart from many you knew. He wholeheartedly saw a face in your fog, and the floating somnolence you had been for a number of years now was being kept on its toes, trying to collect all the pieces of yourself you intentionally scattered. You began to realise that sometimes, it might be important to know who you were. 
You had to start simple. You were you, an employee in the NSRO specialising in Lone Souls, from management of the Registry, to reporting and analysis, to direct support in re-identification as a Lone Soul. That much was clear, and that much you could recite to anyone and anytime. Now for other things… you were walking in a park, it was evening, the air was turning cooler and cooler. The city did not sleep, but the buildings appeared fatigued and worn down, much like yourself after a long day. No wonder this was your favourite part of this metropolis. Seonghwa would scold you for giving such vague descriptions and relying on your environment to define you. You looked off to the side to glance at the man himself who was huddling in a jacket - new, at least to you.
You did not like much, but tolerated most things. You tolerated how Seonghwa would debate with you, in fact you could dare say that you indulged in these interactions. You tolerated how he looked at you - kind dark brown eyes, stellar grin, all the attention in the world directed right at you. There was never a doubt that he was listening, caring, remembering. Now that you thought about it, again, you were not saying much about yourself, all of your mentioned tolerances leading back to your companion. Before you could drift any further into your musings, a sudden hum of a tune that you swore you knew from somewhere jolted you back into reality.
“Oh! Look over there?” Following Seonghwa’s hand, you spotted the source of the sound, “beautiful rendition of ‘I Can’t Help Falling in Love’, don’t you think?” You shrugged, simply satisfied with the fact that you were right in your suspicions that the song was indeed one you had heard before.
You followed Seonghwa as he trailed to the small crowd that gathered around the musician. Gracefully the saxophone turned into a live creature, entrancing the audience and inspiring the capable hearts. Blankly, you watched the flying fingertips that faded into shining metal and falling leaves. 
“Isn’t it romantic?” Seonghwa joked, his tone turning playful. 
“I… suppose? It might be?”
“Then tell me what you think of it, I’d love to know,” you turned to find him studying you, softly gleaming. The fairy lights strung up on the surrounding trees made him appear even more graceful than usual, if that was even possible. You could not help but return his blissful amiability with a quick smile of your own, and your best efforts to answer.
“Well… I think his technique is good. And many people are stopping, which suggests that he is objectively good and knows how to engage the audience.”
“Ooh, that’s true. Very interesting. What else?”
“I think that he picked a good time to perform. The park was recently redecorated and the weather this evening is clear. Plenty of walkers. Probably good business.”
“True, true…” he trailed off, seemingly deep in thought. You wonder if your observations were sufficient, “I really do love how you think.”
“What do you mean? Was that sarcastic?” you raise an eyebrow.
“Not at all. Never will be. It is just so unlike how I approach things usually, so I truly marvel at how you do it. In your great way,” not a hint of malice. Only that same curiosity. Those same eyes that saw you. Better than you saw yourself. 
That was what it was - the idea finally came to you. You were blunt, preferred all things to be direct, and any empathy was given similar to how one would prescribe medication. Clinical. With an analytical mind you had no trouble scrutinising individuals through numbers, but then could not ‘count’ on someone, that same analytical and hyper-logical brain preventing you from doing so. You felt for people, you could relate to people, you could guess their emotions, but remained the observer. That was your definition. That was who you were. 
“And um… how do you see it?” Seonghwa nodded at your question, and began.
“I see a soundtrack to many beginnings, middles and endings. I see the musical notes twirling in a waltz with the autumn leaves, the dance floor illuminated by the many fairy lights. I see each mind with their own story to this song, some reliving memories and others crafting a magnificent illusion. Beyond the park, I see residents in those apartment buildings over there,” he pointed at a couple of windows that were illuminated still, and were facing the park, “them looking out at the saxophonist wistfully, mystified by how he knew that this was exactly what they needed to dispel concerns of the earlier hours in the day.”
You two continued to journey on until you made it to a nearby bench, and decided to rest. Sat side by side, arm to arm, you observed the ebbs and flows of other friends, families, lovers who flocked to the musician, only to be swept away by the night and to be replaced by another. 
“Isn’t what you just said all made up?” cautious, you queried.
“Might be, but to me, it is romance. Or rather, the idea of romanticising. I am quite fond of seeing what I cannot physically see, and then inventing more and more on top of it until we have a complete tale.”
“No wonder your songs are such major hits.”
“Oh you flatter me.”
“No, no, you…this, you capture all of this so prettily. Few can.”
“Much like yourself.”
“I do not-”
“Just differently.”
“To you, perhaps, but not to many.”
“What makes you so sure?” he was countering you rapidly.
“Enough Lone Soul meetups. Most of us are like how I am.” pointing at yourself, you emphasised the point. 
“Hm, I should start going to them if there are so many cool personalities there.”
A sharp exhale the upwards twitch was all you could muster before falling completely silent, wanting to pretend that you could see the surroundings like how Seonghwa could. They remained dull and uniform, but the notion that there was this certain someone who, thanks to their past and present, could perceive so beautifully and had the unfathomable kindness to share his interpretations with you was what you were grateful for. Through his eyes, you could see what was around you. Through his eyes, you could finally see yourself. Through his heart, you could be understood.
“Thank you,” your voice barely a murmur, “thank you for not leaving me alone.”
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🏢 perma-taglist: @shakalakaboomboo @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @innsomniacshinestar @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @jaehunnyy @maddkitt @ren-junwrld @marsstarxhwa @yeooclock @yeonjunnie @asjkdk @northerngalxy @my-loves-my-life @http-gyu
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lividstar · 9 months ago
ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤTHE CITY OF LOVE
ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ ㅤ Masterpost
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៚ wc: ✍️
៚ fluff, angst, fashion designer!hongjoong x model!reader (ft. personal assistant!seonghwa & photographer!wooyoung), slowburn, strangers to lovers, soulmates au if you squint, do french people actually say bonjour irl?
៚ playlist !
៚ To hope for a miracle while standing still and not doing anything to initiate any form of change is just about as foolish as avoiding the gaze of your phone screen while waiting for an app to download thinking such an action would make the waiting process any shorter. Upon learning this portion of the reality of life, you decide to break free from the confines of your hometown and move to Paris in hopes of a new season of your life unfolding. What’s un(fortunate) is you weren’t expecting your designated miracle to come in the form of a fashion designer named Kim Hongjoong.
started: june 30, 2024 | finished: ongoing
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Chapter One: A Change (wc: 9k)
🍂 Moving to Paris in order to leave your past in Arcadia Bay had been a long-term goal for a while now, and you were more than excited to finally have this dream of yours within your grasp. Of course, things won’t always turn out well consistently, and you had to be reminded of this in the worst way possible.
Chapter Two: Unexpected Encounters (wc: 8k)
🍂 You were now on your fifth job hunt for the week, and even though you were hoping for it to, for once, actually turn out to be a success, indifference spreads through you as the search concludes on a dead end once again. Just as you were about to head home, a sudden surprise catches up to you, nearly out of breath.
Chapter Three: Inspiration (wc: 4k)
🍂 The thought of entering the world of fashion and modeling seemed daunting, but you’d rather have your suffering come from getting perceived than not having at least a sufficient amount of money to make sure your last days won’t be spent in Paris. Looking through the stolen-but-not-really sketchbook in your possession for outfit inspiration, you’re caught in a state of shock when something you thought had finally left you behind suddenly came back to bite you. One question hung heavy in your mind: Why?
Chapter Four: A Pleasant Twist (wc: 5k)
🍂 What started as a plan for a quiet walk in the park quickly turned eventful when you bumped into Madame Dupont, who was heading out for groceries. Choosing to assist her instead, two occurrences you didn’t see coming saw the light of the day: A. Running into Seonghwa, and B. Receiving an offer from Madame Dupont to help with your upcoming casting.
Chapter Five: Consequences (wc: 8k)
🍂 During the high-stakes fashion casting, you impress the judges but are later alarmed to discover that the agency’s influential creative director is the owner of the sketchbook that not only did you accidentally take home, yet also used one of its designs as inspiration for your attire, leaving you fearful about the potential consequences for your budding career. As the weight of this realization sinks in, you can't help but worry how you would entangle the knots of the predicament you’re now under.
Chapter Six: A New Companion (wc: 5k)
🍂 The tension mounts as you anxiously await a message from the directors. A call from Seonghwa bringing you the not-so-good news of you passing the first round of the casting brings mixed emotions, and a walk in the park offers a brief escape from your spiraling worries. Returning home, you find comfort in the unexpected presence of Pompidou, Monsieur Frank’s mischievous feline. As the day of the callback arrives, the pressure intensifies, culminating in a nerve-wracking evaluation before Hongjoong and the casting panel.
Chapter Seven: Resolve (wc: 12.1k)
🍂 Seonghwa invites you to the serene local park where he delivers the exciting news that you’ve secured the modeling job, marking a significant step forward in your new life in Paris. However, as you bask in the joy of this achievement, a nagging concern about Hongjoong’s sketchbook lingers in your mind. By the time you get your first modeling gig, you form a plan to return it to him on the very same day, but the uncertainty of how he will react keeps you on edge. Could things possibly get any worse than they already are?
Chapter Eight: A Great Friend (wc: 11.5k)
🍂 Your day immediately turns eventful at the very second you open your eyes, receiving a congratulatory message from Hongjoong which was apparently because of your sudden popularity that skyrocketed overnight, following your first photoshoot. As you grapple with this sudden surge of attention, Seonghwa offers a welcome distraction by suggesting you assist Hongjoong with his designs for the upcoming autumn collection, all of which are still in progress.
Chapter Nine: May I Have This Dance? (wc: 10.3k)
🍂 The initial plan was to stay the night in Hongjoong’s art studio to finish one of his designs, but as one thread tangled itself into another and kept the chain going, a series of unexpectedly charming experiences began to unfold, one of which contains running an errand to buy flowers for Madame Dupont’s vases—the very event that led to you and Hongjoong enjoying a little sophisticated dancing session while moving to the soft melody of La Vie En Rose.
Chapter Ten: Push and Pull (wc: 4.6k)
🍂 The memory of what happened—or what had almost happened last night, still remained fresh in your mind. As a result, you find yourself on edge as you head to Hongjoong’s agency per Seonghwa’s request, still processing the events that had unfurled. Upon arrival, you notice Hongjoong acting distant, leaving you uneasy. Seonghwa, sensing your discomfort, tries to lighten the mood and catch up, but the tension lingers in your mind as you try to make sense of Hongjoong's sudden change in behavior.
Chapter Eleven: You Wonder why I’m Bitter (wc: 8.2k)
🍂 Alone and aching for the connection that once felt so natural, you reluctantly turn to an unlikely companion: Pompidou, who listens to you pour out all the longing you’ve fought so hard to bury. While you grapple with the emptiness left by Hongjoong’s sudden withdrawal, he, too, finds himself lost, wrestling with the very feelings he’s tried to deny. Haunted by memories and choices he can’t quite reconcile, Hongjoong is caught between the familiarity of the past and the confusing reality of the present.
Chapter Twelve: Ma Meilleure Ennemie (wc: 10k)
🍂 The night is electric, filled with fleeting glances, moments of tension, and unspoken words hanging in the air. You find yourself caught in a delicate dance between the past and the present, as old wounds resurface in the most unexpected ways. But just when you think you’ve built a wall strong enough to keep it all out, everything comes crashing down. Who can you trust when even your own heart feels like a stranger? Will you finally face what’s been lurking in the shadows, or will you keep running, hoping the past will stay buried? The answers are closer than you think—but are you ready to hear them?
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🪞 — lividstar.
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callmeagardengnome · 9 months ago
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˚ʚ taste of you ɞ˚ | PARK SEONGHWA
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pairings ᯓ idol!seonghwa x mukbanger!fem!reader
genre ᯓ soulmate au, one-shot
synopsis ᯓ as someone who does mukbangs for a living, you aren’t a stranger to extreme flavours or massive portions. however, it seems that your soulmate feels otherwise.
c.w ᯓ seonghwa is downbadd and a lil kissity kiss at the end 😗
w.c ᯓ 2.7k
author’s note: sorry for the delay! FYI i am NOT consistent in my uploads so please be patient w me ;-;
not proofread!
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you love food. ever since you were young, you found so much joy in eating. so imagine how happy you felt when you found about about your soulmark.
it all started when you were six. you were trying to eat your favourite ice cream, expecting to taste something sweet. however, as you took a bite, you were met with a rich and savoury taste instead. confused, you ran to your parents, trying to describe what just happened.
as you told them, your parents exchanged a look with each other. they sat you down and explained to you gently, “‘____’, that’s your soulmark.” you tilted your head, still not understanding them.
“it means that you can taste whatever your soulmate is eating or drinking.” they continued. “and it works the other way too.”
when turned you 16, you started to get more creative with the foods you ate. they became more sour, spicier. with the creation of your mukbang channel on youtube, you shared your love of weird foods with your audience.
your channel grew quickly, with hundreds of thousands of subscribers enjoying your content of devouring the world’s hottest peppers to bizarre snacks.
seonghwa, however, was not as happy as them. was his soulmate trying to torture him?
as a trainee, he was put on a strict diet. the intense flavours he faced out of nowhere made it difficult for him to focus. he felt annoyed that his soulmate was eating well while he was eating basically nothing. not only that, the food you ate weren’t the most pleasant to enjoy.
from the spicy noodles that left his mouth burning, to the sour foods that turned his tongue dry, these flavours hit him at the most inconvenient of times.
one afternoon, while practicing a difficult dance routine, seonghwa suddenly tasted an overwhelming spicy flavour. he stumbled, clutching his throat and coughed violently. his fellow trainees quickly handed him a bottle of water, wondering why he suddenly started to choke on seemingly nothing.
“are you okay?” hongjoong asked, sitting next to him.
“yeah, it’s just my soulmate again…” seonghwa muttered, chugging the water, finishing it. his frustration grew as the spiciness got stronger. “i’m going to buy a drink,” he told the other trainees. he ran to a nearby convenience store, buying a small carton of milk and drank it hurriedly.
on the other side of the screen, you were doing a live mukbang, blissfully unaware of the chaos your soulmate was going through. just as you were about to take another bite of the spicy chicken you were eating, you tasted.. milk? you chuckled, realising the hell you caused for your other half. “my soumate’s drinking milk right now,” you grinned at the camera, relishing in the heat.
“sorry soulmate, but this one’s for you,” you winked before taking a bite of the chicken.
seonghwa felt the burn again and groaned, wondering if he would ever get used to the flavour assaults. despite the irritation, seonghwa found himself curious about the person on the other side of this bond. what were you like? why do you keep eating crazy foods?
over a few years, the foods that you ate became milder. you wanted to give both you and your soulmate’s tastebuds a break. you moved on to more delicious, mouth watering foods - ones that made seonghwa’s jealousy skyrocket.
once he became an idol, his strict diet barely changed. and with your new food-eating habits, it led to seonghwa finding ways to curb his cravings. he started to eat in secret, desperately trying to match the flavours he tasted through his soulmark.
but then, he found you. one evening, he suddenly tasted buldak noodles and sighed. the love-hate relationship between him and his soulmark was getting tiring. he decided to scroll through food videos on youtube to hopefully control his growing appetite, and then, he came across your mukbang channel.
you were live streaming at the time, eating a big batch of buldak noodles. his heart skipped a beat as he watched you take a bite, the exact same flavours bursting on his tongue. it was exactly what he needed at the time.
seonghwa watched the live, captivated, seeing you gulp down the food that he longed to eat. not to mention that you were insanely pretty too. the way you smiled and talked to your viewers charmed him. as he continued to watch, seonghwa found himself drawn not just to the food, but to you as well, in a way he couldn’t explain.
he soon became a very big fan of you, tuning in to any livestream that he could. he saw you as a life-saver, a hero. it was as if you knew what he was craving most.
a few weeks go by and ATEEZ were resting in their living room after a tiring concert. wooyoung leaned over seonghwa’s shoulder, noticing that he was watching your livestream again. “hyung, what’s so good about her?” he asked, a smirk spread on his face.
seonghwa glanced up. “i don’t know..” he mumbled, trying to find the right words. “she’s always eating the foods i crave the most..”
a chorus of ‘huh?’s filled the room. hongjoong straightened his back. “what do you mean by that?” he asked.
“it’s like-“ seonghwa sighed. “you guys know what my soulmark is right? my soulmate eats good food, and then i crave it. watching ‘____’ helps.”
the room fell silent as they processed seonghwa’s words. mingi spoke up, “so you’re saying that whatever you taste, ‘____’ is somehow eating the same thing at the same time?”
“uhuh..” seonghwa nodded slowly, before his eyes widened in realisation. “wait- did i just find my soulmate?” he blurted out.
jongho hit him on the head lightly. “ya! i thought you were smarter than this,” he laughed.
seonghwa leaned back into the couch he was sitting on, taking in the new revelation. his mind was racing with the thought of you - it all made sense now. the way the food you ate matched his own cravings, the way he was instantly drawn to you the first time he watched you, it felt like a puzzle piece had finally clicked into place. he turned back to his phone, you were still chatting happily with your viewers. seonghwa couldn’t help but smile.
yunho nudged him. “what are you going to do now that you’ve found her?” he asked with a grin.
“i..” seonghwa trailed off. what was he going to do? it’s not like he could text you and claim that he was your soulmate. that was a one-way ticket to getting blocked. not only that, ATEEZ was still on tour, which meant that the chances of him actually meeting you was low.
“you don’t need to rush it, hyung,” yeosang reassured him. “at least you know who she is, right?”
taking a deep breath, seonghwa nodded. he knew that yeosang was right, there was no point in rushing things. a feeling of peace settled over him. for now, he could put full focus into the tour and rehearsals.
˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆。☆ ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ ⋆˚ʚɞ ⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆
“wait- what?” you exclaimed, shocked at the news that you heard. with the huge success of your channel, companies reached out to you, hoping to promote their products or shows. however, a certain offer stood out to you.
you were given the chance to host a youtube series. this opened up a whole door of possibilities. the offer involved you interviewing different celebrities and idols while eating crazy and insane foods together. it was like a dream come true, eating and talking to celebrities? who wouldn’t want that?
you quickly agreed to the offer and the production for the show started. ‘DINING WITH ‘____’’ blew up almost immediately. fans enjoyed watching you talking to idols while you struggled to eat the weird food combinations. your genuine interactions with the guests made each episode a delight to watch.
meanwhile, seonghwa was freaking out. he never expected to see you hosting a show like this, let alone be sharing meals with idols. with the new ATEEZ album coming out, the chances of him being invited on the show was quite high, but he shouldn’t get his hopes up. “if you want to go on the show so much, then just go?” jongho said, confused.
seonghwa groaned. “i don’t want to push it.. what if she doesn’t like the idea- what if she doesn’t like me?”
“tsk, i’ll just go with you,” wooyoung said, grabbing seonghwa by the arm. “come on, let’s beg our company to let us go.”
the idea of meeting you in person excited and terrified him. he and wooyoung successfully convinced their company to arrange an appearance. seonghwa started to (embarrassingly) practice what he might say or do when he meets you for the first time.
and then, finally, the day arrived. ATEEZ finally had a break in their schedule and the two idols made their way over to your studio. the set bustled with activity as crew members prepared for filming. seonghwa felt anxiety rising in his stomach.
as you were getting ready, you passed by the two ATEEZ members you were supposed to interview. you smiled at them, saying a quick, “fighting!” before heading over to makeup and hair station.
you didn’t notice the way seonghwa crumbled, or how he started to hit wooyoung out of shock. wooyoung pretended to be in pain, trying to lighten the mood.
“you got this,” wooyoung chuckled, patting seonghwa on the back. “just be yourself, she seems nice.”
seonghwa breathed out, trying to calm himself down. he watched you move gracefully around the set, interacting with the crew and preparing for the shoot. your presence only increased his nervousness.
the crew called everyone to gather to begin the shoot. seonghwa watched you position yourself in front of the camera, the lights shining on your smile as you introduced the both of them.
every step closer to you felt surreal, the butterflies in his stomach rising. he tried to focus on your welcoming demeanour as he sat opposite you.
“-we have seonghwa and wooyoung from ATEEZ! how are the both of you feeling today?” you turned to them.
seonghwa couldn’t even believe that you knew his name. he quickly composed himself. “uh- hi,” he said with a nervous smile. “we’re good, just excited to be here.”
wooyoung smiled brightly. “yeah, super excited! thanks for having us,” he added.
“glad to hear it! we have lots of spicy dishes to try today, so let’s dive right in.” you said before three plates of food came out.
seonghwa glanced at wooyoung, who gave him a thumbs up. as you took a bite, seonghwa tasted the familiar flavour on his tongue. it felt strange knowing that he was tasting the same things as you were.
throughout the shoot, you kept the conversation flowing, asking about their tour and album. seonghwa soon found himself slowly relaxing in your presence.
“so, seonghwa,” you began, catching the idol’s attention. “are the shy member of ATEEZ?” you asked.
seonghwa chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. “uhhh-”
“he’s actually quite talkative,” wooyoung interjected, looking between you and seonghwa. “but he’s extra shy now because he’s a fan of you.”
“really?” you said in shock, putting down your chopsticks. “seonghwa you’re a fan of me?”
seonghwa felt his cheeks heat up. “yeah..” he admitted. “i’ve been watching your mukbangs for a while now.”
you laughed, feeling flattered that a famous idol was a fan of you. there was an undeniable chemistry between the two of you, one that felt more than just being on a show together.
as the shoot continued, you noticed seonghwa stealing glances at you. you brushed it off, not wanting to come across as ‘delusional’.
“do you guys want any drinks?” you asked the idols. “we have water, juice, milk and coffee.”
“milk,” seonghwa said, trying to keep his voice steady as his mouth burned from the spice.
“i’ll take a coffee,” wooyoung replied.
you passed the two men their drinks and continued talking to them about their idol life. seonghwa started to drink the milk, and just then, you tasted it too. your eyes widened in surprise, was this a coincidence?
wooyoung tilted his head. “are you alright?”
you gathered your composure and quickly nodded. maybe it was just a coincidence. however, your assumption was destroyed immediately when seonghwa and wooyoung switched drinks, and you tasted the bitter coffee go down your throat.
trying to keep yourself calm, you asked, “so how do you guys manage your diets while on tour?”
the both of them started to talk about their meal plans and schedules, but you found it hard to focus. every sip that seonghwa took confirmed your suspicions.
the rest of the shoot passed by in a blur, your thoughts constantly returning back to seonghwa and your soulmark. as the final scene wrapped up and the crew began packing, you decided to rip the bandaid off and talk to seonghwa.
you approached the idol, who was talking to wooyoung and other crew members. “hey, can i talk to you for a second?” you asked.
seonghwa looked surprised but nodded, “yeah- of course.”
you led him to a quieter corner of the set. “i need to ask you something a little personal,” you began nervously. “what’s your soulmark?”
his eyes widened. “you figured it out too?”
“what?” you furrowed your brows. “what do you mean by ‘figured it out’?”
“it’s just that-“ seonghwa coughed out as he ran his fingers through his hair. “there was a slight chance that we were soulmates. every time i tasted something, you happened to be eating the very same thing on stream. that may or may not be the reason why i wanted to come on the show.”
your heart raced as you heard his words. “so, you knew?”
“kind of, but today just confirmed it,” seonghwa replied.
the both of you stood in silence, trying to process your emotions.
“hold on,” you spoke up. you reached into your pocket and unwrapped a piece of candy that you had before popping it into your mouth. “what flavour is this?” you questioned, trying to test your soulmark.
seonghwa watched you, a small smile on his lips. “…cherry,” he answered.
“oh shit-“ you mumbled. “i can’t believe that this is happening..”
he chuckled softly, his gaze unwavering. “i guess we’re soulmates.”
you couldn’t even find the right words to say. you were basically speechless, and so was seonghwa. he led the both of you to a nearby seat so that you wouldn’t get tired.
seonghwa’s hand found yours, holding onto it gently. his touch was warm and reassuring, something that you needed. neither of you spoke for a while, the both of you were simply taking in each other’s presence.
after a few moments of comfortable silence, seonghwa broke it, keeping his voice soft. “i never imagined that i would find you like this,” he said, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand.
you managed to give a small smile, still overwhelmed by what you have just discovered. “well, i never thought that i would meet my soulmate on a mukbang show of all places,” you replied.
seonghwa nodded in agreement, his eyes never leaving yours. he still couldn’t believe that this wasn’t a dream. “i’ve been wanting to do this for a while,” he said, leaning closer.
you felt your heart quicken as he leaned in. “may i?” he asked softly. you nodded hurriedly, mumbling a faint ‘yes’. his lips brushed against yours, a soft and tender kiss sharing your feelings. suddenly, a burst of flavours appeared as you kissed. the both of you tasted flavours from sweet to savoury, each flavour becoming more intense with each second.
seonghwa pulled back slightly, surprise obvious in his eyes. “did you taste that too?” he breathed, his fingers caressing your cheek.
you nodded, smiling widely at your soulmate. he brushed a strand of hair from your face and looked at you with adoration and disbelief.
“we have so much to talk about,” seonghwa whispered, tracing his thumb along the curve of your jaw.
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any and all feedback appreciated <3
other fics
series taglist [OPEN] - @cara-rey @hwasbabygirl @chngbnwf @passerbyforfun
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bluemari23 · 1 year ago
dancing like butterfly wings || park seonghwa
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summary: you've been feeling a little down lately as you experience another flare up, and not wanting to feel like a burden, you try to to hide it from your soulmate.
pairing: seonghwa x reader
genre: fluff, soulmate au
warnings: some depressive thoughts, insecurities, mc going through it, disabled reader (POTS), mentions of vomit/vomiting
for my disabled people who sometimes just wanna be taken care of ❤️
It wasn't like you always wanted to feel this way, incompetent and unable to do anything. You felt like a complete burden.
Even Seonghwa felt like he had to stay back with you, instead of going and exploring the city before the concert tonight with the rest of the boys.
You woke up feeling a little nauseous, until it was time to get up and then you had to run to the bathroom, hoping you didn't wake up your sleeping soulmate. He had a long night last night, having a concert and then doing a live with Hongjoong and Wooyoung.
He didn't get into the room until after two am, practically falling into bed beside you and pulling you into his arms.
You closed the door, hoping it would block the sound of you, but it didn't. You could feel the hand rubbing at your back as he holds your hair back with his other hand.
"Go away Hwa. I don't want you to see this." You cried out, frustrated with yourself and your body, thoughts moving back to why you couldn't have a normal body.
"Baby, why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well? Is that why you went to bed early?" He asked, trying to figure out if you were in a flare up or just sick, or both.
He hated seeing you like this, and always tried to do his best to help you prevent flare ups, but sometimes you couldn't prevent one. Noe even with all the preparation in the world.
"Please Hwa." You are practically sobbing now, but you had managed to stop throwing up.
Seonghwa moved you so you were lying against his chest, a warm wash cloth already in hand as he then helped clean you up and wipe away the sweat that accumulated on your forehead and brow.
It had taken a little while, and the ignoring of your pleading, to get you back into bed and curled up against his side. He had already messaged the boys about your condition and that he would be staying back with you.
You hated that your body decided that now was the time to attack itself, a flare up of your disability leaving your heart rate unable to lower and your blood pooling making you nauseous and unable to lay still.
"Alright, my love. I have your salty snacks, and your drink. How about we put a movie on, hmm?" Seonghwa looks down at you after pulling you back into his side as he gets back into the large, comfy hotel bed.
"Please Seonghwa, I can take care of myself. You've always wanted to explore this city. it's okay, I promise." You try to tell him, but he doesn't hear it.
"That's the thing, my love. You don't have to take care of yourself. Not anymore. Not when you have me." He squeezes your shoulder and places a soft, loving kiss to your temple before moving to grab the remote and look for a movie for the too of you to watch.
You both turn to the door, hearing voices and a small screech before the door opens, Wooyoung falling in with Yunho holding the door key and the rest of the boys peering inside.
"Guys? What's going on?" Seonghwa asks the boys, mainly looking towards Hongjoong who just looked at you both sheepishly.
"Well, we heard you weren't feeling well and wanted to cheer you up." Hongjoon responded, holding up a bouquet of your favorite flowers, already in a cute vase.
That's when you both noticed the rest of the boys were all holding different items or bags, with the legos in Jongho's grasp catching your eye.
You couldn't help the tears that threatened to fall from your waterline, seeing how much the boys cared for you.
You tried to sit up so you could get out of bed only for San to move forward, propping up the pillows behind you and preventing you from leaving the bed.
"No, it's okay! We'll just sit with you!" San grinned at you, making a small smile grow on your own lips. He sat down and put his bag on the bed, opening it to reveal your favorite takeout. You didn't even know they had it in this city.
"See, baby. You don't have to take care of yourself. We will do it."
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hongjoongspoetry · 14 days ago
A Second to Forever | Park Seonghwa
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🍄 Summary: The countdown on your wrist was getting closer to its end and the jitters of finally meeting your soulmate were rendering you an anxious mess. It was a moment you had waited for your entire life — the chance to put a face and name to the person you were destined to meet — and it made you think of different ways to escape fate. After a series of comedic events where everything that could go wrong, did, you met your soulmate. In that instant, everything changed. The encounter was filled with sparks of attraction, warmth and genuine connection, leading to a tender first interaction that left you both feeling enchanted.
🍄 Pairing(s): Fairy!Seonghwa x Fairy!Reader, brief Fairy!Yeosang x Werewolf!Jongho
🍄 Genres/Tropes: Soulmate AU, non-idol AU, fantasy AU, fluff, humour
🍄 Warnings/Tags: female reader, no use of (Y/N), use of magic, water manipulation, flower manipulation, Wooyoung is a mood, petnames (bubbles, little one, jjong, love, darling), smooth talker!Hwa, flustered!MC, Seonghwa has some insecurities, brief mention of kidnapping and murder (literally just mentioned once in conversation), kissing and cuteness overload
🍄 Wordcount: 7.1K
🍄 Author's Note: Click the image for a better resolution (Tumblr I hate you). Happy Friday everyone!!! I don't have a lot to say, except for enjoy hehehe. It was quite fun to write this one. I've never really done a fantasy/fairy au before so it was certainly a fun challenge! The fairies are sometimes referred to as little one / little fairy, not because of their physical appearance but because fairies are described as 'tiny' in tales even though they are human sized here!
This is all fiction and not meant to represent the idols involved in any way or form. This work is rated SFW, however it contains mature scenes, not sexual content but moments of intimacy. Minors, please, read at your own risk and refrain from interacting or following my blog!!!
AO3 Masterpost Moodboard Event taglist
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The beautiful pink petals of the cherry blossom trees littered the streets of Seoul. The flowers could be found in every corner and in every crevice, covering the ground in a pink blanket, much like the thick layer of snow in the winter season. Peering out of the window of Yeosang’s flower shop, you wonder about the story behind each passerby. A trio of young witches dressed in high school uniforms walked by with their arms looped and joyous laughs tumbling out of their mouths. A tall man triple checked his wristwatch, hair gelled back and one sharp tooth peeking out. The stress was evident on his pale face and your eyes flashed down to the fat blue ring resting atop his middle finger. The bright complexion and fang was a giveaway, yet the piece of jewelry confirmed your thoughts.
The vampire narrowly avoided colliding with another man nearly half of his height that appeared out of nowhere. You glanced down and noticed the lack of feet on the new person. Ghosts weren’t usually seen out in the open during daytime as the sun made them nearly impossible to see. The bright rays pierced through their translucent forms and turned them invisible to those who weren’t aware of their surroundings. It was good you could walk through them, a bit disrespectful, but at least they weren’t involved in a lot of traffic accidents.
As if on cue, a loud crash erupted behind you, and you were quick to turn around. The owner of the shop, the most beautiful garden fairy you had ever laid eyes on, stood with his legs in a wide stance and hands open, as if holding an invisible box. His eyes were trained on the mess of porcelain shards, a dozen red roses and a pool of water decorating the wooden flooring. The pair of see-through wings with a dash of green in them flickered fiercely, a sign of annoyance that he refused to express on his gorgeous face. Your own wings, thin and blue, fluttered as a smile overtook your features. 
“You alright, Sang?”
“Mhm,” he hummed and crouched down to pick up the aftermath of his ditziness. “It’s the fourth vase this month…”
You grabbed the broom and dustpan from the corner while Yeosang separated the roses from the remains that couldn’t be reused. Before you got to sweeping, you placed your hand right above the puddle and wiggled your fingers. The water slowly separated from the floor and hovered in the air, taking on an oblong shape that bent at your will. You guided the water to the drain with a flick of your wrist and the only proof of there ever being an accident were the broken shards. Yeosang shot you a grateful look and you handed him the floor scoop in return as you gently swept the bits into the dustpan.
“You can’t blame yourself for the first two times, remember? It isn’t your fault the customer’s service dog accidentally knocked stuff down with his tail and it definitely isn’t your fault that some parents bring their kids in and have no control of the devil spawns playing tag in a flower shop!”
“You’re right.”
“Of course I am!” 
Yeosang ignored your cheery outburst and threw the collected pieces in the trash can behind the register. Overwhelmed by being in the center of attention, even if it was only him and you there, he reflected the light on you.
“How much time is there left?”
You slid your forearms across the counter with your palms facing the ceiling. The digital timer that was injected into your wrist seconds after you entered the world was currently showing 01:10:20 with the last numbers frequently changing. Seventy minutes. A little more than an hour left until you’d come face to face with your other half. The thought sent a pleasant spark down your spine and along the thin veins of your wings. Many nights were spent staying awake and wondering who they were and the times you managed to succumb to sleep, you were visited by the image of your soulmate, but the face was always hidden behind a blurry shield.
Just a little while longer and you’d be able to trace the outline of their features. Then there was the curiosity whether they were a fairy like you or another creature. It wasn’t unheard of or impossible to be paired with something other than your own kind. You knew fairies whose soulmates were everything from witches to werewolves, however your soulmate was yet to show themselves. 
“That’s soon,” he replied, a dash of excitement lingering in his voice and a joyous glint twinkling in his eyes. 
“Right… I don’t know whether it’s too soon or not soon enough.” You buried your face in the safety of your palms. “Oh, Yeosang, what am I going to do? It feels like my heart is going to burst out of my chest!”
A fresh and slightly musky aroma with a hint of fruity sweetness surrounded you, blossoming a comforting and warm feeling in your chest. The flower shop was filled with a variety of different scents, but this one stood out, as if the plant was right beneath your nose. A barely-there touch grazed the slightly exposed part of your cheek, right beside your ear, and you slowly raised your head only to be met with the lovely sight of a large jasmine bush protruding between the planks. Jasmines were known for their calming effect and you could practically feel the tension melting off your shoulders, back and jaw. 
“Thank you, Sangie.”
“Anytime, bubbles. Now, I can see the cogs turning in your head. Go ahead and ask away.”
“What… How was it when you met Jongho?”
The garden fairy paused for a second and thought over his answer. For someone who had already met his soulmate, it was hard to put the experience into words. How was Yeosang supposed to explain the unfathomable feeling of the air shifting the moment he locked eyes with his soulmate?
“I don’t know how to explain it, but believe me when I say that all of my worries disappeared when I met Jongho. Nothing in the world mattered anymore. I could literally be on the brink of death and I wouldn’t even care because, well, he was there.” A blush the same hue of his heart-shaped birthmark rose to his cheeks and spread to the tips of his ears. 
Yeosang and Jongho met in their first year of university, if you recalled correctly. That would be a mere five years ago. Yeosang was running late for his exam and was in such distress, he forgot about the countdown on his wrist. His thoughts were everywhere and nowhere. It would be a miracle if the fairy even remembered half of the material he revised in time for the evaluation. Yeosang quickly regretted his choice of taking the elevator instead of sprinting up the five flights of stairs. He didn’t even think of using his wings!
There were just a few more minutes until the doors would close, so when the elevator dinged and the doors just started parting, Yeosang slipped through the crack and collided with a sturdy chest. Everything he was holding — keys, pencil case, water bottle, notepad  — fell to the ground along with an apology slipping out of his lips. The words didn’t get very far as Yeosang looked up and found the warmest pair of eyes staring right back at him. Yes, he missed the exam.
You sighed at the dreamy look on his face. “You’re just saying that because you love Jongho’s eyes.”
“Do not!” His glow intensified and took on the shade of the red roses behind him, a stark contrast to his green and black highlights. Yeosang eventually yielded as you raised your brows and tilted your head sideways. “Okay, I do love him, but it’s not because of his eyes!”
Joy stretched your lips into a genuine smile. You were happy for him. It was about time someone other than you brought the fairy out of his shell and Jongho, from the brief encounters you had with the werewolf, was just the man for the job. Your friendship with Yeosang blossomed in elementary school. The class consisted mostly of vampires, witches and werewolves, and hadn’t it been for you and Yeosang, the homeroom would’ve been vacant of fairies. The one thing you had in common — being of the same species — was the magnetic pull that brought you together — the garden fairy who wore his heart on his sleeve and the water fairy who, despite having a smile warm enough to melt blocks of ice, didn’t think twice before standing up for others. In other words, by drenching the pupils for making fun of the sweetest boy in class.
Though one was a garden fairy and the other a water fairy, your differences went beyond your magical abilities. Yeosang was quiet and you were loud. He liked to observe while you wanted to participate. The apples of his cheeks set ablaze at the merest crumb of attention while you didn’t shy away from the spotlight. Your differences didn’t hinder you from being friends, on the contrary actually. The different traits were perhaps the reason why you stayed friends for so long. 
Having an unpredictable mind that changed course like the unruly waters of the sea, you couldn’t help but let your thoughts run down an unstoppable stream. If the universe paired Yeosang with someone that was an anchor — grounding and strong, giving him the opportunity to lean on his soulmate whenever — what would it give you? Would your soulmate be a vampire, cold and quiet, to balance your loud and bubbly personality? Or what if they were a controlling werewolf, an alpha ordering you around, trying to drown out your outgoing persona? But your soulmate wouldn’t hurt you, right?
The silence on your part alerted Yeosang and he was quick to notice your distant gaze. He slowly waved his hand in front of you, the motion eventually getting more frantic the longer your eyes stayed stuck on the same object, until you broke out of the bubble separating you from the rest of the world.
“Are you okay?”
“Just peachy,” you replied without missing a beat and glanced down at your wrist. 
Your eyes widened. The time was suddenly moving so fast. All those years of you wailing and complaining about there being an eternity until you’d meet your soulmate were taunting you now. 
“What if I lock myself in the guest bathroom of the flower shop?”
“It’s impossible to defy the universe.”
“What will they do? Break the bathroom door?”
Yeosang paused for a moment and gave you a skeptic glance. “Maybe you forget to lock the door.”
"Impossible,” you countered and kept your eyes on the countdown. “I always check twice.”
“Maybe the lock breaks because you pull on the handle when checking.”
It was your turn to take a breath. He had a point and you hated it when he was onto something. “Okay, what if I hide in a river in a bubble of water?”
“Congrats, your soulmate is a merman or mermaid.”
“What if I take a trip to Jongho’s pack?”
The sudden call of your name snapped your eyes up to Yeosang’s. “Do you not want to meet your soulmate? Because you’re really acting like it…”
“It’s not that I don’t wanna meet them. I’m just… scared…”
There was no point in feeling embarrassed of your admission. Everyone you asked who had already met their soulmate told you the same story. How they were nervous, scared and excited about finding out who their other half was. You thought they were stupid at first. Who would be scared of meeting their soulmate? Now you felt stupid for secretly invalidating others’ feelings. 
“There’s no reason to be afraid, bubbles. The person you’re destined to meet isn’t just created on a whim. A piece of your soul is taken to put in theirs and vice versa, whoever it is, you’re created to fit each other.”
“No buts. You can’t cheat fate…” A quiet blanket settled over the almost empty flower shop. “Take a stroll and try to think of something else. Here.” 
A vine covered in different sized leaves emerged from the ceiling at a single twitch of his fingers. Yeosang held his hand out and a leaf the length of your forearm fell off the branch right in his palm. He grabbed each end of the blade and beckoned you to hold out your wrist. The leaf was neatly tied around your timer, successfully covering the changing numbers.
“Now you can’t look at the timer and won’t worry about where you are or who you’re around.”
One corner of your mouth curved up in a gracious smile. “Thank you, flower.”
“I gotchu, now fly away and don’t come back unless you wanna show me your love for all eternity.”
With a new found confidence and a leaf on your wrist, you big Yeosang goodbye and left the flower shop per order. You didn’t know where to go. Any location you thought of was either too fancy or not fancy enough to meet your soulmate in. The idea to wait outside your front porch wasn’t too bad. If they turned out to be a complete weirdo you could just run and hide. The downside would be that they would know where you lived. Not wanting to waste anymore time, you decided to just walk in a straight line and let the path guide you to the person destiny chose for you. 
It was a beautiful day. There wasn’t a single cloud in the blue sky, and the sun could freely share its warm rays with the planet. People made the most of the sunny weather and spent the day outdoors. Some took longer walks with their dogs, while others decided to enjoy the clear sky in the outdoor seating areas of coffee shops. As you passed a park, you caught sight of students in high school uniforms with blankets strewn beneath them and books lying open on their laps. The bright weather sent everyone in a good mood and you just hoped the atmosphere wouldn’t change when your timer ran out. Getting sidetracked was easier than you thought. A little further up ahead the road was a fairly new shop which had just opened a few months ago. You did visit it a handful of times to your mother’s requests of buying different ingredients for her and just like then, her gentle voice echoes in your head reminding you to stop by Jung’s Magic Shop on your way home for a bottle of moon petal essence. 
The bell above the door jingled at your entry. A surge of intensity hit your nose the moment you stepped over the threshold that you thought blood would ooze out of your nostrils. One word to describe the store would be chaos. The space was the size of a shoe box and crowded due to the many unopened boxes, random piles of books that couldn’t fit in the bookshelves and random trinkets laying around. At first glance, the shop appeared to be empty, but as you reached the register and tapped the small bell with the sign ‘tap me’ attached to it, a man of short stature emerged from a cloud of smoke.
“Hello little fairy,” he greeted and leaned his elbow on the counter while resting his chin on his palm. “What can I help you with this fine evening?”
Jung Wooyoung, the youngest wizard of his family line, was most known for being the new addition in town and almost setting the whole building on fire on his first night there. He was a handsome wizard. Black hair that fell neatly over his nape and tickled the beginning of his shoulders. His equally dark eyes were obscured by a heart-shaped fringe. It was nearly impossible not to squirm beneath his gaze, but the tension would disappear with a quick flash of his bright smile. The most alluring feature of his face would be the mole right beneath his right eye, and if the viewer was extra observant, they would notice a subtle beauty mark on the center of his bottom lip. 
“Hey Woo, do you perhaps have some of that moon petal essence?”
“Hmmmmm, I think they are all reserved for other customers.” The hopeful light faded from your eyes and he was quick to take back his words, lowering his tone and whispering behind his hand as if the place was bustling with customers. “But… I can just tell Mrs. Yang, I dropped her bottle.”
“Thank you.”
“No worries, little fairy. Take it as a gift for being my favorite customer.” His eyes jumped down to your wrist and a wrinkle appeared between the skin of his furrowed brows. “What’s wrong with your wrist?”
“Oh, this?” You raised your hand and gave him a better view of the leaf. “It’s nothing, I’m supposed to meet my soulmate soon and I couldn’t stop worrying, so Yeosang tied it to keep me from worrying.”
Wooyoung hummed as his hand reached out to play with the knot of the blade. “Yeosang is that little flower fairy, huh?” He dreamily sighed. “He is beautiful.”
“And happily taken by his soulmate,” you stated matter-of-factly.
“Oh, don’t remind me! Can’t a mind fantasize in peace?” Agile as a fox, he changed the course of the conversation, seemingly no longer interested in the ‘little flower fairy’ and his boyfriend. “Well how much time is there left until you meet the lucky one?”
“It showed less than an hour back at Yeosang’s shop.”
“And you walked all the way over here?” You nodded, a bit clueless at the sudden question. “That’s a thirty minute walk, little one and that’s if you walk at a brisk pace.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I think you need to get out of here unless you want to find the love of your life in this chaos.”
Your eyes widened and you quickly ushered him to get your moon petal essence. 
“Jeez, woman. I’m going!”
As soon as Wooyoung handed you the essence trapped in a bottle the size of your pinky, you slipped it over your head and let it dangle around your neck, and dashed back out into the busy street. The door nearly hit you on the way out and you could’ve sworn you heard a cackle come from the inside, definitely Wooyoung pulling some strings to mess with you. A harsh gust of wind  swooshed around the many bodies and you threw your hand up to shield your eyes from the flying dust and dirt. What you didn’t expect though was for your leaf to come undone and travel through the air.
“Oh no!” You gasped and quickly ran after it.
As if sensing your chasing figure, the wind picked up and pushed the leaf further away. Like a game of cat and mouse, the blade would land on the ground and then jump a few paces whenever you’d get too close. It was taunting you and that alone made you more determined to capture it again. The thought of Wooyoung casting a spell on it back in his shop didn’t sound too unbelievable. The more time you spent with the wizard, the more of his foxy personality broke through his innocent act. 
“Come back here,” you hissed and chased the lively leaf while successfully avoiding collision with the other pedestrians. A brilliant idea flashed before your eyes and everyone watched in awe as your blue wings fluttered to life, and lifted your figure off the ground.
The leaf brushed off your command and continued its path further and further away from you. There was actually no point in retrieving it, but you realized you felt much better not having to look at your timer than when it was visible for everyone to see. Even now, as you were losing your mind trying to get it back, you didn’t think to glance down at your wrist. Entirely occupied by the stupid part of a random plant Yeosang summoned, you didn’t realize your timer was rapidly coming to an end. Your wings flapped rapidly, propelling you forward. Victory filled your veins as you inched closer and closer to the blade. The harsh wind stilled and the leaf fell limp on the ground just as you touched down with the soles of your feet. You ran the last stretch with your arm extended and fingers spread, ready to capture the green piece. A noise of triumph escaped your mouth as you grabbed the end of the blade.
“I got you!” 
What you didn’t expect was for the leaf to be pinched between a thumb and forefinger, twice the size of yours, at the other end. You traced the path up the stranger’s arm and gazed into the most beautiful pair of brown eyes you could ever imagine — round and wide, akin to a surprised bunny. A bubble you weren’t aware of burst in your ears and all of your thousands thoughts stored in various chests scattered in the vast space of your mind were reduced to nothing. Your breath was trapped in your throat, yet you didn’t feel the need for air as long as you kept staring at the stranger. A soft breeze — nothing like before — brushed against your bodies and a rain of cherry blossoms followed. The petals landed in the stranger’s hair and blended with his baby pink strands. The man was breathtakingly beautiful and your heart squeezed in content of being the center of his attention. 
“Hey,” he said and your insides nearly collapsed from the combination of his slight rasp and soft-spoken tone. His raspberry-colored lips curled upward and dethroned the sun as the warmest source of light in the galaxy. The fairy who couldn’t go a day without speaking was for once at a loss for words. 
“Hi,” you squeaked out and hastily rose to your feet, letting go of the oh-so-important leaf.
The man chuckled and followed your lead. His long legs were trapped in a pair of khaki pants and the pine-colored vest was buttoned up, showcasing his sunkissed arms and collarbones, and even a sliver of his belly button adorned by a trail of bright pink hairs. A brown string was tied around his neck, with just enough space for a pinky to slip between his skin and the material, and the ends disappeared beneath his shirt. That wasn’t the only accessory on his beautiful body — a light watch, in the same hue as the necklace, sat snuggly around his left wrist. A pair of beige boots fit his outfit perfectly and perhaps even made him an inch or two taller.
The attire was very comforting as it reminded you of your relatives and the few fairy friends you had. It wasn’t something people wore around these parts as most residents weren’t of fairy descent and stuck to the more modern-day clothes. Before you could spiral into what-ifs, a motion behind him caught your attention and as you threw a glance over his shoulder, the prettiest pair of wings in fairy history came into view. They were much brighter than his hair and glowed with iridescence, shifting from shades of lavender to bubblegum pink beneath the sunlight. But that wasn’t all. A shimmering gold ran through the venations, starting thick and then thinning out as they neared the edge of his wings. The stranger belonged in a bedtime story based solely on his appearance, a tale deserving to be shared with the world.
“I’m Seonghwa.” 
He tucked the leaf behind his ear and held out his hand, patiently waiting for you to reciprocate. The moment your palm touched his, he ran his thumb over your knuckles and gave it a soft shake. Gentle ripples erupted along the surface of the skin he touched and it brought a sense of serenity you only felt while being in a pool of water. Seonghwa gently and slowly turned your hand sideways, as if waiting for any attempts of resisting, but continued when you didn’t fight him on it. Multiple zeros glared up at him and a smile, broader than the one before, spread across his cheeks. 
“And do tell, is my soulmate’s name as beautiful as her face?”
An embarrassing noise was born as the question struck you like a golden arrow launched from Cupid himself and lodged itself in the center of your heart. To make matters worse, Seonghwa pulled your hand up to his face and planted a chaste, but lingering kiss on your ring finger. If Yeosang knew that a mere kiss and some sugar coated words would leave your brain fried, he would’ve done it a long time ago. Through the haze of pink hearts and desire, you managed to give up your name, but not without stumbling over your tongue a few times first.
“I love being right,” he admitted and you were a second away from fainting in the arms of your soulmate.
“I–I, yo–you– I–I mean, what!?”
Seonghwa chuckled, clearly amused and endeared with your flustered behaviour. “You have a pretty name.”
“Your face is pretty!”
You didn’t mean for the compliment to slip out after not even five minutes of meeting your soulmate, but you were drunk on him and everyone knew a drunk mind spoke a sober truth. Nonetheless, you slapped your hand over your mouth as if it would take the confession back and erase his memory. Little did you know that Seonghwa had already stored it in a folder named ‘prettiest flower’ somewhere in the far back of his head with the intent to reminisce about the sacred first meeting every once in a while. 
“Thank you, darling.”
A few people had gathered around you to witness the life changing moment of two strangers, but neither paid them any thought. Seonghwa scratched the back of his neck with his left hand — the other one still holding yours — and cleared his throat, slightly feeling the pressure of multiple eyes on him. 
“Do you wanna get out of here?” 
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There was no step by step manual telling you what to do after meeting your soulmate. You wished though. Something like Soulmate 101 or The Soulmate Startup, it would certainly help you in times like these — you and Seonghwa sitting on a random park bench, a vacant seat between you and the March wind doing all the talking. The scenery was pretty though. An oblong pond stretched from one end of the park to the other as a long trail went around it. Years ago, probably an elderly garden fairy, planted a bunch of various trees along the path that had now grown into beautiful timbers of various sizes. You weren’t that skilled in flora, it was Yeosang’s specialty, but you managed to snag up a thing or two from the decade long friendship. 
There was an array of oak, maple and pine trees that would look nothing short of magical during the harvest season, but it didn’t mean the different hues of green were any less pretty. The growing leaves just needed to emerge from their buds and the park would look lively again. The few cherry blossom trees were at least in full bloom and distracted the visitors from the otherwise naked park, and a couple of evergreen shrubs were blooming nicely. The few ducks and swans were a cute bonus too. You thought back to Yeosang and Jongho’s story. How the younger immediately introduced Yeosang to his family, to his pack, and they welcomed him with open arms or how the garden fairy wasted no time taking Jongho to his family owned — now, entirely written over on Yeosang’s name as both Mr. and Mrs. Kang retired — business.  
“So… what kind of fairy are you?” Seonghwa’s voice snapped you back to the present. 
Most people usually guessed what abilities you had based on the color of your wings. Blue could only represent so much and the element that was always tied to it was water. Either Seonghwa was really clueless or wanted to spark up a conversation… You had a feeling it was the latter.
“I’m a water fairy,” you replied and crossed your legs over each other, subconsciously leaning closer into Seonghwa who sat with his arm draped over the back of the bench. The heat emitting from his limb grazing your shoulders and neck. “But that’s obvious because of my wings… Your wings are beautiful though and like, I’ve never seen wings in that color before and I’m trying to understand what fairy you are, but it’s so hard!”
By that point, you were already rambling. The words trickled out of your mouth like a waterfall with no end in sight, but Seonghwa didn’t mind. On the contrary, he bashfully smiled, as if you had told him the stars belonged in his eyes — which wasn’t far from the truth. People, more often than not, praised him for his wings, calling them beautiful, breathtaking, magnificent — every flattering word you could think of. Seonghwa thought he had grown immune to the compliments. However, hearing it from you sent a heat to his cheeks challenging the pink peonies in Yeosang’s shop.
“Thank you…” He meekly replied and lowered his voice down to a whisper. “People try to guess, but no one’s gotten it right yet… I’m a garden fairy.”
You felt stupid for not thinking of that, but in your defence, most garden fairies you knew (just Yeosang’s family) had green wings and green or brown hair — the two main colors symbolizing earth and flora. Of course you wouldn’t assume Seonghwa was one too as he radiated the colors of strawberry ice cream and lavender skies. 
“Are you like… royalty?”
Seonghwa couldn’t stop the laughter bubbling out of him and threw a hand over his mouth to keep his volume down so as to not disturb the other visitors. In all his years of living, he had never been mistaken for royalty. His cute pink blush intensified and was identical to the vibrant camellias on his left. 
“N–No!” He said between the laughter and waved his other hand. “It’s not common, but fairies with parents who have different abilities can be born with… abnormal wings. My mom is a garden fairy and my dad a fire fairy.”
“Wow, that’s cool. I didn’t know that at all.”
“Not many do. I mean, I have yet to meet another fairy with a not-so-normal pair of wings.”
You chuckled. “If that’s why you came here, then you’ll be disappointed.”
“How come?”
“There’s only one other fairy family here and they are gardeners too, but not the flashy-kind like you.”
This time he didn’t cosplay a tomato or shy away from your kind advances. Seonghwa leaned in and the distance between you was reduced by half. You gulped at the sudden close proximity and your eyes darted down to his lips curving up in a smirk. 
“I’m not disappointed.”
Snapping out of your trance, you found his eyes again. The round rabbit-like shape taking on that of a siren. “Huh?”
“You said if that’s why I came here then I’m going to be disappointed and well, I’m not. Wanna know why?” 
You didn’t trust your usually loud and bubbly voice to be stable anymore, not when his scent of burned sugar and sunflower fields infiltrated all of your senses. Playing your cards safe, you nodded slowly.
“Because I found something better.”
The question of what lingered in your eyes and while Seonghwa could see the curiosity shimmering in them, he wanted to hear you ask. Perhaps the soulmate connection was stronger than both of you thought because a warm feeling spread through your abdomen, like an instinct telling you when danger was near or when you could feel someone staring at you from afar, and you decided to take a step from your unusually shy exterior. 
Seonghwa’s grin broadened. It wasn’t a matter of what, but of who. His tongue ran over his bottom lip as he leaned even closer to you. The three letter word rested on the gap of his teeth, just gauging your wide eyed expression. In a whisper, far more quiet than the calm ripple of waves or comforting sound of bubbles bursting he answered your question.
“M– Me?”
He hummed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. More obvious than the grass being green and the sky blue. “Yes, you. My pretty water fairy. The prettiest water fairy.”
A rush of heat attacked your face and the urge to look away was almost bigger than the urge to run your fingers through his wavy hair. The looming fear of taking a step too far made you hold back and keep your hands glued to your sides. Seonghwa wasn’t having it though. With trembling hands, he gently hooked his pointer finger beneath your chin and rested his thumb in the center of your chin, the tip grazing your bottom lip,  and directed you back to face him. Fierce bubbles reached the surface of the pond and the ducks quacked in panic at the sudden change in their peaceful environment. 
“Don’t shy away from me, pretty. I’ve been waiting for years to finally meet you and I want to stare at you until I’ve memorized the most discreet feature of your beautiful face.”
“Seonghwa,” you whispered. Your heart was loud in your ears and the hot blood wouldn’t stop rushing to your head. If you were to check your temperature, the thermometer would break from the heat and you’d be rushed to the nearest hospital. Little would they know you weren’t suffering a severe fever, but of love sickness instead.
“May I…” he hesitated as well. The two-hour-long interaction, mostly spent sitting in front of the pond, made you feel as though you had known each other for two decades. 
Sensing his caution, you wrapped your fingers around the wrist attached to your face. You gave him a soft squeeze of encouragement and whispered, “It’s okay.”
Seonghwa cleared his throat. “May I kiss you?”
A pair of soft and plush lips pressed against yours and a tidal wave whirled in your stomach, flipping all of your senses into overdrive. The hand that was originally cupping your chin maneuvered to cradle your cheek as his other hand fell on the cramped space between your and his thighs. Your own fingers reached the sides of his vest to not stray with the pink haze clouding your rational thoughts. It was nice to be taken care of and follow someone else’s lead every once in a while, and Seonghwa proved he could do just that. Eager and wanting more, you pushed against him and Seonghwa took it as a sign to gently swap his tongue against your bottom lip, practically begging to be let in and who were you to deny him entry?  A rich, romantic and soothing fragrance surrounded you as the kiss deepened and your fingers slid up his sides, and gently wrapped around his neck. The need to run them through his hair grew alongside the desire bubbling in your abdomen, but you refused to mess up his neat waves. 
As you parted to relieve your burning lungs, the sight surrounding the bench stole the breath right out of your throat. Multiple thorny stems protruded from the ground and created a curving wall around your bench, leaving a slim opening facing the pond. White, red, yellow and pink petals bloomed through the thousand green leaves shielding you from the outside world. It was magical, something you’d only see in movies or flower gardens where the caretakers would trim and bend the bushes until they fit their vision. You gingerly extended your hand and traced the outline of a pink rose. They were fully grown and unraveled, the kind people would kill to get their hands on for their partners on Valentine’s Day. 
You were so immersed in the flowers to notice Seonghwa shrinking into himself. Shoulders hunched up to his chin, fingers fiddling in his lap and bottom lip caught between his teeth. The powers of a fairy were both a blessing and a curse for different reasons. Garden fairies could manipulate greenery to create art deserving of a place in the Louvre. Until they were fully in control of those powers, their emotions dictated their actions, often leading to chaos like a cocoon of roses mirroring Seonghwa’s warm heart.
“Did you do this?”
Seonghwa was snapped out of his embarrassed trance and sheepishly smiled. His hand came up to rub the back of his neck despite not feeling an itch and then wiped it obnoxiously off his thigh. There was no point in hiding the truth. A bush didn’t just sprout overnight let alone in a matter of seconds, at least not without the help of a fairy. Seonghwa was still reluctant to admit the truth. What person would want to hear about their soulmate becoming overwhelmed by emotions to the point where they lose the reins of their powers? There was nothing attractive or admirable about that. Not at Seonghwa’s grown age! 
As much as he wanted to play it off and play stupid. Answering with a simple shrug of his shoulders and feigning a look of surprise. Seonghwa was a worse liar than someone who couldn’t control their powers, the truth spilling out from him despite his best efforts. “...Maybe?”
The garden fairy had yet to gauge your reaction. He wished to spare the flustered image of you in his mind for just a little while longer before ruining it forever with the expected disappointment souring your features. 
“Red for love and passion…” Your voice rang out like a wind chime and Seonghwa  slowly looked up at you who had your eyes set on the beautiful flowers. “Yellow for warmth and friendship. Pink for joy and appreciation, and white for new beginnings.”
“You know the meaning behind them,” Seonghwa whispered in awe. 
A soft smile spread across your face. “It would be embarrassing if I didn’t considering my best friend is a garden fairy.”
There was a mutual understanding not to prance over the obvious mishap and Seonghwa released a blow of relief as you didn’t laugh at him and the slip of control over his abilities. The silence returned with a comforting undertone, soft and steady, allowing space for peace to settle in. Neither you nor Seonghwa tensed or fidgeted at the lack of conversation and simply basked in each other’s presence. The fear and sheer anxiety of meeting your soulmate was for nothing as Seonghwa proved to be more tender than a flower. The flame burning inside of you flickered brighter with each gentle word he spoke and you hoped, with every ounce of your being, that he felt the same, that he too was drawn to this connection as deeply as you were. 
“The flowers are for you.” Seonghwa was the first to interrupt the silence. Perhaps the soulmate connection ran deeper than a simple countdown leading up to the moment you met.
“The roses. They are for you. It’s what I felt– What I feel when I’m with you.”
He let out a sound something between a huff and chuckle at your sudden rigid position while you begged for your face to cool off.
“Would it be wrong of me to assume you feel the same?”
“Not at all.” You bit the inside of your lip and tapped your fingers along your thigh. “Would it be wrong of me to say I really like you?”
Seonghwa held your gaze. The warmth of his smile seeping into your bones and spreading throughout your already heated body. He gently dropped his hand on the wooden surface with the palm facing the clear sky. Cautious yet daring, your finger extended from your remaining fingers as if testing the waters. It grazed the soft skin of his palm and it was the brief contact you needed to slide your hand in his, fingers intertwining and giving each other comforting squeezes.
“Not at all,” he breathed out, his thumb running along the side of yours.
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“No, Jongho, you don’t understand. I told her I didn’t want to see her if she wasn't coming back with her soulmate. It’s been hours since then! What if she’s been kidnapped? Or murdered? Or sold overseas?!”
In the time you were enjoying the company of your newfound soulmate — showing Seonghwa the town where bits and pieces of your childhood were sprinkled in the streets, coffee shops, book shops, restaurants, playgrounds — Yeosang was slowly losing his mind in the safety of his flower shop, prancing back and forth as his mind theorized a hundred different ways harm could come your way. Jongho helplessly watched his soulmate get his daily steps in. The werewolf, despite being younger than the fairy, was quite calm about the whole ordeal. It was more likely that your phone had died than for your soulmate to kidnap and take you to another country in a span of three hours. 
“Yeosang, love, I need you to calm down–”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, Jongho!”
The werewolf threw his hands up in surrender. It wasn’t everyday the calm and collected garden fairy who followed strangers home to see their puppies and kittens lashed out on others, especially not his own soulmate. 
“Whoa, can we go back to using our inner voices, please?”
That seemed to snap Yeosang out of his frustrated stupor. He sighed and ran a hand through his multicolored hair. “Sorry, Jjong. I’m just worried for her.”
“I get that, but working yourself up over nothing won’t help. I mean, you haven’t even tried calling her…”
“That’s because I don’t want to interrupt if everything’s going alright! That would just be embarrassing for us both!”
As Jongho parted his lips to reassure his boyfriend that there was nothing embarrassing about checking on his best friend to see if she was alive, the door of the flower shop opened. The person Yeosang had been prematurely growing gray hairs over waltzed in with a bright smile on her face and a handsome man in tow. Yeosang’s jaw went slack and Jongho leaned back in shock, certainly not expecting you to heed Yeosang’s threat and bring your soulmate to his very shop. 
You cleared your throat, “Yeosang, Jongho. This is Seonghwa, my soulmate. Seonghwa, this is my best friend Yeosang and his soulmate Jongho.”
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© HONGJOONGSPOETRY 2025. All rights reserved. Copying, editing, reposting or translating my work is not allowed.
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mxnsxngie · 2 years ago
Meant For Me (P.S): Chapter 9
Warnings: little bit of language, SMUT, oral (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, biting and marking, choking, breeding kink
⚠️Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
Word Count: 3166
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The conversation between you and Seonghwa the whole drive back to your place flowed as easy as ever, filled with easy conversation, plenty of laughs, and just as many stolen glances at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking. Before you knew it, he had pulled up to your place and came rushing around to help you out of the car.
He smiled down at you as he offered his hand for you to take to help yourself out.
“Thank you” you say as you smile up at him with a slight blush.
“You’re welcome” he says, shutting the door and adjusting your hands so he’s holding yours in his own. “Lead the way?” He says, looking at you.
“Follow me” you say as you lead him by the hand up to your apartment. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you climb the stairs to your door and you open it, the both of you going in. You turn on the lights and set your purse down as he takes his shoes off before looking around a little.
“Your place is really nice” he says as he glances at the art on your walls while walking to where you’re standing in the living room. He smiles as he takes you in his arms, just holding you as he looks at you, that same adoring look in his eyes.
“Thank you, I put a lot of work into it” you whisper as you look at him. “I guess we should talk about things, huh?” You ask shyly.
“We probably should. You know I want to be with you, but we should probably talk about it more, since our friends seem to know more about how we feel for each other than we do” he chuckles as he plays with your hair.
“That’s true” you laugh as you take his hand, leading him to the couch to sit with you so you can talk. “So I take it by how things at dinner went that you likely feel the same way I do” you smile as you let him hold your hand, his thumb rubbing over it as you talk.
“I’d say that’s a safe bet” he says with a smile. “But no, in all seriousness, I meant what I said at the restaurant. Take soulmates out of the equation. I want to be with you, I want to be yours. There’s just something about you. Whenever I’m around you, I just feel like I’m home. I’m at peace, and comfortable, you feel like home. And when I’m not with you, I can’t stop thinking about being with you. I know it sounds weird, and I can’t explain it really. It’s like, I don’t know? Like-”
“Like you were meant for me” you interrupt, knowing exactly how he felt, how you felt.
“Yes! Like you were meant for me” he says, a look of calm washing over his face as he realizes you get what he means and he’s not making a fool of himself.
“I get it, I feel the same way. And when we almost kissed those couple of times, it was like I was burning up the closer you got, and I loved it” you whisper, slightly shy at your admission.
“You felt it too?” He asks in surprise.
“I did” you nod, smiling now that you know you weren’t the only one who felt it.
“Maybe our friends were right” he mutters as he looks deep in thought.
“Right about what?” You ask in confusion.
“I want to test a theory, but before I do, now that we’ve talked” he pauses, taking your hand. Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks, a little bit of a pleading look in his eyes as he looks at you, waiting for your response.
“Of course I will” you smile widely as you squeeze his hand before rubbing your thumb over his hand. “Now what’s this about a theory?” You ask, confused at what he was thinking your friends may have been right about.
“I just want to try something, do you trust me?” He asks as he leans closer to you, his eyes flicking down to your lips and struggling to look back to your eye.
“Of course I do” you whisper as he continues to lean closer, your body feeling warmer and warmer the closer he gets, just like both times before.
“Good, because I’ve been dying to do this” he whispers, a centimeter from your lips, before leaning in and capturing your lips in his, his hand cradling the side of your head and back of your neck as he does.
The second your lips connect, the warmth you’d been feeling explodes under your skin, consuming you from head to toe before fading into tingles across your whole body. You moan into the kiss at the feeling before pulling back just enough to speak, still keeping your lips close.
“Was that?” You whisper in shock,eyes blown wife, realizing what he had been wondering about.
“Yeah, they were right. We’re soulmates” he whispers against your lips and you can feel the smile spread across his lips.
“Thank god it’s you” you say, unable help the giddy giggle that leaves your lips before you’re both diving back into each other.
This kiss is much needier than the last. It’s full of passion and heat and is more intense than any kiss you’ve had before and you’re still tingling everywhere. You’re both putting all of the built up tension and relief of finding your soulmate into the kiss. Your hands are tangled in his hair and his are wrapping around you to pull you onto his lap. You both groan into the kiss as he settles you on his lap. You break away for a second to catch your breath, both your eyes wild and needy, before kissing again.
This time, you can’t hold yourself back, everything about this, about him, feeling more right than anything. Before you can stop yourself, you’re grinding yourself down against him, his grip on your hips tightening at the euphoric feeling as you both moan into the kiss. The feeling of him hardening under you is addicting and all you can do is continue grinding yourself against him, moaning at the feeling of his hands gripping you so hard that you’re sure you’ll have bruises. Nothing had ever felt as right as he does.
You moan into the kiss as he unexpectedly reaches a hand up and tugs at your hair and your mind is clouded with nothing but Seonghwa. You can’t get enough of him, can’t get close enough. You need him. As you grind down against him again, he surprises you and picks you up, breaking the kiss so he can carry you towards your room.
As he's carrying you towards your room, you can't help but lean in to kiss his neck. You start where his neck meets his shoulder, slowly working your kisses up his neck until you hear his breath hitch at one particular spot. You giggle with a smirk before latching back on to the spot that made him weak. You start with light kisses before slowly working up to sucking and nipping to leave a mark, causing him to gasp. You giggle against his neck as you suck at it again, causing him to let out a small moan as you feel your back being pressed against the wall. You pull back to look at him with a gasp. He rests his forehead against yours, panting against your lips.
"You drive me insane in the best way possible" he whispers as he looks at you, his eyes filled with passion and lust for you.
"I've barely even done anything" you say in surprise, breathing just as heavily as he is.
"Everything about you drives me insane, you don't even have to do anything. Look what you've done already" he groans as he grinds his clothed length against you. You let out a surprised moan at the feeling, tugging lightly at his hair.
"Fuck, Seonghwa, I need you, I need you so bad" you moan, your head tipping back against the wall as you grind back against him.
“I got you, don’t worry baby” he groans, kissing you as he pulls you both away from the wall, kicking the door to your bedroom open as he carries you to your bed. Without breaking the kiss, he carefully lays you on your bed, moving to hover over you. He finally pulls back to look at you, panting to catch his breath.
“You look so beautiful princess” he whispers before leaning down to trail kisses along your neck, nipping here and there as he goes until he finds the spot that makes your breath hitch.
“Hwa, please” you whine, your hips bucking up to grind against him, desperate for any friction you can get.
“I’ve got you, gonna make you feel so good kitten” he whispers in your ear before pulling you up to help remove your shirt and bra. He lays you back down and starts kissing down your chest, pausing to nip and mark your breasts as he undoes the button on your pants and helps you out of them and your underwear as he continues kissing down your stomach as if he has all the time in the world. And he does.
You can’t help the whines and sighs escaping your lips as he worships your body, kissing everywhere he can as your hips rut up against him. He pins your hips down with his arm as he moves his body lower, so he can be eye level with your pussy for the first time.
“Fuck, you look so beautiful like this” he mutters against your inner thigh as you feel two of his fingers glide through your folds, gathering wetness along the way before they catch against your clit, pulling a startled moan from your lips.
“You’re so fucking wet. And all for me” he groans as he starts slowly rubbing circles on your clit as his tongue licks through your folds for the first time.
“Fuck, you taste fucking perfect” he groans before diving back in, cause you to let out a loud moan at the contact. He ate you out like a man starved, his tongue fucking in and out of your dripping hole while his fingers on your clit sped up, pulling a constant stream of whines, moans, and cries of his name from your lips. His long tongue reached depths in you that you couldn’t even reach with your fingers, causing your hips to buck against his face.
You were starting to clench around his tongue before long, your hand tugging on his hair as your walls started fluttering and your moans for higher and louder as you tried to warn him of your impending orgasm.
“H-hwa. I’m gonna cum, fuck. Please don’t stop” you cried as the knot was just about to snap in you. He only hastened his efforts, slipping two of his fingers into you as he pulled back so we could watch you.
“Cum for me kitten, all over my tongue” he said before attaching his lips to your clit. With one strong suck, you were falling apart on his fingers in the most earth shattering orgasm you’d ever experienced, tugging tighter on his hair as you moaned his name. He slowly worked you through your orgasm before removing his fingers and licking them clean as he looked down at you. You couldn’t help but stare up at him in awe.
“Fuck you’re good at that” you pant as you catch your breath, watching him smile as he leans down to you.
“Only the best for my girl” he says and you can’t help the butterflies that swarm in your stomach and the fluttering of your heart when you hear him call you that.
“Claim me as yours then” you whisper as you pull him down to you, kissing him with all of the love and passion you could put into it, trying to show him how thankful you were to have him.
He groaned into the kiss before pulling back to quickly strip himself before crawling back over you, grinding his cock against your soaked folds as he reattaches his lips to yours.
You moan into the kiss at the feeling, as you grind yourself against him.
“You’re so big” you whine, trying to find some friction against him.
“I’ll be gentle, don’t worry” he says, kissing your forehead as he starts to line himself up to slide in to you.
“No, don’t be gentle. I’m not made of glass. I want you to ruin me and claim me as yours” you tell him as you look him in the eye. The second the words leave your lips, his eyes darken and a switch flips in him.
“Just remember, you asked for this kitten” he says before sliding into you, causing you to let out an almost pornographic moan at the feeling of his large cock filling you up.
“Fuck, you really were meant for me” you whine as you buck your hips against him, trying to urge him to move.
“So were you, you feel fucking perfect” he says as one of his hands grabs your hips and pins them down against the bed while the other grabs both of yours and pins them above your head as he leans over you. “But you’re going to be good for me now, keep those hips still for me baby” he whispers.
The next thing you know, he’s thrusting into you hard and fast, hitting deeper than you’ve ever felt before. The moans pouring from your lips only spurring him on more as you try your hardest not to fuck yourself back against him like he told you. You want nothing more than to cling to him, to grip his hair and neck, but his hand holding yours down won’t let you and that only turns you on more.
“Perfect, you’re fucking perfect, fuck” he groans against your neck as he bites down, leaving a mark on your collarbone. The bite pulls an unexpected orgasm from you, causing him to groan as he feels you flutter around him, but he doesn’t stop.
“My naughty little kitten, so good for me. Now, let’s give you one more, yeah? I know you can do that for me” he says as his hand that’s holding yours slides down to rest at the base of your neck.
“Is this okay?” He asks as his hand rests there, waiting for your permission.
“Yes, please choke me” you beg him, your eyes pleading. With your new found freedom, your hands are immediately flying to grip to his back to ground you.
“God, you’re going to be the death of me kitten” he says, his hand tightening around your neck just the slightest bit, causing your head to go a little fuzzy.
“Oh you really like that, I can feel you gripping me tighter. My precious kitten. I want to breed you so bad” he says, which prompts one of the loudest moans of the night yet from you, which is impressive considering his hand on your throat, and you to clench down on him hard as you squirm in his grip.
“You like that? You want me to breed you nice and full? Make it so everyone knows you’re mine? Maybe even get you pregnant?” He whispers, removing his hand from your neck so you can breathe and respond to him.
“Yes! Fuck, please! Please breed me sir. Please, want to be nice and full of you, wanna have your kids. Please fill me up, please” you beg through your moans.
“Fuck, how can I say no to that? Whatever my little one wants” he groans, his hands sliding to move your legs to rest on his shoulder as he bends over, quickening his pace.
“Hwa, fuck! I’m so close” You moan, feeling the familiar knot tighter as he’s hitting even deeper inside you than before.
“So am I princess. Gonna fill you nice and full like you want. Cum for me kitten, I’m right behind you” he says as he reaches one hand down to quickly circle your clit to help get you there. It was all you needed before the knot is snapping and you’re falling apart all over again, scratching at his back as your orgasm takes over you.
The feeling of your spasming walls clamping down on him makes him let out the neediest whine as he comes, thrusting sharply into you, rutting all of his cum into you as deep as he can get it, biting your neck as he does, causing you to let out a small moan at the feeling.
The room is filled with heavy breathing as you both try to catch your breath, coming down from the best orgasms you’ve ever had. The wifeys weren’t wrong when they said soulmate sex was on another level. And you finally understood what they meant. You’ve never felt more pleasure in your life, nor as complete as you do now.
You feel Seonghwa slowly place light, gentle kisses where he had been biting down on your shoulder as he slowly comes back to you, causing you to let out a content sigh at the feeling.
“Are you okay? I wasn’t too rough was I?” He sweetly asks as he leans up a little to look at you, moving some of your hair out of your face.
“No, you were perfect. That was amazing. Hands down the best sex I’ve ever had” you say, smiling up at him as you leave a gentle kiss on his lips.
“I’m inclined to agree. And I definitely get why the guys were holed up for days after finding your girls now. That was incredible” he says, looking at you with nothing but adoration.
“I was just thinking the same thing. I already can’t get enough of you” you say, melting under his intense stare.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m far from done with you princess. We just need to catch our breath” he says kissing your forehead as he plays with your hair.
“Can’t wait. Soooo we’re going to explore that breeding kink of ours more, right?” You whisper, immediately feeling him twitch inside of you and begin to harden again at your statement as he groans in your ear.
“You really are going to be the death of me kitten. God I love you” he says with a chuckle.
“I love you too Hwa” you smile. “But is that a yes or?” You say, cutting yourself off with a gasp as he gives you one sharp thrust in warning.
“Oh it’s a yes. But just remember, you asked for this” he says with a smirk on his face and a dark look in his eyes.
This was going to be a long night.
Tag List: @yxngbxkkie @channiechxn @imagine-a-life-like-this @maeleelee @bunnyiix @acrylishly @hobasimp89 @cadenonlinelive @babyboyquokka @l3visbby @kpop-in-new-albion @adoringsof @jisuperboard @zoe8stay @i-love-ateez @thatfavouritesong @okkkcausewhet @bouncyyunho @smally97
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dairyminki · 2 years ago
Inked By Fate Masterlist
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↬ pairing/s: park seonghwa x fem!reader, choi san x fem!reader
↬ genre: soulmate!au, racers!ateez, rivalry, angst, romance, fluff, pining
↬ general warning/s: illegal racing (other specific warnings will be put on each chapter)
In this world, a person is simply not subjected to the concept of being alone or spending their entire lifetime solely by themselves until death welcomes them in its arms. 
For, in this reality, soulmates exist.
As young as they are, the moment a baby is born, a tattoo of the first letter of their soulmate's name is already engraved on their delicate skin. A reminder that later on, once they step out into the cruel world led by fate and destiny - their other half is waiting for them - somewhere out there.
However, once a person turns 18 and they still haven't met or crossed paths with their soulmates yet, they will experience another soulmate mark. These emerging marks will be different for every living soul and will guide them a step closer in searching for their soulmates.
Interfering with the way how fate and destiny plays their cards, is never the best option to take. Therefore, whether they like it or not, it is an unspoken rule that every person must step into the game and enjoy a play of hide and seek, and hope that at the end of the day, they'll finally get to say,
"I found you, my soulmate."
one | two | three | four | five | six | tba...
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