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realmomrevoluton-blog · 8 years ago
NOT another “Mommy Blog!”
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I know what you are thinking; “Not ANOTHER ‘Mommy Blog’ uuugggh!” When a friend suggested writing one I could feel my eyes starting to roll thinking about how flooded the internet already is with all these bossy ass women. After a few weeks, I was constantly irritated by all the crap that was popping up on every social media news feed faster then an annoying jack-in-the box! This $hit has gotten OUT of control!
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 I have come to have a love/hate relationship with technology. It’s great in a lot of ways and convenient AF!  Don’t know if you can feed your baby that burrito you’re eating? (cause baby lead weaning right?!) Wondering if rubbing dirt on their feet builds a better immune system? (cause that article said so right?!- don’t believe me- here). How about, will you mess you kid up more by attachment parenting or letting them cry-it-out? If you have wondered it, there is a mom somewhere who has written a blog about it, tagged numerous ‘experts’ to defend it, and is ready to verbally bitch slap anyone who argues with her p.o.v!
All this limitless streaming we have access to has what we call a “Thanksgiving Dinner” effect. (I know, Thanksgiving is awesome!)  Allow me to explain. Thanksgiving dinner is great! LOTS of food, all different kinds, eating all day long, (that damn 24hr. marathon of ‘A Christmas Story) YUM! RIGHT?!?Look people; this bing-fest is one day a year and that is what makes it great. But, imagine eating like that EVERYDAY…….all of a sudden YUM becomes you and a bottle of Pepto curled up in the fetal potion!
This is exactly what access to all this 'great’ information has become. One giant force-fed 'Thanksgiving Dinner’ of 'DO THIS’ or 'DON’T DO THAT’ life advice.  For a mom, (or anyone with a pulse) this flood of information, advice, or opinion can make an already tough job of raising a tiny human feel like a game where the rules are always changing.
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Not wanting to become another voice in the chorus of ‘I am Woman’ we said NO MORE! We don’t have to pretend since our grandmas fought so hard so we ‘could do it’  that it means you should HAVE to ‘do it all’ , we say:
                                        ‘Nah-ma-stay (in bed)’
It’s exhausting to expect moms to do everything with Martha Stewart perfection while looking like an airbrushed sex kitten, killing it at work, baking gluten/nut/sugar/calorie free cupcakes and choreographing a Beyonce dance for  her daughters school talent show all with the life of the energizer bunny!  (breathe)
We ARE strong, we ARE invincible, and we are also tired AF! And that’s the REAL truth. Yet the message us moms get from the world is you are never quite doing it right and we are here to delete that tired-ass tune from your play list!
Welcome to the Real Mom Revolution! We are not trying to be what is already out there. We offer unapologetic honest, real life space to all the other #RealMom(s) out there. We’re not here to make you feel like the worse mom ever because you don’t/do:                  
                              (fill in the blank of judgy ass shit here).
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This is just a group of moms who are tired of all the crap out there making moms feel like no matter what they do they are going screw up their kid(s), have to give daddy a gold star for changing a diaper, be polite to someone who tells them feeding their child is gross, mom-shamed for choosing your career or choosing to stay home, pressured to look ‘runway ready’ mere minutes after having a human begin pulled out of you, get judged by other moms for anything....this list could go on for dayssssss. No hidden agenda, no parenting method to push on you, no “my kid just walked up to me and slapped me after take a shit on the floor” #blessed (true story btw). Seems like the one thing not happening in all that ‘can do’ attitude is some friggen HONESTY! So that is exactly what you will get here.
You will notice all our blogs are written by ‘Real Mom’- So who the hell is this Real Mom chick anyway? She’s me, she’s YOU, she is your sister, lady you always see at target waiting for the doors to open promptly at 8am, your neighbor, some mom in Tallahassee, NY, Portland, LA,etc. Our writers are not writers, not 'mommy bloggers’, just MOMS.
We’re not here to be mean girls moms, but we’re also not here to keep feeding the bullshit meter either! Like us, hate us, wheves! If you are even slightly entertained or relieved by anything written here then give us the gold star cause that’s winning!
I hope you enjoy what ’s to come, and if you don’t:
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We welcome your honest stories, feedback, and perspective because we are all the experts we need when it comes to being the moms we want to be……..sometimes we just need to turn down all the noise (and the mother fucking Sesame Street!) to hear our own voice.
Wanna Join the Real Mom Revolution and become a #RealMom contributor? Contact us at [email protected] to be featured on MommyTalk! 
Follow Us on Instagram @realmomrevolution cause you’re not a regular mom, you’re a Cool Mom!
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