#parental gojo saturu
Imagine 16 year old Gojo who just got divorced in front of KFC. Now imagine him going to BNHA universe and bringing his brand new children Megumi and Tsukuyomi (who he insists are his blood children how dare you try to deny the bond between him and the children he gave birth to HIMSELF-) with him. Now imagine he needs to enroll them at some elementary school (where we will later find Fyuumi, Todoroki's sister to be a teacher at). I need someone to help him with parenting and signging up the children for school and stuff. Like maybe another mother or older sibling. I am considering Inko, Bakugo's mom & dad (actually they should be neighbours it'll be so funny the family offers to babysit and Gojo crashes over after his own classes and eats all their sweets and Bakugo will scream at him to brush his fucking teeth. The beef between Bakugo and Megumi will make Gojo's day and he won't realize he's part of the beef as well.), and funnily enouh, Dabi
Kurogiri isn't an option becausehe can't leave Shigaraki long enough to come with Gojo to sign up the children but Gojo keeps breaking into his bar or even room to nurse orange juice and be dramatic over not being able to connect with his children
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nanamisonholiday · 9 months
Do I have to?
Choso x fem!reader
Summary: Choso is regretting coming to the festive party until you save him :)
notes- Reader is Geto's daughter. not that it's that relevant in this fic Enjoy
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He’s content on watching you from afar as you mingle and chat with your friends and family. This party had been excitedly anticipated by everyone around him, even his brother. To say he wasn't bothered was an understatement. The eager whispers about the wonderfully gorgeous men and women to attend, the gossip of the newest drama’s, just weren't his cup of tea. Although he did find himself amused as he watches your aunt become an exceptional nosey nelly- digging her way unshamelessly into peoples businesses.
Choso holds back the laughter behind a sip of his drink when his eyes catch your aunt target the wrong person. Gojo, your fathers bestfriend, who puts up a dramatic front as he plays along to your aunts verbal diorrhea. He can’t hear from here- but be knows Gojo’s playful reaction is nowhere near what she had hoped for.
As he shifts his view he wanders to himself as he people watches. He’s not all that sure why he even came. Possibly because you invited Yuuji, who then invited him. But he can’t stop replaying your sweet face talking to him with excitement as you grabbed his hand and telling- no demanding him to attend after meeting him for the first time. Your enthusiam to see him again had his fantasies gripped. The charm of your words had him in a spell, telling him if he didn't make it you'd be the most 'unhappiest girl on Christmas'
And well- he couldn’t let you be the unhappiest girl on Christmas could he?
But your aunt is making him regret his decision as she locked eyes on him and chatted his soul away about shit he doesn’t give a fuck about. He’s a tether away from snapping at her. Temper rising to rival Sukuna’s, until he’s saved by a gentle hand coaxing his arm in another direction away from your aunt
Things move slowly for Choso when he turns his head to reveal you- that pretty dress making you look more etheral than he’d care to think about. He feels the world on mute as he focusses on you latched onto his arm- squeezing slightly when you talk
“Okay Aunty! Think Daddy wanted to talk to you”
“Oh alright hun!”
He breathes a sigh of relief when she bids her farewell, whispering to you before he even thinks about it
His eyes widen as soon as it slips out, but he softens when you let out a cute giggle. Rubbing his arm mindlessly as you speak
“It’s okay, I’d want to be saved too if she latched onto me”
He hums in agreeance, looking down to you and admiring your pretty features.
This is why he came
For you
“I’m happy you came, Sukuna kept saying you wouldn’t, but I knew you would”
“Oh yeah? How so?”
“You just don’t pin me as the type to break a promise Choso”
Your voice could send him to heaven, he’s not as nice as you pin him down to be, but by god- he would be on his best behaviour if it meant you’d look at him like that all day and night.
“Want to meet my family?”
He smirks
“Do I have to?”
You faux gasp, clutching a hand to your heart dramatically. This is where he realises Saturu Gojo really has helped your parents raise you. He chuckles at the similar display deciding to play along with your dramatics
“Quit being cute. I’ll meet’em alright?”
You smile at getting what you want- kissing his cheek and giggling. It wouldn't surprise him in the least if you really did get everything you wanted. The lilt in your voice proves it to be relatively true, but he doesn't care, he just wants to keep making you smile and giggle at him like that.
“Knew you would”
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Thanks for readingg!
feel free to msg/ask- or don't ;)
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