#pardon me i asdfghjk <3
crimetattle-arc · 4 years
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( * @asperad​︱prompted ! ) : 🍓 if you’d like!
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                       ‘ * jayne speaks .   oh ! pardon me i 💕 ! we don’t speak but i love seeing you on my dash ! i have followed you for a very long time, when i felt like i was a little baby here on tumblr , you are the entire reason i watched the fall ( though gillian helped. ) your writing just blooms and it’s absolutely beautiful ! i hear stella in your writing, it’s all so beautiful in such a natural way. it’s absolutely breathtaking. 
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jamieedlund · 3 years
I love your art of Aaravos being Callum's teacher. It's such a neat and interesting idea especially if Callum had been at his side since he was young or even somehow his descendant but doesn't know it but Aaravos does. Even if he's not the au itself is such an awesome idea to explore
Asdfghjk first of all thank you for seeing their potentials I love receiving messages about my agenda
Secondly in my eyes Callum shouldn't be related to Aaravos ...or any magical creature for that matter because that would rob him out of his "hard work" or i guess the importance of him being the probably first human to wield magic w/out a primal stone. Why not just let him be maybe a bit special since he is a protagonist. (And make him work hard for his magic PLEASE I hardly call waking up after a nightmare hard work...I'm not even going to touch on the wings scene just... no.) It would be so much more meaningful to both the character and the story if the magic just IS Callum's rather than passing it off as a heritage type thing don't you think?
As for him being with Aaravos since he was young, the story I'm following continues after season 3 so this isn't a scenario I had considered due to, pardon my personal opinion, they really did not do Callum justice as a protagonist. But the story they've put in place for him already had so much potentials. Consider this: the parallel between Callum's love for his Master and how he misses his mother(pardon the ugly doodles I can't do digital art atm)
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I've always had this idea that Sarai was the one who taught Callum how to braid her hair and her last ever hairstyle was done by Callum before she went off to become her people's savior 🥲 So to Callum to braid/take care of someone's hair is a special gesture to show them his affection. Wouldn't that be such an emotional thing because Callum taking care of Aaravos hair is actually a REALLY BIG DEAL for him. (And maybe to Aaravos as well since the only hairstyle he rocked was whatever that was in the intro)
These type of character moments are so important to Callum and is completely plausible and yet the show kinda just... didn't do it for him.
Of course it's completely up to interpretation whether Callum actually see Aaravos as a parental figure. To me he doesn't and my reasoning for this is simple: as a teenager, Callum is allowed to have complicated feelings. His love for Aaravos - the adoration and the desire to protect someone who had lived for so long and in a time where the world wasn't very kind to him- is more nuance than I can explain but at its core, to him it would probably feel different from his love to his mom and his step dad.
I would like to think that despite everything Aaravos has done, Callum understood him very well and while swaying him to just run off and do good together, their bond is unique and is a very precious type of love.
Ty for coming to my Ted talk.
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wonderbaek04 · 7 years
EXO’rDIUM DOT experience!! Day 1 at hotel + Day 1 concert day
AHello!!!! Yes! I will be writing about my EXO’rDIUM DOT experience!! Let’s get started!!
So I have actually got my tickets through SMC&C global package tour by SM!! The package I got was Superior package, which was one package better than economy, but lower than Deluxe and Premium of course! (Because I am not that rich hahahah) 
During my period of stay in Korea, I received my confirmation email from SMC&C regarding my confirmation for the concert package + my accomodation location!
So basically my package was Superior package with C course! The type of courses change each time there is a concert, so better check when you are booking for your tickets! 
Superior package with C course : second cheapest course for 4D3N stay at allocated hotel by SMC&C, which means I attended both days concert of EXO’rDIUM DOT in Seoul! 
I was assigned to IBIS STYLE AMBASSADOR SEOUL GANGNAM which was at Samseong station! Surprise surprise it was at Samseong station haha! (FYI COEX ARTIUM is at Samseong station lol!!) My hotel was a 10 minutes walk away from Samseong station exit 3! 
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Apparently, I did not take picture of my hotel room because I was just too tired and I knocked out after I came back from Vivapolo on 26th May after I checked in. 
This was the same day EXO waterbottle was released and Baekhyun’s water bottle was sold out by evening asdfghjk I was so pissed but it’s ok, all is good. 
SMC&C tour counter was only opened at 7pmkst at my hotel, however, I was out so I only reached back at my hotel at about 830pmkst and there was still lots of fans queuing up to collect the souvenirs and drawing of concert seats + surround viewing tickets! 
Before my turn to draw my tickets, there was this pair of china fans who were under GP as well, they were so inconsiderate to the max! They were looking at the taiwan fans ticket seat section and judging them, mentioning that they did not get good seats etc, they spoke so loudly that the taiwan fan stared at them, but obviously they didn’t care. It’s so sad that they gave off this kind of vibe when all fans should be kind to one another... 
Moving on! I had to draw tickets for both days concert on the same night! Apparently due to luck, both days tickets that was drawn was from the same section and same row!!! What kind of luck is that??
For day 1 I got C12, Row 2, seat 11 & 12 (aisle seats)
For day 2 I got C12, Row 2, seat 1 & 2 (aisle seats again!!!) Below is the seating plan for your reference LOL!
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I was able to see the stage so clearly!! I even saw Shim Jaewon personally as the sound control was just behind my section~ 
In my GP, there are events for us to attend. You will either attend on 27th or 28th May morning, mine was assigned on 28th morning~ Basically they gave us tickets to watch EXOrDIUM in Seoul surround viewing! So I shall talk about this later in my day 2 post!
Souvenirs that was given to my package!
Message card from EXO, EXOrDIUM DOT pouch, EXO pen, hand mirror (the one on top of the pouch), sticker, message paper (to be written for exo), EXO logo paper clips, discount voucher (quite useless), mini poster (the poster tube was really big but such a small poster LOL), colour pencils (for us to use to write message to exo on the message paper) and an EXO’rDIUM DOT magnetic board with EXO members’ face magnetic.... 
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and here are the photo of my goods ready for concert day wew! I really like the EXO band so much, the colours selected for Baekhyun and Chanyeol was so pretty!! (I wore it on my wrist to concert no joke)
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So on Day 1 of concert day, I headed down to the venue at about 930amkst, and arrived at Jamsil stadium in less than 15minutes away as I was only 1 station away! I informed the tour desk the night before that I would be going to concert venue on my own and that I would like to collect my Merchandise goods at the concert venue itself! (basically if you don’t want to follow the tour, you have to tell the staff before hand!) 
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One should never forget to take photo!!!! Here’s me below!
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So I walked around aimlessly to get myself well versed with the venue itself. The vibe of the whole place was really good and everyone was so excited for the concert as it has been almost a year since Kfans saw EXO again! (More than a year for me as I didn’t attend EXO’rDIUM in SG) I was awed by the atmosphere at Jamsil stadium, everything felt so unreal, I still couldn’t believe that I am about to meet EXO again, and meeting them at their home country, experience one of the most powerful concert here in Seoul with korean fans who are so dedicated towards exo! 
As I walked around, I manage to collect some cute fansupport!! photos below~ (some photos were taken at home instead haha)
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Got this Sehun transparent fan from this chinese fan, as I was alone, I only managed to get one. BUT CHEAPO JIA, I went to the other fan who was giving out this same fan and showed her my sehun official pcs and she gladly gave me another one!!!! (super not paiseh about this but since I am already there why not hahaha) 
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This really cute Suho, Chanyeol and Sehun mini square cards????
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Randomyl got into this queue where this fan was giving out like emw stickers!!! All I wanted was Baekhyun emw sticker but it was already gone (damn it Baekhyun, your goods are always the first to be gone and sold out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so I got Chanyeol instead! please pardon my disgusting nails that I’ve been trying to hide all this while....... 
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In addition, I saw this 1,000won lottery event created by fans! Basically you choose photocards within a huge pile, there will be a paper inside the bag that says either you won something or not! Prizes ranged from mini standee to official albums to DOLLS YES EXO DOLLS OMG
So I just decided to give it a try... AND I WON AN XOXO ALBUM hahaha!! Lucky me! 
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So actually I did not collect a lot of fansupport on day 1 as I was just walking around aimlessly! Totally missed most of the fansupport I wanted to collect huhu... 
So let’s talk about the main fansupport that I’ve been wanting to collect.... BAEKHYUNTOWN!!!! they create really pretty fansupports for Baekhyun!! Previously they did banners, this time round they did transparent fans (T-T if you know me well, I love handfans and emw stickets a lot a lot, so this fansupport was really special and meaningful to me!)
As I mentioned on my twitter... the queue for Baekhyuntown fansupport was really crazy, you can check out the tweet here. 
The time allocated for Baekhyuntown fansupport to start was at 3pmkst... I started queuing at 130pmkst.... Can you actually imagine Baekhyun’s fame here in Seoul Korea??? It is insane! 
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All the Kfans was like “omg this is crazy, I thought it starts at 3pm???” then they start running to find the queue. It was really hectic but thank god I was queuing under the shade... 
I almost cried when I got the fan from BAEKHYUNTOWN, that emotional rush was something I can never forget, my eyes were so watery upon receiving it!!!! I rushed off to take picture with my lightsick, it was so beautiful, so so so beautiful and mesmerizing...  
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On the side note, let me tell you something that happened, apparently this 2 kfans were queuing infront of me, when we were reaching the queue, one of them actually did not have a ticket! (requirements was d-day concert ticket + Baekhyun official photocards), so she asked her friend to queue behind me and she will pass her ticket after collectin! And so they did, but as they were passing the ticket, Baekhyuntown incharge actually caught their actions and told her girl, “please leave the queue as you have no tickets, your actions is not right and you will not be able to take the handfan”
ASDFGHJKL WHAT!! Can you imagine it? both of them queued for 1 1/2 hours just to get it but hopes were dashed when they got caught... so don’t try to cheat them, they know it better than you do...
Moving on, it was soon 5pmkst and I decided to move into the concert venue and get some rest before the concert started! 
Obviously photos cannot be missed!
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My EXO’rDIUM Baekhyun fan + Lightstick + EXO’rDIUM DOT Baekhyun transparent fan! I AM A BAEKHYUN TRASH!!!!!!
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I connected my lightstick to my Wyth app after entering the venue, apparently, after I connected my lightstick, it gets controlled by the sound check team! I didn’t even have to on my lightstick for the concert! It goes on on its own hehe, I was pretty amazed at it and thankfully to have personally experienced it myself! 
As you guys already knew what happened during the concert, I will just briefly talk about a few things!! Some photos first!
Yes I witness Chanyeol’s AL infront of my eyes OTL sorry I didn’t focus the picture because I was too excited to see it... 
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I was actually a bit far from the stage on Day 1 tbh... but nevertheless, it was all good!
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If you look at the phot below, Baekhyun is always directly infront of my eyes... I was so excited for Day 2 because... I would be even closer!!
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Look at this beautiful silver ocean! I am happy to be part of this beautiful ocean at EXO’rDIUM! 
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I saw Sehun AL infront of my very eyes too??? But I couldn’t record any cause I was caught before I even could hahah!! However, I only manage to film a short part of LMR ending!!! (really short no kidding) and my photoshop takes forever to render the video... So I won’t be posting it here, I will upload to my twitter when it is ready!! Alongside with some Baekhyun fancam maybe~ 
As I don’t have any further pictures (because I was screaming instead if filming), let’s talk about how EXO came out from the screen and started singing LOTTO!!! I was so shocked to hear the legendary Lipstick Chateau sang by Baekhyun!! Ever since they performed on Music shows to promote Lotto album, I have been wanting to hear it live for myself. I feel really blessed to be able to witness Lotto with my very own eyes!! (and ears hahaha omg)
I felt so surreal that my wishlist for songs to be heard live has been fulfilled!!! 
Monster, Lotto, Cloud 9, For Life, Drop That, Playboy, Artificial Lover, Love Me Right, Call Me Baby, Transformer and acoustics section of EXO’rDIUM by EXO!
 I am especially thankful to have heard Lotto, Monster, Love Me Right and Transformer honestly, I really love that song so so much. I felt that these few songs have fully shown EXO’s potential fully in terms of vocal, rap and dance.
As day 1 concert slowly came to an end, I bid goodbye to EXO members with a heavy heart. I watched them slowly walked behind the screen, with the screen slowly closing on me, I felt so much regret, should I have screamed louder? Should I have jumped higher when they told us to? 
But to our surprise, EXO came back again to the stage, with a big surprise! Support cards for EXO-Ls... 
EXO-Ls, Let’s walk together~ 
Aren’t they the sweetest Angel on earth? 
Photo credits: opportunist |  기회주의자
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The whole concert was really nothing but amazing. EXO members were so happy to be able to express themselves full to fans as there was no language barrier between EXO and fans. I am going to end this here because I want to fully express how I feel on my Day 2 post instead!!! 
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