#pardon if its formatted weird i copy pasted it from google docs
zdux · 2 years
Dead by Daylight
Wesker X Reader
Part One
He/They Pronouns used for Reader
I did an interest check on this a little while ago and you guys seemed excited! I know some people asked me to tag them in this so I’ll have those listed at the bottom. I hope you guys enjoy, this has been really fun for me and I’m writing more, so if you like it lemme know! Fic starts under the cut!
“Damn, you’re beat to shit.” Dwight commented as he bandaged y/n’s arm.
“Yeah, you’re telling me.” He laughed, trying to conceal the wince that slipped out as Dwight tied the wrap off.
Cuts and bruises covered his skin, primarily on his legs, but the biggest issue was his sprained wrist. Trying to fix a generator like this felt like a death sentence. The odds of getting out of a trial were getting smaller and smaller, but there was nothing y/n could do. If he was lucky, he wouldn’t be put in a trial for a few days, giving him some time to recover.
“Well, that’s the best I can do for now. I’m basically out of medical supplies right now.” Dwight said, sitting back and wiping his hands together. He had covered most of the wounds, though some of the smaller ones were still exposed. It was better than nothing.
“Thanks, Dwight, I owe you one.” y/n said, standing up carefully.
“Where are you going?” Dwight asked.
“I just need a walk. Besides, we’ve been sitting by the fire for a while now and I’m getting too warm. I’ll be careful.” He said, smiling at Dwight before heading off towards the forest.
The forest was quiet; though the sounds of small animals could be heard. y/n’s footsteps crunched against the leaves and twigs on the ground, announcing his presence to any of the creatures nearby as he made his way farther in. He only walked for a few minutes, the campfire becoming a small light in the distance.
y/n sighed, leaning against a tree. His body ached, he could feel each tear and rip in his skin as he tried to relax. He winced, holding his right wrist to try and alleviate the pain, but it didn’t help very much. He tried to focus on his breathing, giving his mind something other than the injuries to think about.
“one…two…three…four…one…two…three…four…” He counted in his head, closing his eyes and slowing his breath down. “Okay… this is alright, just don’t fall asleep out here…”
“What are you doing out here?”
A voice came from behind y/n. His eyes snapped open, whipping his body around. He stumbled, losing his balance and falling backwards.
Before he hit the ground, something grabbed his forearm, pulling him back up and forward. When he gathered his senses again, he realized he was pressed against someone’s chest, one of their arms wrapped around him. He paused for a moment, trying to figure out who it was.
“I wasn’t intending to scare you.”
A man’s voice, he noticed, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on who it was. It couldn’t be Dwight, and it was too deep to be Leon. It might have been David, but y/n knew David was in a trial at the moment.
“It’s… okay. Thanks for catching me.” y/n replied, still trying to puzzle out who it could be. He was still pressing him to his chest. His shirt was black, which didn’t help in the slightest, considering y/n’s own shirt was a black jersey with red and white detailing. Could this be a new survivor? He really hoped not, the less people that got forced in here, the better.
“Did I hurt your arm?” The stranger asked.
“Oh, no, you didn’t. You grabbed just above it, so you didn’t-“
“I meant if I caused it.”
y/n finally pushed the stranger away; only to be met with shock and fear when he saw who the stranger was. He stumbled back, being careful not to fall as he put space between them.
In front of him stood one of the killers; “The Mastermind.” Leon had mentioned him before, apparently his name was Wesker. He was dressed head to toe in black, with his long coat making him appear taller than he was. Even his sunglasses were pitch black, making it nearly impossible to see his eyes. Something about that made him more terrifying; he seemed almost inhuman.
“W-what are you doing here? We aren’t in a trial, you aren’t s-supposed to hurt us-s…” y/n’s voice was cracking. As much as he tried to sound calm, he was terrified. He had gone against Wesker in trials before, and he was no joke. His speed was insanity, and his methods were cruel. Most of their trials together ended in someone saving y/n at the last minute due to a mistake on Wesker’s part. Every time felt more lucky than the last, just barely escaping him.
“I’m not here to hurt you. If I was, I would’ve done so already,” Wesker said, putting his palms up and out to show his intentions. “Besides, if I was here to hurt you, why would I stop you from falling and ask about your injuries?” He sounded annoyed, but he didn’t move forward.
y/n scowled.
“You’re literally one of the ‘killers.’ Why wouldn’t I think you’re here to hurt me? Besides, I’ve seen you in the trials, I wouldn’t put it past you to trick someone by feigning affection.” He snapped back. Some of his fear had subsided, and it was replaced by aggression. He had never been given the opportunity to bitch out one of the killers like this, but it felt good. It was like a small touch of revenge.
Wesker sighed, pinching his brow with one hand and crossing the other.
“Fine, have it your way. But you didn’t answer my question; was I the one who injured your wrist?” He asked again impatiently.
“Hell if I know!” y/n scoffed, “Do you know how many of these we are made to do? Do you have ANY idea?? Because I lost count! You could be, I don’t know, I don’t even know how someone can be responsible for a sprain but you can take the blame if you want!”
“It’s not broken? Hmm.” Wesker said, his hand moving from his brow to his chin. y/n scoffed again, disgusted.
“What, were you trying to break it? You son of a bitch, is this a joke to you?” He said, infuriated.
“What? No, that’s- I wasn’t- I…” Wesker started, but cut himself off. He paused for a minute, sighing before he continued.
“I apologize, that wasn’t my intention. I assumed it was broken, but it being sprained explains why you weren’t as shocked when I grabbed it earlier. I thought your body was still in shock, but it being a sprain makes sense. May I take a look at it?”
y/n paused for a minute. He wasn’t expecting Wesker to need to regain composure, let alone an apology. Though still cautious, he had calmed down some.
“Sure, but don’t try anything funny.” y/n decided, stepping closer to Wesker and reaching his hand out. His threat was empty, but it made him feel better saying it.
“Thank you.” Wesker said, stepping forward and gently grabbing y/n’s wrist. He carefully began to undo the bandage until he had exposed the wrist. It was bruised, the skin turned a sickly shade of greenish yellow. y/n winced as Wesker carefully put a finger on top of the bruise.
“Whoever bandaged this clearly didn’t know what they were doing, if you had left this on it probably would’ve made it worse.” He said, removing his finger from the bruise and beginning to rewrap the injury.
“Well, it’s not exactly like my insurance covers getting brutally sacrificed to an eldritch deity.” y/n joked, trying to smile a little so that Wesker wouldn’t notice him being in pain. To his surprise, Wesker chuckled. y/n watched him carefully as he worked, noticing just how careful he was being. His wrist hurt, but it wasn’t being made worse as he bandaged it.
“Where did you learn to do this?” y/n asked, trying to keep the conversation from turning into an awkward silence.
“I was a police officer, once. They put you through basic medical training, and when I became a captain that just meant more medical training.” Wesker answered.
“You were a cop?” y/n asked, surprised. He hadn’t expected an answer, let alone something like this.
“A long time ago, yes. Obviously not anymore.” Wesker gestured at himself as he said this, and y/n laughed a little. It was almost a pleasant exchange.
“There, your wrist is done.” Wesker lifted y/n’s wrist up, putting it between them.
“Thank you, I-“ y/n started, but stopped. Wesker had moved his own hand down and was now holding y/n’s, as if he was royalty asking for his hand to be kissed. Wesker hadn’t looked up either, he was still focusing on his hand. y/n was tempted to pull away, but he waited to see what Wesker was doing.
“I… is something wrong?” y/n asked nervously.
“No, nothing’s wrong.” Wesker responded. He seemed calm, almost detached from the situation.
“May I have my hand back?” y/n asked, leaning down a little to try and get Wesker to look at him. Wesker didn’t respond, but made a small humming sound. He just kept staring at their hands for a moment.
“Wesker what are you doi-!” y/n began, but was cut off as Wesker interlocked their fingers and pulled their hands forward to his lips. He didn’t do anything else from there, but he simply held them there.
y/n watched in shock, unable to really think about what was happening. He felt his face begin to blush, as much as he was trying to stop it. Wesker wasn’t being affectionate, let alone romantic, there was no way. He didn’t know what he was doing, but it couldn’t be something like that. y/n didn’t know the extent of Wesker’s abilities, maybe this was some weird trick he was using. Didn’t Wesker control some kind of virus? He could be infecting the wound or something, he could be doing god knows what.
“Your hand is soft.” Wesker broke the silence. y/n could feel his lips move against his hand as he spoke, trying not to react to the best of his ability.
“I,, thank you…” y/n stuttered out, looking away.
“Am I making you nervous?”
“…uh,, somewhat… I don’t really know what you’re doing…” y/n said, keeping his eyes on the ground.
“I’m holding your hand, isn’t it obvious?” Wesker explained.
y/n’s brow twitched, confused.
“Well, yes but I don’t know why or to what end. It’s just weird, you suddenly show up, bandage my wound, and then hold my hand to your face, it just seems like you’re being-“
“Romantic? Affectionate? Kind?” Wesker offered up. y/n turned back to face him. He had moved their hands just off his face, and his sunglasses were slid down his nose. y/n was a little surprised when he finally saw his eyes; they were a deep red color with slits for pupils. He was staring up at y/n, an almost pleading look on his face.
y/n shook himself out of Wesker’s grip, stepping back and sitting down on the floor.
“I have… no idea! What you want from me… You aren’t making any sense. You’ve literally tried to kill me before, and yet here you are, staring at me and… flirting with me? I don’t even know!” y/n put his head in his hands and tried to calm down. He truly didn’t know what to do, this situation seemed so strange.
He heard the ruffling of clothes before he felt Wesker lean in towards him, presumably on the ground with him now.
“Do you take me as the type of person to make mistakes?” Wesker whispered, his voice revealing that his face was merely inches from y/n’s.
“I… I don’t think so?” y/n mumbled through his hands.
“Well, if you don’t take me as a person to make mistakes, and yet you’ve managed to escape me in all our trials, why do you think that is?”
y/n’s hand fell from his face, eyes locking with Wesker’s immediately. He had taken off his sunglasses and was crouching just above him. It finally began to come together; the escapes, the bandaging, the weird affection, all of it. Wesker hadn’t been hurting him on purpose this entire time. y/n’s mind raced with memories of their trials, realizing the amount of times where his survival was not luck, but allowed by Wesker. Purposefully missing when he swung with his knife, walking noticeably far away when he had the chance to put y/n on the hook and giving him time to be helped by a team mate. Not only had he been sparing him, he had been going out of his way to make his affection look like mistakes.
“Why? This doesn’t make any sense. Are you just being cruel again? Did you just pick me, and decide to toy with my life? Why would…” y/n tried to justify it all to himself, but he began crying. This was all so much. It was hard enough surviving in the realms, let alone worrying about being nothing but a toy to a killer. He had heard about it happening before, but never expected it to happen to him.
As sobbed wracked his body, his vision clouded with tears. He could barely see, but he felt Wesker lean in and wrap his arms around him. Despite the strange situation, y/n leaned in as well. He clutched Wesker’s coat, burying his face in his shoulder.
Wesker began to move, adjusting the two of them so that his back was up against the tree he had scared y/n from. He shifted y/n’s weight, moving him so that he was laying on top of him instead of underneath. y/n allowed him to, still clutching his coat as he sobbed. Once adjusted, Wesker gently placed his chin on top of y/n’s head.
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