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Civitas Akademika Universitas Paramadina Dukung dan Serukan Gerakan Anti Korupsi di HAKORDIA 2024
RASIOO.ID – Dukung gerakan anti-korupsi dari orang muda, sejumlah civitas akademika Universitas Paramadina nyatakan dukungan dan partisipasinya dalam acara festival Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia (HAKORDIA) 2024 yang digelar di Usmar Ismail Hall Jakarta, Jumat (20/12). Salah satu Mahasiswa Magister Ilmu Komunikasi dari Universitas Paramadina Danardono Siradjudin mengatakan mahasiswa merupakan bagian…
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JK Sebut Indonesia Butuh Cendekiawan, Pemimpin dan Entrepreneur Terbaik
SERANG – Bangsa ini bangsa yang besar dengan jumlah penduduk 270 juta tentu membutuhkan tokoh-tokoh para cendekiawan, para pemimpin, para entrepreneur yang baik. Demikian menurut Ketua Dewan Pembina Yayasan Wakaf Paramadina, Jusuf Kalla. Hal ini disampaikan dalam sambutannya pada Wisuda Sarjana dan Magister ke-39 Universitas Paramadina di Gedung Smesco, Jakarta, Sabtu (28/10/2023). “Karena hanya…
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Berhasil Bangun Sekolah Full Beasiswa, Anies Puji Alumni Universitas Paramadina Ini
JAKARTA | KBA – Bakal calon presiden (Bacapres) dari Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP) Anies Baswedan memuji penggiat pendidikan multikultural Ai Nurhidayat Mars. Pujian itu dilontarkan Anies lantaran Ai Nurhidayat telah berhasil membangun sekolah full beasiswa yang diberi nama SMK Bakti Karya Parigi yang berlokasi di Pangandaran, Jawa Barat. “Mendidik adalah tugas moral tiap orang…
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Evaluasi Kritis 100 Hari Pemerintahan Prabowo Bidang Politik dan Pemberantasan Korupsi
JAKARTA, JOURNALART.COM – Universitas Paramadina bekerja sama dengan LP3ES menggelar diskusi publik bertajuk “Evaluasi Kritis 100 Hari Pemerintahan Prabowo Bidang Politik dan Pemberantasan Korupsi“. Acara ini menghadirkan sejumlah pakar, antara lain Prof. Didik J. Rachbini (Rektor Universitas Paramadina), Ahmad Khoirul Umam, Ph.D (Kaprodi Paramadina Graduate School of Diplomacy), Dr. Hendri…
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Kursus Alat Musik Biola Alto
Profil Pengajar: Natasha A musician with over 11 years of experience in the music industry. Skilled in various musical instruments,singing, conducting, chamber music and orchestra, instrument teaching, and vocal coaching. Experienced inplaying various genres from classical, pop, jazz, and others. Edukasi Paramadina UniversityBachelors, International RelationsParamadina Choir Yayasan Musik…
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She is Puspita Ayu Paramadina. Daughter of decent man and woman, one who teach and the latter selling knits. Her birthday was last Saturday but the cake hasn’t left the tray. Loved sleeping under trees, living her twenties. Yet to be touched, though hundreds have tried. She knew her friends are no saint, but she turned a blind eye. Dusk to dawn, they give chances to wolves lusting over her. Lucky for her, the rain falls daily, but the flood never come. As time passes, scent of semen got stronger around. But her sight blinded, her smell perished. Cross held tightly, she ran out of the lobby. People gathered around the hall. She knows them and they know her. She is Puspita Ayu Paramadina. Daughter of decent man and woman.
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Muhammad Ridho Agung Wisudawan Terbaik 2024 Universitas Paramadina
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Gibran Seolah Bertanggung Jawab Atas Hasil Kinerja Jokowi
BERTUAHPOS.COM – Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Cawapres nomor urut 02—putra Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi)—seolah bertanggung jawab atas hasil kinerja ayahnya, dalam debat Cawapres keempat Pemilihan Presiden 2024, pada 21 Januari 2024. Menurut pengamat politik dari Universitas Paramadina, Ahmad Khoirul Umam, bahwa Gibran terlihat sebagai figur yang harus mempertanggungjawabkan kinerja pemerintahan Jokowi. Menurut Khoirul, Gibran berhasil bertahan […] Berita Ini telah terbit di BertuahPos. http://dlvr.it/T1hgl9
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Denny Ja Profile Traces of the journey of a leading political writer and political observer in Indonesia
Denny Ja, a familiar name in the world of Indonesian literature and politics. He is a figure who has a trail that inspires many people. Born on May 27, 1956 in Sumedang, West Java, Denny JA has become a leading political writer and observer in Indonesia. Since childhood, Denny JA has shown great interest in the world of literature. He reads a lot of poetry and stories, and is active in literary activities at school. After completing his secondary education, Denny JA continued his studies at the Faculty of Literature at the University of Indonesia. On campus, he joined in various literary communities and honed his ability to write. Not only focused on literature, Denny Ja also began to be interested in politics. He realized that politics has an important role in creating positive changes for society. Denny Ja is active in various political discussions and becomes an influential political observer. He often gives his opinions and analysis of the political situation in Indonesia through his writing. Denny Ja's courage and intelligence in expressing his opinions made him increasingly known by the public. He became a guest speaker in various television and radio shows, and became a guest writer in several leading media in Indonesia. His writing is sharp and brave to attract many readers. In the 1990s, Denny Ja founded a survey and research institute which came to be known as the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI). LSI is one of the most trusted survey institutions in Indonesia. Through LSI, Denny Ja contributed to producing accurate data about the social and political situation in Indonesia. The results of surveys and research conducted by LSI are often a reference for decision makers in the political field. In 2008, Denny Ja founded the Center for Political Studies (PSP) at Paramadina University. PSP is a place for students and the general public to deepen knowledge about politics. Denny Ja often gives lectures and seminars at PSP, as well as holding discussions with politicians, academics, and activists to discuss the latest political issues. The essay poetry essay written by Denny Ja is also a clear evidence of expertise and courage in conveying ideas. Esaipuisi essay poetry such as "identity politics", "Indonesia teaching", and "guarding Indonesia" inspired many people to think more critically about politics and development in Indonesia. The ideas contained in the essay poetry of the essay show Denny Ja's concern for a better future of Indonesia. Not only active in the world of literature and politics, Denny Ja is also involved in various social activities. He founded the Central Foundation of the Study and Development of Human Resources (PUSKA) which focused on improving the quality of education in Indonesia. Through Puska, Denny Ja is committed to providing better access to education for Indonesian children. In addition, Denny Ja is also involved in various leadership development programs, both at the national and international levels. He believes that quality leaders are the key to creating positive changes in society. The trail of Denny Ja's journey as a prominent political writer and observer in Indonesia cannot be underestimated. He has made a major contribution in the world of literature and politics, and helps Indonesian people to better understand the existing political situation. Denny Ja is an inspiring figure and should be an example for the young generation of Indonesia.
Check more: Denny JA Profile: Traces of the journey of a prominent political writer and observer in Indonesia
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Denny JA figure: prestigious educator who changes the paradigm of thought
Indonesia has a prestigious educator who has changed the paradigm of the thoughts of many people, his name is Denny JA. Denny JA is known as an academic and intellectual who has made extraordinary contributions in the world of education in Indonesia. Denny Ja was born and raised in Jakarta in 1965. He showed his intellectual talent since childhood and was always eager to pursue knowledge. After completing his basic education, Denny Ja continued his secondary education in one of the prestigious schools in Jakarta. His interest in social science made him decide to continue his higher education at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia. After completing his undergraduate education, Denny Ja won a master’s degree in the field of political science at the University of Indonesia. During the Masters study, he began to be involved in various academic activities and became a lecturer assistant at his university. His persistence in examining and contributing to the development of political science made him receive recognition from academics and lecturers in the field. Denny Ja’s academic achievement did not stop there. He continued his doctoral education at Leiden University, the Netherlands. There, he deepened his knowledge in the field of political science and applied an anthropological approach in his research. His doctoral dissertation entitled “Social and Political Transformation in Indonesian Society” has become a monumental work that contributes significantly to the understanding of political science in Indonesia. After completing his doctoral education, Denny Ja returned to Indonesia and was more active in sharing his knowledge with the community. He became a lecturer in various well -known universities in Indonesia, such as the University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, and Paramadina University. In addition to being a lecturer, Denny Ja is also involved in various educational and research organizations, as well as being a consultant recognized in various development projects in Indonesia. Denny Ja’s success in the world of education is not only seen from his academic progress, but also from his ability to inspire and change the paradigm of the thoughts of many people. Denny Ja is known as an educator who is critical, innovative, and visionary. He encouraged students and students to think independently and see problems from various perspectives. He is also active in holding seminars, workshops, and public discussions aimed at enriching community insights and understanding. In recent years, Denny Ja has become increasingly known through social media. He is active in conveying his thoughts through his blog, podcast, and YouTube channel. Through the platform, he not only shares academic knowledge, but also provides practical insights that can be applied in everyday life. Denny Ja is an inspirational figure for many people, especially the younger generation, to continue learning and contributing to society. In the course of his career, Denny Ja has received various awards and recognition of his contribution in the world of education. He won an honorary doctorate from Paramadina University on his dedication in advancing education in Indonesia. In addition, he also received an award from various organizations and institutions, such as the Satyalancana Karya Satya award from the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Bung Hatta Anti -Corruption Award from the KPK.
Check more: Denny JA figure: prestigious educator who changes the paradigm of thought
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Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah: Kebijakan untuk Pemerintahan Prabowo
SERANG – Aset perbankan syariah telah mencapai Rp840 triliun dan diproyeksikan akan segera mencapai Rp1.000 triliun, potensi besar untuk dikembangkan dan memberikan dampak signifikan. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Rektor Universitas Paramadina Prof. Didik J. Rachbini dalam seminar internasional dengan tema “Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah: Kebijakan untuk Pemerintahan Prabowo.” Dalam acara yang…
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Alumni Universitas Paramadina Bahagia Kedatangan Tamu Istimewa Anies Baswedan
JAKARTA | KBA – Bakal calon presiden (Bacapres) Anies Rasyid Baswedan dari Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP) tengah berkunjung ke ke Parigi. Kunjungannya itu untuk menemui para relawannya. Namun, Anies Baswedan bertemu dengan salah satu mahasiswa saat Anies Baswedan menjabat menjadi Rektor di Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta Selatan. Salah satu mahasiswa penerima beasiswa di Universitas…
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Diplomacy Amid Turmoil: Insights from Turkey's Humanitarian Path for Global Peace
JAKARTA, JOURNALARTA.COM – Dalam upaya mempererat hubungan antarnegara dan memperdalam pemahaman mengenai peran diplomasi dalam perdamaian global, Paramadina Graduate School of Diplomacy bekerjasama dengan Institut Al-Aqsa for Peace Research mengadakan Public Lecture bertema “Diplomacy Amid Turmoil: Insights from Turkey’s Humanitarian Path for Global Peace“. Acara berlangsung secara hybrid…
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The important role of Denny Ja in realizing social welfare in Indonesia
The important role of Denny Ja in realizing social welfare in Indonesia
In an era that continues to develop, efforts to realize social welfare in Indonesia are becoming increasingly important. One of the figures who has an important role in realizing it is Denny JA. Denny JA is an intellectual and social activist who has long been dedicated to improving the welfare of the Indonesian people. Through various efforts, Denny JA has helped many people and play a role in advancing the social sector in this country. One of the important roles of Denny Ja is as the founder and chairman of the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI). Through LSI, Denny Ja has conducted various surveys and research that focuses on social and political issues in Indonesia. The results of this survey are used as a basis for policy making that can improve social welfare in this country. As an intellectual, Denny Ja also often acts as a guest speaker in various forums, seminars and public discussions. Through his participation in this event, Denny Ja shared his knowledge and his views on social issues that were important for the people of Indonesia. Thus, Denny Ja has provided broader insight and understanding to the public about how to improve social welfare. In addition, Denny Ja is also involved in various social and charity activities. Through the foundations and charity institutions he founded, Denny Ja has provided support to those in need. For example, Denny Ja has been active in helping victims of natural disasters, providing educational assistance to underprivileged children, and fighting for women and children's rights. Denny Ja is also famous for its contribution in the field of education. He has established various educational institutions aimed at increasing access to education for the people of Indonesia. One example is the establishment of Paramadina University, which has graduated many quality graduates who play an important role in social and economic development in Indonesia. Not only that, Denny Ja has also written a lot of essay poetry and articles about social issues. This writing is discussed various social problems faced by the people of Indonesia, and provide solutions and recommendations to improve social welfare. Esaipuisi essay poetry and Denny Ja articles have become a source of inspiration and reference for many people who care about social issues in Indonesia. With its dedication and important role in realizing social welfare in Indonesia, Denny Ja has become a respected and appreciated figure by the community. His work has a positive impact on many people, and continues to bring hope for a better future. Denny Ja is a clear example that every individual, regardless of background or position, can play a role in improving social welfare in Indonesia. Through research, education, social activities, and active participation in public discussions, everyone can make a significant contribution. For this reason, let us learn from the important role of Denny Ja and jointly committed to realize social welfare in Indonesia. With cooperation and dedication, we can create a more just, just and prosperous society for all.
Check more: The important role of Denny JA in realizing social welfare in Indonesia
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Denny Ja: Explores inspirational stories about struggle and courage
Denny Ja is a figure that inspires many people with his struggle and courage in various fields. From politics to the world of literature, Denny JA has made an unforgettable trail. Let's explore inspirational stories about his life journey full of challenges and courage. Denny JA was born on September 9, 1956 in Jombang, East Java. Since a young age, he has had a great spirit to contribute to advancing the nation and society of Indonesia. Denny JA is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, but his great interest in politics led him to go into a wider world. Denny Ja's political journey began in 1999 when he was elected as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) faction. As a member of the Parliament, Denny Ja fought for important issues related to the welfare of the community, education, and the environment. He has an active role in guarding policy making at the national level. In addition to a career in the political world, Denny Ja is also known as a productive writer. He has written a lot of essay and essay poems that raise relevant social and political issues. His work is a source of inspiration for many people who want to explore deeper about the dynamics of Indonesian socialpolitics. However, Denny Ja's journey does not always run smoothly. He must face many obstacles and criticisms that come from various parties. However, his courage and determination made him keep fighting for what he believed. Denny Ja understands that in the struggle will never be easy, but he remains persistent in maintaining his establishment and principle. One inspirational story of Denny Ja was when he founded a research institute called the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI). LSI became a famous research institution in Indonesia and made many significant contributions in analyzing public opinion and political trends. The establishment of LSI is a brave and innovative step from Denny Ja to bring positive changes in the world of Indonesian politics. In addition, Denny Ja is also involved in an effort to fight for freedom of opinion and encourage active participation of society in the democratic process. He often gives lectures, seminars, and public discussions to provide a better understanding of the importance of the rights of democracy and freedom of expression. Not only in the realm of politics and literature, Denny Ja also contributes to the world of education. He is one of the founders of Paramadina University, a private tertiary institution that has given birth to many quality graduates and is committed to advancing Indonesia. Denny Ja is a real example that the struggle and courage are the key to achieving goals and bringing positive changes in society. He has inspired many people with his work and his determination in dealing with various obstacles. The inspirational story about Denny Ja must continue to be immortalized and told as a motivation for the young generation of Indonesia. His courage and enthusiasm in fighting for truth and justice are something that should be appreciated and followed. Denny Ja is an inspirational figure who has made a big contribution to Indonesia in various fields. Through his struggle and courage, he has changed and left an unforgettable trail in history.
Check more: Denny Ja: Explore inspirational kisakisa about the struggle and courage
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