#para. bodhi
28cum · 14 days
MILEEEEE FELIZ CUMPLEEEEEE!!! <3 para cuando salen unos amonguses? que la pases lindo y comas mucha torta!!!
gracias bodhiiiiiiii <33333333333333333333333 tkm <3 te mando un besote
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Heart Sutra ~ Buddha x Goddess! Reader
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Gate gate para gate para sam gate bodhi swaha...
"Your pronunciation is getting better, Y/N." King Jataka laid on the grass, underneath a tree, watching the beautiful woman besides him create various models of flower crowns with her magic. "Really? You truly think so?" her charming smile seemed to radiate as bright and warm as the Sun itself. "Yes, I think so. A little more, and you can sing the Heart Sutra perfectly." Jataka found himself smiling also. "Ahh, you are being far too nice, 'Taka." she waved her hand dismissively, returning to her idle work. "Y/N, do you mind if I ask you something?" she hummed, encouraging him to continue. "You are a Goddess. Why have you been staying at my court, disguised as a Bodhisattva?" he asked, deep in thought. Y/N turned her head to look at him properly. "Why, you ask?" Y/N didn't have an immediate answer. "I suppose because it makes me happy." "Does it, really?" he murmured, intrigued. "I think so, yes." she smiled kindly. "Every time I see the smiles of people that I healed, my heart bursts with happiness, and I feel lighter. In this prospect, I suppose that yes, being here, among humans, and aiding them does make me happy." "You are always smiling." Jataka nodded his head, pensive. "You have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen." "Jataka." she called out his name, placing the flower down and leaning back on the tree. "What is bothering you?" "Ahaha... Saw right through me, didn't you? No wonder you're a Goddess governing the nature, peace and serenity. Only someone pure and benevolent like yourself could understand my troubled heart." the King spoke softly. "I am nearing the end of my life, and through this, I have come to realise that although I have done my duty well, made my people happy and that my kingdom is flourishing... You see... I feel... Unfulfilled. I feel... Empty. Like there is something missing. I feel... Deep unrest and... Sadness. As though I am nostalgic over something that I have never had... And never will."
"Your reason for sadness is the very reason over which I took a leave of absence from home, up there." Y/N gently wrapped her arms around the King, placing his head on her lap. "There is no creature alive that can feel happiness over being controlled by a higher being. We blame destiny and duty, or even Gods for out sadness... But the truth is, Jataka... We are the masters of our own destiny, and only we have power over our own lives." Y/N looked away with a sarcastic smile. "If only that were entirely true, huh?" "Lavishing in all these material luxuries, being hidden away from any misfortune, I have been ignorant over what it meant to live." the man sighed deeply. "As I watched the starry skies one night, from the balcony, I realised how vast the skies are - And if the skies are endless, then so must the Earth be. I watched birds fly, unhindered by any restraint, and I realised that I was nothing more than a caged falcon, bound by a rope, never allowed to venture too far. Since my birth, I have been told that I must uphold my duties as a prince - As the future King - And I did everything as best as I could, out of filial love and duty for the people I am responsible for." Jataka felt a sense of relief, feeling the Goddess' hand gently caressing his silvery locks. "Do you think I am selfish, Y/N? For wishing for my own happiness, for once?" "No, Jataka. I do not think you are selfish. Truth is..." though Y/N smiled, it was bitter, and a tear escaped down her cheek. "I am just a little upset that you did not realise it until it was too late." a few more tears followed close behind, surprising the young King. "You are such a good man, Jataka. It always pains me, seeing young men and women like you, who have done only good in their life, and are repaid with only misfortune. I hate how unfair life can be, and I hate that I am unable of meddling with diseases that humans cannot conquer yet. If I were to keep every living being alive, forever, than it would only bring calamity and a disbalance of life." Jataka felt a pang of pain in his heart, realising the emotional woman before him cared so much for him and all the people she governed over - Despite all the births, deaths and rebirths that she's witnessed over the course of aeons, for as long as she has been alive - She still couldn't get over the suffering of loss. "But if I make an exception with you, then I would have to make an exception with everyone, as my heart wouldn't allow me to spare one over the other. A cruel fate, out of which I cannot escape. And you, Jataka, are correct, you are no different - A beautiful song bird, trapped in a golden cage, embellished with the most precious jewels, forced to sing the songs of the nobles, yet unable to break free and witness and experience the world in front of your eyes; Unable to spread your wings and feel the air brushing through your feathers."
Y/N felt two gentle hands cradling her face, wiping away her diamond beads of tears which created blooming flowers where they fell on the ground. Jataka smiled, and kissed her forehead. "Having your love means more to me than anything else in the world." he spoke in a soft voice which mellowed the Goddess' heart further into trembling with emotion. "Though I cannot live the life that I wished, nor live eternal in this mortal husk that my body is - I have a single wish, that only you may fulfill. It is the only thing that can bring me a little comfort. Can you promise me something, please?" "Of course. I will do anything." she placed her hands over his own, intertwining their fingers together. "Please, take care of Siddhartha for me. He is still young and naive, still fooled by the luxuries of the palace. He needs you, the same as I do. He is a good man. Please, care for him the same as you did for me." the two locked eyes, and their hearts came to a deep understanding. A vow was formed, for millennia to come. "I will."
Weeks passed by, and though Siddhartha had no clue that Y/N was actually a Goddess, he enjoyed his time spent with her and Jataka. Ever since she appeared at his Kingdom, quite a while ago, he felt that those two were kindred spirits, in ways that few could accomplish, as though they could understand each other simply through looks and smiles. Or maybe that's how mature adults think. One of the two, he wasn't quite sure. Either way, he often teased Jataka about taking her as one of his wives. He always got scolded when he did.
Y/N wasn't the most talkative, but he always appreciated her care for everyone, including him. All her kind words and sweet actions towards people made the young man want to spend more and more time with her.
At some point, he even came over to her, offering flowers - He had the most innocent, boyish grin - He was so adorable, really. Still, for some reason, Y/N only smiled sweetly at him, kissing his cheek and went away. Though he was flustered, he also felt... Rejected? Maybe his intentions weren't obvious enough? He wasn't quite sure - Not to mention, Jataka just laughed, but gave him no answer. Was he teasing him? Ha!
Jataka's time was nearing its end, and for the first time since they've known each other, Siddhartha was met with a confusing confession for his elder brother figure - The validity of his happiness. Was he happy, truly? Was the material world was the soul's fulfillment was? Or perhaps he was too shallow to realise... Or too inexperienced? Jataka said he realised how much he wanted to see the world and... Live. Alas, he couldn't, not only because of his illness, but because of his duties as a King, trapped in the comforting gold of his kingdom.
He panicked, seeing his older brother's bitter smile, looking into the horizon at the setting Sun, and he felt dread, watching the blood dripping down his hand as he continued to cough.
When the country went into deep mourning, he was shocked not to see Y/N anywhere. She must be glued to the coffin, no doubt. Everyone knew she was the closest person Jataka ever had. As Siddhartha rode towards the kingdom, he saw the people sobbing and weeping for their deceased King.
"The life I lived, who did it belong to, in the end?"
"Do you truly think I am a happy person?"
These questions rung through Siddhartha's mind, as soon as he heard that one assumption - "The king must have been truly happy."
But was he, really? Who's to say he was actually happy? The kingdom's prosperity? The people's well-being? No war, nor famine or plague in the lands he was governing?
At once, Siddhartha came to a revelation. He jumped off his horse, and weeping, he started cackling loudly, making people believe his grief drove him to madness.
As expected, as soon as he entered in the temple, he was met with sobbing people, lots of flowers, and a single woman glued to the King's coffin. Yes, Y/N loved flowers, and consequently, so did Jataka - Hence why Siddhartha gathered a whole basket of field flowers and strutted all the way to the coffin, throwing flowers around.
"Siddhartha...?" Y/N's sweet voice called out to him softly as she rose her crying face to look up at him. "You were right. I understand now, and I admit, you were right." he smiled at her. "I won't say it a second time though." "What are you talking about?" Siddhartha moved his gaze to Jataka, and offered a melancholic smile. "Hey, bro. You 'bout ready to go out of here?" with extraordinary strength, Siddhartha picked Y/N and placed her gingerly on his shoulder, as his other hand held Jataka's coffin. He was completely deaf to all the others yelling at him to stop his mad actions. "Piss off. Whatever Gods you're praying at today - My bro Jataka doesn't need their blessings. Because happiness... Comes from within."
Y/N gasped hearing his bold words - And she started crying. She was proud of him. Afternoon came, and the two knelt on the ground, gazing at the beautiful King amongst the flowers, having his coffin lowered onto the river sheen. "You are free, my friend. Now go and find your happiness yourself." they watched him disappear into the horizon, engulfed into the red rays of the beautiful Sun.
For the first time in the many years since they've known each other, Siddhartha witnessed Y/N offering him her undivided attention. As soon as the silhouette of the coffin was visible no more, she threw her arms around his torso and sobbed like a child. Siddharta smiled, moved that someone cared so much for his bro, and he held her smaller form into his embrace. "Why are you crying so much, you little crybaby? Don't you know - Suffering is only a concept bound to the material world. One day, when we enter Samsara, our souls will reunite with Bro's, and we will be friends again, in our next life - Again, and again, until we reach awakening and attain Nirvana." his words sounded so wise, unlike the childish beliefs of yester-year. "It is alright to upset, the wound is still fresh and ablaze. But Y/N - One should find happiness in remembering the beautiful memories guiding your future, rather than mourning the past." "I am so proud of you, Siddhartha." her words were nothing that he expected, and the young man was taken aback. "You are right. Yes, you are entirely right. If only that life was kinder to benevolent souls like yourself and Jataka." she continued vaguely.
Y/N rose her head to look up at him, a wide smile through her tears. "But, Siddhartha, you see - That truth only applies to mortals. As a Goddess, seeing beautiful souls die so young... Beautiful flowers withering all around you, as the garden you tended with so much love and care dies upon winter... It hurts every time, and no matter how many thousands of years pass, I cannot get over the suffering that loss has on me." Siddharta frowned slightly, confused at her statement. "Goddess, you say? Ha! That's funny." he grinned at her. "You see, I have just come to the realisation that I absolutely despise anything that tries to control my actions. I am a firm believer that we seam the tapestry of our own lives through the choices we make. Now I understand why Bro was so upset last time we met. You knew all this, didn't you, you little minx?" "Of course I did." she huffed lightly. "Siddhartha - Do you hate me for not saving Jataka? Now that you know my identity, you must be very upset that I just let him die." The young man let out an over-dramatic hum, placing his hand to his chin as if to mock thinking, before he popped out a negative answer. At least he retained his childish vitality. "What are you Goddess over, anyway? You healed people. Goddess of Life or what?" "Nature, Peace and Serenity." Siddhartha let out a sound of understanding. "No wonder I and Bro felt so good around you! It's like everything was good around you!" he cackled weirdly. "Must be hard on you, huh?" his theatrical expression turned more gentle and kind. "Having to take care of so many things at once. You know, my wife told me once that she can feel what our child feels. I'm not sure how it works, but it must be similar with you and everything you create right?" Y/N nodded her head, albeit, bewildered at the accurate comparison that he figured out on the spot. "Having to feel the emotion of every living being must be a huge pain in the ass." Y/N giggled in amusement. "I love and care for every living being, Siddhartha. It is like a gardener tending to a flower garden. Every human, every animal, every tree. Everything has life, and their vitality, their energy surges through my veins." she explained, taking a step back. She rose her hands up to take his hair away from his tail, letting it swish with the wind. His hair was so long, that it matches her own. "You dig in the dirt with your own fingers, and you bury the seed of life. Every morning, every afternoon and night, you tend to this seed, and care for it - You water it and fertilize it, protect it from parasites and the harsher weathers. When it comes up from under the first, you see the cutest, littlest sprout, braving to live and grow more. You watch it get bigger, and stronger over the course of many days, until finally, it reaches maturity, and it blossoms into the most beautiful flower." she smiled widely, creating a gorgeous flower crown, which she placed on his head. "But once it reaches maturity, the risk of illness increases. It matures until it grows old. You watch it lose its vibrant colours, the petals fall off one by one, until only a frail stem remains, falling from the faintest breeze, until finally, the roots rot, and the flower is no more." Siddhartha's grim comment about life made Y/N's beautiful gem-like eyes gleam with emotion. "So is life, yes." despite being overwhelmed with emotion, Y/N continued to speak. "Out of all my flowers - Siddhartha, you are my most beautiful lotus flower, and I am most proud of you." the young man blushed in surprised. "Creating humans, creating life - It is the effort of the collective of Gods, not mine alone; But creating, and caring for, is different. I may not be able to look over every living being in this large, large world, but I am most honoured that I was able to meet you and see you grow into such a wise young man."
At once, Siddhartha pulled Y/N into a tight hug, swinging her around enthusiastically. "Awwww, you're the sweetest! You're making me blush!" Y/N was quickly beginning to get dizzy from all the twirling and swinging around from the awfully strong prince. "What did you promise Bro?" "Oh? You knew about that?" Y/N chuckled softly, trying to regain her balance. "I promised that I would take care of you, the same way I did for him." Siddharta grinned widely. "Nope!" Y/N looked at him, a little confused. "I've got a better idea, actually." he brought Y/N at arm's length, his hands placed firmly on her shoulders. "You knew I liked you, didn't you?" Y/N nodded her head. "But a mortal doesn't live long enough, so they can't hang around an immortal, huh?" Y/N's eyes lingered towards the river, before nodding again. "Welp, I've got an idea!" his dazzling smile was more charming than any God. "You see, I want to go on a pilgrimage, all by myself. I want to find myself, and my own happiness. I want to find my purpose. I need to do this alone - Though don't worry, if I am to encounter a like-minded friend, then we will travel together." he spoke. "Will you wait for my return, Y/N? Until I reach my Enlightenment and become an iteration of myself with which I can be proud of?" Y/N smiled dearly at the young man, glowing like the morning Sun. "I will wait for you for as many cycles it takes you to find me again. I hope that, by the time you return, you will have achieved true happiness, and I can see your beautiful smile again. Siddhartha."
The young man smiled brightly before pulling Y/N into a sweet kiss. "Something to look forward to." he gave her a peace sign before walking away. "See ya, Y/N! Laters!" "Have a safe journey, you little troublemaker." Y/N smiled dearly, waving at him. Though life as a God was long and tedious, and relationships were shallow, she felt a pure love like she's never experienced before. Whether she sees the young man again or not, she knew he was going to be just fine.
Since then, Y/N returned to the Gods, continuing her boring life, watching over the nature of Earth from above. Life truly wasn't all that exciting for deities living so long, but once in a while, something big happens - Big enough for the whole foundation of Valhalla to shake to the core.
If a human becoming a demi-God wasn't exceptional enough, considering the bravery and righteousness that Heracles displayed; A man had somehow attained supreme spiritual awakening, and ascended to the title of Buddha the Enlightened, the Wise. A human achieved Godhood.
Siddhartha Gautama
As soon as he saw the Goddess, completely frozen from shock of seeing him in Heavens, he let out a childish squeal and leapt on her, rubbing his cheek on her face as though he's a kitten or something. He told her how much he missed her and what not - Surprise! He even had his own brand of delicious lollipops to share with her! And lots and lots of chocolate too! Oh, and they had so much to catch up!
He told Y/N all about his journey and the people he met, those he guided on their path to achieving happiness, and all the sightseeing he did. Best of all, he reminisced all the awakening he did over the years - And how much he missed her! Haha, a joke - He is always determined to get what he wants, so of course, he was patient. Craving would only bring him suffering, thus the knowledge of knowing the Goddess was there, waiting for him, soothed his worried into a calm peace of mind.
Siddhartha - Now, Buddha - Still felt so giddy, being called by his name. Only Y/N could call him that, of course! No one else had that privilege. The more she spoke his name, the happier he was. Buddha ended up playfully pinning Y/N to the bed, kissing all over her face and tickling her, feeling his heart lighter with every sweet giggle she let. When she couldn't take the tickling anymore, the Goddess wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him flush against her chest; She took off his hair tie once again, and the pretty crown-like accessory holding it in a lotus-like style, and she caressed his locks soothingly. "I missed you." three simple words, yet they had the strongest effect on him. He felt compelled to engulf her in his strong arms, cuddling together, two hearts soulbound for an eternity of spiritual happiness.
Many, many years passed, and Buddha and Y/N were inseparable. Gods may argue, and so do humans, but never once did anyone even see them disagree on anything, let alone argue. Was it the endless patience and compassion of the Buddha, or that Y/N was always too kind to say anything that might upset someone, and detested confrontation; She'd rather walk away, or smile, instead of disagreeing with anyone.
That was their biggest similarity, but also, their biggest difference - Buddha was never one to back away from a fight against someone he couldn't stand - In his case, most of the Gods. Ironic, isn't it, he told Y/N so many times; How one can detest the very being they became, with the same strength that they love another just as much. He was a God who hated Gods, yet a God, who loved a Goddess as much as he loved the happiness and freedom he achieved.
"You have to find your own happiness within you." he told her once, watching Y/N dancing around the forest. Everywhere she stepped, flowers grew. "That may be so, Siddhartha - But my happiness increases whenever I see you." she bent to his side, grabbing his wrists and pulling him up to dance with her. Though all kinds of flowers bloomed wherever she stepped, hence why she always walked with no shoes on; Where Buddha stepped, beautiful white lilies grew. Together, they created endless flower gardens, more ethereal than any other God could make.
One would think eternal bliss was in store for them - Alas, one so connected to Nature as Y/N, was bound to suffer greatly, to the hands of the mankind she cherished so much. Buddha often saw how Y/N would try to sneak away into the forests, all alone. Though he hadn't seen her, he could sense her distress, her agony. After the third time that she refused to confide in him, preferring to keep the problem hidden, the newly Awaken God decided to confront her himself.
Instead, once he arrived at the edge of the forest, he found Y/N collapsed on the grass, writhing in pain. Panicked, he fell to his knees, cradling her in his arms, calling out her name; She seemed feverish and weak, but Gods couldn't contract illnesses, could they? Surely, they can't. He held her tight in her embrace, wishering the Heart Sutra in her ear over and over again, until finally, her breathing evened out, and the pain subsided.
"Pfeww, don't scare me like that, gorgeous! You're going to give me a heart attack!" he collapsed on his back dramatically. "Forgive me... I didn't want you to see me like this." Y/N sighed, rolling on the grass next to him. "I did not want you to see me cursing the humanity that I loved so much." "Humanity caused you this pain? What do you mean?" he turned to his side, his blue water lily eyes widening. "Take a look for yourself." she guided him to the edge of the floating forest. "Look there - They are at war. Countless people are dying all at once, the grass is drowning in blood, the animals are perishing." she sighed softly, before pointing to the opposite side. "And there - The deforestation, the excessive hunting - That whole hill is bare of life and decrepit, all so that humans may build and build and build some more." "Ahh, I see, so I was more right than I realised, though to think it would affect you to the point of being physically ill. My poor, poor baby Y/N!" he threw his arms around her, rolling on the grass with her dramatically. There was nothing that he could do to save her from this - It was the course that humanity took for itself, but perhaps there might be a way to somehow detach her, even by a little bit, from her connection with that which was created. Perhaps, that-a-way, the suffering may subside. Until then, however, he can only distract her with his love and playfulness. It was working wonders.
For thousands of years, humanity existed, with the will of the Gods, until that will was no more. Even Aphrodite herself, disgusted with the state of the world, agreed to decimate mankind. Shocked with the outcome, Y/N was the first to step forward and protest. Though she couldn't see Buddha looking at her, she could feel his presence and his lingering gaze. She wanted to fight for the mankind that destroyed her from within. None of the actions of humanity were directly affecting either of the Gods, except for her for the most part. She was the only one with the validity of voting, and if she wanted mankind to continue living, she had every right to vouch for them.
But they didn't care for her opinions - Instead, they laughed, saying her pain will disappear along with the humans, and she can achieve serendipity. How ridiculous. Thankfully, Brunhilde's plan of inducing Ragnarok worked, and thus, the thirteen fights were to take place.
Worried, Y/N quickly rushed out of the conference room, needing some time alone to regain herself. She was panicking and afraid. True, eliminating the humans was bound to relieve her heart of suffering - But at what cost? There were so many good people, innocent people out there, who did nothing wrong. Why should they perish, for the mistakes of others? Like how Adam and Even were cast away from Heaven, due to the disgusting lies and deceit of the Snake, so will billions and billions of other people suffer eternal Doomsday.
It wasn't fair.
A mother doesn't kill their own child for misbehaving. The Gods were being as selfish as always.
"N'aww, sweet-cheeks, don't tell me you're crying again! You know it breaks my heart seeing you like this!" though Buddha wasn't expecting to be pinned to the wall, Y/N's fingers digging deep into his shoulders. "We can't let them die, Siddhartha! We can't! They are innocent!" Y/N cried out, looking into his beautiful eyes. "Please, don't tell me you're on their side! We can't - We can't let them die! But what can we do? We are so few, against so many of them - And they're all so unreasonable and short-sighted." Buddha felt pain in his heart, listening to the distress of her voice, seeing the glimmering of her eyes. "I know! I'll... I'll fight for mankind! I... I've never fought in my life... But I am the Goddess of Peace. To know Peace is to know War; and to know War, is to know Peace. One must protect that which he holds dear. That's right, isn't it?" "Y/N." he called out in a gentle, calm voice. "Please, calm down." "Siddhartha...?" she found herself calling out his name. "You and I - We are soulbound, aren't we? We want the same thing. And you, more than anyone else in this world, know how much I hate being told what to do." he pulled her into a deep kiss. "And I'll be damned before I allow anyone to make you cry." Her distressed look turned into a content smile of relief, and she snuggled into his arms. "I love you so much." those words never failed to make his heart leap with joy.
Once Ragnarok began, Heimdall would call out the champions of the Gods, while Y/N would call the Mankind warriors to come over. It was the least she could do, apart from encouraging each of the fighters.
Mankind had a staggering two consecutive losses, and each time, Y/N took the short pause between matches to weep and regain herself. Staying in the ring for the duration of the fight, she used her magical powers to create a strong shield for the audience, so that none of the match-attacks would mistakenly harm anyone watching.
She felt sad yet emboldened seeing Lu Bu's tragic death, but also, his horse and brothers in arms asking for death, to be reunited in Niflheim with their General. She saw Thor smile for the first time in his life, after having fought with all of his mind against an honorable and strong member of mankind. Likewise, her heart shattered watching Adam's conviction is protecting his children from perdition, the very same she wished.
Thankfully, the great Sasaki was able to slash to death none other than Poseidon himself; Though not the most agreeable person, she still felt sad to see him gone forever. Alas. Y/N hugged the old man, thanking him for his resilience and strength before picking him up and bringing him to the infirmary.
The same happened with Jack the Ripper, a man despised by all mankind and humanity for being the scum of the earth. Y/N knew better - She knew all of their lives. In truth, though she disagreed with his actions, she pitied Jack, the poor man. He truly was a pitiable one. Unlike Poseidon, Heracles was wept by all, Gods and humans alike, whilst Jack got ostracised, ridiculed and insulted, even having stones thrown at him, despite already being injured. That angered Y/N.
"How dare you speak ill of the man who put his life on the line for humanity to keep living?! He has no descendants, he has no family - He fought for humanity, though he had nothing to gain out of it! He got the recognition of Heracles himself, and tied the score against the Gods with his shrewdness and wit - And yet you dare talk down to him? I don't see you in here, facing the wrath of the Gods who want you dead!" Buddha felt himself cackling from the stand, watching the Goddess pick up a grown man like he was a bride and actively healing him with love and care like none other before. What a darling she always was.
Unfortunately, Mankind lost the 5th match, with poor Raiden dying against Shiva, the God of Destruction. Still, the only good thing coming out of all the matches was that Y/N could sense the fighting Gods getting genuine admiration for the strength, selflessness and righteousness of humanity, beginning with Thor calling Lu Bu his friend, Zeus acknowledging Adam's strength in protecting his kin, Sasaki defeating Poseidon himself, Heracles loving humanity and Jack himself, and Shiva admiring Raiden's power.
And thus, the sixth match was to take place. The doors opened, and two rows of seven pink water lilies appeared - The familiar silhouette of Buddha appeared. Y/N looked at his unbothered face, blowing up bubblegum, his weapon lazily swung over his shoulder. He was smirking, winking at Y/N mischievously, reveling in the spotlight before he stepped by the Goddess' side and pulled her over into his side as he got to where the human representative was to stand.
He spit his gum in Heimdall's hand, snatching away his Gjallarhorn. "Excuse me. Testing. Testing." he spoke into the horn. "Uhhh... I'm gonna fight for Mankind. Ya dig?" the whole arena was in ecstasy. Numerous comments were thrown around, denigrating Buddha as he shattered the horn in his grasp. "Piss off." he pointed with his weapon towards Zeus. "Y'all made my girl cry. Screw you. If the Gods aren't going to save mankind, then I will. And if any God gets in my way..." he slammed the butt of the weapon into the ground, his expression now serious and devoid of any joy. "I'll kill 'em."
He truly is the kind not to take orders from anyone. Though Heimdall tried to press on that he can't switch sides, Zeus himself approved anyway. "Are you prepared to make enemies with all of the Gods?" "Dang, you're such a pain!" Buddha scoffed at Odin, pulling Y/N even closer to his side. "Remember what I said before? Whether you're allies or enemies, good or evil, Gods or Humans, none of that matters!" Buddha was glowing brightly with intense confidence. "In all universe, nothing else matters, except me!"
Such a narcissistic comment, added to the intense frustration of the Gods, made Y/N burst into laughter along with him. Two weirdos. "So, who am I fighting?"
The Seven Fortunes stepped into the arena and fused into a single deity. Vaisravana was no more, and instead, one called Zerofuku appeared. The Eight Gods of Fortune were actually a single entity. This Zerofuku guy was a real weirdo, even for their standards, and he confessed his intense wish to slaughter Buddha with all of his might, as he created his sinister weapons which got bigger and bigger the more misfortune he encountered.
Though Y/N didn't know of Zerofuku's past, he knew Buddha. He was able to take the misfortune of the humans into his own body, until he couldn't any more, only to receive discontempt and realise that those he tried to help were in no way less misfortunate than before. Material luxury and sinful indulgences did nothing to appease the soul. Instead, Zerofuku had to witness strings of people following Buddha in his path to Enlightenment. He got jealous, unable to understand his teachings - Yet somehow, no matter how cryptic or enigmatic Zerofuku found Buddha's words, the other people - Including those whom he helped previously - Began following the Awakened One close behind.
The more Zero attacked, the bigger his weapon grew, for Buddha could see the flickers of his soul and evade all the hits before they even happened. He was even taunting the God, intentionally or not, driving him into a mad frenzy. The few attacks that Buddha threw all landed with tremendous effect, earning cheers and applause from the audience.
Though he couldn't see Y/N reaction, Buddha was sure she was a worrying mess - That's her caring nature, after all - Yet seeing Zero's weapon growing as large as the whole arena, and him not moving from his spot, well - He feared she might be fainting on the spot, like a poor damsel in distress. Well, he'll just have to sweep her off her feet and protect her like the chevalier of light that he is!
Y/N knew, in theory, that Buddha's weapon transformed in each of the Six Paths identities depending on his emotions, and with his being a master at controlling his moods, he could form anything at will, more or less, so she wasn't all that surprised when the weapon transformed into a Shield to block the huge weapon. Still, she almost wished she could see all of the Paths.
Next, he used the Spiked Club of Nirvana, trembling to charge in an attack - And so he did, sweeping to the ground and causing lethal damage on the demon's side. The demon's weapon turned into two swords, to which Buddha made his weapon turn into a large halbert, easily countering every one of Zero's attacks. His misfortune was increasing, and his weapon turned into a multitude of hooks acting like snakes - He retaliated with a Vajra, running around and cutting them away to bits.
"Love yourself!" Buddha encouraged the poor demon. "I actually like you quite a lot, Zerofuku." that comment made the misfortunate one start sobbing and staring at the graceful God, shining brighter than the golden Sun. Zero's anger subsided and he finally understood who he really is, and what he wants from life. His weapon disappeared, and Buddha also threw his own to the ground, proposing an outright fist-fight. What a child, Y/N giggled, watching that playful smirk on his face as he intentionally allowed the pitiable demon to strike him back. Y/N could never image ever letting herself feel physical hurt just for fun - Alas, men were weird, and Buddha especially, was one of a kind.
Zerofuku was on the ground, sprawled, with all his misfortune and anger seeping out of his in a cloud. His purple hair turned pure white, and his blissful grin, that childlike innocence and glee were sparkling in his eyes. Buddha, also, was happy to have helped another worthy person achieve spiritual happiness - Until the horns on either side of his skull penetrated deep into his brain, worming their way inside his body. Zerofuku was engulfed by two dragons, one blue and one red. Buddha could do nothing to safe his new friend. Instead, he was forced to watch Zero disappearing, and a true evil appearing in his stead.
The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Papiyas, was reborn.
Buddha immediately leapt back, afraid for the first time, for there was a creature of pure darkness, whom he couldn't read. He hadn't an inkling of brightness in his soul which he could read. Y/N, like everyone else, was trembling from the sheer malevolence of the demon. Terrifying, Y/N ran in front of Buddha, standing protectively in front of him - She knew, if need be, her defense magic was second to none in Valhalla.
There goes this legend about a terrifying foe from Helheim - Hades told her this story once, dating before he was ruled of the Underworld - That this enemy destroyed half of the realm... Or rather, it was lucky enough that even half of it was left intact, to some degree.
Once Papiyas turned his arm into a weapon, Y/N summoned her polearm into her grasp, parrying the attack. The Gods all gasped - It has been thousands of years since they've seen the Goddess of Peace fight. In truth, it was only during the Titanomachy that she fought - To protect her Peace, one must go to War. It was an irony that she had to accept as a true axioma.
"H-Hey, Y/N, it's not your fight! Two people can't fight for a single side!" she heard Heimdall's shaky voice call out. "To hell with your rules, Heimdall! If this freak doesn't die, we're all screwed!" Y/N growled, struggling to push him back, counter and block all of his strikes that came at the speed of lightning. "If Zeus accepted the intervention of the Valkyries for all the other fights, then for goodness' sake, there's hardly any difference, is there?!" "I SHALL ALLOW IT!" Zeus' amused voice called out from the stands, as Y/N leapt back, just a step in front of Buddha. She was breathing heavily from the effort. "Siddhartha, stand back." her overprotectiveness was taking over her senses. "I will fight with my fullest power." Papiyas glared at the two. "THAT WAS YOU HOLDING BACK?!" Y/N cried out at him. "Gosh... Buddha, come over." quickly, Y/N placed a few flowers in his hair. "This will protect you from harm... I hope." she muttered the last bit, watching as Papiyas was preparing a drill-like strike called the Pandaemonium Cycle. Before she could react, Buddha dragged Y/N behind him, pulling his shield up - But the drill was capable of penetrating through it, gouging his left eye out.
"S...Siddhartha...?!" Y/N started, shuddering in distress at her lover's injury. He protected her, while he got his eye drilled into mush. "Don't worry about me, worry about that monster!" Buddha transformed his weapon into the sword away, engaging in an exchange of slashes that barely left a scar on the demon's neck. Buddha had to make adjustments to his attacks, because of his blindspot. fighting with one eye only as he was gradually being whittled down.
"Judgement." Papiyas smirked, impaling Buddha's foot, urging him to leap back once again. Y/N couldn't believe there were idiot Gods out there, begging for Buddha's death - Idiots. The Demon King pointed out Zerofuku was no more - He ate him - Shocking both Buddha and Y/N. What a monster, they thought, and the Enlightened one was feeling even more angered, enough to curse at him. "I've made up my mind. I'm gonna KILL YOU!" Y/N, nor anyone else, ever saw Buddha's wrath. Hopefully, it will serve him and humanity well. His staff transformed into the Hatred Emotion which created a weapon he's never seen before, the Warscythe of Salakaya, which had a menacing head of a roaring lion on it. "Preposterous." Papiyas spat. "For a piece of trash such as you, to defy a supreme being like me... I will waste no time passing judgement! And nothing could be more pleasant than that!" his laugh roared through the whole arena. "Stick that judgement up your ass, you sick fuck!" the audience gasped with the curse of the Goddess as Buddha attacked first with his blade, before unleashing an infernal fire towards the demon.
Blood spilled to the ground, though Buddha was the most confused of all. He was the one who initiated the attack, and it was his blade that cut away at Papiyas' arm. It was him who was supposed to get impaled by the enemy's weapon - So why the hell was Y/N standing before him like a meat shield, while he was unscathed?! "Y/N...?" his single remaining eye was wide with shock, staring at the blood splattering to the ground, and the soft tremble of her body. "The flower protected you." Y/N smiled weakly. "That is my happiness in life. Caring for those I hold dear to my heart." she giggled softly. "How pathetic. Any last words?" Papiyas grunted menacingly. "The whole world shall freeze over before I allow a pathetic little shit like you hurt my children. You, and all the Gods that oppose us - All who wish for mankind's erasure - I will fucking burn you all to death until there's nothing left of you to commemorate your wretched existence." Y/N smirked, grabbing Papiyas' arm and forcing herself through the weapon, sticking her own blade into his shoulder. That pissed the demon enough to kick her into the God behind her, toppling them to the ground. "Never do that again!" Buddha briefly scolded her. "Sorry, love, but I will do that, for as many times as my body keeps holding me. I am not strong, but I am resilient. It is you who can kill him, not me. If you are alive, we can win this. Together." Buddha got up, glaring angrily at the demon. "You have twice more, Siddhartha. That is my limit. After that, you're on your own. Use my power wisely." Buddha understood the implication well enough without any explanation - If he gets careless again, Y/N will die, protecting him. Similar to the story of the Moon Rabbit, so is she; Whilst the monkey, the fox and the bird gathered fruit, mean and nuts for the traveler to eat, the rabbit, knowing it could only gather some grass, threw itself into the fire for the man to eat him. Moved by the selflessness of the rabbit, the traveler, who was actually Sakra himself, made it so that the fire did not burn the rabbit, and instead, created the moon in its liking, and the fumes that would have burnt it, the fog surrounding it.
Still, Siddhartha did NOT want to see Y/N actually killing herself like that; Though an admirable and selfless act, he did not want to mourn her, the way he did Jataka long ago. He had to win. He MUST win.
"You're weak. Way weaker than Zero." Buddha taunted the Demon King into attacking him, and he parried all of his hits for as long as he could, before getting kicked away again. His continuing of the mocking caused the Demon King such rage, that he managed to find the perfect opening through his attack, impaling him again - Only, it wasn't him, but Y/N, much to Buddha's dismay. "Damn it, Y/N! Damn it, damn it, damn it!" he wanted to destroy the last flower in his hair, but he didn't have the strength. "One last chance, Siddhartha. Don't waste it." Y/N felt so weak as she got thrown away to the other side of the arena, rolling to the ground like a used ragdoll. "Y/N!" she heard her lover called out, afraid for her life - But as long as the flower of life was pulsating energy within him, he was reassured she was still alive and continuing to actively heal him.
Buddha continued his plan of mocking the enemy, causing him uncharacteristic fright, to the point that he tore off his arm to create a mighty weapon.
Buddha attacked again, though surprisingly, the blade of his Scythe got cut off and shattered to the ground. "Seriously...?!" he gasped, not having expected his Divine Treasure to break, of all things. He tried to defend with his staff, but that, too, broke, sending him away. He was sent to the ground, crashing down with such force that he couldn't move. "SIDDHARTHA!" Y/N cried, crawling to his side and holding him in her arms. She tried desperately to heal him, but he was unconscious, thus nothing she could do. As Papiyas was menacingly approaching, Y/N used her weapon to hoist herself up, creating a shield to protect the two until he woke up.
Thankfully, Buddha achieved enlightenment once again, and he got up, holding Zerofuku's old weapon. The crown holding his hair together shattered, and his gorgeous hair was shown for all to see. "Thank you, Y/N, Zero. Let's fight together, yes?" Y/N smiled sweetly, seeing him confident once again. "Yeah. Let's." despite her bloodloss, Y/N smiled, preparing her weapon. "Samavadhana Volundr!" Buddha and Zero together created a Divine Weapon that only Buddha could attaint through sublime enlightenment. A gorgeous and strong weapon, containing the strength and feelings of all the Gods of Fortune.
Ready to fight, Buddha kept up perfectly with the Demon King, parrying all of his attacks as strong as never before - And he was grinning, confident and self assured, even managing to inflict massive damage, at the cost of some minor injuries on himself. Still, he had to finish things fast, before either he or Y/N perish. He managed to slash away perfectly at his chest one again, though it wasn't as deep as he'd have liked. The climax was approaching fast. Y/N stepped by his side, holding his hand to transfer the last bit of energy into him, so he could keep going - At this rate, he'd only get more injuries, so at least he must keep his vitality and strength, for as long as it lasts. The one sided exchange of life that only Y/N could gift to another.
No matter how Papiyas continued to attack, Buddha was so fast and accurate that no more hit grazed him. The last ultimate attack of the Demon King - All thought landed, but instead, it was a clone, crumbling in an array of petals. Y/N grinned impishly, pointing behind him, as Buddha was ready to kill the foe.
Just as he turned, the last thing Papiyas saw was Buddha's Godly form, perfect beyond boundaries existent to Godhood, and the sword of light, love and compassion shined bright through the dark arena, slicing down the Demon King in two or three. different parts. It didn't matter that Papiyas tried to attack again, for Y/N slapped his hand away, watching as Niflheim was crumbling him to dust.
Somewhere in the sky, the light of heaven showed the happy soul of Zerofuku and the other Seven Gods of Fortune, ascending to Nirvana - Together, in friendship. Buddha couldn't contain his tears of glee, as he brought Y/N into his side, holding the sword dearly into his grasp. Everyone was chanting Buddha's name as he reveled in his win. The sword disappeared, but a bird that loved Zero sat on it, weeping for the loss of its benefactor.
Barely able to stand up, Buddha used all of his strength to drag Y/N out of the arena - Somehow, he was rather sure she was in a far worse shape than he was, having taken two direct hits like that. Not only that, but the refreshing feeling of the gentle caress that Y/N's energy felt, healing him, was keeping him very much alive and giddy. "You were so cool, Y/N. I didn't know you could do all that." Y/N smiled enigmatically. "They say true strength can be found when protecting that which is dearest to you. The truth is, Siddhartha, that I love you more than anything else is this world. You make me the happiest I've ever been." "Ha! Hear you, all sappy and sweet! Y'know you're gonna make me melt!" he cackled, pulling her into a gentle kiss, afraid of causing her more pain. "Let's get all better and continue rooting for humanity, yes? We've done all we could. The rest is their burden to bear - And I think they've done a pretty damn good job so far, don't you think?" "Hella." when she lost strength in her legs, Buddha immediately reacted, picking her up and cradling her in his arms like a princess. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you did that intentionally." he teased her, kissing her forehead. "If most of my blood was inside of me, and not out in the arena, it would have been intentional." she smirked back at him just as comically.
After getting the much required medical care, they continued watching the matches from the comfort of their chamber, laying on the comfortable, fluffy bed, cuddled in each other's arms. Y/N had tied his hair up again, and instead of his golden crown, she replaced it with one made of flowers. He, in return, caressed her hair until she relaxed completely, singing softly the Heart Sutra for her, for as long as it took for her to achieve a much needed peace.
All things are empty: Nothing is born, nothing dies, Nothing is pure, nothing is stained, Nothing increases and nothing decreases. So, in emptiness, there is no body, No feeling, no thought, No will, no consciousness.
There are no eyes, no ears, No nose, no tongue, No body, no mind. There is no seeing, no hearing, No smelling, no tasting, No touching, no imagining. There is nothing seen, nor heard, Nor smelled, nor tasted, Nor touched, nor imagined.
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elcaminodediogenes · 5 months
El Sutra del Corazón
Traducción: José Silvestre Montesinos.
Avalokiteshvara, el Bodhisattva de la Compasión, meditando profundamente sobre el Entendimiento Perfecto, descubrió que los cinco aspectos de la existencia humana estaban vacíos*, liberándose de este modo del sufrimiento. En respuesta al monje Sariputra, dijo lo siguiente:
El cuerpo es tan solo vacío, el vacío no es más que el cuerpo. El cuerpo está vacío, y el vacío es el cuerpo. Los otros cuatro aspectos de la existencia humana: Sentidos, pensamientos, voluntad y conciencia, también están vacíos, y el vacío los contiene. Todas las cosas están vacías: Nada nace, nada muere, nada es puro o impuro, nada aumenta o disminuye. Así pues, en el vacío, no existe el cuerpo, ni las sensaciones, ni los pensamientos, ni la voluntad, ni la conciencia. No hay ojos, ni oídos, ni nariz, ni lengua, ni cuerpo, ni mente. No hay sentido de la vista, ni del oído, ni del olfato, ni del gusto, ni del tacto, ni de la imaginación. Nada puede verse o escucharse, olerse o gustarse, tocarse o imaginarse. No existe la ignorancia, ni el fin de la ignorancia. No existen la vejez y la muerte, ni el fin de la vejez y la muerte. No existe el sufrimiento, ni la causa del sufrimiento, ni el fin del sufrimiento, ni un camino a seguir. No existe el logro de la sabiduría, ni ninguna sabiduría que lograr. Los Bodhisattvas confían en el Entendimiento Perfecto, y, libres de todo engaño, no sienten ningún miedo, disfrutando del Nirvana aquí y ahora. Todos los Budas, pasados, presentes y futuros, confían en el Entendimiento Perfecto, y viven en la iluminación total. El Entendimiento Perfecto es el mejor mantra. El más lúcido, el más elevado, el mantra que elimina todo sufrimiento. Ésta es una verdad fuera de toda duda. Dilo así: Gaté, gaté, paragaté, parasamgaté. ¡Bodhi! ¡Svaha! Que significa… Partir, partir, partir a lo alto, partir a lo más alto. ¡Iluminados! ¡Que así sea! *
Vacío es la traducción habitual para el término Budista Sunyata (o Shunyata). Hace referencia al hecho de que ninguna cosa, incluida la existencia humana, posee una sustancia verdadera, lo que implica que nada es permanente y que nada es independiente por completo del resto de las cosas. En otras palabras, todo lo que existe en el mundo está interconectado y en un fluir constante. Por tanto, una correcta apreciación de esta idea nos libera del sufrimiento causado por nuestro ego, nuestro apego y nuestra resistencia al cambio y a la pérdida.
Nota: “Entendimiento Perfecto” es la traducción de Prajnaparamita. El nombre completo de este Sutra es El Corazón de Prajnaparamita.
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conobarco · 4 months
mañana me junto a la mañana a estudiar quimica y a la tarde a estudiar para diversidad animal II, chikis este no es el bodhi que ustedes conocen, este es un bodhi aplicado que va a promocionar y regularizar las materias que esta cursando 😌😌😌😌
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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“Gate, Gate, Paragate, Para Sam gate Bodhi svaha,” Meaning: “To that which is beyond the ocean of existence, I give homage; to that which is beyond the beyond.” The Akasha Gate Talon Abraxas
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unofficialchronicle · 8 months
“Gate Gate” CHANT
From the Heart of the Great Wisdom Sutra.   Gate, Gate, Paragate, Para Sam gate Bodhi svaha – 10 times “Gone, gone, all the way gone, gone beyond the beyond.”
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nickyryder · 8 months
Novela Wattpad: La Ladrona de los príncipes - Capítulo 7 (fracción)
Pero un gruñido, o podría haber sido un ronquido, me hizo pegarme contra la pared. Mi corazón latió como un tambor de guerra. No podía permitir que la amenaza de la cobardía se instalara en mí. A pocos metros de mí, había un tridente para heno. Me acerqué a él en silencio, siendo extremadamente cuidadosa con el ruido que provocaba mi cuerpo.
Cuando estuve armada, me acerqué a donde había prevenido el sonido. Entre los bloques amarillentos de heno, yacía tirada una figura, inconsciente. Fruncí el ceño, era un muchacho. Parecía inconsciente más que dormido, la botella de vino en el suelo confirmaba el aroma a alcohol que llenaba el aire.
El muchacho estaba despatarrado con uno de sus brazos cubriendo su rostro, protegiendo sus ojos de la luz. Vestía una camisa de lino con las mangas dobladas por los antebrazos, fuera de los pantalones, lo que le otorgaba un aspecto desenfrenado y desgarbado. Los primeros botones estaban en su mayoría sueltos, por lo que sentí que al mirarlo estaba siendo grosera. Los pantalones oscuros y sueltos estaban atrapados en unas botas de montar. Lo que no se escapó de mi vista fue el cinturón suelto que rodeaba sus caderas bajas, almacenaba estuches para dagas y lo que supuse que podría ser el estuche de una espada, que no se encontraba en su lugar.
Intenté buscarla con la mirada, pero el hombre respiró profundo y yo, rápidamente, lo apunté con el arpón. Una nueva mirada hacia los caballos encendió otra idea en mi cabeza. Tenía que apresurarme, estaba perdiendo tiempo.
—¡E-Ey! — le grité al hombre, aferrándome a mi arma, pero éste no se inmutó. Di un paso adelante para proporcionarle una patada a la bota de cuerpo, pero no hubo caso. —¡Despiértese!
El borracho yacía profundamente dormido en el suelo, ajeno a todas mis iniciativas por despertarlo. Su respiración, lenta y pesada, llenaba la habitación con un ritmo constante y ronco. Su cuerpo estaba como un tronco, completamente inmovil. Un caballo relinchó, lo que logró que yo cerrara los ojos, apretando los dientes, me estaba quedando sin tiempo. Mis posibilidades de escapar sin ser descubierta estaban alejándose cuanto más me retrasaba.
Noté, lo bastante cerca como para permitirme apartar la vista, un balde de agua para los animales. Con un gesto rápido y decidido, lo incliné sobre el hombre dormido. El agua cayó en un torrente chispeante hacia su cabeza. Lo solté tan pronto lo había agarrado, volviendo a aferrarme al tridente, apuntando al hombre.
El impacto del líquido frío fue como un shock eléctrico, haciendo que el muchacho se enderezara de un salto, los ojos abiertos de par en par y un gemido ahogado se escapó de sus labios.
—Sí, sí, ya desperté… dioses…
En otra situación, que no fuera de vida o muerte, me hubiera reído. Empapado, sorprendido y despierto de golpe, incrédulo y molesto, el hombre me miró.
—Quietecito ahí — ordené, imitando con mi mayor esfuerzo la voz de Donna, Rowena o Bodhi al dar una orden. Las puntas del tridente estaban distanciadas solo por un respiro del corazón del muchacho.
—¿Quién mierda eres tú? — su voz era profunda y melódica, ronca en su pronto despertar.
Había logrado notar a varios guardias masculinos en el castillo, no podía diferenciar si todos eran bellos por la magia inmortal o solo realmente poseían una belleza innata, aunque había escuchado que una de mis compañeras de habitación mencionaba que no era más que el uniforme. También había pensado que los hombres tenían cuerpos increíbles en esos imponentes atuendos. Pero este mozo de cuadra, empapado y borracho, era el hombre más atractivo que había visto jamás.
Le devolví la mirada, sus labios se curvaron en una sonrisa de costado, letal. Parecía decir que estaba tan sorprendido como yo.
El mozo se apoyó en uno de sus brazos, divertido con la situación, parecía no importarle que tenía tres afiladas cuchillas contra el pecho. La luz de la luna, de las antorchas, le iluminó el rostro exquisito. Con un rostro angular de pómulos pronunciados era intenso y enigmático. El pelo negro, corto, goteaba partículas de agua que delineaban su mandíbula. La piel estaba pálida con ojos oliva, pero cuanto más lo miraba, más creía que eran dorados.
El mozo intentó levantarse, pero lo impedí, apresándolo más con el tridente.
—Te he dicho que te quedes quieto —siseé.
—Y tú no me has dicho quién eres — se mofó, encantador. —Así que nadie está satisfecho.
Bufé con un rápido revoleo de ojos.
—Soy alguien que te llenará de agujeros si no haces lo que digo — mi voz raspó mi garganta. La sangre corría por mis venas en un palpitar febril. —Rápido. Me-Me ensillarás un caballo. Uno que sea tranquilo, calmado.
Su boca estrecha y picarona, con el labio superior levemente más relleno, me sonrió altanero.
—¿Si? ¿Y tú qué me darás a cambio? — el muchacho inclinó su cabeza, como un gato curioso. —Supongo que habrás aprendido que aquí todo debe ser un trueque.
Estaba perdiendo la paciencia, tiempo valioso que podría significar la victoria o la derrota de mi plan de escape, se escapaba de mis manos. Intenté que mi voz no sonara demasiado agresiva cuando le gruñí:
— ¿No lo ves? ¡Evitaré convertirte en un colador!
Soltó una engreída carcajada, su cabeza cayó hacia atrás, presumiendo un cuello perfecto con lo que parecía ser la tinta de un tatuaje que se escapaba de su pecho.
—Qué amabilidad la tuya — volvió a observarme. Sus pupilas estaban dilatadas, un cazador analizando a su presa. El pánico me consumió. ¿Estaba pidiendo la ayuda de algo más que un simple cuidador de caballos? Lamió sus dientes impecables. —Pero si me atacas, aún puedo atacarte de vuelta.
Mis ojos grisáceos volaron a su cintura, subía y descendía sin emociones alteradas como las mías, rodeada por al menos dos pares de armas. Hundí el tridente contra su pecho, arruinando la desprolija camisa cuando le creé tres círculos perfectos.
—No podrás hacer nada si te apuñalo en el corazón.
El moreno se observó el pecho con desinterés, las gotas intensas de la sangre comenzaban a ensuciar la camisa de lino. Cuando levantó la mirada, estaba aburrido, pero sus ojos estrechados notaban lo contrario.
— Entonces estoy definitivamente muerto — cedió con apatía. — Okey, okey, preciosa sin modales. Ensillaré un caballo que te permitirá escapar, ya que evidentemente eso es lo que estás haciendo, humana ligera —me señaló en mi totalidad, desde el doble par de calcetines hasta el bolso que colgaba a mi costado. La confusión me picó los dedos cuando oí el apodo con el que Bodhi se refería a mí, acelerando aún más mi desquiciado corazón. Era la sincera reacción de estar haciendo algo que estaba mal. —Sólo… si me das un beso.
La propuesta se escapó demasiado pronto de sus bonitos labios, como si lo hubiera pensado desde siempre.
—¿Cómo sabes…? — me interrumpí rápidamente, tuve el instinto de soltar el tridente de mis manos y llevarlas a mi cuello, donde el collar encantado descansaba. Nyssae había jurado que nadie podría descubrir que era humana mientras llevara el colgante alrededor de mi cuello. Las sirvientas de la corte, incluso, me habían olfateado a centímetros de distancia sin notar la diferencia, pero el muchacho no tardó en notar la verdad. Quise ser más consciente de mis orejas, pero no lograba descubrir si éstas estaban cubiertas o no.
—Puedo oler tu esencia humana entre toda esta mierda, preciosa.
— Es imposible — hablé a media voz, más para mí misma que para él.
—¿En el reino de la magia? — se burló crispado, la sonrisa se le curvó aún más. —Nada es imposible aquí. Así que por qué no me besas rápido antes de que los guardias descubran que no estás en la cama.
Sólo los dioses sabían cuán advertidos estaban los humanos sobre los encantos de los feéricos inmortales. Me repetí una y mil veces en mi interior que no debía sentirme atraída por la idea de besarlo. No sabía por qué intentaba prevenirlo de la magia que se juraba que existían entre los besos de dos mundos diferentes.
— Pero un beso humano, podría…
— Podría hacerme perder la mente —continuó lo que yo estaba por decir, confiado en sí mismo. —Sí, eso dicen… Pero, acaso no es razón suficiente para hacerlo. Agonizar por un beso, casi suena como una balada— era la voz de un amante la que la incitaba a enfurecer a los dioses, no la de un borracho.
Pero no podía hacerme cargo del futuro del muchacho, de cualquier forma, no creía realmente que hubiera magia escondida en los cuerpos humanos. Esa creencia era más antigua que el propio mundo. Le asentí al muchacho, corto y rápido.
Él se puso de pie entre jadeos y quejidos, despiadado y agudo. Tenía las piernas largas envueltas en músculos que no se ocultaban entre las telas de su ropa.
—Estoy muy viejo para esto… y ebrio —se enderezó completamente, y aunque yo lo seguí apuntando con el tridente, se deslizó de su amenaza con la ligereza de un experto.
Lo observé tomar una de las sillas de montar colgadas de un armario junto al establo de un enorme caballo blanco, con el cabello sedoso y largo. Le recordé que debería ser tranquilo, pero el mozo solo chisteó con gallardía, como si supiera perfectamente lo que estaba haciendo.
—¿Eres el mozo de cuadra del castillo o solo un borracho?
—Bueno, estaba cuidando a los caballos antes de emborracharme.
La arrogancia se desprendía de sus movimientos, de forma natural, apenas parecía consciente de aquello. Tenía la belleza de un príncipe, pero vestía como un pirata borracho, y estaba haciendo exactamente lo que uno haría. No podía entender por qué habría terminado así, casi inconsciente.
—¿Por qué? — pregunté a sus espaldas, bajando el arpón.
—No lo sé, en realidad no me gustan mucho los caballos — habló. Una ráfaga de viento nos rodeó a ambos, no pude evitar mirar a mi alrededor, por un segundo, juré que alguien más estaba con nosotros, pero el muchacho no parecía pensar lo mismo.
—No —bufé. — ¿Por qué estabas bebiendo?
Se volteó para observarme, retrocedí un paso, porque no me había percatado de que estábamos demasiado cerca. Tenía la mirada intensa, pero melancólica, parecía tan triste como una canción de desamor.
—Porque no todos podemos escapar como tú.
Nos observamos por unos instantes, en silencio. No tenía nada que decir, intentaba leer su corporalidad pero me resultaba demasiado complicado, como si estuviera rodeada de una neblina invisible. Él me observaba desde su amplia diferencia de altura -casi una cabeza y media-, celoso de la posibilidad de poder, aunque sea, intentar escapar en un caballo.
—¿Cuál es tu nombre? — pregunté, rompiendo el silencio.
—No tengo uno, sólo soy un bastardo borracho — me incomodé, los priotanos solían rechazar a todos los bastardos, pues se los conocía por su naturaleza traicionera. —Un hijo sin nombre. Pero tú, sí debes tener uno, ligera.
Nuevamente mencionaba el apodo de Bodhi, pero nadie había estado junto a nosotros cuando lo nombró. Entonces, las paredes sí hablaban.
—¿Me conoces? — dejé el tridente a un costado, de vuelta en su lugar. El muchacho ya no parecía una amenaza, si me quisiera atacar, ya lo habría hecho.
—Te he visto en la mañana — me mostró una sonrisa coqueta, la lengua empujando contra los dientes, como si intentara acallar una risa. —Con los animales de los corrales. Te gustan, ¿verdad?
Le quité importancia con un levantamiento de hombros. Por supuesto que tenía una facilidad para sentirme encantada por los animales, no podía explicarlo, solo disfrutaba de estar cerca de ellos. —Algunos más que otros.
El mozo fue más rápido de lo que yo pude prevenir. Cuando me alzó en sus fuertes brazos y me acomodó en la silla del majestuoso caballo, una oleada de emociones me invadió. La sensación de estar elevándome por encima del suelo, el hormigueo en mi estómago por la sorpresa, ambos fueron cálidos dentro de mí. Tenía el tacto firme y caliente, la presión segura de sus grandes manos en mis caderas, cuando me sentó en el caballo. Tomó mi pie más cercano a él, intentando no reírse de mis dobles calcetines, y lo colocó dentro del estribo.
—No hablabas demasiado con tus compañeras — mencionó, como si no quisiera dejarme marchar, aún.
—Nunca tuve el deseo de conocer a nadie aquí — susurré. Hubiese estado dichosa de tener la oportunidad de conocerlo.
La ansiedad que me proporcionaba estar en medio de mi huída estaba siendo acallada con demasiada facilidad por los encantos del bastardo. Quería huir, sabía que debía apresurarme, pero no podía negar el ligero deseo que me seducía. Estaba atrapada entre la inminente libertad y el misterio que aquel hombre representaba, intrigada por, aunque sea, conocer su nombre.
Podía notar, porque aún tenía mi tobillo entre una mano que llevaba tatuado líneas inconclusas, que él se sentía de la misma forma. No quería dejarme marchar. Cuando volviera a mis tierras, a Priosan, a los días grises y a la vulgaridad de ese territorio privado de magia, recordaría con cariño al mozo de cuadra, el bastardo, que se había fascinado conmigo.
Cuando estuviera triste y melancólica, odiando mi propia existencia, me contaría a mí misma el cuento de cómo un caballero, hermoso como ningún otro, me esperaba en su inmortal reino.
Los ojos dorados del muchacho rompieron la conexión que manteníamos, para detallar mis labios. Contuve la necesidad de remojarlos, apartando la mirada. Cuando el ambiente encandilante desapareció, volvimos a hablar.
—Tengo que decírtelo — el bastardo sonaba arrepentido. — No lograrás escapar.
Cerré los ojos con amargura. Había desperdiciado demasiado tiempo, pero aún no me rendiría.
—Necesito intentarlo.
—Ellos no te dejarán ir tan fácilmente — me aconsejó con sinceridad. Llevó la mano tatuada a mi rodilla, escondida por debajo del vestido. El cálido apretón me sonrojó las mejillas.
—Por favor, no puedes decir nada… — la desesperación subió por mi garganta, provocando que me sujetara con más fuerza de las correas de la silla.
—No, bestia sin modales — sonrió amable. —Has ganado mi silencio.
—Gracias por ayudarme.
De cerca sus ojos almendrados eran más dorados que olivas, la sonrisa ya no era tan amplia o gatuna, sino más melancólica. La inquietud y ansiedad atraparon su bello rostro por sorpresa.
—Espera… — me sujetó por la muñeca cuando me despedí. —¿Qué hay de mi beso?
Me encontraba atrapada en una encrucijada digna de un cuento de hadas, con mi corazón noble y abnegado. Los ojos dorados y la irresistible presencia del hombre había despertado una tentación ardiente, pero sabía que aquello podría culminar en un castigo para ambos. Incluso si me escapo impune, el posible destino despiadado que los dioses podrían lanzar al muchacho me acobardaba.
—Umh… estaba esperando que olvidaras esa idea. —El caballo se incomodó por debajo de mí. —No funcionará, te hará daño.
—¿Por qué te importa? — Lejos de mostrarme asustada, le sonreí socarrona. —No me conoces.
Ahogué una sonrisa, que sonó como un bufido.
—No pareces mala persona, has sido el primero en hablar conmigo aquí sin estar obligado.
—En realidad, me apuntaste con un tridente — se burló con la sonrisa de costado, logrando que me riera sin barreras. Un instante después, la sonrisa había desaparecido de los ojos del chico. —Me odiarías si me conocieras realmente.
Yo, que era terca como una mula, insistí:
—Si no te beso, tendrás tiempo de probarme lo contrario.
Pero el mozo de cuadra parecía ser mucho más terco, y temerario, que yo.
—Quiero mi beso, preciosa.
Bajo el manto de la noche estrellada, en un rincón secreto del reino mágico, en un apestoso establo, un hada de ojos dorados y una humana de belleza escondida debajo de una apariencia enfermiza, se encontraban al borde de lo desconocido. La tensión era palpable, como una fuerza mágica que los atraía inexorablemente.
En ese momento de quietud y expectación, el muchacho subió una mano para acercar el rostro, tomándome por la mejilla fría. Sus labios se acercaron lentamente, como si el universo mismo contuviera la respiración, aquel era un beso que los dioses no se perderían.
Fue un roce fugaz, apenas perceptible, un beso que parecía inofensivo pero que llevaba consigo el peso de lo prohibido. Nuestros labios se encontraron con una ternura y pasión contenida, y la electricidad de ese contacto se extendió a través de nosotros, envolviéndonos en una sensación embriagadora. El tiempo pareció detenerse mientras el beso se prolongaba por un breve instante, cargado de promesas y anhelos. Y luego terminaba.
Abrí los ojos, sentí la magia en los labios ajenos, luego la sentí en los míos propios. El bastardo aún tenía los ojos cerrados, en su imperceptible distancia, como si la maldición ya lo hubiera atrapado.
Conscientes de que habíamos cruzado un umbral peligroso. Aquel beso, apenas un suave roce, había desatado un torbellino de emociones y preguntas sin respuestas, y mientras los dioses continuaban su eterna observación, el futuro era incierto pero prometía ser desastroso.
Cuando el muchacho abrió los ojos, eran del rojo carmín.
Se alejó de mí, como si fuera peligrosa para él. Observó al caballo blanco con la mirada severa, los ojos fugaces.
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iihaebqaa · 1 year
Ver "Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Svaha" en YouTube
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upstartcrow1564 · 1 year
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Gate gate para gate parasam gate bodhi svaha.
May she rest in eternal blessed peace, and may all who love her be comforted. May her words and deeds shine throughout this world and all worlds, and may her wisdom light the way as it always has done. May her onward journey thrive, and may the joy and beauty she shared with us be returned to her a hundred-thousand-fold.
May her ancestors welcome her home and may the doors of all the halls and palaces of her Gods be flung open to her with great happiness to see her again.
May the Gods allow that we meet again.
I bow to you, great spirit. Like a shooting star your passage lights the way.
#rachelpollack #tarot
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sosoawayrpg · 1 year
ian somerhalder não é aquele que jogou o anticoncepcional da esposa no vaso só porque queria que ela engravidasse dele?
não querendo passar pano jamais, mas saiu essa publicação no estadão:
No último sábado, 23, Ian Somerhalder e Nikki Reed apresentaram juntos a premiação Environmental Media Association (EMA), nos Estados Unidos, e mostraram que está tudo bem entre eles. Na mesma noite, o casal aproveitou para comentar sobre toda a repercussão após o ator ter falado que jogou os anticoncepcionais da mulher no lixo.
Em um comunicado publicado no Twitter, eles explicam que tudo não passava de uma brincadeira. "Para aqueles que se sentiram ofendidos pela coerção reprodutiva, nós pedimos desculpas. Esse é um assunto muito sério e os direitos das mulheres são muito importantes para nós dois", diz o comunicado.
"Nós nunca esperamos que uma entrevista que fizemos brincando um com o outro e sobre como decidimos, juntos, ter um bebê, sobre um momento de brincadeira em Barcelona com nossos melhores amigos, viraria algo que representa um problema sério. Ainda assim, se de alguma forma isso jogou luz em um problema que definitivamente precisa de atenção, nós somos muito gratos por esse consequência inesperada", continuou o casal.
Nikki e Ian finalizaram o comentário esclarecendo que são um "casal muito feliz" e que decidiram ter o bebê juntos. Bodhi, a primeira filha do casal, nasceu no dia 25 de julho deste ano.
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sambuchito · 4 months
hola jaz, feliz cumple 😙 yo le copie a mary y también te hice un dibujito 👉👈 here guiso y quesito
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GUIDO Y QUESITO!!!!!!😭😭😭😭🥺❤️❤️💕💕💕
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Black Adam (prt: Black Adam[1]; bra: Adão Negro[2]) é um filme de super-herói americano baseado no personagem da DC Comics o Adão Negro. Produzido pela New Line Cinema, DC Films, Seven Bucks Productions e FlynnPictureCo., e distribuído pela Warner Bros. Pictures, o filme é um spin-off de Shazam! (2019) e Shazam!: Fúria dos Deuses (2022), e décimo primeiro filme do Universo Estendido DC. Dirigido por Jaume Collet-Serra e escrito por Adam Sztykiel, Rory Haines e Sohrab Noshirvani, o filme é estrelado por Dwayne Johnson como Teth-Adam / Adão Negro ao lado de Aldis Hodge, Noah Centineo, Sarah Shahi, Marwan Kenzari, Quintessa Swindell, Bodhi Sabongui, Carmen D Hummel e Pierce Brosnan.
Johnson estava ligado ao Shazam! (2019) no início do desenvolvimento, e confirmou que ele interpretaria o vilão Adão Negro em Setembro de 2014. Os produtores decidiram dar ao personagem seu próprio filme em Janeiro de 2017, e Sztykiel foi contratado em Outubro. Collet-Serra ingressou em Junho de 2019 para uma data de lançamento planejada para Dezembro de 2021, mas esse cronograma foi adiado pela pandemia do COVID-19. O elenco adicional ocorreu no ano seguinte, inclusive para membros da Sociedade da Justiça da América (JSA), e o roteiro foi reescrito por Haines e Noshirvani. As filmagens ocorreram de Abril a Agosto de 2021 no Trilith Studios em Atlanta, Geórgia, e também em Los Angeles.
Black Adam está programado para ser lançado nos Estados Unidos em 21 de outubro de 2022.
22 de setembro de 2022 No cinema / 2h 24min / Histórico, Drama, Ação
Direção: Gina Prince-Bythewood
Roteiro Gina Prince-Bythewood, Dana Stevens
Elenco: Viola Davis, Thuso Mbedu, Lashana Lynch
Título original The Woman King
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Nanisca (Viola Davis) era a comandante do exército do Reino de Daomé, um dos locais mais poderosos da África nos séculos XVII e XIX. Durante o período, o grupo militar era composto apenas por mulheres, entre as guerreiras está a filha de Nanisca, Nawi (Lupita Nyong’o), juntas elas combateram os colonizadores franceses, tribos rivais e todos aqueles que tentaram escravizar seu povo e destruir suas terras. 
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Os jogadores que desempenham papéis em filmes são chamados de atores (homens) ou atrizes (mulheres). Existe também o termo “extra”, que é usado como um papel secundário no filme com poucos personagens. Isso é diferente do papel principal, que está se tornando cada vez mais importante. Como ator, deve-se ter o talento de atuação correspondente ao tema do filme em que desempenha o papel principal. Em algumas cenas, o papel do ator pode ser substituído por um dublê ou dublê. A presença de atores substitutos é importante para substituir atores que interpretam cenas difíceis e extremas, normalmente comuns em filmes de ação.
Os filmes também podem ser usados para transmitir certas informações sobre o produtor do filme. Algumas indústrias também usam filmes para transmitir e representar seus símbolos e cultura. A produção de filmes também é uma forma de expressão visual, pensamentos, ideias, conceitos, sentimentos e emoções em filmes. Os filmes em si são em sua maioria fictícios, embora alguns sejam baseados em histórias reais ou histórias reais.
Existem também documentários com imagens originais e reais ou filmes biográficos que contam a história de uma personagem. Existem muitos outros tipos populares de filmes, incluindo filmes de ação, filmes de terror, comédias, filmes românticos, filmes de fantasia, thrillers, filmes de drama, filmes de ficção científica, filmes policiais, documentários, etc.
Estas são algumas informações sobre filmes ou a definição de filmes. Essas informações foram citadas de várias fontes e referências. Espero que seja util.
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Seu primeiro programa de TV foi experimental, esporádico e, desde a década de 1930, só pode ser assistido bem perto do mastro. Programas de TV, como os Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 1936 na Alemanha, onde o rei George VI foi coroado. No Reino Unido em 19340 e com o lançamento do famoso David Sarnoff na Feira Mundial de Nova York em 1939, esse meio continuou a se desenvolver, mas a Segunda Guerra Mundial paralisou seu desenvolvimento após a guerra. O filme mundial de 19440 inspirou muitos americanos, e eles compraram a primeira televisão. Em 1948, a popular estação de rádio Texaco Theatre tornou-se o primeiro programa de variedades semanal da TV. O programa apresentava Milton Berle e recebeu o título de “Mr. TV”, provando que Este tipo de mídia é estável e pode atrair anunciantes em formas modernas de entretenimento . Em 4 de setembro de 1951, a primeira transmissão nacional de televisão ao vivo nos Estados Unidos, quando o presidente Harry Truman (Harry Truman) fez um discurso sobre o cabo transcontinental da AT&T e o sistema de retransmissão de microondas no Tratado de Paz do Japão em São Francisco, ele já havia falado com o mercado local Empresa de radiodifusão. sim
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thespiraldancerpg · 5 days
En The Spiral Dance RPG se ha definido como evento toda aquella dinámica de rol propuesta por la Narración, siendo tres en específico: Comisiones, Cátedras y Trama Global.
Cada evento ha sido diseñado por la administración y tiene como fin el progreso de la historia central de The Spiral Dance RPG, independiente del rol común entre usuarios y personajes.
Los eventos son el único medio posible de poder adquirir experiencia de personaje y subir de nivel para su progreso, adquiriendo así Puntos de Destreza, Mejora de Dones y otras recompensas al verse un evento completado.
Todos los eventos disponibles estarán presentados en el inicio del foro, en el Tablero de Anuncios, y podrán ser accedidos por cualquier personaje que reúna los requisitos para poder llevar a cabo el evento.
La Mesa de Guerra de Moonhenge es un agitado centro de inteligencia con información que llega de todo el mundo.
Los maestros de Moonhenge dependiendo de su disponibilidad y capacidades, toman dichas comisiones y las llevan a cabo supervisados por Bodhi, la Heraldo.
Las comisiones son solicitudes hechas por inhumanos y aliados a los inhumanos a través del globo. Espionaje, defensa y resguardo de comunidades inhumanes, servicios de exorcismo y espiritismo, resolución de misterios paranormales, suelen ser las típicas comisiones que se encuentran en el Tablero de Anuncios.
Las comisiones disponibles estarán publicadas en la página inicial de The Spiral Dance RPG. En dichas publicaciones habrá un título de misión, descripción de la misión, solicitante, nivel de dificultad, recompensa por completarla y un quórum.
Dicho quórum estará compuesto por el número de participantes que debe tomar la comisión, que a veces puede estar compuesto enteramente por maestros -quienes tendrán la prioridad en las comisiones- y a veces también se podrán incorporar aprendices -siempre supervisados por un maestro como líder del grupo.
En caso de querer realizar la comisión, se debe enviar un mensaje a Calypso. Se puede abrir una búsqueda para inscribir al grupo completo o hacer una inscripción individual hasta que se completen los cupos. Una vez se haya inscrito un grupo, se le asignará esa comisión a dichos personajes del foro y no se eliminará del Tablón de Anuncios hasta que sea completada.
Al igual que todas las moderaciones y narraciones del staff, los efectos de dicha trama pueden ser de carácter irremediable, permanente y hasta mortal para el personaje, por lo que deben evaluar bien el tomar las comisiones.
También, los desenlaces de las Comisiones pueden tener consecuencias para la Trama Global del foro.
Para completar la comisión, se deben completar todas las Hazañas propuestas por el staff al momento de iniciar el tema de Comisión
Los personajes deberán usar los Dados de Hazaña, sus Destrezas, Dones Inhumanos y trabajo narrativo en equipo para completarlas.
Las condiciones de fallo son:
No completar la comisión en el tiempo cronológico estipulado para dicha trama.
Un miembro de la comisión no postea en el rango de tiempo estipulado para ello, ni ha dado aviso de su posible retraso. Esto será considerado que se abandona la comisión y, por lo tanto, el grupo falla en su nombre.
El rol, los dados y el destino les juegan una mala pasada y sabotean todos sus planes de éxito.
Otros grupos de comisionados sabotean su comisión mediante la compra de sabotajes en el Mercader de Almas.
Al final de la comisión se entregarán las recompensas estipuladas al inicio de la comisión y se darán bonificaciones por desempeño en rol, fluidez y creatividad.
Si hay dos grupos postulantes a la misma comisión, se privilegiará a quien no haya tomado una antes.
Se privilegiará a grupos nuevos que no hayan sido conformados antes.
Se privilegiará a aquellos grupos que también rolean por primera vez juntos.
Se ofrecerán las comisiones a maestros y personajes que no hayan tomado antes si es que no hay postulantes nuevos.
Estas condiciones se han considerado para incentivar el rol entre todos los personajes y desincentivar la fijación de grupos permanenetes.
Moonhenge no fue constituido como un centro educacional hasta muchos siglos después de la fundación del clan. Algo bueno que viene de la mano de la longevidad y experiencia es la capacidad de recopilación de todo el saber del mundo inhumano por parte de la Heraldo.
Todos estos conocimientos fueron pasados de generación en generación en Moonhenge, y adoptando algunas técnicas y saberes propios de las Primeras Generaciones, se diseñó un modelo educativo para los inhumanos, basado en los Ocho Pilares.
Estos pilares son conjuntos de técnicas, saberes, rituales y prácticas que pueden agruparse según su funcionalidad. Dichos pilares son: Abjuración, Conjuración, Adivinación, Encantamiento, Evocación, Ilusión, Necromancia y Transmutación. Estos conforman la educación en Moonhenge que, al ser dominados, los inhumanos reciben el grado de orden de maestros, siendo reconocidos como inhumanos libres si así lo desean.
Es conocimiento de la inhumanidad que la educación de Moonhenge es la única que garantiza la supervivencia del inhumano. Otras instituciones o clanes del mundo intentan educar a los suyos también, pero la tradición impuesta por Ancyra la Primera es la que mejores resultados ha tenido al pasar de los siglos.
Al igual que con las comisiones, habrán Cátedras disponibles para ser tomadas por los personajes del foro. Dichas cátedras tendrán un tenor más relajado que las comisiones y efectos menos permanentes, pero manteniendo el fin de dar experiencia y escalada de nivel a personajes de niveles más bajos.
Algunos requisitos para las cátedras:
Para participar de ellas, se debe tener el nivel de Don Inhumano equivalente a "Despertar" o "Aprendiz", exclusivamente.
Todas las cátedras se realizarán independiente del número de personajes inscritos.
Podrán ser realizadas con supervisión o sin supervisión de la Narración, dependiendo de la dificultad de la cátedra.
Las condiciones de éxito serán exclusivas de cada evento de cátedra y serán expresadas al principio de cada evento.
La Trama Global es el evento más importante de The Spiral Dance RPG. En la Trama Global se presentará el problema clave del capítulo de la historia que se presente en el RPG y debe ser resuelto por sus personajes.
Las TG se activarán una vez las comisiones y cátedras se hayan completado a cabalidad, incluyendo fallos.
Los acontecimientos sucedidos durante la TG, a causa de las decisiones y acciones de sus personajes, impactarán permanentemente en la historia de The Spiral Dance RPG y su desarrollo hasta el final de la partida. Los personajes podrán morir o sufrir desenlaces trágicos que puedan alterar también sus historias personales.
La única regla será la de poder participar con 1 persona por usuario durante la TG.
Esta regla tiene como finalidad dos resultados:
Asegurar la participación activa de los usuarios.
Dar las mismas oportunidades a cada usuario de coronarse como MVP de la TG.
Al finalizar la TG, los personajes participantes serán evaluados según su desempeño, creatividad, compromiso, suerte en los dados y narrativa para elegir al Jugador Mejor Valorado (MVP).
El MVP de la trama recibirá un premio en efectivo procedente de la recaudación que se haga de la actividad de nuestra red social TikTok.
Para la TG1, el premio para el MVP será de USD 100*, aproximadamente.
Las pautas serán comunicadas al momento de elegir al MVP y transparentadas para que todos los usuarios puedan verlas.
*El premio en efectivo será únicamente transferible a través de PayPal.
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irunevenus · 15 days
Budismo: A Jornada da Mente e do Espírito em Busca da Iluminação
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O Budismo é uma das religiões e filosofias espirituais mais antigas e influentes do mundo, com raízes que remontam ao século VI a.C. na Índia. Fundado pelos ensinamentos de Siddhartha Gautama, o Buda, o Budismo se expandiu por toda a Ásia e além, moldando culturas, arte, literatura e práticas espirituais em várias sociedades. Mais do que uma religião no sentido tradicional, o Budismo oferece um caminho filosófico e ético para o autoconhecimento, o desapego e a busca pela iluminação. Este artigo explora as origens, os ensinamentos fundamentais e o impacto duradouro do Budismo.
As Origens do Budismo: A Vida de Siddhartha Gautama
Siddhartha Gautama nasceu por volta de 563 a.C. em Lumbini, no atual Nepal, em uma família real. Desde cedo, foi protegido das realidades dolorosas da vida, vivendo em um palácio cercado de luxo. No entanto, ao sair do palácio e ver o sofrimento do mundo – representado pela visão de um homem velho, um doente, um cadáver e um asceta – Siddhartha percebeu a impermanência da vida e decidiu abandonar sua existência privilegiada para buscar uma resposta ao sofrimento humano.
Após anos de busca espiritual, Siddhartha praticou meditação profunda, ascetismo e estudou com vários mestres, mas foi sob uma figueira, conhecida como a Árvore Bodhi, que ele finalmente alcançou a iluminação, tornando-se o Buda, que significa "O Desperto". Ele passou o resto de sua vida ensinando os princípios que descobriu, oferecendo um caminho para a cessação do sofrimento, conhecido como o Caminho Óctuplo.
Os Ensinamentos Fundamentais do Budismo
O Budismo se baseia em uma série de ensinamentos que buscam guiar os praticantes no entendimento da natureza da vida e na busca pela iluminação. Entre os princípios centrais estão as Quatro Nobres Verdades e o Caminho Óctuplo.
As Quatro Nobres Verdades:
A Verdade do Sofrimento (Dukkha): A vida está permeada pelo sofrimento, insatisfação e impermanência.
A Verdade da Origem do Sofrimento: O sofrimento é causado pelo desejo e apego, que levam à frustração e à dor.
A Verdade da Cessação do Sofrimento: É possível superar o sofrimento através do desapego e da compreensão.
A Verdade do Caminho para a Cessação do Sofrimento: O Caminho Óctuplo é a rota prática que conduz à libertação.
O Caminho Óctuplo:
Compreensão Correta: Conhecer a realidade das Quatro Nobres Verdades.
Pensamento Correto: Cultivar a intenção de renúncia, boa vontade e não-violência.
Fala Correta: Evitar mentiras, calúnia, palavras ofensivas e conversa fútil.
Ação Correta: Comportar-se de maneira ética, abstendo-se de matar, roubar ou ter má conduta sexual.
Meio de Vida Correto: Escolher uma ocupação que não cause dano a outros seres.
Esforço Correto: Esforçar-se para evitar pensamentos negativos e cultivar pensamentos positivos.
Atenção Plena: Manter-se consciente do corpo, sentimentos, mente e fenômenos.
Concentração Correta: Praticar meditação para alcançar estados mentais elevados e a iluminação.
Tipos de Budismo: Diversidade nas Práticas e Tradições
O Budismo se expandiu rapidamente após a morte de Buda, dividindo-se em várias escolas e tradições que refletiam diferentes interpretações dos ensinamentos originais.
Theravada (O Caminho dos Anciãos): Predominante no Sudeste Asiático (Tailândia, Mianmar, Sri Lanka), esta tradição segue de perto os ensinamentos originais de Buda, com ênfase na prática monástica e na meditação.
Mahayana (O Grande Veículo): Com raízes na China, Japão e Coréia, o Mahayana enfatiza a compaixão e o caminho do bodhisattva – alguém que busca a iluminação não apenas para si, mas para ajudar todos os seres.
Vajrayana (O Veículo do Diamante): Desenvolvido principalmente no Tibete, combina elementos do Budismo Mahayana com rituais esotéricos e práticas tântricas para alcançar a iluminação rapidamente.
Zen Budismo: Originário da China (como Chan) e posteriormente desenvolvido no Japão, o Zen foca na meditação (zazen) e na experiência direta da realidade, enfatizando a simplicidade e o autoconhecimento.
A Filosofia Budista: Karma, Samsara e Nirvana
O Budismo não é apenas uma série de rituais, mas uma filosofia profunda que aborda a natureza da mente e do universo. O conceito de karma é central – a ideia de que ações intencionais, boas ou más, geram consequências que moldam o ciclo de nascimento, morte e renascimento, conhecido como samsara. O objetivo final do praticante budista é alcançar o nirvana, um estado de libertação e cessação completa do sofrimento.
Legado e Influência do Budismo
O impacto do Budismo transcendeu a religião, influenciando profundamente a arte, a literatura, a política e a filosofia de diversas culturas. Mosteiros budistas foram centros de aprendizagem, preservando textos sagrados e promovendo a educação. A iconografia budista – desde as estátuas serenas do Buda até as mandalas intricadas – continua a inspirar.
No Ocidente, o Budismo ganhou popularidade no século XX, especialmente através da meditação e do mindfulness, que foram adaptados como práticas de bem-estar, separadas do contexto religioso. Figuras como o Dalai Lama e Thich Nhat Hanh se tornaram embaixadores globais da paz e da filosofia budista.
O Budismo no Mundo Moderno
Hoje, o Budismo continua a crescer e se adaptar, com cerca de meio bilhão de seguidores em todo o mundo. As tradições budistas permanecem vibrantes, desde os mosteiros remotos nos Himalaias até os centros urbanos do Ocidente. Em um mundo marcado pelo estresse e pela busca de significado, os ensinamentos do Buda sobre compaixão, sabedoria e autodomínio ressoam como um guia para uma vida mais consciente e harmoniosa.
O Budismo não é apenas uma religião; é uma filosofia que oferece um caminho para a compreensão profunda da mente e da existência. Com seus ensinamentos atemporais, o Budismo convida cada indivíduo a explorar a própria experiência, cultivar a compaixão e buscar a verdadeira liberdade interior.
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conobarco · 10 months
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tehbotoltotomantap · 1 month
Kisah Hidup Pangeran Siddhartha
Pangeran Siddhartha: Perjalanan Menuju Pencerahan TEHBOTOLTOTO Siddhartha Gautama, yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Buddha, adalah tokoh spiritual yang telah menginspirasi jutaan orang di seluruh dunia melalui ajaran-ajarannya yang mendalam dan transformatif. Lahir sekitar abad ke-5 hingga ke-4 SM di wilayah yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Nepal, perjalanan Siddhartha dari seorang pangeran kaya hingga mencapai pencerahan adalah kisah yang penuh makna dan refleksi.
Kehidupan Awal
Siddhartha Gautama lahir dalam keluarga kerajaan di kota Lumbini, yang terletak di wilayah yang sekarang merupakan bagian dari Nepal. Ibunya, Ratu Maya, melahirkan Siddhartha di taman Lumbini saat sedang dalam perjalanan menuju rumah orang tuanya. Menurut tradisi, kelahiran Siddhartha disertai dengan berbagai keajaiban, dan para peramal meramalkan bahwa ia akan menjadi seorang raja besar atau seorang penyelamat spiritual.
Siddhartha dibesarkan dalam kemewahan dan kenyamanan di istana ayahnya, Raja Suddhodana. Untuk melindunginya dari dunia luar yang dianggap penuh penderitaan, ayahnya memastikan bahwa Siddhartha hanya melihat aspek-aspek yang menyenangkan dan tidak pernah menyaksikan penderitaan atau kemiskinan.
Pencarian Makna Hidup
Saat Siddhartha mencapai usia dewasa, rasa ingin tahunya membawanya keluar dari istana untuk pertama kalinya. Dalam perjalanan tersebut, dia mengalami empat pemandangan yang mengguncangkan hidupnya: seorang tua, seorang sakit, seorang mati, dan seorang pertapa yang damai. Pengalaman ini membuat Siddhartha menyadari sifat transien dan penderitaan dalam kehidupan manusia.
Menyadari bahwa semua kemewahan dan kekayaan yang dimilikinya tidak dapat menyembuhkan penderitaan manusia, Siddhartha memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kehidupan istana dan keluarganya untuk mencari jalan menuju pencerahan. Pada malam hari, setelah meninggalkan rumahnya, Siddhartha memotong rambutnya, mengenakan pakaian seorang pertapa, dan memulai perjalanan spiritualnya.
Perjalanan Menuju Pencerahan
Siddhartha menjalani berbagai praktik spiritual dan meditasi di bawah bimbingan berbagai guru. Namun, meskipun banyak pelajaran yang dia terima, dia merasa belum mencapai pencerahan sejati. Ia kemudian memilih untuk menjalani ascesis ekstrem, tetapi bahkan setelah mengatasi berbagai tantangan fisik, ia menyadari bahwa jalan menuju pencerahan tidak dapat ditemukan melalui penyiksaan tubuh.
Akhirnya, Siddhartha memilih untuk duduk di bawah pohon Bodhi di Bodh Gaya, India, dan bertekad untuk tidak bangkit hingga dia menemukan jawaban atas penderitaan manusia. Setelah bermeditasi selama empat puluh sembilan hari, Siddhartha mencapai pencerahan dan memahami "Empat Kebenaran Mulia" serta "Jalan Tengah" yang menjadi inti ajaran Buddhisme.
Ajaran dan Warisan
Setelah mencapai pencerahan, Siddhartha, yang kini dikenal sebagai Buddha, mulai mengajarkan apa yang telah dia pelajari kepada orang-orang di sekitarnya. Ajarannya berpusat pada pengertian tentang penderitaan, penyebabnya, cara menghilangkannya, dan jalan menuju kebebasan dari penderitaan. Empat Kebenaran Mulia adalah:
Kebenaran tentang Penderitaan (Dukkha): Hidup ini penuh dengan penderitaan dan ketidakpuasan. Kebenaran tentang Penyebab Penderitaan (Samudaya): Penderitaan berasal dari keinginan dan keterikatan. Kebenaran tentang Jalan Menuju Akhir Penderitaan (Magga): Ada jalan menuju akhir penderitaan, yaitu Jalan Mulia Berunsur Delapan. Buddha mengajarkan Jalan Mulia Berunsur Delapan yang mencakup pemahaman yang benar, pikiran yang benar, ucapan yang benar, tindakan yang benar, mata pencaharian yang benar, usaha yang benar, perhatian yang benar, dan konsentrasi yang benar.
Pangeran Siddhartha Gautama, atau Buddha, memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap pemahaman spiritual dan filosofi hidup melalui ajaran-ajarannya tentang penderitaan dan cara mengatasinya. Dengan meninggalkan kehidupan istana dan menjalani perjalanan spiritual yang mendalam, Buddha menunjukkan bahwa pencarian pencerahan adalah perjalanan yang dapat mengubah cara kita memahami dan mengalami kehidupan. Ajaran-ajaran Buddha terus relevan dan menjadi pedoman bagi jutaan orang dalam mencari makna dan kedamaian sejati.
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