sunnsonset · 2 months
Wanna Become A Teacher? Well Here Your Chance. To Take The Step Towards Your Career And Your Goals.
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petronilodiaz · 6 months
After a good day of the same ol, same ol; I know it could get better by knowing a truth. But that truth may be only for me knowing it because of what's local to me, everyone else may be doing fine as you know it. Really is your business that I feel safer not to be in. You may have known me to be doing my thing.
Now not in school, educated but still at the same level, over qualified for a good paying position, the assumption for starting back on your feet is quiet challenging after an abrupt awakening. On top of that, a disabling truth about self, that like Edward Jenner's, can be the vaccine for sick, which is a mentally impairing facet to some. It was small pox, Dr. Jenner, held the vaccine for smallpox. Challenges were presented to the vaccine, nevertheless, delivery was made of it. The world was vaccinated.
My cure is of a trauma that happens to someone at a young age. A blocking affect that covers the truth. The truth of it all could save, and free others, all wrapped up in this drama. To impose the answer as a need may be of a personal preference, to conclude that everybody elses' world needs it, may be very far from yes. I myself would like to put it all to rest.
Right now, the opportunity to walk again on my own two, with an admiration of the educated, and acknowledgment of urges versus urgencies. Like one day at a time, the same goes for every step. One step at a time. Seriously my equilibrium needed realignment, and life as I knew before my venture, may I return too--how?, I don't know. Forward, and a gaze on that momentum, Ill do my best.
Love you guys, you know who you are. A father i have been , and all I have been doing for us, is just settling in to me. So I apologize to have appeared a little eccentric. Love you guys.
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randommothxd · 3 days
Para positivity post because I said so 🥳
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No lo hagasssss.... ❤️‍🩹
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And now a new segment called "Things I Hear At My Job That Put Me in a Lee Mood"
First day edition!
"I'm making a letter 'T'! 'T' for (uncensored tword)!" - My main teacher today, as we were playing with play-doh 🙈🙈🙈
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gaytobymeres · 1 year
Found a copy of red file for callan (one of the callan books) cheap online and callan seems gay to me. Like I already thought that (I see him as bi) but like reading I just get the vibe he’s in to men lol
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raiyine · 2 years
CHARACTER INTERVIEW: Richard Langley (The Poe Predicament, Phil Thomas)
CHARACTER INTERVIEW: Richard Langley (The Poe Predicament, Phil Thomas)
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sillycyan · 5 months
Reign gon do everything but call people by they first name istg..
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renataaja · 7 months
Merekomendasikan perbedaan antara haji dan umrah adalah Jatibening Baru (CALL 0813-1086-9970)
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webcursos20 · 10 months
(Colorimetria) Mistura de Coloração Para Cabelo (Dica Incrível)
Fazer a mistura de coloração para cabelo de forma correta é fundamental para obter o resultado desejado. Cada marca de tintura de cabelo pode ter instruções ligeiramente diferentes, por isso, é sempre recomendável seguir as orientações específicas fornecidas no kit de coloração que você escolheu. Confira algumas etapas gerais para preparar a mistura de coloração… Materiais Necessários Kit de…
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gme-news · 2 years
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#and the recovery period will take four to six weeks. Therefore#as he wants to give himself time to recover before making a decision. After playing a record of 744 consecutive games over 17 years#but he was not there in their 109-104 victory against Terrafirma on Wednesday night at Ynares Center in Antipolo. Tenorio admitted earlier t#contributing to the development of his colleagues on and off the court. Besides his basketball skills#gilas#he has not yet confirmed that he won&039;t play for the remaining part of the season#he provides excellent ball handling and passing skills to his teammates#he will spend a few days in the hospital because of the operation#helping his teams succeed over the years. As a point guard#it is unlikely that Tenorio will be able to play for the remaining part of the season#jessica sojo#kapuso mo#kmjs#L.A. Tenorio#LA TENORIO NAGPA OPERA SA KANYANG INJURY PARA MAKABALIK SA GINEBRA The veteran guard of Barangay Ginebra#nba#noypi alliance#pba#Tenorio has missed the last four games of Ginebra#Tenorio is also an inspiration to his teammates. His professionalism and dedication to the game make him a model for young players aspiring#tulfo#underwent surgery on Tuesday due to an aggravated sports hernia that he first experienced during the past finals of the PBA Commissioner&03#where his team aims to reclaim the crown in the Governors Cup. However#which is the longest in his career. He watched the last two games of Kings against Phoenix and Converge#Youtube
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a-lexia11 · 28 days
Career Day
Alexia Putellas x reader
Words:Around 2.5k
Note: Thank you so much to @chai-berries for the idea🫶🫶This is for you. Also,this is part of the “meeting in Barcelona” universe.
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The classroom was buzzing with excitement as today was Career Day. For weeks, my fourth graders had been counting down the days until the special guests would arrive.
They were thrilled to meet professionals from different fields, but there was one guest they were particularly eager to see—Alexia.
The thought of Alexia sharing her experiences with the kids made my heart swell with pride and anticipation.
After all, it wasn’t every day that a football superstar visited our school, and I wanted everything to be perfect.
I was sitting on my chair as Alba, walked into the room. Her usual mischievous grin was firmly in place, and I couldn’t help but smile back.
“¿Estás listo para hoy?” (Are you ready for today?) she teased, raising an eyebrow as she leaned against the doorframe.
“Creo que si” (I think so) I replied, brushing a stray lock of hair out of my face. “He estado esperando esto con ansias, pero todavía estoy un poco nervioso. Quiero que todo salga bien” (I’ve been looking forward to it, but I’m still a bit nervous. I want everything to go smoothly.)
Alba chuckled, setting down a stack of papers on her desk. “No te preocupes, Y/N. Va a ser genial. Los niños se van a volver locos cuando vean a Alexia. ¡Han estado hablando de eso toda la semana!” (Don’t worry, Y/N. It’s going to be great. The kids are going to lose their minds when they see Alexia. They’ve been buzzing about it all week!)
“Lo sé” (I know) I said with a nod. “Solo espero que Alexia también lo disfrute. Sé que tiene mucho trabajo con el fútbol” (I just hope Alexia enjoys it too. I know she’s got a lot on her plate with football)
Alba waved a hand dismissively. “Le encantará. Confía en mí, inspirar a los niños es una de sus cosas favoritas. Y seamos realistas: tenerla aquí hará que hoy sea inolvidable para ellos” (She’ll love it. Trust me, inspiring kids is one of her favorite things. And let’s be real—having her here is going to make today unforgettable for them)
Just then, the bell rang, signaling the start of the school day.
The kids began to trickle into the classroom, their energy palpable. They were practically bouncing with excitement, chattering about the different professionals they were going to meet.
As they settled into their seats, I could see the anticipation shining in their eyes—especially in the girls who played football and idolized Alexia.
When it was finally time for the presentations, I led the kids to the assembly hall, where a variety of professionals were waiting.
There was a policeman in his crisp uniform, a firefighter in full gear, a veterinarian who had brought along a couple of adorable puppies, and a marine biologist with a table full of fascinating seashells.
The students eagerly gathered around each presenter, soaking in the knowledge and asking endless questions.
But despite the excitement surrounding the other professionals, I knew who they were all really waiting for.
And when the time came for Alexia to make her entrance, the anticipation in the room was electric. Standing by the door, I felt my heart race with both pride and nerves.
Then I saw her—walking down the hallway with that effortless grace she had, turning heads without even trying.
She was dressed casually yet stylishly, in her Barcelona jersey and jeans, and her presence alone was enough to command attention.
As she reached me, I greeted her with a warm hug, the familiar scent of her perfume instantly calming my nerves.
“Hey, you,” I whispered, smiling up at her. “Thank you so much for doing this.”
Alexia’s eyes sparkled with genuine enthusiasm as she returned my hug. “No me lo perdería por nada del mundo. He estado esperando esto con ansias; he escuchado tanto sobre estos niños de ti y de Alba” (I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ve been looking forward to this—I’ve heard so much about these kids from you and Alba)
As we walked together to the front of the room, the kids’ excitement reached a fever pitch.
The chatter turned into a chorus of squeals and whispers, and I could see the girls who played football practically bouncing with joy.
“Escuchen, todos” (Listen, everyone) I began, addressing the class with a smile, “esta es Alexia Putellas, la capitana del FC Barcelona y de la selección española. Démosle una calurosa bienvenida” (this is Alexia Putellas, the captain of FC Barcelona and the Spanish national team. Let’s give her a warm welcome!)
The applause and cheers that followed were deafening, and I saw Alexia’s cheeks flush with a mix of pleasure and shyness as she waved to the kids.
Her smile radiated warmth, and I could tell she was genuinely happy to be there.
“Gracias por una bienvenida tan calurosa.”(Thank you for such a warm welcome) Alexia said, her voice effortlessly carrying over the noise. “Estoy muy emocionada de estar aquí y hablarles sobre lo que es ser futbolista profesional” (I’m really excited to be here and talk to you about what it’s like to be a professional footballer.)
As Alexia began her presentation, I watched the kids’ faces light up with fascination.
She spoke about her journey from being a young girl who loved kicking a ball around to becoming one of the top footballers in the world.
Her stories were filled with passion, perseverance, and moments of triumph and challenge. The kids were completely captivated.
After Alexia’s talk, it was time for questions, and a sea of eager hands shot up. I couldn’t help but grin at their enthusiasm.
Sofia, one of the most energetic girls in the class, was the first to ask, “¿Cuál es la parte más difícil de ser futbolista?” (What’s the hardest part about being a footballer?)
Alexia paused thoughtfully before answering. “Diría que la parte más difícil es lidiar con las lesiones y los contratiempos. Es difícil cuando no puedes jugar, y puede ser frustrante. Pero con trabajo duro, determinación y el apoyo de tu equipo, puedes superar esos desafíos”(I’d say the hardest part is dealing with injuries and setbacks. It’s tough when you can’t play, and it can be frustrating. But with hard work, determination, and the support of your team, you can overcome those challenges.)
Pablo, a thoughtful and curious boy, asked, “¿Cuál es la mejor parte de ganar un gran partido?”(What’s the best part about winning a big game?)
Alexia’s eyes sparkled as she replied, “La mejor parte es celebrar con mis compañeros de equipo. No hay nada como esa sensación de logro y alegría que compartimos todos juntos. Hace que todo el trabajo duro valga la pena” (The best part is celebrating with my teammates. There’s nothing like that feeling of accomplishment and joy that we all share together. It makes all the hard work worth it.)
Then Lena, one of the cheekier students, piped up with a grin. “La próxima vez que marques un gol, ¿puedes hacer una voltereta?” (Next time you score a goal, can you do a backflip?)
I couldn’t help but laugh, imagining Alexia attempting a backflip. She chuckled too, shaking her head. “¿Una voltereta? No creo que pueda hacer eso, ahora soy demasiado vieja, como un dinosaurio” (A backflip? I don’t think I can do that, I’m too old now,like a dinosaur)
The kids burst into laughter, and it was clear that Alexia was thoroughly enjoying herself.
As the questions continued, some of the girls couldn’t contain their excitement any longer and rushed forward to give Alexia a hug.
She knelt down to their level, hugging them back with genuine affection, and the sight melted my heart. It was clear that she was more than just a football star to them—she was a role model, someone they looked up to and admired deeply.
One of the boys, clearly awestruck by Alexia’s presence, suddenly blurted out, “Espera, ¿eres pariente de la señorita Alba? ¡Te pareces a ella y tienen el mismo apellido” (Wait—are you related to Miss Alba? You look like sisters and you have the same family name!)
Alexia and I both smile gently, and Alba, who was standing nearby, couldn’t resist chiming in. “Tienes buen ojo, niño. ¡Somos hermanas! Pero creo que yo soy más bonita” (You’ve got good eyes, kid. We are sisters! But I think I’m prettier)
The students giggled at Alba’s playful comment, and Alexia rolled her eyes affectionately. “Sí, sí, sigue diciéndote eso, Alba” (Yeah, yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Alba)
When it was time for Alexia to show off her medals, the excitement in the room reached new heights.
She carefully pulled out her Champions League medal and her World Cup medal, holding them up for the students to see.
“Esto” (This) Alexia said, pointing to the Champions League medal, “Es de cuando ganamos la Champions League. Fue una experiencia inolvidableis (from when we won the Champions League. It was an unforgettable experience)
The kids’ eyes widened with awe as they examined the medals up close.
There were gasps of amazement and excited whispers as they passed the medals around, handling them as if they were the most precious treasures in the world.
“Esto” (This) Alexia continued, holding up the World Cup medal, “es de cuando ganamos the World Cup. Requirió mucho trabajo duro y dedicación llegar hasta aquí, pero valió la pena cada momento.(is from winning the World Cup. It took a lot of hard work and dedication to get here, but it was worth every moment)
One of the girls, Beatriz, looked up at Alexia with wide eyes and asked, “¿Crees que algún día podríamos ganar uno de estos?”(Do you think we could win one of these someday?)
Alexia smiled down at her, her eyes filled with warmth and encouragement. “Absolutamente. Si trabajas duro, te mantienes dedicado y crees en ti mismo, puedes lograr cualquier cosa que te propongas. No siempre será fácil, pero te lo prometo: valdrá la pena.”(Absolutely. If you work hard, stay dedicated, and believe in yourself, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. It won’t always be easy, but I promise you—it will be worth it.)
The girls who played football seemed especially inspired by her words. Some of them even asked for tips on improving their game, and Alexia was more than happy to give them advice.
“Enfócate en tu técnica, practica regularmente y, lo más importante, disfruta del juego y juega con el corazón.” (Focus on your technique, practice regularly, and most importantly—enjoy the game and most importantly play with your heart) she said, her words leaving a lasting impression on the kids.
After Alexia’s presentation, the kids eagerly lined up for autographs, pictures and hugs.
The girls were especially thrilled, their faces glowing with admiration as Alexia signed their papers, shirts, and even a couple of footballs they had brought along.
As the last few students trickled out of the hall, I caught Alexia’s eye and smiled. She made her way over to me, and I could see the satisfaction and happiness in her expression.
“That was incredible” she said softly, slipping her hand into mine as we stood in the now-empty hall. “Eran tan amables, y su entusiasmo... me recordó por qué empecé a jugar al fútbol en primer lugar.” (They were so sweet, and their enthusiasm… it reminded me of why I started playing football in the first place.)
“You were amazing,” I replied, squeezing her hand gently. “You really connected with them. I think they’ll be talking about this day for a long time. And those hugs? So cute.”
Alexia chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “Yeah, those hugs were pretty great. I don’t usually get swarmed by tiny fans like that.” She paused, her voice turning more tender. “Pero me alegra haber compartido esto contigo. Verte con tus alumnos, lo mucho que te adoran... me hizo quererte aún más” (But I’m glad I got to share this with you.Seeing you with your students, how much they adore you… it made me love you even more.)
My heart fluttered at her words, and I leaned in to press a soft kiss to her cheek.
“I’m so happy you were here. It means the world to me—and to them.”
Just then, Alba appeared, her ever-present grin in place. “Bueno, bueno, bueno, miren a ustedes dos siendo tan adorables. Espero que no te hayas robado todo mi protagonismo, Alexia. ¿Todavía soy la profesora favorita aquí, verdad?” (Well, well, well, look at you two being all adorable. I hope you didn’t steal all my thunder, Alexia. I’m still the favorite teacher here, right?)
I rolled my eyes playfully. “Lo deseas, Alba. Pero tengo que decir que haces un gran trabajo entreteniendo a los niños, realmente les gustas” (You wish, Alba. But I have to say, you do a great job at entertaining the kids,they really like you)
Alba shrugged modestly. “¿Qué puedo decir? Soy una natural. Pero, sinceramente, ver lo emocionados que estaban por conocer a Alexia... valió la pena. Incluso si eso significa que ya no soy la Putellas más genial por aquí” (What can I say? I’m a natural. But honestly, seeing how excited they were to meet Alexia… it was worth it. Even if it means I’m not the coolest Putellas around here anymore.)
Alexia smirked, nudging her sister with her elbow. “No te preocupes, Alba. Siempre serás la profesora más genial de esta escuela, después de Y/N, por supuesto. Bueno, al menos hasta que decida retirarme del fútbol y dedicarme a la enseñanza” (Don’t worry, Alba. You’ll always be the coolest teacher in this school after Y/N obviously. Well,at least until I decide to retire from football and take up teaching.)
The idea of Alexia as a teacher made me laugh, and Alba joined in. “Pagará buen dinero por ver eso” (I’d pay good money to see that) Alba teased. “Imagina verte intentando enseñar a un aula llena de alumnos de 10 años” (Imagine you trying to teach a classroom full of ten years-old)
“Creo que me las arreglaría” (I think I’d manage) Alexia replied, a playful glint in her eye. “He enfrentado oponentes más difíciles, después de todo” (I’ve faced tougher opponents, after all)
We all shared a laugh, and the camaraderie between us felt effortless and warm, like we were a little family.
It was moments like these that made me grateful for the relationships we’d built—both with each other and with the kids.
As the day wound down and the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Alexia and I walked hand in hand toward the parking lot.
The sun was beginning to dip lower in the sky, casting a soft, golden glow over everything. The air was crisp, carrying the scent of autumn leaves.
“I really enjoyed today” Alexia said, her voice filled with warmth. “It was so nice to see the kids so excited and engaged. And being here with you and Alba… it made it even more special.”
I smiled, feeling a rush of affection for her. “I’m so glad you could be here. It means a lot to me, and I know it meant the world to those kids. They’ll remember this day forever.”
We reached her car, and Alexia pulled me into a gentle hug, her arms wrapping around me in a comforting embrace.
I leaned into her, savoring the warmth of her embrace.
We lingered in each other’s arms for a few more moments. Eventually, Alexia pulled back slightly, her hands still resting on my waist.
“I have to head to training soon” she said, her voice tinged with regret. “But I’ll be thinking about you the whole time.”
I smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “And I’ll be thinking about you. Go be amazing, as always”
She grinned, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before reluctantly stepping back. “¿Te veré esta noche?” (I’ll see you tonight?)
“Of course” I replied, my heart already longing for her return.
As I watched her drive away, my heart felt full—full of love, gratitude, and contentment. The day had been everything I had hoped for and more.
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sugaroto · 2 years
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Estar estudiando, es decir; vivir unos años como nadie vive, para DESPUÉS vivir como nadie puede 👻
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bananaeazy · 2 years
Librerias para proteus 8 professional
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For more information, see Altium Personal Vault. Specify the destination folders for the installation and for the data. Download and Run Altium Personal Vault 9.exe. Personal Vault 1.2 (65.5MB) - Installing the Personal Vault is performed using the Personal Vault Installer.For more information, see Altium Vault Server. Specify the destination folders for the installation, and the data, and specify the port number for the web server. Download and Run Altium Vault Server 7.exe. Altium Vault Server 1.2 (137MB) - Installing the Altium Vault Server is performed using the Altium Vault Server Installer.For more information, see Installing the Altium Vault. Altium Vault 2.0 (145MB) - Installing the Altium Vault is performed using the Altium Vault Installer.For more information, see Installation, Licensing & Management. Download and run Altium_Vault_3_0_14_730.exe. Altium Vault 3.0.14 (178MB) - Installing the Altium Vault is performed using the Altium Vault Installer.For more information, see Installing, Licensing & Managing the Altium NEXUS Server. Download and run Altium+NEXUS+Server+ Altium NEXUS Server 1.1.4 (681MB) - Installing the Altium NEXUS Server is performed using the Altium NEXUS Server Setup Wizard.Altium NEXUS Client 1.0.11 and later - available from the Downloads page of the website.Altium NEXUS (Publicly Available Client and Server) This page presents a convenient listing of previously available Altium Design solutions, with links to installers, service packs, output generators, libraries, and the like. Altium NEXUS (Publicly Available Client and Server).
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lasclarts · 2 years
Descargar librerias para proteus 8 professional
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That's all for today, hope you have liked this post and are gonna enjoy it.
Now, run your simulation and whatever you send in first terminal will show in second terminal and vice versa.
Now your COM1 and COM2 should be virtually connected, I have shown how to connect the COM ports virtually in the below video.
In this window, select COM1 for first HC05 module and COM2 for second HC05 module.
Now click any HC-05 module and you will get a pop up window.
So, design a simple circuit as shown in below figure:.
If you haven't worked on Virtual Terminals then you should read How to use Virtual Terminal in Proteus.
Let's have a look at it working, so let's design a simple circuit and do the communication between these two Bluetooth modules.
That's why you can see in the above figure that only TXD and RXD are working while all others are not working.
As, I told earlier, we have just used the basic TX and RX pins of these Bluetooth modules.
Now select both of these modules and place them in your workspace and it will look like something as shown in below figure:.
Now open your Proteus software or restart it if its already open and search for Bluetooth and you will get something as shown in below figure:.
If you are new to Proteus 7 or 8 Professional, then you must have a look at How to add new Library in Proteus.
So, download these two files and place them in the library folder of your Proteus ISIS software.
In this rar file, you will find two files which are named as:.
So, first of all, download this Bluetooth Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:.
So, let's get started with Bluetooth Library for Proteus an see How to install it and how to use it in Proteus.
You can do serial communication with these modules quite easily. Rite now, it just has two Bluetooth modules in it, which are:
I will also add more Bluetooth modules in this library and will update it with time. These Bluetooth modules are not gonna accept AT Commands rite now as we haven't added much functionality in it but we are gonna add more soon. Other bloggers are welcome to share this Bluetooth Library for Proteus on their blogs but do mention our link as a respect to our efforts. I hope that one will also be interesting to read, if you have planned to start working on Bluetooth Module. I have also posted a tutorial in which I have done Arduino Bluetooth Communication using HC05 in hardware. Till now, there's no such Bluetooth Library designed for Proteus and we are the first developers of this awesome Bluetooth Library for Proteus. We use these modules for sending data through Bluetooth. I have designed two Bluetooth modules which are HC-05 and HC-06. Using this Library, now you can quite easily use Bluetooth modules in Proteus ISIS. Today, I am going to share a new Bluetooth Library for Proteus. You can start practicing by watching the videos of the several simulations I have done in the past, see below.Hello friends, hope you all are fine.
Proteus software for free, proteus software download, proteus freeload and install, how to download and add Arduino Library in proteus 8, how to install proteus, download proteus 8.12 professional full crack, proteus freeload without crack, install proteus 8.12 full activation, proteus 8.10 and 8.11 full download, how to install Arduino library in proteus In summary, if you have read this tutorial to this point, and have followed all the steps listed above to download and install Proteus 8.11, therefore, the tutorial must enebled you to take take of technical challenges that encompasses the following: Your Proteus software installation is done, you can now go ahead and start using your Proteus 8.11 simulation software. Step 12: Navigate to desktop where the Proteus software launcher is, right click on it and click on properties, then click on compatibility and check the box titled “Run this program as an administrator”. Step 11: Open Labcenter Electronics, open Proteus 8 professional, open DATA, then open Library and paste the files you copied earlier. If you are using windows 32 machine you will have just Program Files. Step 10: Open your local disk drive and navigate to Program Files (x86) if you are using a windows 64 machine. Step 9: Highlight all files inside the Arduino Proteus libraries, then copy all. Inside the extracted file, open the file called Arduino Proteus libraries Step 7: Click finish after the installation is complete and do not open the installed software yet Step 6: Click next and allow the installation to proceed and complete Step 5: Choose destination location (it is a good practice to continue with the default location destination)
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