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jeremy-lockhart ¡ 5 years ago
Moving Day || Sonder & Jeremy
This was his new beginning. A fresh start that Jeremy so desperately needed. It felt like his life had changed so drastically since Christmas and he just needed something to feel normal. Living with Sonder was familiar and made him feel happy. Today they were finally moving into their place in Brixton. River was going to love the yard and it would be nice to have some space from his family. They were still close by but it was just enough distance to make him feel better for the moment. “I’m so happy I get to live with you again.” Jeremy was all smiles. “If you ever get lonely you can always come sleep in my room. It’ll be like old times when we were in the dorms.”
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soledad-archer ¡ 5 years ago
Gay Panic
Letter to Sonder:
Dear Sonder, 
Hey I really need to talk to you. I’m fine though so don’t worry. I’m just panicking a little bit about some stuff that’s been going on in my personal life and I really need to talk to you about it. Everything might have just changed I don’t know anything anymore. I just feel really confused right now and you’re probably the best person to talk to about this. I don’t want to say much in a letter in case someone snoops. Do you think you could come to Hosgmeade? I really need you right now. Please.
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ashersnow ¡ 8 years ago
Question || Caldwell and Sonder
Ash had no idea how he was meant to go about it. How was he supposed to be asking for condoms when he could barely say the words? He was excited and happy at the possibility of having sex of course, but he would never be able to get there if his embarrassment stopped him from getting protection. Ash had been working up the nerve to ask Caldwell if he had any. He figured his roommate would be nice enough about it and hopefully it wouldn't be too embarrassing. He didn't even know why he was embarrassed in the first place! Having sex was normally an accomplishment for a teenager and he should be proud, but still Ash wasn't able to get past how flustered asking for condoms made him. If he were in the muggle world he would know where to buy them at least and he could do it on his own. He was sure there was probably something down in Hogsmeade but yet again he would have to ask. Believing that they were alone, Ash made his way into their dorm room and walked up to Cal's bed. "Do-you-have-any-condoms?" He said quickly while looking at the floor. Then he glanced up because otherwise he wouldn't be able to know his response. Ash desperately hoped he would say yes so the embarrassing hunt for condoms would be over with.
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jeremy-lockhart-how ¡ 9 years ago
What To Do || Sonder and Jeremy
Loxley was right, he needed to go talk to Tyler because he couldn’t keep using Loxley as an excuse to avoid him forever, but he was afraid of fighting. Afraid of losing Tyler. He had just gotten him back and Jeremy kept wondering if the truth and honesty in a relationship was really worth it if it possibly put the relationship in question in danger. Jeremy plopped down onto Sonder’s bed and groaned in frustration into the pillows before turning over onto his back and staring at the ceiling. “What am I going to do, Sonder? If I don’t talk to him and keep avoiding him then it’s not like we have much of a relationship at all, but if I talk to him I know myself and I’m just going to have to talk to him about his Germany lie but then we might fight and not have a relationship at all by the end of it.” Jeremy was normally so much more optimistic but it could be a little hard after everything that had happened, he wasn’t feeling like his normal self just yet.
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soledad-archer ¡ 8 years ago
Race || Sonder & Sol
Sol was climbing up the stairs from the dungeon, Quidditch gear in hand, when she spotted Sonder. “You going to practice?” Sol asked with a hint of a glimmer in her eye. “Race?” She asked but started off running without giving him a chance to answer. She was always up for a little friendly competition and really as much as she may try to deny it Sonder was kind of like a friend. The castle had felt weird ever since the ministry had dragged Professor Foley off and Sol was just trying to put that out of her mind. She didn’t know whether he was innocent or not and she figured it wasn’t her problem to deal with. There wasn’t much she could do because it wasn’t like the ministry would believe some 16 year old who wasn’t there to see it happen and would only be able to say ‘Hey he seems like a decent guy’. 
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jeremy-lockhart ¡ 8 years ago
Broken || Sonder & Jeremy
Time didn’t seem the same anymore. It went too slow and all too fast all at the same time. Jeremy didn’t remember the journey back up to the castle or the moments following. He had been crying so hard that everything hurt. Turns out besides having cried himself to mild dehydration Jeremy had also sprained his right wrist and gotten nasty bruises on both outer edges of his hands. Madam Longbottom had given him potions to ease the pain and speed up the healing process, but they would remain a reminder of that night for at least a little bit. They tried to ask him questions but when they realized he really hadn’t seen anything and it wasn’t just the shock they let him go join the rest of the students for dinner. Jeremy had every intention to go have dinner and pretend that everything was okay, but the closer he got to The Great Hall more anxious he felt about it. In the end he chickened out and ducked into Hufflepuff instead. He figured he would get at least a few moments alone before people returned. For once Jeremy didn’t want to see anybody or talk to anybody. He climbed into bed and just sat there staring at the wall. Time wasn’t relevant to him anymore and he took no notice of it.
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jeremy-lockhart-how ¡ 9 years ago
Burned || Sonder & Jeremy
On the way back to Hufflepuff Jeremy had to stop in a bathroom to throw up because all of the negative feelings inside of him had just exploded and now needed to escape him in any way possible. He threw up until he felt like his organs were going to come out and the burning on his hand never subsided. When he pointed his wand at Loxley his wand burned his hand from the hot flash of anger and he had a big red welt on his hand that was burning like nothing he had ever felt before. Jeremy splashed some water in his mouth to get rid of the taste and smell and when he looked up at himself in the mirror he couldn’t recognize the monster that stared back at him with red eyes and a puffy face. Jeremy quickly ran back to Hufflepuff in an attempt to avoid being seen by anyone as he was sobbing down the corridor. One in the safe confines of his dorm he crumpled down next to his bed as he didn’t feel deserving of the comfort of his bed. Jeremy sat in fetal position hysterically crying. He had done something he never thought capable of and he absolutely hated himself. While running away all he could think of was how undeserving he was of being Loxley’s family or Tyler’s boyfriend and he was sure that Tyler would break up with him for raising his wand to his best friend. He felt like he deserved that at the least.
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soledad-archer ¡ 5 years ago
“Maybe it’s the tears hydrating my face,” she tried to joke. It was hard to pinpoint exactly why she was crying so much maybe she really was pregnant. Though Sol knew it was more likely that she was just going through a rough patch. Now the seed of a pregnancy scare was in her head though. “No it definitely wasn’t! I don’t know if I want him doing that. I don’t love him like that.” She wanted her first time to be with someone she was in love with and was in love with her. Loxley was not that. “Are you sure? Because as much as I love kids I don’t think I’m ready to be a mom yet.” She couldn’t even really support herself she couldn’t imagine if she had to support a child too. “Well I just... I’m just really confused and I don’t know what to do. I’ve wanted to kiss Piper before but I just kind of tried to push that down.” She had wanted to do even more before that night in their hotel room but she could never let her walls down long enough for that. “But I like guys. I liked Loxley and I-I still like Nate.” Sol looked down at their joined hands. She didn’t like admitting that because it made her feel like a fool. She knew he didn’t care for her the same way just like she had known Loxley hadn’t. Sol hated that she always fell for the people who would never love her back. “I’m straight but I also really liked being with Piper. I mean a guy was there too so it’s not like I’m gay right? I can’t be gay.” Sol was visibly nervous and embarrassed to be saying it at all. She had never voiced her feelings about all this to someone.
Gay Panic
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soledad-archer ¡ 5 years ago
Sol had been crying on and off since she had left Loxley and Piper to get back in time for curfew. She wasn’t upset that she had done it necessarily but she was just confused and lonely. She couldn’t talk to Tami about this kind of stuff even if they were still talking. She had never been Loxley’s biggest fan and Sol couldn’t imagine how she would feel about their rendezvous with Piper who she didn’t seem to be too warm to either. She could feel her body relax a bit as she hugged Sonder. She needed a hug so badly that it almost made her want to cry but she held it in. Then he asked if she was pregnant and she was in complete shock. “What? No I would never. Do I look fat or something?” she didn’t even know how to respond to a possible pregnancy but she knew she could never abort, partially religious still and partially the fact that she wanted to be a mom so badly even though it was definitely not the time for that. “That’s what I wanted to tell you. I lost my virginity to Loxley” she said as a joke. “But no just kidding I made out with Piper and maybe did some other stuff and now I’m freaking out. But Loxley was in the room, could I have gotten pregnant from that?” Sol didn’t think so but what if magical people’s sperm was truly magical? Now she was starting to panic for a whole different reason. Sol anxiously gulped down some coffee but it did not help the situation at all. “Oh my god can I even drink coffee if I’m pregnant?”
Gay Panic
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