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xgchangkyun-blog · 9 years ago
So far so good. At least that’s what he would be saying to himself if that was the case. Although nothing had really happened at the institution, the constant meetings and pressure to get acquainted with other people seemed a bit forced. Now Changkyun was no hermit - quite the opposite really - but he was out of his comfort zone to be around people who he didn’t know. Up until now it had been people he had been friends with for quite some time. None of that remained now.
The strange thing was that everyone around here was the same as him. Everyone had abilities of some sort, some possibly greater than his own. It wasn’t that much of a problem though, he was intrigued to find out what other people had been born to possess. If the difference from his mother and himself was any indication, he was in store for some crazy things. 
As he walked through the halls, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. As much as they could anyway. This place was probably the better alternative to prison, he had no right to trash the place after a mere couple of hours. It was quite unfair. He had got himself into this mess so he was the only person to blame after all.
Boredom was slowly easing in as he continued to walk around, giving small greetings as he came across people he had never seen before. Afterall, they were all in the same boat as him. Everyone was in the same situation, just here for different reasons presumably.
Hearing some frustrated sounds he noticed one girl playing with her phone, looking as if she was about to rip her hair out or something. It wasn’t a pretty sight. Knowing Changkyun he couldn’t stay away, he had to go over and see what exactly was wrong. ‘’Excuse me?’’ he spoke slowly, easing his way over to the stranger. ‘’Are you ok-’’ His eyes shot wide, shockingly wide. She couldn’t be, could she? The resemblance was striking no matter what. It had been years since he had seen Seolhyun, but was this really her? 
‘’Seol-Seolhyun, is-is that you?’’ He took a step back, taking in the image before him. It had to be. ‘’Is it really you?’’
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blaineasfuck-blog · 9 years ago
Taking time off work and spending the holidays with his family was one of the best things Blaine knew. Not that he cared too much about the holidays, but getting to not worry about getting up in the morning, but being able to spend time with Elliott and Bandit instead would jump straight to the top of his list of favorites on any day. It didn’t happen too often, and when the chance was there Blaine jumped at it right away. Even if it meant he had to listen to Elliott talk about religion. 
They had just returned from Ohio where they had spent the Christmas days with Blaine’s parents. Of course they had spoiled Bandit senseless, and she was getting a little too used to being filled with cookies and hot chocolate every other minute.
Right now, though, Blaine and Elliott were cuddled up on the couch, Bandit between Blaine’s legs as they watched some brainless Christmas movie that was showing on TV. They had spent all morning traveling, and they were all tired and worn out. They hadn’t done anything but eat and socialize for days, so to finally be able to unplug and just be them was a relief. Blaine was resting his head against Elliott’s chest, closing his eyes to finally really relax while he played with Bandit’s hair. He was pretty sure it wouldn’t be long before they all just fell asleep and took a good long nap.
Until the doorbell rang, making Blaine look up at Elliott, his eyebrows furrowed in wonder. They weren’t expecting anyone. Actually, Blaine didn’t think anyone actually knew they were back yet, so he had no idea who it could be. The bell sounded again and Blaine growled into Elliott’s chest before twisting himself out of all the limbs. He made his way through the apartment, rubbing an eye with his fist with a hope that he wouldn’t look so dead to the world. With a yawn Blaine opened the door, and was even more confused when a stranger was facing him from the other side.
“Hi. Is this... Does Elliott Gilbert live here?” The lady asked, and Blaine stared at her, eyes narrowing for a few seconds, trying to figure out who she could be and what she wanted with his boyfriend.
“Who’s asking?” Blaine asked, pursing his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest. He didn’t like the idea of random strangers just showing up at their door. The people who was allowed to their home were people they felt comfortable enough about inviting. Everyone else could sit the fuck down and wait for an invitation.
The lady was shifting uncomfortably on her feet, and it almost seemed to Blaine like she was nervous. He was just about to tell her that if she wanted something she would have to speak up, but she beat him to the punch. “I am - his mother,” the lady stammered out, and Blaine immediately felt his entire body tense up. Elliott’s parents had treated him like trash. They had just thrown him on the street like he was garbage and he had been heartbroken for ages after. Blaine would never forget how torn up he was, and the hours he had been holding Elliott while he was crying. He gritted his teeth and his eyes went cold.
“I can’t see any reason for me to not just tell you to get the fuck away from us,” he snapped, his glance not wavering for a breath. He could feel all the anger from years back boil back up in his chest, making adrenaline pump through his veins and his heart thump away. He could hear Elliott and Bandit move around in the living room. Blaine wondered what would happen if Elliott came out there. It’s not like there was any chance she would be happy with how her good Catholic boy had evolved, something that almost had a proud smirk curling over Blaine’s lips. No, Elliott wasn’t the same as he was back then, he was Blaine’s better half now. Evidently so.
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hayden-rivers · 11 years ago
Reunion || Zayden
Hayden sighed as she looked over herself in the mirror. While her outfit looked alright, even if it was a far cry from the ‘old’ Hayden, her eyes were quite another thing. They were filled with guilt, because she knew that it was obvious that she was hiding something. She’d wanted to tell Zoe so badly about what she did, but there was no easy way to blurt out “Hey, I’ve been away for a month partying and drinking and accidentally cheating but it’s okay because I love you.” Even “Hey, I know I’ve changed a lot but that’s only because my parents spent a month trying to make me straight and now I’m rebelling,” was just as hard to get out. While she knew Zoe loved her, Hayden wondered if her patience towards the taller girl would ever wear thin, but she wouldn’t let herself reach that conclusion.
While she told her girlfriend that she could come over, Hayden decided to surprise her and meet at her place instead. Besides, she knew that if she waited in that dorm room, her nerves and guilt would start to eat her alive. So, picking up her phone and keys, the brunette left the empty dorm, walking to the familiar room. It was a short walk, but it gave her time for so many of her thoughts to swirl around in her head. Pulling the tank top down a little more, she reached the door and knocked, taking a deep breath as she did.
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Reunion || Cecile and Rocco
Cecile was panicking, hand inches above the doorbell. Should she... Could she... Yes. She pushed the button, heard it ring the comforting sound of her childhood. The sound she'd hear just before entering the magical world of ballet where she could dance and just be. Unfortunately she didn't have that freedom any more, and this was strictly a talking visit. She would go and say hello to Rocco for the first time in... fuck, five years? It would be easy. She didn't have any feelings for him. Not. At. All. She'd tried to pick up Dante. Once she'd realised the Italian accent, and after he gave her his last name, not that she asked, Cecile had tried to pull back, but by then he'd recognised her. Faced with him outting her out or doing it herself... Well, she was outside the dance studio now, wasn't she? In those nervous seconds before the door swung open Cecile straightened her hair, pulled down the hem on her most conservative dress (it wasn't all that conservative) and waited. She held her hands together because it was cold, not because she was shaking in her boots. When the door opened Cecile bobbed her head. "Hey," she said, voice breaking.
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cmreedie-blog · 11 years ago
Reunion || Crystal&Holland
Crystal stretched her hands above her head before leaning down to pat Oscar on the head. She had conked out on the couch the night before watching some movie. It was a quiet sleep for once, which was a relief for her. It seemed like she was getting less and less sleep every night. It was taking it's toll on her slowly but surely. The actress glanced at the clock, and jumped off the couch. "Shoot." She muttered, remembering her plans with Holland. The girl scrambled for her phone, telling Holland she would be there soon.
Crystal brushed out her hair and and put on a blue blouse and a pair of jeans. She put on a pair of boots, the cuff of the jeans. She got her keys and phone, shoving them both in her purse before giving a quick goodbye to Oscar and heading out to her car. It was about a ten minute drive to Holland's house from her own. When the cast had moved back to LA they all seemed to move close by each other. Crystal pulled into Holland's driveway, turning off the car, and walking up to the door, giving it a swift knock.
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hadleywaltsxx · 12 years ago
Reunion || Hadley and Liz
Hadley hadn't seen Elisabeth in easily five or six years. They weren't close like she was with Amanda or Madison, but they still got on alright. The younger girl actually admits that she looked up to Liz at some point. She was an amazing dancer, in her opinion. So, as she climbed into her old car and drove towards where she knew Elisabeth was staying. Right now so much was rushing through the blonde's head - Shale, LA, actually having time to herself for once - and she just needed someone to ground her.
Killing the engine outside of her friend's place, Hadley hopped out of the car and walked up to the door. The anxieties started to set in like they usually do, but it was no bother. Hadley just needed to relax, which was something that she had trouble with. But she will. At some point. Knocking on the door, the younger girl waited patiently for the door to swing open.
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