#para: skylar puckerman
ifuckatex · 7 years
TAGGING → Kate Rutherford & Skylar Puckerman
TIME FRAME → August 19th, 2017
LOCATION → Detroit on the Beach
GENERAL NOTES → Kate & Skylar have a bonfire and get rid of the past. Lowkey not done bc i am lame.
Skylar was glad that they were out of Lima, since it was a drag and everything started to suck. Between Parker and DJ, she was growing tired of the same old cheesy ass love shit. Though, she did hope that they were broken up when they got back in town, but she couldnt roll her eyes hard enough when she saw Parker's cheesy ass Instagram post about him her home. "Give me a break." She muttered as she grabbed her box of things and walked to the beach. She was glad it was only 71 degrees out, since she couldnt handle the heat all that much.
Kate after everything that had happened with Dani and Santana, the young woman needed to get the hell out of dodge. She was lucky to have a friend like Skylar who was always ready to go, heading out to Detroit after renting a room through her parents' time share. She sighed glancing at the bandage that covered her knew tattoo before grabbing a few of her things and heading out to the beach to get this bonfire started. "Are you burning some things too, sweet pea?" She asked, looking over at her friend with a smile and setting her things down so she could start the fire in one of the barrels they had specifically for the bonfires.
Skylar nodded as she heard Kate with a smile and placed the box down next to the barrel. "Yep, mostly the pictures of DJ and I, along with the mixtape that I created. I dropped off his hoodies at his and Parker's apartment." She rolled her eyes, knowing that she was able to show her disgust towards the couple and glanced down at her new tattoo, glad that they had gotten matching tattoos. "You know, I don't get it. He's the one who cheated, yet, he comes out smelling like roses and gets a new girlfriend after the affair happened. Me? Nothing except getting shit on." She knew that she had a lot of built up anger on the subject, which was fair but she couldnt understand why was painted as the bad guy. "Granted, yes. Its nice seeing that they're happy but don't have to tell the fucking internet about it." She sighed as she brushed her hair away from her face and looked at Kate. "Im sorry, we should be focusing on you, not me and my problems."
Kate smiled softly, knowing it would be good for them both to get rid of things. It would be a fresh start for each of them and that's exactly what they needed in order to move on in life. "Because sometimes things just work out for people even when it's not exactly fair. I think people mistake your anger for something else so they don't get to see the side of you that I do and that automatically makes someone a bad guy. It's stupid but it's how it is." She glanced at her friend then. "Do you still have feelings for him, Sky? Be honest with yourself and with me." She murmured before glancing at the picture in her hand and digging through her bag for the other things she could burn. "It's okay. I don't want to think about it to be honest. I don't get why it hurts so much because it was one date and one that didn't happen because she picked someone else right after but it sucks." She shrugged her shoulders. "I think it's because she was the first one I put myself on the line for after Jaxon so it just felt like a kick to the face."
Skylar grabbed one of the pictures of them and glanced over at Kate as she spoke, swallowed some before she glanced down at the picture. "Yeah, he turned his life around but like." She bit down on her bottom lip and let out a shaky breath. "I have some feelings but mostly anger and hate a..and I just want to see him miserable because he deserves to be miserable. Not fucking happy with Parker, especially Parker. Of all people, talk about a big I told you so moment when he posted that picture of them." She closed her eyes and looked at her. "Im sorry K, I know she's your friend too." She grabbed the mixtape and placed it onto the picture. "It does, because you literally shouldnt do it and.." She opened up her mouth and closed it when she heard her friend. "I was about to say something about that, actually. You made yourself vulnerable and she doesnt need your hurt or your tears."
Kate nodded in understanding, knowing how important he was to her. It was hard to let go of someone who meant a lot to you even when they hurt you in the long run. "And I can understand that. He hurt you, badly. And I can't imagine how it feels to have him end up with someone everyone seems to say he was going to end up with. I wish I was hear back then so I could have protected you from that pain." She licked her lips before clearing her throat. "She is my friend and she is just an unfortunate part of the story but I think we both know it's not her fault. He is the one that cheated and him only. But that doesn't mean you're not allowed to be angry about things. Just don't let it hold you back from whatever might make you happy in the future. Like fuck him for hurting you but also fuck him because he doesn't deserve to have this kind of hold over you." She reached out to grab her hand and hold it in her own. "I did. I let myself be very vulnerable and it bit me in the ass so yeah, it hurts. And yeah it hurts even more because she's still flirting blatantly where I can see it but what can I do?" She unfolded the sketch of Dani she had made before tossing it into the fire. "But this will be the first step to letting go of that sucky feeling. Like you said, she doesn't need or deserve my hurt or my tears."
Skylar gave her a small smile and shook her head. "It hurts, a lot and me too, but you're here now. That's all it matters." She replied and listened to Kate, knowing that she shouldnt be angry towards Parker, it wasnt her fault that he cheated on her. "I know its not her fault, I mean. Im sure she ripped him a new one when she found out. Since she's pretty scary when she's angry." She licked her lips as she nodded and felt her grab her hand. "You're right." She replied as she tossed the two things into the fire and glanced over at her. "Tell the bitch off? If you want me to do it, I'd be more than happy to do it." She watched her unfold the sketch and watched it end up in the fire. "Exactly, neither of them do because we're badass bitches and we're tough as hell."
Kate shifted over to wrap an arm around Skylar's shoulders, hugging her close and offering a smile in return. "Oh, I have no doubt that she did. Because no matter what, she'll call someone out if they did something wrong. It's just who she is." She watched her friend toss the picture and the mixtape into the fire, knowing that getting rid of it all would help. She was already starting to feel lighter. "If I was meaner, maybe. But she doesn't owe me anything and at least she didn't try to purposefully hurt me you know." She pulled out an envelope full of pictures she hadn't ever been able to look at after she had awoken in the hospital after the last time with Jaxon, pulling one out and taking in a shaky breath. "We are. And that is why I know we're going to be okay. No matter what happens, no more pain if we can help it." She swallowed hard and threw the entire envelope into the fire, shaking as she did so.
Skylar nodded slightly. "Yeah, she's been like since Ive known her." She whispered softly. She wrapped her arm around her middle and glanced over at her, feeling better now. She slowly nodded as she talked, knowing that she shouldnt have wronged her best friend. "True, but still. She still led you on." She rubbed her back, pressed a kiss against her head as she felt her shake. "Exactly, and if we get hurt again, then I guess we can come back here and do it again." She grabbed the rest of the pictures of DJ and her into the fire. "We're gonna be alright."
Kate was glad to have Skylar with her, knowing there was only a few people who knew what she was truly going through- what she had been through. "Well, it's too late to back track now. I should have just left it alone the second she started flirting with Santana. But it's done now. I've deleted her number and thrown away the paper that had it to begin with." She murmured, thankful for the support as she let everything from the past few days and past few years go. "You're right. This can be our spot." She sighed a little, nodding her head in agreement and looking up at Skylar then. "We are. And we're going to have an amazing semester, fuck whoever thinks they can ruin that. I am going to try to be more...open to letting people in and so are you. " She nudged her then with a grin before grabbing the bags she had brought down. "I figured besides the alcohol, we could be like little kids again and make s'mores."
Skylar frowned when she heard her and glanced over at her. "It happens, okay and you're right. We need to start looking towards the future and try to overcome this." She replied and nodded. "Yeah and anytime we need to escape. Come here and take our anger out on something." She smiled as she looked back at Kate, nodded along and grinned when she nudged her. "I agree. No more dealing with closing off people." She raised an eyebrow as she looked at the bag. "Have I told you that I love you?"
Kate "Definitely anytime we need an escape." Kate grinned even wider before shaking her head. "Not today you haven't. I love you too and I figured you'd be happy about it though." She pulled out a box of graham crackers and handed it off before grabbing the marshmallows and chocolate. "Thank you for coming all the way out here with me and getting the tattoo, and just everything." She smiled softly. "Thank you for being you really."
Skylar "And we're going to take Hannah with us, too." Skylar wrapped an arm around her shoulders and let out a sigh. "Oh, well then." She grabbed some graham crackers and nodded as she placed the box onto the ground. "You're welcome." She kissed her cheek and shrugged a bit. "You're welcome."
Kate nodded her head. "I know she was excited to be able to come with us so we'll definitely have to take another one just so she can come with. Hopefully it won't be too awkward with the whole Dani situation." She rested her head on Skylar's shoulder. "Okay, Maui. Let's make some s'mores and get the real party started." She teased, pulling out some skewers to start making their s'mores and putting on together on a stick for Skylar to hold over the fire. "For milady."
Skylar "It won't, she's not her sister." Skylar replied as she glanced at Kate and rubbed her shoulder as she pressed a kiss against her head once more. "Sounds good to me." She dropped her arm from around her and smiled when she grabbed the stick from her. "Thank you milady."
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