#para: Honor Thy Mother
cecehathaway · 7 years
Honor Thy Mother | Para
Tagging: Dorothy McCoy-Turner & Lena McCoy-Bell; mentions of the late Dr. Diana McCoy & Eugene McCoy Location: The McCoy-Bell home; Queens, NY Time Frame: Throughout the day, Thurs. Nov. 16, 2017 General Notes: content warnings--loss, mourning, grief, death and the like are discussed here.
A sky blue prayer candle burned from the moment Lena got up to feed Francesca that morning. The house was quiet, save the infant’s cries letting her mom know that she was awake. Lena wasn’t much of a cook, but after she had her daughter tended to and the babe fell back asleep, she started readying breakfast for her and Dorothy.
Their mom loved fruit and pastries for breakfast, but she had a particular love for banana chocolate chip pancakes, and Lena knew she could manage that like she had every November 16th the past nine years. She was dwelling on one of her personal favorite memories of their mom as she poured chocolate chips in with the pancake batter. 
Their dad was away for work but their mother, Diana, was off for the day and still in her pajamas. It was a Saturday which meant no school for her or Dorothy. Lena had come downstairs to the smell of chocolate and bananas filling her nose. Her mother’s striking blue eyes were focused on the hot skillet as she poured some batter inside, followed by a small bit more, and then another small addition.
“Good morning, princess Lena,” she greeted without having to turn around.
Lena rubbed at her eyes, “Mm..morning, Mom.” 
Diana then started to hum a happy, march-like melody to herself, and soon flipped the pancake over. Lena’s unkempt morning curls lowered to the kitchen table, she was still half asleep but when she looked up again, she saw her mom had added to her humming with a side-to-side swish of her hips. 
Lifting her head in confusion, Lena asked, “What are you doing, mom?”
Diana merely looked over her shoulder and threw her daughter a smirk before tending to the skillet again, still humming and swaying.
A smile broke out on Lena’s sleepy face, “Mooom! What song is that?”
Diana hummed a little louder as she added butter to one side of the pancake and then set it aside on a plate. She started on another one, pouring it the same as the other. Finally, as she picked up the plate where the finished pancake was and turned around, Diana marched away from the stove and towards the kitchen table where Lena was sitting. On the way, she sang the song she had been humming:
“Who’s the leader of the club, who’s made for you and me? M-I-C, K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E!” 
By the time she got to spelling out ‘Mickey Mouse’, she set the plate on the table revealing that she made it in the shape of Mickey’s head. Lena’s face lit up while a peal of giggles spilled from her mouth. She didn’t pick up on the lyrics other than the spelling part, but she bobbed her head from side to side while her mom poured syrup on the plate and she started to eat it.
An even younger Dorothy came downstairs soon after, donning stripped footie pajamas and two pom poms of curls on her head. In no time at all, the three of them were bouncing about the kitchen, enjoying Mickey Mouse pancakes and the song.
This memory stayed with Lena all through the time it took her to prepare breakfast. 
Towards the end, Dorothy had woken up and came waddling into the kitchen. She hadn’t slept well but waking up to the familiar smell of banana chocolate chip pancakes was a welcome start to the otherwise somber day. Her eyes were a bit puffy and her back ached terribly but she enjoyed the meal at the table with her sister. 
Dorothy had her fond memories of her mother, but it was impossible to avoid the miserable memories with them. She couldn’t help thinking how different things might have been had her mom not gone away to help smaller pockets of the country still struggling to gain access to the virus’ antidote, years after the cure had been found. How upset she had been with her mom for not having had a vaccine or something--anything to help guard her from getting it too before she went. How angering it was that no one had realized until it was too late, that she, too, had contracted it in the midst of helping others.
Dorothy remembered being in high school, maintaining a great start to her senior year and having finished submitting her college applications. She applied to some of the greatest universities in the country: Stanford, Harvard, UCLA, Northwestern, and of course, NYU. Her mom helped her, encouraged her and promised to be there for each envelope she opened when she heard back from the schools. 
But it was a promise that couldn’t be kept. Diana’s health rapidly declined after her returned, and by the time it was discovered that she had contracted the virus, she was swiftly quarantined to prevent spreading. Dorothy remembered being checked by doctors, along with Lena and their father. None of them had picked it up, but the contact from then, until Diana’s final days was limited. Dorothy couldn’t hold her hand, give her a hug, be close to her mom. All she could do was watch from a distance and try her best to tell her mother that she loved her. That she would do her best, for her. That she would help her father and Lena around the house. She did her best not to show how terrified she was, the more the reality sank in that her mother would soon be gone.
Dorothy remembered the funeral. She remembered Lena sobbing the entire day, and repeatedly hugging to console her older sister. She remembered her father--an otherwise talkative and outgoing man--being more silent than she had ever known him to be. She remembered them holding the service in the church her mother loved for them to attend, and the slew of congregation members, colleagues and friends, some of whom Dorothy couldn’t recall ever meeting before--gathering to pay their respects. She remembered the choir singing a beautiful rendition of “When the Saints Go Marching In” that continued to haunt Dorothy to this day. She remembered the car ride over to the cemetery, the silence, the ugly green easy-up placed over the plot, and equally ugly, fake grass rolled out beside the dug up grave where they placed three chairs for herself, her sister and her father. She remembered having to help prepare all of this amidst schoolwork she wanted and needed to stay on top of, and giving her father nudges here and there to assist with the arrangements where she could not. She remembered that she only cried for a few minutes when she was called out of class and told the news. And after that, she remembered that she did not cry again, all through the preparations, or the day of until it came time to say goodbye once and for all.
Dorothy cried when they closed the casket. And she hadn’t stopped until they were back inside the car, heading home for the reception. Her sister was too inconsolable to return hugs or comfort that day, and her father still seemed to be in a state of shock to have noticed. Dorothy leaned on her closest friends at the time, but eventually forced herself to be strong, for her family, or what remained of it.
Just as she had done that day, the very clear memory made fresh tears spring to her eyes. She didn’t know how long they had run but hearing her niece’s cries triggered something in her to collect herself again. Even though Lena had gone to tend to her, Dorothy still used some tissues to dry her eye and made herself take deep breaths to calm down again and try to quell some of the unpleasant memories with brighter ones.
There wasn’t much conversation between her and Lena throughout the remainder day. Dorothy tried distracting herself a little by going online for only a moment, but she ended up deciding to leave her laptop off for the remainder of it. She helped with her niece and cried again, through the rendition of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” during her mom’s favorite musical film, Meet Me In St. Louis.
Her brother-in-law picked up a double shift at the hospital, intentionally making himself scarce, she suspected, so the day of the two sisters and Francesca, turned into the evening with the two and the babe. With Lena having taken on breakfast and neither sister being particularly hungry for a lunch, Dorothy prepared dinner for them, following her mother’s Swedish meatball recipe to a tee. 
The prayer candle had burned all day, and neither of them would be blowing it out, instead letting it go out on its own when it had nothing left to burn. After doing the dinner dishes and wishing Lena and Francesca a good night, Dorothy sat at the table and watched the lone flame burn still inside the narrow glass. She placed a hand over her round stomach and for the first time that day, other than small talk asking and answering questions with Lena, she spoke.
“I know I’ve said this so many times before, but I...” her low, raspy voice paused as she looked down at herself, and then back at the candle. “I really wish you were here. I want to believe... I have to believe that you and Pops are watching over me, and Lena and your grandchildren, but...” Letting out a soft sigh, she ignored the new tears welling up in her eyes. “What I would give for you to be here right now... To be able to talk to you, to see you with Chesca, and Quinton, spoiling them rotten and helping Lena and me in ways that only you could...” 
Her flurry of emotions rendered her silent for a stretch of time and as she sniffed and sighed, she did her best to bring the words out again. “I miss you, Mom. I’m... so thankful for the time we did have with you--you were...amazing. My role model. And I miss you.”
Unable to keep herself together any further, Dorothy bent her head into her hands and sobbed as quietly as she could make herself. A montage of bitter and sweet images of her mom sped through her mind as she wept. 
A gentle hand on her shoulder made her jump but as quickly as she reacted, she relaxed and looked up through glistening, bloodshot eyes. Lena was standing beside her and although Dorothy couldn’t clearly make out her expression, she saw her arms open up. After heaving herself to her feet, Dorothy clung to her big sister and cried freely on her shoulder. And all the while Lena held her, knowing, or possibly not knowing how much it was needed.
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Aquellos de la Corriente Evolutiva Planetaria
La paz sea con todos vosotros. Saludos a cada uno de vosotros que habéis escuchado el llamado en vuestro corazón para venir a ser mis representantes sobre la Tierra.
Aquellos niños de la corriente evolutiva planetaria de avance salís adelante hacia la comunidad en el Reino de los cielos. No dudéis. No os quedéis en la confusión ni en los meandros superficiales. Elegid sinceramente seguir la luz de la verdad con un corazón completo y una consciencia y mente despejadas ... una voluntad devota para traer hacia adelante a la Vida del Reino del Padre.
Buen día a todos. La paz sea en cualquier momento y siempre con vosotros.
Nuestra alianza de fraternidad trae al apóstol la posesión inconquistable de un nuevo coraje y un poder espiritual aumentado.
El evangelio del reino es liberar a la humanidad eternamente e inspirarla a ella y a él a atreverse a esperar la vida eterna mediante estos requisitos de acercarse a la Vida del Padre, que actualmente Yo estoy revelando a aquellos individuos con el ojo de su visión de fe despertando y capaces de reconocerme en el aquí y ahora ... el oído de su rectitud de escuchar con la capacidad de tener la sed de verdad suficiente para aprender y crecer participando y colaborando conmigo.
En esta Mi segunda venida a las costas terrestres de vuestro planeta, Yo estoy preparado para dar vida a aquellas personas que caminan conmigo, siguiéndome en las formas en que Yo estoy dando a toda la humanidad.
Es esencial para traer hacia adelante el Reino de los Cielos es que cada uno elimine todos los desequilibrios que hay en vosotros; porque solo aumentaré vuestra vida, a medida que os dedicáis a estudiar todo lo que habéis puesto en esas impresiones vibratorias personales.
No intentéis pintar una casa podrida ... para poner un techo nuevo en pisos decrépitos donde los hongos y el moho son penetrantes.
Sin embargo, en cambio ... vosotros debéis mirar y ver vuestra casa ... para ver dónde se está pudriendo ... y dónde vuestras vibraciones están desalineadas y descalificadas.
Estad atentos a la ley de Justicia que os haría asumir la responsabilidad de cada punto y coma que hayan surgido de vuestros pensamientos y sentimientos. Solo entonces se os dará una vida más grande una vez que hayáis demostrado vuestra responsabilidad y relación y respeto a esa vida que habéis usado para producir todas las impresiones de pensamientos internos y las impresiones de sentimientos y sus expresiones de circunstancias, ambiente y relaciones.
Porque Yo miro y Yo espero con la Divina Ministra de la Madre del Universo....
Nosotros vemos a muchos de la humanidad predicando y proclamando que otros toman posesión de su oscuridad ... que otros se levantan y alaban y honran a Dios ... pero veo a estos llamados predicadores y proclamadores evitando y postergando su propio avance ... muchos han usado la excusa de salvar al mundo de manera de evitar salvarse a sí mismos y asumir la responsabilidad de todas sus facultades creativas ... todo puesto en movimiento vibratorio por sus propios pensamientos y sentimientos; porque el anticristo está en cada humano quién es desleal parándose con los dos pies en el campo de la Vida del Padre.
En la fraternidad del Reino habrá individuos del Este y del Oeste ... del Norte y del Sur ... ricos y pobres ... libres y esclavizados ... hombres y mujeres ... todos serán llamados a dar a conocer las buenas nuevas de la libertad de la humanidad a través del evangelio de su filiación de hijas e hijos con Dios el Padre en este Reino de los cielos.
Yo os digo ... tomad posesión de vuestras propias facultades creativas ... entonces os convertiréis en un verdadero hijo e hija en lugar de un impostor que habla fantasiosamente pero que os ignoráis a vosotros mismos.
No vayáis al mundo proclamando este evangelio del Reino de Dios ... no hasta que os saquéis la viga de vuestro propio ojo ... y os quitéis la cera de vuestro propio oído ... tanto os limpiaréis a vosotros mismos para que vosotros vengáis a veros en la verdad y la gloria inmaculada en la Vida del Padre.
Conoceos vosotros mismos por los preceptos de Mi Evangelio ... liberaros vosotros mismos con los poderes del Reino … las dotaciones poderosas de vuestro libre albedrío aplicadas con rectitud de carácter y respeto de la personalidad ... con humildad al reclamar correctamente vuestras posesiones ... y con la vulnerabilidad y la sincera rectitud para abrazar vuestra propia oscuridad y corrientes de antivida.
Entonces, nosotros fortaleceremos nuestra relación conjunta...
Michael Of Nebadon
Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives
Peace be upon you all. Greetings on to each one of you who have heard the call in your heart to come forth to be mined representatives upon the Earth.
Those children of the planetary evolutionary stream of advancement come forth into the I fellowship in the Kingdom of heaven. Doubt not. Linger not in confusion nor in superficial meanderings. Choose wholeheartedly to follow the light of truth with a whole heart and a clear conscience and mind .. a devoted will to bring forth the Life of the Father's Kingdom.
Good day unto all. Peace be ever and always with you.
Our covenant of partnership brings to the apostle the unconquerable possession of a new courage and augmented spiritual power.
The gospel of the kingdom is to set humankind free eternally and inspire her and him to dare to hope for eternal life by these requisites of approaching the Father's Life which I am presently revealing to those individuals with the eye of their faith vision awakening and capable of recognizing Me in the here and now .. the ear of their righteousness of hearing with the capacity of thirsting for truth sufficient to learn and grow by participating and partaking of Me.
In this My second coming unto the terrestrial shores of your planet, I am prepared to give Life unto those Personhoods who walk with Me, following Me in the ways I am giving to all humankind.
Essential in bringing forward the Kingdom of Heaven is that you each clear every imbalance in you; for I shall only increase thy Life as you are studiously devoted towards all that you have set into those personal vibratory impressions.
You shall not attempt to paint a rotting house .. to put a new roof on decrepit floors where mold and mildew are pervasive.
Yet instead .. you must look and see thine house .. to see where in fact it is rotting .. and where its vibrations are misaligned and misqualified.
Be thou attentive to the law of Justice which would have you take responsibility for every jot and tittle that has ever come forth from out of your thoughts and feelings. Only then shall you be given the greater life once you have demonstrated your responsibility and relationship and respect to that life which you have used to bring forth all inner thought impressions and feeling impressions and their expressions of circumstance environment and relationship.
For I watch and I wait with the Divine Minister of the Universe Mother ..
We see many of humanity preaching and proclaiming that others take possession of their darkness .. that others rise up and praise and honor God .. yet I see these so called preachers and proclaimers avoiding and procrastinating their own advancement .. many have used the excuse of saving the world so that they can avoid saving themselves and taking responsibility for all their creative faculties .. all set into vibratory motion by their own thoughts and feelings; for the antichrist is in each human who is disloyal to stand with both feet in the field of the Father's Life.
In the fellowship of the Kingdom there shall be individuals from East and West .. from North and South .. rich and poor .. free and enslaved .. men and women .. all shall be called to bring forth the good news of the liberty of humankind through the gospel of their sonship and daughtership with God the Father in this Kingdom of heaven.
I sayeth .. take possession of thine own creative faculties .. then shall you become a true son and daughter rather than an imposter who speaks fancifully yet ignores themselves.
Go not into the world proclaiming this gospel of the Kingdom of God .. not until you taketh the beam out from thine own eye .. and remove the wax from thine own ear .. so much shall you cleanse thyselves that you come to see thyself in truth and Immaculate glory in the Father's Life.
Know thyself by My gospel precepts .. free thyself with the Kingdom powers .. powerful endowments of your free will applied with character righteousness and personality respect .. with humility in claiming rightly thine possessions .. and with the vulnerability and heartfelt rectitude to embrace your own darkness and antilife currents.
Then, shall we strengthen our relationship together...
Michael Of Nebadon
Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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On this Sunday again, the Church calls on us to rejoice in the Advent of the Redeemer, and at the Introit sings:
INTROIT Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Let your modesty be known to all men: for the Lord is nigh. Be nothing solicitous; but in every thing by prayer let your requests be made known to God (Phil. 4). Lord, thou hast blessed thy land; thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob (Ps. 84). Glory be to the Father.
COLLECT Incline Thine ear, O Lord, we beseech Thee, unto our prayers: and enlighten the darkness of our mind by the grace of thy visitation. Through our Lord.
EPISTLE (Phil. 4:4-7). Brethren, rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Let your modesty be known to all men. The Lord is nigh. Be nothing solicitous; but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What is meant by "rejoicing in the Lord"?
By "rejoicing in the Lord" is meant rejoicing in the grace of the true faith we have received, in the hope of obtaining eternal happiness; rejoicing in the protection of the most High under which we stand; and in the persecution for justice's sake in which Christ Himself exhorts us to rejoice, and in which the Apostle Paul gloried (II Cor. 7:4).
What else does St. Paul teach in this epistle?
He exhorts us to give all a good example by a modest and edifying life, to which we should be directed by the remembrance of God's presence and His coming to judgment (Chrysostom. 33, in Joann.); he warns us against solicitude about temporal affairs, advising us to cast our care on God, who will never abandon us in our needs, if we entreat Him with confidence and humility.
In what does "the Peace of God" consist?
It consists in a good conscience (Ambrose), in which St. Paul gloried and rejoiced beyond measure (II Cor. 1:12). This peace of the soul sustained all the martyrs, and consoled many others who suffered for justice's sake. Thus St. Tibertius said to the tyrant: "We count all pain as naught, for our conscience is at peace." There cannot be imagined a greater joy than that which proceeds from the peace of a good conscience. It must be experienced to be understood.
ASPIRATION The peace of God, that surpasseth all understanding, preserve our hearts in Christ Jesus. Amen.
COMFORT AND RELIEF IN SORROW “Is any one troubled, let him pray" (Jas. 5:13).
There is no greater or more powerful comfort in sorrow than in humble and confiding prayer, to complain to God of our wants and cares, as did the sorrowful Anna, mother of the prophet Samuel, (I Kings 10) and the chaste Susanna when she was falsely accused of adultery and sentenced to death (Dan. 13:35). So the pious King Ezechias complained in prayer of the severe oppression with which he was threatened by Senacherib (IV Kings 19:14). So also King Josaphat made his trouble known to God only, saying: But as we know not what to do, we can only turn our eyes on Thee (11 Para. 20:12). They all received aid and comfort from God. Are you sad and in trouble? Lift up your soul with David and say: To Thee I have lifted up my eyes, who dwellest in heaven. Behold as the eyes of servants are on the hands of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid are on the hands of her mistress: so are our eyes unto the Lord our God, until He shall have mercy on us (Ps. 122:1-3). Give joy to the soul of Thy servant, for to Thee, O Lord, I have lifted up my soul (Ps. 85:4).
GOSPEL (Jn. 1:19-28). At that time the Jews sent from Jerusalem priests and Levites to John, to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed, and did not deny; and he confessed: I am not the Christ. And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he said: I am not. Art thou the prophet? And he answered, No. They said therefore unto him, Who art thou, that we may give an answer to them that sent us? what sayst thou of thyself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Isaias. And they that were sent were of the Pharisees. And they asked him, and said to him: Why then dost thou baptize, if thou be not Christ, nor Elias, nor the prophet? John answered them, saying: I baptize with water: but there hath stood one in the midst of you, whom you know not: the same is he that shall come after me, who is preferred before me, the latchet of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose. These things were done in Bethania beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing.
Why did the Jews send messengers to St. John to ask him who he was?
Partly because of their curiosity, when they saw St. John leading such a pure, angelic and penitential life; partly, as St. Chrysostom says, out of envy, because St. John preached with such spiritual force, baptized and exhorted the people to penance, that the inhabitants of Jerusalem came to him in great numbers; partly, and principally, they were impelled by the providence of God to demand publicly of St. John, if he were the Messiah, and thus be directed to Christ that they might be compelled to acknowledge Him as the Messiah, or have no excuse for rejecting Him.
Why did the Jews ask St. John, if he were not Elias or the prophet?
The Jews falsely believed that the Redeemer was to come into this world but once, then with great glory, and that Elias or one of the old prophets would come before Him, to prepare His way, as Malachias (4:5) had prophesied of St. John; so when St. John said of himself that he was not the Messiah, they asked him, if he were not then Elias or one of the prophets. But Elias, who was taken alive from this world in a fiery chariot, will not reappear until just before the second coming of Christ.
Why did St. John say, he was not Elias or the Prophet?
Because he was not Elias, and, in reality, not a prophet in the Jewish sense of the word, but more than a prophet, because he announced that Christ had come, and pointed Him out.
Why does St. John call himself "the voice of one crying in the wilderness"?
Because in his humility, he desired to acknowledge that he was only an instrument through which the Redeemer announced to the abandoned and hopeless Jews the consolation of the Messiah, exhorting them to bear worthy fruits of penance.
How do we bear worthy fruits of penance?
We bear fruits of penance, when after our conversion, we serve God and justice with the same zeal with which we previously served the devil and iniquity; when we love God as fervently as we once loved the flesh - that is, the desires of the flesh - and the pleasures of the world; when we give our members to justice as we once gave them to malice and impurity (Rom. 6:19), when the mouth that formerly uttered improprieties, when the ears that listened to detraction or evil speech, when the eyes that looked curiously upon improper objects, now rejoice in the utterance of words pleasing to God, to hear and to see things dear to Him; when the appetite that was given to the luxury of eating and drinking, now abstains; when the hands give back what they have stolen; in a word, when we put off the old man, who was corrupted, and put on the new man, who is created in justice and holiness of truth (Eph. 4:22-24).
What was the baptism administered by St. John, and what were its effects?
The baptism administered by John was only a baptism of penance for forgiveness of sins (Lk. 3:3). The ignorant Jews not considering the greatness of their transgressions, St. John came exhorting them to acknowledge their sins, and do penance for them; that being converted, and truly contrite, they might seek their Redeemer, and thus obtain remission of their offences. We must then conclude, that St. John's baptism was only a ceremony or initiation, by which the Jews enrolled themselves as his disciples to do penance, as a preparation for the remission of sin by means of the second baptism, viz., of Jesus Christ.
What else can be learned from this gospel?
We learn from it to be always sincere, especially at the tribunal of penance, and to practice the necessary virtue of humility, by which, in reply to the questions of the Jews, St. John confessed the truth openly and without reserve, as shown by the words: The latchet of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose, as the lowest of Christ's servants, giving us an example of humility and sincerity, which should induce us always to speak the truth, and not only not to seek honor, but to give to God all the honor shown us by man. Have you not far more reason than John, who was such a great saint, to esteem yourself but little, and to humble yourself before God and man? "My son," says Tobias (4:14), "never suffer pride to reign in thy mind, or in thy words: for from it all perdition took its beginning."
ASPIRATION O Lord, banish from my heart all envy, jealousy and pride. Grant me instead, to know myself and Thee, that by the knowledge of my nothingness, misery and vices, I may always remain unworthy in my own eyes, and that by the contemplation of Thy infinite perfections, I may seek to prize Thee above all, to love and to glorify Thee, and practice charity towards my neighbor. Amen.
EPISTLE (Is. 7:10-15). And the Lord spoke again to Achaz, saying: Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God, either unto the depth of hell or unto the height above. And Achaz said: I will not ask, and I will not tempt the Lord. And he said: Hear ye, therefore, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to be grievous to men, that you are grievous to my God also? Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel. He shall eat butter and honey, that he may know to refuse the evil, and to choose the good.'
EXPLANATION In this Epistle is contained the important prophecy of the Savior's birth from a virgin. War was declared by the kings of Israel and Syria against Achaz, king of Juda, who at their approach was overpowered with fear, and thought of seeking aid from the Assyrians instead of looking to Almighty God for help; and for this lack of confidence in God, the prophet Isaiah was sent to announce to him the destruction of both kings, and his own preservation. The prophet, wishing Achaz to prove his assertion, requested the king to demand a sign from God; but he being given to idolatry, did not wish to ask a sign from heaven, for he had more faith in the assistance of the demons and of the Assyrians. He offended God by his refusal and the prophet rebuked him, saying: The Lord himself will give you (that is, your posterity) a sign, for the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and he shall be called Emmanuel, that is-God with us. By these words Isaias desired to impress upon the king, that as surely as he should be preserved from his enemies, so surely this Emmanuel, the Son of the Virgin, would appear to redeem the world from Satan's power. Let us learn from this lesson always to trust in God, who can deliver us from all danger, and let us also be grateful to Him, who seven hundred and forty-three years before the time, permitted, for our consolation, the announcement of the coming of His Son, our Savior.
The gospel (Lk. 1:26-28) of this day will be found in the second part of this book on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin.
ASPIRATION O Emmanuel, powerful, holy God! Our Savior and our Redeemer! be with us always in life and death: for, if Thou art with us who can be against us?
COLLECT Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the approaching celebration of our redemption may bring us the necessary graces for the present life, and bestow upon us the rewards of eternal happiness. Through our Lord.
EPISTLE (Is. 11:1-5). And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out of his root. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom, and of understanding, the spirit of counsel, and of fortitude, the spirit of knowledge, and of godliness, and he shall be filled with the spirit of the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge according to the sight of the eyes, nor reprove according to the hearing of the ears. But he shall judge the poor with justice, and shall reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked. And justice shall be the girdle of his loins: and faith the girdle of his reins.
EXPLANATION In this epistle the Lord announced to the Jews, through the prophet, the consoling promise that when they were sufficiently punished, and had come to the consciousness of their own misery, the Savior would come and bring all things to order. The rod spoken of by the prophet, is the Blessed Virgin who would proceed from the root of Jesse, that is, from the stem of David, and give birth to the flower, viz., to the Savior upon whom the Holy Ghost, with His sevenfold gifts, would descend, that is, dwell in Him. As a reader of the heart He would judge man, not according to his outward appearance, but according to his intentions. He would not flatter the sinner, but with severe words punish his sinful life, and because just and faithful, He would reward every man without respect to person. Let us be always mindful in all our omissions and commissions, that our Lord sees into our hearts, and judges not only according to our works, but principally according to our intentions, and let us strive ever to have pure motives in all our actions.
ASPIRATION O Fragrant Flower of the Virgin, Jesus our Savior, come and draw us to Thee, that we may walk in the perfume of Thy ointments, and obtain a merciful judgment from Thee.
COLLECT Show forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy power, and come, that we who confidently trust in Thy love, may be the sooner delivered from all adversities. Through our Lord.
EPISTLE (II Thess 2:1-8). Brethren, we beseech you, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of our gathering together unto him: that you be not easily moved from your mind, nor be frighted, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by epistle, as sent from us, as if the day of the Lord were at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God. Remember you not, that when I was yet with you I told you these things? And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh: only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way, and then that wicked one shall be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.
EXPLANATION At the time when St. Paul wrote this epistle, the false report was circulated that the Last Day was at hand, and Christ was coming to judge all men. The Apostle warns the faithful against trusting this, telling them they should not permit themselves to be misled; for first, the greater part of mankind would fall away from God, and Antichrist, the son of perdition appear, but not until the gospel was everywhere preached. The great falling off would be gradual, caused by the heresies which would arise from time to time, and would be completed by Antichrist, whom our Lord, at last, on the Day of Judgment would kill with the breath of his mouth. Let us learn from this epistle not to be curious concerning the Last Day, and the Advent of Christ, but to prepare, rather for the coming of Jesus into our hearts, that He may be merciful to us in death, and at judgment.
ASPIRATION The gospel of this day will be found in the instruction on the Fourth Sunday of Advent.
COLLECT O God, who seest us afflicted on account of our own wickedness; mercifully grant, that by Thy coming we may be comforted. Through our Lord.
From: https://www.pamphletstoinspire.com/
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sovereignhumanity · 5 years
Prioridades Eternas
La Eternidad es como la roca estabilizadora y armonizadora de la Vida de Dios y, a medida que se filtra y penetra con vuestra voluntad ... Sus potencias se vierten abiertamente sobre los éteres del individuo.
Como vuestro arte está sinceramente dispuesto a desgarrar los velos de la oscuridad en cada uno... para abrir y destrozar vuestra densidad con fuerza ... ay, arrancarla con los poderes de vuestra dedicación y devoción ... así romperá la Gran roca del Infinito para recibir su gloria y poder y gracia y perdón.
Extrañas aguas vivas brotan de esta fuerza viviente ... esta roca ... esta fuerza espiritual que es omnipresencia y omnisciencia y omnipotencia en sí misma. Él que es Fuente para todos, y su pensamiento emanante se extiende infinitamente sobre las tierras, y éste se entrega a aquellas personalidades que se aventuran en esta pulsación penetrante de convertiros en la Voluntad de Dios.
Yo os digo ... la pureza de su oro es su Vida Eterna ... y un Compromiso con la Eternidad prospera a cada uno que bebe de esta fuente siempre potente de Vida eterna.
Su Reino está presente en todas partes en esta fundación invisible de su gloria y honor ...
Allí, en las profundidades del ser, vosotros hallaréis gran tesoro. Sin embargo, son finos los hilos por los cuales se os instruye para que entréis en las aguas profundas necesarias para hacer vuestro contacto.
Marcad Mis palabras, y sed sabios como la serpiente y, sin embargo, gentiles como la paloma de la paz, mientras os preparáis ingeniosamente para la vida aquí y en adelante.
De nuevo Yo os digo, lo que viene, viene sin importar vuestra ilusoria esperanza y vuestras imágenes fantasiosas. La realidad se filtra sin esfuerzo hacia la manifestación tangible ... llega a cualquiera y a todos los que allanan el camino con la rectitud y el respeto y la reverencia y la reciprocidad de la relación.
Vosotros tenéis un pequeño concepto del poder que acecha a las voliciones de consideración hacia los demás; porque Yo os hablo de una o dos de las Voliciones de Victoria del Séptimo Espíritu Rector.
En vuestra hermandad fraterna... no es meramente el respeto mutuo y la cortesía y la consideración en vuestros comportamientos lo que entrega el perdón misericordioso de Dios, y no es solo lo placentero en vuestras relaciones hacia las condiciones de los propósitos estratégicos, ni tampoco es ese sentimiento y afirmación de generosidad y calidez.
Yo os digo a los que os estáis abriendo para escuchar Mi Palabra de Eternidad ...
La consideración por los demás hará que se evaporen todas vuestras mortalmente entronizadas auto-importancia y egoísmos. Considerar a los demás es una fuerza potente que tiene el encanto de la personalidad unida al buen sentido y al impulso más grandioso … a la intención más sublime.
Sin embargo, el amor por los esfuerzos mortales es de una frecuencia diferente cuando es aplicado a la consideración hacia los demás de estas maneras que estoy proclamando a vuestro oído interno y las sensibilidades más elevadas.
El amor opera para construir, para crear, para erigir, mientras que la consideración suaviza y simpatiza y facilita el paso de la inteligencia viva de uno a otro. Y este pasaje es un intercambio sobre las poderosas estaturas del servicio y el dar.
Yo os pondría a vosotros de sobre aviso... liberando vuestro egoísmo y egocentrismo y vuestras auto-intoxicaciones y autoengaños.
No seáis ignorantes con respecto a este poder volitivo de consideración y cooperación y verdadera colaboración en vuestra acción expresiva.
Estos son los fundamentos de la cohesión espiritual... el poder de cohesión es la fuerza de coagulación que Yo os digo. Esta es la fuerza divina que trae la Unificación, la Integración y la Expiación a los mundos.
Cuando las mujeres y los hombres tienen un propósito que lograr juntos, trabajan arduamente, sin mirar ni a la derecha ni a la izquierda; cuando las mujeres tienen un hijo que soportar, se apoyan en esta cohesión dentro de sí mismas para obtener una fuerza de reserva que se otorga a cada madre emergente. Y es esta reserva de poder divino dentro de vosotros la que es necesaria para graduaros y avanzar en vuestro viaje hacia los mundos superiores de luz, amor y vida.
Yo vengo a iniciar el Advenimiento de la Ascendencia para todas las criaturas grandes y pequeñas; porque todas y cada una son absolutamente preciosas a Mi vista, y Mi Corazón Universal abraza incondicionalmente a todas las criaturas como al mismo florecimiento de la Vida sobre los horizontes del espacio y en la creación del tiempo.
 Michael Of Nebadon
  The Eternity is as the stabilizing and harmonizing rock of God's Life, and as it is riven and penetrated with thine will .. It’s potencies are poured outward openly upon the ethers of the individual.
As ye art wholeheartedly willing and decided to break apart the veils of darkness in thee .. to wrench open and tear apart thine density with force .. ay, tearing it apart with the powers of your dedication and devotion .. so will you break the great rock of Infinity to receive its glory and power and grace and forgiveness.
Strange living waters gush out of this living force .. this rock .. this spirit force which is  omnipresence and omniscience and omnipotence itself. He who is Source to all, and his emanating thought is spread out endlessly upon the lands, and it is given to those personalities who venture in this penetrating pulsation of becoming God's Will.
I do tell thee .. the purity of his gold is his Life Everlasting .. and an Engagement with Eternity prospers each one who drinks of this ever potent spring of eternal Life.
His Kingdom is everywhere present in this unseen foundation of his glory and honor...
There in the depths of being shall ye findeth much treasure. Yet, thin are the threads whereby ye are instructed to entereth the deep waters necessary to maketh thine contact.
Mark My words, and be ye wise like the serpent and yet, gentle as the dove of peace, as you artfully prepare thyselves for life here and hereafter.
Again I say unto thee, that which cometh, cometh regardless of thine delusional hope and fantasies in imagery. The reality seeps effortlessly into the tangible manifestation .. it cometh to any and to all who pave the way with righteousness and respect and reverence and reciprocation of relationship.
Ye do have small concept of the power that lurketh in the volitions of consideration for others; for I speaketh to thee on one or two of  the Seventh Master Spirit Volitions of Victory.
In thine brotherhood and sisterhood fellowship .. it is not merely comity and courtesy and considerateness in thy behaviors which delivereth God's merciful forgiveness, and it is not alone pleasantness in your relations for the conditions of strategic purposes, nor yet is it sentiment and assertion of generosity and warmth.  
I sayeth to they who are opening to listen to My Word of Eternity...
Consideration for others shall cause to evaporateth all thine mortally enthroned self-importance and egotism. Considering others is a potent force having in it the charm of personality wedded to good sense and the grander impulse .. the loftier intent.
Yet, the love of mortal strivings is of a different frequency when it applieth to consideration for others in these ways I am proclaiming to thine inner ear and higher sensitivities.  
Love operateth to construct, to create, to build while consideration smootheth and sympathizeth and maketh easy the passage of the living intelligence one to the other. And this passage is a sharing upon the mighty statures of service and giving.
I would place thee upon notice .. extricating thine selfishness and self-centeredness and self-intoxications and self-delusions.
Be not of ignorance concerning this volitional power of consideration and cooperation and true collaboration in thy expressive action.
These are the foundations of spirit cohesion .. the power of cohesion is the force of coagulation I do tell thee. It is divine force which bringeth Unification and Integration and Atonement to the worlds.
When women and men have a purpose to accomplish together, they work industriously, looking neither to the right nor to the left; when women have child to bear they do lean upon this cohesiveness within themselves to gaineth a reserve strength that is given to every emergent mother. And it is this reserve of divine power within you that is necessary to graduate and advance thine journey unto the higher worlds of light, love, and life.
I come to initiate the Advent of Ascendancy for all creatures great and small; for each and all are absolutely precious in My sight, and Mine Heart Universal does embrace all creatures unconditionally as the very blossoming of Life upon the horizons of space and time creation.
  Michael Of Nebadon
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moonwonuu · 2 years
Geh. Final answer kay wonu na talaga ako ✊🏻🥹 hahahahahahhahaha (don’t make takwil me my love. Tinry ko lang talaga magshoot ng shot T^T) it would be also cool kung may bgc bois ft svt no? Hahahahahaha
Ang wholesome nga! Imagine mo: bgcboi!shua namataang nagrrantng kanyang love life sa nanay nya sa isang bar! Hahahahhaha ang cutie promise!
It’s the catholic boi in him talaga kung bakit kasama nya nanay nya. (Read: 1. Honor thy mother and father 2. Kung iinom na rin naman sya, dapat alam ng parents para di na mapapagalitan)
- 🌸
AHAHAHAHA sure na ba pag tayo talaga na bias wreck ulit, nako vebs 😭😂 parehas na tayo i tatakwil 😅
“its the catholic in him” AHAHAHAHAHAHA gagi 😭😂😭😂😭😂 may nakita akong tweet na ang taray daw ni mama hong kasi gising pa ng 2am at baka daw kasi kaka traditional herbs niya 😂😭
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mattchase82 · 2 years
During a riot at Rome, a mob came to the house where St. Bridget lived; a leader talked of burning Bridget alive. She prayed to Our Blessed Lord to know if she should flee to safety and He assured her to stay, saying: "It doesn't matter if they plot thy death. My power will break the malice of thy enemies: If mine crucified me, it is because I permitted it." The Blessed Virgin added: "Sing as a group the Ave Maris Stella and I will guard you from every danger."
Ave, maris stella,
Dei mater alma,
atque semper virgo,
felix coeli porta.
Sumens illud “Ave”
Gabrielis ore,
funda nos in pace,
mutans Evae nomen.
Solve vincla reis,
profer lumen caecis,
mala nostra pelle,
bona cuncta posce.
Monstra te esse matrem,
sumat per te precem
qui pro nobis natus
tulit esse tuus.
Virgo singularis,
inter omnes mitis,
nos culpis solutos
mites fac et castos.
Vitam praesta puram,
iter para tutum,
ut videntes Jesum
semper collaetemur.
Sit laus Deo Patri,
summo Christo decus,
Spiritui Sancto
tribus honor unus. Amen.
Hail, star of the sea,
Nurturing Mother of God,
And ever Virgin
Happy gate of Heaven.
Receiving that "Ave"
From the mouth of Gabriel,
Establish us in peace,
Transforming the name of "Eva"
Loosen the chains of the guilty,
Send forth light to the blind,
Our evil do thou dispel,
Entreat for us all good things.
Show thyself to be a Mother:
Through thee may he receive prayer
Who, being born for us,
Undertook to be thine own.
O unique Virgin,
Meek above all others,
Make us free from our sins,
Meek and chaste.
Bestow a pure life,
Prepare a safe way:
That seeing Jesus,
We may ever rejoice.
Praise be to God the Father,
To the Most High Christ glory,
To the Holy Ghost
Be honor, to the Three equally. Amen.
"Take not Thine eyes from the light of this star if Thou would not be overwhelmed by the waves; if the storms of temptation arise, if Thou are thrown upon the rocks of affliction, look to the star, invoke Mary. Are Thou confounded at the enormity of Thy sins, are Thou ashamed at the defilement of Thine conscience, are Thou terrified on account of the dreadful judgment, so that Thou begin to be overpowered by sadness, or even to sink into the abyss of despair, then turn Thy thoughts to Mary. In dangers, in distress, in doubt, call on Mary. She will not be far from Thine mouth, or Thine heart; and that Thou may obtain her intercession omit not to imitate her conduct. When Thou follow her, Thou will not go astray; when Thou invoke her, Thou will no longer be in doubt; when she supports Thee, Thou will not fall; when she leads Thee, Thou will surely come to eternal life, and will find by Thine own experience that she is justly called Maria-that is, Star of the Sea."
(Saint Bernard)
Ave Maris Stella is a popular liturgical hymn of unknown origin. It can be dated back to at least the 9th century for it is preserved in the Codex Sangallensis, a 9th century manuscript now in the Swiss Monastery of St. Gallen. Its appearance in the Codex points to a composition possibly in the 8th century. The hymn is frequently attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) and sometimes has been attributed to King Robert (1031), both of whom are too late to have authored it. It has also been attributed to Venantius Fortunatus (d 609) and Paul the Deacon (d 787). It is found in ancient codices of the Divine Office for Vespers on Marian feasts.
We find ourselves in this earth as in a tempestuous sea, in a desert, in a vale of tears. Now then Mary is the Star of the Sea, the solace of our desert, the light that guides us towards Heaven.
St. Bosco
Mary means enlightener, because she brought forth the Light of the World. In the Syriac tongue, Mary signifies Lady. St. Isidore of Seville
Let me say something concerning this name also, which is interpreted to mean Star of the Sea, and admirably suits the Virgin Mother. St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Mary means Star of the Sea, for as mariners are guided to port by the ocean star, so Christians attain to glory through Mary's maternal intercession. St. Thomas Aquinas
This most holy, sweet and worthy name was eminently fitted to so holy, sweet and worthy a virgin. For Mary means a bitter sea, star of the sea, the illuminated or illuminatrix. Mary is interpreted Lady. Mary is a bitter sea to the demons; to men she is the Star of the Sea; to the angels she is Illuminatrix, and to all creatures she is Lady. St. Bonaventure
God the Father gathered all the waters together and called them the seas or maria [Latin, seas]. He gathered all His grace together and called it Mary or Maria... This immense treasury is none other than Mary whom the saints call the 'treasury of the Lord.' From Her fullness all men are made rich. St. Louis de Montfort
'And the Virgin's name was Mary.' Let us say a few things about this name, which can be interpreted to mean Star of the sea, an apt designation for the Virgin Mother. She is most beautifully likened to a star, for a star pours forth its light without losing anything of its nature. She gave us her Son without losing anything of her virginity. The glowing rays of a star take nothing away from its beauty. Neither has the Son taken anything away from His Mother's integrity. She is that noble star of Jacob, illuminating the whole world, penetrating from the highest heavens to the deepest depths of Hell. The warmth of her brilliance shines in the minds of men, encouraging virtue, extinguishing vice. She is that glorious star lighting the way across this vast ocean of life, glowing with merits, guiding by example. When you find yourself tossed by the raging storms on this great sea of life, far from land, keep your eyes fixed on this Star to avoid disaster. When the winds of temptation or the rocks of tribulation threaten, look up to the Star, call upon Mary! St. Bernard of Clairvaux"
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sartierps · 8 years
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So, the Artie to my Sam asked me to post this for her, and I’d never refuse her. Therefore, in her words, “here are #80-ish quest titles from Dragon Age: Origins that’d make pretty good para titles in my humble onion.”  
A Change in Leadership
A Gift of Silence
A King’s Confidant
A Last Keepsake
A Missing Child
A Mother’s Hope
A Paragon of Her Kind
A Pinch of Ashes
A Poisonous Proposition
After the Joining
An Admirable Topsider
An Unlikely Scholar
Ancient History
Back Alley Justice
Bandits on the Road
Bandits, Bandits, Everywhere
Blood of Warning
Broken Circle
Brothers and Sons
Careless Accusations
Correspondence Interruptus
Crime Wave
Dead Drops
Dereliction of Duty
Desperate Haven
Exotic Methods
False Witness
Forgotten Verses
Grease the Wheels
Harsh Decisions
Have You Seen Me?
Hearing Voices
Honor Bound
Justice Must Be Served
Last Will and Testament
Lost in the Castle
Lost Templar
Lost to the Curse
Lost to the Memories
Missing in Action
More Than Just Plants
Nature of the Beast
Negotiation Aids
New Ground
Notice of Termination
Notices of Death
Of Noble Birth
Pearls Before Swine
Places of Power
Precious Metals
Proving After Dark
Restocking the Guild
Scraping the Barrel
Sign of Safe Passage
Skin Deep
Soldier’s Peak
Solving Problems
Something Wicked
Summoning Sciences
Tainted Blood
The Chant in the Deeps
The Dead Caste
The Drifter’s Cache
The Hungry Deserter
The Key to the City
The Last Request
The Missionary
The Trial of Crows
Thief in the House of Learning
Thy Brother’s Killer
Tortured Noble
Traps are a Girl’s Best Friend
Unintended Consequences
Watchguard of the Reaching
When Bears Attack
Wounded in the Forest
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apscor · 6 years
Blessings of Light
Research and Education
The Doorway Into Light
One God • One Humanity • One Eternal Life
Channeled in 2001 by Reverend Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D.
Light Color - Black & White
Beloved Mother/Father God, we thank you for free will and balanced polarity, for we realize and understand without duality there would be no choice. May me always stand in transcendence of the two and not be caught in the paradox. May we be in the Clear Crystal Light of Clarity to know there is only one God in whom all live and move and have their being.
I am the Clear Light of Spirit. I am the dominion of the play of consciousness here and now ever sustain in the crystal ear awareness of eternal life. Thank you God for the clarity of balance of Mother/Father God in action, in my life, world and affairs.
Crystal Blue Light of God; reveal the clarity of creative power and let it expand in me every hour. Let me feel the peace of eternity as God power and protection covers me. Let the free will of God in my spirit be.
Let my Spirit bask-in truth and realty. Let the strength of God set me free so that in God, I am humility. Thank you God for lifting the veils that cover me, that I am with you eternally.
I am the crystal blue light body as the music of the spheres with rhythm and vibration action clear. I am the clear belief and ideas too, that give me peace within this whole day through. I am the eternal breath of life, filled with peace and shining bright. Archangel Michael whose strength I know, has won the battle over every foe. I thank you God for the Crystal Blue Ray and I accept its action in me this day.
Beloved presence of God I am, with all my mind and spirit, I am love and surrender to the will you have for me, in me, around and through my life. I now realize with every heartbeat, the quickening into my outer personality of inner peace in thy divine plan. Let peace reign on earth in every way and let war no more on the earth to stay. I am the presence of mind today in the spirit of surrender to give peace all ways in my words thoughts, feelings and action in the presence of God I am.
In this solid affirmation, I declare I am peace, power and protection of my eternal life of perfection. I affirm the power of creative expression. I affirm the strength of God in my world and affairs now and forever sustained in the power of the Crystal Blue Flame.
On the Golden Blue Flame, dear God, give me the mastery of truth and peace. I pray upon the Golden Blue Flame for the wisdom and reality from whence I came. I use the dominion of truth to claim my oneness in God. God let your purpose and idea reign in me and let the mastery of truth set me free in thee. Thank you God for this instant answer to prayer.
To the Pure Illumination as Christ, all the Crystal Blue Masters, to the Powers of the great angelic host, I call forth your strength and protection in God here and now. I am with you, I, the defenders of truth and reality. Come be present in my life stream. Past, present and future, I make the call:
Christ the son of God and master over the Crystal Blue Ray Says; Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. By faith we are living sacrifices unto God by which we obtain witness that we are righteous. God testifies for your gifts. By faith we are translated and shall see no death because God will translate you, for you have pleased God. By faith you come to God and believe that God is, and that God is the rewarder of them that diligently seek God. By faith you are warned of God of things not seen as yet. By faith you receive
God promises. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your heart and mind through Christ. But thou, when you pray, enter as into a closet, and when you have shut out all other things, pray to God which is in secret and God will see in secret and shall reward you openly. When you pray do not use vain repetitions of much speaking for God knows what things you need before you ask. Lay not up for yourself treasure upon earth where they get corrupt and the thieves steal. But lay up for yourself the treasures of heaven that are neither corrupt or are stolen.
Beloved Christ, I love and adore you, I thank you for your presence in me now and forever. Let my life be as yours, unto God. I praise God and give unto God all glory and honor as a living sacrifice as you assist me, as you are. AMEN.
I now enter the Crystal Blue Flame in meditation and pray as I enter the silence and presence of God. (20 minutes of silent meditation.)
© 2001, Astral Physics School (COR). All rights reserved.
Investigación y educación
La puerta hacia la luz
Un Dios • Una Humanidad • Una Vida Eterna
Canalizado en 1980 por el reverendo obispo Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D.
Color claro - Blanco y negro
Amada Madre / Padre Dios, te agradecemos por el libre albedrío y la polaridad equilibrada, porque nos damos cuenta y entendemos que sin dualidad no habría elección. Que siempre permanezca en la trascendencia de los dos y que no quede atrapado en la paradoja. Que estemos en la Luz de claridad cristalina clara para saber que hay un solo Dios en el que todos viven, se mueven y tienen su ser.
Yo soy la Luz clara del Espíritu. Soy el dominio del juego de la conciencia aquí y ahora siempre sostenido en la conciencia del oído cristalino de la vida eterna. Gracias a Dios por la claridad del equilibrio de Madre / Padre Dios en acción, en mi vida, mundo y asuntos.
Cristal azul luz de dios; Revela la claridad del poder creativo y deja que se expanda en mí cada hora. Déjame sentir la paz de la eternidad mientras el poder y la protección de Dios me cubren. Que el libre albedrío de Dios en mi espíritu sea.
Deja que mi Espíritu disfrute de la verdad y la realidad. Deja que la fuerza de Dios me libere para que, en Dios, yo sea humildad. Gracias a Dios por levantar los velos que me cubren, que estoy contigo eternamente.
Soy el cuerpo de luz azul cristalino como la música de las esferas con ritmo y vibración clara. Soy la clara creencia y las ideas también, que me dan paz en todo este día. Soy el aliento eterno de la vida, lleno de paz y brillo brillante. El Arcángel Miguel, cuya fuerza conozco, ha ganado la batalla contra todos los enemigos. Te agradezco a Dios por el rayo azul cristalino y acepto su acción en mí este día.
Amada presencia de Dios soy, con toda mi mente y espíritu, soy amor y me entrego a la voluntad que tienes para mí, en mí, alrededor y a través de mi vida. Ahora me doy cuenta con cada latido del corazón, el acelerándose en mi personalidad exterior de paz interior en tu plan divino. Que la paz reine en la tierra en todos los sentidos y que la guerra no más en la tierra para quedarse. Soy la presencia de la mente hoy en el espíritu de entrega para dar paz en todas mis formas pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones en la presencia de Dios que soy.
En esta afirmación sólida, declaro que soy paz, poder y protección de mi vida eterna de perfección. Yo afirmo el poder de la expresión creativa. Afirmo la fuerza de Dios en mi mundo y mis asuntos ahora y por siempre sostenidos en el poder de la Llama Cristal Azul.
Ahora oro
En la Llama Azul Dorada, querido Dios, dame el dominio de la verdad y la paz. Rezo sobre la Llama Azul Dorada por la sabiduría y la realidad de donde vengo. Uso el dominio de la verdad para reclamar mi unidad en Dios. Dios permita que tu propósito e idea reinen en mí y deja que el dominio de la verdad me libere en ti. Gracias a Dios por esta respuesta instantánea a la oración.
Ahora hago la llamada
A la Iluminación Pura como Cristo, a todos los Maestros de Cristal Azul, a los Poderes de la gran hueste angelical, invoco tu fuerza y ​​protección en Dios aquí y ahora. Estoy contigo, yo, los defensores de la verdad y la realidad. Ven a estar presente en mi corriente de vida. Pasado, presente y futuro, hago la llamada:
Cristo, hijo de Dios y maestro sobre el rayo azul cristalino dice; Ahora la fe es la sustancia de lo que se espera, la evidencia de lo que no se ve. A través de la fe entendemos que los mundos fueron enmarcados por la palabra de Dios, de modo que las cosas que se ven no están hechas de cosas que sí aparecen. Por la fe somos sacrificios vivos a Dios por los cuales obtenemos testimonio de que somos justos. Dios testifica de tus dones. Por fe somos traducidos y no veremos muerte porque Dios te traducirá, porque has agradado a Dios. Por la fe, vienes a Dios y crees que Dios es, y que Dios es el que recompensa a los que buscan a Dios con diligencia. Por la fe, estás advertido de Dios de cosas que aún no se ven. Por fe recibes
Dios promete. Tenga cuidado de nada; pero en todo, mediante la oración y la súplica con acción de gracias, permita que su solicitud se haga conocer a Dios.
Y la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, mantendrá tu corazón y tu mente a través de Cristo. Pero tú, cuando oras, entra como en un armario, y cuando hayas cerrado todas las demás cosas, ora a Dios que está en secreto y Dios verá en secreto y te recompensará abiertamente. Cuando ores, no uses vanas repeticiones de hablar mucho porque Dios sabe qué cosas necesitas antes de preguntar. No te guardes el tesoro en la tierra donde se corrompen y los ladrones roban. Pero levántate los tesoros del cielo que no son corruptos ni son robados.
Amado Cristo, te amo y te adoro, te agradezco por tu presencia en mí ahora y por siempre. Que mi vida sea como la tuya, para Dios. Alabo a Dios y le doy a Dios toda la gloria y el honor como un sacrificio vivo mientras me ayudas, como eres. AMÉN.
Ahora entro en la Llama Cristal Azul en meditación y oro mientras entro en el silencio y la presencia de Dios. (20 minutos de meditación silenciosa.)
© 2001, Escuela de Física Astral (COR). Todos los derechos reservados.
Light Color - White
Beloved Cosmic Christ, I thank you for your sustaining power of all creation, for I realize and know without the sustaining power of God nothing would exist. May I always feel that I am in the small and the whole as is Christ throughout all eternity to infinity. May I be in the Crystal Clear Light of God sustaining grace in you as I live as a citizen of the cosmos. Let me do the “Father’s work” as you did.
I am the clear Light of Spirit, I am Wisdom and Love clearly manifest here and now and forever sustained. Thank you God for the clarity of sustaining power. Thank you God for eternal life in action in my life, world and affairs.
Crystal Golden Light of God; reveal the clarity of sustaining power of wisdom and illumination. Let the silence, patience and endurance expand in me every hour.
Archangel Jophael of Wisdom be in me for all eternity. Let me be the diving intuition and mastery of the word. Let the spirit of pure wisdom and clear intelligence rule my mind. Let the unselfishness of the living power of God be in me. Let my spirit bask in the clear light of divine knowing and being. Fill my spirit and soul with the Hold Breath of energy, that I may accomplish God’s divine plan. I thank you God for the Crystal Golden Ray and I accept its action in me this day.
Beloved presence of God I am, with all my mind and spirit I am love and wisdom to the divine plan you have for me, in me, around and through my life. I now realize with every breath the quickening into my outer personality thy diving wisdom. Let your plan reign on earth in every way and let man be wise in the world that ignorance will be no more on the earth. I am the presence of illumination and wisdom in my mind today in the spirit of unselfishness to hold sway in my words, thoughts, feelings and action, in the Presence of God I a
In this solid affirmation I declare, I am Wisdom, Illumination, love and Unselfishness of my eternal life of calm. I affirm the power of divine intuition and clear intelligence. I affirm the wisdom of God in my world and affairs now and forever within the power of the Crystal Golden flame.
On the Golden Gold flame dear God, give me the mastery of wisdom and illumination. I pray upon the Golden Gold flame for the wisdom of wisdom and for the power of Being. I use dominion over energy and claim the power of God. God let your plan and purpose rule my life in self-mastery. Thank you God for this instant answer to my prayer.
To the pure Realization of Christ, all the Crystal Golden Masters and to the Dominions of the Great angelic host, I call forth your wisdom and illumination in God, here and now. I am with you the calm power of unselfish love for God and God’s creations. Come be present in my life-stream, past, present and future, I make the call.
Christ the sustainer and wisdom of God and Master over the Crystal Gold Says; Let the mind that is in Christ be in you. who is a wise man and endowed with knowledge among you? Let them show out of a good conversation their works with meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envying and strife in your heart, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descends not from above, but is earthly, sensual and devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil works. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy, and the fruit of righteousness is sown in
peace of them that make peace. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a person give in exchange for their soul? Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of them also shall the son of man be ashamed, as he has come into glory of God with the holy angels. And I say unto you, that there is some that read these words that will not taste of death, and they shall see the Kingdom of Heaven come with great power.
Beloved Christ I love and adore you, I thank you for your presence in me now and forever. Let my life be as yours unto God. I praise God and give unto God all glory and honor as a living sacrifice as you assist me, as you are. AMEN.
I now enter the Crystal Golden flame in meditation and prayer as I enter the silence and presence of God. (20 minutes of silent meditation.)
© 2001, Astral Physics School (COR). All rights reserved.
Color claro - Blanco
Amado Cristo Cósmico, te agradezco por tu poder sustentador de toda la creación, porque me doy cuenta y sé que sin el poder sustentador de Dios, nada existiría. Que siempre sienta que estoy en lo pequeño y en todo, como lo es Cristo en toda la eternidad hasta el infinito. Que pueda estar en la Luz Cristalina de Dios que sostiene la gracia en ti mientras vivo como ciudadano del cosmos. Déjame hacer el 'trabajo del padre' como lo hiciste tú.
Soy la clara Luz del Espíritu, soy Sabiduría y Amor claramente manifestado aquí y ahora y por siempre sostenido. Gracias a Dios por la claridad del poder sustentador. Gracias a Dios por la vida eterna en acción en mi vida, mundo y asuntos.
Cristal Dorado Luz de Dios; Revelar la claridad del poder sustentador de la sabiduría y la iluminación. Deja que el silencio, la paciencia y la resistencia se expandan en mí cada hora.
El Arcángel Jopeel de la Sabiduría está en mí por toda la eternidad. Déjame ser la intuición de buceo y el dominio de la palabra. Que el espíritu de sabiduría pura y clara inteligencia gobierne mi mente. Deja que el desinterés del poder viviente de Dios esté en mí. Deja que mi espíritu disfrute de la luz clara del saber y el ser divinos. Llena mi espíritu y mi alma con el Soplo de energía de la Espera, para que pueda cumplir el plan divino de Dios. Te agradezco a Dios por el Rayo Dorado de Cristal y acepto su acción en mí este día.
Amada presencia de Dios soy, con toda mi mente y espíritu, soy amor y sabiduría para el plan divino que tienes para mí, en mí, alrededor y a través de mi vida. Ahora me doy cuenta con cada respiración de la aceleración en mi personalidad externa, tu sabiduría de buceo. Deja que tu plan reine en la tierra en todos los sentidos y deja que el hombre sea sabio en el mundo de que la ignorancia no será más en la tierra. Soy la presencia de la iluminación y la sabiduría en mi mente hoy en día en el espíritu del altruismo para dominar mis palabras, pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones, en la Presencia de Dios I a
En esta afirmación sólida declaro: Soy Sabiduría, Iluminación, Amor y Desinterés de mi vida eterna de calma. Yo afirmo el poder de la intuición divina y la inteligencia clara. Afirmo la sabiduría de Dios en mi mundo y mis asuntos ahora y siempre dentro del poder de la Llama Cristal Dorada.
Ahora oro
En la llama del Oro Dorado, querido Dios, dame el dominio de la sabiduría y la iluminación. Rezo sobre la llama del Oro Dorado por la sabiduría de la sabiduría y por el poder del Ser. Uso el dominio sobre la energía y reclamo el poder de Dios. Dios permita que tu plan y propósito gobierne mi vida en el autodominio. Gracias a Dios por esta respuesta instantánea a mi oración.
Ahora hago la llamada
A la Realización pura de Cristo, a todos los Maestros de Oro Cristal y a los Dominios de la Gran Hueste Angélica, invoco tu sabiduría e iluminación en Dios, aquí y ahora. Estoy contigo el poder sereno del amor desinteresado por Dios y las creaciones de Dios. Ven a estar presente en mi vida, pasado, presente y futuro, hago la llamada.
Cristo es el sustentador y la sabiduría de Dios y el Maestro sobre el Cristal de Oro dice; Deja que la mente que está en Cristo esté en ti. ¿Quién es sabio y dotado de conocimiento entre vosotros? Que muestren de una buena conversación sus obras con mansedumbre de sabiduría. Pero si tienes amarga envidia y lucha en tu corazón, no te glories, y no mientas contra la verdad. Esta sabiduría no desciende desde arriba, sino que es terrenal, sensual y diabólica. Porque donde hay envidia y conflicto, hay confusión y todo mal funciona. Pero la sabiduría que proviene de lo alto es primero pura, luego pacífica, suave y fácil de tratar, llena de misericordia y buenos frutos, sin parcialidad y sin hipocresía, y el fruto de justicia se siembra.
La paz de los que hacen la paz. ¿Para qué aprovechará al hombre, si gana todo el mundo y pierde su alma? ¿O qué dará una persona a cambio de su alma? Por lo tanto, cualquiera que se avergüence de mí y de mis palabras en esta generación adúltera y pecadora, de ellos también se avergonzará el hijo del hombre, ya que ha venido a la gloria de Dios con los santos ángeles. Y les digo que hay algunos que leen estas palabras que no gustarán la muerte, y verán venir el Reino de los Cielos con gran poder.
Amado Cristo, te amo y te adoro, te agradezco por tu presencia en mí ahora y por siempre. Que mi vida sea como tuya para Dios. Alabo a Dios y le doy a Dios toda la gloria y el honor como un sacrificio vivo mientras me ayudas, como eres. AMÉN.
Ahora entro en la Llama Cristal Dorada en meditación y oración al entrar en el silencio y la presencia de Dios. (20 minutos de meditación silenciosa.)
© 2001, Escuela de Física Astral (COR). Todos los derechos reservados.
Light Color - Crystal
Beloved Holy Spirit of God, we thank you for pure divine love, adoration and active intelligence. May we always be in the Holy Breath of creative power. May we be in the clear crystal light of clarity to love and adore God and all God’s creations. May I always be conscious of being in the clear inter-dimensional awareness of the spirit of God. May I be in the pureness of eternal life. Thank you God
for the clarity of the eternal life of the Holy Spirit in action in my life, world and affairs.
Crystal Pink Light of God; reveal the clarity of pure love and adoration and let it expand in me every hour. Let me see the sincerity of purpose, pure patience and God’s tolerance cover my spirit, mind and body. Let energy and devotion be in me. Let my Spirit bask in Pure Love of God. Let sympathy and accuracy of God enter my being. Let the common sense of the Spirit of Love be in my mind.
I am the crystal pink light body as the unconditioned love of God action clear. I am the clear tolerance of love within this whole day through. I am the eternal love of life, filled with adoration and glowing bright. Archangel Chamiel, release God’s love and adoration inme. I thank you God for the Crystal Pink Ray and I accept its action in me this day.
Beloved Presence of God I am, with all my mind and spirit, I am love and adoration to the love you have for me, in me around and through my life. I now realize with every part of my mind the quickening into my outer personality, of God’s pure love and adoration. Let love reign on earth in every way. I am the presence of God’s Pure Love and give it sway in my words, thoughts, feelings and action in the
presence of God I am.
In this solid affirmation I declare I am pure love, adoration and active intelligence of my eternal life of love. I affirm the power of contemplation of love. I affirm the tolerance and devotion of spirit. I affirm love of God in my world and affairs now and forever sustained
in the power of the Crystal Pink Flame.
On the Golden Pink Flame dear God, give me the mastery of love and adoration. I pray on the golden pink flame for pure divine love to know the wholeness of being. I use my purity of love to accept the oneness of God. God let your unconditioned love lead the way and let the mastery of love set me free in thee. Thank you God for this instant answer to prayer.
To the pure love of Christ and all the Crystal Pink Masters and to the Seraphim of the Great angelic host. I call forth your pure love and adoration in God, here and now. I am with you the expression of God, pure unconditioned love. Come be present in my life-stream. Past, present and future. I make the call:
Christ the love of God made manifest and Master over the Crystal Pink says; A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I have, and love you. By this shall all men know that you are of Christ, if you love one to another. I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. That you may be children of God who is in heaven, for if you love them which love you, what reward have you? Be you therefore perfect, even as God who is in heaven is perfect. You should love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind and
your neighbor as yourself.
Beloved Christ, I love and adore you. I thank you for your presence in me now and forever. Let my life be as yours, unto God. I praise God and give unto God all glory and honor as a living sacrifice as you assist me, as you are. AMEN.
I now enter the Crystal Pink Flame in meditation and pray as I enter the silence and presence of God. (20 Minutes of silent meditation.)
© 2001, Astral Physics School (COR). All rights reserved.
Color claro - Cristal
Amado Espíritu Santo de Dios, te agradecemos por el amor divino puro, la adoración y la inteligencia activa. Que siempre estemos en el Aliento Sagrado del poder creativo. Que estemos en la luz cristalina clara de la claridad para amar y adorar a Dios y todas las creaciones de Dios. Que siempre sea consciente de estar en la clara conciencia interdimensional del espíritu de Dios. Que yo esté en la pureza de la vida eterna. Gracias Dios
por la claridad de la vida eterna del Espíritu Santo en acción en mi vida, mundo y asuntos.
Cristal Rosa Luz de Dios; Revela la claridad del amor puro y la adoración y deja que se expanda en mí cada hora. Déjame ver la sinceridad de propósito, la paciencia pura y la tolerancia de Dios cubren mi espíritu, mente y cuerpo. Que la energía y la devoción estén en mí. Que mi Espíritu se regocije en el Amor Puro de Dios. Que la simpatía y la exactitud de Dios entren en mi ser. Deja que el sentido común del Espíritu de Amor esté en mi mente.
Soy el cuerpo de luz rosa cristalina, como el amor incondicionado de Dios, acción clara. Soy la clara tolerancia del amor en todo este día. Soy el eterno amor de la vida, lleno de adoración y resplandeciente. Arcángel Chamiel, libera el amor y la adoración de Dios. Te agradezco a Dios por el rayo rosa cristalino y acepto su acción en mí este día.
Amada Presencia de Dios Soy, con toda mi mente y espíritu, soy amor y adoración al amor que tienes por mí, en mí alrededor y a través de mi vida. Ahora me doy cuenta con cada parte de mi mente de la aceleración en mi personalidad externa, del amor y la adoración puros de Dios. Que el amor reine en la tierra en todos los sentidos. Soy la presencia del Amor Puro de Dios y le doy dominio a mis palabras, pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones en el
Presencia de Dios que soy.
En esta afirmación sólida declaro que soy amor puro, adoración e inteligencia activa de mi vida eterna de amor. Yo afirmo el poder de la contemplación del amor. Yo afirmo la tolerancia y la devoción del espíritu. Afirmo el amor de Dios en mi mundo y mis asuntos ahora y por siempre sostenido.
en el poder de la Llama de Cristal Rosa.
Ahora oro
En la Llama Rosa Dorada, querido Dios, dame el dominio del amor y la adoración. Rezo en la llama rosa dorada para que el amor divino puro sepa la totalidad del ser. Uso mi pureza de amor para aceptar la unidad de Dios. Dios deje que tu amor incondicionado te guíe y deja que el dominio del amor me libere en ti. Gracias a Dios por esta respuesta instantánea a la oración. Ahora hago la llamada
Al amor puro de Cristo y a todos los Maestros de Cristal Rosa y a los serafines de la Gran Hueste Angélica. Llamo a tu amor y adoración puros en Dios, aquí y ahora. Estoy contigo la expresión de Dios, puro amor incondicionado. Ven a estar presente en mi vida. Pasado, presente y futuro. Hago la llamada
Cristo, el amor de Dios hecho manifiesto y el Maestro sobre el Cristal Rosa dice; Un mandamiento nuevo os doy, que os améis unos a otros; como yo tengo, y te amo. Por esto sabrán todos los hombres que ustedes son de Cristo, si se aman unos a otros. Te digo, ama a tus enemigos, bendice a los que te maldicen, haz el bien a los que te odian y ora por los que te usan maliciosamente y te persigue. Para que puedas ser hijos de Dios que está en el cielo, porque si los amas y te amamos, ¿qué recompensa tienes? Sé, pues, perfecto, así como Dios, que está en el cielo, es perfecto. Debes amar al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu alma, y ​​con todas tus fuerzas, y con toda tu mente y
tu prójimo como a ti mismo.
Amado Cristo, te amo y te adoro. Te agradezco tu presencia en mí ahora y siempre. Que mi vida sea como la tuya, para Dios. Alabo a Dios y le doy a Dios toda la gloria y el honor como un sacrificio vivo mientras me ayudas, como eres. AMÉN.
Ahora entro en la Llama Rosa de Cristal en meditación y oro mientras entro en el silencio y la presencia de Dios. (20 minutos de meditación silenciosa.)
© 2001, Escuela de Física Astral (COR). Todos los derechos reservados.
Light Color - Rainbow
Beloved Rainbow Angel of God, we thank you for the harmony of the seven spirits before the throne of God and for the expression of the rainbow. Thank you for the life force on all levels of our being and may the harmony through conflict bring purity through resurrection and ascension of the truth of eternal life realized here and now. May we be in the clear crystal clarity of the oneness of God in and through all life force on the seven levels of manifestation individually and universally applied. I am in the crystal clear conscious awareness of all levels of being. I am the pure expression of the rainbow. Thank you God for the rainbow angelic host in action in my life, world and affairs.
Crystal White Light of God reveal the clarity of the rainbow power and let it expand in me every hour. Let me express on all dimensions of my being, in my inner and outer seeing. Let the strong affections, pure sympathy and pure courage be in me in full illumination.
Let my spirit bask in pure perception of God. Let generosity and devotion fill my mind. Let serenity, confidence and self-control fill my soul. Lit the crystal white light of unselfishness be in me. Let accuracy and mental and moral balance enter me. Archangel Gabriel I thank you for resurrection and ascension released in my life-stream. Thank you God for the crystal white ray and I accept its action in me today.
Beloved presence of God I am, with all my mind and spirit I am purity and ascension to the pure perception you have for me, in me, around and through my life. I am now realized with every expression the quickening into my outer personality of God’s pure confidence and self control . Let purity reign on Earth in every way and let no more corruption have its way. I am the presence of expression of serenity
and confidence to give them sway in my words, thoughts, feeling and action in the presence of God I Am.
In this solid affirmation I declare, I am harmony through conflict, purity, resurrection and ascension of my eternal life of perfection. I affirm the power of courage and self-control. I affirm confidence and unselfishness. I affirm the mental and moral balance of God in serenity in my world and affairs now and forever sustained in the power of the crystal white flame.
On the golden white flame Dear God, give me mastery of harmony through conflict, purity and ascension. I pray upon the golden white flame for the wisdom of serenity and confidence and for the power of self-control. I use dominion over mental and moral balance in the many expressions of God. God, let your accuracy and courage reign in me and let the mastery of purity and ascension set me free in thee. Thank you God for this instant answer to prayer.
To the Purity of Christ and all the Crystal White Masters, to the thrones of the Great Angelic Host, I call forth your ascension, purity and serenity in God here and now. I am with you the expression of self-control and unselfishness. Come be present in my life-stream. Past, Present and Future, I make the call:
Christ the purity of God and master over the Crystal White says; The son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified and the third day rise again. Oh fools and slow of heart, not to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory? I ascend unto my Father, and your Father and to my God and your God. Peace be with you: as my Father has sent me, even so send I you. Receive you the Holy Ghost. Whosoever sins you remit, they are remitted unto them, and whose so sins you retain, they are retained. You receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witness unto me unto the uttermost parts of the
Earth. I have taught you saying: Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven.
I now enter the crystal white flame in meditation and pray as I enter the silence and presence of God. (20 Minutes of silent meditation.)
© 2001, Astral Physics School (COR). All rights reserved.
Color claro - Arcoiris
Amado Arco Iris, Ángel de Dios, te agradecemos por la armonía de los siete espíritus ante el trono de Dios y por la expresión del arco iris. Gracias por la fuerza vital en todos los niveles de nuestro ser y que la armonía a través del conflicto traiga pureza a través de la resurrección y la ascensión de la verdad de la vida eterna realizada aquí y ahora. Que estemos en la claridad cristalina clara de la unidad de Dios en ya través de toda la fuerza vital en los siete niveles de manifestación aplicados individual y universalmente. Estoy en la conciencia consciente de todos los niveles del ser. Soy la expresión pura del arco iris. Gracias a Dios por el arco iris del ejército angélico en acción en mi vida, mundo y asuntos.
La Luz de Dios Cristal Blanca revela la claridad del poder del arco iris y deja que se expanda en mí cada hora. Permíteme expresarme en todas las dimensiones de mi ser, en mi visión interna y externa. Deja que los fuertes afectos, la simpatía pura y el coraje puro estén en mí con plena iluminación.
Que mi espíritu se regocije en la percepción pura de Dios. Que la generosidad y la devoción llenen mi mente. Que la serenidad, la confianza y el autocontrol llenen mi alma. Enciende la luz blanca y cristalina del desinterés en mí. Deja que la precisión y el equilibrio mental y moral entren en mí. Arcángel Gabriel Les agradezco la resurrección y la ascensión lanzadas en mi corriente de vida. Gracias a Dios por el rayo blanco de cristal y acepto su acción en mí hoy.
Amada presencia de Dios soy, con toda mi mente y espíritu, soy pureza y ascensión a la percepción pura que tienes para mí, en mí, alrededor y a través de mi vida. Ahora me doy cuenta con cada expresión de la aceleración en mi personalidad externa de la confianza y el autocontrol puros de Dios. Que la pureza reine en la Tierra en todos los sentidos y que no haya más corrupción en su camino. Soy la presencia de la expresión de la serenidad.
y confianza para darles influencia en mis palabras, pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones en la presencia de Dios Yo Soy.
En esta afirmación sólida declaro, soy armonía a través del conflicto, la pureza, la resurrección y la ascensión de mi vida eterna de perfección. Yo afirmo el poder del coraje y el autocontrol. Yo afirmo confianza y desinterés. Afirmo el equilibrio mental y moral de Dios en serenidad en mi mundo y mis asuntos ahora y para siempre sostenido en el poder de la llama blanca y cristalina.
Ahora oro
Sobre la llama blanca y dorada Querido Dios, dame dominio de la armonía a través del conflicto, la pureza y la ascensión. Rezo sobre la llama blanca dorada por la sabiduría de la serenidad y la confianza y por el poder del autocontrol. Uso el dominio sobre el equilibrio mental y moral en las muchas expresiones de Dios. Dios, deja que tu precisión y valor reinen en mí y deja que el dominio de la pureza y la ascensión me libere en ti. Gracias a Dios por esta respuesta instantánea a la oración.
To the Purity of Christ and all the Crystal White Masters, to the thrones of the Great Angelic Host, I call forth your ascension, purity and serenity in God here and now. I am with you the expression of self-control and unselfishness. Come be present in my life-stream. Past, Present and Future, I make the call:
Christ the purity of God and master over the Crystal White says; The son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified and the third day rise again. Oh fools and slow of heart, not to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory? I ascend unto my Father, and your Father and to my God and your God. Peace be with you: as my Father has sent me, even so send I you. Receive you the Holy Ghost. Whosoever sins you remit, they are remitted unto them, and whose so sins you retain, they are retained. You receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witness unto me unto the uttermost parts of the
Earth. I have taught you saying: Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven.
I now enter the crystal white flame in meditation and pray as I enter the silence and presence of God. (20 Minutes of silent meditation.)
© 2001, Astral Physics School (COR). All rights reserved.
Light Color - Clear Diamond
Beloved God, we thank you for the out-breath of Creation and “Let there be light”. We now realize and are illumined to Thy Holy Breath of Life and that all that is, is of you. We know and accept the Love and Bliss of your primary power in all things. May we always be in your presence of pureness, before the world was. Awaken the Holy Breath of Life and Light in us, to heal and restore the original purity
of Self in you, as you. God, let your mystery be unveiled in me.
I am the pure light of God. I am the power of God before the world, in the world and beyond the world. Thank you God for the Holy Breath of Life and may it take action in my body, mind and spirit, in my life, world and affairs. Crystal Green Light of God; reveal the clarity of consecration and concentration and let it expand in my life every hour. Let me know the concrete knowledge of God Law and Nature’s Law. Let Thy healing truth restore my spirit to your Holy Spirit. Let the first cause of
Creation restore me to the sequential pattern of your unfoldment in me, as you. Archangel Raphael, let your spirit of healing and all-seeing presence guide my perception. Thank you God for this revelation of primary power.
I am the crystal green light body as the soul power in Creation. I am a channel of God’s holy healing breath of spirit. I am the poise and balance of self-control and confidence, in God at the original first cause. I am the reverence and devotion, with a sympathetic heart and an open mind. I am as persevering as nature itself.
Beloved presence of God, I am, with all my mind and spirit, I am accuracy, justice and perseverance you have for me, in me, around and through my life. I now realize with every heartbeat the quickening into my outer personality of uprightness, independence and keen intellect. Let love and balance reign on Earth in every way and let the illusion fade and your reality be revealed. I am the presence of the original soul, to give Divine healing all sway in my words, thoughts, feelings and actions in the presence of God, I am.
In this solid affirmation I declare I am the ministering, teaching and healing channel for God as is Christ in God. I affirm the power of concentration expanded and applied. I affirm the consecration of God in my world and affairs now and forever sustained in the power of the crystal green flame.
On the Golden Green Flame; Dear God, give me the mastery of teaching and healing. I pray upon the crystal green flame for the balance of original Life, in God and as God. I use the dominion of concentration to stay attuned to God wisdom and omniscient power. God, let your healing and patience reign in me and let the mastery of your consecration set me free in thee. Thank you God for this instant answer to prayer.
To the Pure Healing as Christ, all the Crystal Green Masters, to the Virtues of the great angelic host, I call for your conservation and concentration in God here and now. I am with you, the channel for healing and truth. Come be present in my life-stream. Past, Present and Future, I make the call.
Christ the healing grace of God and master of the Crystal Green Ray says; These signs shall follow them that believe; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Anything is possible if you have faith. They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick receive you the Holy Spirit. Whosoever sins you remit, they are remitted unto them. Be sure of this, that I am always with you, even to the end of the world. Everything you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive. Everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks it shall be opened. And if we know that He hears us in whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.
The comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you.
Beloved Christ, I love and adore you. I thank you for your presence in me, now and forever. Let my life be as yours unto God. I praise God and give unto God all glory and honor as a living sacrifice as you assist me, as you we. Amen.
I now enter the Crystal Green in meditation and prayer as I enter the silence and presence of God. (20 Minutes of silent meditation.)
© 2001, Astral Physics School (COR). All rights reserved.
Color claro - Diamante claro
Amado Dios, te agradecemos por el suspiro de la Creación y 'Que haya luz'. Ahora nos damos cuenta y estamos iluminados a Tu Santo Aliento de Vida y que todo lo que es, es de ti. Sabemos y aceptamos el amor y la dicha de tu poder primario en todas las cosas. Que siempre estemos en tu presencia de pureza, antes de que el mundo existiera. Despierta el Santo Aliento de Vida y Luz en nosotros, para sanar y restaurar la pureza original.
del yo en ti, como tú. Dios, deja que tu misterio sea descubierto en mí.
Yo soy la luz pura de Dios. Soy el poder de Dios ante el mundo, en el mundo y más allá del mundo. Gracias a Dios por el Santo Aliento de Vida y que actúe en mi cuerpo, mente y espíritu, en mi vida, mundo y asuntos. Cristal verde luz de dios; Revela la claridad de la consagración y la concentración y deja que se expanda en mi vida cada hora. Déjame saber el conocimiento concreto de la Ley de Dios y la Ley de la Naturaleza. Deja que Tu verdad sanadora restaure mi espíritu a tu Espíritu Santo. Deja que la primera causa de
La creación me devuelve al patrón secuencial de tu desarrollo en mí, como tú. Arcángel Rafael, deja que tu espíritu de curación y presencia que todo lo ve guíe mi percepción. Gracias a Dios por esta revelación de poder primario.
Soy el cuerpo de luz verde cristalina como el poder del alma en la Creación. Soy un canal del santo aliento de espíritu sanador de Dios. Soy el equilibrio y equilibrio de autocontrol y confianza en Dios en la primera causa original. Soy la reverencia y la devoción, con un corazón compasivo y una mente abierta. Soy tan perseverante como la naturaleza misma.
Amada presencia de Dios, soy, con toda mi mente y espíritu, soy la precisión, la justicia y la perseverancia que tienes para mí, en mí, alrededor y a través de mi vida. Ahora me doy cuenta con cada latido del corazón la aceleración en mi personalidad externa de rectitud, independencia e intelecto agudo. Deja que el amor y el equilibrio reinen en la Tierra en todos los sentidos y deja que la ilusión se desvanezca y tu realidad se revele. Soy la presencia del alma original, para que la sanidad divina influya en mis palabras, pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones en la presencia de Dios, lo soy.
En esta afirmación sólida declaro que soy el canal de ministración, enseñanza y sanación para Dios como es Cristo en Dios. Afirmo el poder de concentración expandido y aplicado. Afirmo la consagración de Dios en mi mundo y mis asuntos ahora y para siempre sostenidos en el poder de la llama verde cristalina.
Ahora oro
En la llama verde dorada; Querido Dios, dame el dominio de la enseñanza y la curación. Rezo sobre la llama verde cristalina por el equilibrio de la Vida original, en Dios y como Dios. Uso el dominio de la concentración para estar en sintonía con la sabiduría de Dios y el poder omnisciente. Dios, deja que tu curación y paciencia reinen en mí y deja que el dominio de tu consagración me libere en ti. Gracias a Dios por esta respuesta instantánea a la oración.
Ahora hago la llamada
A la Sanación Pura como Cristo, a todos los Maestros de Cristal Verde, a las Virtudes de la gran hueste angélica, les pido su conservación y concentración en Dios aquí y ahora. Estoy contigo, el canal para la sanación y la verdad. Ven a estar presente en mi vida. Pasado, presente y futuro, hago la llamada.
Cristo, la gracia sanadora de Dios y maestro del Rayo Verde Cristalino dice: Estas señales seguirán a los que creen; Pondrán las manos sobre los enfermos, y se recuperarán. Todo es posible si tienes fe. Los que están completos no necesitan un médico, pero los que están enfermos reciben el Espíritu Santo. Quienquiera que pecas, los remites, se les remite a ellos. Asegúrese de esto, de que siempre estoy con usted, incluso hasta el fin del mundo. Todo lo que pidas en oración, creyendo, lo recibirás. Todo el que pregunta recibe; y el que busca, encuentra; y al que lo golpee será abierto. Y si sabemos que Él nos escucha en todo lo que pedimos, sabemos que tenemos las peticiones que le hemos pedido.
El consolador, que es el Espíritu Santo, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, te enseñará todas las cosas y te recordará todo lo que te he dicho.
Amado Cristo, te amo y te adoro. Te agradezco tu presencia en mí, ahora y siempre. Que mi vida sea como tuya para Dios. Alabo a Dios y le doy a Dios toda la gloria y el honor como un sacrificio vivo mientras me asistes, como tú. Amén.
Ahora entro en el Cristal Verde en meditación y oración al entrar en el silencio y la presencia de Dios. (20 minutos de meditación silenciosa.)
© 2001, Escuela de Física Astral (COR). Todos los derechos reservados.
Light Color - Pure Light
Beloved Son of God, we thank you for Divine Grace and Healing made manifest, for we realize and understand, that peace and devotion are part of sustaining power. May we always be sustained by the ministration of your love. May we be in the crystal clear light of clarity to know the pure sustaining grace of God’s oneness, in whom all live, move and have their being.
I am the pure essence of the light and life of spirit. I am the dominion of tenderness, intuition, loyalty and reverence. I am now sustained in the pure essence of God eternal. Thank you God for the clarity of the Son of God in me and as me in action in my life, world and affairs.
Crystal Golden Ruby Light of God, reveal the clarity of Grace and Healing and let its expression expand in me every hour. Let me be single-minded and self-sacrificed unto you in reverence, devotion and loyalty. Let the serenity, tolerance and Divine balance of God in my spirit be. Let my spirit bask in the purity and strength of God. Thank you God for the Son of God in me.
I am the Crystal Golden Ruby light body as the Love and Grace of God made manifest. I am the clear power and knowledge that sustains me daily. I am the Love-Wisdom, filled with Health and Healing. Archangel Uriel, the light and fire of God, assist me in sending Healing Grace to all in need. I thank you God for the Crystal Golden Ruby Ray and I accept its action in me this day.
Beloved presence of God, I am, with all my mind and spirit, I love and self-sacrifice to the Grace and Power of God you have for me, in me, around and through my life. I now realize with every thought and feeling the quickening into my outer personality of Wisdom - Love and Divine Grace. Let Peace and Love reign on Earth in every way and let no more suffering, on the Earth stay. I am the presence of
God today in the Spirit of Healing, to give Love all ways in my words, thoughts, feeling and action, in the presence of God I Am.
In this solid affirmation, I declare I am Love-Wisdom, power and grace of my eternal life of purity. I affirm the power of Healing. I affirm the strength of God in my world and affairs, now and forever sustained in the power of the Crystal Golden Ruby Flame.
On the Crystal Golden Ruby Flame, dear God; give me the mastery of Love and Grace. I pray upon the Golden Ruby flame for the Healing and Ministration power of Christ. I use the dominion of peace to claim my oneness in God. God, let your Purpose and Wisdom - Love reign in me and let the mastery of Grace set me free, in thee. Thank you God for this instant answer to prayer.
To the pure Grace as Christ, all Crystal Golden Ruby Masters, to the Archangels of the great Angelic Host. I call forth your Wisdom - Love and Ministrational power in God, Here and Now. I am with you, the givers of God’s Love and Grace. Come be present in my lifestream. Past, Present and Future, I make the call!
Christ the Grace of God and Master over the Crystal Golden Ruby Ray says: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed axe the peace makers, for they shall be called the children of God. You should worship the Lord your God, and Him only should you serve. The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, freely you have received, freely give. For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. You should not tempt the Lord your God.
And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand and if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. The light of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light.
Beloved Christ, I love and adore you. I thank you for your presence in me, now and forever. Let my life be as yours, unto God. I praise God and give unto God all glory and honor as a living sacrifice as you assist me, as you are. Amen.
I now enter the Crystal Golden Ruby Flame in meditation and pray as I enter the silence and presence of God. (20 Minutes of silent meditation)
© 2001, Astral Physics School (COR). All rights reserved.
Color claro - Luz pura
Amado Hijo de Dios, te damos gracias por la Divina Gracia y la Sanación manifestadas, porque nos damos cuenta y entendemos que la paz y la devoción son parte del poder sostenedor. Que siempre seamos sostenidos por la ministración de tu amor. Que estemos en la luz cristalina de la claridad para conocer la pura gracia sustentadora de la unidad de Dios, en la que todos viven, se mueven y tienen su ser.
Soy la esencia pura de la luz y la vida del espíritu. Soy el dominio de la ternura, la intuición, la lealtad y la reverencia. Ahora estoy sostenido en la esencia pura de Dios eterno. Gracias a Dios por la claridad del Hijo de Dios en mí y como yo en acción en mi vida, mundo y asuntos.
Cristal Dorado Rubí Luz de Dios, revela la claridad de Gracia y Sanación y deja que su expresión se expanda en mí cada hora. Déjame ser decidido y sacrificado contigo en reverencia, devoción y lealtad. Que la serenidad, la tolerancia y el equilibrio divino de Dios en mi espíritu sean. Que mi espíritu disfrute de la pureza y la fuerza de Dios. Gracias Dios por el Hijo de Dios en mí.
Soy el cuerpo de luz de Rubí Dorado Cristal como el Amor y la Gracia de Dios manifestados. Soy el claro poder y conocimiento que me sustenta diariamente. Yo soy el Amor-Sabiduría, lleno de Salud y Sanación. El Arcángel Uriel, la luz y el fuego de Dios, me ayuda a enviar la Gracia de Sanación a todos los necesitados. Te agradezco a Dios por el Cristal Dorado Ruby Ray y acepto su acción en mí este día.
Amada presencia de Dios, soy, con toda mi mente y espíritu, amo y sacrifico a la Gracia y al Poder de Dios que tienes para mí, en mí, alrededor y a través de mi vida. Ahora me doy cuenta con cada pensamiento y sintiendo la aceleración en mi personalidad externa de Sabiduría - Amor y Gracia Divina. Que la Paz y el Amor reinen en la Tierra en todos los sentidos y no dejen que más sufrimiento permanezca en la Tierra. Soy la presencia de
Dios hoy en el Espíritu de Sanación, para dar Amor de todas maneras en mis palabras, pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones, en la presencia de Dios Soy.
En esta afirmación sólida, declaro que soy Amor-Sabiduría, poder y gracia de mi vida eterna de pureza. Yo afirmo el poder de la curación. Afirmo la fuerza de Dios en mi mundo y mis asuntos, ahora y por siempre sostenidos en el poder de la Llama de Cristal Rubí Dorado.
Ahora oro
Sobre la Llama Rubí Cristal Dorada, querido Dios; Dame el dominio del amor y la gracia. Rezo sobre la llama de Rubí Dorado por el poder de Sanación y Ministración de Cristo. Uso el dominio de la paz para reclamar mi unidad en Dios. Dios, deja que tu Propósito y Sabiduría - El amor reine en mí y deja que el dominio de la Gracia me libere, en ti. Gracias a Dios por esta respuesta instantánea a la oración.
Ahora hago la llamada
A la Gracia pura como Cristo, todos los Maestros de Cristal Rubí Dorado, a los Arcángeles de la gran Hueste Angélica. Invoco tu Sabiduría - Amor y poder de ministración en Dios, aquí y ahora. Estoy contigo, los dadores del amor y la gracia de Dios. Ven a estar presente en mi vida. Pasado, presente y futuro, hago la llamada!
Cristo, la Gracia de Dios y el Maestro sobre el Cristal Rayo de Rubí Dorado dice: Bienaventurados los de corazón puro, porque ellos verán a Dios. Bienaventurados los hacedores de la paz, porque ellos serán llamados hijos de Dios. Debes adorar al Señor tu Dios, y solo a Él debes servir. El reino de los cielos está cerca. Sana a los enfermos, limpia a los leprosos, resucita a los muertos, echa fuera los demonios, libremente has recibido, da libremente. Porque nada es secreto que no se manifieste; ni nada escondido, que no se sepa y venga al extranjero. No debes tentar al Señor tu Dios.
Y si un reino está dividido contra sí mismo, ese reino no puede mantenerse y si una casa está dividida contra sí mismo, esa casa no puede mantenerse. La luz del cuerpo es el ojo; por lo tanto, si tu ojo está solo, todo tu cuerpo estará lleno de luz.
Amado Cristo, te amo y te adoro. Te agradezco tu presencia en mí, ahora y siempre. Que mi vida sea como la tuya, para Dios. Alabo a Dios y le doy a Dios toda la gloria y el honor como un sacrificio vivo mientras me ayudas, como eres. Amén.
Ahora entro en la Llama Rubí Cristal Dorada en meditación y oro mientras entro en el silencio y la presencia de Dios. (20 minutos de meditación silenciosa)
© 2001, Escuela de Física Astral (COR). Todos los derechos reservados.
Light Color - Clear Golden Violet
Beloved transmutation power of God, we thank you for Mercy and Compassion, for we now realize and understand without freedom and perseverance there is no transmutation. May we always move with strength and self-reliance. May we be in the Clear Crystal Light of Clarity to realize unity and love.
I am the clear transmutation power for success in the world and freedom of Spirit. Let me be in the gentleness of God’s presence and invoke the power of ceremonial magic. I am the extreme care in details with a super-conscious mind. Crystal Violet Light of God; reveal the clarity of transmutation power and let it expand in every hour. Let me be in courtesy and courage to let your will to action guide my life. Let the Tolerance and Humility give me wide-mindedness. Let my spirit bask in Freedom and Love. Let the forgiveness of God set me free so that in God, I am humility. Thank you God for lifting the veils that cover me, that I am with you eternally.
I am the Crystal Violet light body as the Mercy and Compassion with action clear. I am the pure love and courage of self-reliance. I am detachment in unity with God. Archangel Zadkiel, the Benevolence of God, I call forth your transmutation power to turn darkness into light, to bless it free. I thank you God for the Crystal Violet Ray and I accept its action in me this day.
Beloved presence of God, I AM, with all my mind and spirit, I live and detach to the super-consciousness you have for me. I now realize with every heartbeat, the quickening into my outer personality of courage and self-reliance to do your work in the world. Let Compassion and Mercy reign on the Earth in every way and let bigotry and pride, have no sway. I am the presence of conscious individualized life in the spirit of perseverance, to give love all ways in my words, thoughts, feelings and action in the presence of God, I AM.
In this solid affirmation, I declare, I am love, compassion and mercy of my eternal grace and light. I affirm the power of transmutation. I affirm the strength of God in my world and affairs, now and forever, sustained in the power of the Crystal Violet Flame,
On the Golden Violet Flame, Dear God, give me the mastery of compassion and mercy. I pray upon the Golden Violet Flame for the freedom and love from whence I came. I use the dominion of wide-mindedness to claim my oneness in God. God let your invocation and freedom reign in me and let the mastery of self-reliance set me free in Thee. Thank you God for this instant answer to my prayer
To the Compassion and Mercy of Christ, all the Crystal Violet Masters, and the Cheribum of the great Angelic Host: I call forth your freedom and love in God here and now. I am a success in the world with perseverance. Come be present in my life-stream. Past, Present and Future, I make the Call.
Christ, the strength and compassion of God and master over the Crystal Violet Ray says: A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Judge not, and you shall not be judged; condemn not, and you shall not be condemned: Forgive and you shall be forgiven. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad; for great is your reward in Heaven. You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven. And you should love the Lord/God with all your heart, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. Heaven and Earth shall pass away; but my words shall not pass away. And what I say unto you, I say unto all; watch, watch you pray, or you will enter into temptation. The spirit is truly ready, but the flesh is weak. But seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
Beloved Christ, I love and adore you, I thank you for your presence in me now and forever. Let my life be as yours, unto God. I praise God and give unto God all glory and honor as a living sacrifice as you assist me, as you are. Amen.
I now enter the Crystal Violet Flame in meditation and pray as I enter the silence and presence of God. (20 Minutes of silent meditation)
© 2001, Astral Physics School (COR). All rights reserved.
Color de la luz: violeta dorado claro
Amado poder de transmutación de Dios, te agradecemos por misericordia y compasión, porque ahora nos damos cuenta y entendemos que sin libertad y perseverancia no hay transmutación. Que siempre nos movamos con fuerza y ​​confianza en nosotros mismos. Que estemos en la Luz de claridad cristalina clara para realizar la unidad y el amor.
Soy el poder de transmutación claro para el éxito en el mundo y la libertad del Espíritu. Déjame estar en la gentileza de la presencia de Dios e invocar el poder de la magia ceremonial. Soy el máximo cuidado en los detalles con una mente superconsciente. Cristal Violeta Luz de Dios; Revela la claridad del poder de transmutación y deja que se expanda cada hora. Permítame ser cortés y valiente para que su voluntad de acción guíe mi vida. Que la Tolerancia y la Humildad me den amplitud mental. Que mi espíritu se regocije en la libertad y el amor. Que el perdón de Dios me libere para que, en Dios, yo sea humildad. Gracias, Dios, por levantar los velos que me cubren, que estoy contigo eternamente.
Soy el cuerpo de luz Violeta de Cristal como la Misericordia y la Compasión con acción clara. Soy el amor puro y el coraje de la autosuficiencia. Soy desapego en unidad con Dios. Arcángel Zadkiel, la Benevolencia de Dios, invoco tu poder de transmutación para convertir la oscuridad en luz, para bendecirla. Te agradezco a Dios por el Rayo Cristal Violeta y acepto su acción en mí este día.
Amada presencia de Dios, YO SOY, con toda mi mente y espíritu, vivo y me desprendo de la superconsciencia tienes para mi Ahora me doy cuenta con cada latido del corazón, la aceleración en mi personalidad externa de coraje y confianza en mí mismo para hacer su trabajo en el mundo. Que la compasión y la misericordia reinen en la Tierra en todos los sentidos y que el fanatismo y el orgullo no tengan influencia. Soy la presencia de la vida individualizada consciente en el espíritu de perseverancia, para dar amor de todas las maneras en mis palabras, pensamientos, sentimientos y acción en la presencia de Dios, YO SOY.
En esta afirmación sólida, Declaro, soy amor, compasión y misericordia de mi gracia y luz eternas. Yo afirmo el poder de la transmutación. Afirmo la fuerza de Dios en mi mundo y en mis asuntos, ahora y para siempre, sostenida en el poder de la Llama Cristal Violeta,
Sobre la Llama Violeta Dorada, Dios mío, dame el dominio de la compasión y la misericordia . Rezo sobre la Llama Violeta Dorada por la libertad y el amor de donde vengo. Uso el dominio de la mentalidad amplia para reclamar mi unidad en Dios. Dios permita que tu invocación y tu libertad reinen en mí y que el dominio de la autosuficiencia me libere en ti. Gracias a Dios por esta respuesta instantánea a mi oración.
A la Compasión y Misericordia de Cristo, a todos los Maestros Violeta Cristal y al Queré de la gran Hueste Angélica: Invoco tu libertad y amor en Dios aquí y ahora. Soy un éxito en el mundo con perseverancia. Ven a estar presente en mi vida. Pasado, presente y futuro, hago el Llamado.
Cristo, la fuerza y ​​la compasión de Dios y amo sobre el Rayo Cristal Violeta dice: Un mandamiento nuevo que te doy, que se amen unos a otros; Como yo te he amado, que también te ames. No juzgues, y no serás juzgado; No condenes, y no serás condenado: Perdona y serás perdonado. Da, y se te dará; buena medida, presionando, y sacudiendo juntos, y corriendo. Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia. Regocíjate y regocíjate mucho; porque grande es tu recompensa en el cielo. Eres la luz del mundo. Deja que tu luz brille ante los hombres para que vean tus buenas obras y glorifiquen a tu Padre, que está en el cielo. Y debes amar al Señor / Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu mente, y con todas tus fuerzas. El cielo y la tierra pasarán; mas mis palabras no pasarán. Y lo que os digo, lo digo a todos; Observa, observa cómo rezas, o entrarás en la tentación. El espíritu está verdaderamente listo, pero la carne es débil. Pero buscad primero el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas.
Amado Cristo, te amo y te adoro, te agradezco tu presencia en mí ahora y por siempre. Que mi vida sea como la tuya, para Dios. Alabo a Dios y le doy a Dios toda la gloria y el honor como un sacrificio vivo mientras me ayudas, como eres. Amén.
Ahora entro en la Llama Cristal Violeta en meditación y oro mientras entro en el silencio y la presencia de Dios. (20 minutos de meditación silenciosa)
2001, Astral Physics School (COR). Todos los derechos reservados.
0 notes
wutbju · 7 years
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Crivea, John Levi 8/12/1937 - 5/17/2017 White Lake, MI 
Our beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and brother graduated to the glories of Heaven on May 17, 2017 at home with his loving wife by his side and surrounded by his family. 
John Levi Crivea was born in Pontiac, MI on August 12, 1937. Mr. Crivea had always been compassionate, creative, hardworking, intelligent, loyal and humorous. 
He was a CHRISTIAN. He came to know his Lord and personal Savior at the age of eight. This relationship with Jesus Christ shaped every facet of his life. He was actively involved in local churches throughout his life, teaching, laboring and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. He was a BUILDER. He began his lifetime of construction at the age of twelve. He used this skill building homes, churches, Christian campgrounds and commercial buildings. 
He was an AMERICAN. He served in the U.S. Army National Guard from 1955-1962 and graduated from the 3rd Infantry Division NCO Academy in 1962. 
He was a FLORAL DESIGNER. He began as a teenager delivering flowers for Dunstan's Florist and decided to try his hand at floral design. He was so good at it, he won a scholarship to attend the American Floral Art School. He was a STUDENT. Mr. Crivea graduated from Waterford Township High School in 1955. He also held degrees from Oakland Community College and Pillsbury Baptist Bible College in Applied Science, Bible, Industrial Arts, and Secondary Education, graduating with honors. 
He was a TEACHER. He taught Advanced Math for OCC; Industrial Arts for PBBC; Construction, Math and Mechanical Systems at the School of Applied Studies at Bob Jones University from 1986-1998. 
He was a FRIEND. He laughed and joked, but also gave you the hard truth when you needed it. He always punctuated his conversations with compassion and empathy. If you had a need, he did his best to meet it. 
He was a MISSIONARY. He shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ on construction mission teams from the colleges, churches, and on his personal time. He shared his love for Jesus at work, at schools, in churches and in his home. He lived the Gospel before his children, spoke of it often to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He studied the Bible. The more he knew and understood the character of his God, the better he could share his God with others. 
John Levi Crivea is preceded in death by his father Levi Crivea; mother Crescence (LaPlante) Crivea; and his step-mother Olga (Northrop) Crivea. He is survived by his loving wife Sharon (Walton) Crivea of 59 years; daughter Dawne (Gordon) Baker; daughter Cheri Jackson; daughter Kristi Balding; son John (LaVena) Crivea II; twelve grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Also survived by his sisters, Mary McKinstry; Muriel Armstrong; and Patricia Mance. The family will be receiving guests on Friday, May 26, 2017, 3-5PM and 6-8PM at Maranatha Baptist Church, 5790 Flemings Lake Rd, Clarkston, MI 48348. The memorial service will be Saturday, May 27, 2017, at 10:30AM at Maranatha Baptist Church, 5790 Flemings Lake Rd, Clarkston, MI 48348, followed by 12:30PM Interment at Great Lakes National Cemetery, 4200 Belford Rd, Holly, MI 48442. For those planning an expression of sympathy, please consider donations to Casa del Sonny Oportunidades para la Vida at https://www.gofundme.com/jlcrivea Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Prov 3:5-6
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sovereignhumanity · 6 years
Mis Discípulos y Apóstoles de Salvington
Vosotros buscadores y aspirantes. Mis discípulos que leéis, estudiáis y alcanzáis el Infinito de la Vida y la Misericordia de Dios. Vosotros, apóstoles de Salvington, que escogéis con entusiasmo y voluntad descartar los caminos de la iniquidad y la efemeralidad, y que tendéis al segundo nacimiento. en las Vestimentas de Luz ..
En los días y semanas y meses que seguirán ... en todos y cada uno de los momentos de vuestras tribulaciones y aflicciones de densidad que deseáis conquistar ... aceptad la venida mía y Yo os ayudaré a asegurar la Eternidad.
Incluso mientras camináis en vulnerabilidad y las grandes y sutiles sensibilidades del Espíritu se abren para vosotros ... removiendo las costras de ceguera causadas por la densidad ... y así como la cera que se ha reunido en vuestros oídos impidiendo discernirMe por completo y escuchar de la gracia de Mis enseñanzas, comienza a ser llevada por completo. Yo y la Madre del Universo en combinación inmaculada con el Padre de toda la Vida … Nosotros os entregaremos al perdón y la gracia ... la gloria ... y la gran generosidad del Infinito.
Entrad a nuestro Compromiso de la eternidad ... que vuestra fe os prospere y crezca fuerte y robusta ... que vuestra confianza en la bondad absoluta de los universos os limpie de todos los pensamientos sospechosos y la purificación de vuestro desconfiado corazón tan profundamente presente con los incrédulos sea para siempre y milagrosamente transformada.
Por un tiempo podréis ser probados en vuestra difícil situación; porque los efectos de vuestra presencia ante la Verdad Eterna traen todo lo que habéis expuesto de vuestro pasado a vuestra visión actual.
Sin embargo ... toda la oscuridad pasará como el rocío de la niebla de las primeras horas del día. Todas las obstrucciones se debilitarán a medida que os sostengáis rápido y firmes con el objetivo principal de conocer al Señor Vuestro Dios que vive en medio cada uno, y llegar a ser similar en vuestra naturaleza así como Él es en su Persona Infinita.
La Madre es omnipresente y siempre con vosotros. Mi Espíritu del Consolador os baña y os rodea en Mi ministerio para vosotros. Y el Padre Universal, la Presencia del Ajustador del Pensamiento, os lleva siempre adelante, eternizando todos los valores, significados y virtudes en la alineación y la consciencia cósmicas; para que caminéis hacia vuestra libertad en la eternidad, al mismo tiempo que el Padre de todas las Luces y la Vida.
La necesidad de la hora es la confianza y la fe y otorgar toda la gloria al Padre. Al brindar calma a todas las tentaciones temporales ... y al terminar con todas las auto persecuciones y la dureza de los juicios propios, Yo os elevaré a la tierra prometida de la filiación eterna conMigo.
Yo no os desampararé jamás; Mi Espíritu de la Verdad no os abandonará. ¡Estad vosotros con un paciente corazón confiado! ¡Estad vosotros con una mente pura y con el impulso divino intacto! ¡Sed motivados por la pureza absoluta!
Sed vosotros perseverantes y Yo os mostraré Mi Camino de la Victoria, Mi Vida de Comunión Espiritual e Intimidad de Oración Plena, Mi Verdad de la Autoridad de Dios y la Responsabilidad de la Personalidad y de vuestra Autoría Creativa!
No dudéis que mi evangelio del reino del siglo XXI triunfará sobre todos los que intentan usurpar y negar el poder y la presencia de Dios Padre. Mi evangelio de la Verdad encontrará avances para aquellos con el más mínimo deseo de liberación, y Yo llenaré y saturaré cada partícula de Vida en todas partes, en todo y en todos.
Estos preceptos de Verdad y Honor y Dignidad y Discipulado serán eventualmente proclamados a todas las naciones. Todos los pueblos surgirán en estas avenidas de ascendencia en las que la persona mortal colocará sobre sí misma las Investiduras Inmortales de las Vestiduras de la Inmortalidad y el Amor.
Christ Michael Of Nebadon
  Thou seekers and aspirants .. My disciples who read and study and reach for the Infinity of God's Life and Mercy .. thou apostles of Salvington who choose wholeheartedly and willingly to discard the ways of iniquity and ephemerality, and who art tending towards the Second Birth into the Garment of Light ..
In the days and weeks and months which shall follow .. in every and all moments of your tribulations and travail of density which you desire to conquer .. accept Mine coming and I shall help you to secure Eternity.
Even as you walk in vulnerability and the great subtle sensitivities of the Spirit open for you .. stripping away the crusts of blindness caused by density .. and as the wax which hath gathered in thine ears preventing you from discerning Me completely and hearing of Mine teaching grace begin to become washed away completely .. I and the Universe Mother in immaculate combination with the Father of all Life .. We shall deliver you upward unto forgiveness and grace .. glory .. and the great generosity of Infinity.
Enter our Engagement of Eternity .. that your faith prosper thee and grow strong and robust .. that your trust in the absolute goodness of the universes wash you clean of all suspicious thoughts and the purification of thine mistrusting heart so profoundly present with the unbelievers shall be forever and miraculously transformed.
For a time you may be tested in your plight; for the ripple effects of your standing forth unto Truth Everlasting do bring all that you have set forth from your past into your present day viewing.
Yet .. all darkness shall pass away as the mists of early morning fog. All obstructions will weaken as you hold fast and firm to the chief aim of knowing the Lord thy God who lives in thine midst, and becoming alike in your nature as he is in his Infinite Persona.
The Mother is omnipresent and ever with you. Mine Comforter Spirit bathes you and surrounds you in My ministry to you. And the Universal Father - the Thought Adjuster Presence - leads you ever onward, eternalizing all values and meanings and virtues into cosmic alignment and awareness; that ye shall be walking towards your freedom in eternity at one with the Father of all Lights and Life.
The need of the hour is trust and faith and giving all glory unto the Father. As you give calm to all temporal temptations .. and as you end all self-persecutions and the hardness of self-judgements .. I will raise you upwards into the promised land of eternal sonship and daughtership with Me.
I shall not nor ever forsake thee; My Spirit of Truth will not desert you. Be thou of a patient trusting heart! Be thou of a pure mind with the divine urge intact! Be thou motivated by absolute purity!
Be thou of perseverance and I shall show thee Mine Way of Victory, Mine Life of Spiritual Communion and Prayerful Intimacy, Mine Truth of God Authority and Personality Accountability and Creative Authorship!
Doubt not that My 21st Century gospel of the kingdom will triumph over all who attempt to usurp and deny the Power and Presence of God the Father. Mine gospel of Truth shall find inroads unto those with just the slightest desire for liberation, and I shall fill and saturate every particle of Life everywhere, in everything, and everyone.
These precepts of Truth and Honor and Dignity and Discipleship shall eventually be proclaimed to all nations. All peoples shall arise into these avenues of ascendancy wherein the mortal personahood shall place upon itself the Immortal Investitures of the Garment of Immortality and Love.
Christ Michael Of Nebadon
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sovereignhumanity · 6 years
Permitid que este sea mi tiempo con vosotros para traeros adelante del viaje evolutivo de la tierra, hacia vuestro destino dentro del Absoluto Universal.
 La Salvación viene para aquellos que se equipan diariamente a sí mismos con la fortaleza de su fe y la protección en la constancia de su confianza. Estos gemelos de fe y confianza son vuestros fundamentos para vuestro avance y ascendencia; porque no existe otro camino de salvación que no sea nuestro Compromiso de la Eternidad.
 I AM (Yo Soy) el Señor tu Dios en este Universo. Yo represento la Primera Revelación del Padre y la Segunda Revelación del Hijo para todas las inteligencias creadas. El y Ella, quienes caminan conmigo… ellos están preparados para la iniciación de las eras. Ellos se preparan cada día… cada hora… para entrar en la resurrección y la ascensión… el cumplimiento de la promesa de la vida eterna.
 En este camino del Reino del Padre estaréis gozosamente receptivo a nuestra asociación.   Seréis gradualmente eternalizado y gentilmente, para que participéis de los abundantes regalos de mi Padre.
 Venid… digo a los buscadores y aspirantes de vuestra civilización… venid y tomad  junto a mi un sorbo del néctar de la eternidad. Bebed de mi Espíritu Consolador.... Alimentaos del Espíritu de la Madre … absorbed y encarnad  la vida del Padre Universal.
 Y es es por el bien de la totalidad.. La expansión de los Reinos del planeta… que yo vengo adelante.. Hacia vuestra visión más elevada.
 … Y a medida que os levantáis hacia estas elevadas aspiraciones.. Estaréis sirviendo con luminosidad e integridad… honor y gloria.. En nombre de la Primera Revelación del Infinito.
 I AM (Yo Soy) Michael de Nebadon.. Padre Hijo personificado.. La mano Infinita de Dios el Séptuple.. El Espíritu Unificado de la Madre.
 Michael de Nebadon
  Let this be Mine time with thee to bring ye forth from the evolutionary journey of earth into thine destination in and of the Universal Absolute.
 Salvation cometh to those who equip themselves daily with the strength of their faith and the protection in the constancy of their trust. These twins of faith and trust are thine bedrock for advancement and ascendancy; for there is no other way of salvation save by our Eternity Engagement.
 I am the Lord thy God in this universe. I represent the First Revelation of Father and the Second Revelation of Son to all created intelligences. He and She who walk with Me .. they are primed for the initiation of the ages. They are prepared daily .. hourly .. for entering into the resurrection and ascension .. the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life.
 In this way of the Father's Kingdom shall you be rejoicingly receptive to our association. Ye shall become eternalized gradually and gently to partake of My Father's bountiful gifts.
 Come .. I sayeth to the seekers and aspirants of thy world civilization .. come and sup with Me in the nectar of eternity. Drink of Mine Comforter Spirit .. eat of the Spirit of the Mother .. absorb and embody the Life of the Universal Father.
 It is for the Good of the Wholeness .. the expansion of the kingdoms of the planet .. that I come forth into your greater view.
 ...and as ye have arisen into these heightened aspirations .. so shall you serve with brightness and integrity .. honor and glory .. in the name of the First Revelation of Infinity.
 I am Michael Of Nebadon .. Father Son Personified .. Infinite Hand of God the Sevenfold .. Mother Spirit Unified.
 Michael Of Nebadon
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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From Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's The Church's Year
On this Sunday again, the Church calls on us to rejoice in the Advent of the Redeemer, and at the Introit sings:
INTROIT Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Let your modesty be known to all men: for the Lord is nigh. Be nothing solicitous; but in every thing by prayer let your requests be made known to God (Phil. 4). Lord, thou hast blessed thy land; thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob (Ps. 84). Glory be to the Father.
COLLECT Incline Thine ear, O Lord, we beseech Thee, unto our prayers: and enlighten the darkness of our mind by the grace of thy visitation. Through our Lord.
EPISTLE (Phil. 4:4-7). Brethren, rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Let your modesty be known to all men. The Lord is nigh. Be nothing solicitous; but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What is meant by "rejoicing in the Lord"?
By "rejoicing in the Lord" is meant rejoicing in the grace of the true faith we have received, in the hope of obtaining eternal happiness; rejoicing in the protection of the most High under which we stand; and in the persecution for justice's sake in which Christ Himself exhorts us to rejoice, and in which the Apostle Paul gloried (II Cor. 7:4).
What else does St. Paul teach in this epistle?
He exhorts us to give all a good example by a modest and edifying life, to which we should be directed by the remembrance of God's presence and His coming to judgment (Chrysostom. 33, in Joann.); he warns us against solicitude about temporal affairs, advising us to cast our care on God, who will never abandon us in our needs, if we entreat Him with confidence and humility.
In what does "the Peace of God" consist?
It consists in a good conscience (Ambrose), in which St. Paul gloried and rejoiced beyond measure (II Cor. 1:12). This peace of the soul sustained all the martyrs, and consoled many others who suffered for justice's sake. Thus St. Tibertius said to the tyrant: "We count all pain as naught, for our conscience is at peace." There cannot be imagined a greater joy than that which proceeds from the peace of a good conscience. It must be experienced to be understood.
ASPIRATION The peace of God, that surpasseth all understanding, preserve our hearts in Christ Jesus. Amen.
"Is any one troubled, let him pray" (Jas. 5:13).
There is no greater or more powerful comfort in sorrow than in humble and confiding prayer, to complain to God of our wants and cares, as did the sorrowful Anna, mother of the prophet Samuel, (I Kings 10) and the chaste Susanna when she was falsely accused of adultery and sentenced to death (Dan. 13:35). So the pious King Ezechias complained in prayer of the severe oppression with which he was threatened by Senacherib (IV Kings 19:14). So also King Josaphat made his trouble known to God only, saying: But as we know not what to do, we can only turn our eyes on Thee (11 Para. 20:12). They all received aid and comfort from God. Are you sad and in trouble? Lift up your soul with David and say: To Thee I have lifted up my eyes, who dwellest in heaven. Behold as the eyes of servants are on the hands of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid are on the hands of her mistress: so are our eyes unto the Lord our God, until He shall have mercy on us (Ps. 122:1-3). Give joy to the soul of Thy servant, for to Thee, O Lord, I have lifted up my soul (Ps. 85:4).
GOSPEL (Jn. 1:19-28). At that time the Jews sent from Jerusalem priests and Levites to John, to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed, and did not deny; and he confessed: I am not the Christ. And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he said: I am not. Art thou the prophet? And he answered, No. They said therefore unto him, Who art thou, that we may give an answer to them that sent us? what sayest thou of thyself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Isaias. And they that were sent were of the Pharisees. And they asked him, and said to him: Why then dost thou baptize, if thou be not Christ, nor Elias, nor the prophet? John answered them, saying: I baptize with water: but there hath stood one in the midst of you, whom you know not: the same is he that shall come after me, who is preferred before me, the latchet of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose. These things were done in Bethania beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing.
Why did the Jews send messengers to St. John to ask him who he was? Partly because of their curiosity, when they saw St. John leading such a pure, angelic and penitential life; partly, as St. Chrysostom says, out of envy, because St. John preached with such spiritual force, baptized and exhorted the people to penance, that the inhabitants of Jerusalem came to him in great numbers; partly, and principally, they were impelled by the providence of God to demand publicly of St. John, if he were the Messiah, and thus be directed to Christ that they might be compelled to acknowledge Him as the Messiah, or have no excuse for rejecting Him.
Why did the Jews ask St. John, if he were not Elias or the prophet?
The Jews falsely believed that the Redeemer was to come into this world but once, then with great glory, and that Elias or one of the old prophets would come before Him, to prepare His way, as Malachias (4:5) had prophesied of St. John; so when St. John said of himself that he was not the Messiah, they asked him, if he were not then Elias or one of the prophets. But Elias, who was taken alive from this world in a fiery chariot, will not reappear until just before the second coming of Christ.
Why did St. John say, he was not Elias or the Prophet?
Because he was not Elias, and, in reality, not a prophet in the Jewish sense of the word, but more than a prophet, because he announced that Christ had come, and pointed Him out.
Why does St. John call himself "the voice of one crying in the wilderness"?
Because in his humility, he desired to acknowledge that he was only an instrument through which the Redeemer announced to the abandoned and hopeless Jews the consolation of the Messiah, exhorting them to bear worthy fruits of penance.
How do we bear worthy fruits of penance?
We bear fruits of penance, when after our conversion, we serve God and justice with the same zeal with which we previously served the devil and iniquity; when we love God as fervently as we once loved the flesh-that is, the desires of the flesh-and the pleasures of the world; when we give our members to justice as we once gave them to malice and impurity (Rom. 6:19), when the mouth that formerly uttered improprieties, when the ears that listened to detraction or evil speech, when the eyes that looked curiously upon improper objects, now rejoice in the utterance of words pleasing to God, to hear and to see things dear to Him; when the appetite that was given to the luxury of eating and drinking, now abstains; when the hands give back what they have stolen; in a word, when we put off the old man, who was corrupted, and put on the new man, who is created in justice and holiness of truth (Eph. 4:22-24).
What was the baptism administered by St. John, and what were its effects?
The baptism administered by John was only a baptism of penance for forgiveness of sins (Lk. 3:3). The ignorant Jews not considering the greatness of their transgressions, St. John came exhorting them to acknowledge their sins, and do penance for them; that being converted, and truly contrite, they might seek their Redeemer, and thus obtain remission of their offences. We must then conclude, that St. John's baptism was only a ceremony or initiation, by which the Jews enrolled themselves as his disciples to do penance, as a preparation for the remission of sin by means of the second baptism, viz., of Jesus Christ.
What else can be learned from this gospel?
We learn from it to be always sincere, especially at the tribunal of penance, and to practice the necessary virtue of humility, by which, in reply to the questions of the Jews, St. John confessed the truth openly and without reserve, as shown by the words: The latchet of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose, as the lowest of Christ's servants, giving us an example of humility and sincerity, which should induce us always to speak the truth, and not only not to seek honor, but to give to God all the honor shown us by man. Have you not far more reason than John, who was such a great saint, to esteem yourself but little, and to humble yourself before God and man? "My son," says Tobias (4:14), "never suffer pride to reign in thy mind, or in thy words: for from it all perdition took its beginning."
ASPIRATION O Lord, banish from my heart all envy, jealousy and pride. Grant me instead, to know myself and Thee, that by the knowledge of my nothingness, misery and vices, I may always remain unworthy in my own eyes, and that by the contemplation of Thy infinite perfections, I may seek to prize Thee above all, to love and to glorify Thee, and practice charity towards my neighbor. Amen.
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