#papyrus enduretale
obsessivefangirl · 1 year
Baby of Mine
Original date posted - November 28, 2022. Word count, 477.
A giftfic for the lovely @sneakyfox55 and an au, but can be read as classic.
“Sans! Don't keep me waiting!” The skeleton hollered. 
A dark blue bandana on his neck, with yellow and orange striped one-suit pajamas. Underneath the blankets, he bounced impatiently. 
A smaller skeleton entered the room, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
He wasn’t in pjs like his brother, instead in his usual baggy sweatpants and blue shirt, with black stripes, and a red-orange bandana around his wrist. He was significantly older than the other, less then a year away from being an adult. 
Sitting down on the younger’s bed, he smiled lightly at him. "Which would you like today? Fluffy Bunny, or The Adventures of Hura and Elub?” Holding them, the books were vastly different. One was small, with pastel colors on the front, the pages made out of cardboard like substances. The other was leather-bound, a dark crimson, thicker than the average novel, with curly, golden letters spelling out the name at the front.
“Can you do something else tonight?” The two books were encompassed with a blue glow, floating back into the large bookshelf. Some books in the shelves were encased with the same magic, coming to Sans. 
“Of course, bro. Would you like Enc-” Sans got cut off by the taller.
“No, I mean, can we not read tonight?” 
“Then what would you like to do?” Sans asked. Papyrus blushed a bit, embarrassed. “Would you… sing me a song?”
When his brother didn’t respond, he waved his hands wildly, sweating. “You don’t have to! In fact, it was a dumb request. You can just-” A soft chuckle stopped him in his tracks.
“Don’t worry, I just wasn’t expecting you to ask. Of course I will.”
Clearing his throat, Sans started singing softly. His voice was almost like honey, despite it’s usual roughness. 
“Baby mine, don’t you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head, close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine.”
Papyrus was curled up in the bed, eyes closed, a small smile on his face, as his brother continued.
“Little one, when you play, don’t you mind what they say. Let those eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine.” He stroked the younger’s skull, his eyes softening.
“If they knew sweet little you, they’d end up loving you too. All those same people who scold you, what they’d give, just for the right to hold you.”
Sans shifted his weight, and hesitantly, held Papyrus in his arms, loosely, ready to drop him when he told him to.
“From your head to your toes, you’re not much, goodness knows. But you’re so precious to me, cute as can be, baby of mine.”
The skeleton in blue sighed happily, nuzzling into him. Bonking his teeth against the child’s forehead, he let him go, and with one glance, went to his bed.
He would treasure him for as long as he lives.
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before i forget, Sans and Papyrus's nicknames in this AU are Aloe and Lull respectively :DD and Papyrus has like, two additional others that i don't ever use - Mabes and Lacuna!! i keep them as other possible nicknames cause i think they're neat jgjhgsdjsghjgj
also Aloe technically would probably have to have a second nickname to avoid confusion when i talk about. certain things in the narrative but shhhhhhh c:
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sneakyfox55 · 1 year
Does Asriel have any trauma in enduretale?
*trigger warnings for mentions of war, graphic depictions of permanent injury, and PTSD*
Asriel in this AU starts off as the Prince of Monsters still, and he was also born on the surface!! but pretty early on in his youth he started showing signs of having super powerful magic, even compared to his parents
a few years pass since Asriel is born, and Undyne is still training under Asgore to be in the Royal Guard. she's about fifteen in monster years as of this point hgdjdghjdghj
and then!!!
the War!!!!! actually starts because, the humans are too scared of Asriel's magic :'DD like there's a lot of factors that go in to it in the end but, it's what really tips them over the edge and what they use as an excuse to attack them jhdgdhjgdshj
Asriel is meanwhile!!! like!!!! five in monster years!!!!!!! (monsters don't age like humans do here but he's basically five)
Undyne is on the side of protecting Monsterkind but she REFUSES to give up Asriel and stuff, in response to one of the humans' offers ("just turn him in and we'll call off the whole thing", which,, not shady at all) and of course Asgore and Toriel refused too, because that's their feckin innocent CHILD BABY SON
as a whole most of Monsterkind is very!! very upset at humans for this!!! they do not like humans because of this!!!! Undyne is PISSED and wants to continue the War but, Asgore is just. tired. and he gives an ultimatum as the King, saying "if you want to force our Prince away from us, you'll have to force ALL of us away" and thus he proposes humans lock them Underground instead, "solving" every issue. this is a unified thing that most monsters agree on, and they bring it to the humans, who find it reasonable enough that they. do in fact banish them and lock them Underground just like that
everyone is just. depressed (but Asriel has no clue lol he's still a bab at the time)
anyway some more time passes and he grows up!! he knew how to control his magic for the most part but he kind of had to be trained in some parts by Asgore; Undyne, who's now eighteen-ish and in the Guard, is like an older sister to him and offers to be his sparring partner for fun and they both train together
through this he learns he actually likes sparring and using battle magic and stuff, so he's like, hey!! what if i start training for real and i do something similar to what Undyne's doing (being in the Royal Guard PFFFT) and that's, basically what he did, hdsghdjhghsdhjgdsjh
oh also!!! Undyne is buddies with &@$%*#'S kids, Sans and Papyrus, whom she introduces to Asriel when they start hanging out in the Guard and they all grow to be pretty good friends with each other!
more years pass, and Undyne becomes Captain of the Royal Guard after Gerson steps down and she (without really thinking about it and impulsively) makes Asriel her General to go with it HGDFJDGDJHGDSJHDSGJDSHGJSDHJ
this is all well and good until!! uh!!!! human, falls down and, they're not at all prepared for it??? and??????
this particular human is very murderery!! and because no one was prepared they're able to kill a good number of monsters.
they're able to slip around the Guard's watchful eye and Undyne and Asriel as a whole. they get all the way to the throne room, assumedly looking to kill Asgore himself. neither Undyne nor Asriel had made it there yet. they couldn't have made it in time, so someone else tried to stop the human for everyone when he'd heard what was going on.
this didn't work.
they were able to make it in time to stop the human themself in the throne room but by then it was too late. Asgore was safe and unharmed, but there were lots who'd been lost. Asriel was supposed to keep everyone safe and he hadn't. (he was supposed to keep THEM safe and he couldn't even manage to save even one of them.) the human goes for him next.
Asriel later wakes up in the hospital with most of his loved ones around him. they're happy he's okay but he's lost a good chunk of his HP--as in, his maximum HP had depleted. whereas he'd had over one thousand, he's down to little short of six-hundred. he's half-blind where the human had struck him in his right eye, and cut part of his face. there's now a scar that runs from the top of where that eye used to function to his lower jaw. and what little physicality he'd managed to heal up since then cetainly isn't much. he still has that right eye, it regenerated, somewhat, but it doesn't work much at all. there's a raw, true pain his side sometimes, though he's not completely sure why. Undyne won't ever tell him why (but he has an idea).
he starts wearing an eyepatch because he hates looking at himself in the mirror. he swears there's a scar stiched into his side when he looks too, but he usually tries to forget it (and is successful, for the most part).
a phantom pain shows in his arm, sometimes; the one that had once tried to bring a best friend to safety.
he's still in the Royal Guard to this day. though Asgore has stepped down as King, and Undyne has left to step up as Empress for him, Asriel still remains. in fact, he's promoted from General to Captain in Undyne's place!
. . .
he misses Undyne a lot.
he misses his parents a lot.
he still has horrible nightmares of the human. and his friends.
…but he has a duty to his people!
someone's gotta take care of them, right?
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Any tidbits of characters?
Lull's favorite color is yellow!! basically meaning after he and his brother died, the whole kingdom started decorating in yellow and gold to honor them
ALSO I'VE DECIDED NAPSTABLOOK TAKES THE PLACE OF MUFFET FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN MUFFET TAKES THEIR PLACE IN THE RUINS. not because they now have the bakesale, Muffet still has the bakesale and when Frisk encounters her it's just. her checking on the spiders in the ruins. she fights them but it's cleared up the same way it can be in the game basically, with Frisk eventually managing to convince her they were going to buy a donut or spider cider lol
regarding this too Napstablook is good friends with Muffet and at the time you encounter them they were tending to the bakesale in Muffet's absence. originally they were supposed to attack Frisk, specifically if said human hated spiders lmbo, but by that point Muffet would have basically told them Frisk was actually okay, so they don't actually fight Frisk like everyone else. they also probably invite Frisk to their house in Waterfall like in the game
Mettaton is a LUNATIC but in a good way. he helps Frisk through Hotland with puzzles and all the same jazz but he's like, him himself mixed with a mad scientist ig, and he doesn't necessarily try to get Frisk killed at any point but. he may or may not just, avoid questions when they ask and purposely send them in the wrong direction just because it might up the ante (he's not the celebrity he used to be but he still has a habit of imagining everything around him is on TV, aka everything is. a bit back to normal. he likes to imagine an audience around him)
also. regarding something similar, Alphys still made the amalgamates, but the difference is here she ran away from EVERYTHING and basically, gave all the responsibility to Mettaton in her place, including taking care of the amalgamates. which. he had to step down from his dream because of this just to fill in. he misses Napstablook and his fans a lot, and the whole amalgamates thing takes more of a toll on him than he'd let on, but!! he hasn't shut down just yet!!! :DD
Asriel really REALLY doesn't want to fight Frisk when he sees them, especially when they show kindness to everyone in the Underground; but because of Empress Undyne's influence, and just his general duty of being Captain now, in fact!!! i think he'd much rather befriend them early on. but again, duty and Undyne reminding him what he has to do for the "benefit of monsterkind." so he covers this up with a very cold exterior, and basically tries to his damnest to become the hero he has to be lol (other than a certain flower who still sticks around, despite everything...)
similarly, he's. very very lonely haha. his two best friends are dead, he can't visit his parents as much as he'd like to, and as much as respects and supports Undyne, and just, cares for her, what she's doing doesn't bode well with him. he can't stand up to her (not yet at least), but their ideas of a "peaceful" future differ from each other greatly, and he wishes he just had the confidence and Bravery to show her a better way out--I.E. taking one soul and going to the Surface, other than waiting to kill innocent humans and calling that "Justice."
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sneakyfox55 · 1 year
The screaming had stopped.
Sans was kneeling frozen, unable to move, while the human crunched dust underneath their feet. It echoed through the otherwise silent Throne Room.
It was too late.
They were too late, too--
Undyne dove forward without thinking, all but screaming at the goat monster to her side, "ASRIEL! Grab Sans, NOW!!!"
As the Captain charged for the human, barricading them quickly in her magic, the Prince wrestled with the skeleton in question.
He tried yanking him to his feet, away from and out of the dust littering the tiled floor, but,
Sans refused.
"NO!" he cried, twisting himself away from the Prince, falling back, "no, i can't leave him, i can't…" Falling to his knees among what remained once more; he practically collapsed on the pile, hands seemingly searching for something that wasn't there, his hands collecting fistfuls of the powder and grasping at invisible straws. "Papyrus-- Papy--"
"Sans, I-I'm sorry, we have to go!" Asriel urged desperately, taking to instead practically hauling him off the floor in both arms like one would do a child, the poor skeleton struggling to go back all the while.
But, once he had him on his feet, it was as though all the fight had completely left Sans. It became (worryingly) easy to pull him away by only the arm now.
With all the strength he could muster, the Prince hauled Sans away from the scene and to safety, trying so very hard to ignore how his friend neverendingly sobbed.
"no, no no, i can't leave him i can't leave my--"
"I know," Asriel attempted to soothe him, much as he could, arm twisting around Sans's own as he dragged him further and further. "I'm s-sorry. I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Sans, I know…"
But Sans couldn't seem to hear him, his voice practically a wail, "no no no no no, no, my-- brother…"
The Prince blinked back tears.
"W-we have to get you to--!"
Halfway across the garden of golden flowers, the arm in his hold slackened.
Just as he turned, the sight made him freeze, much like Sans had only minutes prior.
Dust, once more, littered the ground before him.
A fresh layer of fallen ashes. Like fallen snow. Scattered across the flowerbed where his friend used to be.
All at once, Asriel felt his world fall apart around him.
And in the next instant, a warning shout directed his way--before the human slammed into him, barrelling him to the ground.
The ground where the dust now lay.
It was all he saw before everything went black.
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