#paps really needs sans to help him wrap gifts
cranberrytea451 · 10 months
Holiday memes
Mayby this one, but with Sans loafing off a red armchair surrounded by presents like that instead. https://www.memesmonkey.com/images/memesmonkey/dc/dc84671ca3a7251a6ba7655d4918ee24.jpeg
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I was gonna do that but I saw the image and was like “sans needs to be in that dog house”
featuring a little annoying dog totally not named Toby Fox
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septic-skele · 3 years
UT - You and Me (Against The World)
Summary: If Pap was the sun, then he must be the moon: a ball of scars and craters, whose only shine was a lesser reflection of his brother’s.
“But if you weren’t there to be the moon,” Papyrus answered, so simply, so kindly, “who else would be a light in the darkness?” Sans and Papyrus, in fifty captured seconds.
“This is not at all an admission of helplessness, surrender or defeat…but if there is anything I haven’t yet tried, brother, anything at all that might help you, I need you to tell me.”
The human’s lipstick had formed a decidedly unpleasant texture on his teeth, Papyrus mused with a shudder as he grabbed his toothbrush to scrub away the evidence.
Sans rarely ever raised his voice, but then he didn’t need to; a low growl could be far more threatening than a shout.
“Nngh…Almost there, I think,” Sans hissed, struggling to stay loose and relaxed as Papyrus gingerly manipulated the deformed joint of his shoulder back toward its socket.
“Not once have I seen a potato subspecies that grows on couches,” Papyrus admitted, “so I’m afraid I cannot speak for any resemblance between them and Sans!”
“I seem to recall a well-prepared skeleton advising his lazy brother to wear sneakers on their outing today,” Papyrus snarked as Sans’ sodden slippers squished and squelched with each step.
Chocolate sauce was chocolate sauce and spaghetti was spaghetti, both good things independently, so…Sans could assume Papyrus had made them better together, right?
Papyrus had genuinely laughed at what was admittedly his worst material, and that was more than enough to lift the corners of Sans’ wan smile.
Sans had thirty-four frantic texts, a full voicemail box, and no memory of the last three days to offer as an excuse.
Papyrus couldn’t help but marvel at Frisk’s dedication to being so cool; they had put new holes in their ears not for better hearing, but simply to decorate with tiny pieces of treasure!
“I’m just Sans—well, ‘Comic Sans’ if you want to be particular about it—but if you really need a surname,” Sans began, mischief sparking in his eyes, “it’s, uh, Lewis. C.S. Lewis, heheh.”
Finally Papyrus could understand why Sans so loved spending time in bed; these new silk sheets seemed to float around his bones, gently shushing him to relax and rest.
“Turns out the humans have a label for everything,” Sans remarked with a wry grin as he spun the striped button pinned to his coat. “I’m what they call an ace in the hole.”
For reasons he couldn’t quite justify, Papyrus flinched when Frisk wrapped their arms around his neck.
“I’ll see you soon, Tori,” he mumbled as he brushed his hand over the memorial’s stone base, “because if I know anything about that kid, they’re not gonna let you stay down forever.”
All of Sans’ strength had been spent in the shower; his juddering legs and the cold embrace of the bathroom floor dictated that dressing would have to wait.
“I’m always alright,” Papyrus whispered, though he made no effort to dry his streaked cheekbones.
Papyrus doggedly insisted that the sign had said ninety miles per hour—until he recalled a particular prescription for glasses that still needed filling.
“It’s not my job to be nice or helpful or cool,” Sans announced flatly. “It’s my job to give judgment, no matter how much it might hurt.”
“Not all humans are like Frisk, Papyrus; some of them would rather sweep us off the street than crack a smile at us.”
In response to Sans’ apathetic “What do you want?”—Papyrus poured his soul into a scream: “I want you to treat your life like it matters!”
“Undyne is always away with Alphys and the human Frisk is busy with their plethora of school friends; I don’t know who my ‘besties’ are anymore!”
“My glove is the wrapping and my hand is the present; I’m just waiting for the day someone special wants to take it!”
Spongy in the middle, crisp around the edges, swathed with butter and spices that melted in the mouth…If only Papyrus could drag the garlic bread out of the cookbook picture and onto the plate.
“Long live the King,” Sans murmured as he pried the crown from his exhausted brother’s head and tucked his cloak closer around him for the night.
It was unsettling to see Pap so limp and lethargic, snoring on and off between miserable sniffs and the few coughs his abused throat could muster.
For once Papyrus regretted that he wasn’t a stealthier skeleton; he would have liked to hear Sans sing another bar or two before he jumped at his presence.
Mettaton had been acknowledging everyone in the first several rows, but surely the celebrity had glanced at Papyrus a few seconds longer than the rest!
Their Surface house felt like a resort—airy, open, relaxing to some degree, but Sans still had the nagging urge to keep his bags and boxes packed.
“Sans, I have no intention of purchasing seventeen boxes of Twinkies!”
“Oh, so I’m not allowed any Twinkies to repackage as ‘dessert dogs’ for my booming business, but you’re allowed four different brands of shampoo for hair you don’t even have.”
“These puzzles I’ve submitted are sure to be a much greater challenge for this week’s column, don’t you think?” he questioned smugly as his brother stared at the sheet of incomprehensible twists, turns, and teasers.
“Doesn’t ‘hanky panky’ mean that you are ‘hankering for a pancake’?” Papyrus demanded as Sans choked on his coffee.
“I think, uh, I’d rather take the stairs, be proactive like you’re always telling me,” Sans decided, recoiling from the cramped, groaning walls of the elevator.
The pure blue expanse made Sans’ head swim with its enormity, stretching further than his eye sockets could ever see.
Papyrus couldn’t help but wonder if that terrifying noise was the sun, roiling and roaring at the dark clouds for blotting out its rightful place.
“Why do you always leave me behind?” Sans wanted to say, instead forcing a smile and wave as Papyrus strode toward his terminal.
Papyrus’ first college semester, Sans kept his phone charged and at full volume more consistently than he had in the last five years.
“Stay awake for me, Sans, just keep your eyes on me!” Papyrus begged, because if he didn’t keep their eyelights locked he would have to watch the pool of red grow.
Sans’ HP hung by a decimal point, slipping, and Undyne wrestled her arms around Papyrus’ shoulders to keep him back as he screamed.
“It’s thanks to you that I’m still here, bro; I won’t go anywhere if you don’t.”
“We skeletons have a soul sense for such things; I can feel my brother’s aura of bad jokes, dirty socks and disappointment in this room.”
“It was on sale!” Papyrus lied, brightly and effortlessly, because he hated to see Sans look so guilty for receiving a good thing.
Sans chuckled fondly as he admired the worn, creased photos, tracing a finger over his baby brother’s beaming face.
Papyrus wouldn’t mind having a little one to raise someday—someone to look up to him for his greatness and guidance, the way he had once looked up to Sans.
Seafoam swirled gently around his ankles, beckoning him closer, deeper, against his better judgment; if there was a choice to sink or swim, Sans would sink every time.
If Pap was the sun, then he must be the moon: a ball of scars and craters, whose only shine was a lesser reflection of his brother’s.
“But if you weren’t there to be the moon,” Papyrus answered, so simply, so kindly, “who else would be a light in the darkness?”
Most gods Sans heard about were not gods of mercy, but he would keep looking; he would find the one who gave eternal peace as a gift, not as something to bargain for.
As his wavering steps gave out and the twirling lights softly faded, Sans closed his eyes and breathed, soundless, “Finally.”
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sporadicerratic · 3 years
Another Sunrise
Hokay. This is me being brave and doing the thing. Please enjoy this short fic about Sans & Papyrus. Guess this is turning into my fanfic account, lol.
Papyrus stood on the small porch outside of his bedroom, a hot cup of tea warming his phalanges and sending a clouds of steam wafting into the brisk morning air. There had been so many sunrises since the monsters had left the underground, but he never tired of watching the first bright blush creep over the edge of the horizon; signaling the arrival of the brightest star he had ever had the pleasure to behold. As the warmth of the sunlight spread across his face, he noticed a second cloud of steam in his peripheral vision, and looked down in surprise to see that Sans had silently joined him. His brother randomly appearing nearby without a sound was nothing new, but Sans was rarely awake when the sun first made an appearance, and Papyrus was thrilled for the company.
“SANS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING AWAKE AT THIS HOUR?” Concern furrowed his brow as a thought occurred to him, and he reached out to put a gloved hand on his brother’s back. “IT WASN’T A NIGHTMARE, WAS IT?”
Sans turned to Papyrus with a grin, but it wasn’t the mask that he had worn for all of those years in the Underground. Sans had been letting that fall away more and more as of late, and even if his smile wasn’t quite as wide, Papyrus relaxed slightly when he saw that it was genuine.
“nah, bro. i know you’re out here every morning. figured i’d come spend some time with my favorite brother.”
“doesn’t make you any less my favorite.”
Papyrus smiled a bit wider himself at that, and then wrapped his arm around Sans’ shoulder. Taking a deep breath that, as a skeleton, he didn’t really need, he let his sockets slide shut and listened to the birds in the surrounding trees calling to one other.
Sans reciprocated Papyrus’ gesture, but, due to his height, the best he could do was to place a hand on his brother’s spine.
“ya know,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper, “it was about this time of day when I first found ya.”
Papyrus’ sockets snapped open, and he turned his head slowly to look down at Sans, who was very pointedly staring directly at the rising sun.
Several soulbeats passed before Sans inhaled sharply and turned to meet Papyrus’ shocked gaze. “yep. heard you crying. for a babybones, you sure had a set ‘a pipes. I was surprised some other monster hadn’t found you first, with the way you were carryin on. some things about you have always been great, bro.”
Papyrus stood silently for a few moments, processing this information. Sans had never been very forthcoming about why he had had to raise Papyrus on his own, and after a certain age, it had ceased to be a priority for Papyrus. When Sans didn’t want to share information, he didn’t share information, and there was nothing Papyrus could do about it.
“…..Where?” Papyrus’ voice came out uncharacteristically soft.
Sans’s eyelights winked out, and he anxiously shifted his weight from one foot to the other before answering.
“pretty close to the barrier. the fighting…” Sans choked on the words a bit, and Papyrus couldn’t help himself.
“THE FIGHTING?!! SANS!!! YOU…YOU WERE ON THE SURFACE? DURING THE WAR WITH THE HUMANS?!! SANS!! JUST HOW OLD ARE YOU?!!” The words tumbled out as Papyrus’ world tilted hard enough that he put a hand on the railing to steady himself.
Sans stared hard at some speck in the wood grain in front of him for a moment, then leaned his head back and turned to face Papyrus again. Despite his shock, Papyrus noticed that the circles under Sans’ eyes seemed a bit darker than usual. Had he been worried enough about sharing this information that he had been losing sleep? He felt a pang of regret at his outburst.
“i was a kid when i found you, pap. we’ve always only been a few years apart, yeah? you just don’t remember that you were on the surface before. how could you? you were just a babybones when the war ended.”
Papyrus slowly dragged a gloved hand across his features; the sweet cacophony of morning birdsong forgotten as Sans’ words buzzed about his skull.
It was not often that the boisterous skeleton found himself at a loss for words, but then again, it was pretty much never that his soft-spoken brother let one of his closely guarded secrets slip. The morning had suddenly become fragile, somehow. After blurting out his first thoughts, Papyrus was afraid the wrong words just might cause something between himself and Sans to shatter; something that was far more precious to Papyrus than having his most burning questions answered.
The seconds dragged past and neither monster spoke, but their eyes met. They held each others’ gaze and a plethora of emotions played across their features. Shock; sadness; confusion; compassion; they silently searched each other for something; perhaps permission? When Sans saw the fear in his sibling’s eyes, he steeled himself and quietly took the initiative once again.
Papyrus had to strain to hear him. “the fighting…the fighting was everywhere. when we got the news that we were all gonna be sealed underground, well…it was…we didn’t have a lot of time. those of us who were left just kinda, heh, we just kinda had to make a mad dash for it.”
Papyrus could see Sans’ eyelights flickering in and out, as if he were somehow looking at something far away.
“but you were right up close to the barrier, pap. someone did their damndest to get you all the way there, but…they didn’t…quite…make it.”
Papyrus’ gloved hands flew to his mouth as Sans fumbled with his jacket for a moment before pulling a small, blue bone-patterned blanket out from some inner pocket.
“it was,” he paused for a moment, running his hand over what was little more than a worn rag and almost choking on the next word, “dusty. they almost got you through, pap. i just. i made sure you made it the rest of the way. and they’ve always been with you, right? they dusted on the most precious thing in the world.”
He turned to meet his brother’s gaze and what Papyrus saw there this time pierced his soul; any other questions he might have had were banished from his skull by the ferocity of the love, sympathy and sadness that shone forth from Sans’ sockets. Sans gently reached out and offered the little piece of cloth to Papyrus, who took reverently. He spent several minutes turning it over and over in his hands; holding it up to see how truly small it was; and looking at it very, very closely, before very carefully folding it and slipping it inside his battle body.
 It was a beautiful morning. Birds were singing. Flowers were blooming. And finally, Papyrus spoke.
 “Why Did You Hide This From Me All This Time, Sans?”
Sans didn’t turn his head at all this time, focusing once again on the rising sun, which had nearly cleared tops of the distant hills and set the sky awash with several brilliant shades of orange. He trembled slightly, despite the fact that neither skeleton felt the cold.
“because, Pap. i never wanted you to doubt for a second that I’m your brother. from the moment i picked you up, i knew that i was gonna love you forever, and i never wanted to let anything hurt you, the way the war had hurt me. i didn’t wanna give you a single reason to think that we weren’t family. since coming to the surface, well. heheheh. you know how it is. no more resets. moving forward. coming clean. and that means, the truth. about everything. i figure, you got a right to know. e-even if it means….you don’t think of me as your brother anymore…”
Papyrus watched as a bright blue tear slipped from the edge of Sans’ socket. His grip on the railing had become vice-like, and he was shaking like a leaf. Papyrus made a soft noise, closing the distance between them in a single stride and sweeping his older brother up into a bone-crunching hug; literally. There were several audible pops from Sans’ spine as Papyrus squeezed him as tightly as he could.
Sans sniffled into Papyrus’ shoulder for a moment before vigorously wiping a gloved hand across his sockets and leaning back.
“augh…heheh…take it easy, pap. i only got the one spine.”
Papyrus had never seen Sans grin so widely; even when he managed to zing him with the worst of puns. His struggling in Papyrus’ arms was half-hearted at best.
“pap. i’m your only brother.”
“hey, this is a classic.”
“…ya know what? you tried. i’m so proud.”
“oh my god Pap, you’re gonna make me cry again.”
The two skeletons exchanged lighthearted jabs at one another as the last vestiges of orange in the sky gave way to a brilliant blue; Sans sitting comfortably in his brother’s embrace as he had done so many times before, and Papyrus making no move whatsoever to set him down. If they were gripping one another a bit more tightly than normal, neither said a word about it.
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imagines4undertale · 4 years
Ah, I’m sorry! 🥺 I was meaning the 5 love languages. There’s a quiz online, if that’d help. It has its own website, in fact. And, I suppose I’ll ask for the Horrortale bros plus a random Black. I’m super sorry for the lack of specifics first time around. �� Hope I didn’t cause any trouble!
You’re fine! I’m just happy to be able to answer it. I hope that I did an okay job at it and that you enjoy. I won’t lie, this one took me a while because HT!Paps and Black are the most difficult for me to write, but I did my best! I’ll have some more Asks finished as soon as I can!
Axe’s love language will likely be words of affirmation. In the Underground, there isn’t enough time for people to set aside quality time for each other and there are very few quality things to be given. Even when he makes his way to the surface, Axe doesn’t see the point in many of these things. He likes hugs and affection decently well, but when he has moments of mental lapse he can quickly become violent if touched. Axe will respond to small gifts, but only really if they are food, like a snack bar or small bag of chips. The best way to love this skell is just through telling him how much you love him. Tell him how cute he is to you, how happy he makes you, how good he is at protecting and providing for you and his brother, just anything that you like about him. At first, he is just kind of weirded out as no one has ever really given him this type of praise, but overtime he’ll begin to melt whenever you say these kinds of things. He likes being acknowledged for his hard work and has a hard time seeing the good in himself. To have his small, pure, sweet little SO telling him he is someone worth loving is everything to him. Sometimes, if he’s had a rough day, he’ll just come to you asking for you to tell him he’s not a beast and that he’s a good person.
You were at home, sitting at the table, looking through a recipe book for recipes for the next week. The house was calm and the only noise that could be heard was Papy watching a cooking show on the TV in the living room. It took you a moment to realize what it was, but you began to feel a rumbling in the floor beneath your feet. Axe was in the building and he was pissed. A moment later you felt the door to your apartment slam against the door stopper you installed (Axe put the door handle through the wall) and then slammed back shut. The thudding footsteps made their way to the kitchen and when you looked up Axe was looming over you shaking as he huffed labored breaths. He looks down at you with his single eye light, seeming to hesitate for a moment.
“Hey sweetie, are yo-” You don’t get to finish as you are lifted sharply from your chair and carried out of the kitchen. It’s hard to see where he is going as your face is held in the fluff of his hood, but it felt like he was carrying you down the hallway to the bedroom. When he finally released you, he tossed you down onto your bed. You bounce for a second before you are pinned from the waste down by  wrapping his arms around his hips. He hesitates for a moment before shakily exhaling into your stomach.
“t-tell me… tell me you love me. tell me i’m not a beast. please, i need to hear you say it.” He huffs into your shirt as his sharp finger bones dig into your shirt. You feel a slight dampness on your stomach. Resting your hand on his head, you begin to stroke his head avoiding the sharp edges of his skull. Petting his head, you whisper sweet words of your love and any good traits you can think of to your skeletal love. Eventually, his shoulders stop shaking and his breaths even out into the soft breaths of sleep. You let him rest like that until it’s time for dinner, gently rubbing his head as you think of how you can cheer Axe up when he wakes.
Crooks is going to react best to small acts of affection. He has almost the opposite mindset to his brother. Nice things are so hard to come by in the underground, and even above ground, having someone thinking of him and putting the thought into giving him a gift means so much to him. Find him a little piece of sea glass in the shape of a heart? He’ll keep it in his bed stand and will refer to it as “HiS LuCKy RocK”. Anything you get for him is going to be either “His LUcky” or “His FaVorIte” just because it came from his favorite human. He loves getting food gifts the most though. Candy bars, small sweets, cookies, chips, anything and everything edible will make him happy. You can surprise him with a chocolate bar when you walk in the door and he will spend the next half hour kissing your face and holding you close to him if you let him. If it���s food that you make just for him though, he might just melt through the floor with love sick happiness. 
Crooks was going to be out all day, going to see a dentist about finally getting braces for his teeth. They wouldn’t be going on today, but the consultation was still going to take hours. Crooks had been nervous about it all week. He was more stable than he was even just months ago and was making great progress in his therapy, but he still had problem days. The lanky skeleton always worried about harming people or simply snapping at others and didn’t want to have an episode at the dentist's office. You or Sans would have gone with him, but you both had work in the morning and Crooks insisted that he “WaS No BAby BonEs” and would make due. When you did get off work though, a bit after noon, you were struck with an idea. You would make a special treat for Crooks to celebrate his progress and to reward him for going to the office on his own. 
When Crooks finally walked through the door to your home after the long day of cramped offices and too many people he just wanted to scream into a pillow. He still liked being around people like he did before the hunger permeated the underground, but after a while the fight or flight instinct from living around so many unstable beings began to rear its ugly head. Crooks just needed some time with HIS human and things would be better. You weren’t on the couch or sitting at the table tapping away at your laptop. 
“GUmDrop? WheRE ArE you?” Crooks’ cracking voice called through the house. 
“In here sweetie! Come here!” You call back from the kitchen with a smile in your voice. Crooks sets down the pamphlets the dentist gave him on his braces and lumbers into the kitchen. A sweet scent hits him as he enters and he looks over to the wide section of counter next to the stove. Stacked high on a cake stand was a layered crepe cake. The cake was about 8 inches high with whipped cream peeking out from each layer and topped with a chocolate ganache and strawberries. Next to it was you, hands lightly covered in whipped cream and face decorated with a wide grin as you say, “Surprise sunshine! I made you a little treat to celebrate your road to recovery!” Crooks just stands there for a moment as a small line of drool slides down his jaw. He wipes it off as he makes his way across the kitchen to you and the cake. Looking between the two, he picks you up so your eyes are level with one another before kissing your forehead and snuggling you to his chest.
“YoU arE the SwEEtEST HuMAN EVER!” His voice vibrates through you. “And thE Best DATe matE A MonsTer COUld ASK foR.... BuT I HOPe You KNOw thAt I aM GoinG To EAt thIs whoLE ThinG MySelF.”
“That’s why I already ate a crepe before you got here.” You say with a knowing laugh.
“LIkE i SAId, ThE BEsT!” Crooks giggles as he puts you down to find a fork and devour your creation.
Black’s love language is likely going to be acts of service. Black has a more militaristic view on relationships, often treating Mutt more like a subordinate than a brother. He still cares for him, but he just shows it in odd ways. Because of this, Black likes acts of affection that show you are loyal to him or that show you care for him. Do things that he asks of you when he asks it, or proactively do things you know he likes done. Remember things that he likes and dislikes and show that you listen to him. If you show up to events that are important to him with flowers to congratulate him, you might just get to see his rare “heart melting with love” face. He often gets ignored for his shorter stature, so to have you listen to him, treat him like an equal, and go out of your way for him is going to make him happy and value you in return. Eventually, this will evolve into Black thinking of you, and privately calling you, his queen or princess (or king, prince, if you prefer) to his king. He’ll treat you that way too, like you are his precious equal in love and in life, spoiling you whenever he can. Your respectful and loving actions are all he needs to know that you truly care for him and that you are the one for him.
Black has been in his office for most of the day working away. He has homework to do for his police academy training and will not be getting anything less than an A+. The other trainees already haze him for his stature and appearance and he won’t be caught dead with his grades lower than those rude buffoons. Black would be lying if he said that his spine wasn’t aching from sitting there for so long though. A call from the front room catches his attention. You seem to be home from your day of errands. Now seemed like a good time for a break. Walking into the main room, Black calls back to you welcoming you home with a kiss to the cheek. 
“Oh, hello my bony prince. It has been such a long day, but a productive one!” You say with an excited bounce as you lay some bags you were carrying on the ground. “Guess what I did today.” Black gives a inquisitive hum as he looks over your shoulder at you fumbling through the bags on the floor. “Well you know how you said that you weren’t able to find the ingredients for that recipe you found online? Well, I had to go to four different stores, but I finally found it. Along with that, since I was already going all over town anyways, I picked up your uniform from the dry cleaning so you don’t have to tomorrow morning. To top it off, I found an outfit that perfectly matches the suit that you have for that Napstabot party next week. I remembered you saying something once about how ‘all good power couples should match’, right?” You straighten up with Black’s dry cleaning bag in hand. When you look over to him he just has a look of surprise on his face before it melts into a warm smile. He walks to you, taking the bag and tossing it to the couch’s arm before cupping your face and kissing you softly. When you break the kiss he is still smiling and then picks you up below the bottom and lifts you into a short spin. 
“Probably be just as amazing as you always are, but I do try to help your magnificence where I can.” You say with a sly smile as you rest your arms on his shoulders and your forehead on his.
“MEHEHE~, THAT MAY BE TRUE, BUT IT IS STILL PREFERRED YOU HERE, WITHIN KISSING RANGE.” Black laughs as he carries you to lay on the couch, homework forgotten for now.
(Feedback is always welcome, and I’m open for asks!)
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ContrastTale, An Introduction
When the war between Humans and Monsters broke out, the Earth had slowly begun to collapse over itself. Cities had fallen to ruins, families separated over deaths. But after years of War, the Humans lost to the Monsters. With the strength of three Monsters, they banished the Humans to the Underground, creating a barrier within a Mountain, to insure they wouldn’t escape. The only possible way for the barrier to break is for someone to take the souls of six other Humans, and a Monster. But that would mean Humans would be murdering their own kind. Yet, there was an alternative route. If a Human got a single monster soul, they, by themselves, could pass through the barrier. Yet of course, not a single monster dared to climb the Mountain, and risk entering the underground. Until one day, a Skeleton Monster wished to prove his bravery to everyone, climbed the Mountain, falling into the Underground. That’s where the story begins.
“Ouch, my head,” The Monster yelped.
He looked down at the flowers he landed on, his Red Scarf now all ripped up. Footsteps were heard as he looked up, to see a young girl, probably 14 years old running to him. Her eyes were wide, a deep hazel. She had shoulder-length, wavy dirty blonde hair, and pale skin. She wore an oversized gray sweatshirt, with barely visible jean shorts and grey slippers. She smiled a little at the Monster. “H...hello,” she sung, “I...I’m Azzy. My Mother is... I...I mean Was the protector of anyone who fell down here. But nobody did, and eventually she went missing. B...but anyway. You’re the first one to come down here. Who are you?”
“Papyrus, the Great Papyrus. I was just Messing around and I fell Her I suppose. Nyeheh, I guess it was kinda stupid.”
Papyrus looked at the Human, looking down, quickly tearing up. “You remind me of Sans. He’s my brother.”
Azzy Bit her lip, filled with remorse. She helped Papyrus to his feet, giving him a large hug. “It’s okay. I’ll find a way to get you out of here.”
Papyrus looked down at the young teen, smiling. Azzy helped him inside of the ruins. She sat down at a small, flat stone with some herbs and spices stored around it, and some water running off the side of the wall, where she managed to create some broth for a meal. “You live here alone?”
Azzy was caught off guard. “Well, I do now, I do I suppose.”
The silence was akward, but the moment Azzy finished eating, she got up and laughed, “If I’m going to get you home, we should start our journey now.”
With that, the journey begun. Through Snowdin, the Humans were terrified of the Monster, yet every fight Papyrus got into has pushed aside with Azzy jumping in, assuring the attacker that he was with her. When they were about to exit though, two little posters were visible on a stone. One with the face of a child, the other of a middle aged woman. The word, bold and at the top, “Missing,” titled the posters. Azzy Bit her lip, thinking about her Mother, as Papyrus put his bony hand on her shoulder. “It’s Okay, just memories Pap,” Azzy assured the skeleton, “Our main focus is getting you home, is it not?”
Azzy walked on, into the Waterfall, Papyrus following close behind. The first thing the two of them saw were two more missing posters, both teenagers. Azzy sighed as Papyrus stared in terror at the posters. “Does this really happen often? If this almost like the everyday thing here?”
Azzy shook her head no, her face almost a bit quizzical. “Absolutely not. This is not anything I would cause normal. At all. If it was, I wouldn’t be curious.”
The pair walked on, and as they were nearing the entrance to the Hotlands, Azzy yelped, grabbing Papyrus and running the other way, down a trail they hadn’t gone before. She entered a small room full of humane cats. “Monsters? But how....” Papyrus helped.
“I dunno,” Azzy laughed, “We all just found them here. But they’re Monsters. I thought you might wanna See Them.”
Papyrus laughed, hard, and after some Mushroom Dancing And Temmie Flakes, they finally were in the Hotlands. The Hotlands were desolate though, barely anyone lived there. Without any technology helping the place run, the duo could simply walk through the whole area, mostly uninterrupted. Eventually to a large crystal dome. “The Castle,” Azzy sung, “The King’ll Get you outta here,” The girl’s eyes teared up once more, “You’ll be free.”
Papyrus gave her a large hug, whispering Thank yous into her ear. As they gripped hands, they walked deeper into the dome, until arriving at a room, labeled the Throne Room. As they slowly entered, the King, an older man with a Salt-And-Pepper Beard. His eyes lit up seeing the two of them. “Ahh, Azzy. It has been a while... who have you brought with you today?”
Azzy smiled, “A Monster, he...he wants to go Home.”
The King’s eyes became narrow, filled with Anger. “Young One, he is our one way ticket out of this place.”
Azzy stepped fowards threathening, And Papyrus nervously looked at her. The King pulled out a large sword, and guards surrounded the duo. They assured the two fowards into a room. Inside, The Barrier. Azzy, terrified, stared at the King, whom spoke. “Azzy, let me tell you a story. I have recently realized that the Earth is our Land, our World, not the Monster’s. At that point, I realized I needed to take the next steps.”
Seven containers appeared from the ground. Five of which had a soul inside. Azzy’s eyes grew wide, “Y... you’ve been harvesting souls!”
The King smiled, “Ahh, so you realize now. I, counting my own SOUL, have collected six out of eight souls needed. I only need the SOUL of Paitience, and a Monster’s Soul. And what lies before me, is both of what I need.”
The Guards backed up as the King readied his sword. “Azzy, as a gift from me, for bringing me, intentionally or not, a Monster’s Soul. You’ll be out of your misery first....”
The King readied his sword, and swung down. Instead of the sound of flesh being cut, a Crack was heard. Azzy opened her eyes to see a crying Papyrus with a sword in his chest. She grabbed the Monster’s hand, crying, as he turned to dust, his SOUL remaining. The King lurched Out, Trying To grab it, but the SOUL jerked away, into Azzy. Crying, now containing a Monster Soul as well as her own, her left eye turned blood red. The King tried to slash at her, furious, but it was too late. She had passed through the Barrier.
Sans sat by the barrier of the Mountain, waiting for his Brother to appear, he just sat there, his smiling wavering. As the Barrier Faltered, Sans jerked up. “Pap? Is that-“
Azzy stepped forward, her Red Eye reverting to normal, as she looked at Sans. His eyes filled up with tears, realizing what his Fate was. When he looked up at Azzy, ready to attack her, Sans was shocked to see her crying. “H...he sacrificed himself for me. H...his SOUL went into me,” She looked up, “He’s so happy h...he gets to see you again.”
Sans stuttered and ran to her. Azzy, bracing herself for attack, was surprised to feel Sans wrapping his arms around her. “I...I feel him a bit,” he stammered, “H...he is satisfied.”
Azzy wrapped her arms around the short skeleton, as Sans mumbled one more sentence;
“T...thank You.”
Azzy handed Sans a Red Scarf, The scarf that once belonged to Papyrus. The Skeleton grabbed the scarf, wrapping it around his neck, and with teary eyes, smiled.
To Be Continued in ContrastTale, Chapter 1
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Underswap Papyrus and Sans/Reader (No Fontcest)
Commission for @mellorocket
“Happy birthday to you…” You flinched, half-awake in bed at the sound of noise.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!” However the (much louder) sound had you jolt up in bed, wide awake, head swiveling to find the source. Eventually, you turn to see your two skelebaes standing at the foot of your bed. Once you realized what was going on, you couldn’t contain your grin.
“Happy birthday dear babe!”
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BABE!” They sang in unison.
“Happy birthday to you!”
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!” They finished. But not before Sans could slide in a “AND MANY MORE!” complete with jazz hands.
You giggled. “Thanks you guys. This is just too sweet.”
“Well, that’s not all kitten.” Papyrus said.
“INDEED! WE HAVE MANY BIRTHDAY SURPRISES PLANNED FOR YOU TODAY!” Sans interjected. You could practically see stars dancing in his eyes from excitement.
“Really?” You said, an indulgent smile on your face. “Well, I guess I better hurry up and get dressed then. Wouldn’t want to miss my birthday surprises.”
“YES!” Sans replied, the sound of relief evident in his voice.
You looked at Papyrus, who answered your unspoken question. “He wanted to wake you up hours ago, but I pointed out that you probably wouldn’t want to get up at the crack of dawn on your birthday. It took all of his self-control to let you sleep in.”
You chuckled and got up to give both of your skelebaes a kiss on the cheekbone. “Well, thank you both for being so considerate. Now get out so I can get dressed.”
Papyrus chuckled and asked “You sure you don’t need any help-”
“NOPE.” You said. “If I let you two ‘help’ we’ll be here all day. Now scat.”  Reluctantly, the skelebros left so that you could put on clothes. Since it was your birthday and all, you decided to wear something a little dressier than you normally would. Pun intended. You put on a sleeveless, purple and blue dress with a flared skirt that had a dripping star and moons pattern, along with chunky purple platforms and pastel blue knee socks. You topped it off with your signature cat ears, the memories it brought making you smile fondly. When you stepped out, Papyrus whistled appreciatively, and Sans “oohed” and “aahed!” you glowed at their praise. “Well boys,” you said, hands on your hips. “What did you have planned for me today?”
Turns out, what they had planned was to take you to your favorite bakery/cafe Rao’s. It was a cute little place that had a plethora of pastries, gelato, and some of the best coffee you’ll ever drink. Upon arriving, Papyrus and Sans told you that it was their treat, and to feel free to get as much of whatever you wanted. “NORMALLY I WOULD INSIST THAT YOU REFRAIN FROM EATING SO MUCH SUGAR. NONE OF THIS CAN POSSIBLY BE VERY HEALTHY.” Sans said. However, when Papyrus gave him a pointed look, he quickly added “BUT IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY, AND THESE THINGS ONLY COME ONCE A YEAR, SO IT CAN’T HURT TO INDULGE. JUST THIS ONCE.”
You smiled, touched by the effort it was clearly taking Sans not to nag you. “Thanks Sans.” And without further ado, you proceeded to order one of almost every pastry they had. Cream horns, eclairs, chocolate-dipped strawberries, creme brulee, napoleon hearts, tiramisu, and cake, lots and lots of cake. All accompanied with coffee, and then to finish off the meal, gelato. As you were finishing off your ice cream and contemplating never moving again for the rest of your life, you suddenly saw two packages on the table in front of you. “Aaw, you guys, you already took me out, you didn’t have to!”
“WE KNOW,” Sans said, with a gentle smile.
“We wanted to kitten.” Papyrus finished.
With a blush and a smile, you grabbed the first package that you saw, a flourescent orange lump that appeared to be held together with an entire roll of scotch tape and string that was tied in knots in multiple places. “Let me guess,” You murmured. “Paps?”
“Uh, heh. Yeah.” Papyrus replied, rubbing the back of his skull sheepishly. “Sans offered to help but I wanted to try doing it on my own. As you can see, that didn’t work out great.”
Touched by the effort the lazy skeleton clearly went to, you reached out and squeezed his hand. “I love it anyway Paps.”
“You haven’t even opened it yet.” Papyrus said, an orange blush staining his cheekbones.
“Oh, well, yeah um…” You said looking down at the present. You weren’t sure how you were going to get through all that tape and string.
Thankfully, before you could try, Sans produced a pair of scissors with a sigh. “I THOUGHT WE MIGHT NEED THESE WHEN I SAW THE STATE OF YOUR GIFT, BROTHER.”
“Heh. Thanks bro. You’re a real lifesaver.” Papyrus said.
You smiled at the brother’s banter as you cut through the wrapping paper. What lay underneath made you gasp in delight. “Aaw! Papyrus! Our first date!” It was a framed photo of the three of you sitting on the park bench where you had first become the skelebros datemate. You remember taking that picture shortly after you resolved a little spat between the two of them. “I love it.” You said, leaning over to give Papyrus a hug.
“Alright, alright.” You chuckled. Placing the framed photo gingerly on the table, you picked up the other package which was very neatly wrapped in neon blue wrapping paper, and a polka-dot ribbon tied into a bow on top. Wanting to be more careful with this one, you took your time to undo the ribbon, and to pry the tape off the wrapping paper.
Papyrus chuckled. “It’s too pretty, bro.” He said. “It’ll be a week before they get it open.”
“HERE.” Sans said, reaching for the package. “LET ME HELP YOU.” With deft fingers, Sans had the wrapping off in under a minute, without a tear in the paper.
“Thanks.” You said gratefully, taking the now-unwrapped box from Sans. Flipping open the lid, you see an engraved silver necklace in the shape of a heart. The engraving said S&P+B. Beaming, you put on the necklace. You touch the cool silver of the charm as it rests against your collarbone. Looking up at your datemates, you wonder how it is you got so lucky.
“WELL?” Sans asks. “DO YOU LIKE IT?”
“They’re wearing it bro.” Papyrus says.
You giggled. “Yes, Sans. I love it.”
Sans grins, stars in his eyes. “GOOD!”
“In fact,” You purr. “I like these gifts so much that I think I’m ready to continue my birthday celebrations at home now.”
The boys freeze. Then Sans turns to Papyrus and says “BROTHER.”
“Got it bro.” You giggle as Sans hurriedly pays the bill, then gathers you next to Papyrus for a teleport.
Once you’re home and in bed, you barely have any time to gather your bearings before Papyrus grabs you from behind in a bear hug and Sans’ teeth are on yours. “You wanna go first bro?” You could hear Papyrus purr from behind you.
“Yes. Please.” During your intimate moments is one of the few times Sans’ volume wasn’t at an eleven. You blushed and squirmed as he pulled your dress over your head.
Before he could start anything though, Papyrus said “Leave the top half to me bro. You focus on the bottom half.” Sans nodded and slowly started trailing kisses down your stomach, while Papyrus plucked at your nipples and nibbled on your neck.
Which was nice and all, but dammit, you wanted more! You resisted the urge to whine once Sans finally made his way to your pelvis and started sucking on the inside of your thigh. “I think they’re starting to get a little impatient.” Papyrus drawled. You blushed furiously. How could he always tell?! “Normally I wouldn’t want to rush things, but it is their birthday after all. You should give them what they want.” Sans nodded, and with a blinding grin, quickly pulled off your panties and started cheerfully snacking on your pussy. You gasped as his tongue stroked over your clit and dipped into your entrance, his magic leaving behind a tingling sensation, that kept building and building until… the final straw was when Sans sucked on your clit. Hard. You came in much the same way. While you were gasping for breath, Sans released your clit with a wet pop.
Wiping his skull with the back of his arm, Sans said “I believe it is your turn now brother.”
“I believe you’re right Sans.” Papyrus murmured. Before you could begin to process their exchange, Papyrus had materialized his dick, long, thick around the base, and bright orange. Stroking it over your lips, Papyrus asked “You ready kitten?” knowing that he was asking that question with the utmost seriousness(the skelebros wouldn’t want to break you on your birthday), you nodded in affirmation. “I need to hear it.” Papyrus chided.
“Yes.” As soon as that word was out of your mouth, Papyrus pushed his dick inside you. Giving you a moment to adjust(but just a moment), he began pounding you from behind. You gasped, startled. Normally, Papyrus was too lazy to put this much effort into your lovemaking, and pretty much just went along with whatever you wanted. This was… new. New in a good way, but new. However, you were distracted from this fact for a moment, when Sans began to suck and paw at your tits. Catching your eyes, he smiled gently, and leaned forward to capture your lips in a kiss. You smiled at his little ploy for attention. Even now, he couldn’t let Papyrus have the spotlight. What he didn’t realize was that nothing could distract from Papyrus fucking you. He was so hot and hard, and you were so full, and- oh god, he was vibrating. That little shit was vibrating!
“Ya like that kitten?” Papyrus murmured into your ear. You could practically hear the smirk in his voice. You couldn’t respond. You were close, so close…
You gave a shout as you reached your peak, you could feel Papyrus’ teeth close around your neck as he came inside you, filling you with hot magic. You both gasped for air as you came down from your high. “Hey babe?” Papyrus said.
“I know it’s your birthday and all, and you’re probably tired but, do you think you could help out Sans?” You looked down to see Sans whining, trying to keep from grinding against the mattress, the blue bulge apparent in his pants.
You smiled and motioned for Paps to move, who rolled out from under you to lay next to you. Then you held out your arms and said “Come here baby.” Sans’ smile lit up his whole face as he practically pounced on you. He kissed every part of you he could reach, neck, throat, lips, collarbone, breasts, face, as his hands skimmed over your hips, thighs, and stomach, before coming down to your pussy. He tapped your clit and played with your entrance, until you were wet and ready. “Mmm, that’s enough sweetie.” You said. “You can come inside me now.” Sans nodded and pulled down his pants, revealing his much shorter, but much thicker, cock. Slowly he eased himself into you, and that was the pace he kept up all the way through. Tugging himself in and out of you, his cock leaving behind that tingling feeling that his tongue did, that just kept on building and building until you came in a soft, sweet, wave, Sans’ magic filling you up like a warm drink.
You sighed as you came, bringing Sans’ skull to your face to nuzzle. You paused however, when you heard a snore from next to you. You looked to your right to see that Papyrus had fallen asleep. You chuckled as Sans huffed “Lazybones.”
“Yeah.” You agreed. “But, that took a lot out of me. I don’t think I’d mind a nap either. And it is still my birthday.” You said, looking up at Sans slyly.
He sighed. “Fine, but only for an hour or two. I have to get back up to make dinner.”
“Deal.” You said happily. Snuggling into Papyrus’ back, with Sans’ arms wrapped around you, before you drifted off to sleep, you thought to yourself: Best. Birthday. Ever.
The End
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stripestheboar · 7 years
Gotta Hand it to you, Grillby
Well, guess who now has a new headcanon?
This is based off of @withtheworms post about Grillby’s possible ex wife.
Summary:  After an argument over their daughter, Sans finds out that Grillby's ex-wife is coming to confront his pal. Sans decides to hang around to defend his buddy, but it doesn't go so well.
Don’t wanna read it on Tumblr? Check out my Ao3!
“And we’re back!” Toriel sighed, walking through the entrance of her home. Fuku looked up from the couch, her green flame flickering in greeting as she quickly stood up. Toriel let out a soft yawn as she set her bag down on the arm of the couch, Papyrus, Sans, Alphys, and Undyne all following after her with their arms full of late night Christmas shopping gifts, all of them already wrapped after a long night’s work. The boss monster instructed them to put them under the tree, asking them to be quiet so as to not disturb the kids if they were sleeping. “Have a good night, Ms. T?” Fuku asked, folding her hands in front of her lap. The teen looked tired herself from the way her flames seemed dull compared to how they vibrant they always were. “As well as it can be,” the mother sighed, rubbing an eye and removing the scarf from around her neck. “I again apologize for asking you to stay up so late. It’s just that, well, you know how Flowey is around this time. Speaking of which, how were the kids? Did they behave?”
Fuku let out a small giggle, picking up her handbag and slinging it onto her shoulder. “It’s really no big deal. I need the G, anyways. And the kids were just fine. Flowey was a bit difficult, but Frisk was really good all night. They colored a bit before dinner and went to bed after eating some pie.” Toriel smiled softly and nodded, picking up her purse and digging for the money needed to pay the teen. “Again, thank you,” she smiled, handing over the G to her. “It’s no problem, Ms. T. I enjoyed it.” She let out a yawn, which caught Toriel’s attention.
“Oh dear, you must be exhausted. Would you like me to drive you home?” she offered, gesturing to the door. Fuku shook her head in return. “Nah, I’m not going home. I’m staying at my friend’s place so I don’t have to hear my dad all night.”
“Oh? He’s keeping you up all night?” she asked, to which the flame monster gave a shrug. “Yeah… I guess,” she replied. “He’s been fighting with my mom on the phone again. They haven’t been able to get along since they separated years back.” She looked to the side, clearly disgruntled about the whole thing. “Mom’s gonna confront him tomorrow at his bar, so I’m staying with Blaine all Sunday while Heats stays with his friend Maggie.” Toriel put a hand to her chest, her expression showing empathy for the young teen. She knew what it was like to fight with a spouse and wished children would never be around to see the effects of a nasty divorce on their parents. “Oh dear, that sounds dreadful,” she rumbled softly. “Unfortunately things like this just happen. People become unhappy with each other and just can’t seem to resolve it. Well I wish the best for your parents.” She looked towards the kitchen, where the monsters were chatting over some pieces of pie. “Would you like Sans to take you to your friends’ house? I’m sure he knows a shortcut.”
Fuku nodded appreciatively at the offer, strolling over to Sans to ask for the trip home. The skeleton was happy to do so, finishing the piece of pie and getting out his chair. He led her out he door, and within a few minutes, he returned without her.  
“Welp, I’m absolutely spent,” Sans sighed, looking up at Toriel. “I’m heading back home with Paps, cool?” The boss monster gave a soft nod, but gently touched his shoulder as he was leaving in order to catch his attention.
“It seems that your friend Grillby is having trouble with his former marriage, and I worry of the effect it’s having on his daughter and their home life,” she murmured. “According to Fuku, they’re going to have a confrontation at the bar tomorrow. As much as I don’t want others to intervene in such matters, do you think-?”
Sans quieted her with a wave of his hand. “Say no more, Tori. I goat you. I’ll be there to give Grillbz some support,” he assured her. Toriel gave a small smile of appreciation. “Thank you, Sans.” He just shrugged and waved it off, saying goodbye to everyone before he took Papyrus and went home.
“As much as Grillby appreciates your coming here, Sans, he says you probably shouldn’t stick around for tonight,” the duck monster said, translating for Grillby as he usually did. Sans himself could understand Grillby just fine, but still appreciated the effort. “‘Ey, don’t you worry about me, Grillbz,” Sans chuckled, taking a sip of his ketchup. “Us guys gotta stick together, right? So what’s your ex look like, anyways?”
Bill, the duck monster, just shrugged. “Not sure. She never comes around the bar, y’know? From what Grillby says, she was pretty.”
“Beautiful even,” Grillby hummed, drying and placing the recently washed glasses. “I used to call her ‘my echo flower’ back when we were still in love. Now I can’t stand the sight of her.” Sans furrowed his brow, setting his ketchup bottle down. “Really? Heh, I guess that fire died down, huh? I’m surprised at you, Grillbz. I didn’t take you for the temperamental type, y’know? You’re always so reserved. This lady must really get you fired up.”
Grillby peered down at Sans from over his glasses, setting down the rag. “Very funny. Well, believe me, there’s something about her that just… twists me the wrong way. Just looking at her can put me in an unpleasant mood. If it wasn’t for the kids, I would have regretted being with her altogether,” he muttered. “And by the way, if you are going to stay for the talk, there will be no jokes.”
Sans blinked in surprise, letting out a shocked “huh?” Grillby crossed his arms. “You heard me. No jokes, Sans. No puns. No wordplay. No tricks and no pranks. If you can do that, I’ll pay you fifty G.” Sans looked at the counter, reaching a hand to rub the back of his cervical vertebrae. “Geeze, Grillby, that’s probably the hardest thing you’ve ever asked me to do. But, hey, for fifty G? I can do it,” he shrugged. “Besides, I’ve already used all my fire jokes on you before. I don’t think I’ll cry over a missed pun opportunity. You got it, Grillbz.”
That reassurance seemed to lift a bit of weight off of his shoulders. “Thank you, Sans,” he sighed. “She’s a bit of a… you know. She’s much more short-tempered than I am.” That wasn’t too surprising, seeing how calm Grillby tended to be, even in tense situations. “I get you. I’ll be sure to keep my mouth shut and just be here for bro support,” Sans chuckled, taking another swig of ketchup.
As the hours began to tick by, people began leaving the bar and grill. Even the more frequent patrons left the area with a bit of prodding from the two monsters. Soon enough, the establishment was empty, save for them. They spent their time chatting, the camaraderie of the room still resonating between the two long-time friends.  
“So what does she look like?” the small skeleton asked, grabbing yet another ketchup bottle and taking a swig. “I wanna recognize her when she walks in.”
“Oh, trust me, you’ll know when you see her,” Grillby sighed, setting up the chairs as if he were going to be closing up the bar. Well, that tidbit didn’t help much, but still left tons of room for Sans to let his imagination run wild. What type of woman would Grillby go for? He had always imagined his ex being another fire monster, possibly a cool purple color. Or maybe it wasn’t a fire monster at all; was she a Pyrope? Hell, maybe she was a Vulkin. Those things were pretty hot. Heh. He cracks himself up. He had to get some of the easy puns out of the way if he was going to survive having two Hotland monsters in the same room.
Just as he was thinking of this, the front door audibly opened. Sans quickly took out his comb and raked it against the top pf his skull; appearances matter, after all. He turned around in his seat.
“Hey Grillbz, it looks like you got another cu-“
Sans was forced to a stop.
The woman at the front doors was not purple as he had originally guessed, but was a navy blue in skin-tone. Still dressed in an outfit he recognized as being a tight black Mettaton Resort uniform blouse and skirt with matching heels, she looked around her her hands on hips. Speaking of hands, she had three them. One on each wrist, and a god damn giant one replacing her head, with the index and thumb both sticking out and each nail painted a glossy crimson.
Sans stared for a second. He then got up, walked over to Grillby, and pulled him behind the counter.
“I can’t do this,” he confessed. “What are you talking about?” Grillby asked, clearly confused. “She is a hand, Grillby. You didn’t tell me she was going to be a hand!” The fire monster didn’t seem to understand the dire situation, instead attempting to pull away. “Sans, I don’t-“ Grillby was quickly pulled back in by Sans, who grasped both of his shoulders and stared at him with black, empty sockets. “Do you even know how many hand puns are out there?”
His friend just pushed him away with an annoyed spark and stood up straight, fixing his bow tie as he left Sans to collect himself.
“Grillby,” the hand monster greeted stiffly, her heels clicking against the wooden floorboards as she approached. “Index,” Grillby replied in the same stilted tone.
“You know, if you and your new boyfriend are going to go behind the counter, you might as well lock the doors so no one sees,” his ex-wife told him, to which he noticeably winced in annoyance. “A friend,” he corrected, crossing his arms. “He’s only a friend. Now, I assume you want to talk about Fuku?”
“You’re damn right I do!” she huffed, placing her hands (the lower ones) on the counter. “The hell do you think you are? Thinking that you have jurisdiction over our daughter? She’s in my custody, Grillby!”
“Yes, but she’s in my care for the month,” he replied, getting a little hot. Sans was still hiding behind the counter, attempting to regain his composure so he could support his friend with a straight face. “The only reason you even heard about the concert was because she texted you after I told her she couldn’t go!”
“Which was complete bullshit!” she argued. “She’s almost eighteen! She’d gotten good grades in school, she’s stayed out of trouble, and she’s been well-behaved all month. She deserves to go.”  
“It’s Shyren’s concert, and she’s having it back in the Underground, in Waterfall,” Grillby shot back. “You know what water does to fire monsters like her. And with that reckless friend of hers, she could get seriously injured!”
Sans stood up from under the counter. “Okay, okay, I’m ready.” He looked up at Index. “Uh, yeah, Grillby’s right. Accidents happen, y’know? Fuku’s a bit rebellious, from what I heard. I know from personal experience what water can do to people like Grillbz. She could get hurt.”
Index’s head seemed to be staring in his general direction for a few seconds, but soon turned back to face Grillby. “Well, I have to hand it to you, Grill. I didn’t think your social life could sink- what the hell are you doing?”
Sans was bent over the counter, clutching his skull.
“Don’t mind him,” Grillby huffed, giving Sans an annoyed nudge. “What matters is our daughter. I won’t let you put her life in jeopardy.” “Jeopardy? She’s not a little girl anymore! She can handle herself,” Index responded, tense with simmering anger.  
“Handle herself? Oh, you mean like how she repeatedly doesn’t home for hours and smokes copper with her friends?” he pointed out. “And you let her, let me remind you. She doesn’t even come home some nights and you act like it’s fine! Remember the time she and her friend drove her car into a pit after a party and had to call me to come get her because you slept through her calls?”
“Oh, you always bring that up, like it’s some nail in the coffin,” Index scoffed.
Sans was now shaking, pounding his fist onto the countertop.
“She’s a teenager, Grillby,” she continued. “She has rebellious streaks. She likes to party. She likes to have fun. It’s what teenagers do for god’s sake! It’s not like she’s snorting Temmie flakes or anything. You need to let her live a little! Stop having such a stick up your ass!”
“Oh, you think have it all figured out, huh?” the fire monster sneered. “I bet you think you have the entire situation in the palm of your hand.”
Sans was now crying physical tears. No man nor monster has shown this level of restraint.
“Well if it was up to me, she wouldn’t be hanging out with those friends of hers, anyways,” he kept going. “They’re a bad influence on her! And that Shyren? She’s a water monster, if you haven’t heard. She shouldn’t be within fifty feet of that acid trap.”
Index didn’t reply at first. And then the beck atop her head shifted to one giant middle finger at him.
“Oh that is just like you,” Grillby muttered. “You just do that and you’ll think I’ll just hand you whatever you want, hmm?”
Sans was now repeatedly slamming his head into counter.
“How about you fuck off?” Index spat, her giant index finger stretching over and giving him a hard nudge in the chest, something she knew he absolutely hated from her. She quickly recoiled, however, the finger rubbing against her thumb. “You burned me!” she cried, the tip of her finger slowly starting to redden from the burn. “Oh, did I? Whoops,” Grillby said mockingly, giving a large shrug. Enraged, Index’s finger curled up, before quickly flicked the fire monster. The force shot Grillby back into the rack of alcohol bottles, causing them to tip over and smash beside him.
Sans was still having a mental breakdown.
Grillby didn’t move for a second, but soon slowly inched his way back go his feet. “Oh…” He rolled up his sleeves. “You…” He loosened his bow tie. “Bitch.”
Index’s hands gestured for him to come forward. “Come at me, fucker! I can handle you just fine!”
Sans collapsed onto the floor, about to go into a comatose state.
The two were so about to fuck each other up, if it wasn’t for the door suddenly and unexpectedly opening up. The two turned in surprise to see Fuku standing there, looking disappointed with her arms crossed. “Ugh, you can just go one hour without delving into fights, huh?” she groaned.
“Don’t worry, honey,” Index said quickly. “Your father’s just being a major tight ass.”
“Excuse me? How about you actually care about our daughter, you priss?” Grillby spat, quickly attempting to compose himself.
“Ugh. You’re both such assholes. You really do deserve each other,” Fuku muttered. Her flame head morphed into a giant middle finger before she stormed back out.  
Index and Grillby both watched her leave, both equally as shocked. Taking one quick look at each other and wasting no time, they hurried towards the front door to follow after her.
“Fuku, honey, what are you talking about?” Index worried.
“Fuku, if we hurt your feelings, we didn’t mean it!” Grillby quickly added.
Once both had left, all that was left was Sans’ silent sobs. Then, with  one final effort, he forced his way off the floor and back up to the counter, slamming his palm onto the top. He took in one deep breath and-
“A hand for a wife? That’s pretty handy! You just nail it with women, huh? Wow Grillby, I really have to hand it to you, there’s some fire in you after all. I mean, I would never think there was such a spark in there, but damn, you’ve got it all in the palm of your hand. I wouldn’t finger you for the type to like blue, but I sense flames of desire between you two. I mean, you’re on fire right now! Don’t hand her the victory and go down fists raised, buddy. This are really heating up right now and I better leave before it gets hot and heavy. She looks like she really want to nail you right now, so put your palms up because I think she might just backhand you! You can do it! Extinguish those flames! Take your fiery fist of death and end me now!”
With one final gasp, he promptly had a stroke and fell back down onto the floor.
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gettinziggywithit · 7 years
Kinktober - Day 1 - Clothes
Undertale Papyrus
Take this poorly written ficlet and beware if there are any more to come.
Papyrus had never felt material like this in his life.
For graduating culinary school and landing a full time job at a neighboring restaurant as Head Chef, Sans’ mate, Crystal, had bought him a full 2 piece suit and tie. The resounding shriek Papyrus made broke 3 windows and managed to error out Mettaton, who was on the other side of town. Needless to say, he was very appreciative of the gift.
It was a structured white suit with a beautiful red lining that matched his scarf that he usually wore. The lapels added a splash of color by being the same beautiful red that also went with the red silk tie. A soft orange colored silk shirt balanced out the dark red of the tie and if Papyrus chose to wear it casually afterwards, the colors would blend nicely with the white contrast of the formal suit. The real present though, came from his brother.
The day of the graduation, Crystal and Toriel were busy helping Papyrus dress and make sure he looked perfect. An easy feat for one such as the Great Papyrus, even if he did need a bit of help tying a tie for the first time. Dressed to the nines, he stared at himself in the mirror, it was almost better than when he debuted his battle body for the first time! He did a few poses and the material slid seamlessly across his bones, causing a shiver to travel up his spine. It elicited a familiar feeling deep down, and Papyrus began to blush, seeing the telltale sign of his orange magic coalescing in his white pants.
Oh dear, this would not do at all. He would have to find a way to stifle this feeling or this would end up in a bad, messy way.
A knock on the door surprised him and he quickly dove for the couch, placing a pillow on top of his lap. His brother came in and noticed his brother sweating and then the pillow on his lap. He gave a weird look before a mischievous grin spread across his face and he produced a box from behind his back. “Hey Paps, lookin’ good! Crystal’s present really suits you!” Papyrus rolled his eyelights, “SANS, YOU PROMISED. NO PUNS UNTIL AFTER THE GRADUATION.” Sans merely shrugged, “Sorry, can’t help it, but I got ya a little somethin’ to complete the whole thing though that I think ya gonna like.”
Papyrus eyed the box carefully, his brother was known for two things: puns and trickery. The box looked harmless enough and as he took it from him, it was light in weight. He looked it all over before sans finally interrupted, “relax, bro. No tricks this time, just a gift from me.” Papyrus still didn’t trust him, but opened the lid carefully. What lay inside nearly brought tears to his sockets: a pair of red silk lined leather gloves. He looked up to sans who had a lazy grin on his face and immediately fell forward off the couch and wrapped him in a big hug, “OH GEEZ, I GLOVE YOU, SANS….DARN IT!” Sans returned the hug with a laugh, “s’alright, Paps. Now we’re even. Hope they fit alright, I knew you’d like ‘em though.”
Papyrus finally released him and gleefully took them out of the box. He pulled one glove on and then the other. Again, the feel of the silk lining flowing across his bones sent his magic racing. “TH-THANK YOU, SANS. L-LET ME FINISH UP HERE AND I’LL BE OUT SHORTLY.” Sans grinned again, “‘aight, whatever you say, bro. Don’t be too long, the ceremony’s in an hour.” Papyrus nodded and finally sans left the room. With a flick of his magic, the lock was turned and he was left alone and hopefully, uninterrupted.
He wiggled his fingers in front of his face and shuddered as the soft material continued to caress him. His soul was thumping behind his sternum as his magic continued to coalesce in his pelvic region and he looked down to see the white suit pants tented by his now throbbing orange magic. Papyrus whimpered, not knowing if he should just ignore it or take care of his ‘little’ issue now. He glanced at the locked door and then back down before shuddering as he let his hand creep down the front of his chest to rub at the growing ache.
The combined sensation of the silks rubbing his bones and him caressing his cock through the thin pant material was almost too much. Fumbling with the button and zipper, he pulled his cock free of its confines and gave it a few strokes. “NYEH…” His hips bucked involuntarily and he started to pant through clenched teeth. He couldn’t afford to be loud, not with everyone over in the next room! The leather covered hand stroked faster, pausing at the top every once in awhile to tease his slit with his thumb.
The soft rattle of his bones with short huffs and little nyehs filled the small room and Papyrus started to rock into his strokes, desperately trying to reach his peak. Minutes passed and he just wasn’t able to crest as he let out a growl and went for the buttons on his shirt. His other hand shook as he desperately tried to unbutton the buttons and as he got closer to the end, he finally just ripped it apart, the last few buttons flying every which way. Somewhere, in the back of his mind where the specs of his rationality were holding on, he screamed at the destruction of the gift he received. But, that would have to be dealt with later, while one hand stroked his cock, the other went for his spine, jerking at the same furious pace.
A spurt of precome dribbled down the sides of his shaft, adding slick noises to his panting ‘nyehs’. The orange glow spread from his cheekbones till he could feel that his entire skull was a pale orange, and as his jaw dropped, his orange tongue lolled out to the side, dripping magic drool down his mandible. He was so close! His cock was throbbing harder and he squeezed and twisted his hand up and down the length. His other hand dipped lower to rub at his sacrum and with a flick of the tip of his finger to his coccyx, he came with a clenched cry, come splattering up and over his sternum and ribcage, dripping down onto the dress suit.
He collapsed back against the couch, chest heaving and magic buzzing down to normal levels, mentally thanking sans and Crystal over and over for their now multi-use gifts. As he continued to come down from his high, he failed to hear the jiggling of the door knob, before sans suddenly teleported in with a ‘blip’. “Hey Paps, c’mon we’re gonna...be…” Sans’ sockets went wide as Papyrus suddenly shrieked, not expecting anyone to come in while he was still...yeah, both stared at one another in stunned silence for a couple of minutes. A pillow was not going to hide this at all.
Twenty minutes later, a fully cleaned up Papyrus and snickering sans appeared from the changing room. “There you two are! We’re almost going to be late!” Toriel was obviously annoyed as was Crystal who was right behind her, “What were you two boneheads doing anyway?” Papyrus looked to Sans, who quickly intervened, “Uh, n-nothin’! Just, uh, makin’ sure Paps was completely ready! He got, uh, pretty excited over it all” Papyrus was busy screaming internally, but pulled himself together and led the group out to the car.
The after party for Papyrus’ graduation was held at Toriel’s home and everyone was congratulating with food and fun. Toriel and Frisk had baked a cake for him and as he blew out the candles, Undyne suddenly appeared out of nowhere and karate chopped the cake, sending cake everywhere and on everyone. “UNDYNE! WHY?!” Frisk, sans, and Crystal were laughing as they wiped cake from their faces and ate some, enjoying the fun nonetheless. Papyrus was less enthused as he tried to wipe cake and a few candles from out of his sockets. “Here, lemme get that for you.”
Someone started to clean them gently and pried the candles out and he finally recognized Paige in front of him. Paige was his closest friend from the culinary school and as she continued to clean off the cake, she took a finger to his lapel and wiped a bit away. Papyrus’ smile suddenly dropped as the substance on her finger was bright orange. She put her finger in her mouth and sucked it cleaned, “Hmm...I didn’t know Toriel put tangerines in the cake frosting! Tastes great though! We’ll have to get the recipe from her sometime!” Paige left in a flurry of giggles leaving a stunned and slightly mortified Papyrus. Sans came off from the side, the cake cleaned off him and with a shit eating grin on his face, “Tangerines, eh? Don’t worry, fruits run in the family, Crystal says she really puts the ‘blew’ in blueberry for me.”
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sevensstories · 7 years
Christmas Wishes Chapter 6: The Morning After
Fandom: Undertale Prompt: Stuffed Dog (courtesy of @petchricor​ ) Characters: Sans, Papyrus Ships:  The harbor be empty Updates Every Thursday
Chapter 1: Nightmares Chapter 2: Gotta Get That Letter In Chapter 3: Do You Have Any Word Searches? Chapter 4: Mistakes Chapter X: April Fools! Chapter 5: Sans Has Regrets Chapter 6: The Morning After You are here
No amount of pain could ever keep The Great Papyrus down on Christmas morning.  Even though Sans knew this, he was still unprepared for the loud banging on his door.  He awoke with a jolt, momentarily forgetting about the previous night’s events and pulling his pillow over his face with a groan.
“It’s too early, Papyrus, five more minutes,” he grumbled.
“No, you lazy bones, it’s time to get up!”  Despite his words, there was no missing the fondness in his voice.  “You can’t sleep through Christmas morning, we have gifts to open!”
Christmas morning?  Wait, that was right, it was  Christmas morning.  The events from the night before came flooding back.  The fear, the anxiety, the attack, the guilt, and the alcohol he had guzzled in an attempt to drown it all out.
“Sans!  You better not have gone back to sleep!”
“Nah, I’m up.”  Sans took a deep breath before forcing his smile just a little wider and getting out of bed.  He could do this.  For Papyrus, he could do anything.  With this in mind he made his way over to the door and opened it, casually leaning against the door frame. “Hey there, cool guy.”
Papyrus looked less than amused.  “Sans, this is no time for flattery!  There are gifts to open!”
“Heh, yeah, I bet Santa left you a ton of presents,” Sans said, following Papyrus when he took to the stairs.  Though Papyrus was moving slower than usual due to the pain he was no doubt still in, his enthusiasm was still made clear with the slight bounce in his steps.  Sans’ smile grew soft at the sight.
“Don’t forget about your presents, Sans,” papyrus said.  “Aren’t you excited to see what Santa got you?”
With that, Sans’ permanent smile soured just a little.  Of course he should have known Papyrus wouldn’t notice “Santa” didn’t bring Sans gifts.  Why should he?  However, that didn’t keep it from making his soul ache.  Even if Santa did exist, Sans was more than certain he would never be good enough to get more than a lump of coal.  Not after everything he’d done.  Still, there was no need to burden Papyrus with all of that.  He forced his smile a little wider, crinkling the corners of his eye sockets.  “Yeah, sure thing, Paps.”
Luckily for Sans, Papyrus didn’t seem to notice the change in his smile.  Instead, he took off towards the Christmas tree the second he feet hit the bottom of the stairs.  Sans couldn’t help but chuckle at his excitement.  Man, his brother was the best.  Papyrus took his place by the tree before looking up at Sans and bounding his leg impatiently.
“Come on, lazy bones!  I can’t open presents if you don’t hurry up!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”  Sans shuffled down the stairs before taking his place across from Papyrus.  “Alright, go ahead.”
Papyrus didn’t even give a second’s hesitation before tearing into his gifts, grin stretching wide when he saw what was inside.  “Wowie, new action figures!  Just what I asked for!”
“If anyone deserves it, it’s you,” Sans said.  He watched as Papyrus picked up another present, blue paper with a carefully tied red bow, and his brow furrowed in confusion.  Weird, he didn’t remember wrapping that one.  Papyrus read the attached tag before holding it out.  “It says this one is for you!”
Sans’ sockets widened.  For him?  That couldn’t be right.  He took the gift and read the tag, and he couldn’t help the way his smile softened.  The tag definitely had his name on it and, though it said “FROM: SANTA” in clear, bold letters, Papyrus’ scrawl was unmistakable.  “Huh, it sure is.”
He set it on the ground and untied the bow before tearing into the paper.  He then hesitated a moment, finger bones hovering over the flaps of the box before opening them and peering inside.  He sat there a moment, staring at the contents without reacting.  However, he didn’t miss Papyrus’ uncomfortable shift as he tried his hardest not to react to Sans’ silence.
“Is… is everything alright, brother?”
Sans was silent for a moment longer before he looked up at Papyrus with a genuine smile.  “Yeah, all good.  Santa sure knows what a guy wants.”
Papyrus immediately perked up at that.  “Really?  You really like it?”  His eye sockets widened when he realized how painfully obvious he was being and he quickly looked away.  “Not that I even know what it is!  I assume it’s more ketchup to fuel your bad habits.”
Sans chuckled, deciding to just play along.  “Nah, even better.”  He reached into the box and pulled out a small, soft stuffed dog.  Its fur was patches of black and white, arranged to look like a skeleton.  A soft, light blue jacket rested over its shoulders and front legs, and Sans couldn’t deny that there was a resemblance.
“Wowie, Sans, it looks just like you!” Papyrus shouted, doing his best to feign surprise.
“Yeah, it does, doesn’t it,” Sans chuckled.  He turned to Papyrus, shooting him a wink.  “Guess I’ll have to tell ‘Santa’ thank you.”
“I’m sure he’d appreciate a thank you letter,” Papyrus said with an affirming nod, completely missing the meaning behind Sans’ gesture.  Sans just chuckled before setting the dog back in the box.  He would set it in his room later, up on a shelf so it wouldn’t get caught up in the mess of his room.
“Yeah, I’ll make sure to write him one.”  Sans stood, extending a hand to Papyrus.  “Come on, let’s go get some breakfast.”
“Breakfast spaghetti does sound good,” Papyrus agreed, taking Sans’ hand and letting the older skeleton help him to his feet.  He immediately headed for the kitchen with Sans trailing behind him.  They could clean up the wrapping paper later.
As he sat at the kitchen table and watched Papyrus rummage though the cabinet for a pot, Sans’ thoughts strayed back to the present he had gotten.  Though stuffed animals weren’t normally his thing, Papyrus had clearly put a lot of thought into it and that’s what made it special.  He couldn’t help but smile to himself as he watched Papyrus turn the burner up way too high before pouring the noodles into the water.  Papyrus really was the best brother a skeleton could ask for.  He always seemed to know just what Sans needed.
With such a cool brother like Papyrus by his side, he could endure these resets just a little longer.
With such a cool brother like Papyrus, he could do anything.
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rabbitpietale-blog · 7 years
King Mettaton: the fic
Read on AO3
Wordcount: ~2k Rated G
From a prompt from @drundertalescum / @readerrose
King Mettaton from the POV of someone who doesn't like the show
I twisted the prompt a bit, but I think you’ll like the result. :D
Of all the flat, two-dimensional characters The Underground had to offer, Mettaton was the flattest of the lot. He was as flat as his own face, and no, his other form wasn’t any better, although it did have the amusing property of smoking if Mettaton wore it too long. Mettaton lampshaded his depthless personality every second of the day. His caring was so fake it made Toriel and Asgore look like loving parents.
They were all flat, boring, lifeless. A person was the product of their history, after all, and for all that Flowey could give them all new (oh so exciting!) futures, he was stuck when it came to their pasts. There were weeks he’d spent in Alphys’s labs, laughing and making up stories, but with each load, her stories became more familiar, until it became blindingly obvious that every story she could make up could be watched on that wall of human ‘history’ films behind her. She was as flat as that stupid anime looked. But. There was one character who could consistently break through the fourth wall. Papyrus. With just a few words, "Hey, remember that time Undyne was Empress of the Underground?", Papyrus would squint, shake his head, and look at Flowey with new eyes. "Flowey?" He'd say. (Flowey, not Flowery, Flowey.) - - - - PAPYRUS "Aww geez friend, I thought you'd forgotten me!" Flowey beamed, and slipped between Papyrus' arms as he tried to hug his friend. Papyrus went toppling over. "That's because you didn't remind me!" Papyrus answered into a face full of dirt and grass. He got up onto his elbows. "You should have reminded me earlier!" "Aw Papyrus! I'm sorry, I guess I forgot!" Papyrus let it slide, he was happy to see his friend again, although it was a bit tricky trying to straighten out all the new memories in his head. He did remember Undyne as Empress of the Underground, although he wasn't quite sure how she had become Empress and a small logical part of his brain that he really didn't want to talk to was asking how... He shook his head and that part decided to shush. "Well then Flowey, what have you been doing today?" he asked. Flowey giggled. "Oh, well I was just vising the Nice Cream Guy. Did you know that he's making pink bisicles now? only they're called Mettcicles, and they're in the shape of Mettaton's fingers." Well, that sounded a little bit horrible. Flowey was watching him very carefully. "How do you heat them without breaking King Mettaton's fingers?" "I guess you can't. Wanna break the king's fingers with me?" Flowey asked, and held out a Mettcicle. The thing was. The thing was that there was a corner of Papyrus' mind that hadn't existed until Flowey asked that exact question that did want to break Mettaton's fingers. The real Mettaton, not the Mettcicle that Flowey was holding in his leaves. "I think I'll pass," Papyrus stuttered out, horrified and shaking his head, hoping that that part would fall out like the part that had been wondering exactly how Asgore had di-- "On second thought can I please have that?" Papyrus asked, and when Flowey handed over the entire Mettcicle he ate it so fast that it gave him a brain freeze. There. That was better. No intrusive thoughts. He pressed his hands to his head as the pain pressed into his skull. It. Was. Ouch. "Careful there, friend," Flowey chided. "What about yourself?" "Well I've been speaking with Alphys today. The King has her inventing some really cool stuff! She does seem a little bit stressed though. I hope she's not overworking herself. Maybe I should get her a Mettcicle..." He looked down at the two Mettcicle sticks, stained slightly pink by the icey treat he'd scoffed. "Oh no, I'm sorry! Flowey!" He scrambled to his feet and was about to run off to find the Nice Cream Guy when Flowey caught him around the ankle and almost made him plant face-first into the concrete path that bordered the small palace courtyard that they hand been chatting in. "Don't worry about that! I don't mind. I'm just... I'm glad to see you again." The words came out in a squeak, and Flowey squeaked louder as Papyrus scooped his stem into a hug. He muttered and grumbled against Papyrus' clothes but he didn't seem to be particularly honest about it. Papyrus had given him room to escape, after all. - - - - -- - - - - - PAP He and Flowey said their goodbyes, and Papyrus' soul felt lighter. It was nice to have his friend back. He hadn't even known he was missing! And Flowey was trying so hard to be good this time. He hadn't even got mad when Papyrus had eaten all the Mettcicle! His phone bleeped with an Undernet alert, and Papyrus jumped. He fished his phone out of his pocket and flipped the screen up with a fancy flick of his thumb. It was Alphys! But her icon was looking rather upset. "I don't mean to bother you--" she was awfully worried about that, far more so that she needed to be! "But... I'm worried about Undyne." "YOU DON'T NEED TO BE WORRIED ABOUT UNDYNE!" Papyrus ducked into one of the palace alcoves, out of the way of the busy (and sparkly) monsters going to and fro in their royal uniforms. He almost said it was Undyne's job to worry about everyone, since she was the head of the royal guard, but then he remembered that she... wasn't, anymore. King Mettaton said they didn't need a royal guard now that he was King, because everyone would just watch him and be happy. That really made Papyrus rather upset. It had been his dream to be in the royal guard. He tried not to be upset with Mettaton about it, he was the King after all, and King Asgore had done all sorts of things in the past -- another past -- like unmandate deadly spikes and precarious bridges, and put in handrails!
Unmandating of the royal guard though… it really pissed him off!
He jumped as he realised that Alphys hadn’t responded. He looked down to check he hadn’t accidentally turned it off. It was still on. Alphys hadn’t even started typing.
“ALPHYS?” he texted.
Alphys started typing and the phone bleeped as he received the message. “I’ve been trying to contact her for days. I can’t find her.”
“Have you tried using a bone?”
“A bone? Like a gift? Papyrus-- I don’t think--”
He just needed the right bait...
Papyrus strode home, pushing the door open so hard it slammed against the wall and waking Sans from his sprawl on the couch. His brother grunted and pushed himself to his feet, stumbling into Papyrus’ way and rubbing at the ever-present bags under his sockets.
“Bro? Watcha doing?”
Papyrus very nearly crashed into him. He stopped himself from doing that – and also managed to stop himself from screetching in frustration. His whole body was writhing with nervous energy but… maybe he did need to slow down a bit.
He took in a deep breath and let it out.
“I’m going to find a present for Undyne. Do you think she’d prefer a green ribbon or a red one?”
Sans stopped rubbing at his eyes. “Uh, bro? Don’t you remember?”
“Remember what?”
“She’s on vacation,” Sans said, bewildered. “Maybe you should have a nap if you’re forgetting things like that.”
Papyrus paused in riffling through his box of ribbons. “R-REALLY?”
Sans grinned tiredly. “Yeah.”
“Oh. Yes. Perhaps I should have a nap...”
After all, if he was hallucinating Alphys calling him maybe he did need one.
Papyrus was staring at his new sparkly racecar bed when he blinked, and realised that Undyne didn’t have a job, and you needed a job to be on vacation!
“SANS!” he yelled.
He ran downstairs, but his brother was nowhere to be found. He snatched red ribbon from the box and wrapped it around one of his bone attacks. The last few had gone missing – Papyrus suspected that annoying dog was stealing them from Undyne’s drawer – and she didn’t have many red ones left.
Present in hand, he set out for waterfall.
“Is Undyne on vacation?” he texted Alphys.
“No?” Alphys answered. “She doesn’t have a job.”
Sans was the sort of person who could take a vacation without even having a job. Maybe he’d thought Undyne was the same. She’d been a brilliant Empress! Very scary!
Even when she was Empress, he didn’t think she ever took a vacation.
Did Empresses get vacations? It sounded like a full-time job. Her time was full of it!
The word rung through his head with an echo that suggested that if Flowey had been the one to say it, it might plant a horrible thought in his mind. Flowey could be a difficult friend to have, but that was alright! It was difficult for Flowey to be friends.
They had to work on being friends together!
He walked through the echo flowers, with their creepy whispering, and caught the ghost of a deathly screetch. It (would have, if he had any) made Papyrus’ hairs stand on end. He gulped, and came to a stop.
“What’re you doing out here?”
“Flowey!” Papyrus jumped. “I. EEP!”
Flowey laughed. “Careful!”
“You did that on purpose,” Papyrus huffed, and crossed his arms. He shook his head dramatically. “You’re just shocking.”
“Aw, but I can’t help but shoot out of the ground,” Flowey answered.
“Shocking,” Papyrus reiterated. “Have you seen Undyne anywhere? Alphys and I are looking for her.”
Flowey uprooted himself and wheedled his roots into Papyrus’ bootlaces. “I haven’t seen her at all. Promise!”
It was nice to have a friend that was honest with him. Sans… tried. Did he? Papyrus would like to think he tried but mostly it seemed like Sans lied a lot. Flowey though, sometimes he talked around questions and he never told Papyrus everything, but everything he said was the truth!
… well, the truth as he saw it, anyway.
Together, they walked through the eerie echoflowers with their little deathcries. They spoke loudly to drown out the noise. They got louder the closer they walked to Undyne’s house… and Papyrus tried to ignore that.
He tried really, really hard.
“Shut up!” Flowey hissed to one of the echoflowers.
“Shut up, shut up!” it taunted.
Undyne’s door was blown open, the door left on its side in the mud and pebbles. The area around it was scoured with familiar signs of battle. It looked like he and Undyne had had a sparring match, and they’d both fought really, really hard!
The echoflowers were screaming. Flowey’s roots tightened around his ankle; he felt them through the fabric of his boot.
Papyrus went around the back. There, he spotted his brother, squatting in the dirt and piling dust into a jar. He didn’t notice Papyrus’ approach. He didn’t notice as Papyrus walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.
Sans spun around. His left eye lit up with magic and his left arm shot out in an attack that didn’t take form. His eyes blackened out, and he vanished with a pop.
Papyrus looked down at the jar of dust he’d left behind, and realised he was shaking.
Sans had--
Sans couldn’t--
Papyrus pressed his hands to his eyes. Flowey murmured inquiringly at him.
Words tumbled into his mind and out of his mouth, as feeling he had never, in any lifetime, rose in him. His mind crowded with ideas he didn’t want to think and facts he couldn’t help but know. And the knowledge could leave him at any moment.
“I could… reset?” Flowey suggested. “If… if you don’t want--”
“I… I hate him!” Papyrus interrupted. “And I hate Mettaton too! And don’t you ever let me forget it!”
Flowey flattened himself onto the ground. “Are you… sure?”
Papyrus wasn’t sure! There were too many hectic thoughts in his head for him to be sure of anything, and there was a soul-crushing black hole feeling of… disappointment. He was so, so, so disappointed in his brother.
How could he have done that. How could the King have asked him to?
Flowey collected up the dust. “C’mon, let’s take this to Alphys.”
A trio of guards in sparkly regalia met them as they left the royal scientist’s labs.
- - - - - - - - - FLOWEY
Of all the flat, two-dimensional characters the Underground had to offer, Mettaton was the flattest of the lot. He was an infection, his facade of pink, sparkly inspidness oozing into every single member of the underground, turning them into vapid automatons.
“Look what I bought!” Papyrus said, and squatted down to Flowey’s level. He opened his fist to reveal a Mettaton figurine.
“He’s so cool!”
Flowey snorted. “Right. Remember that time he became king of the underground and ordered your brother to kill Undyne?”
Papyrus stilled. The vapid character trembled as his backstory was rewritten into something engaging, and Flowey waited eagerly as he began to truly move under its own power and join him past the fourth wall.
Papyrus’ head shook side-to-side, slowly.
Like something was blocking his true past.
“I’m sure… I’m sure he must have had a reason… he’s so cool...”
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echoflowertea · 8 years
Hi! I have an idea for a prompt! I know I'm a day late, so no rush whatsoever and feel free to take it or not :) It's for a Sans/Readr/Paps. Your sister and her husband have to be away for the weekend or smth and ask you to take care of their baby/toddler (whatever you think fits best for the story). So they take the child to your house where you live with the bros, but then you have to go out for a bit to take baby things, and they are left alone with the kid. They freak out, funny times ensue
here ya go, it’s my birthday so i figured i would give you the gift of a terribly overdue update!!!!
Pairing: Sans/Reader, Papyrus/Reader
Summary: A weekend with your nephew didn’t sound so bad to the skelebros. Maybe they should’ve read more parenting books.
“So you guys really don’t mind?”
You shot him a halfhearted smile. Papyrus’confidence almost always made you feel better, but you were a little nervousabout this. It wasn’t as if you didn’t trust the brothers, but they could be alittle…eccentric. As far as you knew, neither of them were well-versed incaring for a child, let alone a human one. Both were still vastly impressed anddisgusted with your bodily functions, which you could control, so having anunpredictable toddler around the house for the day seemed like…
“heh, don’t stress yourself so much. we gotthis.”
You observed them. Papyrus had on his childsafety gear prepped, which included taping a lot of pillows to his body so noneof his joints would end up hurting anyone. Because the brothers were…literallyskeletons, they had some parts that jutted out and could poke or stab if youweren’t careful enough. Papyrus would dress himself up in attire that spokevolumes about how gently he was going to treat this kid.
“Awesome. Thanks, guys. I know that this iskind of last minute.”
Your nephew was supposed to come by nextweek, but his mom and dad had some major things come up. Some business tripsgot moved around, some flights cancelled, and you were their last hope. Youdidn’t mind so much, but you were going to run it by your boyfriends first. Thiswas a relationship founded on open and honest communication, after all.
You glanced at the clock. “In a few hours.When they get here, I’ll introduce you.”
Sans grinned and shoved his hands in hispockets, the pinpricks of light in his sockets flaring to life. “we’re gonnahave lots of fun.”
“You’d better not corrupt my nephew, Sans.If he learns a pun from you, I’m breaking up with you.”
“heh heh heh.”
In the short time before your nephew wasdropped off, you and Papyrus perused through the house to make sure everythingdangerous was put away. Anything knee-high was blocked off or sealed up.Papyrus was the one who crawled around on his hands and knees to make sure youdidn’t miss anything, while Sans’ idea of helping was to give half-assed wordsof encouragement from the living room couch.
The doorbell rang and you did your best tobrush the dust bunnies out of your hair before you answered. Sans beat you toit, having shuffled over clad in his signature slippers and that harmless smileon his face.
Your sister looked down at him and inhaledsharply, a little baffled at his presence. She had only ever seen him get upfrom the couch to his seat at the dining table when they stopped by for dinner,so it must’ve been a shock to see him up and about.
“Hi, Sans.”
“heya. c'mon in.”
Your sister paused and glanced over hershoulder. From this angle, you could see a pair of small, chubby hands wrappedaround her leg.
“Sweetie, it’s okay.” She bent down toscoop him up and he clung to her upper half, squeezing tight and burying hisface in the crook of her neck. “Sorry, guys. He just woke up from a nap so he’skind of grumpy.”
“He’s also never seen the new house before.Or met the skelebros,” you ventured. “Sans, Papyrus, this is Moo.”
The toddler glanced up with shining eyes atthe sound of his name. On top of his head was a spotted, black-and-white capcomplete with floppy ears and tiny horns.
“He likes cows.”
“oh my god.” Sans succeeded in holding inhis laughter.
His mom and dad came in for just a fewminutes. They’d done their best to tell Moo that he would be staying with you,and considering you were his favorite aunt, he was totally cool with that. Butthe two strangers were still a little bit of an unknown for him, so he stuck tohis mom’s side the entire time.
“He should be okay until dinner. I’ve got abunch of spare clothes for him just in case he has an accident, but he shouldtell you when he needs to go.”
“You’re potty-trained, Moo? You’re such abig boy!”
He nodded and took a step away from hismom. The both of you continued to chat while Moo decided to explore the rest ofthe house on his own. His bare feet resting along the hardwood floors, hesquatted down to inspect a pair of shiny sneakers that belonged to none otherthan Papyrus himself.
Moo plopped down in response. Papyrus washappy to join him on the floor. Instead of tearing his shoes off, he insteadpulled apart the laces and loosened them up enough for the canvas material tostretch out.
Papyrus tore them off one by one andgrinned. “THERE WE GO, AND HERE YOU ARE. GIVE THEM A TRY.”
Moo looked down at his feet and raised aleg up.
“think he wants you to put ‘em on, bro.”
You had to admit, it was adorable as hell.He and Papyrus seemed to be okay with each other. And although Sans didn’t wantto admit it, he was keeping an eyesocket on both of them to make sure thatnothing happened. If anything, it was more of a precaution for what-ifs ratherthan just him being overprotective. Because, like you said, kids were wildsometimes and could snap at any moment.
Proud of his new shoes, Moo did his best topush himself up and balance despite his feet being wayyy too small inside.Papyrus kept a gentle hand on his back while he flopped on over to his parentsto show them what he’d done.
“Oh, Moo! They look great on you!”
He beamed, proud of his work. “Mama! Apitcher!”
She fished out her phone and snapped one ofhim. He stretched out to grab it before she could even bend down to show him,marveling at the screen and swiping left and right. How kids adapted so quicklyto technology these days was beyond you.
It only took a few more minutes before hisparents left. You kissed your sister on the cheek and saw her off, promisingthat Moo would have a great time with you and the bros.
Well. Unfortunately, it looked like the onething your sister forgot to pack were snacks.
You thought you would be prepared for thiskinda thing. But after rushing to the kitchen once Moo started going on aboutwanting his favorite juice – pear, as it was – you realized that none of whatyou bought earlier in the week was going to suffice. In fact…as you rummagedthrough the empty boxes of cereal stuffed in the cabinets, you realized thatyou were completely cleaned out. What the hell!
“Sans, where are the fruit snacks in theshape of animals?”
“the frooty tooties? ate ‘em.”
“Please tell me that’s a lie.”
“that’s a lie.”
“Papyrus, no.”
You knew that you had to go out and getsome more age-appropriate snacks. Papyrus’ bone-shaped crackers were not goingto be a good combo for a kid who would’ve shoved as many as he could’ve downhis throat. That and the recipe was specifically made for making sure that theskeletons were calcified all to hell, which might’ve been a little weird tofeed a human child. Who knew what kind of repercussions would come out of that.
“Moo, follow me for a sec, okay?” You tookhim by the hoof – err, hand – and led him to the living room. He was alreadybouncing and looked restless. You had no clue when his last meal or snack was,but you weren’t ready to deal with the aftermath just yet.
It was kind of a crappy thing to do, butyou needed some time to talk to the boys in private. So you flicked on the TVand let him busy himself with the mindless chatter of some educationalcartoons.
“Okay, guys. We need a game plan.”
“EXCELLENT. I’LL GRAB MY JOURNAL. ONEMOMENT!” Papyrus rushed out of the room.
Every week Papyrus would pick his best mealfrom an array of dishes he cooked over the week, take about a day to create aphotorealistic painting of it, and then put it on the wall to cover a wall safefull of his most precious treasures. The safe was your idea, so that the dogsnooping around wouldn’t get into his figurines any more. Sans was the one whosuggested switching out the cover so people wouldn’t get suspicious. Why thatseemed logical, you would never know.
After snatching the book, Papyrus returnedto the kitchen for your huddle. He was focused, pen in his gloved hand,eyesockets narrowed, ready to strike the page with copious notes andillustrations.
“whaddid you wanna talk about, babe?”
“Moo needs snacks, since you so graciouslydecided to relieve him of those.”
“yer welcome.”
You sniffed. “Anyways, I need you guys torun to the store and pick him up some stuff. I’ll keep an eye on him here whileyou’re gone.”
“sure, we’ll get in and out in under twentyminutes.” Sans winked.
That mischievous look on his face wasenough to put a wrench in your plans. “Okay, wait a second. I think I decidedtoo fast. Papyrus, we can’t trust Sans to go with anyone to the store. Rememberlast time? He locked you in the freezer for an hour.”
Sans kept his downright devilish grin,causing a sweat to bead on his brother’s forehead.
“well, you n’ me could go.” Sans swunghimself up on the kitchen counter. You weren’t sure how he managed to do thatgiven he was short as hell, but it was best not to question him and his casualabuse of physics. “my bro could stay here with the kid, and you’d make sure iwas on my best behavior.”
“That and we would never get anythingdone.” You left it at that. You weren’t going to sit there and give him thesatisfaction of mentioning what happened on June 15th. You still hada scar in the shape of a bite mark that refused to go away, no thanks to him.
You and Papyrus exchanged looks, then burstout laughing. Yeah, right. The entire house would be in shambles by the timeyou got back.
“hey, i resent that…you’re completelyright.”
You snorted. “Okay, so that’s one moreoption down. I guess this leaves one solution. Papyrus, Sans….are you two okayto stay here and watch Moo by yourselves for about an hour?”
Papyrus was quick to agree. Sans shruggedit off.
“you gonna be ok buying groceries byyourself, babe?”
“I should be good. I’m more concerned aboutyou guys. But if you’re sure you can handle it, then I would really, reallyappreciate it.”
They both perked up. Any mention of yourapproval sent a pleasant shiver through their bones. Mostly because they lovedyou so much that making you happy was probably one of the only goals theyshared in life. (That and making sure they never missed an episode of the showall of you adored: Tales of the Aboveground, where monsters from all overshared their experiences of living on the surface.)
“Hey, wait—”
You barely had a chance to get another wordout before you were shoved outside the front door, your bag magicallypositioned on your shoulder and keys around your fingers. You wanted to givethem some last minute advice, but the absolute Determination on their facesspoke volumes about their commitment to this. They would get through themorning without you and they weren’t going to take no for an answer.
Papyrus made sure to lock the door with aquick flick of his wrist, turning the small button on the knob despite yourprotests from outside. He sniffled.
“it’s ok.”
“YOU’RE RIGHT. MOO NEEDS US.” Papyrus stoodto his full height and narrowed his eyes. “NOW…WHERE IS HE?”
Both paled.
“relax, bro. he’s gotta be somewhere in thehouse.”
Both went silent for any clues. Aside fromthe gentle trickling of water upstairs, it was relatively peaceful.
Trickling water?!
“what about it?”
Papyrus put his gloved hand on the railingand propelled himself upward the long flight of stairs, Sans trailing behind.
The closer they got to the top, the louderthe noises became. Splashing and giggles. There were a million things thatcould’ve gone wrong when they opened the door, ninety-nine percent of which youwould probably dump them for. And they weren’t going to let that happen.  
Papyrus jiggled the doorknob.
“aw, shit.”
“relax, bro. we made sure to turn off thewater for the tub. we put on the special seat for the toilet, and all themedications are locked up. there’s nothin’ he could do from his height.”
At that perfect moment, both brotherslooked down to see their feet sinking into a puddle of water creeping out fromunder the door.
Sans started to sweat.
Papyrus readied himself at the door. Thesheer power of his love for you would surely get him through.
“ONE….” He would be a hero!
“TWO…” You would be so impressed with histoddler caring skills!
He went for a running start and the dooropened.
He dug his heels into the floor and bracedhimself for impact, doing his very best to stop his body from launching intothe room. All he could see was a hundred scenarios that ended up in someonebeing injured, from a minor scrape to complete and utter annihilation. Maybe hewas spending too much time with Undyne after all. His mind was getting to befar more dramatic than he would’ve liked for such a delicate situation.
As he poured his last ounce of strengthinto stopping dead in his tracks, the tip of his shoe caught on the rug Sansinsisted that they place right outside the bathroom. The gross, musty one hepicked up from a garage sale because he thought it was “a bargain”. Yeah, a bigpile of disgustingness and a cheesy line! What kind of pun was, “make some roomfor dessert”???
Papyrus teetered forwards and went crashingdown onto the floor. It didn’t hurt, but it was unpleasant to feel the stifftufts of the rug’s fabric scraping against his bones. Dazed, he lifted his headjust high enough to see the damage.
Moo had somehow tipped the trashcan overand stood up high enough for him to reach over to the sink. He had taken giantwads of toilet paper, coated them in water and soap, and then slapped the mushymass all over the bathroom. On Papyrus self-portrait made of dry pasta. Onthe cute little figurines that you swore brought life to the place. And even onSans’ joke book that had at least fifty unsanitary references!
With his consciousness fading and lastmortified look, Moo took the toilet brush and brought it up to his mouth tosniff it.
Sans knew that his brother would be okay,but it was still hilarious to see him faint like that. He mostly did it when heoverloaded on sensory things, which happened more often when Papyrus didn’thave his gloves on. But today it might’ve just been a combination of all newthings plus the pretty disgusting state the bathroom was in.
Sans couldn’t be prouder of the little guy.Already destroying the grossest room in the entire house. Man, humans werefascinating already with their digestive systems, but all the tools and suchused to help keep things civilized was enough to make him crack up. Seeing alittle kid completely oblivious toward all of that and dismantling the entirepolite system they had going on was amazing.
“kid, i think we’re gonna get along.”
He stuck his hand out, and was promptlygiven a slimy wad of tissue covered in snot.
“oh, man. that’s disgusting. i love it.”
Papyrus stirred from his unscheduled nap.He felt a little groggy, but the anxiety from before he passed out lingeredlong enough for him to snap back to reality. He sat up and rubbed at hiseyesockets.
The whole bathroom was in disarray. Papyruscouldn’t bear to look! He reached for the door handle and made sure he didn’thave to subject his eyes to any more torture.
Papyrus happened to glance down at hischest while he pulled himself up from the floor. Pinned to his chest, along thepillow armor that had been fitted on him somehow, was a simple note.
countto ten, then see if you can find us
yougotta. if you’re still not convinced, flip me over again
“WHAT!!!” Papyrus did as he was told.
wait,how does this paper have three sides? anyway, if you don’t do it i’ll trashyour room. love, your bro
“I HATE THIS!!!!” And, against his betterjudgment… “ONE, TWO, THREE…”
After ten agonizing seconds, Papyrus madehis way downstairs. He found a trail of flour leading to the backdoor, at leastfive toys strewn across the floor, some plastic utensils wedged between thecouch cushions, and the phone was off the hook with someone shouting on theother line.
“HELLO?” Papyrus scrambled for the phone,managing to wrestle it up to his face despite the long retro cord being tangledup in knots. “YOU HAVE REACHED THE HOME OF THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HIS EQUALLY GREATLADY, AND ONE LAZY BROTHER, HOW CAN I ASSIST YOU?”
“Paps? It’s me. Is everything okay?”
“I think so. I’m in line right now, butthere’s only one cashier and he looked like a new hire. He’s paging the emptystore for someone to do a price check on Mettamuffins. Oh my god. Now he’spanicking.”
“Hmm. Are you sure you’re doing okay?”
He hung up and heard a quiet snicker in theroom.
No answer.
Papyrus crossed his arms and thought deeplyon where his brother would be hiding. His favorite spot to snooze in as of latewas the closet near the front door. But it didn’t look like that side of thehouse had been touched just yet. Sans also liked to roll under the couch andsleep under the comfortable weight of the cushions, but when he did that, healmost always managed to kick one slipper off. No sign of that.
As he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, a smalldroplet of liquid splashed against the top of his skull.
“heh heh. ya got me.”
Papyrus looked up and put his hands on hiships. Sans had somehow crawled up to the corner of the ceiling and was wedgedup there.
“around here. told him to hide.”
Sans slipped down the length of the wallwithout batting an eye. “ok, ok. i told him to hide in my room. let’s check itout.”
The trek toward the brothers’ bedrooms waslong and arduous, filled with slick spots of melting sticks of butter and granola.A gross combination, and Papyrus wasn’t even sure how he managed to get accessto more food. So much for locking everything up. But despite the harsh terrain,both brothers persisted until they reached Sans’ safe haven.
“hey, bro. what’re you doing? knock first.”
The stench was unbearable. Dirty clotheslying haphazardly on the floor. A lampshade on the floor. Cloudy test tubesstacked on top of each other. Crumpled bedsheets, pillows stained with coffeeand tea, a plate caked with mysterious gray mold. The entire place looked likeit had seen the wrath of a certain three-year-old.
“everythin’ looks normal to me.”
“oh yeah. i forgot to put this back in thefridge.” Sans picked up a cup of milk that already started to bubble in the smoldering,stuffy summer heat. “was gonna see if i could ferment this, but figured it’d bebetter to start another day.”
“nope. call him.”
Sans’ eyesockets crinkled. “bro, are youpart cow?”
“because that impression was moo-ving.”
Then they heard it. A gasp. It was faint,but it was there.
How did one child manage to maneuver aroundso easily? Humans were so tenacious! Neither of them could imagine raising oneof their own if they were all like this!
It was dark. How did he even navigate? Whenyou moved in with the brothers, there was so much extra stuff that it was allshoved up here. You and Sans promised to sort through it, but every time youwere both up here at the same time, you ended up just making a giant mess andleaving it worse off than when you came.
Papyrus nearly tripped over a giant chestfull of early courting gifts from him. You said they needed to be kept in asafe place, and that they were priceless, so they had to be stored away. Hebelieved you wholeheartedly, because you had wrapped them up in the softestblankets to shield them from dust and time. That and he caught you sneaking uphere sometimes just to admire them.
“bro, did you hear that?”
Sans froze. His eyesockets went dark.
“we’ve been cornered.”
Jumping out from the shadows, fingerssplayed and mouth opened wide, was Moo.
Both of the brothers were surprised, butdid their best not to laugh. A tiny human in a cow costume roaring at them likea dinosaur was…probably the best thing they’d seen in weeks. It didn’t helpthat Moo charged toward them, bending down on all fours, the tiny tail sewn onhis backside flapping with every bounce toward them.
“PLEASE DON’T HURT US!” Papyrus cried.
But it was too late. Moo had conquered themboth, crawling on top of their toppled bodies and declaring himself as thewinner with a loud, long roar.
“alright, kiddo. let’s get you backdownstairs.” Sans plucked him off his chest and tucked him under an arm. “yougave us a big scare.”
All three of them headed back to the livingroom where Moo’s giant bag still sat untouched.
“Crayons, please!”
“nice job, kid. use yer manners and you’llget far.”
Everything was okay after that. Some minorincidents – like Moo breaking a crayon and then throwing a tantrum despitebeing given the exact same color to use instead. The brothers had to muster up alltheir patience to deal with his screams and flailing limbs, but they managed toget him to stop wailing after a while.
In the end, the house was completelytrashed, but everyone was safe and sound.
You parked the car in the driveway andrummaged through the bag, grabbing a piece of candy to shove in your mouth. Ugh.What was supposed to be a quick trip to the store ended up being the biggestnightmare of your life. Long lines, rude customers, unorganized shelves, aclown blocking your nearest exit until you donated to his law school fund, andeven a broken traffic light that resulted in a twenty-minute detour through afuneral motorcade.
Needless to say, you were relieved to behome.
After gathering everything in your arms,you headed to the door. A smarter person would’ve called the brothers to letthem know that you were here, but you were so exhausted that the thought nevereven crossed your mind.
Knock. Knock.
“who’s there?”
“sans who?”
“Sans, please let me in, my arms are goingnumb!”
“i don’t get it.”
“oh, ok.”
You heard him unlatch the door and youpractically burst in. “Someone please help me get these to the kitchen!”
Papyrus did more than that. He simplyscooped you up, bags and all, so that you were no longer crumbling under theircrushing weight. You were relieved to receive help, but gosh, it did bring a littlecolor to your cheeks when he easily carted you around like that.
He set you down in the middle of thekitchen. Without hesitation, you made your way into the fridge and startedshoving all sorts of snacks inside.
“So? How did it go, guys?”
Sans grinned. “eh, so boring.”
“What, really?”
You peered over the fridge door. “I don’tknow if I like the sound of that. Where’s Moo?”
“Wait, you guys actually got him to sleep?”
“he was kinda giving us a run for ourmoney, so it’s nice he decided to help us out with that.”
“Oh, no. Was he a handful?”
“heh. you decide.”
You blinked and stepped away from yourlittle comfort zone, only to fully drink in how destroyed the house was.
Yeah, it looked like a toddler had beenthrough here, all right. Everyone’s possessions poked and prodded. Annoying Dogeven had a balloon strapped to its tail, trying its best to run away from it asit hovered menacingly over its back. The walls had some minor scribbles hereand there, the carpet had splotches of (what you hoped was washable) paint,there were scraps of paper and a pair of kid scissors scattered along thefloor, and even Moo’s stuffed cow was completely soaked.
“Do I want to know?”
“not really.”
You sighed, relieved, and smiled at them.Your chest even felt a little tight. Ew, you were about to get sappy on them.Sugar overload.
“Thanks, guys. I’m really glad.”
“yep.” Munch. “might as well include you onthe fun. ‘sides, you haven’t even seen how he pronounced the word ‘fantastic’.”Swallow.
“…why would he even say that in the firstplace?” you ventured. “Wait, never mind. The point is. You two were a hugehelp. I couldn’t have done this without you, and…I’m really looking forward tothe rest of Moo’s visit if I have both of you here with me.”
Papyrus’ eyesockets sparkled. Sans wasembarrassed, but shot you a cheesy grin anyway.
“Alright, when he wakes up, I’ll make him asnack plate. Sans, can you stop eating for a sec and hand me the FrootyTooties?”
119 notes · View notes
lazy-safetastic-13 · 8 years
Kustard 5 wig underfell sick
Sorry for the wait.  Hnnnghh. Still long and I don’t learn orz. Oh well. It’s good practise. Thanks for the challenge, it was really really hard. I didn’t expect that. O-O
I had to rewrite the story so many times. Deleting 1k words like 3 times orz. 
In any case, I hope you like it! ^~^’’) Wwwww. 
5. “You’re burning up.” Underfell Sans is sick. (Okie dokes) 
Title: Not Part of the Plan
Pairing: Kustard
Words: 2, 198
“Shit,” was the first thing he uttered themoment he opened his eyes.
“Stars, why now. Today of alldays.” Red groaned as he tried to shuffle out of the bed, but halfwaythrough, he found his headache and the dizziness that came with stronger.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He was not sick.
Red gritted his teeth, pushing the practically heavy coversoff of him and sat upright at the edge of the bed.
He guessed that he only had himself to blame for overworking,but he needed the money.
Ever since he saw that item, he’d been saving up to buy it.And he had been planning to give it to Sans on their first anniversary.
He wasn’t one for relationships, far fromit because he didn’t give two shits on that lovey dovey crap.
But he fell for Sans and he was in one, soRed was going to make damn sure that he was going to give it his all in makinghis partner happy. He was going to put the effort for Sans deserved to betreated right.
But getting sick was not one of them.
Already panting heavily, he wiped the sweat off of hisforehead. “Fucking hell. Just my stupid luck.”
He teleported to the bathroom to splash water to his face,hoping he’d look his normal groggy self.
The skeleton also noticed that it was getting harder tobreathe because his nasal aperture was becoming clogged. The red tint was agood indication of it, but it didn’t look obvious enough.
“Great. Just great.” Wiping with a small towel todry his face, he teleported back to his room.
He changed into a red turtleneck and black slacks beforeadorning his fur-hooded black jacket. He wanted to dress decent at the veryleast.
It was going to be a while before Red met up with Sansand their date was going to be simple. They were going to eat at a nicerestaurant, watch a movie, have a walk around the park, finding the perfectplace to watch the stars and boom; he can give Sans his gift.
It was going to be perfect.
But stars, his joints ached the more he moved and hepredicted that it was going to start becoming difficult to even take a coupleof steps soon. He also felt sluggish, and the spinning of his room was not helping.
Just then, his phone rang, making him wince at the loudnoise. Though, he answered nonetheless, clearing his dry throat to sound likehis gruff voice.
“Hey, didn’t think you’d be up.”
He could just hear the smile and it made him roll his eyelights. It is true that he was the heavier sleeper between thetwo of them. “I am now.”
“Oh … Uh, sorry.”
The actual apologetic tone made Red pause and raise a browridge in confusion. Surely the latter can tell that he was being sarcastic.
The skeleton made a mental note of it before he asked whyhis lover had called him. It wouldn’t be for at least an hour or two beforethey meet up.
“Um, actually, I … I wanted to ask if …”
Red decided to sit on the edge of his bed. Hesitant on usinghis magic, he, nonetheless, concentrated hard on using it to take out amoderately large wrapped package from his closet. The skeleton then waved hishand to stick the pre-made bow on the centre before placing it back into thecloset lest he lose control due to his sickness.
“Do you, uh, do something wrong?”
Red’s headache was taking him longer to process what wasasked and he had no idea what brought it on. “What?“ Wherethe fuck did that come from?
“Um, well … I don’t mean to sound needy, or, uh,anything. But every time I ask to hang out, you’d be busy. And other times, youwon’t even answer your phone. We haven’t seen each other for weeks and I wantedto know if I did something that you’re avoiding me for.”
Red wanted to groan but instead he sighed deeply, rubbing aneye socket tiredly. Stars, even when he put the effort, he was still such ashitty boyfriend.
“Sans, I’m not avoiding you.” He moved away fromthe phone to cough into his jacket sleeve. The skeleton hoped the latter didn’thear it as he continued. “I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve been busy. Itook on a part-time job or two, and have been working all those weeks.”
This no doubt would surprise Sans, and he would’ve smirkedat how proud he was in shocking the latter if he wasn’t feeling so awful.
Today of all days, he repeated in his head. Atleast he could make it up to Sans. Red couldn’t wait for his lover to see whathe got him.
“Oh wow. Sorry, I didn’t know.”
“I’m sorry too. Shit, did I fuck up again?” Itwouldn’t be the first and certainly not the last. He was such a dumb fuck atthese things.
“No, no! I just—wow, so you’ve been working?”
“Thank the stars.” He could hear the sigh ofrelief. “I thought you hated me.”
“If I did, I would’ve rejected your confession a yearago." And I would’ve have bothered trying to hang out with youbefore then.
"Heh. Right. Fair enough.”
Red suddenly felt as if his soul was being squeezed and hecouldn’t help the gasp that came out of his mouth. He placed a hand on his chest,shutting his eyes tight as he clenched his shirt.
“Red? You okay?”
“H-Huh? Yeah,” he took a deep breath. “I’mfine.”
He was far from fine. Sweating more than ever, he didn’trealize he was panting hard on the phone.
“Hey, you don’t sound okay.”
The skeleton’s vision was becoming blurry and the pain thatcoursed throughout his body became unbearable.
Red tried to stand up, mentally stubborn in convincinghimself he was going to be fine.
After the first step; however, he couldn’t carry his body’sweight.
“Red, can you hear me?! Are you okay?!”
He crashed into the wooden floor with a loud thud. The phoneslid out his fingers; a couple of inches away from where his hand landed.
Fuck. The last thing Red heard was the sound ofhis lover screaming his name before he lost consciousness.
“Oh shit.”
“Language, brother!” Papyrus rarely ever hearsSans swear, so it both surprised and worried him; more so, when he came out ofthe kitchen to see the panicked expression on the other’s face.
“Paps, I’m going to Red’s. Something happened.”Without even waiting for a response, Sans had ported out of their place.
Papyrus could only hope that nothing horrible happened.
Reaching Red’s place, Sans didn’t waste time and ranupstairs to barge into his lover’s room. His eye lights narrowed, stricken withfear and despair upon seeing Red sprawled on the floor.
“Red!” He ran to him, knees meeting the ground ashe turned the other to see his face.
Red was sweating profusely and the quick bouts of breathsexhaled made it known that he was having a hard time breathing. Not to mentionthat his body trembled as if cold despite being dressed so warmly.
Sans took note of the symptoms in his head as he placed hishand on the other’s forehead. “Holy fuck. You’re burning up.”
He needed to act quickly and prepare everything he’d need tomake his partner well again.
He carried the skeleton in his arms and growled. “Whenyou wake up Red, we’re going to have a talk.”
Red slowly opened his eyes. A bit disoriented but hisheadache had considerably lessened for him to be able to think. About to situp, he noticed that he wasn’t on the floor anymore but on his bed, wrapped inseveral bed covers and a slightly damp folded towel placed on his forehead.
Did Boss come home? Stars, he was going to get along lecture if it was his broth—
The door opened to reveal Sans carrying a basin.
Red paled.
He was in so much shit now.
The skeleton sat up only to have a blue soul appear on hischest to push him back down to the bed. Sans waved a hand for the blankets tocover Red up to his neck before sitting on the stool beside the bed and tookthe wet cloth to replace it with his hand.
The skeleton sighed in relief. “Looks like it’s gonedown.”
He proceeded to replace with a new one and set the basin onthe floor.
When their gazes met, Red gulped. Sans had no doubt done hisresearch and—
“Now that you’re awake, let’s talk.”
“Uh.” He started dumbly. “I—”
“What the actual fuck, Red?!”
The skeleton winced. Yeah, he was in for it.
“You got five jobs? Five?! Were you tryingto get yourself sick? Because congratulations, you’ve achieved it.”
“Why the hell did you need so many anyway?”
“Is it the money? Are you that desperate for it thatyou’d work past your limits?”
Stars, Sans was really mad. And Red couldn’t blame him. He’dprobably do the same were their roles switched.
“I can’t be—”
“Sans!” His partner stopped, but the glare stayed.Red sighed in exasperation. “I’m sorry, all right? … Sorry for scaringyou.”
Sans growled, hands clenched into fists. Hearing the thudfrom the phone call and then seeing Red unconscious on the floor like that …It was no laughing matter. It scared him shitless. “… You littleshit.”
Even though Sans meant it in jest, he still certainly feltlike one. So Red sighed dejectedly. “Yeah, I know.”
At the response, Sans’ expression softened; the anger in himswiftly gone. “No, sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
“But you’re right.” Red inwardly cursed himselffor being weak when he began tearing up. “I’m a shitty lover. Sorry.”He submerged himself into the blankets to hide his face; the wet towel slidingoff in the process.
“Hey.” Sans pulled at the covers, finding thelatter covering his face. “You’re not a shitty one. I’m sorry. It wasuncalled for.” He gently them off, and it felt like Sans’ soul was rippedinto two when he saw the tears.
He had forgotten how Red was a big softie; pretending to betough on the outside. “I’m sorry." Red sniffled, looking away."I love you, Red. May I embrace you?”
“… You’re going to get sick.”
“I don’t hear a no.” So Sans slowly maneuveredthem both so that Red was given enough time to reject him; the towel removedand plopped into the basin.
The rhythmic soft thumping of Sans’ soul was lulling Red tosleep as he was against the other’s chest; arms wrapped around his shouldersand his own encircled around his boyfriend’s waist.
“So much for celebrating our anniversary.”
“It’s fine. You’re sick and I’ll be much happier ifyou’re better.”
“It’s really okay.”
Red quieted, leaning closer to his partner. “Love youtoo.”
Sans smiled and the two enjoyed a comforting and calmsilence that came after.
“So … you gonna tell me why you got five jobs?”
Red clicked his tongue. “Knew you’d ask.”
“Hmph … I did need the money.”Sans didn’t say anything so he continued. “I did it so … so that I canget you something.”
“… You worked yourself ‘til you got sick just so youcan buy me a gift?”
“It’s not like I wantedto get sick, you know.”
“… You didn’t need to.”
“I know, I wanted to. I … I wanted you to know thatI’m taking us seriously. That I want it to work.” Red frowned,disappointed at himself. “But then I go screw things up.”
“Hey, hey. Don’t go back to putting yourself down. Ifanything, it’s really sweet of you.” Sans grinned, “Too sweet. You must besick.”
“You’re such an asshole.”
“Heh. And you’re such a cutie pie.”
Red groaned which only made Sans laugh. “Ugh! Shut thefuck up. I’m ill and you take shots at me?”
“Shot to the heart~ and I’m to blame~”
“Shut up!”
Red couldn’t help letting out a few laughs; however, at hislover’s antics. And the latter felt proud at causing the reaction.
“Tired?” It was obvious when Red yawned andsnuggled to him. Only a hum was his response. “Oh right. Did you manage tobuy that gift?”
“I did. But you’re getting it when I’m better, and at theend of our date.”
That’s good, Sansthought. I’ll be sure to tell him later thathe’d need to quit his jobs. He can keep one, but just one. “So thedate is still on?”
“After I’m … better.” Red couldn’t keep awakeany longer, drifting off to a peaceful sleep.
Sans smiled warmly, planting a kiss on the other’s foreheadbefore closing his eyes to might as well sleep too. “Looking forward toit.”
I did my best. Orz after writing this story, I realized just how EASY it was becoming to make it angst. 
Hurt/comfort genre is HaRd. O~O Let it be known of its tremendous power and how it is underestimated most of the time. WWWwwwww. I cry. 
Thank you for reading. m(__ __)m  
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whysoseven · 7 years
Christmas Wishes Chapter 6: The Morning After
Fandom: Undertale Prompt: Stuffed Dog (courtesy of @petchricor​ ) Characters: Sans, Papyrus Ships:  The harbor be empty Updates Every Thursday
Chapter 1: Nightmares Chapter 2: Gotta Get That Letter In Chapter 3: Do You Have Any Word Searches? Chapter 4: Mistakes Chapter X: April Fools! Chapter 5: Sans Has Regrets Chapter 6: The Morning After You are here
No amount of pain could ever keep The Great Papyrus down on Christmas morning.  Even though Sans knew this, he was still unprepared for the loud banging on his door.  He awoke with a jolt, momentarily forgetting about the previous night’s events and pulling his pillow over his face with a groan.
“It’s too early, Papyrus, five more minutes,” he grumbled.
“No, you lazy bones, it’s time to get up!”  Despite his words, there was no missing the fondness in his voice.  “You can’t sleep through Christmas morning, we have gifts to open!”
Christmas morning?  Wait, that was right, it was  Christmas morning.  The events from the night before came flooding back.  The fear, the anxiety, the attack, the guilt, and the alcohol he had guzzled in an attempt to drown it all out.
“Sans!  You better not have gone back to sleep!”
“Nah, I’m up.”  Sans took a deep breath before forcing his smile just a little wider and getting out of bed.  He could do this.  For Papyrus, he could do anything.  With this in mind he made his way over to the door and opened it, casually leaning against the door frame. “Hey there, cool guy.”
Papyrus looked less than amused.  “Sans, this is no time for flattery!  There are gifts to open!”
“Heh, yeah, I bet Santa left you a ton of presents,” Sans said, following Papyrus when he took to the stairs.  Though Papyrus was moving slower than usual due to the pain he was no doubt still in, his enthusiasm was still made clear with the slight bounce in his steps.  Sans’ smile grew soft at the sight.
“Don’t forget about your presents, Sans,” papyrus said.  “Aren’t you excited to see what Santa got you?”
With that, Sans’ permanent smile soured just a little.  Of course he should have known Papyrus wouldn’t notice “Santa” didn’t bring Sans gifts.  Why should he?  However, that didn’t keep it from making his soul ache.  Even if Santa did exist, Sans was more than certain he would never be good enough to get more than a lump of coal.  Not after everything he’d done.  Still, there was no need to burden Papyrus with all of that.  He forced his smile a little wider, crinkling the corners of his eye sockets.  “Yeah, sure thing, Paps.”
Luckily for Sans, Papyrus didn’t seem to notice the change in his smile.  Instead, he took off towards the Christmas tree the second he feet hit the bottom of the stairs.  Sans couldn’t help but chuckle at his excitement.  Man, his brother was the best.  Papyrus took his place by the tree before looking up at Sans and bounding his leg impatiently.
“Come on, lazy bones!  I can’t open presents if you don’t hurry up!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”  Sans shuffled down the stairs before taking his place across from Papyrus.  “Alright, go ahead.”
Papyrus didn’t even give a second’s hesitation before tearing into his gifts, grin stretching wide when he saw what was inside.  “Wowie, new action figures!  Just what I asked for!”
“If anyone deserves it, it’s you,” Sans said.  He watched as Papyrus picked up another present, blue paper with a carefully tied red bow, and his brow furrowed in confusion.  Weird, he didn’t remember wrapping that one.  Papyrus read the attached tag before holding it out.  “It says this one is for you!”
Sans’ sockets widened.  For him?  That couldn’t be right.  He took the gift and read the tag, and he couldn’t help the way his smile softened.  The tag definitely had his name on it and, though it said “FROM: SANTA” in clear, bold letters, Papyrus’ scrawl was unmistakable.  “Huh, it sure is.”
He set it on the ground and untied the bow before tearing into the paper.  He then hesitated a moment, finger bones hovering over the flaps of the box before opening them and peering inside.  He sat there a moment, staring at the contents without reacting.  However, he didn’t miss Papyrus’ uncomfortable shift as he tried his hardest not to react to Sans’ silence.
“Is… is everything alright, brother?”
Sans was silent for a moment longer before he looked up at Papyrus with a genuine smile.  “Yeah, all good.  Santa sure knows what a guy wants.”
Papyrus immediately perked up at that.  “Really?  You really like it?”  His eye sockets widened when he realized how painfully obvious he was being and he quickly looked away.  “Not that I even know what it is!  I assume it’s more ketchup to fuel your bad habits.”
Sans chuckled, deciding to just play along.  “Nah, even better.”  He reached into the box and pulled out a small, soft stuffed dog.  Its fur was patches of black and white, arranged to look like a skeleton.  A soft, light blue jacket rested over its shoulders and front legs, and Sans couldn’t deny that there was a resemblance.
“Wowie, Sans, it looks just like you!” Papyrus shouted, doing his best to feign surprise.
“Yeah, it does, doesn’t it,” Sans chuckled.  He turned to Papyrus, shooting him a wink.  “Guess I’ll have to tell ‘Santa’ thank you.”
“I’m sure he’d appreciate a thank you letter,” Papyrus said with an affirming nod, completely missing the meaning behind Sans’ gesture.  Sans just chuckled before setting the dog back in the box.  He would set it in his room later, up on a shelf so it wouldn’t get caught up in the mess of his room.
“Yeah, I’ll make sure to write him one.”  Sans stood, extending a hand to Papyrus.  “Come on, let’s go get some breakfast.”
“Breakfast spaghetti does sound good,” Papyrus agreed, taking Sans’ hand and letting the older skeleton help him to his feet.  He immediately headed for the kitchen with Sans trailing behind him.  They could clean up the wrapping paper later.
As he sat at the kitchen table and watched Papyrus rummage though the cabinet for a pot, Sans’ thoughts strayed back to the present he had gotten.  Though stuffed animals weren’t normally his thing, Papyrus had clearly put a lot of thought into it and that’s what made it special.  He couldn’t help but smile to himself as he watched Papyrus turn the burner up way too high before pouring the noodles into the water.  Papyrus really was the best brother a skeleton could ask for.  He always seemed to know just what Sans needed.
With such a cool brother like Papyrus by his side, he could endure these resets just a little longer.
With such a cool brother like Papyrus, he could do anything.
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