kingblanketfort · 5 years
Please help me with a title XD
Okay so here’s Chapter 3, probably not the most exciting entry to date, but some things just have to be done. Everything will start rolling once we meet the Ringmaster in the next chapter, so bear with me! I don’t wanna rush things. Let me know what you guys think so far, I really do welcome opinions! Chapter 3: Shiny New Penny     After the costume was scrubbed, Papawise took it outside and hung it on a crudely made clothesline that consisted of just two rough and worn posts that were battered around the top, no doubt driven in with a hammer and a single piece of line tied from one to the other. The sun shone down on the silvery grey and red outfit as he came back inside and sat down with an old man grunt. Penny was quiet for a moment, silently seething. Papawise took out another cigarette and lit it up without a word. The strained silence was almost too much for Penny to bare, but just as he opened his mouth to no doubt complain, Papawise cut him off.            “
    You should probably go bathe.” He said, “while your costume is drying.” He flicked some ash onto the ground and Penny just looked at him blankly before twisting his face into a scowl.            
    “No.” he crossed his arms and sat back on the cot, still trying to mull his whole newfound situation in his head, looking for an escape route.            
    “Don’t be petulant. Not only did you die but died in the sewers. You can’t walk around here smelling like that. We have a show to do.” He was met with silence from his companion. “look, it’s more enjoyable than you think. I’ve become quite fond of them. Here, lemme take ya over to the stalls.” He stood up but Penny tensed. Papawise ignored this and simply gave him a stern look as he grabbed his upper arm and practically yanked him off the bed.             
    “HEY! Let go of me you old fa--!” But the grip only tightened as those eyes went from stern and parental to cold and dangerous.            
    “You will do as I tell you. This is your lot now, just as it is mine. And you will do as I say. Need I remind you that you live among the humans now. And you have to look and smell presentable. Now shut your bucktoothed mouth and come with me.”            
    “Wh---” Penny was stunned at how he was being talked to, but that feeling he had from earlier about how his gut told him not to mess with this creature bubbled back up to the surface and he only bit his own lower lip and resigned to follow him out the tent.  As they walked through the various groups of people within the caravan Papawise was jovially smiling and waving at his co-workers and they happily returned it. Penny began to feel strange just walking amongst humans and them being neither scared or intimidated. In fact, the positive energy around him was massively new. No one seemed phased by their presence at all. In fact, they seemed pleased and excited.     “Papa!”’ a voice called out. “who’s that you got with you?” a young man probably around his twenties approached with sandy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, holding a very bug-eyed, shaky Chihuahua with it’s tongue poking out of the side of it’s mouth. It had a little clown hat on with pom poms.     “Johnny!” Papawise said. “just pulling in a new recruit. My new protege. Have to get him cleaned up for the boss.” he said. “how’s Henry doin’?” he pointed at the dorky looking dog.     “Oh that’s great, movin’ from a solo act, huh? About time! And ol’ Henry’s good, making progress on the dog act, though he doesn’t get along well with the others. I have some more breaking in to do.”
    “Ah, you’ll work it out, Johnny. There hasn’t been an animal you couldn’t train yet!”      “I don’t know, this one’s a real pistol.” his smile was genuine as he looked over at Penny. “Nice to have you on board, good luck!” he walked off before Penny could think of a single thing to say. He was shocked into silence as they continued on. As he was rolling that whole interaction over in his head, he observed the humans working hard and working together to set up the massive tents, feed the animals and even some constructing the pieces of a few rides. 
He couldn’t help but be curious as all these pieces were carefully removed from a larger trailer and placed together like a puzzle. The sounds of hammers and drills echoed in the distance and the Ferris Wheel was already constructed, with a man at the control panel giving it a test run, the lights blinking. There was no supernatural power at play here, no magic---just these simple, squishy meat sacks toiling tirelessly and with great skill admittedly,  to build this place from the ground up, only to dismantle it down later and pack it back up.            
    “Here we are.” He said, pointing to a very small tent. As they went inside there were three sectioned off stalls separated with simple wooden slats and a small slightly dingy shower curtain hanging off the make-shift wooden pole above. Papawise pulled back one of the curtains and inside sat a semi-large metal tub.      “You’re kidding me…” Penny said, just staring at it at a loss.            
    “What’d ya expect? The Ritz? Now hold tight, I’m going to see if I can manage some warm water for you from the water wagon and some soap.” He gave Penny a bracing slap on the shoulder and walked off, leaving him to just stand there like a lost puppy, staring wide-eyed at the situation around him. At that moment he smelt something delicious wafting through the air. It smelled---meaty. His stomach suddenly churned and growled loudly with a painful cramp following. Penny frowned and placed his hand over it. Unable to help himself he crept out of the tent and began to wander in the direction of the smell. 
A few people walked past him, not giving him much notice as they were busy trying to get things done on schedule, but eventually Penny found the source of the smell. A very large tent near the back lot. Peering inside there were rows of folding tables and chairs. He could only see a few people and one of them, was the cook. He could feel the saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth. He was starving.            
But, just as he stepped forward towards the delicious and enticing food, he felt a hand clap down on his shoulder, making even him almost jump out of his new skin. Penny turned and Papawise was standing there looking flustered and running thin on patience. 
    “You can satiate that later, we have somewhere to be soon, get goin’!” he shoved Penny back towards the bathing tent and handed him a bar of soap, shampoo, a cloth and a towel. “here…now get in and get it done. I got yer water in there. Pray it’s still warm, but I had to come find your stupid wanderin’ ass.” He yanked the curtain shut and left Penny holding everything staring down at the water in this large tub. He was no idiot, he knew what this was, he’d just---never done it. Growling to himself he stripped down and slid into the ever cooling water. He shivered. It wasn’t all that pleasant, but he wasn’t given much choice.  
    “And wash everywhere…” came Papawise’s voice from outside the curtain. “You do that, kid, I’ll go get you a plate of food, meet me back at our tent.” Penny sunk into the water up to his nose, knees poking out of the surface of the water. He was tall, and this wasn’t all that comfortable. But his gurgling stomach pushed him to continue, focusing only on something to eat. Reading the back of the shampoo bottle was easy enough and he attempted to wash his hair for the first time. Everything smelt so fresh, so…clean. 
At first his nose wrinkled but after a while, especially after running the soap along his skin and rinsing his hair, he felt strangely---good. Admittedly he took this time to explore the new body. All its nooks and crannies. The bends, and folds, the muscles and the further down he moved the more intrigued he became. He ran the washcloth over his groin, and it twitched in response to the touch. Like his arms and hands, it too kept a colouration, fading darker as it went, however it didn’t seem to tip in black like his fingers but two red streaks like the one’s upon his face framed around and along his pubic bone. Odd he thought, but then again, this whole experience was.
 After rinsing off completely he stepped out of the tub and began to dry himself off and get re-dressed. His stomach pangs were getting worse and were honestly what drove him out of the tub. When he reached up to touch his hair and dry it with a towel, he realised how soft it felt as it hung around his face and fringing along his neck. Managing his clothes again he threw the towel over his shoulder, pushed back the curtains, sighed heavily and began his trek back to the tent.
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Imagine Penny(Skarsgard) showing his s/o to his family member, who's also named Pennywise(Curry), who insists being called Pappawise. Penny knows he has something up his sleeve, getting a bit jealous as to how easily Pappawise got in to his s/o's good side, making jokes, complimenting them, then he does his joke where he goes "Wahaa! Wahaa!", making Penny's S/O laugh out loud. Jealousy vibes be a tingling for Penny.
@tifablog no one ever writes me anything like this outside of my Tamatoa blogs, just thank you and I love this
Man I wonder how jellies 2017 penny would get when s/O stares in awe as curry penny sings toxic love -.w-.
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kingblanketfort · 5 years
Still No Official Title Yet >.<
Second Chapter to my fic. Hope ya’ll enjoying so far. This one is a wee bit shorter, but I found a good stopping place, so I took it. Here we go: Chapter 2: Ferris Wheel of Fate
    “I don’t believe it….” Penny whispered to himself. He watched as a vendor began filling various colours of balloons with helium, his eyes lingering on the red ones. Flashes of memories that should have been semi-recent were feeling distant and dusty. Nothing was coming in clearly, but an unknown weight settled on him again, this time, in his chest. He mentally snapped himself out of it, a chill running up his ‘new spine’. Was this…dread? No, it couldn’t be.
    “Let’s get ya set up. I know it sounds folksy, but I had a dream that I’d get a new protégé so I informed the Ringmaster. Let’s meet him, shall we? Ah---” he paused and looked Penny over. “---but first let’s get you cleaned up. You don’t want to look like you just crawled out of the sewers now do we?” he gave a jovial and devilish wink, but Penny didn’t find it all that amusing. This didn’t stop Papawise from shoving him back into the tent and demanding he strip to clean his clothes.
    “Excuse me?” he said flatly. “I formed these clothes, I do not know how to remove them!”
Papawise just stared at him blankly.
    “You’re not the brightest crayon in the box, are ya?” he grunted and pulled off his gloves, setting them on the vanity and said sternly, “turn around.” One by one, each piece was unbuttoned and fell to the floor, and soon enough, Penny got a full view of his new inhabited body. Papawise just gathered up the outfit and stuffed it in a washtub just outside the door. Penny stood there unaware of just how starkly white and naked he was as he took a look at his un-gloved hands. They retained some resemblance to his other form in the sense that the paint white skin prevailed all over his flesh, except about midway on his forearms where it began darkening to a light grey, ash, dark grey and ended in black. Out of curiosity he reached up to try and smear his ‘face paint’. Upon looking at his fingers, no paint came off.
   “Yeah that stays.” Pappawise said. “humans can’t see it. I suppose it’s to stand as a constant reminder that we’re monsters deep down.” His tone highlighted the irony in his statement. “you’re stark naked, boy, let’s get you into something for the moment, the wash shouldn’t take long. Go find yourself something in that trunk over there.” He gestured to an old worn steam truck near the bed, which Penny realised now was a foldable cot. Now feeling---oddly exposed and hot in the face he walked over and knelt down becoming very conscious now of a new sensation and rub between his legs. Well, not entirely foreign, but certainly different.
   “Oi!” Papawise interrupted. “stop staring at your dick and get some clothes on.” From a small basket near the vanity he pulled out a box of suds. “ah, I gotta go get the washboard and the hose for some water. Stay here will ya? And I’m serious, get dressed.” With that, he disappeared out the flap. Penny’s face got hotter and he growled under his breath, and after re-adjusting himself he lifted the lid of the trunk and began rummaging through it. Eventually, through the maze of colourful stripes and polka dots he found a faded black t-shirt, and a pair of sweat pants. Trying to recreate the opposite of the removal, he struggled a little, but eventually yanked all of the clothes on just in time for Papawise to reappear, heaving the tub inside as water sloshed inside it.
   “They don’t have the damn hose unpacked yet. Of course, lazy bastards…” he muttered under his breath. The washboard slid around in it as he sat it down and began adding the suds, and placing the dirty, ragged costume inside it. Penny watched with innate curiosity as this once great old being just pulled up a tiny stool from the vanity and proceeded to wash clothes like an old maid. Papawise felt the stare and looked up and in a grunty voice said, “boy, get over here. Let me show you how to do this---I’m not gonna do this all the time.” Penny stood up, and pursed his lips together, feeling so strange as he walked in the less restrictive and puffy clothing. Oddly, he felt he was beginning to like it as he knelt back down and sat on the ground. The gentle grass underneath him was cool and tickled his feet. Another sensation that was rarely, if ever felt.
           “Alright, so,” Papawise continued, “this is how ya do it---but I’ve found it best to do it this way----“      
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kingblanketfort · 5 years
So serene. We love you Pappawise.❤
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