talonabraxas · 11 months
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"Papilionem" Talon Abraxas.
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randomimaginesideas · 3 months
My King (Loki X OC) Prologue
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Hallo everybody,
A/N: Before you start reading the rest of the story, I just want to give a little disclaimer.
My King (Loki x Reader) was the first fanfic I ever posted back on quotev.com. The un-edited story can still be found there. (Read at your own risk). I recently remembered this story, and looking back on it I see how much I’ve grown in my writing style, but also in real life. I published the first chapter back in 2016. And since then I’ve never truly stopped writing fanfiction with my more recent works of Valtor’s right hand series and Papilionem effectus. 
So I wanted to revist this story and update it to my more recent writing style while also keeping as close as possible to the original.
This work may not be the most original storytelling wise, but I do hope you enjoy it, just as much I had while revisiting this work.
So thank you for your time, and happy reading.
When Astrid doesn't fit in anywhere, and she get sentences to life on Earth she makes the best of it. When one day, a certain prince steps into her life and offers a way out of the dull Midgardian life.
What happens when Loki gets a right hand woman during his time on Earth?
Disclaimer; This story can also be found on AO3 or Wattpad, if you prefer reading there.
A loud bang could be heard as the grand wooden doors opened, letting the two guards who were guiding a struggling prisoner through. The sound from the metal shackles moved through the room as they hit the tiled floor. The guards were holding the arms on the woman with two arms, lifting her just above the floor as she continued to struggle in their arms. “Unhand me!” She said angrily. 
The guards ignored the woman’s struggles, and dropped her in front of the throne that stood in the enormous hall. From the force which they dropped her with the woman ended up on the floor, but before she was able to stand up her accompanying guards placed their hands on her shoulders. The woman struggled for a bit more, until she realized it had no use and settled. Finally casting her eyes on the man sitting on the throne, watching the spectacle. 
The man was not alone, alongside him stood his wife, the queen Frigga, taking her place on his right side. And his two sons had placed themselves on their father’s left. It was a rare occasion that both sons would be presented during a trial, oftentimes only the younger son would be present as the eldest was out in the nine realms as an emissary of Asgard, which was basically just swinging his fists and hammer around. But the woman knew that those three people weren’t important, not to her at least. No, her fate was in the hand of the man on the throne. All-Father Odin. 
“Astrid Arnedottir, today you are being trailed for the following accusations made against you; Attempted murder, endangering the royal family, and treason against the people of Asgard. How do you plead?” Odin looked down at the woman on her knees, Astrid, who looked back at him with fire in her eyes. Her brown hair which once had been braided now hung in loose ringlets around her face, as the rest just looked like a disheveled mess. “Not. Guilty.” Astrid said, her teeth clenched as she fought the urge to not throw every insult known to Asgard at the man’s face.
“And what do you have to say to confirm your statement?” The All-father continued, not bothered by the sheer anger of the woman in front of him. “Does it matter what I say? You have already decided you want to get rid of me!” Astrid lashed out, wanting to stand up but the guards pushed her down again. “I give you one more chance, do you have anything to confirm your statement or should we look at the evidence we have against you?” 
An almost manic laugh escaped from her lips, shaking her head. “I’m not guilty of the crimes you accuse me of. I didn’t attempt to murder anyone, I didn’t try to kill any of you, and my loyalty lies with the people of Asgard. I’ve done good things, I’ve helped people, I nursed men or animals back to life from the brink of death. But now, I’m being framed by the crown itself just because you want to get rid of me!”
“The guard claims it was you who attacked him,-” Odin started, but was vastly interrupted by Astrid. “So it is his words about mine, but it’s me who gets treated like some animal.” Odin just waited for Astrid to be finished before he started speaking again, his voice remaining calm. “The guard claims it was you who attacked him near the personal quarters of the crown prince. After you fled the scene another guard saw you exit through the palace gardens. So there is more than one witness.” Odin seemed almost pleased when he pointed it out to her. “Knowing the evidence of your crimes, how do you plead?” Odin asked Astrid again, who just shook her head and laughed but it slowly faded away in a sigh. “How convenient that all witnesses follow your orders, All-father. How I plead doesn’t matter? It’s clear you have already decided.”
‘Astrid Arnedottir, I sentence you hereby to be executed by sundown. Your death shall be brought by the ax.’ The All-father said, slamming his staff on the ground. A look of defeat crossed Astrid’s face as she looked up at the ceiling before closing her eyes. Astrid felt the hands from the guards move from her shoulder towards her upper arms again, as they helped her up. “I can walk by myself, give me at least the dignity to do that.” She snapped at them as she tried to shake them off. The guards shared a look before slowly releasing her, but remaining on guard to see if she would bolt.
Astrid looked at the All-father and gave him a small mocking bow. “Thank you, All-Father, for your honest judgment. May your son rule life up to your example.” Odin’s face betrayed nothing at Astrid's little display.
Astrid was led back to her cell she had been kept in these past couple of days. Only a few days ago she was just minding her own business, tending to her gardens when the guards had taken her into custody. It was only yesterday that she learned of her supposed crimes, which she hadn’t done. Even now while walking next to the cell of hardened criminals she stood out like a red dot on a white painting.
Astrid waited for the magic shields to close behind her before she turned around, and watched as the guards walked away. Astrid made her way towards the small pile of blankets that had been her bed these past couple of days. She placed her head against the wall, as she glided down and sat down. She closed her eyes, and tried to shut out the sounds from her fellow prisoners.
They were late.
Even though there were no windows in the dungeons, Astrid's biological clock had been telling her it had been somewhere near sundown when she had opened her eyes again. In preparation of the ax Astrid had tried to brush her hair with her hands, and braided it again. The All-father may think of her a villain, she was at least polite enough for the executioner to easily see her neck. Perhaps that way he would kill her in one blow.
But after she had done that she waited, and waited, and waited. And then she had been sure that the sun was already down by that point. Had something happened, or was the executioner’s list full for today and was she to be moved to tomorrow? Then they could have at least done the decency thing to tell her. She had mentally prepared herself to die, now she was being forced to wait, giving fear the chance to creep back in again.
Eventually four guards made their way towards her cell, among them in the middle was Queen Frigga herself. Astrid gave her the courtesy of a small bow with her head. She was after all the wife of the man who sentenced her to death. But Frigga had always been known as a good queen to her subjects. Astrid said nothing as she waited for somebody to speak.
“Astrid, I am pleased to inform you that the All-father has made a change in your judgment.” Astrid could’t hide the surprise that came on her face. “Since no actual murder has taken place the punishment of execution might have been too severe for the crimes you were accused of. Instead you will be sent down to Midgard, to spend the rest of your life there in exile. You are to remain there, and are not allowed to step foot into Asgard ever again. We will take you there now, and you are only allowed to bring the possessions you have on you now.” Freya ended her announcement, but there was a kind smile on her face. 
“Thank you, your majesty.” Astrid said, sounding sincere, which she was. It wasn’t like she was looking forward to living on Midgard with limited access to her powers, but it beats dying any day.
Frigga didn’t accompany her and the guards to the Bifrost. No, only Astrid and four of the guards had made their way to the Biforst where Heimdall was waiting for them. Before she walked inside the dome-shaped building Astrid glanced back one more time, as she took it all in, assuming this was going to be the last time she would see it.
Then she proceeded to make her way inside the building, and followed the instructions Heimdall gave her. “I wish you the best of luck Lady Astrid.” Heimdall said to her. Astrid glanced over her shoulder to look at him, a sad smile on her face. “I can assure you I’m not Lady, Sir Heimdall.” Astrid turned back to look at the place the portal would soon appear. Just before the portal would suck her in, and take her towards her destination she could hear Heimdall speak. “I wish you the best of luck all the same.”
Astrid was in pain, her whole body hurt from the blow her body had taken when she’d struck the earth. Her passage through the bifrost was less than graceful as she had been shaken towards all sides. When she felt like she wasn’t about to throw up from the pain, or just overall dizziness that comes with the use of the bifrost she slowly sat up.
It was dark, the stars were shining in the sky. The land felt like it was going down, so perhaps she was on a hill. Surrounding her were tiny trees, but in the darkness she couldn’t see what kind of fruit hung from them.  In the distance Astrid could see a small house, with people coming her way, using a lantern of shorts to light the way.  
Two people approached her carefully as she stood up. In the dark they shined the light from their lantern in her direction. “Qui es-tu?” A male voice said, and as Astrid slowly walked closer she could see it was an elderly couple. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean.” Astrid said in Asgardian. “Que es-tue? D’où viens-tu? Et que faites-vous dans votre vigne?” This was going to be harder than expected.
But Astrid was nothing but a fighter. One language barrier wasn’t going to stop her. No, she was going to learn. She was going to make something of this second chance she had gotten, even if there had been no need for it. But she was going to make the best of it, and before she knew it Asgard will be a distant memory.
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a-god-in-crime-alley · 4 months
I have no idea if you'll notice this, but I recently read your addition to the "Danny and Sam are Thomas and Martha Wayne reincarnated" and I just can't find it anymore 😭
I'm literally desperate, plsss help
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I got’chu , also, someone did fanart of the outfits and I almost cried
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Fifty Eight
Fallacia ad Papilionem (NSFW)
Pairing: Haikyuu!! x Fem!Reader
previous | next | 2099
In what seems like a fraction of a second, Suna picks you up in his strong arms and wraps your legs around his back which you hug around his waist just as you've done it a thousand times before.
Through your clothes, you can feel him strain against your core. And despite how simple the sensation is, it's just enough to get you rolling your hips into him.
"Fuck," he groans, enjoying this equally as much as you do while he looks down between the two of you. "I missed you so much, baby."
As silly as it might sound, the simple sentence is all it takes to get your stomach twisted in knots. The two of you, together, were so beautiful. Despite the tragic ending, nothing ever compared to the time you had with him.
For as long as you continue living on this god-forsaken earth, you know you'll never be able to stop thinking about him. Especially now knowing the two of you could so quickly jump back into what you had before. Perhaps you could be his girlfriend again. Even in this fucked up world.
"You okay?" he then asks, making sure you're okay with each step he makes.
"Yeah," you smile softly at him. "I just don't get you sometimes."
"Why's that," he grins as he reaches back down to your neck and kisses you once again.
"You're just perfect," you sigh as you softly close your eyes and sink into the sensation of his lips on your skin- something you never thought you'd feel again. "I don't know how you could possibly think I deserve you."
Suna doesn't say anything as he places your feet back on the ground and reaches for the hem of your pants. Gently, he slides them down, indicating for you to slip out while he does the same.
The second time he picks you up, you can feel the warmth of his body against your core. He hasn't done a single thing, but you already feel insane waiting for him.
"Please, Rin," you beg in an almost inaudible voice. Though he doesn't answer until the second time you call. "Please. I need you."
With your legs around his waist, he slips inside spreading your walls apart as you tremble slightly at the sensation you haven't felt in quite some time from him.
Though you skipped most of the foreplay he basically lived for while the two of you went out, neither of you had the time- nor the patience- for that now. All you want is him. Nothing else outside of it matters. Not the medicine. Not the bus. Not the airport. Not any of the drama, either. Where you are right now is where you belong, where you want to be. The rest is meaningless. And with each of his carefully planned movements, you wonder if anyone has ever been as deeply in love as you.
He fills you up so deep with each push that your brain spins so fast and you lose control over yourself. And when he kisses you again, biting gently on your bottom lip, you moan helplessly in response.
You can feel a proud smile grow across his lips before he pulls back and continues to push you into the wall at his brutal rhythm.
Your nails dig deep into his back as you clench around him tightly. Suna, too, begins to breathe quickly as he starts to lose his pacing.
"Fuck, Rin, don't stop!" you shout to him between moans.
"Shit, you feel so fucking good, baby..."
Together, both of you reach your limit. As you clench down hard around him, he finishes inside of you. You wrap your arms around his neck as tight as you can until you reach your end, too. He then slows down, allowing you both to catch your breath.
Suna holds you still for a moment, keeping you in his grasp, and gazing into your eyes as though now is the first time he's truly seeing you in the past two years.
"Are you alright?" you ask him as you smile softly, hoping not to interrupt him or make a wrong move.
Suna nods as he pulls out and places your feet back on the floor. You then gather your clothes and fix yourself up until you're back to looking normal.
"I know that I fucked up, Rin. I don't even deserve to be in the same room as you let alone be this close to you. But since we are, I really want to be better. I was such a bitch to you and I'm sorry. Really," you say to him.
"I know you are, but what happened in the past happened in the past. We can't erase it-" he responds.
"You're right. Of course you're right," you shake your head frantically as you fix your hair and begin to step past him. "I'm such an idiot."
But Suna puts his arm out and stops you from getting past to reach that brown medicine bag. "You didn't let me finish. We can't erase it, but that doesn't mean we have to dwell on it. Not in this fucked up world at least. Y/N, I was the one who went out looking for you."
He then leans down and kisses you softly and when he draws back, he gazes at you just as seriously as always. "I love you, Y/N," he says so sincerely your eyes start to get watery. "Now, let's get back to the bus before everyone thinks something bad's happened to us."
"Okay," you nod, smiling slightly as he stands up and grabs the brown bag. Though you don't want to leave, you know the moment has come to an end. For now, at least.
And so, you and Suna walk back to the bus side by side. But before you can get to the door, someone unfamiliar gets there first.
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papilionem-dragon · 4 years
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monstrous-feminine · 5 years
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papilionema · 4 years
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santiago-caballero · 3 years
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Ella tiene el poder ferviente de los colores rojizos, se desvela cada noche esperando iluminar; sin embargo, no tiene fe en su propio brillo.
Ella descansa sus ojos bajo un cielo tintineante de estrellas en tríada y sueña con alcanzar el brillo distante que emanan. Mientras camina la brisa juega con sus rizos caídos en las mejillas y sus lunares tiernos brotaron del deseo cual cerezo, más considera que sus pesadillas la dominan y estas no son más que sueños.
Ella murmura y la niebla se pierde en el cielo, las aves salen en pos de vuelo y se alzan vivaces de madrugada mientras un canto dulce del océano me incita a amarla. Siempre he seguido fielmente su voz, un timbre armonioso que me exalta, pero por mí no siente nada y dice no haber escuchado nunca un tierno susurro que la dejara encantada.
Ella sonríe y se pintan oleos que deslumbran que pocos han tenido la dicha de conocer, su amor siempre fue perfecto, más nunca encontró resguardo alguno o con quien compartir un efímero momento y no pidiese más que el roce de sus brazos durante la confesión de sus temores.
Ella, tenue, junto a su mirada triste se sienta a leer cada madrugada y a lo lejos le escribo en versos durante esta velada infame, de esta manera cada mañana, amanecemos envueltos en letras y deseos bajo su almohada, esperando que otra noche pase y no la deje lastimada.
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Maldito calor de mi pecho que solo me ha ocasionado dolor y largas noches de duelo mientras padezco falta de sueño.
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ryantologyz · 3 years
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#ryantology #tomorrowland #papilionem #aroundtheworld #amicorum #spectaculum #partyanimal #timmytrumpet #headhunterz #livetodaylovetomorrowuniteforever #jbl #jblcharge5 #limitededition #alanwalker #vinivici #arminvanbuuren #datweekaz #asia #alcohol #alcoholbreak #break #partyallnight #digitalfestival #tomorrowlandaroundtheworld Round Day Two. New Add-ons. Checked. x (at Tomorrowland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRb43sFLtvb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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djanemagbr · 4 years
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O festival virtual do Tomorrowland acontece no final deste mês, de 25 a 26 de julho, e, diferentemente do festival regular, não há muito o que fazer para se preparar além de comprar um ingresso acessível. Ou seja, a menos que você queira … - O Tomorrowland está oferecendo uma série de kits de comida, bebida e festas em casa para que você sinta que realmente está no festival. Para a comida, você tem a opção entre uma experiência de churrasco de carne e peixe (Brasa BBQ experience – Meat and Fish) ou vegetariano (Brasa BBQ experience – Veggie) ou uma (MESA Taco & Cocktail Experience). Cada “experiência” custa entre 75,00 € (aprox. 450,00 reais) e 144,00 € (aprox. 870,00 reais), respectivamente, dada a compra mínima de 2/4. Você também pode obter uma mistura completa por “apenas” € 216,00 (aprox. 1.300,00 reais). Preços mais salgados que a comida? No Brasil, pode ser! - Para bebidas, você pode escolher entre uma caixa de coquetéis Around the World ou uma seleção de bebidas da Tomorrowland, essencialmente a diferença entre coquetéis pré-fabricados ou uma caixa de garrafas e batedeiras. Eles custam entre € 65,00 (aprox. 390,00 reais) ou € 80,00 (aprox. 480,00 reais), respectivamente. - Finalmente, há os pacotes de Home Party: uma caixa de ‘Home Party’ nas versões Silver e Gold contendo uma Caixa de Som Portáti JBL Flip 5 da marca Tomorrowland e uma verdadeira tenda da Dreamville. As ”Home Party Box’s” contêm uma variedade de itens da marca do festival, incluindo pulseiras, pôsteres, xícaras, palitos de espuma, confetes e muito mais... 🔽🔽🔽 Saiba mais acessando o nosso site (link na bio) ou no destaque no stories. . . . . #djanemagnews #Tomorrowland #homepartybox #papilionem #PeopleofTomorrow #Tomorrowlandaroundtheworld #virtualfestival #festival #festivalonline #live #liveset #livestreaming (em Tomorrowland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMcg6IFS78/?igshid=j4enicblxm0s
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hyphalantern · 5 years
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[Image Description Start: a digital drawing of a re-imagined Rush Sykes and David Nassau from “The Last Remnant” on a festival date.  Rush is a fat, light skinned asian person with short, navy hair.  They are wearing a short, green and gold yukata with pink rabbits along the bottom hem.  David is a thin, brown skinned asian man with chin length blond hair.  He is wearing a beige, short sleeved, chut thai with red and blue embroidery, and pastel pink ruffles spilling out the bottom.  Rush is leading David by the hand as they run towards something Rush is pointing at; there is a goldfish in a bag in David’s other hand. Behind them are kids playing and a grill stand.  It is a beautiful night.  End Description.]
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randomimaginesideas · 25 days
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer, Twilight (Movies), Twilight Series - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Aro/Caius/Marcus (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Aro (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Caius (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Marcus (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Carlisle Cullen/Original Female Character(s), Bella Swan/Selfworth Characters: Aro (Twilight), Caius (Twilight), Marcus (Twilight), Carlisle Cullen, Bella Swan, Benjamin (Twilight), Edward Cullen, The Volturi (Twilight), Original Volturi Character(s) (Twilight), Volturi Guard (Twilight) Additional Tags: Polyamory, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Foursome - F/M/M/M, True Mates, Character Turned Into Vampire, Vampires, Mates, No beta we shut down like ao3, powerful fmc, Queen vibes, A better look inside Bella's mind, Bella finally stands up for herself, Edward Cullen Bashing, Light Carlisle/FMC if you squint., Other Additional Tags to Be Added, english is not my first language, Bella Swan with a Backbone Summary:
The butterfly effect; "How strange that even a very minor event, action or small shift can have such a tremendous effect. Like a butterfly's wing is capable of altering the path of a tornado. Certantainly everything, even the very thingy thing can effect everything."
Or alternatively;
How Bella's life could have gone if only the Volturi had met their mate earlier in their life times, and how she could be the butterfly in Bella's life.
New chapter posted.
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amplectormors · 5 years
♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them (Because the young Emperor can't allow the Prince to get any sicker.)
Manhandling symbol starters
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“W-wait!” He stuttered but all the same he curls his knees up close and huddles tight to the stranger, watching the mud on him staining the Niffs white outfit.
“I’m all gross now...” Mors murmured, and looked down at the muddy embankment where he tripped. The koi fish poked their mouths out of the water and seem to gaze up at them curiously. “I think I can walk... I’m fine Iede...” He felt a pain in his ankle, and it worried him, he hoped it wasn’t anything big, that it would go away soon, but nothing ever did.
“Sorry...” He buried his head on Iede’s chest and sighed. “Now you’ll get in trouble for sure.”
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friendly-enby · 5 years
An excerpt from the latest Papilionem Modum chapter that I really like:
‘With the last of the herbs in his pipe turned to ash, David dumped it out on the tray next to him and turned to go to bed. The moon glowed ever brighter in his absence; an omen for the days to come.’
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weddinghub · 3 years
Papilionem by Otaduy: La nueva colección de vestidos de novia 2022
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Carolina, directora creativa de Otaduy, nos cuenta todo sobre su más reciente colección para novias: Papilionem. Read More...
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