#papa v x you
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I’m trying not to get ahead of myself.
But man.
I could easily imagine being a young and naive convent girl, lonely and confused in her efforts, praying deep into the night in the garden, hands clasped as you weep into the universe for direction, a guardian, a shepherd to guide you towards the path you are meant to walk. And one night, you look up and see this . . .

. . . And you believe your prayers have been answered by the presence of this great and terrible angel.
#the band ghost#papa v perpetua#this has notes of Nosferatu in it I reckon#but seriously I got spoiled the image on Reddit#and my immediate thought was that I was beholding something powerful and majestic#papa v x you#papa v Perpetua x you#kind of
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this is a weird one chat I won’t lie
cw: mild gore, sexual content, discussion of self harm and suicide
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was…” How long has it been? The fact that you even have to ask yourself that only makes the well of shame burn in your belly that much hotter.
You’re already choking. So much for thinking this would be easy.
“It was,” a gentle, tenor voice prompts from the other side of the screen. You raise an eyebrow, expecting the gruff baritone of Father Myles. From your knees, you can just barely make out a silhouette through the lattice, but it’s nothing more than an indistinct blob of shadows. You swallow down a nervous lump, knowing the man’s identity doesn’t really matter; he’s a stand-in for something much, much greater.
“A month ago?” Already, your cheeks are burning. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.” The Father is silent; it takes you a moment to remember you’re supposed to be talking. “These are my sins…” You let out a long sigh, knowing you need to spit it out already. Repeating the sign of the Cross and clutching your rosary a little tighter helps settle your nerves. “I’m- I just feel uncertain, is all.”
“You are having doubts?” Something about his words, though spoken so softly, cuts through to your very center. Who is this man? A visitor to the monastery? A friend of Father Myles?
“I-” No use obfuscating. He has already read your heart. “Yes, Father.”
“I see.” You hear a page turning, then the clicking of a pen. “And why do you feel this way?” The question has the anxiety bubbling up in your stomach again. Your palms clam up, muscles locking. You shake your head, a quiet voice screaming at you to abort! abort! abort!
“I’m like Thomas,” you mutter. “I have to see the nail marks. I have to put my hand into His side and feel the wound myself.” What would His flesh be like beneath your curious fingertips? Would it be cold to the touch, dusty from the Sepulcher, or would it be as warm and supple as it was on the Cross? “I want to believe.”
“Of course you do.” More pages turning. “But ‘blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.’” You want to roll your eyes. Even Father Myles could do better than that.
“I know.”
“Belief seldom comes easily, but it is always a worthy pursuit. Remember Peter, who despite his unbelief was able to walk across water.”
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
“I remember, Father.”
“Is that all?”
“Yes.” You suspect he knows this is a lie, but he says nothing. “For these and all of my sins, I am truly sorry.”
You’re not going to back out this time. You told yourself you wouldn’t, and trying to ignore the problem had only made it worse.
“What troubles you today?” The stranger again. He asks not in the what could you possibly want this time way that Father Myles does, but in a manner that tells you he truly wants to listen, that he really cares.
It’s refreshing.
“I lied to you, Father.” You sigh, twisting your rosary around one finger. The tip begins to turn a purplish-red. “The last time I was here, I had more to confess, but…” Your throat feels tight, squeezed shut by an invisible hand. Already, your eyes sting with forthcoming tears. You feel weak, filthy, like a little bug. “It’s too shameful.”
“There is no shame here,” the man states. “Only truth.”
What an odd thing to say.
“Speak, my child.”
“I can’t.” You’re hair’s breadth away from turning tail again. “I-”
“‘If we confess our sins,’” he interjects, “‘he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’” Though he doesn’t raise his voice at you, his words carry commanding power like that of an emperor. Before you can stop yourself, your lips are moving, his melodic timbre bidding you speak, cementing you in place so that you can’t possibly run away.
“I’m been having thoughts, Father.” You swallow, feeling heat creep into your flesh at the mere mention of your problem. “Impure ones.”
The mysterious priest hums in acknowledgement. It’s a rich, sweet sound, like honey. “What are the nature of these thoughts?” You bite your lip, parsing out your next words carefully.
“Lustful,” you admit. “Mostly.”
“Lustful…” There’s something a little less tender in the way he says it. “Are these thoughts about someone in particular?”
“Not really.” Now that you’ve gotten the ball rolling, the rest comes easier. “Just about what it would be like to be with another person. Touching, being touched; what it would feel like to…” You suck in a harsh breath, trying to fight the warmth building deep in your abdomen, the tingling sensation blooming between your legs. “To-”
To be taken?
“Excuse me?”
“I said nothing.” You can hear pen on paper. Dear Lord, he’s taking notes. “Please, continue.”
There’s a fogginess in your head, like the booth is filled with smoke. You clap your hands against your cheeks, trying to wake yourself up. “I don’t know what else to say.”
“These are not the only thoughts you’re having?” Your head comes to rest against the wall, producing a small thump. You just had to go and open your mouth…
“Then, what else?”
“I’m wrathful, Father.”
This gives you pause. You hadn’t really considered it until now, just felt the rage and then the shame that came with it. “I don’t know.” Your gaze wanders to the curtain, covetously eyeing the sliver of afternoon light peeking out from under it. “Probably because I’m stuck in here, when I could be out there, doing anything else.” Realizing what you’ve just said, you clap your hands over your mouth. Your rosary falls to the floor, beads drumming against the carpet. “I’m sorry,” you sputter, “I didn’t mean-”
“This is a life that demands personal sacrifice,” the Father says, silencing you. “You’re not the first person to feel this way, and you won’t be the last.”
“But I love Him,” you mutter, pulling a loose thread from your habit. “I thought it would be easy.”
“My child, nothing in life is easy.”
In your dream, the halls of the monastery are labyrinthine — twisting, winding, and seemingly endless. The shadows bend and warp, morphing into terrible, monstrous shapes. As you run by their clawed hands reach for you, grabbing and scratching at your ankles. One manages to get a grip and pulls you down to meet the cold marble floor, knocking the wind out of you. As you lay there, coughing and gasping for air, your eyes fall upon your assailant. In an instant, the shadow changes, shifting and bubbling until it coalesces into the familiar figure of Sister Felicity, who always has a kind word. Relief washes over you, and you extend a hand, begging for her to help you up. She just scowls.
“Sinner!” Her words are like a knife, gouging a hole in your chest. Confused and scared, you scoot backwards on the cold floor, trying to get away. When you make contact with a hard body, you look up and find the imposing figure of Brother Jeremiah looming over you.
“Blasphemer!” All around you, the dark figures transform into your Brothers and Sisters. They gnash their teeth at you, hurling insults. With a cry, you scramble to your feet, but only make it a few paces before you slam into another one of the creatures. To your utter horror, his one has the face of Father Myles, his normally indifferent deadpan plastered over with a fury that makes your blood run cold. He holds up a notebook, and despite your fear a deep sense of humiliation creeps in.
Scrawled on the pages in red ink are the words “DOUBTS” and “LUSTFUL.”
The creatures begin to laugh. Their mocking chorus is amplified as it bounces off the vaulted ceiling, quickly becoming so loud that it shakes the whole building. Your ears scream, the pain splitting your skull as you run, not caring where you go as long as it’s away from this dreadful place. The creatures tear at you, their claws shredding your habit so that it falls away, leaving you naked and covered in stinging, bleeding cuts.
You blink, and find yourself in the chapel. It’s quiet and deathly still. Despite the late hour, a censer burns in the corner, the aroma of frankincense heavy in the musty air. The candles are still lit, casting the ancient space in a pale, orange glow.
“Lord, help me.” Your legs finally give out as you collapse in a sobbing heap before the altar. The air feels thin, like you’re on top of a mountain, and though you gulp it down like water, your head won’t stop spinning. “Why is this happening?”
A cold, forceful gust of wind blows through the room. You look up, expecting more of the awful creatures, but find that you are still alone. Candles extinguished, the room is cast in darkness, the shadows still and monolithic. Heaving a sigh of relief, you wipe away the tears streaming down your face. Maybe He can hear you after all.
Outside, the clouds part. The full moon shines in through the stained glass, bathing the chamber in a kaleidoscope of color. Mesmerized, you follow a beam of silver light across the room to where it lands on the confessional. The curtain is pulled back, though the inside is nothing but a black void.
You feel compelled to throw yourself into it.
Slowly, you rise to your feet. Your gait is jerky, oddly stiff as you stalk over to the booth, like your movements aren’t your own. As you approach a sense of dread overtakes you, a voice in your head screaming at you to run, to resist. Something terrible lurks in the inky blackness, waiting to swallow you whole.
Confess, the darkness calls. It has a soft, gentle voice, like that of an angel. Try as you might, you can’t possibly break the spell it has cast.
Suddenly, you’re on your knees, enveloped in the pitch black of the booth. The walls are closing in. You reach for the curtain but find only a hard wood panel. Screaming until you can’t, you’re stuck, kneeling as the breath is squeezed out of your lungs, your bones cracking and breaking. It’s agony, and even as the darkness consumes you, every nerve is on fire. In your last moments, you’re able to muster the strength to look up at the screen, desperately searching for proof that you’re not alone in death.
“Forgive me, Father,” you choke, vision fading.
A shadowy figure watches your suffering from the other side of the lattice. In one hollow socket, an eye glows ghastly white.
I cannot, my dear.
“They won’t stop,” you groan. “The thoughts, the dreams; they won’t leave me alone.”
“I imagine that is quite… distressing.” A severe understatement.
“I don’t know what to do.” The tears are coming back. “I’ve been praying, asking God for help, but it only gets worse.” A single droplet slides down your cheek, dripping onto your leg. You draw in a breath, readying yourself for the next admission. “I want to hurt people.”
The Father is silent, and for a moment, you fear he’s fled. “Who?”
“My Brothers and Sisters, Father Myles... Myself.” Your rosary hangs around your neck and you pull on it hard, feeling the beads dig into your skin. “Every day, I have to sit there and watch them judge me. They can see I’m a sinner, but no one will help me. I know I shouldn’t, but I hate them. I hate all of them.”
Not him, though.
“What do you want to do to them?” Your eyes screw shut, feeling the shame gnaw at the inside of your stomach.
“I just wanted to hit them at first. Punch them, kick them. But now…” The sobbing begins again.
“Now, what? Tell me.”
You let out a wail. “I crave blood, Father! I want to feel it, taste it, paint this whole place with it.” Collapsing forward, your fingers twist into your hair, nails digging into your scalp. “I’m so afraid. Why is God doing this to me?”
“His will is beyond human comprehension,” he says. “Job was an upright man, and yet his sufferings were endless.”
A node of something — anger? — forms in your chest. “You think He’s testing me?”
“It is not my place to-”
“What did I do to deserve this? What reason did I give Him to doubt my faith?”
“Be strong, and-”
“He wants me to fail!” You let out a few sobs, wishing you could take back your words. Your skin crawls, knowing He’s watching. “I didn’t mean that.”
The Father sighs. “It’s clear you are under a lot of stress. Humble yourself before Him, and He will give you the strength to overcome this.” You can hear him scrawling something in his notebook. “One hundred Hail Marys, and reflect on the blessings the Heavenly Father has bestowed upon you. What the Lord gives, he can also take away.”
Why you thought he was different, you don’t know.
You gasp, jolting upright. Your skin is dewy with cold sweat, your mouth dry.
Another night, another horrible dream.
With a groan, you pull yourself out of bed. It’s a short walk to the washroom, but your muscles, your very bones, ache with fatigue. Returning to sleep, though, will be nigh impossible. The next best thing, you’ve come to learn, is to rise off the stickiness so you can at least lay comfortably in your bed until it’s time to get up for Prime.
You shower quickly, still making an effort to not be wasteful. The feeling of eyes on you, lingering from the dream, helps. It’s as you’re toweling off, trying not to think about your chores for the day, that you catch a red stain on the off-white linen. Confused, you unfurl the towel, finding it covered in splotches of crimson.
Then — only then — do you notice the wounds on your hands. Through the deep gouges, you can see that your feet bear similar marks. Blood is smeared across the tile floor, leading from the door, to the shower, to the sink.
You cry out, whipping around to look in the mirror. Staring back is a vision of yourself in death, pale and emaciated. Your eyes are lifeless, the skin under them swollen and purple. Through cracked lips, your teeth are stained red, the taste of metal overpowering. There’s a twinge of pain in your side, and your heart stops when you see the deep, oozing gash between your ribs. You double over, retching into the sink. More blood issues forth, the droplets like rose petals against the porcelain.
“What’s happening to me?”
Overhead, the florescent lights flicker, and then shut off. The air grows frigid, your sallow skin breaking out in gooseflesh. Hacking up a clot of blood and tissue, the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as you become aware of a presence behind you. Your muscles lock up, fear penetrating to the very core of your being. You don’t want to look, but your body moves on its own, back straightening with a series of sickening pops and cracks.
By the light of that sinister white eye, you can just barely make out the vague, dark figure behind you. It towers above you, inhumanly so. You want to scream, to run, but you’re frozen in place, barely able to breathe. A chromatic, skeletal hand, gleaming in the low light, appears in the mirror, snaking over your shoulder to grasp you by the chin. The metal is so cold it burns, but the touch is delicate, as if afraid to break you. A tear spills over, cutting a trail down your cheek. The figure swipes it away with its thumb.
Do not be afraid.
The voice is at once comforting and hauntingly familiar, like an old lullaby. Though it chills you to the bone, you can’t help but hang on to every word, as if it were the key to your salvation. A second, cold hand finds your hip, though this time it sends a blissful sensation up your spine. You let out a pathetic noise, unable to control yourself, and the creature laughs.
“Save me,” you murmur, finding your voice.
It doesn’t answer, instead dragging its hand up your side, bony fingertips tracing the contours of your ribs. Your heart noticeably quickens as it approaches the wound, but with anticipation rather than fear. Slowly, it draws its index finger around the slit, relishing in the softness of the skin there. The pleasure is so intense your knees buckle, though the figure holds you upright. It’s otherworldly, like nothing you’ve ever felt before, and for a fleeting moment you have to wonder what good all these years of depriving yourself has really done.
That moment is over quickly. In a long, smooth motion, the metal appendage finds its home in your side. Your stomach flips, a moan wrenching itself out of you as blood pours from of the wound afresh, cascading down your body to pool at your feet.
“Save me,” you mewl, back arching as the shadow begins to pump its finger in and out. “Oh, save me, save me, save me…” You’re not sure what’s happening, but it feels like something is on the horizon; a tidal wave, coming to crash on your shore and wash everything away. This only encourages the mysterious specter, its pace increasing as it adds another digit.
Give in, is all the familiar voice says.
You snap awake. It’s like you’re falling, body convulsing with a frantic, wild energy. Rapturous. If you weren’t so certain of your damnation, you would think you had died and gone to Heaven.
The euphoria is quickly replaced by soul-crushing shame.
Tearing the sweat-soaked covers away, you take flight. Without thinking, your shaking legs carry you to the back corner of the chapel, and before you know it, you’re kneeling in the confessional, hands clasped tight. You try to speak, but only sobs come out.
“What’s wrong?” Of course it’s him, but at this hour? Your cheeks flush, finally realizing it had been that sweet, gentle voice that had brought you to the height of ecstasy mere moments before.
“I am damned, Father!” Then, more tears. The priest lets you cry until your throat is painfully tight and you think you might vomit. Once your sobs turn to whimpers, he speaks again.
“Tell me.”
You sniffle, gut twisting. Nevertheless, the words spill out like water. “My urges; I gave in.”
“And?” You know what he’s looking for. There’s no point in hiding it from him.
“I liked it.” Even now, you want more. “I’ll never be free of this, will I?”
“It is the nature of humankind,” the Father says. “You are only a prisoner if you allow yourself to be one.”
“No,” you whine, knocking your head against the wooden paneling a few times. “No, no, no!”
“You are at a crossroads. Will you live by your nature, or reject it?”
“I don’t know,” you whimper, snot dribbling down your chin. “Tell me what I should do.”
He hesitates. You can hear him let out a tense breath. “You have to decide for yourself.”
“Don’t make me.”
“You must!” A long, pregnant silence hangs over the booth, the same primordial terror you had felt in the dream gripping your very soul.
This man… No…
“Father,” you ask, “how do you know when God is speaking to you?” Grimacing, you pull on a thread of skin around one of your fingernails. “I’ve spent my whole life praying, worshipping, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt His presence.” A droplet of blood, like a ruby, begins to well up. “It is possible to be deaf to the voice of God? That’s what it feels like.” Without thinking, you stick the digit in your mouth, shuddering as the taste of iron coats your tongue. Realizing what you’ve done, you gasp, stomach churning with repulsion. Your breath starts to go ragged, fresh tears pricking in your eyes. “Father?”
“I cannot answer you, my dear, for I do not know.”
Something inside of you dies.
“‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.’”
Leaves crunch under your bare feet. Twigs snap and splinter, digging into your soles, but you hardly notice.
“‘He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul.’”
Between the trees, you can see the lake. The moon shimmers on the surface, the ripples like little silver fish. It calls to you.
“‘He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.’”
You’re in no rush as you walk out onto the dock, though it’s so cold your fingers and toes are numb. Breathing deeply, you can still smell smoke on the night air. They’ll be coming for you soon. It steels your nerves, the last traces of doubt ebbing away.
“‘Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.’”
You look at your hands, covered in soot and dirt. Your fingernails are bitten to bloody stubs, cuticles picked away as if by carrion birds. They are sinful hands, once devoted to prayer but now are good for nothing but indulging in vice and doing the Devil’s work. With these hands, you have dragged yourself into the very depths of Hell.
“‘Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.’”
You take a step closer to the edge, and then another. A cloud passes over, plunging you into darkness. The surface of the lake resembles a black hole, eager to gobble you up. Like the vacuum of space, the water is deathly cold this time of year. It won’t take very long at all for you to succumb.
Arms open, you’re about to let yourself fall off the dock when a familiar awareness overtakes you. The moon reappears from behind the clouds, and the terrain is once more cast in an ethereal, silver-blue glow.
He’s standing on the water, watching you from the deepest part of the lake. That horrid white eye twinkles like a star, a cheap imitation of the Heaven you’ll never reach.
Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.
Your muscles slacken, and you fall to your knees, screaming and sobbing and pulling at your hair. The figure stands there, motionless, as you crumble to pieces. He is at once alluring and repulsive, and for as much as you still want to drown, you are drawn to him like a moth to flame.
“Lord,” you croak, tears streaming down your face. You sniffle, then take a steadying breath. “If it is you, command me to come to you.”
Come to me, dearest.
Shakily, you rise to your feet, eyes darting between the shadow and the edge of the dock. He raises his hand, bones shining like diamonds in the moonlight, and beckons you forth. Your chest is tight with apprehension as you take a step down, fully expecting your foot to sink into the icy water.
It’s as firm as the wood beneath the rest of you.
The rush of adrenaline is instantaneous. It’s like you’re flying; it’s better. You plant your other foot down on the surface of the lake, take a few shaky steps, and before you know it you’re running to him, gliding across the water like it’s ice. It ripples with every stride, splashing your legs, but you never once sink or slip.
As you approach the figure, the shadows seem to pull away, revealing him to you in full for the first time. Most of him is still obscured, body draped in long, purple robes, his face hidden behind a mask. There is clearly flesh on him, though, as beneath the metallic, skull-like facade, his painted lips are full and temptingly soft. Curls of black hair frame his face in a manner reminiscent of classical sculpture. His other eye is light in color, blue or green, though it’s difficult to tell in the darkness.
Your angel of death. He is dreadful. He is beautiful. You fall on your knees before him, arms open in supplication, eyes full of joyful tears.
“Lord, save me.”
You of little faith. You must save yourself.
He extends his hand. Without hesitation, you take it, and know you are finally free.
#my writing#the band ghost x reader#papa v perpetua x reader#before you ask im… okay#I’m so afraid to post this but I’ve worked on it too much to back out now lol#I have so many Perpetua thoughts and it’s like a 50/50 split between normal and completely deranged#yall get the deranged today#UGH TAKE IT
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Postal Service !
Postal service rules : Don’t request any NSFW for TMC/The Mandela catalogue. Don’t request any kinks that involve bodily fluids. Don’t request any minor characters aged up for NSFW requests.
[Requests/Letters delivered : 9 out of 14]
You are beginning to make a letter for that special person, where do they live?
Detective Comics / Arkhamverse
Squid Game
Dead by Daylight
Elden Ring
The Mandela Catalogue
Ghost ( Band )
Identity V
The Magnus Archives
The Outlast Series
How long is your letter?
Couple pages, Oneshot
A page, Headcanons + Short fanfic
What envelope did you choose for the letter?
Blue Envelope, Angst
Red Envelope, NSFW
Lavender Envelope, Platonic
Pink Envelope, Fluff
What stamp did you put on the envelope?
Heart themed stamp, No AU
City themed stamp, Ex-Husband/Wife/Spouse AU
Food themed stamp, Slasher AU
Animal themed stamp, Monster AU
Bird themed stamp, Apocalypse AU
Semi-postal stamp, Hospital AU
NetStamp, Detective / Killer AU
Forever stamp, Yandere AU
Flower themed stamp, Cult AU
Ocean themed stamp, Siren AU
Horseshoe themed stamp, Wild West AU
What else did you put in the letter? (Optional)
Dried flowers : Early morning prompts
Paper hearts : Fluff scenarios
Paper flowers : Platonic sentence starters
Pink wax seal : Found family prompts
Scented letter : Levels of intimacy
One ring : Smut Prompts
Kiss stains : Inexperienced smut prompts
Photographs : Smut sentence starters
Deep blue wax seal : 20 prompts for friends with benefits to lovers
#˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ lumiere’s postal service#the magnus archives x reader#tma x reader#ghost band x reader#outlast trials x reader#outlast x reader#identity v x reader#outlast#do not archive#outlast eddie fanfiction#outlast eddie x reader#dead by daylight x reader#dbd x you#dbd x reader#the outlast trials x reader#dc batman x reader#platonic dc x reader#dc x reader#dc comics x reader#dc fanfic#dc fanfiction#squid game x reader#batman arkhamverse x reader#elden ring x reader#idv x reader#identity v x you#papa copia x reader#papa emeritus i x reader#papa emeritus ii x reader#papa emeritus iii x reader
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✖ @rickgrimesdoingrickthings cont.
"What? Oh." Fox hadn't realized she'd been staring, in fact, she had no idea how long she'd been standing there either. Lost in thought as she looked at her coworker in a way that was probably not appropriate. He just looked so... natural. As if she was always meant to walk into this room and see him there. Showered, focusing on something, looking every bit the man she wanted and yet knew she would not have.
"No, no, sorry, I--long day." She shrugged off as a way of explanation. Unsure if he had heard the conversation in Russian she had been having on the phone when she came home. "No, its my night. I was actually thinking Chinese food too, just came in to see if you could break a $10 for the tip?" She held up the green bill, her mouth smiling, her eyes flat.
"You know I meant it when I said you can stay as long as you like, right? Don't even worry about it, its nice having the company." And it was. Just knowing that there was someone to come home to most nights had made a huge improvement on her life. One could say she even looked forward to it now. "--Actually, its funny you bring that up." She bit her lip. "I, uh, am going to be out of the house for a few days next week. You could have Carl over then. It'll be over the weekend, so, school shouldn't matter and you guys could have the whole place to yourself." Fox crossed her arms, feeling far smaller than she had that morning. As if she was a kid again. Just like when she was a kid, her father was doing what he wanted, but there was no way in hell she was going to let him know where she lived when he made his visit to King County.
#rickgrimesdoingrickthings#[ hehehe enter papa alexei ]#x | v. it changes you; either into one of them or something a lot less than the person you were ( TWD TWO. )
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Pairing: Trailer Park!Joel x Reader
Summary: You fuck Joel in his filthy double-wide.
Warnings: 18+. Unprotected p-in-v. Perv!Joel. Dirty!Joel. Stink kink (don’t look at me). Age gap. Breeding kink. Daddy kink. Mention of creampie. Cockroach cameo.
Word count: 1.0k
This felt good.
The smell, on the other hand, was unbearable.
Joel Miller hadn’t cracked a window in his trailer since 1986. When he smoked, he smoked inside and never thought twice about how it might smell to visitors.
To be fair, he didn’t have folks over all that often.
You were the exception, not the rule. Your visits typically lasted no more than fifteen minutes and ended with two shaky legs wobbling down his front steps and a load of his cum leaking out from in between them. Whenever you went to see your neighbor, you left your nose—and your dignity—at the door, and you didn’t ask questions.
The mold overhead was getting hard to ignore, though.
You lay flat on your back on a mattress situated in the center of Joel’s room. On the floor. There was no decor, save for one Nickelback poster and a pyramid of empty Zyn containers stacked in the corner. The summer heat was killing you both, so you’d kicked off the sheets and left the bed completely bare. You’d pretended not to see stains of Mountain Dew and beer before stripping down.
“This pussy’s so fuckin’ tight,” Joel panted in your ear.
His cock was wet and slippery with your shared fluids, making obscene noises each time that he drove home. You loved it and hated it—you couldn’t help but admire the way a sheen of sweat glistened on his chest and made the grey hairs dusting his pecs look even thicker; you weren’t crazy about the odor emanating from his pits but couldn’t deny that that scent was distinctly him.
Joel grossed you out and drove you nuts, made you insane with desire and sometimes disgust. He pushed so deep inside your needy cunt you sometimes swore you could’ve felt him on your tongue. He tasted like bourbon and tobacco, no matter what time of day it was. He kissed sloppily but surprisingly well, and he had a filthy fucking mouth that he knew exactly how to use on you.
Sometimes, the liquor made it say stupid things.
“Gonna fill you up, honey.” His voice was hoarse.
Joel’s hips were pummeling your own at a breakneck pace. His balls were slapping your ass, repeatedly, and drawing whimpers out of your throat with every thrust. Freak that he was, he let his tongue dart past his lips, and he licked into your mouth. He pushed the thick, wet muscle in without concern and let you taste him as he fucked you into his filthy mattress. He loved doing it.
He loved showing you in any way that you were his.
“Bet you’d look pretty with my baby on your hip.”
Your eyes widened, though you said nothing. Your climax was teetering far too close now to say a word, and your shock silenced you. For a second, you only winced.
“Don’t even…joke about that, Miller,” you hissed.
“I ain’t jokin’. I’d make you a mama in a heartbeat.”
Of course, leave it to you to fuck the one freak-nasty hillbilly with a breeding kink. The tip of his leaking cock kissed your cervix, and inwardly, you hoped your IUD was ready to take a bullet—or several. Then you blinked, breathed a cloud of Joel’s heady scent, and, fuck.
He would make one disgustingly cute trailer park papa.
Ew, what the fuck? You chided yourself immediately.
Joel was meant to be a fuckbuddy, not a father.
You were in college, with dreams of leaving this backwater town as soon as possible, and he hadn’t strayed more than twenty miles from this place in twenty-five years, at least. He was also old enough to be your father. Your ankles curled around the backs of Joel’s calves, and your heels dug even deeper into the muscle.
Your orgasm was cresting now. Stars flitted behind your eyes, and the coil in your stomach was tightening like it never had before. You inhaled again and groaned—why did he have to be so old? Why were you picturing a life where you gladly had his kids and spent the rest of your days in Balmaceda’s Trailer Park? Was that your future?
“Let me fuck this pussy full of cum and knock you up.”
Joel grunted. You whined. Your eyes rolled back momentarily, and your fingers threaded tightly through the locks of hair at the nape of his neck. You loathed his mullet, but you still used it for leverage as your climax prepared to tear through your system. Joel’s cock plunged in and out, again and again, rutting into your body like an animal in heat, and he murmured it again—‘I’m gonna make you a mama, just you wait, honey’—and then you couldn’t deny the feeling. You were agreeing with him. Nodding your head with a fucked out look in your eyes and letting him shove his throbbing dick in you, give you all the pleasure you craved, you grinned through all your good sense. You let him do it.
“Give me a baby, Joel,” you whimpered.
Joel fucked in deeper and grit his teeth.
“Yeah, baby? You wanna have my baby?”
This was the dumbest thing you’d ever done. Well, second to ever laying down on this bare, beer-stained mattress in the first place. But you nodded at him again.
“Cum inside me, daddy, fuck.”
And just as you were both about to let go and give in to pleasure completely, your body tensed. Not with ecstasy, it seemed, but something else. You had a sense there was a presence by your side, and soon enough, it—
You weren’t sure why you screamed his name, but it felt like the right thing to do in the moment. You also weren’t thinking. You just saw a big, brown cockroach skitter over the bed and crawl up your leg, and you nearly tore a hole in your throat from how loudly you screamed. Joel jumped up, felt another dart across his foot, and yelled, ‘FUCK!’ He cursed two more times before tripping backwards, off the mattress, and fell on his ass.
You would’ve laughed if this wasn’t so gross.
“Joel, you need to clean this fucking trailer!”
#I KNOWWWWWWW WE HAVE EIGHT OTHER FICS QUEUED BUT THIS LITTLE FREAK HAD TO BE POSTED 😭#give this man a KISS and a STICK OF DEODORANT#also a mop and a bottle of cleaning solution probably#joel miller smut#joel miller x reader#joel miller x you#joel miller#joel miller fanfiction#joel miller imagine#joel miller one shot#joel miller tlou#the last of us fic
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pent up stress

pairing : husband!jungkook x wife!reader
genre : smut , fluff
warnings : there is a babyy , oc is a stressed mom , jk relieving all her stress , nicknames used : sweetheart/honey/my love , sexual : clit play , fingering , cum eating , making out , oral sex (f recieving) , lactation kink , p in v , mate press (?)
"shh, shh, it's okay, baby."
you gently pat your baby's back, switching from patting it and rubbing it up and down every second.
"my baby, hmm, it's fine. don't cry, don't cry, my love." you rock your baby up and down while spinning around the room, walking back and forth, doing all sorts of things to calm the baby down.
"sweet baby." leaning your head down to press a soothing kiss onto your baby's forehead, then another, another, and another and so on. there's a small smile forming on your face once your baby calms down a little.
"come on, shhh. goodnight, my love..." you carry your baby to his nursery, tip toeing, not wanna risk anything as you slowly bend your body forward to place the sleeping baby on the crib. and just as you do that—
"waaaahhhhhhhh! "
ah. yeah. right.
quickly retrieving back to your old position, your hand immediately flies to lay on top of your baby's back meanwhile your other arm is wrapped around your baby's body.
letting out a sigh mixed with exhaustion, you press your baby's head onto your chest, letting him listen to your heartbeat. please go to sleep. earlier you read an article saying that letting the baby listen to the mother's heartbeat makes them sleep better. please work.
don't get me wrong. your son is the best the best thing that has ever happened to you. he's your everything and you've always wanted to be a mom. but sometimes, it's just so hard. but you're aware that this is not something you can avoid and is prone to happen. and seeing your son's cute bunny smile at the end of the day was worth all the struggles. no matter how exhausting it can get sometimes.
it was around 3am now, after all.
your back was pressed against the headboard as you cuddled your baby into your embrace. half lidded, you watch your turn his face from side to side on your chest, trying to find a comfortable position and a few small squeaks leaving him here and there.
there's a small smile on your face while you rub your baby's back soothingly. meanwhile also trying not to fall asleep on spot.
but just as you were about to go against your own words and fall asleep, the door creeps open, making you jolt back up to look for who it is, only to see your husband's head peaking from behind the door.
he walks in, taking big but silent steps towards you.
jungkook smiles, "how's my babyboy doing?"
"he's a very bad baby tonight." you huff with a small grin, playfully, "but i managed to put him to sleep."
jungkook giggles, leaning forward to press a kiss onto your sleeping baby's cheek. your son squeaks, shifting his face from one side to another while comfortably laying his head on your chest.
"gimme the baby, honey. i'll put him to in the cot. you should get ready for bed." he pats your hair, twirling one of your strands.
"hm, okay." you get up, gently placing the baby in your husband's arms. but then—
the baby suddenly yelps, fists clutching onto your shirt tightly. you're startled, but you handle the situation just fine.
"ah, ah, ah, my baby." you're groaning, you're tired. but it's okay. you look at jungkook, the dark circles around your eyes very clear, but it's okay.
"oh, come on, baby. come to papa, it's okay." jungkook hums a small tone, one that your son for sure likes, as you slowly sneak the baby into his arm.
without even noticing the change of positions, your baby just snuggles into the familiar warmth of your husband's chest.
sigh. you sigh, sitting back on the bed.
"get ready for bed, my love."
you nod, just getting up from the bed and walking back to your shared bedroom.
by the time jungkook manages to fully calm your baby down and place him in his crib and come back, he finds you still on the bed blankly staring at the wall.
he's confused. shouldn't you be in bed already?
"honey, what's this? not sleepy?" there's concern written all over his face.
"are you okay?"
the moment he asks that, he notices your face turning completely sour with a big pout forming on your face. oh no, he knows that face very well.
"hey, hey, what's wrong?" jungkook quickly rushes to sit next to you, his hand now on your back, rubbing up and down and flattening any wrinkles on your shirt.
without any warning, you pull your husband closer by his arm and hugs him tight, face buried deep in his neck.
"i feel so exhausted." a small mumble.
your husband sighs, immediately noticing the problem.
"i know, sweetheart, i know. it's okay. just calm down for now, hm?" he leans his back against the headboard, pulling you closer to his body as you curled up into a small ball and let yourself be comforted by your husband's soothing heartbeat.
"we had this talk before, remember? days like this are prone to happen. and we have to get through it somehow." he whispers into your ear, pressing kissing in between his sentences as well. you hum, lightly nodding your head, agreeing.
"it's for our little baby. you're the best mommy i know and ever will know. just imagine us telling sannie about how much of a hussle he was when he's older." he chuckles, placing kisses on the crown of your head.
you smile into his chest, nodding.
"it's for our sannie." you mumble and jungkook hums, gently massaging your head. jungkook brushes his fingers through your hair, gently, soothingly, almost making you fall asleep. he had his head leaned downwards, forehead pressed against the crown of your head as he planted small pecks all over your forehead and eyelids.
"jungkook." you pull on his shirt, slowly making your way out of his embrace.
he just hums, caressing your cheek so softly.
stop. you love him so much.
you touch his hand on your cheek, leaning forward to connect your lips with him. your husband immediately smiles into the kiss, his fingers holding your face so gently as your lips moved against eachother perfectly.
his tongue licks your lower lip, slowly sneaking its way in your mouth. the tip of your tongues meet eachother, smoothly gliding against eachother as you to make out. like, really hard.
there's soft little noises coming out of the smacks of your lips, both of you eating eachothers faces out. not being able to hold back, you whimper, your fingers gripping onto jungkook's biceps.
you makeout for a few more seconds then breaking out for air.
jungkook couldn't help but let out a small squeaky laugh.
and oh, that laugh. it brought you back to the days where you both were just two highschoolers starting to like eachother. made you feel like a little girl having her first crush.
thinking about that had you forming the biggest cheekiest smile on your lips.
jungkook was a little confused at your change of expressions, but he just smiles it off. you sit up on his lap again, pulling your husband in for another kiss.
so you kiss.
but then, jungkook manages to get you to lay down on your bed on your back and him slowly getting on top of you. almost sneakily.
breaking from your kiss, you groan, letting your head fall onto the bed. jungkook snickers, almost evil, body laying softly on top of yours as he pulls you into another kiss. now, your legs are crushing his thighs, caging him between them while both your hands gripped onto his shoulders.
while you both are eating out eachother's faces, jungkook's hand slithers under your baggy sweatshirt, massaging your soft stomach.
"hm..." he hums, squeezing your tummy fat.
you both open your eyes at the same time, jungkook breaking down to a small giggle again. the tip of your tongues brush past eachother over and over again. fuck, you're getting so hot. you bet your face is as red as a tomato right now.
your husband brings up his other hand to hold you face by your cheek, then his tongue leaves you for a brief moment—and instead, he spits a globe of spit down to your mouth.
gladly, you swallow it down, opening your mouth again with your tongue out to show that you've done as he said.
jungkook huffs, smirking—fuck, he's so breathtakingly attractive.
"my amazing little wife. best woman in the world. best mama." his words flutter your stomach entirely. you swear you could see the butterflies flying out of your stomach.
you just smile in return, and that's more than enough for him.
"are you feeling any better, my love?" jungkook caresses your cheek as if you were the most fragile being on earth, touching you with so much gentleness.
you just hum with a small nod. but your hand touches jungkook's one that was on your cheek, then you put his fingers in your mouth.
jungkook watches you with amusement as you wet his fingers with your saliva. once you felt satisfied enough, you pull his fingers out. lifting up the hem of your sweatshirt using your other hand, you glide jungkook's fingers down your body, leaving a small trail of saliva on your stomach.
once you've reached your pelvis, you lift up little shorts, pushing his hand inside.
"touch me, jungkook." you moan out.
and i swear to god, jungkook swore he's never ever seen his wife hotter than this moment. he felt all the blood rush down to his pants, his dick hardening each second.
"shit—" his voice was so breathy, "you're so hot. baby, i'm gonna lose my mind." he takes a deep breath before diving straight down to your neck. he begins to kiss and suck on your neck, nibbling here and there, biting too. meanwhile, jungkook also makes sure to add a little bit of pressure to your clit. not doing anything but just pressing onto it subtly. tease.
you moan as your husband continues to suck and bite all over your neck, leaving little hickeys all over.
"i need you so bad, kook. please take care of me..." the last bit of words leave you in a whisper. jungkook almost feels dizzy from your words, god he loved it so much.
"i'm so tired, hm. need you to make me cum to relax me." you're caressing the top of his cheek with the pad of your thumb.
jungkook loved seeing you needy.
"alright, honey." he places one final kiss on your forehead.
jungkook spreads your legs further apart, fingers skimming over your soft cotton shorts over and over. and once he sees the little wet spot in between your thighs, it almost makes him drip the drool out of his mouth.
"ahh, pretty." his thumb rubs over the wet spot, caressing it and pressing onto your clothed clit. through your shorts, jungkook pinches your clit, making you let out a small squeal.
"just get to it, hmph." you groan. jungkook's smirk just widens more. your husband nods, taking off your shorts.
"ah, fuck, prettiest pussy ever, baby." the tip of his fingers dips in between your mushy folds, collecting some of your arousal. he brings it to your clit to get it wet, then gently rubbing circles on top. you whimper, nodding.
jungkook lowers his body down, hooking his arm behind your thigh, hoisting it up a bit. his body lays fully flat on the bed, between your thighs with his face pressing kisses all over your thighs. he also bites your flesh, not too hard but not too soft— well, hard enough to form little marks for sure. he bites a spot on your thigh inches away from your pussy, then flicking his tongue on that area, gently sucking it afterwards.
like this, your husband makes sure to leave small hickeys all over your thighs and take his time. while you were left squirming and the puddle in between your thighs just growing and growing.
i thought you said no teasing?
jungkook swipes his thumb over one of your hickeys, caressing it and then leaning forward to press little kisses over it.
"love these fuckin' thighs."
and without a warning when your eyes were closed, your husband decides to dive into the messy in between your folds with a long lick.
"ah!" surprised, you hook your fingers into jungkook's hair. he hums, licking stripes of your pussy. kitten licking your hole, his fingers tease your clit. he circles your clit slowly while his lips latch onto one of your folds, sucking on it.
jungkook pulls away with a groan, making you let out a long relieved sigh.
he gets right back to licking your pussy, making long strokes from your hole to your clit. then he spits on your clit first, tongue immediately swiping over your clit repeatedly. it was the perfect stimulation to beg you for more. his eyes were closed, he seems to be in the moment enjoying your pussy as if it was his last meal. while making out with your clit, he decides to have some mercy on your hole.
your husband plunging two of his fingers in your pussy was the cherry on top for you.
"ah— ah, ah! mmh...!" your grip on his hair tighten. back arched, face thrown back, whimpering and moaning so fucking loud.
"shhh, you might wake sannie up, my love."
you nod vigoursly, pushing your husband's face deeper into your pussy and grinding. jungkook was going at an animalistic pace, his face completely smothered all over your pussy. your arousal mixed with his drool was all over his face. his jaw was already beginning to ache, but he didn't care. all he cared about was whether his pretty wife was satisfied or not.
his fingers thrust in and out of your hole sloppily. the scene was so messy. he loved how squishy your pussy felt. and that just made him think more about how you'd feel wrapped around him again.
one last tug and bite on your clit, you let out one last long moan, pulling onto your husband's hair roots as your cum gushed down your cunt.
"shit, oh fuck" your husband whines at the sight of your swollen cunt.
he caresses up and down your cunt with the back of his middle and ring finger. you hiss at the cold feeling of his wedding ring pressing onto your clit as if that whole finger wasn't just inside you just a minutes ago. jungkook realises you liked it. so he smirks, slapping your swollen cunt with the back of his fingers repeatedly, especially making sure his ring is slapped against your clit over and over again.
"kook!—whine haaaaah! haah, hh!"
he slaps your thigh harshly to get you to stop squirming around. once his wish is fullfilled, he forces open your thighs, diving right back into your slit again.
"jungkook!" you were already overstimulated enough.
his eyes were closed once again and nails digging into the flesh of your thighs. face buried deep in your pussy again, he carefully lapped at your sweet juices away with long satisfied hums against your cunt.
"hm, hmm, hm— so good." he reassures.
and a last little kiss was on top of your swollen clit. you let out a small mewl followed by relieved sigh.
"how are you feeling, baby?"
"good, so good. thank you." you pant.
"anything for my heart." he coos, kissing your temple.
aw. he said "my heart". your heart melted.
jungkook pokes your cheek with a smug grin as he lifted his body up and got off of the bed. huh.
"where are you going?"
"to clean you up?" he raises his eyebrow at you, slightly confused.
"what do you mean what?"
"well— uh, i thought you were gonna..." you pout.
"kook, please fuck me. i am so horny and i need you so bad." there we go. jungkook's jaw was on the floor for the second time today. i can't lie, he was loving this new side of you. bold and straightforward. you're more vocal about your sexual needs now. you never were before.
he opens his mouth to say something, but shrugs while biting his lips, hurriedly getting on top of you again.
"shiiiiiiit, let me take care of you, mama."
your husband's fingers hook onto the hem of your shirt, pulling it upwards to take it off of you. he gawks at the sight of your tits, squished in your bralette. he hurries to take it off, throwing it away not caring where it may land.
his big hands impatiently grab your tits which were filled and heavy with milk. he looked completely hypnotised. squeezing and massaging your tits, his eyes glued to the milk that's leaking out of your nipples. swiping his thumb over your nipples over and over, jungkook looks over to you, asking for permission.
you nod.
immediately taking in one of your nipples in his mouth, your husband begins to suck relentlessly.
"oh, jungkook...!" your hand was on the back on your husband's head, instinctively massaging his scalp while he dived into your breasts.
he spits on your nipple then swirls his tongue on the saliva, dragging it all over your chest. the artwork being created on your chest was very messy, like always. he playfully bites your soft flesh and pulls it as if he could just bite a chunk off of you.
"tastes surprisingly good."
"surprisingly good?" you crack up a laugh, tilting your head to the side as you ruffled his hair.
he squeezes your breast again, fingers travelling from there down to your pussy again. with a smug face, jungkook parts your legs again, getting in between. he playfully flicts your clit just to earn an annoyed groan from you. apologising with a little kiss on your clit, your husband begins to rub himself through his boxers.
pulling his cock out, he slaps it on your clit a few times, making sure your clit was covered in his precum. then, he glides it down to your hole teasingly slow. spitting on his cock to use it as lubricant, he finally glides it in your drenched cunt.
both you and jungkook moan at the same time, loving—obsessively loving the feeling you just got. shit, that felt good. like so so so good. especially after waiting for his cock to slide in you.
"so warm, mama. so perfect for me. you're all mine." he just cups your face, staring at you so lovingly. jungkook holds up your legs by your thighs, pressing your knees to your chest. his cock goes in and out of you steadily. short timed pants from the both of you take over the room, mixing well together and creating a small harmony even.
jungkook couldn't get over how pretty your pussy looked. so pretty and perfect for him. he was aware that you did have a bit of insecurities building up after your pregnancy. but being the sweet loving husband he is, he had a talk with you and reassured you that he still saw you the same, and of course he will for the rest of his life. you were everything to him. so perfect.
he spits a ball of saliva onto your clit, watching it dribble down to mix with his thrusts. he swipes his thumb over the small patch of hair on top of your cunt, groaning.
watching jungkook act completely mesmerised with your cunt only made you wetter and his thrusts grow even rougher.
his thighs snap into your ass like a drum, the sound of skin slapping and moans and whines filling the room. mostly yours. but you knew better to keep it on the low.
"shit, oh, mama!"
jungkook spreads your legs by the knees now, both your knees ending up on the sides of your head. his body leaned down to yours, breath fanning against your lips as he quite literally manhandled the fuck out of you.
the sex wasn't rough, though. it's like he didn't want to make it rough. but it felt so good. but he made sure to increase his pace at odd times just to rile you up.
"mm, haaaaaa!"
he knew you needed to come from clit stimulation though. so to make it easier, your husband moves your left leg to his right hand, his hand holding both your legs now as he fucked into you.
"oh my god, jungkook!"
immediately squeezing your eyes shut at the sudden stimulation on your clit, your breath hitches and toes curl. your husband rubs your clit in the form of an eight, pinching it then and there too.
"hmmmm, you're gonna cum?"
you nod repeatedly, eyes squeezed shut and feeling completely fucked. no pun intended.
"yeah? cum. cum so i can fuck it deeper into you." he rubs your clit faster, increasing his pace. you whine out loud as your sweet cum comes down, making your body shake under your husband's grasp. jungkook groans once your juices coat his dick as he fucks you through your orgasm.
"oh my god, i love you...so much!" you choke out, nails digging into your bedroom. shit, that was just what jungkook needed to release.
"fucking hell, say that again." he throws his head back, bringing both your legs up in the air again and pressed against eachother as he fucked into you.
"i love you!"
"ahh, shit, shit..." he groans, thrusts getting sloppier as he cums down your cunt. he collapses right next to you, hugging your thighs close by your knees. while both you and jungkook regain consciousness while laying on the bed for a few seconds, you also make sure to admire his afterglow and also to tuck a few of his hair strands away.
jungkook gets up fast though, but never misses to kiss your hand. he quickly grabs a tissue and cleans in between your legs.
you yawn, snuggling into the sheets.
"you just wanna go to sleep?"
you nod. but you get up, making a quick trip to the bathroom to pee. by the time you're back, the sheets are changed are new, neatly tucked too. your heart immediately warms as you smile widely, wrapping your arms around your husband and kissing his cheek.
"i love youuu!"
"i love you more, baby!" he pecks your pouty lips. he tells you to dress up while he goes to check on your baby. once he comes back, you're happily tucked in your bed with a big fat smile on your face.
"someone's feeling better, huh?" he scrunches his nose up.
"uhhuh!" you nod also, patting the vacant spot next to you on the bed. jungkook happily lays there, inviting you to lay in his arms.
"i love you, mama. god, i'm so crazy for you. thank you for all you're doing, honey."
#jungkook#jungkook fanfic#jungkook smut#jungkook x oc#jungkook x reader#jungkook x y/n#smut#bts#bts jk#bts smut#jungkook x you#x yn#yn#bts x you#bts x reader
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been thinking about dad!sukuna where no matter how hard he is, he'll always be soft to your kids, if possible add nsfw in the end too ;)
So Needy...
synopsis: They say that no matter how tough or rude your man is, he'll always and will be sweet to your kid. But when your little one's tucked in tight, they say... get ready for a freaky night!
warnings (18+): MDNI. dad!sukuna x mom!reader, fluff to smut, explicit SMUT, P in V, unprotected sex (take it or leave it /j wrap it up y'all), dominance, possessiveness, creampie, breeding kink, foreplay (if u closed ur eyes), begging, dry humping, fingering, riding, edging (?), cursing, pet names, mature, and strong language, etc.
wc: 4.8K (proofread)
a/n: this got me giggling and SHIT BRO I want him so bababbabaaadddd GOT IT MOANING HIS NAME IN MORSE CODE (29381837812)¡!!!!!!¡!!¡! I weote this liek Bro 3am PLZ Tske this ignore the errors I'm still Half aslewp
"Mama... good morning..." your 5 year old daughter mumbled as she shuffled over to you on the couch, resting her head on your lap.
"Mornin', sweetie. How’d you sleep?" you asked softly, closing your book and gently running your fingers through her messy hair.
"Still… sleepy, Mama…"
"Well, why did you get up then? You could’ve stayed in bed and slept better..." you said while adjusting her pajamas.
"But Mama, you and Papa aren’t there..." she pouted, looking up at you with those big eyes. "Where’s Papa, Mama?"
"He went out to get breakfast stuff. We didn’t expect you to wake up so early. Are you hungry? I can make something while we wait for your Papa."
"Nooo Mama. Let’s wait for Papa. Then we can all eat together at the same time.."
"Alright.. How about you get a bit more sleep here and then I’ll wake you up when Papa's back?" you suggested with a smile and she nodded sleepily.
Not too long after, the door opened and Sukuna walked in with groceries in his hand.
His eyes immediately found you and your daughter, curled up on the couch. You gave him a soft smile and placed a finger over your lips.
"She was asking for you when she woke up, you know?" you whispered softly, carefully adjusting your daughter’s head onto a pillow before standing up slowly, making sure not to disturb her.
"Why? you two can't live without me?" he said while placing the bags on the counter and glancing down at his peacefully sleeping daughter.
You moved to the kitchen, wrapping your arms around his waist as he started unpacking. "She insisted on waiting for you so we can have breakfast together." you said as you rest your head on his back.
"Tch, that stubborn brat." He rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, I know you love her."
"You sayin’ I’m going soft?" Sukuna turned around and leaned in closer, his hand brushing your waist.
"You? Soft? Never!" you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Sukuna pulled you closer, his breath warm against your ear. "You’re lucky she’s asleep." he murmured, his voice husky, sending a shiver down your spine.
His hand slid down your back, fingers lightly tracing patterns through your clothes.
"Soft definitely isn’t the word for you... not even right now..." you whispered with a smirk, biting your lip as you felt something hard pressing against you from below, teasing him as you shifted your hips just slightly, feeling his grip tighten around you.
"You really wanna test me, huh?" he growled softly, brushing his lips against your neck.
Before things could escalate, you heard a yawn from the couch. Your daughter had started to wake up, she's rubbing her eyes and stretching lazily.
Sukuna clicked his tongue in annoyance, pulling away with a reluctant sigh but not before snagging a quick kiss. "Guess we’ll have to continue this later." he said making you giggle.
Sukuna crouched down, catching her effortlessly and lifting her into his arms. "Morning, brat." She giggled when he kissed her cheek, hugging his neck tightly.
"Are we having breakfast now?" she asked, her eyes bright as she looked between the two of you.
"Yeah." Sukuna said, ruffling her hair before setting her down. He glanced over at you with a playful glint in his eye. "You owe me later."
"I’ll think about it."
"You owe Papa something, Mama?" your daughter asked, playing with her spoon and fork.
"I don’t know, do I now, honey?" you teased, grabbing the comb to brush her hair.
"Shut up."
"Mama, if Papa is making you angry, tell me, okay? I’ll talk to him!" your daughter said, pumping her fist.
"Oh, my sweetie... Papa’s making Mama angry! What’s my little one gonna do about it?" you laughed, combing her hair.
"Then I won’t talk to Papa anymore!" she pouted, making you giggle.
"Aww, you didn't even hesitate! But wouldn’t it make Papa sad? What if Papa cries, sweetie?" you pouted back, making Sukuna’s eye twitch.
"Who says I’m gonna cry?"
"I did, a problem?"
"Papa! What did I say about speaking gently to Mama?!" your daughter shouted.
"Right, right! Remember, baby, never copy your dad’s behavior, okay? Never speak rudely. Mama doesn’t like it. If Mama catches you speaking like that... Mama will be sad." you said, barely containing your giggles.
Your daughter nodded seriously, clearly taking the lesson to heart. "Okay, Mama. I’ll be nice every day."
"That's my good girl!"
After breakfast, Sukuna helped clean up while you tended to your daughter. She mentioned she was still sleepy and wanted to head back to bed. You tucked her in, smoothing her blankets and brushing a stray lock of hair from her face.
"Sleep tight, sweetie." you whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
"Mhm... I love you, Mama and Papa..." she murmured, already drifting off.
"We love you more, baby." You said softly, leaving her room and closing the door gently behind you.
When you returned to the living room, you found Sukuna lounging on the couch, his head resting on his hand.
"Come here."
"You’re so full of yourself today and it’s not even noon yet." you teased, raising an eyebrow.
"Or maybe I’m just waiting for my reward." he said as you sat down beside him, draping your arms around his neck.
"And what makes you think you deserve a reward?" you asked, leaning in.
"Because I’m an amazing dad and a handsome husband?" he replied with a grin.
You chuckled softly, shaking your head. "You're acting as if that's your full-time job."
Sukuna leaned closer, his hand brushing your hair behind your ear. His touch was warm and comforting. "C'mon... don’t keep me waiting, baby..." he murmured, his voice low and teasing.
"Needy, aren’t you?"
"Yeah, I'm worth it."
You chuckled. "Oh, really? And what makes you so sure about that?"
Sukuna’s hand continued to trace gentle patterns on your back as he leaned in closer. "I’ve got my ways," he said, his voice low and filled with confidence. "I think you’ve got a pretty good idea of what I’m talking about."
You laughed softly, tilting your head to the side. "Not at all... I know you're insufferable though..."
"Insufferable AND irresistible."
You slid closer, enjoying the warmth of his body against yours. "Anddd... what if... I’m not in the mood to reward you right now?"
"Then I guess I’ll just have to make you change your mind, baby." he said, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke.
"I wanna see you try?"
"Oh, I don't have to try." he said with a smirk.
You leaned in closer, your faces inches apart. "Well, don’t keep me waiting," you teased, your voice barely a whisper.
Without breaking eye contact, he reached up, his fingers gently grazing your cheek as he closed the distance between you.
His kiss was slow and deliberate, brimming with the unique combination of passion and affection that only he can ever give.
When he finally pulled back, his eyes were dark with satisfaction. "Is that enough convincing?"
You smiled, feeling the warmth of his kiss linger. "Maybe." you said playfully. "But I think you might need to keep trying if you want to really win me over."
Sukuna chuckled, his hands resting on your hips as he drew you closer. "You wanna play, huh..." he groaned.
You leaned in closer, your lips almost brushing against his ear. "Mhm..." you teased, your breath warm against his skin. "Show me."
With a wicked grin, Sukuna’s hands slid up your back, pulling you even closer. His lips traced a slow, deliberate path along your jawline, sending shivers down your spine. His touch was light yet intense, every movement filled with purpose.
"Is this convincing enough?"
You could barely suppress a moan as his lips moved closer to yours. "Nah..." you said, your voice breathy and teasing. "I think you’re going to have to work a bit harder..."
Sukuna’s smirk widened as he guided you to sit on his lap, the firm pressure of his bulge pressing against you. His hands rested possessively on your hips, keeping you securely in place.
"Look who’s getting comfortable." he murmured, his voice low and full of amusement. "Guess I’m doing something right."
You shifted slightly, feeling the heat radiating from him. "Oh, you think so?" you teased, leaning in closer so your lips were near his ear. "But you still haven’t convinced me."
Sukuna’s hands slid up your back, his touch both firm and gentle as he pulled you closer. His lips brushed your neck in a teasing trail, making your breath hitch.
"You're just pushing your luck." he growled, his voice a dark promise. "But I’m more than happy to oblige."
You felt a shiver run down your spine as his lips lingered near your ear, his breath warm and tantalizing.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" you asked breathlessly, trying to maintain your teasing tone despite the growing heat.
"Oh, I have my methods." he said, his hands moving to your waist and gripping you tightly.
"But first... I really want to see you squirm."
You tried to adjust yourself, but your fumbling only seemed to heighten the tension between you. "You’re really making it hard for me to focus." you admitted with a laugh.
"Good, I love it when you’re a little off balance."
His lips finally met yours, you found yourself responding eagerly, the playful challenge melting into a deeper, more connection.
As he deepened the kiss, his hands roamed over your back, his touch were electrifying. Every press was calculated to make you feel the pleasure as his teasing never let you settled.
Sukuna’s hands slid up and down your back as the kiss became more insistent, more consuming, as he deepened it, making your head spin with the intensity of his desire.
His fingers found their way to the small of your back, pulling you even closer against him. The heat of his body pressed into you, accentuating the playful struggle you were having to stay balanced on his lap.
You could feel every subtle shift of his muscles beneath you, each one making the heat between you grow.
You broke the kiss just long enough to catch your breath, your eyes fluttering open to meet his intense gaze. "You’re really not making this easy..." you murmured.
"Isn’t that the point?"
He trailed kisses along your jawline and down your neck, his lips brushing lightly against your skin, making you shiver with anticipation.
You adjusted his collar, unbuttoning his shirt with deliberate slowness. Your icy fingers against his warm skin only heightened the growing heat between you.
The thought of where this is leading had your pussy throbbing.
The thought of taking this to the living room was dangerously exciting.
You couldn’t help but wonder if you’d manage to stay quiet—or if Sukuna would even let you. He loved hearing your voice, especially when he’s the one pushing you to lose control.
The thought of him pushing you to your limits and making sure everyone knew he was the one making you feel this way was seriously hot.
Leaning in closer, your lips brushed against his ear as you whispered provocatively, "Think you can handle letting me decide how loud this gets?"
Sukuna’s breath was hot against your neck as he growled low, "If that’s what you want, I’ll let you have it—for now." His hands gripped you tightly, pulling you flush against him, making it almost impossible to think about anything but the intense fire building between you.
"For now? I’m not sure how much longer I can keep quiet..."
"So you just want me to make you scream, huh?"
You bit your lip, trying to suppress a moan. "Yeah..." you admitted, your voice wavering slightly with the intensity of the moment. "But I also want you to make me lose control completely."
He chuckled darkly, his hands sliding down to your hips and pulling you into a closer, more intimate position. "I’ve been thinking about that..." he murmured, his lips brushing yours before he kissed you deeply again.
Sukuna’s hands roamed your body with a possessive, eager touch, his kisses getting hotter and more urgent. He gripped your hips tighter, pulling you in.
"Fuckkk..." you whispered, your voice shaky as his lips worked their way down your neck and shoulders.
"I haven’t even started yet and you’re already a moaning mess..." he growled, his hands cupping your face as he kissed you hard. His kiss was all-consuming, making you gasp for air and wanting more.
His lips moved to your ear, his breath hot and teasing. "You want this, don’t you?" he growled, his voice rough and making your spine tingle.
"Yes..." you gasped, fingers digging into his hair as you pulled him closer. "I want this. I want you."
Sukuna’s grip on your waist was firm and possessive. "Good..." he smirked, his tone both demanding and confident. "'Cause I’m about to give you everything you’re craving."
He lifted you slightly, his movements were smooth as he shifted you into a more intimate position. His body pressed firmly against yours and the heat of his desire was undeniable.
Every touch and every kiss from him was making you crazy like it's impossible to focus on anything but heat that's rising between you.
Sukuna’s large hands explored your body as he lifted you with an ease, adjusting you.
Your body radiates a heat that was impossible to ignore.
His kisses wandered from your lips to your cheeks, then to your neck, and finally, he lifted your right arm to kiss your wrist.
You couldn’t help but giggle as you ground yourself against his straining cock, the thin barrier of clothing the only thing keeping you apart.
The direct contact between your bodies made the moment even more intense.
His hands slid down your body, lifting your dress and exploring your thighs, dangerously close to your aching pussy.
’He's doing this on purpose...’ you groaned, feeling the teasing touch. "Stop teasing me..." You bit your lip.
"Shh... we have all the time we need, baby..."
"That doesn’t mean you can’t just drop the act and fuck me senseless!" you whispered.
"Shut up. You can’t tell me what to do." he retorted.
"But you promised you’d give me what I want!" you whispered-yelled, making him scoff at your impatience.
Sukuna’s smirk widened at your frustration, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Promises, promises." he said, "But you know I enjoy making you work for it."
His hands continued the exploration, clicking the edge of your underwear. His touch made it hard for you to stay as sane, your breath coming in uneven gasps.
You shifted on his lap, trying to ease the pressure, but nothing. "C'mon..." you breathed, "don’t make me beg."
"Begging, huh?"
"But I love hearing you beg."
Sukuna’s smirk grew more intense as he continued his teasing. His fingers brushed your clit on your underwear, and the sensation made you shiver with frustration.
You tried to shift on his lap, desperate for more contact, but he only seemed to enjoy making you squirm.
"Begging suits you, princess." he said, his voice a low murmur, filled with desire. "It’s cute hearing you ask for it."
You bit your lip, trying to control your breathing. "Stop playing and just—" you started, but he cut you off with a sudden heated kiss.
His hands gripped your hips firmly, pulling you closer. The kiss was rough, filled with raw passion and his touch became more insistent. His fingers finally slid underneath your underwear, his touch direct and electrifying.
"You’re really eager, huh?" Sukuna murmured, his voice rough and low as it brushed against your lips. "But I guess I can’t make you wait forever."
You gasped as he pulled your panties aside, His fingers began to rub your clit with a good pressure, sending waves of pleasure through your veins with every touch.
"Finally...!" you moaned, pressing against his fingers, your frustration giving way to your unfiltered desire.
"There you go..."
Sukuna's touch became more insistent, his fingers moving with a steady rhythm that matched the increasing urgency of your moans.
He grinned, clearly getting off on your reactions. Each time his fingers touched you, you gasped and squirmed.
"Enjoying this?" he teased, his voice rough and low as he kept teasing you just the way he knew you liked.
You could only respond with breathy moans and nods, overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensations. The world around you seemed to narrow to just the two of you, your focus entirely on the pleasure he was giving you.
The way his fingers slid in and out of your pussy had you moaning loudly, unable to hold back your noise.
Sukuna shoved his fingers into your mouth, making you gag. "I know you’re into making sounds, but you really don’t want our kid to wake up, do you?" he said with a dark chuckle, clearly amused by the situation.
‘Damn, I totally forgot…’ you thought, panic setting in. You’d been so wrapped up in everything happening right then that your daughter sleeping nearby had completely slipped your mind.
"Mmm, sorry baby... Faster please..." you mumbled around his fingers, your voice muffled. You dug your nails into his forearms, your need clear despite the gagging.
He quickly picked up the pace, his fingers moving in and out faster, pushing you closer to the edge.
He could feel you getting near your peak, no need for you to say a word.
He knew exactly how to push you to that intense climax you were craving.
All that teasing and buildup has left you intensely on edge, craving release more than anything.
You’re practically desperate to just hop on his cock, and have him give you what you need.
But you can’t take charge here as you know Sukuna likes to do everything. It’s not like you have no say at all, but you trust that he knows exactly how to handle things.
So, you let him take the lead, knowing he’ll do what’s necessary to make sure you get what you’re yearning for.
"Come on my fingers, babe. Show me how badly you need it." Sukuna murmured in your ear, his voice sending shivers all over.
The way he spoke made your face flush, and before long, you were dripping all over his fingers, completely lost in the sensation.
You arched your back, gasping for air as the pleasure surged through you. Every part of your body trembled, and you struggled to catch your breath.
The room seemed to spin around you as you tried to steady yourself, every muscle in your body feeling tight and quivering. Sukuna’s fingers, coated with your release, brushed gently over your skin.
"You’re still so worked up..." he said, his voice low and teasing, clearly enjoying the sight.
He trails his fingers slowly down your body, feeling every quiver, every reaction.
The way you’re still catching your breath, the way your eyes flutter open and closed—it's all fueling his desire.
He leans in again, his voice a soft, seductive whisper. "I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? For me to keep pushing you like this?"
Your body practically aches toward him, craving more. Sukuna pulls his fingers out, a smirk playing on his lips as he looks at the mess you made.
"So dirty." he chuckled, eyeing your juices on his fingers with a smirk.
You straightened up, covering your mouth with your hand and turning away, feeling a flush of embarrassment. "You didn’t have to put it like that..." you mumbled.
"Why so shy all of a sudden?" he teased, his grin widening as he slipped his fingers into his mouth, savoring every drop of your release.
The way he looked at you, his eyes dark with desire as he licked his fingers made your pussy clench with need.
"Can you just fuck me already?" you begged, your voice desperate. "Please…"
He pulled his fingers from his mouth, gripping your neck as he pressed his lips against yours with an intimate kiss.
His other hand slid beneath your shirt, teasing your nipples. He gave them a quick flick, causing you to gasp. Seizing the moment, he deepened the kiss, letting you taste yourself.
He continued to kiss you wild. His touch was making the heat between you grow more crazy with every second.
You could feel the pressure building and the anticipation almost unbearable as he made his intentions clear.
He pulled away just enough to look into your eyes. "Are you ready for more?" he asked and you could only nod in response, completely caught up in the moment.
You propped yourself up as he unzipped his pants, pulling them down. You took this chance to peel off your shirt, leaving yourself in just your bra and panties.
He guided your hips to rest on his lap, his lips crashing onto your neck with a forceful, almost feverish intensity.
The kisses were deep and relentless, driving you wild. He found that sensitive spot on your neck, pressing into it with a knowing touch.
It wasn’t just that he found it—he knew exactly how to hit it, making you moan loudly at the sensation.
He seemed to know your body even better than you do.
He kept his focus on your neck, his kisses growing more insistent, making you shiver with every touch.
His left hand moved skillfully across your back, effortlessly undoing your bra in one swift motion. His lips never left your neck, their heat intensifying as he found that sensitive spot.
With your bra now removed, his hand slid to your chest, his fingers brushing lightly over your bare skin.
The sensation made you gasp, your breath hitching as he explored further. He continued his slow kisses on your neck.
He paused for a moment, just above your collarbone, breathing heavily against your skin.
His hand—that's now free to explore—moved up to cup your breast.
His thumb brushed over your nipple, causing it to get hard instantly. He teased your nipple with slow circles making you moan softly.
"So fucking... wild."
You moaned softly as his cold thick fingers toyed with your other nipple, sending sharp jolts of pleasure through you.
His mouth latched onto your breast, and the sudden pressure made you bite down hard on your lip, a whimper escaping before you could stop it.
You ground your hips against his, your soaked panties sliding over his hard cock. The slickness between you made the friction even more intense and you could feel his pre-cum through the fabric.
He groaned against your chest, teeth grazing your nipple, causing you to squirm and press harder against him.
Your hands gripped his head, pushing him closer, desperate for more. "Fuck... baby." he groaned.
His mouth moved eagerly against your skin, his groans vibrating through you as his teeth grazed your sensitive nipple again, sending another shiver down your spine.
His hands slid down your body, gripping your hips and guiding your grinding, pushing you harder against him.
The friction was electric, your panties soaked as you rubbed yourself against his cock. Every brush made your body tremble with need.
"You’re making it hard for me to control myself." he growled into your skin, his voice thick with lust. His lips moved up to your neck, biting gently before soothing it with his tongue, leaving you breathless and wanting even more.
You gasped, rolling your hips faster, the pressure inside you building rapidly. The way his hands gripped you tighter, the way his lips kept teasing your skin—it was all too much.
You needed more, and you needed it now.
"W-Who told you to—control yourself..." you groaned, pressing down even harder against his cock, the need almost unbearable.
"Just fuck me now... Please..." your voice shaky with desperation, your breath hot against his ear as you ground your hips, begging for him to give you exactly what you craved.
His fingers trailed down from your nipples to your thighs, edging closer to your core. This time, though, he pushed your panties aside, teasingly rubbing the tip of his cock against your entrance.
Just the tip, but it was already making you moan utterly loud, your mind spinning in a whirlwind of thoughts.
A part of you—in this heat—wondered if you'd even mind having another kid, the idea of him breeding you leaving your mind foggy with desire.
But you’d never admit it—not when he already had more than enough of an ego.
He smirked, feeling the way your body reacted to his teasing, pressing the tip against your entrance but not pushing in, making you tremble with anticipation. "So needy... look at you, already so desperate and I haven’t even put it in yet."
"Then put it in now!" You bucked your hips against him, trying to push him inside, but he held your hips firmly, keeping you still.
"Patience..." he whispered, his breath hot against your ear.
Your mind was racing, the teasing too much, the feeling of his cock so close but not enough. You could feel your pulse pounding in your ears, your body on fire, aching for him to just take you.
"Bet you’d want me to—"
You cut him off with an urgent kiss, catching him off guard as you lowered yourself onto his thick cock, feeling him fill you completely.
You pulled back from the kiss, burying your face in his neck and biting down hard to keep your moans quiet. You knew you'd leave a mark, but you didn’t give a damn.
His cock twitched inside you, and his groans grew louder as he felt your sudden, intense move.
He gripped on your ass tightly and gave them a smack. "Looks like my girl’s a real freak." he chuckled. His comment made you clench around him even more.
In that moment, you lost all sense of anything, even the truth that he's your husband but damn the idea of repeating this only fueled your excitement as you eagerly rode his cock.
His size was fucking insane... you felt every ridge and vein of him and it's like he was sculpted just for you.
As you moved on him, his groans grew louder. The way he responded to every shift and motion of your body made you even more eager.
His hands on your hips were perfect, guiding you just the way you wanted.
You noticed how your husband’s eyes were glued to your bouncing breasts and the way you were taking him in and out.
His hesitation to meet your gaze just made you feel more in control. You grabbed his face firmly, making him look up at you.
"Eyes up here, baby." you said firmly, making sure he had no choice but to focus on you.
"Alright, Woman..." he chuckled, clearly enjoying how his words made you tighten around him. He knew his words drove you wild, making you squirm with desire every time he spoke.
"You’ve got me wanting to put a brat in you again.” he said with a smirk. His words made you close your eyes, and your movements grew more desperate.
"You’re seriously.. making me want to fill you up and maybe even get you pregnant..." Sukuna said, "Makes me wonder how you’d handle at least six—of them running.. around the house. You’re so damn good with our little one…" He watched you lower your head, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
The thought of Sukuna wanting another child with you is overwhelming. Even though pregnancy isn’t your favorite thing, the idea of him wanting to completely fill you up is making you wetter.
You grip him tighter, making him groan. "Hah..—Already thinking about it? Want me to fill you up, yeah? Tell me what you want." he teased, his voice dripping with desire.
The intensity of the moment leaves you speechless, and you can only nod in agreement.
His cock pulses and throbs deep inside you, and as you climax, the intense pleasure overwhelms you. You can feel his warm release filling you up completely, amplifying your own pleasure.
The simultaneous rush of your orgasms causes you to moan loudly, your body shaking.
As the waves of pleasure went down, Sukuna’s breath comes in deep ragged gasps. His grip on your hips loosens, but his cock remains firmly nestled inside you.
"So... you’re really full of surprises, huh?" he drawls, his voice low and rough, laced with a dangerous edge.
You arch an eyebrow, smirking as you shift slightly. "You think.. you know everything about me?... There’s always something new with me."
He chuckles darkly, his fingers lazily fixing your hair from behind. "Oh, I’m aware. It’s part of what makes this so damn interesting. You push boundaries."
You let out a soft laugh, enjoying the shift in his demeanour. "And you don’t exactly play it safe yourself."
"That’s one way to put it."
"I wouldn’t want it any other way. Boring isn’t really my style, Suuu-kuna~"
"Good. Because I’m far from done with you."
© [ adorekento ] do not steal, repost, or translate my work.
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#jjk x y/n#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen smut#jjk sukuna#jujutsu kaisen sukuna#sukuna#sukuna x reader#sukuna x you#sukuna smut#sukuna fluff#sukuna ryomen#sukuna ryoumen x reader#sukuna ryoumen smut#sukuna ryomen x reader#ryomen sukuna#jjk ryomen#ryomen x reader#ryomen smut#ryoumen sukuna#satoru smut#suguru smut#choso smut#kento smut#toji smut
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tell me a joke • hjs
pairing: husband!joshua x wife!reader, established relationship & parent au
genre: smut 18+ MINORS DNI!!!!!!!!!, fluff, slice of life, reader is jealous
synopsis: reader definitely isn't jealous when she sees her husband making another woman laugh, and she'd like to know what is so funny.
warnings: p in v, oral (f receiving), slight dom/sub dynamics, implied jealousy, joshua makes a bad joke (my bad).
a/n: i do think joshua is funny but for the purposes of this fic, reader doesn’t give him enough credit 😭😭 enjoy. this is sort of ass but yk.
your husband was funny, but he wasn’t that funny. your attention keeps being. pull from the group conversation you’re having, to your husband and another woman having a conversation a few feet away. you don’t have a problem with joshua talking to and with other women, you trust your husband and don’t feel threatened by other women. but, the amount of laughter you’ve heard come from her mouth in the last few minutes is enough to make your eyebrows raise and be curious as to when joshua picked up a side career as a comedian. again, he’s funny, but he is not that funny.
casting another glance in that direction, you take a notice of the hand she places on his arm and decide you’d like to hear some of the jokes he’s been telling, since he’s so funny. “hold on, i’ve got to go check on my husband,” you say to the group of women you’re currently talking to, downing the rest of the water in your cup and setting it down on the table. they all cast their eyes on joshua, a few of them snickering.
“do what you’ve got to do, girl,” you appreciate the support and start to make your way towards joshua until you are intercepted by tiny arms wrapping themselves around your legs.
“mama, we found a lizard!” your daughter shouts, bouncing on her feet. you look at her with big eyes and wide smile, bending down to pick her up and swoop her in your arms.
“really? was it a baby? or was it big?” you ask, carrying her over to joshua with you. it’s probably messed up to use your own daughter as a reason to interrupt your husband talking to another woman, but you don’t want to come off as jealous or clingy.
“mmm, in the middle. it was so cool, mommy! can i get one?” she asks, making you give her an absolutely not look. she pouts and gives you puppy eyes that always work on you, and sigh.
“let’s ask papa,” you say, sidling up next to joshua and interrupting the conversation. joshua looks over at you and your daughter and smiles a big smile, opening his arms to engulf the two of you in a hug. you feel a sense of relief wash over you, and you wish you didn’t because you really do trust joshua, you just don’t know the woman he’s talking with.
“ask me what?” he asks, a curious look on his face.
“oh, papa, can i get a lizard? please?” she begs, reaching for him. if anything, he was the one who would crack easiest out of the two of you. the moment she asks for anything, he usually says yes unless it’s extreme, but even then he’ll take it into consideration.
joshua flashes you a look of confusion and kisses your daughter on the cheek. “a lizard?”
“yes, papa, we just found one! oh, put me down please!” she struggles to get out of his grip until he sets her feet down on the ground, and she takes off running to go play with the other kids. you can help but laugh, your daughter being a ball of energy neither of you really know where to place.
“that girl, i tell you,” he chuckles, watching her run off and play with a look in his eye that breaks your heart in the best way. it’s the same look he had the first time he held her after you gave birth, one that lets you know that there’s nothing in this world that he loves more than being a father. “but hey, honey.” he says, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him.
neither of you are too big on PDA, but you take the opportunity to kiss him, the hand that’s not holding onto his going to rest on his abdomen. when you two pull apart, he looks at you quizzically before remembering that you’re in front of company. “oh, minhee, this is my wife, y/n,” you give her a polite smile and extend your hand.
“hi, im yeji’s mom,” she says and you nod, the polite smile on your face. but you never drop joshua’s hand and he rubs the back of it with his thumb.
you decide that you’ve really seen enough and that it’s time for you to go back to the group you just came from. “well, it was nice to meet you!” you turn to your husband and kiss him on the cheek, your hand resting on his side. he can tell there’s something up, but he’s not sure what it is and knows it’s not the time to bring it up. he squeezes your hand before you slip away and out of his grasp, and makes a mental note to bring it up later.
slipping into bed, you pull on your glasses and pick up the book on your nightstand. you’re grateful for a calm and quiet night, your daughter having a sleepover with her cousins thus allowing you and joshua to have a night of uninterrupted sleep. your daughter is prone to waking up in the middle of the night, for a bad dream or otherwise, and ends up sleeping between the two of you more than half the time.
joshua comes out of the bathroom and shuts off the big light in the room, only leaving your lamps on the nightstands to illuminate the room. you look up from your page and give him a smile before going back to your novel. he hovers above his side of the bed for a second and you notice, ready to say something until he finally slips under the covers with you.
"hmm?" you hum, not looking up from the page you are currently reading. you can tell joshua has something to say, you know him too well, and he knows that you know him too well.
"it was a nice party, yeah?" you chuckle to yourself at the small talk. its his lead in, of course, to whatever is on his mind that he feels like he can't outright say.
"mhm. it was cute; minji had a lot of fun," you say. he makes a noise of agreement and then its quiet. you stop reading but keep your eyes trained on the page. he shifts in bed, and then a heavy hand is placed on your leg above the sheets. you feel its warmth all the same, and put your bookmark back into you book before placing it on your nightstand. "yes?"
joshua gives you a bashful smile and lightly shakes his head. "what was that earlier?" he questions, cheeks lightly dusted with a cute blush. you pretend like you don't know exactly what he is referring to, and furrow your eyebrows and ask him, "what as what earlier?"
he chuckles and lets out a sigh, gently patting your thigh. "oh, you're cute," he says, lolling his head to the side and looking up at you, an amused expression on his face. he knows you too well. "were you j- don't say it!" you cut him off and gently hit him across his stomach. he knows you hate that word, hate it being used in reference to your personality or behavior especially.
joshua captures your hand and brings it up to his mouth and places a kiss on the back of it. you watch him and let out a sigh through your nose. "I wasn't jealous," you state, but even you know that isn't entirely true. "I just wanted to know when you got so funny." you state. joshua laughs in mild confusion and sits up against the headboard.
"i'm always funny."
"no, you're not. but I love you anyway," you say, gently pinching his cheek. he rolls his eyes and pushes your hand away and you laugh. "if you're so funny, tell me a joke."
"you want to hear a joke?"
"if you're as funny as you and minhee seem think, yeah."
he smiles at you and squeezes your hand. "okay, i'll tell you a joke," joshua starts. you raise your eyebrows in anticipation. joshua presses a long kiss to your cheek, clearly stalling and further proving your point. "okay, i've got one." he says against your skin, gently dragging his teeth against your jaw.
he rolls on top of you and tugs you down flat onto your pillow. he kisses your neck, right under your jaw and then moves to the column of your throat. "what do you call a wet plain?" he mutters, mouth moving down to your collarbones as one of his hands skates up the side of your thigh and underneath your short, silk nightdress.
"a wet plain?" you question as his mouth skates across the tops of your breasts. he hums and hooks his fingers in the band of your underwear and pulls them down to your knees. "what?" you gasp when joshua drags two fingers up your folds, collecting your wetness and spreading it around your clit, making you twitch and knees press together.
joshua flicks his eyes up to meet your own and gives you a knowing look. flushing, you tell him the joke sucks, and let out a loud gasp when he disappears underneath the covers and attaches his lips to your clit. he suckles on your nub and yanks your underwear down the rest of your legs. "j-josh! fuck!" you cry ripping off your reading glasses and pushing the blanket down to rest on the back of his neck. your husband licks up between your folds before pushing his tongue into you hole, making you gasp and arch your back off the bed. sheets get crumpled beneath your hands and your thighs try to lock around his head, but joshua forces your legs open and uses his shoulders to keep you spread out for him.
your hips buck up into his face as he laps at you, sucking and licking at every inch of you. with each whimper and moan from you, joshua grows painfully more hard. his dick aches in his pants, desperately wanting to be free and buried inside of you. "o-oh, f-fuck! joshua, fuck!" you shriek. he knows your body like the back of his hand, understands what every whimper, gasp, and moan means. it all encourages him to keep going, but he knows that you are close.
joshua inserts two fingers inside of you and curls them upwards and attaches his mouth around your clit again. he fucks his fingers into you and you cry out his name, thrashing on the bed above him. your entire body feels hot and sweat coats you face, neck, and chest with a light sheen.
"im g-gonna cum!" you yelp, hips bucking up into his face. joshua continues to suckle on you clit and move his fingers in and out of you, pushing into that spongy spot inside. your vision goes spotty as the coil in the pit of your stomach snaps and brings you to your release. joshua slurps up your juices in an attempt to get every drop. you lie above him with your eyes closed as you try to regain your breath, your chest rising and falling like you've just ran a marathon. "shit." you breathe out, followed by a small whimper when he pulls his fingers out of you.
you crack an eye open when you feel joshua move from between you legs and sit on his knees above you. he places his fingers in his mouth and sucks your arousal off and shoves his other hand down his pants to stroke his aching cock. "fuck," he hisses, eyebrows furrowing as he shamelessly pumps his own cock in front of you. "baby, i need to fuck you." he says, his voice full of lust and desire.
"then fuck me," you say, pulling your bottom lip in between your teeth. you fully open your eyes to watch him pull off his pants and boxers to let his dick spring free. the tip is red and swollen, and pre-cum leaks out of it.
"i love, you know," he rasps, grabbing your left leg. he kisses the inside of your ankle before draping it over his shoulder and doing the same to your right. "does this feel alright?" he asks, fingertips mindlessly stroking you skin softly.
you nod and reply, "i know." to his previous statement. he kisses your knee and lets go of one of your thighs to grab onto his cock to line it up with your entrance. "i love you, too."
he smiles at you and leans down to kiss you on the lips, and to test if folding you in half is uncomfortable. when you don't make a sound of discomfort, he pulls back and starts to push his cock forward into you. when he presses the tip in, your mouth falls open in a silent gasp. he presses in a few more inches then stops to let you adjust to the stretch, but he doesn't give you long before he starts moving in and out. "fuck, you're tight," he grunts. you involuntarily clench around him and he lets out a harsh breath. "shit."
"more, joshie," you whine, grabbing a fistful of the sheets. joshua drops his head and speeds up his thrusts, groaning every time he pushes into you. you pant out his name and squeeze your eyes shut.
with every thrust into you, it feels like he’s knocking the air from your lungs. he’s reaching deep inside of you, hitting spots that have you seeing stars. “fuck, baby, i-i love you,” he grunts, pushing your legs closer to your chest. “and i love this perfect pussy.” you sob out his name, legs shaking on his shoulders.
“shua, i-i cant t-take it!” you cry out, clenching around him each time he pushes into you. that familiar knot forms in your stomach and grows tighter and tighter each second.
“i’m close too, baby,” his hips lose rhythm as he slams into you harder than he previously was, each thrust punctuated by a swear. “fuck, i’m close. fuck!”
moments later, you’re coming for the second time and he follows seconds behind you, filling you up and stuffing you full of his seed. he stays still inside of you, keeping his cum from spilling out of you. “i love you,” you pant, legs feeling like jelly when you try to move them off of his shoulders. joshua kisses you calf and gently takes your legs down onto the bed but keeps himself stuffed inside of you. “so much.” you add, reaching out to him. joshua leans down and captures you lips in a kiss. the movement makes his hips rock into you and you gasp against his mouth, hands splaying across his broad back. you can feel his love with the way he holds you, with the desire he kisses you with.
pulling back from your lips, you whimper when he moves inside of you again and he only winks at you before pulling his cock out of you. melting against the mattress is practically what happens, and he falls into place next to you. he grabs your hand and strokes the back of it with his thumb. “you don’t have to worry, y/n,” his voice is soft and makes you feel warm all over.
“i know. it was stupid,” you say, turning your head to look at him. he leans towards you and kisses your forehead. “i just wanted to laugh too.” you add pettily. joshua chuckles and sighs, rolling you onto your side and tugging your backside into his front.
“wanna hear another joke?” he mumbles into your ear, the arm that he’s laying on coming up to cup your breast in his hand while the other skates up your nightdress. soft sighs leave your mouth when he squeezes your boob and tweaks your nipple through the thin fabric.
“s-sure,” you breathe when his hand slips between your thighs. the setup and pun is lost on you, and you’re not sure if it’s better than the first because he buries two fingers inside of you and yanks the top of your dress down to let your breasts spill free. bad jokes be damned, he makes you cum two more times—once on his fingers and the second on his cock, your throat scratchy from crying out his name.
joshua may not make you laugh with his jokes, but he knows how to fuck you just right.
#seventeen imagines#seventeen smut#joshua x reader#joshua smut#hong joshua#hong jisoo#svt smut#svt imagines#joshua fluff#svt fluff#seventeen fluff
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make it quick.
warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected sex, hair pulling, scratching, tongue kissing, use of "papa j", size kink!!, squirting, creampie, mature themes. minors, you are responsible for your own social media consumption, you have been warned.
summary: jj and reader are in a secret relationship, when they finally get the chateau to themselves, they use it to their advantage.
pairings: routledge!reader x jj maybank
lias note — not proofread, wrote this while high so it sucksss. requested by this ask, thank you for the request baby!
"Alright you two, no funny business while I'm gone, okay?" john b says to JJ in a stern manner, half joking and half serious. The rest of the Pogue's were outside in the twinkie, waiting for him impatiently as he finishes up his conversation with you two.
The Pogue's put you and JJ up to cleaning the house and keeping a lookout for cops for the day. Easy enough, right?
"Alright, alright, we got it. Go do your thing, John b." JJ says patting john b on the back dismissively.
You had been faintly listening in from the kitchen, not paying a lot of mind to john b's protective words. You had quickly gotten used to him being overprotective as you all got older, since everything does change.
You were faintly humming to yourself as you'd gotten a head start on cleaning in the kitchen since it was the filthiest of the whole house. You were wiping the counter with surface cleaner, paying more attention to certain areas than others. You were completely immersed in what you were doing, then you feel a familiar pair of warm arms wrap around your waist from behind.
you giggle softly, "jay, were supposed to be cleaning, not now." you say, trying to peel his arms off your waist with your free hand, going back to wiping the counter.
he groans softly from behind you. "c'mon baby, we haven't been able to do nothing in days, it's killin' me." he says, pressing wet kisses to the crook of your neck, his arms persistently wrapping around you tighter.
You can feel the slight bulge pressing up against your backside that's becoming more prominent as he rubs up against you. "I know you feel that mama..." he starts, "c'mon, you tellin' me this pussy isn't soaking wet thinking about me right now?"
you can feel his lips twitch up into a smirk against your neck, his hands starting to roam lower and lower with each passing moment.
and he wasnt wrong, you missed having him buried deep inside you so badly. he always knew just what spots to hit.
you could feel your panties get wetter by the second, biting your lip to suppress a moan from the feeling of him sucking on the sweet spot of your neck.
he grins as he feels the slight whimper escape from your throat, he moves one hand to pull the rag out of yours, tossing it onto the counter you were previously scrubbing.
the wetness in your panties was becoming more prominent and getting harder to ignore. "Okay fine jj. but make it quick" you say, sternly, but your voice betrays a hint of excitement.
he chuckles wickedly, sweeping you off your feet, carrying you bridal style to the makeshift bed made on the couch. "Knew you couldn't resist me, sweetheart." he smirks, his hands already pulling down both your shorts and panties.
he spreads your thighs wide open, pressing teasing kisses to your inner thighs, running his index finger along your pussy lips, coating his finger in your arousal. he pulls his finger out, his manhood twitching at the sight of your juices on his finger.
"fuck, mama. look at how wet she is for papa j. she's so needy isn't she?" he groans, moving one hand down to free himself from his boxer briefs.
he crawls up on the couch on top of you, his body hovering over yours. he immediately attaches his lips onto yours, both of your lips moving languidly over each other's. one hand roaming over your body, grasping the flesh of your thighs.
you pull away to pull his shirt off, both of your breaths coming out in short pants.
"baby, we gotta hurry. the pogues said they're just going down to get some beers."
a pang of realization washes over him, "oh shit, your right." he says, "guess im gonna have to fuck you fast then, hm?"
he unclasps your bra, throwing it onto the pile of clothes made on the floor. he hovers above you once more, lining his leaking tip with your entrance. he pushes in with ease thanks to your arousal, he starts to rock his hips back and forth, his cock hitting that spongy spot inside of you.
"oh fuck, jay" you moan out, throwing your head back against the couch cushion behind you. "fuck mama, this pussy's so tight." he groans, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
he starts to thrust faster, his hands grab your legs to wrap them around his waist so he can angle himself deeper.
he rubs your clit, his other hand moving down to push on your lower stomach. "fuck, look at that mama" he breathes out a chuckle, feeling his cock make a prominent bulge in your tummy under his palm every time he hits that spot inside you.
he groans in your ear, continuing to rub your swollen bud, coaxing you to orgasm.
"jj im gonna cum-" you moan out, squirming slightly at the feeling of his cock deep inside you, and his thumb rubbing tight circles on your clit.
"yeah, baby? you gonna cum on my cock?" he asks, purposely slamming his hips rougher against yours, his tip brushing against your cervix with every harsh thrust.
the pleasure becomes too much, the strong pressure in your lower stomach abruptly snaps, jj's eyes widen, and he stares down at your squirting pussy with pure lust.
"o-oh fuck, mama" he groans, shooting his warm, creamy cum inside your cunt, his cock twitching from the intense orgasm. as he comes down from his high, he peels open his eyes, and through the blinds, he can see the twinkie pulling up outside.
oh shit...
#jj maybank#outer banks#imagine#jj maybank smut#jj maybank x reader#obx fic#fluff#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank x you#obx jj#jj obx#jj fics#slutty jj#jj maybank x y/n#jj maybank outer banks#jj maybank angst#jj maybank fluff#jj maybank icons#jj maybank obx#jj maybank one shot#jj maybank x pogue!reader#jj maybank x routledge!reader#jj maybank drabble#jj maybank blurb#jj maybank prompt#jj maybank x oc#jj maybank au#jj maybank concept#jj maybank headcanon#jj maybank fanfiction
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Time. ii.

Part One [i].
Warnings: MDNI • Explicit • Aaron Pierre x Black!Reader, teasing, edging, tiny bit of impact play, fingering (fem receiving), p in v, creampie, DDLG kink/BDSM (bondage), self!insert, omniscient POV and more...
Summary: You and Aaron have been in a long distance relationship for three months, as you reside in your cozy home in Seattle, and he stays in Los Angeles for work. Only ever having a quick day trip for quality time between your busy schedules, a long awaited break comes up on both of your calendars; three days and two nights at the end of a long week. Finally having the opportunity to see each other face to face, you enjoy a weekend of deeper, more intimate moments.
Word Count: 4.8k❣
A/N: I got a couple other ideas for this mini series in the tuck... so tell me how you like Part Two 🤭🤍
• • •
In the deep of the night, a single sliver of champagne light glows from the cracked bathroom door adjacent to your bed. As your eyes flutter all the way open at the sight of such a stark contrast to your dark bedroom, a lingering cool fills the empty space beside you.
You glance at this lack, seeing disheveled sheets and you rub the sleep from your eyes to recount the events of the night that led you to such a deep slumber. Almost instantly, you are reminded of your short session with Aaron from the night before. He had you screaming to the top of your lungs with how nastily he was devouring your pussy, and you came twice, from just his mouth and his fingers.
Now you lay here alone as he seemingly freshened up, his last words of the night filling your mind.
“Imma let you rest, but we’re not done, princess.”
As his return to your bed took longer than you thought it would, you reached to your bedside table to turn on your lamp. In the dim glow of the golden light, you tap the middle of your phone screen to be met with your favorite picture of yourself. Once blue light pushed through the space surrounding your small device, you navigated to the control center to adjust your brightness before you looked at the time. 1:33.
Shuffling sounds echo through the bathroom and then, the light switch clicks off. Soon the gorgeous statue of a man that you called yours was stepping back into the room and a smile played at your lips.
“Hi beautiful.” His tone is husky due to him catching some z’s right beside you, and heat rises in your face at the sound.
“Hi, Papa.” A hum strums from the depth of his throat as he looks at your naked body, barely shielded by the covers that you’ve since pushed off of you. You take this time to examine his body as well, your eyes traveling down his honey-toned athletic build. Following his v-cut and happy trail your eyes navigate all the way down to the black fabric of his Calvin Klein briefs. Sooo fine.
Aaron watches your eyes as they trail back up to his, and a grin tugs at the edge of his lips.
“Like what you see, princess?” He already knew the answer to that.
“Then come here.” You quickly process your prompted movements, and your feet carry you out of bed and in front of his tall frame. One of his hands reaches down for yours, and brings it to his peck, his warmth undeniably comforting yet taunting to your core.
He guides his hand to all the places your eyes just scanned, and then he glares into your eyes with those threatening leo orbs.
“Below the waist is off limits, understand?” Your eyes damn near glow with the boundary he sets, as you realize you have your own little power over him. A smug grin raises your cheeks, and you bat your pretty eyelashes in his direction.
“Yes, sir.” Sensing the inkling of sass in your silken tone, Aaron bites his lip as he removes his hold on your hand to allow you free reign. Eye contact still strong, you run your hands over his pecks yet again, slower this time, as you let your manicured fingertips graze his nipples just lightly.
Your palms are heated now, as they run along his nice skin, rippling over his hard abs and up the side of his torso.
Four challenging eyes peer between each other, as you both pondered on what you would do next. As your hands explore the sensitive skin of his neck and then the back of his head, Aaron smiles at you playing one of the only cards you had so soon. But you would learn more of his spots this weekend, you were sure of it.
Him knowing what you would do didn’t change the effect it had on him though, and his breath hitched in his throat as your hands rubbed the nape of his neck in circles. Your other hand palpates his toned abdomen as you hear his stuttered breathing continue.
Suddenly, his strong hands grasp onto your ass, pulling you into his body with the force at which he squeezes at your flesh. A breathy moan leaves your lips as your eyebrows furrow at the sensation of his firm grip, eyes still connected. Now that he’s handling you just the way you like, Aaron can tell you were more than ready for what he had to give you.
With his hungry, lasting kiss to your full lips, you can feel your nectar easing from your center, and slowly beginning to drip down your thigh. You suck at Aaron’s bottom lip as he moans lightly at the unexpected feeling, allowing you to go on as you pleased. Once you returned to his lips for a passionate lip-lock, he appeased you and raised his hands to deliver a synced smack to both of your ass cheeks. A gasp leaves your lips at the divine sting that met your thick flesh and Aaron looks at you knowingly.
“Stay right here.”
His hands leave you cooling against the room’s lax temperature, your patience beginning to run thin as the sting he left radiates still. Soft thuds of his feet against your hardwood floors carry him to your dresser where his bag is still open with easy access to his satin bag of toys. He pulls a thick leather collar from the bag and glances over to your nightstand to see that he left the matching wrist cuffs near your bed.
You watch intently as he takes his time to gather his toys for you, your body on fire from head to toe at the thought of him touching you again. You nearly reach for your pearl to soothe its throbbing but you remember your rule, and your hands tremble with anticipation. Your mind is simply no help, as you try and predict what else will happen tonight, visions of where else Aaron hasn’t touched yet flash behind your eyes. A gloss sets over your sight, and your breath grows short in your waiting.
Aaron places the collar over his hand momentarily as he walks over to you with the leather cuffs, quickly unbuckling them to make way for your empty wrists. Just as your head begins to lighten, your breathing grows slow and shallow. Recognizing the gloss of your eyes, he realizes that you have begun floating off into subspace and he reaches his hand to your face to bring you right back down.
“Not yet, baby. Look at me.” His thumb caresses your cheek as your searching eyes meet his, focusing on his intense glare. His eyes drop to your lips momentarily, and then he grabs both of your hands and places them in front of your belly.
“I need you to breathe, three seconds in, three seconds out. Let me hear you.” Your shoulders rise and fall gently as you bring air in through your nose. One…two…three. And then exhale. One…two…three.
Once he witnesses you take three steady, deep breaths, he starts to wrap the cuffs around one wrist at a time, mindful of the tightness of the first one so that the restraint would be balanced. After both cuffs are on, he glanced his softened eyes into yours, as he opened the collar and put it around your neck. As he puts the end of the strap through the buckle, he leans down and kisses your cheek, and then, he speaks.
“Tell me when to stop.” Slowly but surely, he pulls the strap further through the buckle, and you can feel the pressure on your throat heighten. Your breath gets caught on the second to last notch of the strap, and your fingers press into the leather that is cuffed around your wrists.
“Stop.” You whimper, alerting Aaron of which hole to feed the buckle through. He pulls the strap from the buckle just slightly, and feeds the prong through the third to last hole, ensuring your comfort and then, he reaches a hand up to your face yet again.
Another light thumb to your plush skin sends feather light tingles to your temple, and your eyes flutter in levity.
“Your hands stay above your head unless I tell you to move, do you understand me?”
“Yes, sir.”
With that, he takes his hand from your face, and hooks his forefinger around the chain of your cuffs, pushing you backward until you bump into your bed. Unyielding, he pushes you further until your legs give way to the firm mattress and you fall back into the plush bedding atop it.
Almost instantly, you obey his instruction and move your restricted hands to the space above your head, watching for what Aaron had in store. His sure hands lift your legs slightly, bending them on either side of your hips as he sees the glistening treasure between your plump thighs. He sends a lick over his full bottom lip, remembering how he lapped you up just hours ago. Though he wasn’t going to make the mistake of getting too wrapped up in the indulgence that seeped from your yearning, he did want a taste.
Bringing a finger to the trail of your essence that dripped down your thigh, he collected just a small sample, bringing it to his tongue to savor. A moan left his lips at the sweet, natural taste and he could feel his dick growing in his briefs.
“You taste so fucking good, baby.” He teasingly sucked the rest of you from his own skin, and then he stepped back, taking in the sight of your bare body, all prepped and exposed for his pleasure.
“Hmm.” He hums in observation of the natural lubrication that dripped from you still.
“You know what I learned about you, yesterday?”
Aaron’s deep English accent taunts you ever-so-lightly. A burning deep in your core doesn’t allow you to look away from him as he stands at the edge of your bed, hands at his sides. Cool air circulates around your heated, throbbing clit, clinging to the slick that has eased from your opening.
His shadowed eyes turn an oceanic blue as he steps forward and sets a knee beside your body, leaning down just slightly. You see his hand go for your sensitive folds and your eyes begin to flutter closed at the thought of him touching you. Feeling you up, inside and out, rubbing your climax out of you.
A moan leaves your lips as you feel the heat radiating from his palm and just as you exhale the deep breath that previously filled your lungs, you realize that he isn’t even touching you. Your glossy brown eyes open to meet the deliberate man before them as your fingers grip onto the leather cuffs along your wrists. Fuck.
Aaron’s eyes are low with desire as he watches you squirm against your bedding at just the thought of contact. A pointed grin of his closed lips matched with his shadowy orbs made his gaze so tantalizing. And he knew it.
“Mhm.” He hums cockily, moving his hand from where it was still hovering over you. Getting back off of your bed, he steps back to view you clearer, glazed over eyes planning his next moves.
“You like when I play in this pretty pussy, huh?” In small, delicate touches, his knuckles caress your thighs menacingly close to your quivering sensitivity, causing a whimpering breath to leave your lips. No words could come to the surface of your mind as you held on to the last pieces of it you had left.
He liked to see you this way; barely able to grasp a thought, let alone speak it. It was the whole point of his plan: to fuck you senseless in every sense of the word.
Determined to continue, he moved his hands from your body for a moment, and walked around the side of your bed. A large hand reached to the dangling handle of the leash attached to your collar, and held it loosely as he crouched down beside you. You weren’t sure of what was next, so you just looked in front of you, waiting for some direction.
“Look at me, princess.”
You turn your head toward him willfully, your lowered eyes trailing from his large lips to the windows of his soul. Every inch of him was so beautiful it was hard for you to keep focus.
With a taut, yet intentional hold on your leash, Aaron pulls you closer to him, until you are both just hairs away from the other’s lips. He leans in as if he is about to kiss you, but his mouth just sits atop yours in a way that would be awkward if you weren’t already so desperate to feel the contact.
“You didn’t answer me, baby-girl. And I don’t like repeating myself.” He breaths against you, as he tugs on your collar. As you lick over your lips, you breathe him in through your nose.
“Yes, what, baby? I need to hear you say it.” Though you are too close to him to see his full smile, you can feel his lips raise against yours and you shiver at his control.
“Yes, I like when you play in this pretty pussy, Papa.” Aaron takes a deep breath, as he bites his lip at the sight of yours. Plump, perfectly two-toned, ready for him.
“Good girl.” His free hand guides your chin down so that he can kiss you properly, a short, triumphant battle of his lips against yours. Then, his hand trails down your neck, brushes past one of your nipples and lovingly caresses your belly before it lands below your hips at the spot you needed him most.
Lax, only for a moment on his overarching teasing session, Aaron strokes your clit with his middle and ring fingers, effectively tending to the ache you had begun to feel. A certain pulling, needing, yearning begins at your core, and though he had just started, you could feel your climax rolling in quick.
“Oh, shit.” You moan, your chest heaving up and down as the pleasure is fast-tracked through every vein, in every limb of your body. As Aaron continues stroking his thick fingers through your enhanced moisture, your eyebrows turn upward at the overwhelm, your thighs snapping shut instinctively.
He didn’t miss a beat of anything your body was saying. His intent glare left the space between your thighs, which was covered now, to meet your pretty little love-face.
“I need you to open your legs, baby.” He coached you gently, being sure to keep his cool. It was clear between the two of you that this was your first time exploring a relationship like this and he didn’t want to punish you until you knew exactly what you were doing, and the consequences that your actions came with.
Panting breaths sound from your lips as you try to gather yourself, opening your legs in slow motion. The feeling of his fingers still on your pussy was enough to make you cum right now, but you stay as composed as you possibly can, wanting to hear him tell you that you could.
His fingers begin to circle your clit yet again, and this time you breathe deeply through this feeling, your back naturally arching as he took you all the way to your oblivion. Strategically, Aaron begins to let go of the leash, kissing down your chest and swirling his warm tongue along the sensitive skin as you try to keep it together. Your eyes roll back as full, melodic moans fly from your mouth at his efforts. Nothing has ever felt as good as his hands and tongue on you. Nothing.
“Oh my Goddd…” You call out, your body beginning to convulse with your imminent waterfall. Just as quickly as you had made it to the edge, Aaron’s soft voice was threatening you to step back from it.
“Mnh, mnh. You better not cum, hold that shit Y/N.” As he stopped his tender hand from stroking against your folds, you let out a weary breath. Slow, torturous kisses played at your breast that was closest to his lips, and as he laid his flat tongue against your nipple, you bit at your bottom lip. That motherfucker.
“Hm’my God, Papa.” You purr, a moan lacing your lips as he begins to suck at your plush bosom. Feeling your pulsating clit along his fingers, Aaron lightens his hand on you, teasing an airy finger along the silhouette of your plump pussy lips. Popping your boob out of his mouth, he looks into your eyes with nothing but desire.
“Mmh,” He gravels in his low rasp. “You ready for this dick, princess?”
You nod your head quickly, though you know he wants words, but when you open your lips to answer, all you can give is a trembling moan. With a dark laugh, his large fingers are back at your clit, rubbing you to your end. A drawn out moan fills the air around you as you close your eyes, taking in the continued dopamine hit.
Like clockwork, your body begins chasing that zenith that you were told not to go towards, and your hips grind into the fingers of the man pleasing you. The extra friction with his steadily moving fingers causes you to turn your head to the side, hiding your blissful face with your arm. This time, even with every whimper and every fractal of breath, Aaron continues to caress your burning core, watching your torso as your lungs expand with air, and then contract on your release.
“That’s right, cum for Papa.” He coaxed, not breaking the rhythm he had as fingers grew stickier with your natural elixir. Once you got your permission, it was like your body pulled from reservoirs and released every ounce you could muster. Your legs trembled as you cried out for more? Less? You didn’t really know. Everything was so blurry now, your eyes barely open as you continued to drip your juices all on Aaron’s willing hand.
His hand coated in your clear honey now, he stroked your clit a few more times, and then, he stood from where he had crouched beside your bed. Looking down at just how spent you were, he gives you a moment of breath as he walks around your mattress, making sure to grab a pillow as he makes his way to meet your hips.
Silently, he sat the pillow beside you, and used his free hand to hook a thumb into the side of his briefs. He pushed the dark fabric off of his hips slowly and stepped out of them when they circled his feet, letting his thick, long shaft make its introduction to the room. Just as you caught your breath, he brought his slick covered hand to his girth, stroking his dick with the lubrication of your essence.
With a soft, breathy moan at the sensation against his rock hard growth, he continued readying himself for what he was about to do. When your eyes finally flutter open after processing such a steep climax, you are met with the view of him stroking himself zealously. He had to be about 8 inches…maybe more? Definitely more.
“Oh, fuck.” You curse yourself for being so ready for it earlier. For a moment he makes note of your reaction, and a faint grin tugs at his lips as he watches your eyes follow his hand up and down his length. He frees his hand to handle you just a bit, turning you to your side so that he can position your pillow underneath your hips to match the height of his, his muscles flexing with the movement.
Once you are positioned perfectly for his intention, he steps closer to you and lays his warm shaft along your abdomen. A breath hitches in your throat at his size in comparison to you, and you tense just slightly though you are curious, and needy. A bad combination.
“No need to be nervous, baby-girl. You know I’m gonna take good care of you.” His hands trail up to your thighs, rubbing his thumbs along the plump flesh in an attempt to pull you back in. Aaron’s eyes soften as he watches your body calm under his touch, and he can’t help but bite his lip at the delight he felt in being able to do that for you. Creating and calming your storms.
“Use that safeword if you need to.” His voice is velvety in its depth, assuring you that he would only take tonight as far you wanted it to go. With lowered, adoring eyes, you nod your head as your center yearns to feel him now.
“Yes, sir.” You nearly whisper. A deep breath raises Aaron’s shoulders as he keeps his mind together despite the sounds you make for him. On his exhale, he trails his heavy hands up your thighs to meet the bend of your legs, holding you in place for the unforeseeable night.
Acute breaths sing through your lips as you await Aaron’s penetration. Angling himself at your wet entrance, he pushes forward, feeling your warmth envelop him until the give of your walls becomes unyielding.
“Ugh, fuck.” He moans heartily, a jump in his stomach alerting him of the effects of your juicy, wet pussy.
The pressure of him begging at a depth you hadn’t had in too long causes a certain levity to reach your legs and they begin trembling in his hold as you groan at the feeling. He just stays there though, stroking half of his length into your tightness, his dark eyes gazing at the way your slick covered his dick.
“So tight around me, baby.” He breathes out, his chest rising and falling slowly as he regulates himself, seeking a slower pace than what his body was agreeing to. Your wetness sounds around his thick shaft, his soft thrusts readying you for even more of his length.
As soon as you feel like you can take more, you try to control your moans so you can request what you need in your nicest voice possible.
“Deeper, Papa.�� A moan follows your demand, and then your pussy squelches around his lovely thickness. “Please.”
Hesitantly, Aaron takes in your body’s reaction to him, and as he sees the true bliss your body is in, he fulfills your request, slowly though. As he goes just an inch or so deeper, he watches as you release a throaty moan, loving how he felt inside you. A couple more inches, a couple more pants at how he is filling you up so easily. And then as he gives you all of him, you clench your teeth over your bottom lip, your eyebrows upturned as you muffle a groan at the pressure.
He strokes slowly, trying to allow you to get used to him, but as he sees your face relax again, and your hips begin to rock into him just a little, he goes a bit faster. The heightened speed with his gentle, deep strokes was enough to have your eyes rolling to the back of your head yet again. The little pinch of pain at his size was driving you just a little wild.
“Ahhh, mmh.” You cried out, a moan reaching your lips as tears welled in your eyes at the many different sensations of the night. Aaron was steady breathing hard at the intensity of your tightness clamping around him, huffing out a husky moan here and there. He was definitely enjoying himself, but your soft cries had him worried he was going too deep too quickly. The last thing either of you needed was for him to damage something.
“Tell me how it feels, baby.” He squeezes at your thighs for stability as he feels a telling levity in his core. A silken moan is all you can muster at first, and then you look ahead of you at his piercing gaze.
“Mm, hurts…so good, Papa.” As if your words gave him permission to feel the full extent of his pleasure, his shoulders drop as he feels himself twitch within your walls. His plump pink lips part to release a hearty, drawn out moan and he continues stroking to your continued gratification.
“Ohh, shit.” He can only keep it together for a couple more steady strokes, then he gets a little sloppy as expletives fall from his lips in an attempt to hold on just a little more. Aaron could tell that it’s only a couple minutes, if that, until he releases his load, so he brings a thumb to your clit, rubbing softly to get you right where he is.
You squirm at the added pleasure, and soon, those tears that were glossing your eyes overflowed onto your temples as you threw your head back.
“Fuckkk!” You scream out, your eyebrows furrowed as Aaron digs every bit of this orgasm out of you. Every last stroke is accentuated with each of your breathy, succinct moans and his abdomen expands as he watches his honey-tan dick get coated in your glorious juices, and his trimmed pubic hair is decorated in the musky luster.
“Papa…” Your whisper is hoarse, as an uncontrollable wave of emotions comes over you. Your whole body moves in tandem with the breath that dances through your body, and then it exits through your lips, shakily.
“Go’ head and let it go, baby. I won’t stop until I get all of it.” Your chest warms at the accented vowels in his speech, and you heed his instruction, focusing on nothing else but him and your nut. Rendered speechless from the snug feeling of his thick shaft between your wetness, you begin to shake, your hips bucking forward as pure energy shoots through you.
“That’s it princess, give it to me.” Aaron coos, rubbing his thumbs in circles along your tender skin. Another breath in is all it takes for your love to come down, sticking to both of you like glue.
Unable to contain himself, Aaron shoots his warm load into you, his groans loud and gruff. He thrusts forward a few more times as he empties himself, made even more sensitive by your continued whimpering. When he finally pulls out, the combined evidence of both of your pleasure eases out of your opening, causing you to moan softly.
Breathing heavily as he gathers himself, he takes a moment to walk into your on-suite bathroom and begin a bath for you, using your Dr. Teals Lavender soap.
You lie there, the distant noise of the running water hitting the ceramic of the tub, lulling you to a calm space. You were already exhausted, and your legs were beginning to throb lightly at how long you’d had them in the same position.
Aaron walked back into your bedroom with a purposeful stride, stopping at the side of your bed to tend to your obvious needs. He takes the connecting chain between your leather cuffs and pulls you to sit up gently, undoing the collar first and setting it on the bedside table behind him. Then, he gives you a soft once over before he focuses on the small straps on your wrists, unbuckling them as quick as possible and setting them on the bedside table as well.
He sits down beside you and brings both hands to your face, wiping away the wet streams of tears that fell. Quietly, he places a soft-hearted kiss on both of your cheeks and then on your lips, his gentleness bringing a whole other level of comfort to your mind. As you pull away from the kiss, you wrap your weakened arms around his neck, and he nestles his face in yours as he litters your skin with barely-there kisses. His large hands expand across your back, and he rubs them along your skin, lovingly.
“You were such a good girl for me, baby.” He tilts his chin down to kiss your shoulder and you move your hands down to caress his shoulders and back, to which he hums in satisfaction. Eager, passionate kisses are delivered from his lips to yours as you rub his back, realizing that you had indeed found another spot of his.
“You’ ready for your bath?” He asks against your lips. You nod your head slowly, giving him a last peck until you are lifted in his strong hold. With a sigh of happiness in reminiscence of the whole night, you lay your head on his shoulder as you get ready to be taken care of by your gentle, dominant giant.
• • •
I do not condone any translations, replications or plagiarisms of my original work. Please do not repost as your own. Reblogs and comments/notes welcome. ♥︎
• • •
@userthatlovessmut32 @blyffe @ms-mosley-ifunastyyy
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#SoundCloud#aaron pierre x black reader#aaron pierre#aaron pierre x reader#black fanfic writer#black fanfiction#my fic#18 + only#18+ mdni#mdni#bdsmkink
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30,000ft. above sea level

summary - you and your boss does something not that common for you guys to do 30,000 feet above sea level
pairing - aaron hotchner x reader
warnings: SMUT +18, oral sex (m!receiving), semi-public sex, dirty talk, mentions of p in v sex, humping, mentions of cases, typical criminal minds talk
notes: DAY 1 of KINKTOBER, divider by i08cymm
main masterlist | criminal minds masterlist
The team gathered together on the jet. Hotch was passing out the files while Spencer turned on the small laptop in front of him to contact Penelope.
The case wasn't that rough on their stomach. There were two missing girls— both of them were best friends. Both was abducted 3 days, after their dance practice. As soon as team received the file, they quickly scanned and then shared their thoughts with the group.
It was only a short discussion since their technical analyst already has the name of the unsub and the suspected area where the girls were held. All of the team decided to do their own business. Reid read a book that he brought, Prentiss and Morgan were chatting about women, while Rossi and J.J chatted about J.J's son—Henry.
The team sees you and Hotch as the parents of the team. Hotch was strict, straightforward and silent like a father; you were sweet, kind, and cares for the team like a mother. What the team doesn't know is that you and Aaron are dating for a couple months now. There were times where you enter his office and have a little make-out session in there. The team doesn't suspect anything since you know, you both are parental figures— and thank God for that. They probably think that the both of you were discussing case files or help Hotch about his paperwork during those times.
And now, you felt that mood in you again.
The two of you haven't done it on the jet yet so it might sound like new to you and him. You gently stood up to your seat and excused yourself, leaving the team and went to the other side of the jet where Hotch was. You closed the curtains that was dividing the plane.
"Mama and Papa bear are talking about paperworks again. Can't they have a life?" Morgan commented, seeing you going to Hotch and slid the curtains.
"Well, work is always on their minds." Prentiss replied.
As you entered the area where Hotch was, he was sitting down, his back facing you, paper works were all over the table. It wasn't just any paperwork nor file, it's paperwork regarding the team's behavior. You find it funny when he does that since you know how silly the team member gets.
"Hey, what's up?" you walked towards him, getting his attention as he looked at you and smiled.
"Just the behavior paperwork." Hotch answered before his eyes went back to the file and answered.
"The team can get reckless sometimes." You laughed at his statement. You sat on the chair in front of him, crossing your legs. You observed him deeply. He wasn't that stressed nor tensed but you can see how his long sleeved white shirt was getting tighter and his muscles are getting visible which is making you feel something.
That feeling increased when you looked at his face. He was focused, his eyes fall in every word he writes. Jesus— he looked so fucking hot.
"Are you doing my behavioral report?" you asked as he grabbed a new file and opened it. You saw your 2 by 2 I.D card that was clipped on the pages of the file.
"Yes. I've done the others."
"Tell me about them— their report."
He scoffed at your request. Hotch grabbed the previous files and read each report to you. "Garcia hacked 3 private servers. Morgan kicked another door during our cases even though the door was unlocked. Reid academically insulted the local P.D during our previous case. And Rossi insulted another police.." Every word he said, it wasn't coherent to you but that didn't matter.
All your attention was to him. His eyes. His face. His arms. His fingers. And his... you know where. You felt that feeling rise up again. You felt like you need his touch— which you really do. You feel like the seat was stained with how wet you were right now.
"Are you okay? Are you listening to me?" Aaron asked.
The vulgar thoughts suddenly disappeared in your mind. "Y-Yes, I'm okay. And I'm listening to you."
"You're sweating. Your breath is rigid. Something is up." he didn't buy your answer. You stood up from your seat, you pushed the table away to the aisle and sat on Aaron's lap. He was surprised but he saw it coming. Your wet lips finally met his. He returned the kiss deeply, allowing the both of you to taste each other.
It's been awhile since the both of you had sex. Cases were always here and there. You even never had the time to sleep due to how busy the team was with these harsh cases.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked. "We've never done it on a plane.. or miles above sea level.."
"Please, Aaron— I just really badly need you." you begged as you began to rock your heated core with his thighs, riding him.
The both of you were still fully clothed but Aaron can definitely feel how wet you were. You humped on his thigh, finding a friction on his pants; and when you did, you gripped his shoulders for support and moaned softly, your head resting on his neck.
"What if we get caught?" Aaron asked, holding your hips for support.
"They won't. Fuck— you feel so good." you moaned.
His fingers found your clothed breast. It was hard and can be seen through your thin grey shirt and he was drooling about it. Aaron began to toy with your hardened nipple, making you moan out loud. He immediately covered your mouth, muffling out your moans.
As your pace went faster, your orgasm did too. You felt a coil in your stomach and clenched on his pants.
"Come for me, honey. That's it— you're doing such a great job." he praised in your ear.
After a few more rocks, you finally came in your underwear. It didn't stain his pants but it was crumpled.
"Since you're gonna do my report... then I'll show you what a bad behavior is."
You jumped out from his thigh and kneeled. Your fingers started to unzip his pants and pulled it down. Hotch was definitely hard. Then, you removed his black boxers, allowing his hardened cock to sprung out. There was a small leak of precum on his tip. Your fingers started to toy with his tip, brushing it in a teasingly way. Aaron closed his eyes at the pleasure, his back arched slightly. Your palms begin to pump on his whole length slowly.
Aaron was desperate.
Desperate for your touch.
Desperate for your mouth.
Desperate for you to take him whole.
"(Y/n).." he moaned softly.
A smiled carved your lips as you heard him moan your name. It was your favorite music. Your favorite note. Your favorite melody. Your palms pumped his dick faster and faster. He whined and whimpered. His head moved back with his eyes completely shut. In a surprise, your mouth fully took his cock, the tip hitting at the back of your throat. You gagged at first but you got comfortable after a few seconds; you started to bob your head, your tongue licking on his dick inside. Aaron's cock hit your cheeks, the soft and warm feeling made him even more harder.
"God—so warm.. Just like that, yes.." Aaron took a fistful of your hair and guided your speed. He was big, thick, and veiny. You looked at him with innocent eyes but a lustful mouth. You gripped his thighs for support as you continued bobbing your head.Your pace quickened and you felt his cock twitch inside your mouth.
He's close.
"Are you going to swallow it all, honey?" You nodded in response as he thrusted his hips, fucking your mouth over and over again.
"Swallow it all, honey. You're doing such a great job."
After a few more thrust and bobbing, he finally came. White, warm, and creamy liquid spurted out on his dick inside your mouth. You licked his dick from top to bottom clean, making sure you get to taste and swallow every single cum he has.
You stood up and Aaron put his boxers back on and buckled his pants. The both of you were out of breath.
"I'll list that. Not on the file but on my journal." Aaron commented.
"You know, Aaron, we still have 30 minutes 'till landing. Maybe you can pay me back, huh?" you said, grabbing his tie seductively and whispered on his ear.
Little did the both of you know, all the team members were now awake.
And they heard every single noise that came out from the both of you.
#x reader#criminal minds#criminal minds reader insert#criminal minds smut#criminal minds x reader#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner smut#thomas gibson#kinktober
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i do love how we're collectively characterizing perpetua (for the time being) as the quiet type BUT i think he should make up for it by being an avid sexter
You've just barely dozed off when your phone pings. You recognize Perpetua's text tone and perk up immediately, reaching for the device on your night stand. The screen comes on, washing you in blinding light, and you grimace. That's not going to disrupt your sleep cycle at all. Definitely not.
Hope you're not asleep yet.
You smile to yourself. It's a little more eloquent than a "u up?," but you know the intent is the same.
i was close
i'd much rather be talking to you tho
The blood is pumping now. No way you're falling asleep any time soon.
You flatter me, darling.
Already, your room feels stiflingly hot. You kick off your comforter, putting your next attack into motion.
figured i could stroke your ego in lieu of something else ;)
He starts typing, stops for a moment, and then starts again.
Straight to the point.
I like that about you.
You roll onto your stomach, kicking your feet. He's so reserved in person, so it's exciting, exotic, when he gets like this.
oh yeah? what else do you like about me?
What is he doing right now? Is he in bed, like you? Maybe he's fresh out of the shower, stripped of his mask and paints, clad in nothing but a towel. Maybe he's completely naked. The thought makes your mouth water.
Definitely your humility.
You chuckle, rolling your eyes.
That beautiful body is a close second, though.
Heat rises to your cheeks. You twist your legs together, the slight pressure sending a tremor down your spine. Wetness is gathering at your center already.
i've been told i've got some nice ankles
You couldn't resist. It brings you joy, pushing his buttons like this.
You think you're so funny.
i'm hilarious >:)
You should know better than to tease your new leader.
Ah, so he's pulling rank. You're in for a treat.
what are you gonna do about it, Your Dark Excellence? throw me in the dungeon? sic your ghouls on me?
You would just love that, wouldn't you?
they like to fuck, right?
He spends a prolonged period of time typing, and for a moment you worry you've put him off.
Like the animals they are, but they know you're mine.
It makes your heart throb and your pussy flutter at the same time. A devious idea pops into your brain. You peel off your baggy t-shirt, push your breasts together, and quickly snap a picture. Biting your lip, you press send.
you're right. all this is yours, papa
For a solid minute, there are no signs of life from Perpetua. It fills you with a smug satisfaction, knowing a simple titty pic can affect him so dramatically. He talks a big game, but at the end of the day, he's as weak for you as you are for him.
Just look at what you've done.
You lick your lips when the picture appears on screen. He's got his cock in hand, fully erect and flushed the prettiest shade of pink. The foreskin is completely pulled back, revealing the full bell shape of the tip, a bead of precum, like a pearl, oozing from it. Recalling the taste of him, you clench your thighs together, feeling your heartbeat between them.
fuck it looks so good
i wanna suck you off so bad
With the mental image of those silver claws twisting into your hair, your hand slinks downwards, creeping into your underwear. You quickly find your clit, drawing slow, lazy circles around it. You're in no hurry to finish this, not when it's just getting good.
You would do anything for it.
You've already done a few heinous things for dick, and he knows that.
pretty much
I bet you're fucking soaked just thinking about my cock in your mouth.
Seeing his composure start to slip, you grin, chewing on the inside of your cheek. You eye the time, tempted to take this further. It's fucking late though, already close to midnight, and you need to be up at 6:00 tomorrow morning.
The temptation is too great. Fuck work.
you know
i'm just down the hall
you could come find out
There's a pause. He's considering it. You hold your breath when it shows that he's typing again.
Be there in 5.
#my writing#the band ghost#the band ghost x reader#papa v perpetua x reader#this is tmi but this was actually kind of difficult i forgot i don't really enjoy sexting that much... whoops#also anon who requested mountain/reader i see you and i'm working on it#i live by the whimsy of my little lizard adhd brain so... i got distracted#shorts#also perpetua is uncut in my personal headcanon... i just get that vibe from him lol
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mine ౨ৎ

A/N: I'm back, yeah I know. I've been out for a few months or years idk. I wanted to write this, cuz I love dad!kento, also this been in my mind rent-free, and just hell yeah. Also happy Valentine's Day, and sorry for the late submission, but this was part of my Valentine's book/smutbook on Wattpadd/a03 so just a cross-post.
WARNING: p in the v, oral sex, cursing, no condom we fuck raw, cunnilingus, not proofread lmao...
PAIRING: nanami kento x reader
Every morning, it was the same routine just like before, children laughing at the scent of heavily waxed crayons and baby wipes in the air, and the occasional wail from reluctant toddlers and kids. You have gotten so used to the chaos of kids, the rush of parents dropping their kids off before heading off to work,
"Look Miss. L/N—do you like the picture I drew!" you turned your head to see one of the toddlers, standing right beside you showing a picture they drew. You smiled, patting their head,
"This looks so good, I'll make sure to hang this on the bulletin board," you said, crouching down to take hold of the drawing, the toddler smiled, as they ran back to the other kids exclaiming about how her drawing got to the bulletin board.
Yeah, it was the usual for you, working at the daycare. You readjusted your pastel yellow colored apron, and your hair in a ponytail so it doesn't get in your face, it takes a bunch of energy to take care of these kids filled with energy all day, the sound of footsteps echoed through the sound of yelling kids, you turned to see
Yuuji's dad
The moment he walked it, it made your heart beat faster, feeling your cheeks heating up. You were in a quiet panic, you tell yourself it's just another parent, and just another kid check—all a part of your routine, you breathed. Usually, he always on-time, greeting you with a smile—like he was happy to see you. Maybe it's the way he take an extra moment to ask about Yuji's dad, that made you feel some type of way—or the way his deep voice makes your stomach flutter just a little too much.
But today, he was running late. He was a little disheveled, his green, polka-dot tie was loosened, and his blonde hair tousled like his finger was through it a little too many times. He's holding Yuji's tiny backpack in his right as his other freehand is holding onto his hand, the little boy skipping alongside him.
"Mr. Nanami" you called out, a smile on your face,
"Sorry for the rush," he says, his voice a little breathless as he steps up to you, "Mornings are always something different with him.." he gestures to Yuuji who was practically waiting to be free to run around.
You let out a little laugh, crouching down to Yuuji, whose attention was on you, "Did you give your dad some trouble?" you asked, teasing him.
You watched as Yuuji shook his head furiously, laughing a little bit.
"No! I just made him chase me around" he confessed, with a cheeky smile on his lips. You looked at Nanami, who just sighed, rubbing his hands over his face, and making you blush.
"He's not wrong" he admits, "he has speed—think I got to start training if I want to keep up with him"
You bit your lip, trying to suppress another smile, "Oh!—I'll take this" You took hold of Yuuji's backpack, and you felt Nanami's finger brushing against yours—the sensation of skin against skin made you freeze for a moment, it just send a sudden spark thorough you.
The warmth of his hand is gone, as quick as it came as you had Yuuji's backpack in hand, your gaze flickered to him but he was looking directly at you. It wasn't a casual glance, not an accidental meeting of eyes—what were you even talking about,
You cleared your throat, focusing back on Yuuji, "Alright, Yuji! You ready for a fun day" You smiled at him, and the pink-haired kid nodded enthusiastically,
You stood up, as Nanami let out a small sigh, and ruffled Yuuji's hair, "Be good today, okay?" He patted Yuuji,
"I will, papa!"
You watched as Yuuji started running into the play area, "You're really great with him, you know" You turned your attention to Nanami, his voice was softer but still deep. You fl your cheek heating up, as you tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear, "He's a great kid" you smiled.
He exhaled, for a small chuckle, "Yeah...he is—but I appreciate you looking out for him" he said, you nodded with a smile, turning a glance at Yuuji already playing with the other kids,
"It's no problem," you said, "it's actually my pleasure to have him with me"
He nods, taking a step backward, his attention now on his watch that was on his wrist, "Shoot—I have to go, I'll be a little late, picking Yuuji up"
"Okay!" you nodded, as you watched him leave out of the door, you tried to shake off the warmth that was still lingering from that one moment of fleeting touch, you started walking to the cubby as you put Yuuji's backpack in his cubby,
For the rest of the morning, you tried to shake off the lingering feeling from that brief touch, it clung onto you like so stubborn thought,—you couldn't let go of it. You were focused on your task—helping the kids with the art projects, cleaning up the paint spills, and singing songs during circle time. Suddenly, you felt Yuuji tugging at your sleeve, making you turn to him.
"Miss L/N," he asked, tilting his head, you blinked down at him, "Yeah, Yuuji"
He grins after getting your attention, "My papa, thinks you're really nice.
You felt your stomach flipping, your breath hitched as you processed his words, before letting out a small laugh, a nervous one. "Oh? And how do you know that?" you asked, cocking your eyebrows.
"Cause he say so" Yuuji shrugs, completely unaware of the way his words send your heart into overdrive, "—And-and, one time, he said, 'Miss L/N, is really good with you, and I said yeah! And he smiled really big"
Your breath caught slightly, "Well, I think your papa is really nice too" you confessed, patting his head, you watched as he beamed, satisfied with your answer before he ran off again to join his friends at the craft table. Meanwhile, you were just crouching down gripping the stack of construction paper, realizing what JUST HAPPEN.
He talks about you...
You knew him to be polite, and kind—and always took an interest in his son's care, but the fact he brought you up in the conversation made your heart pang, even with the passing remark, made something warm bloom up in your chest.
As the day dragged on, parents started trickling into the daycare for pickup. Your eyes darted to the door as you helped give the parents their kid's backpack, you won't lie that you were waiting for him to show up, but it was going too late
And then, he walks in.
This time he wasn't rushed, his tie was still loosened even more, and you were able to see a little bit of his chest. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his strong forearms that you definitely shouldn't be looking at—but everything about made your ovaries go crazy.
He had a small, tired small on his face as he spots you with Yuuji, sitting on one of the colorful tables coloring.
You stood up, walking towards Nanami,
"Hey," he says, his warm, deep voice made you even smile more.
"Hi," you reply, and you curse yourself for how breathless you were, then Yuuji runs straight to his father, hugging him tightly, "Papa!"
"Hey, buddy" Nanami chuckles, ruffling his hair, "Did you have a good day today?" he asked,
Yuuji nods excitedly, "Uh-huh! We painted and played outside, and Miss L/N made us animal-shaped snacks"
"Animal-shaped snacks, huh" Nanami looked up at you, and you shrugged, feigning nonchalance, "What can I say, the kids love it," you said, laughing—a deep, rich..genuine sound that made your knees weak. "That's impressive, I could barely cut yuuji's sandwiches into triangles without messing it up"
"Well,—if you ever need tips on some snack artistry, I'm your girl," you said, before you even fully processed your words, you were clearly flirting with him, but your words were already out, you watched him as he smirked.
"I'll keep that in mind"
Some silence came after, but it was all as long as it came. It was replaced by the familiar rush of parents coming in to get their kids. You stepped back, offering a small smile, "Well, you heard from him, Yuuji had a great day. I'll see you both tomorrow" You pointed at them, with a smile.
Nanami hesitates for a moment, "Yeah..tomorrow" but before he turns to leave, he pauses for a moment like he wants to say something else. He glances down at yuuji, who's busy putting on his backpack, then back at you,
"By the way..I was wondering...do you—"
"PAPA, CAN WE GET ICE CREAM..PLEASE!!" Yuuji suddenly yells, catching you off-guard, and interrupting whatever is about to be said. You laughed as Nanami let out an exaggerated sigh, ruffling his hair, "Sure"
You watched as Yuuji tugged his dad's hand, as you stood there, —wait what was he going to say to you? Nanami glances back at you, his lips twitching before sighing dramatically, "Guess we lost this round" he says, looking at Yuuji, "but maybe next time"
Your breath hitches before you can respond, and he just winks at you, leaving you speechless, breathless,—oh my gosh, you were just grinning like a idiot.
The next morning, you were typing the back of your apron, as you tell yourself not to get your hopes up again, maybe last night was just a playful teasing, nothing serious—just friendly chit-chat.
But the way he hesitated before leaving, the way he said, 'maybe next time', the way he winked—it all replays in your head as you prep the daycare, wiping down the table with wipes. You shook your head, trying to push away your thoughts—you were at work, just another day, nothing special.
With the sound of the door opening, you turned your head to see Nanami walking into the daycare.
He wasn't wearing his usual collar shirt with a tie, instead, he was wearing a light brown sweater, and his hair was slightly messier. Yuuji was bouncing excitedly beside him, but Nanami's eyes were still on you,
"Morning," he says, his voice was smoother than usual.
"Good morning" you reply, forcing yourself to sound normal, even though your heart was still racing, yuuji let go of his dad's hand, and started to run to the toy corner, leaving you too alone. Nanami exhaled, rubbing the back of his neck, "So...about yesterday"
Your stomach flips, "What about it?"
He chuckles slightly, shifting on his feet. "I was actually trying to ask you something before someone—" he shoots a playful glare at Noah, who was completely entrance as he played with one of the toy dinosaurs in his hand.
You arch your brows, crossing your arms in mock suspicion, "What were you going to ask" you tilted your head, and he paused, as he thought for a moment, "You're really gonna make me say it, huh?"
You eyes widen for a moment, biting your lip, wait—
"I don't know what you mean"
He laughs softly, shaking his head, "I was going to ask...if you like to get dinner with me"
Dinner with Nanami, you felt your heart-stopping.
"Dinner?" your voice almost cracking,
"Yeah" he says, clearing his throat,
"Like a date?" you asked, his lips curved into a dangerous smirk—the one that makes your knees feel weak, "Yeah, a date."
"Oh..wow, I—uh, wasn't expecting that"
"Really" he arches a brow, "I expected that Yuuji isn't good at keeping my secrets" You glanced over at Yuuji, who was playing with the dinosaurs, and you shook your head with a grin. "I don't know...I think he's been pretty discreet" You smiled.
Nanami laughs, then exhales softly, "So..what would you say?"
"Yeah, of course" you smiled, feeling your face heating up. His shoulder relaxes, "Great—how about Friday?"
"Friday is perfect"
"Good" he glances at yuuji then back at you, "I should go—before he accidentally sets something on fire"
"Good idea" you laugh.
"I'll text you"
"Y-yeah" you nodded, as you waved him 'goodbye'.
You were staring at your closet, as your clothes were scattered all over your bed, the door wide open, revealing an overwhelming selection, but everything was not—quite right. Too casual, too formal, too boring, too much. You groaned in frustration, running a hand through your hair, as you pulled up another dress, holding it against yourself in the mirror,
it was an off-shoulder black dress, it was cute, simple, and flattering.
You looked back at your phone, checking the time, thirty more minutes,
You felt your stomach doing nervous flips, as you became anxious about the date, you didn't know how Nanami had been having a crush on you for the whole time,— the man who somehow makes dropping his kids off at daycare look effortlessly attractive, making your ovaries practically screaming—is the one that asked you out on a date.
You slip on the press, smoothing the fabric down, as you step into a pair of heels, looking in the mirror. The dress looked good on you, snagging the right parts of your curves. The sound of your phone notifications, you reached for your phone, he was almost here, and your heart was beating against your chest.
You walked out of your apartment, to hear the sound of a car pulling up outside making your heart stutter. You peek out the window, and sure enough, he was there. His car—sleek, understate,d and classy, just like him. He steps out, adjusting his tie, and scanning the street before looking at you,
"You look beautiful" he murmurs, a slow warmth spread through your chest as he compliments you. "Thank you" trying to keep your voice light despite your pulse practically racing now,
You watched as he opened the door for you, the gesture smooth effortless, like second nature. You slide in, as he rounds the car to get himself inside, allowing you to have a moment to breathe, you look in the sideview mirror, giving yourself another look before he gets in.
You were going to have him for the whole night—and you were so ready.
The restaurant was elegant, but not too flashy—refined, intimate, the king of place that perfectly suit Nanami perfectly. The soft lighting casts a golden hue over the room, the quiet hum of jazz playing in your background.
It was clear that Nanami made a reservation for this restaurant, everything about him was precise, intentional, and well thought-out. He pulled out a chair before he took a seat at his own chair,
"Is everything alright?" he asked, like a gentleman
You nodded, smiling
"It's perfect"
The waiter hands you both menus, you don't glance at them though, not when Nanami was watching you like that—calm, observant, his gaze steady and searching.
"I have to admit" he began talking after a moment, setting his menu down, "This surprise you said yes"
You blinked for a moment, tilting your head slightly, "And why's that?"
Nanami exhales, rolling his sleeves up just a little, revealing his stronger foreman that you couldn't stop staring at, his finger tapping idly against the table. "You..." you pause, considering your words,
"You're warm, bright. You make things lighter just by being there"
The compliment is unexpected, a raw in a way you don't often hear from him.
"And I assumed someone like you..would already have a boyfriend..or something"
Your lips parted, his comment catching you off-guard, by the weight of his words, "Well, you murmur, "I suppose you're lucky I don't" you teased,
Nanami's lips twitched slightly—not quite into a smirk, but something else.
But you wouldn't have expected to be here, your dress pulled up as you were bent over for Nanami, feeling his cock being stuffed into you, as you moaned. You half-lidded eyes, as he roamed your body, his rough hands on your waist.
'pap!, pap!, pap!'
the sound of your wet cunt being plunged by Nanami's cock, echoed through the hotel room—it was too much, gosh.
Your clothes or whatever was left of your dress was on the floor, including his, the smell of sex lingering in the air,
"Hngh.." you moaned, as his hips kept on rolling into you, feeling his cock hitting your cervix, making your eyes roll back. His hips slamming into your ass, with each powerful thrust. You felt yourself clenching down, tightening around his cock.
"Fuck" Nanami curses,
He leaned down near your ears, his hand roughly grabbing onto your face, "You want me to fuck you harder, don't you" his voice was a low growl, "Want me to shove my cock into your tight—little pussy" you nodded frantic, you just wanted release. His cock just filled you up, feeling a bulge imprinted on your stomach, as he fucked you.
"Y-yes" you whimpered, your body trembling with need. You felt his grip pulling you near him, as you felt his washing board abs on your back.
You didn't know how many orgasms you were through, but your pussy was spent, battered, and bruised from his veiny cock.
His rough hands cupped your breast, squeezing it gently, making you gasp. Your body arching towards him, as he rolled your sensitive buds between his fingers, your pupils were dilated,
You heard his low chuckle, as "You like that, do you?" his dirty talking making you more arousal, as you clenched down on him, "S-shit" he groaned,
His hips rutting against your ass,
He leaned down, his mouth clamped down on your nipple, his teeth sinking into your tender flesh, and you mewled out. Your body bucking against his body, you felt your body trembling, you were so close,
"You'll be such a good mommy for yuuji, huh," he said, his hot breath was against your ear, making you mewl, his cock was still fucking into your poor cunt. "Get you pregnant with my kid, and have you at home instead of the daycare" he groans into your ear,
You felt your orgasm building, the intensity growing with each passing moment. You moaned loudly, Nanami kept on thrusting into you. His hard cock hits your cervix again, sending shockwaves through your body. He leaned into you for a rough kiss, as felt his tongue forcing its way into your mouth, moaning against him.
You withdrew, coming up for air, feeling his finger rubbing onto your clit, harshly rubbing on your nub, you felt light-headed from his touches, as you whimpered against his touch,
"Fuck—you feel s' good" he growled, his hips moving faster as he jackhammered you. His rough hands guided you up and down your cock,
"Ken m'so close—"
you felt the coil in your stomach bursting, as you came down on his cock, clenching down tightly. Crying out in ecstasy, your body trembling from your orgasm, it was intense, feeling the pulse of pleasure radiating through your body.
You were riding out your high, as Nanami groaned in your ear, his cock pushing deep inside of you, filling you up. You felt his hot, gooey cum spurting into your womb, filling you with his hot seed.
"Haaa..." your eyes practically rolling back as you felt cunt being stuffed, with his cum
"Your so good f' me..baby" he whispered in your ear,
so good...
#nanami kento#nanami x reader#jjk nanami#jujutsu nanami#nanami smut#jujutsu kaisen#nanami x you#nanami fluff#nanami x y/n#nanami x oc#nanami kento x reader#nanami kento x you#nanami kento x y/n#nanami kento jjk#nanami kento fluff#kento nanami x reader#valetines day#im a horn ball lol#ovalution yes
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╰┈➤ ❝ desire • l.n c.l ❞ v
part four - part six
➪ Charles hasn't paid much attention to you after your daughter was born but a certain Brit does.
�� you're just as bad if not worse because maybe after all it was just in your head
➪ established relationship mom!reader x dad!Charles x lando
➪ 😈 - bob is lando ;) || google translate is my best friend
📍 Tignes, France

liked by charles_leclerc, noellepicard and 534,788 others
y/nusername ⛄️
tagged: charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc
view all 1,989 comments
Hannahh have a great off season you three!
charliecharlie finally some charlesy/n content, I was getting worried 😫
joris__throuche maman et papa pendant leurs grandes vacances ❤️ (mom and dad on their big holiday)
↳ charles_leclerc tu nous manques fils (we miss you son)
y/nusername nous reviendrons bientôt (we'll be back soon)
manon_roux couldn't have tucked me into your suitcase?
↳ y/nusername sorry 😔
hannahh squeezing those cute little baby cheeks 😍
charlessix10 mom and dad, dad and mom? 😭
noellepicard babies 🥰


liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 489,871 others
y/nusername ☯️☮️
view all 1,578 comments
julieeeexo you're such a beauty 😍
leondewitt jesus christ how did that kid bag this woman?
charlos16 I wanna be like you when I grow up..😩
charles_leclerc mon dieu, j'ai vraiment tellement de chance 😍 (my god, I'm so lucky)
↳ carlandooo were back to publicly simping for each other, war is over..all is good 😭
matthiasn lucky bastard
norrizz lando get out of here, acting like we don't see you liking all y/n her stuff, boy you're not subtle with it 💀


📍 Tignes, France

liked by joris__trouche, manon_roux and 487,892 others
y/nusername ⛄️⛄️
tagged: charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc
view all 1,888 comments
thurthur Charles and Arthur trying to cook? Interesting
norrizz not the zoë snow angel, stop my heart 😭
bott_ass take me with you guys next time pls I'm begging :(
joris__trouche combien de vestes différentes as-tu emballées, j'en ai compté au moins 4 différentes jusqu'à présent 🤪 (how many different jackets did you pack, I counted at least 4 different ones so far)
↳ y/nusername t'inquiète pour tes propres affaires, laisse-moi tranquille (worry about your own things, leave me alone)
charles_leclerc je dois acheter plus de valises 😂 (need to buy more suitcases)
manon_roux nous savons tous que Charles emballe le plus de vêtements ici. (we all know charles packs the most clothes here.)
charles_leclerc coupable 🤷♂️ (guilty)
charliecharlie dad charles dad charles dad charles dad charles dad charles dad charles dad charles dad charles dad charles dad– 😭
charlesgirlies so much charlesy/n content lately 😭
↳ leclec16 we keep winning! 😍

Everything taglist; @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @80sloverry @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife @harrysdimple05 @minkyungseokie @pretty-little-bunny382728 @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @severewobblerlightdragon @cherry-piee
Desire taglist; @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @writingworlds @chezmardybum @lewisvinga @xjval @fanficweasley @rockyhayzkid @aundercover @thecubanator2 @minchedchilli @crimeshowjunkie @alisoncasey21 @eeviepepi08 @shamelesspotatos @sleepybrokenmelle @leireggsworld @janeholt3 @iamahalicinationn @dessxoxsworld @kapsylia @22yuki @dark-night-sky-99 @sheslikeacurse @nerdreader @champagneproblems17 @norwayxo @sunny44
Lando taglist: @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10 @bored-brunette2
#charles leclerc x reader#lando norris x reader#lando norris x you#charles leclerc x you#charles leclerc#lando norris#lando norris fanfic#charles leclerc fanfic#f1 x reader#formula one x reader#lando x reader#charles x reader
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4 Minutes
Dad!Mob!Bucky Barnes x Mom!reader
IN WHICH you and Bucky had limited time to spend intimately during the past few days, leaving you both extremely sexually frustrated. When your son’s occupation offers you 4 minutes of free time, Bucky’s damn adamant on making your legs shake in less than 3.
Warnings: SMUT, dry humping, P in V, quickies, kitchen counter fuck.
The sun had risen for around 2 hours now, and your husband had yet to leave the bed. You had thought that maybe he’d left for work after you had gotten up in the morning, because the mob was no easy job after all. Though after a quick check up on your sleeping son, you’d found his father in the same exact position, head in the clouds on your shared bed despite it already being 7 in the morning.
The Alaskan King mattress draped on the luxurious bed frame made a man as huge as Bucky look so small, you couldn't even imagine what you and your son looked like when it was only the two of you lying down on it. The fluffy mattress was just so plushy and dreamy that you couldn’t even blame Bucky for sleeping in, so instead, you made use of yourself around the house. Sure you did have maids maintaining the mansion during daytime, but you were bored and there was clearly nothing better to do while waiting for your two boys to wake up.
You quickly realised that your newfound occupation was not going to last, if it had even managed to start, because how could you clean a house that was already spotless? Yet again you had already gotten bored of it, so instead you found amusement in mindlessly scrolling on your phone. Your feet were fast to lead you to the kitchen, a path that was solidly traced deep inside your head. From the endless of secret midnight trips that you’d take to satisfy your cravings during pregnancy, you’d notice yourself finding an odd comfort in the expensive marble floor and matching countertops.
Too entranced in the media to notice the heavy footsteps that were closing in on you, the bulky arms entrapping your waist surely did scare you at the moment, and you nearly let out a yelp as your phone escaped your grip. Thanking yourself for having leant against your kitchen counter, you turned around to glare at your husband.
“Morning Malyshka, little trouble not runnin’ wild today?” Bucky rasped out, his hands still gripping onto your hips as if to keep him grounded. You found the smirk on his face less than amusing, and you reckoned that he was probably reliving the jumpscare that he had given you inside of his head, probably so proud of his little prank.
“Lev is with his nanny right now, I didn't have time to see him earlier because apparently he’s been preparing a surprise for us. He did however ask through Grace for his papa and mama to be present in about 10 minutes.” you recalled the exact words that Lev’s caretaker, Grace, had spoken to you a few minutes ago. You’d told her this morning that she could head back home, given that apparently Bucky had taken a day off to stay at home. Though on her way to the door, she had been unfortunately intercepted by a freshly woken-up Lev, but she didn’t mind one bit. Your son was quite the charmer, nobody could resist those doe eyes of his.
The smile present on your face as you spoke about Lev could only feed Bucky’s admiration towards you, if it was even possible to grow the endless love that he already held for you. Your ears caught onto the grunt that Bucky had let out in response, instead too busy taking in your outfit with those hungry baby blue eyes of his to even mutter out a proper verbal response.
It had almost been too long since you both have had time to touch the other in a much more intimate way than you were currently doing, and it almost made you crave. Scratch that, you were past the point of craving, in fact you felt so deprived of it that you were ready to get down on your knees and pray for god to release you of the intense sexual frustration that you felt, but that sounded a little too vulgar. You knew that Bucky felt the same, that he’d spend way too many nights fisting himself in his office while your name fell in short groans under his breath. But work had been getting busy, and you had to care for things around your home while your husband attended those never ending meetings.
Now would have been the perfect time to relish in each other, considering Bucky had no work
Now would have been the perfect time to relish in each other, considering you were both currently alone and your son was getting safely watched over. But you feared that Grace was going to come fetch you sooner than your son had demanded, and the allocated time was not even that far from then. Nevertheless, you could read straight through Bucky’s mind as he gazed at you like some starving man. His cock painfully aching in the restraints of his plain boxers as he enjoyed the sight of you in nothing else but a white, oversized button down shirt and a pair of comfortable cotton panties.
“Whatever you’re thinking of right now, cut it out okay? I’m sure that Grace said she’d come fetch us at 9:30, and look at the time now,”
you pushed Bucky further back with two fingers on his chest, creating space between you both as you felt his intense stare burning literal holes through the thin fabric of your shirt. Bucky craned his neck towards the nearest clock, groaning in annoyance when the hands showed a clear 9:24.
When he looked back towards you, you had already turned your body back towards the counter. Leant against the cool marble surface with your phone in hands, Bucky had to suppress a groan at the sight of your ass in those tight little panties, right in front of him, ready for him to ruin.
A surprised gasp left your lips as you felt large, warm palms engulfing your hips once more. This time however, you felt Bucky pulling your hips onto his, making your ass collide against his straining cock. You almost groaned at the feeling of his hard clothed length pressed up so tightly against you, the wet spot of precum staining his boxers already starting to soak into your own underwear.
“C'mon doll, allow me just those 6 minutes of your time, I promise I can even make you cum in less than 3.” you could almost feel the smirk in his tone, his warm breath fanning your neck as his naked chest pressed against your clothed back. If he wasn’t already irresistible before, you sure as hell were a saint for not falling into the temptation of your smoking hot mob husband pleading to fuck you.
You turned back to your phone instead of audibly responding, afraid of your mouth betraying you at the moment. You tried to swallow down a moan as Bucky’s large calloused palms slid underneath the oversized button down shirt that you were wearing, daintily caressing your smooth skin. Sure your eyes were pointed at the screen of your phone, but your mind couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the feeling of Bucky’s very hard boner still pressed against you.
You couldn’t help your mind from running, not in the compromising position that you were in. You shuddered at the memory of Bucky’s cock stretching you out like no other, his wonderful length reaching the depths of your body as you rode him greedily after a day spent away from each other. It was a nasty cocktail of filth, concocted with drool, sweat and a couple of loose cuss words thrown here and there.
He was nothing more than a tease, and damn did he know it. The way his fingertips grazed your skin, making you want to drop the act and beg on your knees for him to touch you properly. Once again, his hands met with your hips, except this time you had little time to react to your husband pulling you further back into him.
You’d ended up completely bent over the marble counter, your chest flushed against the cold material of the table as Bucky palmed your ass greedily, as if it’d bring him pleasure. His other hand was gripping at your upper thigh for dear life, oftentimes running up your legs seductively, leaving you with shivers running down your spine.
You dropped your phone once he’d started rolling your hips onto his, tired of pretending like you could actually focus on whatever was displayed on your screen as he manhandled you to his will. You forced yourself to remain quiet as he continued to roll your hips onto the bulging tent of his boxers, drowning in the sweet groans that he was letting out. Too desperate to care how loud he was being, Bucky tipped his head back in pure pleasure.
Never once did it occur to you how pleasuring dry humping could be, but yet again it could’ve been because of how sexually deprived you both were. You shrugged the thought of getting caught away, blaming it on the fact that since no clothes were being removed, you could easily play it off if anyone were to walk in.
Bucky felt as though he could burst from the sheer clothed friction itself, but it was not enough, he needed to feel you. Fuck it, he was genuinely ready to drop to his knees and beg to fuck you like a hopeless man. He’d beg to eat you like a famished boy, hell, he’d wouldn’t even mind if you allowed his fingers only.
Thick fingers ran down the seam of your panties, sneakily slipping under the elastic band to push the cotton fabric down to pool around your upper thighs. You turned around to yell at him, clearly he was not understanding. The clock flashed at 9:26 now, and your anxiety was peaking at every moment that the second hand moved. Your words got caught up in your throat as he brought his hand up to his mouth, lubricating three of his fingers with his spit before bringing a hand down to rub at your aching pussy.
“Fuck detka, look at you all pretty and soaked for me.” Bucky almost moaned out, tongue lapping out to wet his slightly chapped lips. You didn’t even have time to process your husband pulling down his own restraints, thick and veiny cock slapping against his toned stomach with a satisfying wet sound. Precum smeared from his cock and onto the muscles of his stomach, leaving you shaking with anticipation.
“If you’re gonna do anything then you better do it now ‘cause we only have 4 minutes!” you rushed out the words, voice shying away as you felt him pushing the fat tip of his cock through your soaking folds. You moaned at the feeling, gripping the counter so hard until you could feel your joints straining. Bucky picked up the pace, pressing a hand under his cock to help slide himself faster between your lips.
He was drenched by now, thick cock dripping with your arousal as his eyes gawked at the way his length disappeared between the both of your bodies at each of his thrusts. Time was waiting, and Bucky knew more than anybody else as he was facing the wall-mounted clock. The warmth of your hole was calling for him, waiting for him to stretch you out like he had done so many times before.
Bucky gripped firmly onto the base of his cock that was twitching impatiently in his hands, teasing your entrance as he slid only the tip in and out. He bit down onto his lips in order to retain the series of filth that was bound to escape his mouth, his teeth were biting so hard onto the delicate skin of his lips that he was sure it had started bleeding at some point. “Fuck and would you look at that, S’like you’re trina suck me up doll,” he ran his mouth, unable to prevent the nasty roll of his words from escaping.
Sweatdrops ran down his toned pack of abs as he eyed the way you squirmed from nothing else but his flushed tip, resisting the urge to just bury himself inside of you right now until you could think of nothing else but how stuffed you were. Though a quick look at the clock told him to stop resisting the urge, and that’s what he’d done. You were sure that the whole building could’ve heard the cry of pleasure that left your throat as Bucky sheathed his cock completely inside of you, leaving no space for second thoughts now that he’d gone all the way.
His cock twitched at the sound of your desperate whines, your hips grinding against his in a desperate need for friction. “Thought you were the one that didn’t want this, detka? What happened to that huh?” his tone almost sounded sardonic as his eyes trained on the way your hole greedily engulfed his cock, juices lapping all over his length once more as he slowly but surely pumped himself inside of you. You couldn’t even speak back to him, already too cock drunk from what he had yet to even give you.
His grin grew at your silence, at least in coherent words, your whines only grew as the seconds passed. You both have had many quickies in the past, in between Bucky’s break as he had you on his desk, or hidden somewhere in a closet, you name it. Though none of them have ever been as desperate as this one, as needy. Finally deciding to ease your painful awaiting of pure pleasure, he gave into the warmth.
With the mix of his swift thrust and thick finger circling at your clit, it took you no time to lose grip over the counter. Bucky took notice of your sudden weakness, and as the caring husband that he is, dragged his arm up to wrap around your torso, locking you flushed with your back against his chest. The new position had your back arching for more, your sultry moans a clear sign that you were enjoying yourself.
The tips of his middle and ring finger were laid flat against your clit as he ran teasing circles onto it. You felt your knees buckling as Bucky’s lips left sloppy kisses at the back of your neck, thankful enough for his incredible strength as he kept you standing by his own. Pride coursed through his body at the sight of you being so dishevelled because of him, the back of your head now pressed up against his chest as you leaned into him.
Bucky’s knees were slightly bent to reach into you, bless his large frame and impressive height, he was quite literally hovering over you. It felt too good getting fucked right by such a large man, the size kink inside of you feasting from the way his large palm could swallow you up on its own. It didn’t take long for Bucky’s forceful strokes to falter, now in a sloppy pace as his own orgasm chased up to him.
Yours hit you like a cold bucket of water, but in all the nice ways. Like a cold bucket of water but during the driest summer days. It only took you a final sharp thrust and the endless toying of your clit to send you over the top, your toes curling and fingers digging painfully into the arm holding your torso up as your orgasm washed over you. It was a loud and whiny one, but the sound of you coming only riled Bucky up more.
His clumsy strokes were a warning that he was coming shortly behind you, and after three last, hard and deep pumps of his cock, he was milked dry inside of you. The room filled with deep grunts and your exhausted panting, you shivered as your husband’s spent breath tickled the skin of your neck.
“Fuck that was…that was- holy shit we needed that.” bucky stammered into the crook of your neck, a heartfelt chuckle erupting from his chest as he came down from his high. The short bucking of his hips finally stopped, and you could finally release your bottom lip from the painful tug of your teeth. The both of you stood there for a couple of seconds trying to catch your stuttering breathing as the clock ticked clean on 9:30.
You could barely even cipher the first knock that was sent at the huge kitchen doors, before the knocking resumed. You and Bucky broke apart faster than you would’ve liked to, and you groaned at the empty feeling that he’d leave behind after pulling his softening cock out of you. Reluctantly, the both of you flung the little amount of garments that you previously had on, cringing at the wet feeling of Bucky’s dripping semen getting caught by your panties.
“We’re coming soon Grace, tell Lev to wait in his playroom while waiting for us.” you yelled loud enough for your son’s nanny to hear, although with the amount of screaming that Bucky had put you through, you doubted she’d hear much with the way your voice would rasp. Her lack of response hinted at you that she’d heard your little altercation with Bucky, and you mentally cursed at the both of you for traumatising the poor woman.
“Dunno about you but I'm not going anywhere near our son looking like this so you’ll have to go first while I shower,” you grinned mischievously as Bucky threw his head back in an annoyed groan, already knowing what was awaiting him in a few seconds. Though you both were more than aware of your son’s mood in the morning when you weren’t there, you just felt the need to tease him a little bit more.
“You how tempered he gets when his momma isn’t there first thing to see him in the morning, but that’s what you get for being impatient now,” you grinned, running a hand down his stubble as you stood on your toes to give Bucky a chaste kiss that he tried to chase for longer than you would allow.
Bucky’s baby blue eyes followed your every move as you sauntered away from him with a sultry sway of your hips, the button down shirt covering the majority of your panties but it was hard to miss the dribble of his and your arousal running down your legs shamefully. Running a hand down his face, he tried not to get lost in the shameful thoughts that he had of you running through his head, instead, he was too busy mentally preparing himself for the angry fit that your son would throw once he realised that his momma wasn’t there by his side to kiss him good morning yet.
this is my second smut written and i haven’t written one since 2021 so pls don’t judge LMAO😭
#bucky barnes x reader#mob!bucky#husband!bucky#dad!bucky x reader#mafia!bucky#husband!bucky barnes#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes fluff#bucky oneshot#bro idk what this is#mob!bucky x reader#mob!bucky smut
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Lake Tahoe: Rafe Cameron x Thornton F!Reader
Summary: Rafe spends Christmas with the Thornton's on their yearly trip to Lake Tahoe when his feelings for the shy girl become too much to handle. I was supposed to post this like two weeks ago, but I got extremely busy, so happy late Christmas. I hope ya'll like this because it was a total bitch to write.
Warnings: Drinking, Mention of lost loved one (Rafe’s papa), Smut Containing: Soft!Rafe x F!Reader, Topper's little sister, Kissing, Begging (by both parties but mostly Rafe), Dry Humping, Oral (F!Receiving), Unprotected P in V, Cumming in your mouth.
Word Count: 5K
Please feel free to like and repost. Click here if you’d like more stories from me. Text divider from @cafekitsune.
The bar is dimly lit, a warm glow from stripes of red and green Christmas lights cast shadows across the low-set tables. Conversations from couples and friends echo off the wall, blending into a quiet hum under soft piano music. Snow falls outside, covering the building in a thick pristine powder. It grows heavier, white flakes swirling in a biting wind. The ground is coated in a thick layer of pale white, covering any signs of the road or sidewalk. The wind howls a fierce and chilling gust that vibrates the bar's windows.
It wasn’t like you hated snow, but the cold never set well on your skin. You were used to sixty-degree winters with the occasional rain, a heavy contrast to the twenty-degrees and constant snow of Lake Tahoe. Your family has been visiting Nevada for the past three years. Slay rides, hot coffee, and campfires always made the trip fun, but it was growing old, and less exciting with each repeated year. Rafe joining the family breathed new life into the trip, an excitement dancing on your skin as his shoulders brushed against you on the seven-hour plane ride. You had hoped you were hiding it well, the lingering feeling of need that crept up anytime Rafe was around.
You spot Rafe from across the bar, his tall frame clad in a thick sweater, sleeves pushed up to his forearms to expose his tan skin. The soft material clings to his chest, a gold chain dangling from his neck. Rafe’s eyes lock onto you, watching the way you ease across the bar and settle on the stool next to him. His eyes rake over you, taking in every detail from your boots to the way your hair falls down your back. He takes a pondering sip of his bourbon, the golden liquid settling on his lips as he swallows. His dark green eyes meet yours in silence, your cheeks and nose rosey from the cold.
“You want a drink?” Rafe blows a quiet huff of air, an intense broodiness clinging to him like a second skin. He glances over at you, a cocky half smile formed at the corner of his mouth, his voice low and smooth under the music.
“What are you drinking?” You ask, turning your body to him.
Rafe smirks at the question, a hint of amusement you rarely see. “You’re not going to like it”. His eyes flicker over you. A low gruff as he chuckles hits your ears, another rarity.
“Let me try it.” You furrow your eyebrows, examining the ice that clings against the glass.
Rafe studies your face for a moment, that cocky smile creeping up again before he pushes his glass towards you. “Sure, but don't say I didn't warn you”, he replies, watching as you wrap your mouth around the rim of the glass, lips landing right where he previously was.
Your face turns sour, lips puckering as you swallow the cold drink. “What is that?” You laugh, whipping your lips with the sleeve of your sweatshirt.
Rafe grins, his green eyes dancing with amusement. “It's just an old fashioned. Nothing crazy,” he chuckles. “Told you, you wouldn't like it.” Rafe gestures to the bartender, signaling them over with a wave of his hand. Even away from the Outer Banks, he has people at his beck and call.
“Can I get a vodka cran? Put it on my tab” He instructs the bartender, waiting as the man dressed in all black brings back a glass. “Here, you look like the type.”
“Hey, what does that mean?” You laugh, placing your hand on his warm chest. You would never tell Rafe, but Vodka had always been your go-to.
Rafe studies you again, peering down as a spark of green glimmers against the Christmas lights. His gaze falls down his body, landing on the way your hand lingers against him. “Nothing. I can tell you prefer it sweet, not too strong.” He clears his throat, his tone a playful mockery as he leans closer into you.
You shudder at his words, a slight shiver running through you as you grab the glass from his hands, fingers ghosting over his.
“Cold?” He asks, his expression soft.
“I’m freezing. I wish my parents would pick somewhere warmer for vacations”, you mumble, taking another quick sip.
“Here. Take my jacket.” You watch as Rafe grabs his jacket, the muscles in his shoulders flexing as he places it around you. He drapes it over your shoulders, hands brushing the fabric up and down to create a warm friction on your skin.
You nodded your head, a quiet “thank you” scarcely audible over the music as you pressed your legs firmly together.
“Have you seen Topper?” You glance around the room, looking for any sign of your brother. He was supposed to be here having dinner with you and the rest of the family. It was just like him to run off, quickly leaving you and Rafe behind as he partied with some random girl. Your voice is less than thrilled, a dash of annoyance in your tone.
“I saw him leave a while around”, Rafe smiled, “had some blonde chick with him”. Topper had been a good friend, but Rafe was lying if he said he considered him a real, true friend. If Rafe was being completely honest, he only accepted the invitation to your family's vacation to spend more time with you, the girl he was reluctantly pinning over for the last year and a half.
Growing up, Rafe was constantly by Topper's side. When someone asked, he would say they were best friends or that he was like a brother to him. But in the back of his mind, Rafe knew. He knew the only thing still tying him to Topper was you. You were always lingering close by, a constant presence in his peripheral vision. Rafe didn't know when it happened but he stopped hanging out with your brother to spend time with him and switched to getting quick off-hand glances of you. You would be laid up by the pool, a tiny bikini clinging to your tanned skin, or sitting in your living room with a book, your legs spread out over the polyester. Everything about you pulled him in, a yearning he had kept quiet for far, far too long. You were a constant tease, always lurking in the background of his life. Just close enough to make you impossible to ignore but always out of his reach.
Now, he was stuck here with you, your hands lingering on him like a warm blanket. He was never a big fan of Christmas, especially not now that his father was dead and the rest of his family was refusing to speak to him. He hated to admit it, but the only choice he had for this Christmas was to third-wheel on your trip. He felt out of place, like a burden to everyone around him, even if Topper had guaranteed that he was welcome to accompany the family.
Rafe glimpses at the windows, watching the heavy snow fall silently. “Is it always like this?” Rafe stands motionless next to you, taking a big swig of his whiskey to cover the slight concern in his voice.
“No,” You laugh, watching the way his shoulders tense. “A storm is coming through. It’ll pass”.
“I don’t like it”, Rafe mumbles, his grip on the glass becoming strained. “Maybe we should get going. The hotel is just a block down. I’ll walk with you.”
“Okay,” You mutter, swallowing the remainder of your vodka. “You want your jacket back?”
“I’ll manage”. Rafe places a firm hand on your waist, his jacket loosely hanging as you stand from the stool. His grip is protective, a warm presence against the chilling air. “Besides, you look like you need it more than me. You’re shaking”.
He slips his hand in yours, fingers encasing yours as he leads you past the crowd and towards the exit door. Electricity surges through you, a hot blush covering your cheeks.
Rafe’s motions are fluid, the muscles in his back tensing under his sweater and he guides you into the cold night air. The frozen ground crunches under your feet, echoing in the silence between you. Rafe groans, the cold air hitting his face with an unexpected violence. He keeps his grip tight in your hands, a reassuring warmth in the freezing temperature.
Rafe leads you through the front door of the hotel. The lobby is a quiet ghost town, only a couple of the hotel staff linger behind the front desk. The air between you is still, almost like a storm is not raging just outside the thick walls. Rafe’s fingers finally loosen in yours, his eyes trailing over you as he gently brushes a bit of snow from your cheeks.
“I’ve got a fireplace in my room.” His fingers dance across your soft skin, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he loiters against your cheek, tracing along your jawline. “You can come warm up”. His eyes lock on yours, watching the way you shudder against his touch.
“Oh, u-um…o-okay,” you whisper, your eyes meeting Rafe’s as he towers over, his body close enough to fill yours with warmth.
The elevator ride is quiet, your breath hitching as Rafe presses the button to the fifth floor. He leads you towards the room, his strides are quick and calculated against the carpeted hallway. He stops at room 514, pulling out a key card, and quickly unlocking the bedroom door. Rafe gestures you inside the spacious room, an elegant and comfortable room dominated by a large fireplace. Soft carpet blankets the floor, a queen bed in the center.
“You look very pretty, by the way”, Rafe clears his throat, standing awkwardly in the doorframe, his hands stiff by his side.
“You think I’m pretty?” You mumble, a shy nervousness causing your eyes to fall to the floor.
Rafe shuffles, taking a step towards you. In a single passing second his body is pressed against you, his hand resting on your chin to force your eyes on his.
“I’ve always thought you were beautiful,” he smiles, tracing the plump skin of your lips with the pad of his thumb. It’s a gentle motion, one that forces a red-hot blush on your cheeks. You search for anywhere to look, darting your eyes between Rafe and the doorway.
“Getting shy on me, princess?” Rafe smiles, the hand on your lips traveling down to your jawline, tracing every inch of the velvety skin. You nod your head in a deafening silence, unable to stop the involuntary trembling of your body.
In all the years of knowing Rafe, he had never been this close. He never even made a pass at you. You figured he must not be into you, the way he used to frown at you from across the room at parties.
“It’s okay, I knew you would be. My shy, little girl”. His hands fell to the zipper of the jacket he had placed around you, slowly pulling the cold metal down until it clicked loose. His hand brushed against your shoulder, fingers hooking the thick material until it was falling down your waist onto the floor.
“Rafey,” you finally speak, your breath low and fatigued. You force yourself to look at him, studying the way his Adam’s Apple bobs as he swallows. His eyes dart between yours, hands falling to the small of your back to pull you fully into him, your arms resting around his neck.
“Can I kiss you, princess?” Rafe’s voice is barely a whisper, almost inaudible in the white noise of the snow crashing down outside.
You try to respond, begging yourself to say that simple three-letter word, but your voice is stuck deep in the back of your throat. Instead, you give him an exasperated whine, your eyes pleading for his touch.
Rafe almost laughs, watching you squirm into him, your legs pressing tightly together. As much as he wanted to laugh, and release some of the thick tension built up, nothing was funny. He wished it was humorous, watching you try to fight off the desperation your body was echoing, but it was serious, deadly in the way your little moan sent an intoxicating jolt straight to his cock.
His eyes darted between yours, studying the way your eyelashes peered up at him. He bowed his head, bending his shoulder as leaned into you. Rafe’s small breaths ghosted over your lips, the grip on your back turning to iron. Every muscle in him tenses, his forearms flexing against your body.
Rafe groans, finally meeting your lips in the kiss he has spent years daydreaming of. It’s deep and insistent, his tongue gliding past your lips to explore the warmth of your mouth. He pulls you impossibly closer, molding your molding into his until you are practically one. A raw intensity ripples through him, burning just beneath the surface of his skin as his tongue dances along yours, prompting a low moan from your throat to echo into him. It vibrates through him, his body stiff and hard as his hands roam over you. Every curve, every soft dip is met with a possessive touch, his fingers tracing red hot patterns over the fabric of your clothes. His movements are slow, calculated even under the intoxication of your lips. His hands make a home on your sides, cold fingers gently slipping under the hem of the warm fabric of your sweater. Fire burns through him, the sensation of your smooth skin sending bolts of electricity straight to his cock. Rafe’s hands continue on a dangerous trail upwards, calloused fingers caressing your stomach and ribs.
Rafe’s lips leave yours, both gasping for air as he trails down your cheek, kissing a sloppy path down your jawline to your neck. You whisper his name, all shaky and out of breath as his teeth scrape at the skin, sucking a crimson mark easily seen by others. You should stop him, but your mind is in a daze. Whatever neurons in charge of firing were clearly asleep, your only thought focused on the way his hands travel up your shirt. His fingers trace the outlines of lace, feather-light and reverent as he lingers against the hem of your bra. He takes his time, eyes locked on yours as he teases the material, his fingers tracing the intricate pattern of the fabric before he cups your breast in one hand, his palm warm and firm against your flesh.
Your hands fall to Rafe’s chest, the gentle rising and falling of each breath expanding his muscles under your touch. He shivers at the contact, squeezing the subtle fat of your breast.
Rafe stands motionless for a moment, his only action the gentle caressing of his hands running up and down your sides. His eyes roam your face in thought, wondering just how far you’ll let him take this. His hands grip your hips tighter, his thumbs stroking the bare skin between your shirt and pants, as he gazes down at you with a look of conflicted desire.
“Can I-Will you let me…Fuck, you got me all messed up, princess.” His voice is shaky, the usual roughness betrayed by a yearning need of desire. He clears his throat, swallowing hard as his eyes flutter closed. For a moment he just breathes, holding you against him in a stoic mystery of private thoughts. “I want you…I-If you let me. I p-promise I'll make you feel fucking good. I’ll be gentle. J-just please, please let me inside you. God, I need you so bad, baby.” The words come spilling out of him, like a rush of freedom granted after a thousand years of silence. You swear he’s staring into your soul and you can’t help but wrap your lips around his again, this time a hungry desperate action, leaving a layer of his saliva around your mouth.
That’s all Rafe needs. The confirmation that you want him, that you need almost as much as he does. Rafe grabs at your thighs, a sickening desperation as he hoists you up to wrap your legs around his waist. His hands grip under your ass, squeezing at the fat concealed by a pair of denim jeans. His tongue dances in your throat, his steps messy and uncalculated as he searches for the bed.
The kiss grows more heated and desperate as his hands grip onto your ass, squeezing and kneading at the flesh there before he drops you on the bed, his hips pushing against yours in an anguished attempt for any kind of friction. His body traps you, your back pressed into the warm soft mattress and his muscular frame.
Rafe breaks the kiss, leaving your chest heaving as he gazes down at you with pleading lust-dark eyes. “C-can I take t-this off?” he asks, his voice low and hoarse as he tugs gently at the hem of your shirt. “Please, please let me see you.”
Never would you have expected Rafe to be so tender, the way he begged for just a hint of you almost making you cum right there. “Oh god, yes. Please Rafey, I-I need you,” you whine, your back arching off the bed and into his chest.
Rafe's eyes darken with desire at your words, his control snapping at the way you cried out for him.
“I know, baby. I got you”, he groans, his hands gripping your shirt tightly and quickly pulling it over your head. He tosses the fabric to the floor, his eyes roving over your exposed skin with a longing admiration. "So fucking pretty," he murmurs, his hands running up your sides and caressing your flesh.
Rafe's gaze drops to your bra, his eyes fixed on the lace that covers your breasts. He stares at the thin material, reaching out to caress one of the straps with a shaky hand, his eyes still locked on the way your tits bounce free. Rafe's hands are quick, his fingers falling to your back and unhooking the bra with trembling motions. He drags it down your arms, his eyes ghosting over your bare chest. He swears for a moment he dies, brought back to life by the way your hard nipples sit erect in the air, the subtle pink bud breathing new life into him.
"Fuck," he mutters, his hands immediately coming up to touch your skin. His fingers trace over your flesh, kneading fists full of fat before attaching your nipples between his fingers. Little moans flow out of you, your hips bucking into his relentlessly.
“So soft”. His voice is hardly above a whisper as he peppers wet kisses down your collarbone landing on the bone that separates your breast. He licks a long strip between the two mounds, slipping a nipple between his teeth and sucking. He bobs his head a bit, the swollen bud becoming impossibly harder as his warm tongue teases you.
“Rafey”, you whine, the unfamiliar gentleness of his touch relaxing your body. Your hands fall on his hair, the dirty blonde locks almost too short for you to grasp. He loves the way your hips writhe into him, just as pathetic and needy as him. He gasps at the feeling, his hard cock pressing against you. Even through layers of jeans, you feel him, hard and tight. Rafe growls around your nipple and presses himself against you until you're a grinding mess of moans and whimpers.
“Are you trying to make yourself cum like that, princess?” This time, he lets out a chuckle watching your failing attempt to get off on him. He hovers over you, snapping his hips against yours as your head falls onto his shoulder. “Let me help you,” he smirks, shuffling above you. He stands at the foot of the bed, fumbling at the button of your jeans. His fingers are shaking, his breath hitching as they tug at the fabric, quickly pulling the annoyance down your legs. You're left in a pair of thin panties, the light blue fabric becoming more of a dark grey as your arousal soaks the material, an obvious mark of how undone Rafe has already left you.
He towers over you, green eyes a shade darker than normal as he spreads your legs. A newfound confidence washes over him, and he’s pulling his sweater off in a swift motion. His tan muscles hit the cold air, his eyes roaming over the way your pussy lips are outlined, in clear view even though the panties hugging at your sides. He almost loses right there, watching you all sprawled out and begging for him.
Rafe undoes his jeans, his movements quick and urgent as he tries to get them off, throwing them off the bed with a light ‘thud’. You can’t help but stare, mouth watering at the way his boxers press against him, a large bulge pulling at the fabric.
Rafe’s motions are smooth as he positions himself on the bed, his back against the bed frame, pillows keeping him at a ninety-degree angle. You grasp your waist, pulling each leg by his thighs so you're straddling him. His hands grip your hips, holding you in place as he pushes you back in forth on his clothed cock. Even through his boxers, he can feel your slick wetness, his fingers digging into your sides as you buck into him.
“That’s it. Fuck, grind my cock baby.” That’s all he has to say before you’re throwing your head back, bouncing your tits in his face as you practically ride him. Sharp gasps escape you, the smooth skin of your thighs pressed against his as your hips stir in a string of circular motions, massaging your clit with his hard cock.
Fuck,” he growls between gritted teeth, his jaw clenched as his eyes flutter close. “You…you gotta slow down baby”. He knew he wouldn’t make much longer for his cum to spill out of him, not with you crying above him and using him like some kind of sex toy. Rafe dragged a finger to your panties, quickly rubbing soft motions with his thumb, circling your clit with gentle strokes.
It’s enough to push you just over the edge of no return, your legs already shaking as your stomach tightens. “Fuck, Rafe,” you cry out, your hand grabbing at Rafe’s shoulders.
“Yeah? You gonna cum for me baby?” He growls, pulling your hips harder against him and rubbing his thumb faster.
You nod your head, crashing your lips against his as your orgasm hits you like lightning, a single bolt sending shots of painful ecstasy to every nerve.
Rafe wraps his arms around you, still gasping for air as he flips you into your back, his body weight crashing down on you.
His hands dig into the hem of your panties, his eyes fixed on the fabric as if he’s completely entranced, not a care in the world other than what’s concealed underneath. "I need to taste you," he mutters, his voice gravelly with need. "Can I taste you?"
His words sent an uninvited shiver through you, your cheeks growing hot with embarrassment. You fight not to turn away, a gasp leaving your lips as he spreads your legs.
Rafe was no stranger to your shyness, always turning away when he looked too long or brushed against you. His eyes roamed over you, fingers lightly brushing your thighs. “Don't get all shy on me now,” he smirked, your adorable blush sending shockwaves to his cock. “Please, please let me do this,” he begged, lightly pulling at your panties again.
“I…O-okay,” you whined, watching your panties fall down your legs and Rafe sinks to his knees. He snaked his arms around your thighs, holding you in place as he smothered your skin in soft kisses. His hand made smooth up and down motions against you, his breath hot against your core as he spread your legs, hooking your ankles around his neck.
Rafe lost it, the sight of your swollen pussy in his face. You were so fucking perfect, arousal leaking out of your dark pink hole and onto the blanket under you. He ghosted his lips over your clit, mankind small quick motions with his tongue as his fingers spread your labia apart. Your clit was so pretty, swollen, and hard against him as he sucked his lips around it.
“Fuck, ohmygod” Your words came out in one syllable, euphoria dripping from your throat as Rafe lapped at your pussy, soaking you in his salvia. His spit ran down your legs, mixing with your arousal in a warm concoction of need.
“Taste like heaven, princess. Fucking heaven” he groaned against you, vibrating your clit between his teeth. Rafe could do this hours, days even he thinks. Swirling his tongue through your folds and cleaning the mess you made against him just moments ago. The way you're moaning his name, your hips bucking into his mouth as you dig your hands in his hair, it’s too much for him to take.
“Oh, Rafe!” You pray the walls of the hotel are insulated enough to drown out your cries, your brother just on the other side. Your head falls back, spine arching in the air as you tremble around him.
Rafe needs more, needs to feel you stretching around him hopelessly as he drills into you. But he can’t rush, wanting even more in this moment for you to cum in his mouth, let him swallow every drop of wetness that falls onto his tongue.
“That’s a good girl. I knew you would like it,” he groans, sucking at your clit with vengeance. “Don’t I always take care of you?” He asks, recalling moments when he drove you home from parties or picked you up after school. He was always there, just a phone call away from rescuing you if you ever needed it.
“Ah! God, Rafe. Please, I-I’m gonna…” you were cut off by your own gasps, a second orgasm coursing through your veins.
“Good fucking girl,” Rafe growled, quickly standing to his feet and tugging his boxers down. He knows he should probably open you up with his fingers, help stretch your walls a bit before he pounds into you, but he feels like he’s got seconds to last before he’s nutting in his underwear like a bitch.
“Fuck, I need you baby. Please, can I put it in?” He whines, a sound so foreign to you, that you almost can’t recognize it’s him. Rafe tried so hard to wait for you to tell yes, but he’s already rubbing the tips of sick against your pussy, your slick wetness painting the underside of his.
Rafe grabs at your legs, pulling you farther back until your ankles hang on his shoulders. “Fuck baby, need to hear you say it. Tell me I can take you. Tell me this pussy is all for me”
The tip of cock pressed into you lightly, dangerously close to dipping inside you. Rafe can feel your walls clenching, the warmth of you on his cock destroying all the strength he has.
“Please, Rafey. It’s yours. Please, please, please,” falls from your lips, your fingers digging into the blankets as Rafe shivers his cock inside. One swift motion and you are seeing stars, the pit in your stomach filling with rapture.
Rafe swears you were made for him, taking his cock until his balls are pressed against your ass. He tries to be gentle, pulling out so tormentingly slow. He finds a steady, rhythmic pace as he slams back into you, your legs shaking like you just ran a 5K.
“Fuck, ain’t gonna last long with you squeezing me like that,” Rafe groans, pounding into you with an unforeseen violence even he didn’t know how to stop.
“I need you to cum baby, please. Cum around my cock, need it so bad.” He practically cries, biting at his hand as he watches the way your tits bounce with every thrust.
“Close,” is all the strength you have to say, your eyes clenched tight as Rafe slams into your cervix. He brings his hand to your clit, rubbing soft circles that make your mouth snap open.
“Fuck!” You scream, bucking your hips as much as movements would allow. In a second you're following his instructions. Your walls are like velvet, hugging his cock so tight he’s afraid he might not be able to stop. He growls at the thought, wishing he could flood you full of his hot thick seed.
“Shit,” he whispered through gritted teeth, pulling his cock out faster than he ever would have hoped. “Open that pottery mouth baby, fuck” Rafe grabs your hair, gently pulling you so sit just under his cock, your tongue pressed against his tip as he strokes every bit of his cum into you.
“Fucking swallow it,” he demands, pumping harder as he shoves his head passed your teeth, hitting the back of your throat as ropes of his juices fill you. Salty and bitter, but a welcomed taste you always dreamed of.
“Good girl” he whispers, watching you scope the drops running down your chin into your mouth, sucking your finger as you swallow.
“You okay,” he asks, a hint of nervousness overshadowed by breathless huffs.
“Great,” you laugh, pulling him next to you on the bed. You run your hands down his chest, the veins in his arms lightly sprinkled with sweat.
“You know I’ve always liked you more than your brother,” Rafe chuckles, running his fingers through your hair.
“Yeah, me too” you smile, sprinkling his shoulder in light kisses.
“I meant what I said at you being mine. I don’t ever want to be away from you.” Rafe pulls the blankets over your body, holding you tight as the storm outside continues to brew, the hollowing audible again.
“I meant it when I said I was yours.” You close your eyes, Rafe's strong arms warming your body.
#smut#obx#outer banks#obx fanfiction#rafe smut#rafe x reader#rafe imagine#rafe fic#rafe#rafe fanfiction#rafe cameron#rafe obx#rafe outer banks#outerbanks rafe#rafe fluff#rafe x reader smut#rafe x you#rafe x y/n#rafe x oc#obx smut#obx fic#obx x reader#topper obx#thorton reader
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