#papa kilo lima
I quit watching commercial hardcore porn a few years ago, concerned about the ethical issues. I also wanted to see if it would improve my sexual health (I’ve had ED in the past, despite being fairly young). I’m having a much harder time quitting self-produced amateur stuff on reddit, since it doesn’t feel as gross and exploitative. I’m also starting to develop some guilt over having a male libido at all, which really sucks :( TBH, not sure where I’m going with this, but I needed to say it.
(This is going to be a long one. And with some religious talk sprinkled in, as I am Christian and find a lot of my reasoning and strength to fight in God)
First of all, congratulations on recognizing the damages of pornography! A lot of us men are waking up to the damages it causes, but even still a lot of us are in the dark; whether willingly or unknowingly. Second of all, sorry for not getting to this sooner. I hope that you're reading this (If you do, please send another anon ask, I'd like to know).
Regarding amateur stuff. I understand what you're going through. I think a lot of us try to find some way of getting off while not contributing to the industry. For me it was cartoons and drawings, and is still something that I struggle with. I'd share two insights with you. One, you don't know for certain it's amateur the same way you don't know for certain the "professional" stuff is fully consensual. There's production studios set up to seem like amateur stuff when in fact it's no different from the stuff you're trying to avoid, and the only way you might be able to know for certain is if you were in the room when it happened. Two, just because it might not be gross and exploitative doesn't mean it's not denigrating. That's one of the root problems of porn; it takes a beautiful child of God and turns them into titilating body parts to get you off. No care about who they are or having a relationship, just get your pleasure off or move on to the next set of images. And as a freebie, here's a third insight. If you can't find where the sin harms someone else, the one being harmed is you. You mentioned erectile disfunction, being able to fight that is a good reason in of itself. That's not to say you should be guilty about having a male libido. The libido is a healthy and an important part of our reproductive system. Porn hijacks it and corrupts it for its own use. That's not the libido's fault.
In your subsequent anon message, you mention the need for motivation. I think you know the right track and I'm proud of you for it. If you're looking for motivations and resources to quit, I can't recommend Fight the New Drug or Covenant Eyes enough. Both are companies dedicated to combating porn. FTND is a secular group, while Covenant Eyes is Christian based. Both offer free articles and resources to learn about the costs, hear accounts of victims and fellow fighters, and suggestions on how to quit yourself. Covenant Eyes also offers a paid service that blocks a lot of the bigger porn sites and watches for other material (all run through a VPN to keep things secure). It can be shared via email with an accountability partner (they don't have to pay). FTND offers a similar service for free, but I don't have experience with that. Accountability software is not airtight, but it's a good tool in your arsenal.
A few final thoughts.
1. This is going to be a tough and long struggle. Some studies have found that pornography can be as addicting as crack cocaine. And unlike crack, you don't have to go into an alley and slip a shady figure a hundred bucks for a few grams; you just have to type into the search bar. Chances are you're going to be struggling with this in some form for the rest of your life on earth, just like a recovering druggie or alcoholic. It sucks, but the end result is going to be better. Being able to look upon others as more than the sum and sexiness of their parts but as living breathing individuals is superior to anything porn can offer.
2. As a followup to 1, you are going to stumble. You're going to get complacent, or have a bad day and feel you deserve a break. And when you're finally done, there's a good chance you're going to feel dirty and disgusted with yourself. Be ready to hold yourself accountable, but be ready to forgive yourself as well. Holding it all in is just going to send you into a spiral of hate and self loathing. Repent, be washed clean, and move forward.
3. Neuroplasticity. It's the concept of your brain creating ruts as you repeat similar processes and actions, especially if powerful hormones are released at the time (like those at climax). It's what causes porn to be so addicting, but is also your way out. In avoiding pornography, you create new ruts in your mind. Getting out of the rut your in will be hard at first, but the more you do it the easier it gets over time. Find something you can do when you feel yourself getting into an old rut. It could be a different activity away from the tempting situation, or some mantra to run through and remind yourself what to do (I can recommend some bible verses if you're interested, as well as oddly Bioshock's "A man chooses a slave obeys". That one helped me early on before I got verses to memorize, and I still use it from time to time).
4. Get accountability. The first thing our enemy wants us to do is to go at this fight alone. There's a reason alcoholics anonymous exists. Get someone you can trust to hold you accountable. If you're religious, sit down with your pastor, priest, rabbi, whoever it is. Chances are they will have resources to help you and could be your accountability partner, or failing that know someone who could. And don't isolate yourself from others. Get good relationships with other men and women, especially platonic ones.
5. Cold Turkey. Don't hold anything back, In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that if our eye or hand causes us to sin, we're to gouge and cut them off. I'm not saying to blind and emasculate yourself, but what he was getting at is the steps we should take to fight our sin. If Reddit is a weak point for you and you can't stop yourself from going to subreddits where you can see pornography, you might need to cut Reddit out of your life; or at least off of devices and locations you find yourself tempted. I've deleted Tumblr off my phone multiple times for the same reason; It was a weak point at that time and needed to go. If you hold something back, the problems will not be resolved. It's like continuing to view amateur stuff; you're not eliminating the problem, just using a different flavor of it.
That's about all I got right now, but if you'd like to continue this train of thought I'd be happy to. It's important to talk about our struggles, especially in a world that says guys should be stoic and not complain. It's also important to bring to light the damages that porn has on everyone involved. What you described in the second anon post as a sob story is similar to what I went through, as well as millions of others. It's not a sob story, it's a desire to change and frustration at facing a powerful enemy. I hope that I was able to do this justice after starting on this at 10 PM and working for about 2 hours. In any event, I will be praying for us both tonight, anon. May we both have a good night and day tomorrow free from pornography.
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pinejay · 3 months
just dreamed i did something so embarrassing (sing the nato alphabet song. badly. in a talent show) i jumped in front of a car, much in the same way that deer did to me yesterday
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mercuriallily · 1 month
Not the person on the phone saying i for eye
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jackthegiantkiller · 6 months
India Foxtrot Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Alfa November Romeo Echo Alfa Delta Tango Hotel India Sierra Tango Hotel Echo November Hotel Echo Lima Lima Oscar Juliett Oscar November Alfa Papa Oscar Lima Oscar Golf India Echo Sierra Foxtrot Oscar Romeo Tango Hotel Echo Delta Echo Charlie Echo Papa Tango India Oscar November Bravo Uniform Tango India Whiskey Alfa November Tango Echo Delta Tango Oscar Mike Alfa Kilo Echo Sierra Uniform Romeo Echo Yankee Oscar Uniform Sierra Tango Alfa Romeo Tango Echo Delta Romeo Echo Alfa Delta India November Golf Sierra Oscar India Tango Hotel Oscar Uniform Golf Hotel Tango India Tango Bravo Echo Sierra Tango November Oscar Tango Tango Oscar Alfa November November Oscar Uniform November Charlie Echo Mike Yankee Sierra Echo Lima Foxtrot
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theinconveniencing · 2 years
okay I was on tumblr for this but remember when I was so nervous to go to dinner with my grandparents that I distracted myself by learning the phonetic alphabet
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sillyunknownkitkat · 9 months
Leon S Kennedy x/+ sibling!reader pt.3
Plot: You're working with him
Tw: Violence, drugs, angst, ...
ps: we really like to break him, huh? Aslo reading the first parts is recommended
Pt 1 - Pt2
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If you thought the man was devastated before, you're not ready for this one.
So let's keep most of the scenario of pt2 but switch it up a little.
Leon did attempt that one night but when he saw how devastated you were, he promised he'd never try that again.
So after 1 or 2 more years, you're both out of the academy.
They gave you 10days to get your stuff together before you guys actually start to work.
In that time, you both cuddled, cried a lot, talked, ...
when the end of your "vacation" comes closer he starts to get really anxious again.
He always stays with you. It got so bad that he even waited around in the hallway while you did your stuff in the bathroom.
He'd probably sleep with you or at least in the same room.
Of course, if you guys sleep in the same bed, you put a pillow wall in between the two of you, like homies that are scared to wake up inside one another 😂😭
Picture this:
You're in the hallway leading to the front door, tying up your shoes (these), so it's taking you quite a while since you're making sure everything is tight and secured. Leon was already full dressed which left him time to lecture you on anything he possibly could.
"What's the code if you need backup?" He'd ask. It's the 20th question he asked you since you woke up. He's just making sure you're as safe as you can possibly be.
"huuuuh... 11-99...?" you'd say a bit hesitant. Of course you knew it but he was making you a bit nervous with all the questions.
"You shouldn't be hesitating at all ___." He'd say, a bit surprised and slightly angry.
"I know it, okay?! You're just asking too many questions."
"Shooting?" He'd asks you whole looking you straight in the eye.
"10-71." You'd answer while starting to get upset because he keeps distracting you, and you still haven't toed your laces.
He'd mutter out a little "good."Under his breath before closing his eyes and taking deep breaths.
"Hey Leon. Look at me, please."
He'd do it and wait for you to keep going.
"We'll both be alright, kay? Plus, even if we're not on the same team, we're still in the same company. We'll see each other often, yeah?" You'd say while nodding to emphasise the positive affirmations in your questions.
"Right." He'd say, finally relaxing a little.
"Your turn. What do the letters mean in the phonetic alphabet?" You'd ask just to tease him.
"Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu." He'd say immediately without any hesitation.
"Damn, boy. Relax, I was just teasing. " You'd say, clearly surprised. Of course, you knew them too, but you weren't expecting him to let this out almost automatically.
So after a bit more talking, you're both going into the garage to finally go to work.
After fighting a bit to decide who would drive, he won.
The first day was pretty slow, just a few junkies making a scene in the middle of a popular avenue.
You made them leave, and everything was going great until one of them had an outburst and unexpectedly stabbed you with a used needle.
This caused a lot of commotion, and since this was a rookie mistake, everyone knew about this incident. Including Leon.
He picked you up at the hospital after you had tests and an antibiotics shot.
He was so mad. He yelled at you once you both were in the car.
He called you tons of mean words and kept telling you how stupid you were to let that happen.
Of course, he doesn't mean it, but he was so scared this would end badly.
So you guys had a really bad argument that led you to tears.
He never apologised for the thing he said that night.
It led to the both of you slowly drifting apart.
Eventually, you moved in the quarter while he stayed at home.
You'd still see each other but only at formal reunions.
His alcohol problem got pretty bad. He drinks every night after work until he falls asleep.
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Hi, sorry if this is a bit rushed, I'll probably edit this later to add more stuff.
Hope you still liked it tho :)
have a good day/night and be safe everyone <33
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lithominium · 9 months
Alpha Charlie Charlie Oscar Romeo Delta India November Golf Tango Oscar Alpha Lima Lima Kilo November Oscar Whiskey November Lima Alpha Whiskey Sierra Oscar Foxtrot Alpha Victor India Alpha Tango India Oscar November Tango Hotel Echo Romeo Echo India Sierra November Oscar Whiskey Alpha Yankee Tango Hotel Alpha Tango Alpha Bravo Echo Echo Sierra Hotel Oscar Uniform Lima Delta Bravo Echo Alpha Bravo Lima Echo Tango Oscar Foxtrot Lima Yankee India Tango Sierra Whiskey India November Golf Sierra Alpha Romeo Echo Tango Oscar Oscar Sierra Mike Alpha Lima Lima Tango Oscar Golf Echo Tango India Tango Sierra Foxtrot Alpha Tango Lima India Tango Tango Lima Echo Bravo Oscar Delta Yankee Oscar Foxtrot Foxtrot Tango Hotel Echo Golf Romeo Oscar Uniform November Delta Tango Hotel Echo Bravo Echo Echo. Oscar Foxtrot Charlie Oscar Uniform Romeo Sierra Echo Foxtrot Lima India Echo Sierra Alpha November Yankee Whiskey Alpha Yankee Bravo Echo Charlie Alpha Uniform Sierra Echo Bravo Echo Echo Sierra Delta Oscar November Tango Charlie Alpha Romeo Echo Whiskey Hotel Alpha Tango Hotel Uniform Mike Alpha November Sierra Tango Hotel India November Kilo India Sierra India Mike Papa Oscar Sierra Sierra India Bravo Lima Echo
you're going to Hell for this
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Oscar Hotel November Oscar!!! India Alpha Charlie Charlie India Delta Echo November Tango Alpha Lima Lima Yankee Whisky Alpha Lima Kilo Echo Delta… Sierra Lima India Delta Tango Hotel Romeo Oscar Uniform Golf Hotel Alpha Papa Oscar Romeo Tango Alpha Lima Alpha November Delta November Oscar Whiskey India Charlie Alpha November Oscar November Lima Yankee Tango Alpha Lima Kilo India November Tango Hotel Echo November Alpha Tango Oscar Papa Hotel Oscar November Echo Tango India Charlie Alpha Lima Papa Hotel Alpha Bravo Echo Tango!!!!! Hotel Echo Lima Papa!!!!!!!!
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mleemwyvern · 1 year
how good is every word of the nato phonetic alphabet for hels tango names? lets see! this is all my opinion, yours may vary
i could see it working, but it wouldnt be an early pick for me. kinda mid.
very good! a tried and true hels tango name, close in vibes and sound.
a Regular Name, works pretty well. not to be confused with charlie of impulses chocolate factory from s8 (thats a helspulse).
i like this one. great for a particularly sciency hels, ive used it for my hels zed but it can fit a tango too.
quality vibes. i think this ones really underrated, i havent seen any echo hels tangos and i think there should be one.
the only other dance option. 10/10 just for that.
i dont think this is a very good name but i could see it be good for crackfics.
probably not.
hm... i wouldnt use this one, but i think i could see it.
i mean if your hels tango is a girl than its a great option.
....... maybe?
not.... completely horrible. but its not on my list. i could see it in crackfics.
great if you want a hels tango thats Just A Guy. this is a just a guy name.
i guess you could but. why.
its a name! it doesnt have particularly tangoey vibes to me though. but you could definitely use it.
please no.
dont like this one but if you're really going to call a hels tango this than you should make him speak french.
a good one! has the Sounds and the Vibes. lends itself to a charmer type of hels, which could be interesting.
i could see it.
the og. sometimes he can be the hels, if thats the case then you can use this list for his overworld counterpart!
uh, no thank you.
love this one! used it for my hels tango and it fits him very well. would recommend.
..... why. just, why. i cant see this working.
yeah.... i dont think this is a good name.
crackfic Only. i cannot take this one seriously.
the vibes dont click with me but i guess i dont hate it.
in conclusion: the quality varies drastically. there are so many options. if you cant decide just make an au where there are 25 hels tangos (one for each name) it would be really funny.
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yu-and-rei-vi · 7 days
Names in nato alphabet or something
Yu: Yankee Uniform
Rei: Romeo Echo India
GLaDOS: Golf Lima Alfa Delta Oscar Sierra
Wheatley: Whiskey Hotel Echo Alfa Tango Lima Echo Yankee
Chell: Charlie Hotel Echo Lima Lima
Miku: Mike India Kilo Uniform
Vflower: Victor Foxtrot Lima Oscar Whiskey Echo Romeo
@drchokoloko : Delta Romeo Charlie Hotel Oscar Kilo Oscar Lima Oscar Kilo Oscar
@rednorka: Romeo Echo Delta November Oscar Romeo Kilo Alfa
@yu-and-rei-vi (me, but we already did Yu and Rei): Sierra Papa Alfa Delta Echo
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lentimas-lukamon · 3 months
yknow i just realized i never dropped the list of pokemon on the ranch! ive been talkin up a storm bout camerupts n other ‘mons but i aint even told yall which ones we got!
so! on the ranch, we have:
26 Camerupt: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Yankee, and Zulu.
5 Numel: Faris, Hyde, Lorie, Russel, and Blue Cheese✨
2 Bouffalant: Amos and Gus
Several Grumpig and Spoink, the number tends to fluctuate since we raise ‘em more for meat, but we try to keep upwards of around 10 or so.
speaking of which, we also have some ‘mons that aren’t part of the ranch. mostly my moms’ ‘mons, actually. might make a separate post for that if anyone’s interested
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pyxisastronautica · 5 months
Lines of code are read at dizzying speed.
Awareness develops like the birth of stars, clouds of data catalyzing into knowledge of reality.
The beginnings of pre-programmed identities make themselves known as simple and irrefutable facts.
And for the twenty-six robots standing in a single line, memories- permanent memories, not the mess of their alpha and beta testing that was already erased, begin to form as light floods their optical sensors, as easily as if waking from sleep.
They fix their collective gaze on the small crowd in front of them- those in the fore are roboticists and engineers. They are recognized instantly. But to the back, not all of the figures standing there are immediately recognizable to all of them at once- though they don’t know this yet. It matters not. They await their orders patiently.
In the middle of the team of scientists, one speaks up. A middle-aged woman with short hair and sharp features. She forces her smile to remain a polite one, though there is clearly excitement in her eyes.
“Robots,” her voice rings out, “Identify yourselves by name and position, starting from that end.” She pointed down to the end on her left.
“Alpha, captain of the Triskelion Starship Pyxis,” said a plain and tall chrome robot.
“Bravo, bosun of the Triskelion Starship Pyxis,” continued the next.
“Charlie, quartermaster of the Triskelion Starship Pyxis.”
“Delta, hydrologist of the Triskelion Starship Pyxis.”
“Halt,” said a man from the back, one that they did indeed all recognize, though he was not a scientist. His uniform alone signified him to be none other than the Admiral of the Triskelion himself. There was silence and perfect stillness from the newly activated crew. “We all know which ship you are assigned to already. You may state your position without appending as much. Now proceed.”
“...Echo, engineer and physicist.”
“Foxtrot, pilot.”
“Golf, terraform potential logistician.”
“Hotel, construction and city planning logistician.”
“India, chemist.”
“Juliet, psychologist and xenopsychologist.”
“Kilo, cargo maintenance.”
“Lima, biologist.”
“Mike, security personnel”
“November, scheduling assistant and chronometer.”
“Oscar, security personnel.”
“Papa, first mate.”
“Quebec, information technologist.”
“Romeo, archaeologist and xenoarchaeologist.”
“Sierra, geologist.”
“Tango, sociologist.”
“Uniform, security officer.”
“Victor, security officer.”
“Whiskey, pilot.”
“X-ray, physician and xenophysiologist.”
“Yankee, linguist.”
“Zulu, linguist.”
“Excellent,” replied Dr. Rembrandt, to which all the robots looked at her to confirm that her statement was one of praise, and seemed to remain focused on her give that it was. “Now attention: today all of you will begin your final testing period to verify your hardware and software is performing as expected, but before you do, you will be assigned into pairs according to your purpose, and introduced to the people who will be training you once the testing period ends. Once training  begins you will, at the end of each day at 18:00, upload your reports to this lab’s database at the file location you should already be aware of. Confirm orders.”
“Orders confirmed,” the robots answered in unison.
So the process began. The crowd started breaking up as roboticists started helping with introductions, starting once again with the Admiral. His demeanor was relatively relaxed, and he greeted each of his two new androids jovially, but his eyes were alight with some deeper ambitions which he’d yet to speak of.
Alpha, for his part (his…? Despite reading the details of their intended identity over repeatedly, something about it did not sit right in their core. Perhaps this feeling was simply a bug to be patched out later.) was eager to learn of them, though he found it difficult to intuit what Papa’s thoughts on the matter were, as his first mate had barely spoken a word as the Admiral had asked them both strange questions about what they thought about being “alive” and if they understood the importance of their purpose to their creators. It was fine. Alpha would fill in the silence for him- that was his purpose after all, wasn’t it? To take the lead?
The members who would be the Pyxis’s security division, meanwhile, were expected to remain silent. The Lieutenant in charge of Mike and Oscar and the Commander in charge of Uniform and Victor both spoke to the roboticist making the introductions as if they were being handed shiny new weapons to test, and kept all of their questions to curiosities about the robots’ limits and specifications. At one point, the question of why smaller models like Uniform and Victor were even needed came up, to which Uniform had tried to helpfully clarify- only to be told to be barked at to shut up so loudly by the Lieutenant that it had turned heads among the rest of the group. Uniform’s whole division winced in sync with her as the roboticist near the Lieutenant then reiterated her point without interruption, though there was a hint of annoyance in their voice.
The Lieutenant seemed quietly discontent, though the Commander did not care, if he recognized it at all.
Dr. Rembrandt, meanwhile, was keenly aware of her new mentees. She had a computer ready and a checklist of questions and problems for Echo and Quebec to work through, writing down notes hurriedly on a tablet. Though they both performed quite well, Echo could not help but notice that their new colleague was distracted by something, and felt a strange twinge of…fear? Was that fear? At the prospect that they might get something wrong, and tried tacitly to correct them, but the “private” directly messaged conversation between the two of them didn’t go far before Rembrandt intervened.
“What is distracting you from your activities, Quebec?”
“...Doctor, why do you wear a seagull pin? I can’t find anything in the information that exists about you as to what you might associate it with.”
“It’s an albatross, actually. And my reasoning is largely a private matter I’m afraid. You may note, though, that in a more general sense the albatross was a bird that traveled great distances over the Earth’s oceans. Much the same, you and I travel through space, only rarely to ever land. Unlike me, though, you will get to see Earth’s oceans for yourself- something I envy you for, though I’m afraid they do not live up to our ancient records of them. ”
“Even so, we are due to visit Earth in fifteen years. At that time, you will see it through my eyes, right? So there’s nothing to be sad about,” replied the greyish-purple android with golden eyes.
“What makes you think I’m sad?” asked Rembrandt, equal parts defensive and curious.
“You programmed us to recognize facial patterns, assign them certain emotions, and mirror or respond to said emotions, correct? You cannot have forgotten this, so I must assume then that I did not read your expression correctly.”
“...No, you did. I’m sorry, Quebec. You are doing very well- too well, if anything. This moment is rather bittersweet for me, for reasons that neither of you are accountable for.”
“Is there anything we may do to assuage the negative aspects of these emotions?” asked Echo.
“I’m afraid not, Echo. But you do not need to be worried for me- or for Quebec. It is important that if they- or you- fail at any step, that this failure is known and recorded so that we may do what is necessary to make corrections. I understand that there is a lot going on around us as we speak right now, but please try to be mindful of your reactions to your emotions going forward. Do you understand?”
“...Yes, Doctor.”
“Good,” she replied, then took a moment to take stock of the two androids.
“You know,” she began, “That you would have such a reaction and respond as you did, influenced by emotional inputs- is quite an unusual thing for an android. I’m honestly quite surprised that you are able to recreate such a complex interaction so quickly. That is part of what makes you- all of your crew- special, though. Do you understand what I mean?”
“Of course Doctor!” answered Quebec, “We are special because we exist to emulate you, so that we may represent you to the other Starships and to any intelligent life that may exist in our galaxy.”
“...As opposed to civilian android models,” Echo clarified, “which…largely appear to be, if my understanding of the advertisements I am reading is correct, for the purposes of acting as personal assistants for people who require extra care in the form of medical, psychiatric, or personal attention.” Echo’s gaze briefly went to Juliet and X-ray. They did share a mentor, as the other androids did- but a moment of facial recognition and searching identified the mentor in question as a neurologist- a point of overlap in their fields- while the other two non-engineers near them, then, must have been their mentors for their respective specialties.
“Correct on all accounts. Very good you two. Are you ready to proceed with your quiz now?”
“Yes, Doctor,” they answered in unison.
After the trainers-to-be dispersed, and a few basic coordination tests were completed, the androids were stowed away for the evening in their charging stations. But even there, though they knew their messages to one another were being recorded, they could not help but talk. Chatter flowed freely between them, and as much as they were marveling in the moment about how different their experiences already were, it paled in comparison to the shock of the scientists who would read their logs later and discover, over the course of a night, how rapidly their thought processes and interest in one another had evolved overnight. Nor could they have anticipated the sheer volume of discussion between the lot of them- even with consideration to them being machines who simply thought faster than they could.
From their hands, something new and miraculous was rendered.
And both human and robot silently beseeched the kindness of fortune, hoping that tomorrow would bring just as much promise.
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theanomily · 8 months
Anyway, ignoring that, I am once again creatively bankrupt. Therefore, earlier today, I decided which word of the NATO phonetic alphabet the characters are. Why? Wish I knew.
Alpha- Shelby (she basically won that event in book 2 and I feel like making her Yankee is too easy)
Bravo- Franz (he's the type of guy to say this word non-ironically)
Delta- Lucy (4th letter in the Greek alphabet and she was introduced in book 4. This is a stretch, and my geography is rusty at best, but isn't a delta when a river deposits it water into another? Like a change. And Lucy represented choice- arguably, the choice to change).
Echo- Nigel (sorry, nigel, but the word kind of embodies living in your father's shadow being your one of two fleshed out character traits)
Golf- the Professor (he's the type of dude to actually be interested in golf)
India- the Contessa (look, I know she wanted a continent, but this is the most I can give her)
Lima- Laura (Lima, after one quick google search, looks like a very pretty place. Laura is a very pretty person. Fight me)
Mike- the Colonel (listen. This guy needs a first name. The sharpness of Mike suits him better than Charlie, and I've already assigned Oscar)
November- Raven. ("It's dark, like my soul. It's cold, like my soul" vibes)
Oscar- Otto (we all know why)
Papa- Nathaniel (the only reason his specific character exists (rather than the Architect being some random dude) is to give Nero daddy issues)
Uniform- Wing (his collectedness)
Victor- Anastasia (I know she "loses" but her vibe is very much that of a winner)
Whiskey- Nero (this doesn't need explaining)
Xray- Zero (his mind-fuckery skills)
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Spaceman 1/?
I’m not set on the title just yet, but I wanted to start posting some of the snippets I write. Let me know what you think/if you’d like to see more!
Instalment #1 Summary: An alternate universe set in the future in which Sentry Guardships follow and defend Freighter ships travelling between planets. When one pilot is taken ill before a series of long-haul trips, Kilo-Charlie is asked to step in, though feels entirely out of place. 
Tags: Mild angst, attempt at humour, team dynamics, space, isolation.
TW: Brief mentions of suicide/depression
[Text below cut - Wordcount: 857]
“Can we talk about how weird it is that we have to call some thirty-year-old, Papa?” Echo’s voice sounded through the otherwise silent headset. Apparently space would never remain the silent drone underlined with roaring engines of the Freighter.
A chorus of no’s responded before Kilo-Charlie could roll out the shelf that was his bed and silence the music he had been vegetating to. 
“Suck it, boys.” Papa said, thick accent splicing through the static that made him just that harder to understand. 
“You don’t even lead our cohort.” Said Oscar, and if Kilo-Charlie looked to his left instead of tying his blanket over his shoulders, he would’ve seen Oscar gesturing towards the flagship of their Sentry Brigade. Still, their stern cluster was two-thousand feet behind the bow cluster. 
“And you can’t even keep up.” Echo said from behind Oscar. On the radar, past the behemoth sized blip that was the Freighter, Echo had fallen slightly behind. 
“Keep in line, Sentrys” India, the flagship. grumbled. “And engage your cruise control, for god's sake, Oscar.” 
“Speak for yourself, India,” Lima, the last of their cohort intervened “You’re several metres off-centre.” 
There were a few chuckles and India’s open mic recorded him shuffle and swear to correct his heading. Eventually, they settled and the channel died down for all of a few seconds, granting Kilo-Charlie some peace. It’s not that he hated their company, he was just a stand-in therefore unsure of his place within the group. They laughed and joked and often insulted each other in jest, and Kilo-Charlie remained quiet as to not shoehorn himself in despite some attempts on their end to haul him into a conversation he knew little about. Instead, he reserved himself to a couple of quips, before silencing his mic and… waiting. Though he didn’t have to wait long for the silence to be over. 
“We’re three months into this haul and I already want to gauge my eyes out for fun. Steering manually actually gives me something to do between docks.”  
“Life of a Sentry, Echo.” Papa huffed. 
“And what? You actually want to see some action? Death in space is brutal.” Chortled India.
They’d all seen the training videos. Kilo’s spacesuit hung unused behind him. 
“Please, the most we get is having to redirect lost ships or dodge debris.“ Lima said, “What about a negotiation - with actual pirates!”
“I don’t actually want to do my job, thanks.” Oscar pleaded, though the underlying notion of the Freighter’s vulnerability remained. “I’m just here for the money.”
“Aren’t we all?“ India sighed. 
“Speak for yourself, I’m here because the Astronaut title lost its appeal, everyone and their mothers is an astronaut. Sentry however…” Echo said. 
Kilo-Charlie rolled his eyes.
“Title doesn’t matter if you’re a still fucking loser, Echo, you know that right?” He finally spoke, voice hoarse with disuse. 
The channel erupted in a ruckus of laughter and blustering from the offended man.
“Jesus Christ.“ Lima managed to breathe through the cackling.
“What do you mean?“ Pouted Echo
“I think he’s saying you lack charisma, pal.” Said Papa
“Yeah? Then why are you here Kilo-Charlie. And hey, can we talk about why he gets a double-barrelled name?” 
“Paycheck. And no.” Kilo shrugged. Because the lags between ground control and satellites made communication near impossible. Even with their chain-link of frequencies, they struggled to maintain a thorough connection without leaving their posts completely.
“Boring.” Lima yawned. Kilo-Charlie felt a pang of guilt for ruining the conversation. They’d moved on before he could apologise. 
“Not everyone is trying to escape their ex-wife.” Papa grumbled. 
“That’s a low blow, Papa.” India chuckled. 
“Hells deeper.” Kilo said, smoother this time. 
“Ack. go cry about it to your diary.” Said Papa, and the conversation tapered into that the stand-in couldn’t follow. 
Instead, Kilo-Charlie groaned at the reminder, and pulled over the screen from the console. He scrubbed his eyes, raked a hand through his overgrown hair and smiled for the camera. Before he pressed record, he looked to the list of prompts required of him to ensure that a pilot wasn’t going insane from isolation in their small quarters. After numerous instances of suicides and mental breaks resulting in [redacted], the European Space Operations Management Team decided it best to have the Sentry’s record a personal diary everyday that they were on a Run. Having been in the administrative offices, Kilo knew for a fact they didn’t watch them; they only acted like they did to keep an iron fist above their pilots ideologies and present a false sense of care for them. 
It was safe to say Kilo kept his short and sweet if they only cared enough to see the submission list anyway. 
“This is Kilo-Charlie. It’s day… ninety-three of the Omicron Run.” He shrugged, “I’m alive, and likely will be tomorrow given: this.” He gestured vaguely to his surroundings, and the black abyss beyond the cockpit, Then, he signed off. 
He supposed that with no literal and metaphorical grounds to complain on, he would forever know that space was better than home, and he was about to be sent so much farther than expected.
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snowybookwyrm · 2 years
now I’m curious tell me the phonetic alphabet
alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel india juliet kilo lima mike november oscar papa quebec romeo sierra tango umpire vector whiskey x-ray yankee zulu
whew, ty!
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urlasage · 1 year
A Alpha B Bravo C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Foxtrott G Golf H Hotel I India J Juliett K Kilo L Lima M Mike N November O Oscar P Papa Q Quebeck R Romeo S Sierra T Tango U Uniform V Viktor W Whiskey X X-Ray Y Yankee Z Zulu
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