#panoramic glass windows in italy
solovetrate · 8 months
panoramic glass windows italy
SOLO VETRATE is an Italian company specializing in the design and production of systems sliding doors and removable panoramic glazing, called VEPA.
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natrogersfics · 2 months
Always Remember Us This Way - A Romanogers AU
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Artwork by @faith2nyc Part of the So It Goes... 'verse
Heels click against the marble, and it’s not until Steve’s own feet are moving that he realizes how attuned he’s grown to the sound, following suit without so much as a second thought and stationing himself by the closest pillar. Before him is the vast expanse of the newly renovated penthouse floor of Red Guardian’s Midtown property, its far most wall made entirely of glass windows boasting a panoramic view of the sun setting over Manhattan’s skyline and providing the perfect backdrop behind Natasha as she makes her way to the sprawling bar. Loki and Ophelia trail not too far behind her, and momentarily, he lets his eyes drift to the latter.
He hadn’t learned much else about the woman from the report Maria Hill, his contact at the FBI, had given him. There were some rumblings about her tendency to be tactless, but given the social circles she runs in, that hardly comes as a surprise to him. Nevertheless, her lack thereof of any criminal history did wonders for assuaging his concerns about this last-minute meeting – especially in light of the venue change from Natasha’s office to here.
“As you could probably tell from the gray and gold veining,” Natasha begins, looking at Ophelia as she traces the surface of the counter with a finger. “This is made entirely out of Calacatta imported from Italy. Now, obviously, this bar is intended for refreshments, but given that slabs like these are rare, I was thinking-”
“That it’d make a great backdrop for my products,” Ophelia finishes for her, and though her back is to him, he can tell from her tone that she’s clearly impressed.
“It could be a nice touch if your team is planning on taking some flat lays for your socials,” Natasha says. Her tone is cool and casual, but he catches the way the corner of her mouth quirks ever so slightly, her tell that she knows she’s on the right track. 
And she’s right. He doesn’t have to see Ophelia’s expression to know that the woman is already sold on the idea. She may not be aware of it, but what she’s currently experiencing is Natasha Romanoff in her element, and he’s observed enough of her meetings to know that it’s all but impossible to walk away from her, uncharmed, when she’s dialed in like this.
It’s as Natasha leads the way towards the center of the room, talking about the craftsmanship of the pair of chandeliers hanging from the ceiling that he brings a hand up to the side of his face, tapping on his earpiece. “Give me a floor run down.”
Sam’s response comes a second later. “Floor below is clear. As is the lobby.”
“And the construction site across the street?”
“I have eyes on it,” Clint pipes in. “Lots of workers, but no suspicious activity so far.”
“Copy that. Thank you, both.”
Some semblance of relief washes over him as he puts his mic back on mute. By all accounts, he knows that having two members of his team run surveillance during a routine client meeting is overkill. He’s lost count of the number of times he’s accompanied Natasha to site visits just like this one, and never once has he required backup. Nevertheless, as he thinks back to the events that have occurred since they returned home, the part of him that believes that it’s always better to be safe than sorry can’t help but roar loudly.
It was instant, the way he knew something was wrong when he and Natasha walked down the steps of the jet to be greeted by the stoic faces of his team. Sam was the first to speak, informing them both that out of an abundance of caution, they would be taking Natasha back to her suite at The Empire instead of her apartment. It was on the car ride over that the team had started to brief them, and while his gut began to sink as he listened to their theory that someone had been keeping tabs on Natasha’s apartment while they’d been abroad, it wasn’t until he was presented with the letters – letters that were similar to the ones Natasha’s father had shared with him when he’d first sought his services – that he felt his blood run cold.
Finding the culprit had become their team’s primary focus in the days that followed, the intensity with which they had treated the objective reminiscent only of his days running covert operations in the Army. With confirmation that Natasha’s initial stalker was still incarcerated, they had set out to ID another suspect, exhausting every avenue from the CCTV footage from her apartment to leveraging what contacts they had in law enforcement. His patience (and quite frankly, his sanity) was beginning to run thin when a week had passed and they had yet to find any concrete leads, the four walls of his office becoming unwantedly too familiar to him as he spent his nights obsessively poring over all the information the team could gather, trying to piece it all together. It’s the most time he’s spent at his desk, and while he normally hated being confined to a space, he found it difficult to peel himself away. It was one thing to protect Natasha from the unknown. That was always going to be a challenge. What he couldn’t stomach, however, was how he had let a horror from her past haunt her once more.
The breakthrough they’d been desperately searching for finally arrived a few days later when a forensic analyst from the NYPD was able to confirm a handwriting match from a previous case. “I was never going to harm her,” he recalls the suspect, Sonny Burch, saying with that distinct drawl of his as he watched the authorities interrogate him from behind the one-way glass at the precinct. “I just wanted to know that if I wanted to, I could,” Burch added, unable to conceal his sickening joy. “And now I do.”
Burch was far from the criminal mastermind he’d been picturing, the man’s gel-stiffened combover that gleamed under the fluorescent lights making him look more like a caricature of a villain than anything else. And though the pursuit of infamy may have been Burch’s only objective, it made no difference to him. Physically harming Natasha may allegedly not have been in his plans, but in sending her those letters, Burch had drudged up one of the worst experiences of her life, and that was enough for him to want to see him behind bars.
He wants to say that knowing Burch has been apprehended helped him sleep better at night, but that would only be a half truth. Perhaps justice had been served. But if there’s anything the incident had highlighted even deeper for him, it’s that danger continues to lurk, and now, more than ever, it’s clear that he needs to keep his eyes open.
“Was there anything else you’d like to see Ms. Sarkissian?”
Loki’s question breaks him out of his reverie, and he blinks to see the trio of them walking towards the front of the room. Silently, he follows, finding his post close to the elevator when they pause just a few feet away.
“No, I think I’ve seen everything I needed to see,” Ophelia says, a pleased smile forming on her lips. “I look forward to Viper Cosmetics inaugurating Red Guardian’s newest space in the Spring.”
Natasha shares a glance with Loki before beaming back at her. “As do we.”
“Wonderful,” Ophelia says, adjusting her purse on her wrist. “And again, I do apologize for having to make a hasty exit, but I have to run to my next appointment. That being said, I’ll have my team contact yours to discuss getting a contract together.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Loki says, offering his arm out to her. “Allow me to escort you downstairs?”
“Please,” Ophelia says, linking arms with Loki, who begins to lead her towards the elevator.
He takes a step forward to get the button when he catches Loki gesturing for him to stop, and with a nod of acknowledgement, he unmutes his mic instead. “Client is on their way down.”
The elevator dings just as he hears Sam’s affirmative in his ear, confirming that he’s already stationed at the lobby. Loki and Ophelia step inside, the latter sending another smile at Natasha, who’s come to stand next to him. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Natasha.”
“You too, Ophelia,” Natasha says as the doors begin to slide closed. They wait for the hum of the elevator as it begins to descend, and it’s as the numbers on the panel above start to decrease that Natasha turns to him, eyes expectant. “So, what do you think?”
He shrugs. “She’s demurer than I expected,” he says. “Compared to her online presence, at least. But as far being a threat goes… what?”
“I meant about the deal,” she says, and though she looks away, he catches the way her expression falls. 
“Oh,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, you have her ready to draw up a contract after your first meeting. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a home run.”
“Yeah,” she says. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
“Her company is going to be a great addition to your client list,” he adds, taking note of her less than enthusiastic response. “I’m sure the board will be thrilled.”
When she looks back at him, the smile she flashes his way doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Would be nice to get them off my back for a few days, wouldn’t it?”
His brows furrow in concern as she turns away from him to walk to the credenza where she’d set her belongings at the beginning of the meeting. It would be easy to ascribe her sudden forlornness on her being worried about the board watching her every move. But that’s a perpetual worry for her as long as she’s in this job, and he knows that for the most part, it’s something she’s incredibly adept at coping with. Whatever it is that’s weighing on her now, it certainly has nothing to do with work.
“Natasha,” he says, coming up behind her as she slips her tablet back into her purse. His hands fall to her shoulders when she doesn’t respond, and he frowns when he feels how stiff they are. “Tell me what you need.” He slides his hands down her arms, nearly breathing a sigh of relief when she leans back against him, melting into his touch. “If you’re tired, I can ask Daisy to book an appointment with your masseuse.”
She hums at the thought. “Tell her to call my bodyguard while she’s at it,” she mutters. “Tell him I miss him.”  
His hands still at her words. “Hey,” he says, gently turning her so their eyes can meet, only to find the emotion in hers difficult to pin down. “I’ve been right here.”
“Physically, maybe…” She pauses, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip – the way she always does when she’s hesitant. A beat passes before she sighs. “But Steve, ever since the letters-”
“Nat,” he interjects, “I-”
“I know you’re just doing your job,” she concedes with a nod. “But then there’s your job, and then there’s… you and me.” She shakes her head. “I just worry that maybe it’s beginning to be too much.”
“What? Natasha, no,” he says firmly. “That’s not it. Not in the slightest.”
“Then why have you been keeping your distance from me?” she says, giving up any pretense of hiding her frustration now.
It’s then that he sees it – the hurt in her eyes that’s clear as day. The anguish that’s been lingering from the moment they got back home, he realizes, flashing every single time he’s left her in the care of someone else to go and dive right back into the case. He had mistaken it for fear of the situation, and in his determination to never see that emotion on her face ever again, it seems he’s only made it worse.
“I didn’t mean to,” he says, his eyes turning downcast as a curse slips from his lips. “But you having to see those letters again? Having to relive…” He shakes his head, refusing to even voice the words. “I guess I stayed away because I’ve been feeling so ashamed.”
“Ashamed?” she repeats, only to cup his face in her hand when he nods. “None of that was your fault, Steve.”
“I failed you,” he says, swallowing the lump that’s formed in his throat.
“No, you didn’t.”
With a shake of his head, he pulls away from her. “It happened under my watch-”
“And it’s under your watch that it got resolved,” she insists, sighing when he doesn’t look quite convinced. “Hey, listen to me. I won’t downplay the fact that the world’s a dangerous place, Steve. We both know that. But when the facts tell us that this time around, the danger is just a lunatic looking for some fame? We need to leave it at that and count putting him away as a win.” She steps closer to him, imploring him to meet her gaze. “Otherwise, we’re just living life afraid, and I don’t want that… And I know you don’t, either.”
His eyes fall shut at that, huffing out a breath that’s long and winded. Despite his never ending list of worries, he knows that she’s right. While he couldn’t stand the idea of any kind of harm coming to her, protecting her has always been about making her feel safe enough to live her life the way she wants to. It was never about keeping her in a gilded cage or making her privy to and fearful of all the dangers that lie ahead – something his actions had inadvertently done in the weeks since this all unfolded.
“I’m sorry, Nat,” he says, and for the first time in weeks, he allows himself to give into his urge to pull her into his arms. She goes willingly, burrowing her head in his chest as he wraps his arms around her. He drops a kiss to the crown of her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. “If something happened to you...”
She pulls away just enough to look up at him. “You would never let anything happen to me.”
Her words take him back to the very first time she had uttered them to him, her hand in his as she sat in the bathtub that night after they’d finally given into their desire for one another. He recalls the certainty in her eyes then, certainty that’s only somehow been fortified as she stares at him now, even after everything that’s occurred. “You said you trusted me… Did you mean that?” 
“I mean every word I tell you,” she says solemnly, then in the same breath, she allows mischief to flicker in her expression. “Well, almost every word.” He arches a brow at that, and as she rests her palms flat on his chest, she juts her lower lip out in a playful pout. “I said you would never let anything happen to me, but seems you have no problem letting me miss you.”
He scoffs, amusement pulling his lips up into a smile. “A demented sociopath was running amuck and that’s what you were worried about?” Her shoulders lift in a nonchalant shrug, prompting him to chuckle. “Your mind, Miss Romanoff, is always in the gutter.”
“Weeks, Rogers,” she whispers, pulling him closer by his tie and looking up at him from underneath the fan of her darkened lashes. “I’ve been missing you for weeks.”  
A quip makes its way to the tip of his tongue, but before he can say it, he’s interrupted by Sam’s voice in his ear. “There’s a pileup on the BQE, Cap. Barnes will be late for his shift, but I’ll fill in until he makes it out.”
Natasha stiffens in his hold, confirmation that with their proximity, she heard Sam’s words loud and clear. “Don’t bother,” he replies, running a hand reassuringly down her back. “I’ll take the night shift.” She smiles widely at that, and as Sam voices his confirmation, he takes off earpiece for good measure as he adds, “Seems I have weeks to make up for." 
“Bold of you to assume you can make up for all that time in one night," she says, smirking. 
He tips his chin up at that, the corners of his lips quirking when he catches the little breath she takes in. 
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milancathedralt · 1 month
A Comprehensive Guide to Milan Cathedral Tickets
Milan Cathedral, also known as the Duomo di Milano, is one of the most iconic landmarks in Italy. Its stunning Gothic architecture, intricate details, and rich history attract millions of visitors each year. If you're planning to visit this magnificent structure, it's important to know how to purchase tickets, what types are available, and what to expect during your visit. Here’s everything you need to know about Milan Cathedral tickets.
1. Types of Milan Cathedral Tickets
There are several types of tickets available depending on what you want to see and experience:
Cathedral Access (Duomo Pass – Cathedral Only):
This basic ticket grants you access to the interior of Milan Cathedral, where you can explore the stunning nave, beautiful stained-glass windows, and religious art. It does not include access to the terraces, archaeological area, or museum.
Terraces Access:
A ticket specifically for the terraces allows you to visit the rooftop of the cathedral. The terraces offer panoramic views of Milan and close-up views of the cathedral's spires and statues. You can choose between an elevator ticket or a stairs ticket (the latter is cheaper).
Duomo Pass Lift (Cathedral + Terraces + Archaeological Area + Museum):
This comprehensive pass includes access to the cathedral, the terraces (via elevator), the archaeological area below the cathedral, and the Duomo Museum, which houses a vast collection of art and artifacts related to the cathedral.
Duomo Pass Stairs (Cathedral + Terraces + Archaeological Area + Museum):
Similar to the Duomo Pass Lift, but access to the terraces is via stairs, making this option more affordable.
Fast-Track Tickets:
Fast-track tickets allow you to skip the regular queues, which can be quite long, especially during peak tourist seasons. These tickets are available for both the cathedral and the terraces.
Combined Tickets:
These tickets combine entry to the Duomo with other Milan attractions, such as the Last Supper or the Leonardo3 Museum.
2. How to Purchase Tickets
The most convenient way to purchase Milan Cathedral tickets is online through the official Duomo di Milano website or through reputable ticket vendors. Buying online allows you to secure your spot, avoid long lines, and choose a specific time slot for your visit.
Tickets can also be purchased at the ticket office located in the Piazza del Duomo. However, lines can be long, especially during peak seasons, so it’s recommended to buy online if possible.
Tour Operators:
Many tour operators offer guided tours that include tickets to the cathedral and terraces. These tours often provide additional context and historical insights, enhancing your visit.
3. Ticket Prices
Ticket prices vary depending on the type of access and any additional services such as fast-track entry. Here's a general idea of the costs:
Cathedral Access (Duomo Pass – Cathedral Only): Approximately €5-€10.
Terraces Access (Stairs): Approximately €10-€12.
Terraces Access (Lift): Approximately €14-€17.
Duomo Pass Lift (Cathedral + Terraces + Archaeological Area + Museum): Approximately €20-€25.
Duomo Pass Stairs (Cathedral + Terraces + Archaeological Area + Museum): Approximately €15-€20.
Fast-Track Tickets: Additional €10-€15 depending on the service.
Note: Prices can vary, so it’s always best to check the official website for the most up-to-date information.
4. Visiting Hours
Cathedral: Typically open from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Terraces: Generally open from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM (last admission is around 6:10 PM).
Museum and Archaeological Area: Open from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Note: Hours can vary based on holidays, special events, or maintenance, so check the official website before your visit.
5. Tips for Visiting
Dress Code:
As the Milan Cathedral is a place of worship, modest dress is required. Shoulders and knees should be covered, and hats should be removed when inside the cathedral.
Best Time to Visit:
Early mornings or late afternoons are typically less crowded. If you want to avoid crowds, weekdays are generally quieter than weekends.
The cathedral is accessible to visitors with mobility issues. There are elevators for access to certain areas, but the terraces may be more challenging due to narrow pathways and steps.
Photography is allowed inside the cathedral and on the terraces, but the use of tripods and flash is prohibited.
Security Checks:
Be prepared for security checks at the entrance. It’s best to travel light and avoid carrying large bags to expedite the process.
6. How to Get There
The Milan Cathedral is located in Piazza del Duomo, the heart of Milan. It is easily accessible by:
Metro: Take the M1 (red) or M3 (yellow) line to the Duomo station.
Tram: Numerous tram lines stop near the cathedral, including lines 2, 3, 12, 14, and 16.
Bus: Several bus routes also serve the area, making it convenient to reach from different parts of the city.
Visiting the Milan Cathedral is a must when in Milan, offering a rich cultural and historical experience. Whether you want to explore the stunning interior, take in the views from the terraces, or delve into the cathedral’s history through the museum and archaeological area, purchasing the right ticket will ensure you make the most of your visit. Plan ahead, buy your tickets online, and enjoy one of Italy’s most breathtaking landmarks.
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villacostadeglidei · 3 months
Luxury Villas in Italy with Swimming Pool
Italy, a country renowned for its rich history, artistic heritage, and breathtaking landscapes, offers an unparalleled travel experience. Among its many treasures, the allure of luxury villas stands out, particularly those with swimming pools that offer a perfect blend of comfort, elegance, and exclusivity. One such gem is Villa Costa Degli Dei, a luxury villa that promises an extraordinary retreat in one of the most beautiful regions of Italy. This blog will explore the magic of staying in Luxury Villas in Italy with Swimming Pool, with a special focus on Villa Costa Degli Dei, delving into its exquisite features, the surrounding region, and the unparalleled experience it offers.
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The Charm of Italian Luxury Villas
A Rich History of Opulence
Italy’s tradition of luxury living dates back to the Roman Empire, where opulent villas were built for the elite. These sprawling estates were designed to provide maximum comfort and privacy, with extensive gardens, fountains, and private pools. This tradition has evolved, with modern luxury villas maintaining the grandeur of the past while incorporating contemporary amenities.
Architectural Marvels
Italian luxury villas are architectural masterpieces, often featuring designs that blend classical and modern elements. From Renaissance-inspired facades to minimalist interiors, these villas reflect the rich cultural heritage of Italy. High ceilings, intricate frescoes, and expansive terraces are common features, providing a sense of space and grandeur.
Exquisite Interiors
The interiors of Italian luxury villas are a testament to refined taste and attention to detail. Sumptuous furnishings, antique décor, and state-of-the-art appliances create an ambiance of sophistication and comfort. Many villas also feature unique artworks, from classical paintings to contemporary sculptures, adding a touch of elegance and exclusivity.
The Allure of Private Pools
A defining feature of Luxury Villas in Italy with Swimming Pool. These pools are not just a place to cool off but a central element of the villa experience. Infinity pools with panoramic views of the countryside or the sea, heated pools for year-round enjoyment, and beautifully landscaped pool areas with loungers and shaded spots create a private oasis for relaxation and leisure.
Villa Costa Degli Dei: An Overview
Location and Setting
Villa Costa Degli Dei is located in the picturesque region of Calabria, in the south of Italy. This area, known for its stunning coastline and crystal-clear waters, provides the perfect backdrop for a luxury retreat. The villa is perched on a hill, offering breathtaking views of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the surrounding countryside. The serene setting, combined with the proximity to charming towns and historical sites, makes it an ideal destination for those seeking both relaxation and adventure.
Architectural Splendor
Villa Costa Degli Dei is a stunning example of modern architecture harmoniously blending with its natural surroundings. The villa features clean lines, large glass windows, and expansive terraces that offer uninterrupted views of the sea and the lush landscape. The use of natural materials like stone and wood adds warmth and texture, creating a welcoming and luxurious atmosphere.
Luxurious Interiors
The interiors of Villa Costa Degli Dei are a blend of elegance and comfort. The spacious living areas are tastefully decorated with high-end furnishings, creating an inviting space for relaxation and entertainment. The villa features several bedrooms, each with en-suite bathrooms, ensuring privacy and comfort for all guests. The master suite is particularly luxurious, with a private terrace overlooking the sea, a walk-in closet, and a spa-like bathroom.
State-of-the-Art Amenities
Villa Costa Degli Dei is equipped with the latest amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay. The modern kitchen is fully equipped with high-end appliances, perfect for preparing gourmet meals. The villa also features a home theater, a fitness room, and a private wine cellar, offering a range of options for entertainment and relaxation.
The Private Pool
The centerpiece of Villa Costa Degli Dei is its stunning infinity pool. The pool is designed to blend seamlessly with the horizon, creating the illusion of merging with the sea. Surrounded by a spacious sun deck with loungers and shaded areas, the pool area is perfect for soaking up the sun, enjoying a refreshing swim, or simply taking in the breathtaking views. The pool is also heated, allowing guests to enjoy it year-round.
The Surrounding Region
Calabria: A Hidden Gem
Calabria is often referred to as Italy’s hidden gem. This region, located at the toe of the Italian boot, is known for its rugged coastline, pristine beaches, and charming villages. Unlike the more touristy regions of Italy, Calabria offers a more authentic and tranquil experience, making it the perfect destination for those looking to escape the crowds and immerse themselves in the beauty and culture of southern Italy.
Tropea: The Jewel of Calabria
Just a short drive from Villa Costa Degli Dei is the charming town of Tropea. Known as the jewel of Calabria, Tropea is famous for its stunning beaches, historical architecture, and vibrant atmosphere. The town’s cliffside location offers breathtaking views of the Tyrrhenian Sea, and its narrow streets are lined with cafes, restaurants, and boutiques. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the beautiful Santa Maria dell’Isola church, and relax on the pristine beaches.
Culinary Delights
Calabria is a paradise for food lovers. The region is known for its delicious and diverse cuisine, which includes fresh seafood, locally grown vegetables, and traditional dishes like ‘nduja (a spicy spreadable sausage) and fileja (a type of handmade pasta). Guests at Villa Costa Degli Dei can enjoy gourmet meals prepared by a private chef, featuring the finest local ingredients and traditional recipes.
Outdoor Activities
The natural beauty of Calabria offers numerous opportunities for outdoor activities. From hiking in the Aspromonte National Park to exploring the region’s many caves and grottoes, there is no shortage of adventures to be had. Water sports like snorkeling, diving, and sailing are also popular, thanks to the clear waters and abundant marine life. Guests at Villa Costa Degli Dei can easily access these activities, ensuring a perfect balance of relaxation and adventure during their stay.
The Unparalleled Experience
Privacy and Exclusivity
One of the most appealing aspects of staying in a luxury villa like Villa Costa Degli Dei is the privacy and exclusivity it offers. Unlike hotels or resorts, where guests share facilities and common areas, a villa provides a private retreat where guests can relax and unwind in complete privacy. This exclusivity extends to the pool, gardens, and all other amenities, ensuring a truly personalized and intimate experience.
Personalized Services
Staying at Villa Costa Degli Dei also means enjoying personalized services tailored to individual preferences. From a private chef preparing gourmet meals to a concierge arranging excursions and activities, every detail is taken care of to ensure a seamless and enjoyable stay. Guests can request services like in-villa spa treatments, private yoga sessions, and personalized tours, creating a bespoke experience that caters to their every need.
A Home Away from Home
A luxury villa offers the comfort and convenience of a home away from home. Guests can enjoy spacious living areas, a fully equipped kitchen, and all the amenities needed for a comfortable stay. This home-like environment, combined with the luxury and services of a five-star hotel, provides the best of both worlds, allowing guests to relax and enjoy their vacation at their own pace.
Immersive Cultural Experience
Staying in a luxury villa in Italy offers an immersive cultural experience. Guests can explore the local area, interact with the community, and experience the authentic Italian way of life. Whether it’s visiting local markets, dining at family-run trattorias, or participating in traditional festivals, there are countless opportunities to connect with the rich culture and heritage of the region.
A stay at Villa Costa Degli Dei offers a unique and unforgettable experience, combining the luxury and comfort of a private villa with the natural beauty and cultural richness of Calabria. From the exquisite interiors and state-of-the-art amenities to the stunning infinity pool and personalized services, every aspect of the villa is designed to provide the ultimate in luxury and relaxation. Whether you’re seeking a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a luxurious retreat with friends, Villa Costa Degli Dei promises an unparalleled experience that will leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime.
In summary, Luxury Villas in Italy with Swimming Pool, especially those like Villa Costa Degli Dei, provide an extraordinary way to experience the beauty, culture, and luxury of this remarkable country. The combination of stunning architecture, opulent interiors, private pools, and personalized services creates a perfect retreat for discerning travelers. For those looking to escape the ordinary and indulge in the extraordinary, a stay at Villa Costa Degli Dei is an experience not to be missed.
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cuveeblog · 3 months
Top Travel Destinations with Spectacular Views
Are you looking for breathtaking views that can define your next getaway? Some destinations offer views so incredibly stunning, you may never want to leave. These are the kinds of views you could take in for hours on end—if not longer. You can pull up a chair, grab a beverage, and bask in all its glory.
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From the verdant islands of Hawaii to the golden hills of Tuscany, there are destinations around the globe where you can see views you’ll never forget. You can even find luxury villa vacation rentals with breathtaking views right out the window. Where should you start if you’re searching for incredible views along with all kinds of unforgettable experiences? Here are a few suggestions. A View of the Pacific and Beyond From one end of the island chain to the other, the views around Hawaii can be breathtaking. You can find these spectacular views at practically every elevation, from the sandy shores to the highest peaks. If you’re staying at a luxury villa along the beach, you may find yourself steps away from a trip-defining view of the Pacific. On the big island of Hawaii, a view of the Pacific can be an uninterrupted panorama of blue that can take you in and refuse to let go. No matter where your Hawaiian getaway takes you, you can find phenomenal views around every corner, from the beach and beyond. You can even trek to the highest point in Hawaii: Mauna Kea. From the top of this dormant volcano, you can see for miles in every direction. Turn your gaze upward to take in stellar views of stars—it’s really out of this world. Above the World in the Rocky Mountains The Colorado Rocky Mountains are home to some incredible views. If you pine for the mountains, trees, and meadows, destinations like Aspen and Telluride deliver. Even from the cozy indoor spaces of the luxury rentals Telluride is known for, you can take in breathtaking vistas. During the summer, the views around Telluride and throughout the Rocky Mountains can be painted in stunning green. As fall approaches, the mountains erupt in color once again. Aspen trees turn vivid shades of yellow, providing a beautiful contrast against the evergreens. While New England can often become the star of the “fall colors” show, Colorado also offers autumn views that are not to be missed. And then there’s winter—oh, grand winter. Once the snow begins to fall in the Rocky Mountains, the views transform entirely. Telluride and other mountain towns become winter wonderlands. These are wonderlands where you can go out and play or simply take it all in from your cozy abode. Let the Golden Hills—and History—of Tuscany Wash Over You A world away from Telluride, you’ll find the golden hills of Tuscany. This region of central Italy is known for olive groves, vineyards, and ancient hilltop villages. The history of Tuscany goes back millennia, and you can take it all in from your own hilltop villa. As the evening sun kisses the top of the rolling Tuscan hills, you can take in the view with a glass of local Chianti in hand. It’s the kind of view that’s full of life, history, and an elegant simplicity. It’s a view that doesn’t ask too much of you—only that you sit back and enjoy the sights, sounds, flavors, and company. About Cuvée See the world in a new way with Cuvée. Every Cuvée experience begins with their portfolio of luxury vacation house rentals. Their vast selection allows you to discover bespoke properties around the globe. Picture yourself soaking up the sun with an expansive beach view at the luxury villas Cabo is known for. Or find your sanctuary in one of the luxury homes in Vail offering panoramic views of the Rocky Mountains. Cuvée’s team of Experience Curators will work directly with you to handcraft an itinerary full of immersive local experiences. Whether you want to dine on the beach in Cabo or explore the trails near Vail, Cuvée’s Experience Curators can make it happen. All you have to do is choose the destination and be ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Find destinations with views that can take your breath away at https://www.cuvee.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/4bB5VmW
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taruntravell · 1 year
Things to do around Duomo Milan
The Milan Cathedral (Duomo di Milano) is one of the most iconic landmarks in Milan, Italy, and it's surrounded by many interesting things to see and do. Here are some recommendations for things to do around the Duomo:
Visit the Milan Cathedral: Start by exploring the cathedral itself. You can admire its stunning Gothic architecture, intricate sculptures, and beautiful stained glass windows. Don't forget to climb to the rooftop for panoramic views of Milan.
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II: This historic shopping arcade is right next to the Duomo. It's known for its stunning architecture, high-end boutiques, and cafes. Take a stroll through the arcade and maybe even enjoy a coffee or gelato.
Piazza del Duomo: The square in front of the cathedral is a hub of activity. You can often find street performers, musicians, and events taking place here. It's a great place to people-watch and soak in the atmosphere.
Museo del Novecento: Located in Palazzo dell'Arengario near the Duomo, this museum houses an impressive collection of 20th-century art, including works by famous Italian artists. It provides insight into Italy's modern artistic history.
Teatro alla Scala: If you're a fan of opera or classical music, consider attending a performance at Teatro alla Scala, one of the most famous opera houses in the world. Even if you don't attend a performance, you can take a guided tour to see the opulent interior.
Sforza Castle (Castello Sforzesco): A short walk from the Duomo, this historic castle houses several museums and art collections, including works by Michelangelo. It's a great place to explore Milan's history and art.
Parco Sempione: This park is located behind the Sforza Castle and offers a peaceful escape from the city's hustle and bustle. You can enjoy a leisurely walk, have a picnic, or rent a bike to explore the park's extensive grounds.
Brera District: Head to the nearby Brera neighborhood, known for its artistic ambiance, charming streets, and the Pinacoteca di Brera art gallery. It's a great place to explore, shop for art, and dine in cozy restaurants.
Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper: Although not right next to the Duomo, Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting "The Last Supper" is located in the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, which is worth a visit if you're interested in art and history. Be sure to book tickets in advance.
Shopping: Milan is a fashion capital, so if shopping is your thing, you'll find numerous boutiques, designer stores, and shopping districts like Via Montenapoleone and the Quadrilatero della Moda nearby.
These are just a few of the many things you can do around the Duomo in Milan. The area is rich in culture, history, and entertainment, making it a must-visit destination for travelers to Milan.
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cdwindowss · 1 year
What Architectural Styles Go Well with Bay Windows?
As a leading manufacturer of high-quality windows and doors, California Deluxe Windows understands the importance of finding the perfect window design to complement various architectural styles. Windows, with their unique protruding structure, not only add an elegant touch to a home but also enhance its curb appeal. In this article, we will explore how bay windows beautifully blend with different architectural styles, transforming houses into stunning, timeless abodes.
Victorian Charm Bay windows and Victorian architecture share a harmonious relationship, dating back to the 19th century when this style gained popularity. Victorian homes are known for their elaborate ornamentation, intricate details, and asymmetrical facades. The window’s graceful curves and multiple panes align perfectly with the opulent and grandiose nature of Victorian design. Whether placed in the living room to create a cozy reading nook or in the dining area to add extra space and light, bay windows effortlessly enhance the overall grandeur of Victorian-style homes.
Colonial Elegance Colonial-style homes are characterized by their symmetrical designs, classic lines, and formal appearance. Windows, when incorporated into the facade of a colonial house, bring an air of sophistication and refinement. They create an inviting atmosphere while preserving the home’s traditional charm. Typically, windows with grilles and muntins complement the multi-pane windows commonly found in colonial architecture, maintaining the style’s timeless allure.
Contemporary Flair The clean lines and minimalist aesthetics of contemporary architecture might seem incompatible with bay windows at first glance. However, when executed thoughtfully, windows can provide a striking contrast and become a focal point in contemporary designs. Opting for large, unobstructed glass panes and sleek frames can create a seamless integration of the window into the overall modern look. This allows natural light to flood the interior, promoting an open and airy ambiance that aligns perfectly with contemporary living spaces.
Rustic Appeal Rustic homes often evoke a sense of warmth and coziness with their natural materials and earthy color palettes. Windows can enhance this rustic charm by offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside or garden. Incorporating wooden frames and choosing window seats made from reclaimed wood or textured fabrics can further emphasize the connection to nature while providing a comfortable and relaxing spot to enjoy the scenic views.
Mediterranean Allure Mediterranean architecture boasts a delightful blend of influences from various regions, including Spain, Italy, and Greece. Characterized by stucco exteriors, red tile roofs, and wrought-iron accents, Mediterranean homes exude warmth and a laid-back elegance. Windows, with arched tops and graceful design, complement the curves and arches often seen in Mediterranean architecture. By choosing vibrant colors and incorporating intricate window grille patterns, windows can enhance the home’s exterior while creating a charming Mediterranean ambiance.
Craftsman Character Craftsman-style homes are known for their handcrafted details, natural materials, and front porches. Windows in a Craftsman home can amplify its character and curb appeal. Stained glass or art glass elements within the window design pay homage to the craftsmanship typical of this architectural style. Additionally, using earthy tones and wooden frames maintains the integrity of the Craftsman aesthetic, creating a seamless integration of the bay windows into the overall design.
Modern Farmhouse Fusion Modern farmhouse design marries the simplicity of contemporary styles with the rustic charm of traditional farmhouses. Custom windows can accentuate this fusion by providing a fresh and airy appeal to the interior. Installing bay windows in the kitchen area can create a perfect setting for a cozy breakfast nook, bringing in abundant natural light to brighten up the space. Decorative elements like window flower boxes and shutters can add a touch of farmhouse nostalgia while maintaining a modern look.
Make Some Bay Windows Upgrades Bay windows from California Deluxe Windows offer a versatile and stylish addition to various architectural styles. Whether your home exudes Victorian elegance, Colonial tradition, contemporary flair, rustic charm, Mediterranean allure, Craftsman character, or modern farmhouse fusion, windows can complement and elevate the overall aesthetic. Embrace the elegance and charm of custom windows to create a picturesque and timeless abode that reflects your unique style and personality.
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dorapuig · 2 years
📍 480 NE 31st Street 3407 ~ Edgewater 🏙
🛌 3 Bedrooms + Den + 3 Baths 🛁
🏡 1,963 Interior SF + 661 SF Wraparound Terrace
💥 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 $𝟏,𝟖𝟐𝟓,𝟎𝟎𝟎💥
• Curated 💎 By Brazilian Haute Designer Luciana Fragali 👩🇧🇷
Private Elevator Entry into Modern Flow-Thru Open Floorplan Wrapped in Natural Hues 🪵
• Perfect for Art Collectors with Marble Flooring Throughout 🖼
• 8 FT Deep Terraces with Unobstructed Panoramic Bay & Miami Beach Views from Floor-to Ceiling Glass Windows 🪟
• Chef’s Eat-in Kitchen with Italian 🇮🇹
• Custom Cabinetry + SubZero & Wolf Appliances 👩‍🍳
• Master Suite featuring Spacious Walk-in Wardrobe 🛌
• Master Bath with Soaking Tub & Frameless Glass-Enclosed Shower 🚿
• Gran Paraiso is Professionally Designed by Piero Lissoni of Italy 🇮🇹
• Architecture by Miami-Based Arquitectónica 🧱
• Landscape Design by Enzo Enea
• Gran Paraiso features Bespoke Amenities including Fitness Center 🏋️‍♀️ Pool 🏊‍♀️ Spa 🧖‍♀️ Sauna, Theater 🎭 Children’s Playground 🛝 Putting Green ⛳️ Yoga 🧘‍♀️ & Pilates Room + Valet 🚗
📱 Dora Puig
📞 305.613.2118
🌐 DoraPuig.com
🥇Ranked #𝟓 𝐔𝐒𝐀, #𝟑 𝐅𝐋, #𝟏 𝐌𝐈𝐀 by The Real Trends @WSJ
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solovetrate · 7 months
Presenting the latest marvel : The top sliding floor glass - Solo Vetrate
Meet with the highest standards of quality and durability. Every aspect of our product is designed for smooth operation with essence of Italian artistry. With our Sliding Floor glass Cleaning can be easy, you can access from both side inside and outside. As a Top Sliding Floor glass manufacturer we provide uncompromising quality that combine function and fusion of form. From start to final installation we ensure we serve highest quality and Artistry. Our Sliding Floor glass effortlessly win over any architectural challenge and their aesthetic look enhancing charm of your living space. Our product reducing energy consumption by adding natural light to your living environment and transform your space into lively haven. By Using our product you will make your home warmth, brighten and sense of openness. You can unlock luxury and sophistication at your space and never head back to dark and dingy interiors.
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vetej · 4 years
Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque 🇧🇳 Omar Ali Saifuddien is Islamic mosque in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei. It is often considered as one of the most beautiful mosques in the Asia Pacific. It is a place of worship for the Muslim community, a major historical site, and a famous tourist attraction of Brunei. It is named after Omar Ali Saifuddien III, the 28th Sultan of Brunei, who initiated its construction. The mosque serves as a symbol of the Islamic faith in Brunei. The building was completed in 1958 and is an example of modern Islamic architecture. The mosque unites Mughal architecture and Malay styles. Although attributed to Cav. Rodolfo Nolli, a Singapore based sculptor and decorative stonework contractor, it appears that it was first envisaged by His Majesty in 1952, with its design was developed by Kuala Lumpur based architectural firm Booty and Edwards, with Nolli acting as a contractor for its exterior and interior decorative stonework. Built in an artificial lagoon on the banks of the Brunei River at Kampong Ayer — the "village in the water" — the mosque has marble minarets and golden domes, a courtyard and is surrounded by a large number of trees and floral gardens. A bridge reaches across the lagoon to Kampong Ayer in the middle of the river. Another marble bridge leads to a structure in the lagoon meant as a replica of a 16th-century Sultan Bolkiah Mahligai Barge. The barge itself was completed in 1967 to commemorate the 1,400th anniversary of Nuzul Al-Quran (coming down of the Quran) and was used to stage the Quran reading competitions. The mosque's most recognizable feature, the main dome, is covered in pure gold. The mosque stands 52 m (171 ft) high. The main minaret is its tallest feature. In a unique way, it mixes Renaissance and Italian architectural styles. The minaret has an elevator to the top, where a visitor can enjoy a panoramic view of the city. The interior of the mosque is for prayer only, with features such as stained glass windows, arches, semi-domes and marble columns. Nearly all the material used for the building were imported from abroad: the marble from Italy, the granite from Shanghai, the crystal chandeliers from England, and the carpets from Saudi Arabia.
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villacostadeglidei · 4 months
Book Pet-friendly villa stay Amalfi Coast
Traveling with pets can often be challenging, especially when looking for luxurious accommodations that welcome your furry friends with open arms. For those seeking a perfect blend of opulence, comfort, and pet-friendly hospitality, look no further than Villa Costa Degli Dei. Perched on the enchanting cliffs of the Amalfi Coast in Positano, this villa offers an exceptional experience for both you and your pets.
Why Choose Villa Costa Degli Dei?
Pet-Friendly Luxury
Villa Costa Degli Dei stands out as a premier choice for travelers who want to bring their pets along for a luxurious escape. Many luxury villas often have strict no-pet policies, but this villa welcomes pets, ensuring that your furry companions can enjoy the vacation as much as you do.
The villa provides pet amenities such as comfortable pet beds, feeding bowls, and even special pet treats to make your pet’s stay as enjoyable as yours. The staff at the villa is trained to cater to the needs of pets, ensuring they are well taken care of.
Stunning Location
Situated on the breathtaking Amalfi Coast, Villa Costa Degli Dei offers stunning panoramic views of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the picturesque village of Positano. The villa’s strategic location provides easy access to beautiful coastal trails and beaches where you can take leisurely strolls with your pet.
Features and Amenities
Luxurious Accommodations
Villa Costa Degli Dei boasts spacious and elegantly designed rooms that blend traditional Mediterranean charm with modern comforts. The villa features six luxurious bedrooms, each with en-suite bathrooms, ensuring ample space and privacy for all guests, including your pets.
The interior decor is sophisticated yet welcoming, with high ceilings, marble floors, and tasteful furnishings. Expansive glass doors and windows flood the villa with natural light and provide uninterrupted views of the stunning coastline.
Outdoor Spaces
One of the highlights of Villa Costa Degli Dei is its extensive outdoor space. The villa features beautifully landscaped gardens and multiple terraces, offering plenty of space for your pets to roam and play. The main terrace, equipped with an infinity pool, provides a perfect spot to relax and enjoy the breathtaking views of the Amalfi Coast.
Gourmet Kitchen and Dining
The villa’s gourmet kitchen is equipped with top-of-the-line appliances, allowing you to prepare delicious meals using fresh local ingredients. For those who prefer not to cook, a private chef can be arranged to prepare exquisite meals tailored to your preferences. Enjoy alfresco dining on the terrace with your pets by your side, as you savor the flavors of Italy against the backdrop of a stunning sunset.
Activities and Excursions
Exploring Positano
Positano is a pet-friendly town with many cafes, shops, and attractions welcoming pets. Wander through the narrow streets, enjoy a coffee at a local café, or visit the charming Church of Santa Maria Assunta, all while having your pet accompany you.
Coastal Walks and Hikes
The Amalfi Coast is renowned for its scenic trails, many of which are pet-friendly. The Path of the Gods (Sentiero degli Dei) offers one of the most spectacular hiking experiences, with panoramic views at every turn. This trail is perfect for adventurous pets who enjoy the outdoors.
Beach Days
Several beaches along the Amalfi Coast are pet-friendly, allowing you and your pet to enjoy a day by the sea. Take a dip in the crystal-clear waters, play fetch on the sandy shores, or simply relax under the Mediterranean sun.
Personalized Services
At Villa Costa Degli Dei, personalized service is at the heart of the guest experience. The villa’s dedicated concierge team is available to assist with all aspects of your stay, from arranging pet-friendly activities and excursions to securing reservations at the best local restaurants. The staff’s attention to detail ensures that both you and your pet receive the highest level of care and hospitality.
Daily housekeeping services ensure that your living spaces are always pristine, while additional services such as pet-sitting and grooming can be arranged to provide extra convenience during your stay. Whether you need assistance planning a day trip or require special accommodations for your pet, the concierge team is always ready to help.
Villa Costa Degli Dei offers a unique and unforgettable vacation experience for pet owners seeking the ultimate in luxury and comfort on the Amalfi Coast. With its pet-friendly policies, stunning location, and exceptional amenities, this villa ensures that both you and your furry friends enjoy a truly memorable stay. Embrace the beauty of Positano and the Amalfi Coast with your beloved pets by your side, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. Book your stay at Villa Costa Degli Dei and discover the perfect blend of luxury, hospitality, and pet-friendly charm.
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Floating between heaven and earth. Video by @jeremyaustiin @jedeye_fpv Alpin Panorama Hotel Hubertus a luxury #hotel in Dolomites, #italy The Hubertus Pool designed by Bolzano & Berlin-based architecture studio noa* network of architecture @networkofarchitecture The Hotel Hubertus is located in Valdaora, at the foot of the famous ski and hiking area Kronplatz in the Puster Valley at an altitude of about 1350 m. The family establishment was generously enhanced and enlarged with 16 new suites, a new kitchen with restaurants and “Stuben”, an entrance area with lobby, reception and wine cellar and a fitness and a relaxation room with panoramic terraces. The new 25 m long pool, functioning as a connector between old and new, underlines the essence of this comprehensive renovation and renewal project. The highlight of the project is the new sky pool, floating like a natural rock over the new accommodation wing. Without any visible boarders, a width of 5 m, a length of 25 m and a depth of 1,30 m the over 17 m cantilevering pool can be seen as completely unique. The position of the pool, which floats 12 m above the ground, at its extreme edge, gives the swimmer the feeling of floating – weightlessly between heaven and earth. This impression is further reinforces by the glass front and a glazed window on the bottom of the pool. #awesome #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #picoftheday #amazingarchitecture #style #nofilter #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #architecturephotography #home #house ‎#amazing ‎#معماری (The Dolomites, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B86ta_JlJ_z/?igshid=gajekanqibf8
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taruntravell · 1 year
A Guide For Your Duomo Milan Cathedral 2023 Tour
Welcome to Milan, Italy, and the magnificent Duomo di Milano, also known as Milan Cathedral. This iconic masterpiece of Gothic architecture is one of the most famous landmarks in Milan and a must-visit for any traveler. Here's a guide to help you make the most of your 2023 tour of the Duomo.
1. History and Background:
The Milan Cathedral, dedicated to St. Mary of the Nativity (Santa Maria Nascente), took nearly six centuries to complete.
Construction began in 1386 and officially ended in 1965.
It's the largest cathedral in Italy and the third-largest in the world.
2. Location:
The Duomo is located at Piazza del Duomo, 20122 Milan, Italy.
It's easily accessible by public transport, including the Milan Metro (Line 1 and Line 3).
3. Tickets and Timings:
Purchase your tickets online in advance to skip long lines, especially during peak tourist seasons.
Opening hours may vary, but it's generally open from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
4. Dress Code:
Ensure you're dressed modestly when visiting the cathedral. Cover your shoulders and knees, and avoid wearing sleeveless tops or shorts.
5. Cathedral Exterior:
Take some time to admire the intricate façade adorned with thousands of statues, spires, and decorations.
Don't forget to look up and appreciate the stunning rooftop.
6. Roof Terraces:
Purchase a separate ticket to access the cathedral's rooftop terraces, which offer panoramic views of Milan.
You can reach the terraces by elevator or climb the 250 steps for a more immersive experience.
7. Interior Highlights:
Step inside to explore the vast interior with its impressive nave and numerous side chapels.
Don't miss the stunning stained glass windows, including the rose window in the apse.
8. Crypt of St. Charles:
Visit the crypt beneath the altar, which houses the relics of St. Charles Borromeo.
9. Duomo Museum (Museo del Duomo):
Located nearby, this museum showcases the cathedral's history, art, and architecture.
It's a great place to learn more about the Duomo's construction and restoration.
10. Nearby Attractions:
Explore the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a luxurious shopping arcade adjacent to the cathedral.
Visit the historic Teatro alla Scala, Milan's renowned opera house, just a short walk away.
11. Photography:
Photography is allowed inside the Duomo but be respectful of the worshippers and the sacredness of the place.
12. Guided Tours:
Consider joining a guided tour to gain deeper insights into the history and art of the Duomo.
13. Religious Services:
The Duomo is an active place of worship, so be mindful of ongoing religious services.
14. Souvenirs:
There are many shops around the cathedral where you can purchase souvenirs and gifts.
15. Dining Options:
There are plenty of cafes and restaurants in the vicinity where you can enjoy Italian cuisine.
16. Safety Tips:
Watch out for pickpockets, especially in crowded areas.
Follow any safety guidelines provided by the cathedral staff.
Make the most of your visit to the Duomo di Milano by taking your time to appreciate its beauty, history, and cultural significance. It's not only a remarkable architectural wonder but also a symbol of Milan's rich heritage. Enjoy your tour!
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europetours · 4 years
4 Places that are a ‘must visit’ in Italy
With many beautiful cities, ancient history, breathtaking scenery, some of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean and, of course, delicious food, without a doubt Italy is one of the most favourite destinations in Europe for Australian travellers. It also helps that holiday packages to Italy are very affordable for budget conscious travellers, as well travellers looking luxurious Italian experiences.
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To help you plan your next dream holiday to Italy, here are 4 of our favourite places that are must-see while you’re there.
1. Rome ‘the eternal city’
Rome is certainly the most popular city in Italy, serving as the main gateway for everyone who arrives into the country. However, it’s simply impossible not to fall in love with this city that is home to monuments such as, the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona, the Pantheon and the majestic Colosseum located at the far end of the Roman Forum and continues to remain Ancient Rome’s greatest architectural legacy. And not to be outdone, the Vatican City, the world's smallest sovereign state, located entirely within the city of Rome and showcases famous places such as the Sistine Chapel, Piazza San Pietro and Saint Peter's Basilica.
Besides visiting ancient icons, you’ll walk down vibrant streets where you’ll come across masterpieces by Michelangelo and Caravaggio, frescoes by Raphael and fountains designed by Bernini, and while in Rome make sure to live up the dolce vita lifestyle.
2. Florence ‘the birthplace of the Renaissance’
Like Rome, Florence is unmissable and is arguably the most beautiful city in Tuscany. Home to numerous Renaissance art and architecture, museums and palaces as well as, one of the most iconic sights in the world, the Duomo, a cathedral with a terracotta-tiled dome engineered by Brunelleschi and financed by the House of Medici, the famous family who put Florence on the map. Many famous artists such as Botticelli, Michelangelo and da Vinci were nurtured by Lorenzo de’Medici, making Florence a city full of masterpieces such as the statue of David sculpted by Michelangelo, Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise, and Boticelli’s Birth of Venus, as well as Donatello’s David, the Fountain of Neptune, and the Medici Chapels.
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In Florence visiting the spectacular Duomo is a must, as well as, The Uffizi Gallery, The Basilica of San Miniato al Monte (where you have a panoramic view of the city), Piazza della Signoria, and Cupola del Brunelleschi, and for a bit of shopping head over to Ponte Vecchio. With colourful built-in stores, arches, and windows, there is no bridge quite like Ponte Vecchio in the world.
3. Cinque Terre ‘the Italian Riviera coastline’
Cinque Terre is the name given to five centuries-old seaside fishing villages located along Italy’s famous coastline, bathed by the Mediterranean Sea. What makes this destination so special is its charm and simplicity, which combined with the paradisiacal landscape, creates one of the most incredible destinations in Italy and now a National Park and a UNESCO World Heritage listed site since 1997.
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Yes, Cinque Terre is as gorgeous as its picture perfect postcards and draws in a crazy 2.4 million visitors a year to walk, hike, bike or take the train through the pretty coastal villages, lush olive groves and cliff-side vineyards.
The Five villages of Cinque Terre run from north to south and are called Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore. Each one offers its own unique charm and atmosphere with pastel buildings and sweeping sea vistas. The closet airports are in Genoa and Pisa, just still within easy reach from Rome, Florence and Nice. Cinque Terre is a destination with timeless appeal and although it is possible to do it in ‘just a day’, you won’t do this destination any justice and you’ll miss out on a lot of amazing little hidden gems that you’ll discover as you explore what each village has to offer. So, take your time and make sure you ‘kick back’ at a little seaside table in Manarola with a glass of Sciacchetrà in hand.
4. Lake Como ‘famous for its silk production'
Pretty much everyone has heard of Lake Como, one of Italy’s most popular destinations. Located in the north of Italy, near Milan and the Swiss border, Lake Como is surrounded by stunning Alpine peaks, vineyards, olive trees, and a wooded environment with ancient paths that wind through attractive villages like Bellagio and Varenna. This natural paradise is known for its beauty and tranquillity, as well as its picturesque Victorian gardens, lakeshore restaurants and opulent villas and has been attracting visitors to its shores since before the time of the ancient Romans and the Middle Ages.
When in Lake Como, make sure you don’t miss a visit to Bellagio, the picturesque stone village situated where the lake becomes a “Y”. Stop in Piazza Cavour, Como’s main square and the city’s historic centre and offers uninterrupted views of Lake Como. Enjoy a tour of some of the lake’s historic mansions, including Villa del Balbianello and Villa Carlotta and take a glance at Como’s cathedral with its Gothic features and Romanesque, Renaissance, and Baroque elements, that took around 400 years to build.
Keep dreaming, we’re here when you’re ready to go
As a proudly Australian owned company for over 28 years, when you’re ready to explore Italy for the first time or the ‘hundredth’ time, Europe Holidays is here to help you plan your magical getaway.
We have a great range of tours and holiday packages to Italy, for you to explore and we will take care of everything for you, so all you need to do is get excited, travel and discover a destination that has been luring travellers for centuries.
Call Europe Holidays on 1800 242 373 or email [email protected].
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chrysaliseuro2019 · 5 years
A relaxed start to the the day in Vrsar. Breakfast laid on and it was a little different. Basically at the mostly open air restaurant which was adjacent to the rooms. We sat under a large tree called a Ladonja. Famed in these parts as a tree for the locals to sit under and chew the fat. Spot on. This was in a little area opposite the main part of the restaurant overlooking the town and out to sea. Quite a panoramic spot. So panoramic was it that they had set up a false window which you could stand in front of, as if the sea and town were the backdrop view you had from your room. We of course took a photo there but were more amused by the people who took a photo from the reverse way ie. looking into the “non room” from the sea.
Breakfast was a laid back affair sitting under the tree listening to the various foreign voices around us (mostly German) and made more laid back by the same waitress we had been chatting to the night before about the Fantasy duo. She was in fine droll form.
Post breakfast we had determined to visit Rovinj. It’s regarded as the star of the Istrian peninsula. Medieval town with all sorts of stone laneways and nooks and crannies which are very attractive. Topped by the church of St Euphemia, the largest baroque building in Istria, which we made our way up to. Luckily, though it overlooks the town, it’s not too high up as temperature in the 30s and humid and the shade ran out near the top.
Rovinj is a sizeable town, full of tourist shops of all categories, from tasteful to the usual fridge magnet pap. We had arrived around 12.30 and strolled around for perhaps a couple of hours with a view to staying the night. Interestingly, accommodation was not jumping out at us. Often, the various signs “zimmer, sobe, camere, apartments, rooms for rent” and of course plain old “hotel and B&B” are very prominent but not here.
We decided that though it had plenty of charms Rovinj was not for us. At least to stay the night in. From what we could see, accommodation was costly, scant or out of town. It also wasn’t quite pushing our buttons in terms of having to stay there. A little too busy, a little too commercial and of course not user friendly in terms of bed for the night. We continued on with Liz scanning possible next destinations. She came up with Fasana. Coastal town, didn’t know too much about it but it was worth a try. As we headed there we came across a delightful little beach at a place called Peroj. Around 5 kms shy of Fazana. We turned off the main road and drove along a wide stone road, adjacent to the beach and saw a few beach umbrellas and beds but not too busy. Liz went to the local beach bar and struck a deal on a couple of beds and umbrella (just beat the German couple to the last available beds) and so we spent the next 3 hours+ relaxing in this delightful location.
I was researching ferries from Split or Zadar to Ancona for the next leg of our trip and got very close to booking but it was a prolonged research process and around 6.45 we thought we had better find somewhere to stay this night as time was marching on. Liz had been looking at Fazan but hard to get anything in town as it was booked out or prohibitive. There were some possibilities at 1.2kms out of town or 2kms +. We went into town tried the tourist bureau where they simply recommended pricey hotels. Parked up and walked into the centre by the beach looking for accommodation signs. A few apartments but they were either booked or not responding to phone calls. The delightfully named Hotel Feral was unfortunately also full. We would have loved to stay there. A couple of ferals in the feral hotel. Tried a couple of flash hotels but one was full and the other too pricey.
Now getting towards 8.00 pm and nowhere to stay the night and fair to say we were getting a little toey. Probably more because we could see this funky town and could not find anywhere close. We knew we would find somewhere but ideally didn’t want to be too far from town.
Amusingly we found one B&B advertised close to town and headed there. Approaching it we started to feel a little disquieted. Scrubby old garden and gate with a bit of looped wire keeping it closed. As we stood at the gate contemplating whether to go in a man appeared out of the house. Let’s say he looked a bit like a good old boy from Deliverance the movie. Bare feet, trousers which had seen much better days (years) and possibly weren’t his. Also roaming around the yard (garden is too flattering - there was all sorts of bric a brac lying around) was a large dog I’m thinking Shetland pony size. He looked friendly enough but was of the guard dog variety (a shepherd) and the “beware of the dog sign” made us even more wary. As did his loud bark.
Anyway having come this far we called out to deliverance man, in our slowest and well enunciated English, something along the lines of “do you speak English - is this a B&B and do you have a room?” Already beginning to pray that the answer was no (to either of the last 2 questions). We could have garbled the effort as he didn’t speak English and so opened a door and called out to someone to come out from inside the house. They yelled back but did not appear so he showed us up to the room. The door being opened allowed a waft of cigarette smoke to waft out which again was unpleasant.
Meanwhile the hound of the Baskervilles took a liking to me. Liz was showing him all the affection but he was slobbering around against my leg trying to be my best mate including proudly fetching his semi crushed plastic bottle for me to see. We all four went to the room, Liz, me, Wilbur and Fido. We thought the dog was going to come into it for a mo to help us check it out but obviously he knew his place and sat by the door curiously watching on and waiting to continue his slobbering.
The room looked like it had last been occupied 10 years earlier. Possibly by the person who left our host’s trousers behind. Dark, dank, musty and very hot (the room though also probably applicable to the trousers). We couldn’t imagine spending 5 minutes in there let alone a night. Especially with the Clampetts and Rover for company. We mumbled that we would think about it and retreated as fast as we could. The old boy couldn’t have given a stuff (he was v friendly) but the dog watched us go a mite sadly I thought.
In the end we succumbed and booked a place 1.2 kms from town. Not too bad, we thought we could waltz in from there relatively easily, though we did have a bit of trouble locating it via Apple maps so another 20 mins down the drain. But eventually we rolled up. I had read an article about the locals being masters (and mistresses) at gilding the lily and making places seem much better than they truly are. Well we got dudded. 1.2 kms was to the signpost to the start of town. Let’s say it was about 4/5 kms out from the centre. Delightful landlady. Spoke German fluently but virtually no English (which forced me to try and recollect high school German from 50 years ago).
Room was fine but we realised that the walk into town was not on so pretty quickly changed and drove in. By now it was 9.00pm and they don’t eat as late in Croatia as they do in Greece. Town though was still rocking. It’s relatively small but obviously a favoured tourist destination as plenty of people (without being overwhelming) were doing their evening promenade or still having dinner by the waterfront.
We found a restaurant right on the front and had drinks followed by dinner. Grilled squid for me and mussels for Liz. Very good. Staff extremely helpful and friendly. Our seats were close to a little market area where the nearest stall was a guy blowing glass with plenty of onlookers. Great spot for people watching and we spent a very enjoyable couple of hours in perfect temperatures. Liz also managed to book a hotel for the next night right smack in town so we were set up for the next day. It was one of the pricey ones from night before but obviously they had a room free for one night so brought down the price on booking.com and we were in. Great. Went for a walk around town and then headed home.
It had been yet another different day. Laid back Vrsar to kick off, followed by picturesque though touristy Rovinj, a glorious laze for several hours on the beach, serious contemplation of the next move and the ferry. Followed by a couple of tense hours looking for a place to stay including the trouble finding the location of the B&B. Then a great dinner and relaxing remainder of the evening.
Next day we were able to check out of our B&B and the room was free at the hotel. Easy switch. They also provided free car parking at a car park which was about 150 metres away so easy bag transition and nice though snuggish room, though we didn’t care, being smack in town was the key.
We had one plan for the day. Head straight to the beach of yesterday at Peroj and grab one of those few beach umbrellas and beds. Liz was getting toey as to whether we would make it in time. The transfer to the hotel soaked up a little time and of course I needed to complete suitable ablutions prior to departure. The tension was rising in the car as we headed there and a lack of beach facilities for the day was going to cause repercussions. Relief. Only one umbrella was taken when we arrived so we had the pick of 5/6 others. We chose and immediately headed to the little beach bar for a toasted sandwich breakfast. Now around 11.00am.
The rest of the day was spent lazing, swimming, sleeping, blogging, reading followed by lazing, swimming, blogging, sleeping and reading. We were feeling very chilled.
Also took a decision to forget the ferry from Croatia to Italy. Neither of us are very keen on them. Our experience, at least of overnight ferries, in this part of the world has not been great. We were also happy to drive around. Cost might end up similar when comparing ferry costs including small cabin overnight to petrol, toll and accommodation cost for one night driving around top of Italy down.
We didn’t leave the beach till 6.30 and couldn’t believe where the time went. That evening we did pretty much the same as the night before. Went to the same restaurant given it was a great place to sit and watch the sunset and passing throng and had good food and uber friendly staff. Didn’t disappoint. Grilled squid for Liz , grilled sardines for me. Went to the No1 gelato shop in town post that and strolled around the little town again before heading the 50 metres home. Great day.
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