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theroastindia · 2 years ago
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howardhawkshollywoodannex · 4 years ago
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Martin Garralaga as Florencio is bed ridden with a virus in a scene from Four Faces West (1948).  Marty was born in Barcelona and had 266 acting credits, from 1930 in Spain, his first Hollywood film in 1935, to a 1971 tv episode.  His other notable credits include Anthony Adverse as an uncredited Arab, The Charge of the Light Brigade as an uncredited Panjari, Juarez, an uncredited bit in Another Thin Man, Casablanca as the head waiter at Rick’s, The Outlaw, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Going My Way (an uncredited bit), The Virginian (1946), The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (uncredited as a train conductor), Border Incident (uncredited), Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla, The Snows of Kilimanjaro (uncredited), Border River, two episodes of The Adventures of Superman, Lonely Are the Brave, Fun in Acapulco (uncredited with Elvis Presley), Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice, and episodes of Cheyenne, Have Gun Will Travel, Highway Patrol, Bat Masterson, Wagon Train, Dr Kildare, The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Rawhide, The Outer Limits, The Man From UNCLE, I Spy, The Flying Nun, and Gunsmoke.
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liliskm-blog · 5 years ago
Ne soyez pas trompés par moi.
Ne soyez pas trompés par l'air que j'ai
Parce que je porte un masque –
Un masque que j'ai peur d'enlever.
Faire semblant est un art qui est ma seconde nature
Mais ne vous y trompez pas.
Je vous donne l'impression que je suis en sécurité.
Que tout est ensoleillé et sans faux pli avec moi, à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur.
Que la confiance est mon nom et le calme est mon jeu.
Que l'eau dort et que je contrôle.
Et que je n'ai besoin de personne.
Mais ne me croyez pas ... s'il vous plaît.
Ma surface peut sembler lisse, mais ma surface est mon masque.
En dessous sourd le vrai moi dans la confusion – dans la crainte – seul – dans la souffrance.
Mais je le cache; je veux que personne ne le sache.
Je panique à l'idée de mes faiblesses, de mes craintes et de ma souffrance exposées.
C'est pourquoi je crée avec frénésie un masque pour me cacher derrière lui.
J'ai besoin d'aide qui est suivie de l'attention des gens qui se préoccupent assez pour m'aider.
C'est la seule chose qui puisse me libérer. De moi-même; des murs de ma propre prison que j'ai bâtie moi-même.
Des barrières que j'ai si péniblement érigées.
Mais je ne vous dis pas cela. Je n'ose pas. J'ai peur.
J'ai peur que vous pensiez que je n'en vaux pas la peine et que vous riiez. Et votre rire me blessera.
J'ai peur qu'au fond de moi je ne sois rien, que je ne sois rien de bon. Et que vous le verrez et que vous me rejetterez.
Aussi je joue mon jeu, mon jeu désespéré; avec un masque d'assurance à l'extérieur.
Et un enfant tremblant à l'intérieur.
Je déteste me cacher. Honnêtement.
Je déteste le jeu superficiel que je joue, le drôle de jeu.
J'aimerais vraiment être moi.
Mais vous devez m'aider.
Vous devez me tendre la main même si c'est la dernière chose dont je semble vouloir ou avoir besoin.
Il n'y a que vous qui pouvez essuyer de mes yeux le vide et la peine que j'essaie de ne pas ressentir.
Il n'y a que vous qui pouvez m'aider.
Chaque fois que vous êtes gentil, et doux et encourageant
Chaque fois que vous essayez de me comprendre parce que vous vous préoccupez réellement de moi, les ailes commencent à pousser dans mon cœur.
De toutes petites ailes, de très faibles ailes. Mais des ailes.
Avec votre sensibilité et votre sympathie, avec votre pouvoir de compréhension, vous pouvez m'insuffler la vie.
Je veux que vous sachiez cela.
Je veux que vous sachiez combien vous êtes important pour moi.
Vous seul pouvez casser le mur derrière lequel je tremble. Vous seul pouvez enlever mon masque.
Vous seul pouvez me libérer de mon sombre monde de panique et d'incertitude – de ma prison solitaire.
Aussi ne passez pas sans me voir. S'il vous plaît ne passez pas.
Ce ne sera pas facile pour vous.
Une longue conviction de manque de valeur et de colère construit des murs solides.
Plus vous vous approcherez de moi et plus je peux m'enfuir à l'aveuglette. C'est irrationnel.
Je combats cette chose même que je pleure d'avoir.
S'il vous plaît, essayer d'abattre ces murs avec des mains fermes mais avec des mains douces parce qu'un enfant est très sensible.
Qui suis-je, vous demanderez-vous. Je suis quelqu'un que vous connaissez bien.
Parce que je suis chaque homme que vous rencontrez. Et je suis chaque femme que vous rencontrez.
Un nouveau-né de sexe féminin, âgée d’à peine 25 jours est appelée Sminu, a été admise à l’orphelinat le 14 août 1991 pour soins, protection et réhabilitation.
Le bébé avait le teint marron avec des yeux et des cheveux noirs.
Physiquement, j’étais faible et anémique.
J’étais née à 10h30 le matin du 20 juillet 1991.
J’ai été prise en main, soignée, nourrie à l’orphelinat, ce qui a entraîné une nette amélioration de ma santé.
J’avais, à l’époque, quelques problèmes à la jambe droite qui paraissait un peu plus longue et donc j’avais une posture légèrement inclinée.
A 3 ans et demi, je pesais 12 kg pour 92 cms, mon périmètre crânien était de 48 cms.
La vue, la taille et l’audition étaient normales.
La vaccination BCG, Tripe Antigène et Poliomyélite a été terminée.
Cependant j’étais toujours anémique et avait du retard dans mon développement.
Ainsi mon développement physique était plutôt lent.
Tant que j’étais à l’orphelinat, j’étais protégée contre les maladies graves.
Alors que j’étais encore très jeune, je pouvais faire quelques mouvements limités.
Je m’amusais avec des jouets et répondais avec un sourire.
J’avais déjà consommé du jus de fruit, du lait puis plus tard, j’ai accepté toute sorte de nourriture. Je pouvais marcher sans aide et parlais couramment le Marathi.
J’étais allé à l’école Montessori (maternelle).
J’étais affectueuse dans mon attitude, envers mes amis et le personnel de l’institution.
Je suis née d’une mère sans enfant.
Elle appartenait à une famille pauvre et travaillait dans les champs de culture.
Ainsi elle rencontra son ami.
Ils avaient une relation illégale en vue d’un mariage et leurs familles étaient, toutes les deux, opposées au mariage inter-caste.
Cependant ils restèrent ensemble désespérément.
La mère devint enceinte et son ami la renia et la quitta.
Il ne revint pas.
Ma mère dut affronter la honte sociale juste après le début de la grossesse.
L’accouchement eu lieu.
Après l’accouchement, il y eu un problème pour maman puisqu’elle ne pouvait me garder avec elle  en raison de la honte sociale.
Elle n’avait aucun moyen pour m'élever  seule.
De plus, j'aurais été  un obstacle pour un mariage futur.
Elle aspirait à une vie respectable de femme mariée.
C’est dans ces conditions qu’elle vint à l’orphelinat et m'abandonna ainsi que les droits d’une mère naturelle.
Elle accepta également que l’orphelinat me donna  à des parents aimants peu importe l’endroit.
Au début, elle hésita à décliner sa véritable identité et son adresse pour des raisons sociales.
Elle avait 23 ans et habitait le village de Panjari près de Katol dans le district de Nagpur. Elle était illettrée et ne pouvait s’instruire à cause de sa pauvreté.
Elle parlait le Marathi. Elle était jeune, de couleur marron, taille moyenne et avait des traits délicats.
Physiquement elle paraissait épuisée et inquiète.
Personne n’est venu me voir depuis que j’ai été admise à l’orphelinat.
Je suis venue en France avec une infirmière française qui fait partie d’une association « les Enfants avant Tout » qui est fermée en Haute Loire, nous avons marché pendant quelques jours dans Bombay (Mumbai) pour remplir les démarches administratives et judiciaires.
J'étais une petite fille gaie, joyeuse, rieuse et curieuse.
Sans le savoir, à ce moment là, ma souffrance liée à l’adoption à commencé.
Ma mère biologique, qui a  me manque mais je n’ai pas le droit d’en parler, plusieurs fois chaque année, à Noël, le jour de l’an, le 12 septembre (jour de mon arrivée en France), le 17 novembre pour ma fête, le 20 juillet pour mon anniversaire.
Quelques années plus tard, cette souffrance sera plus forte avec une maladie héréditaire, orpheline, incurable et invalidante.
C’est ainsi que j’arrivai en France, au sein d’une famille déjà constituée de trois frères et de mes «nouveaux parents». 
Mon grand père maternel m’a élevé car ma mère était plus occupée par son boulot que par ses enfants et c’était lui qui était présent.
Mes grands parents paternels sont morts. Mon oncle et ma tante du côté paternel a adoptée deux enfants d'origine coréenne.
Ma mère est originaire de Craponne sur Arzon, ma grand-mère maternelle vit à Monistrol sur Loire ainsi que ma famille maternelle et mon oncle est originaire de Sardaigne.
J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir voyager en Australie, Autriche, Espagne, Italie, Norvège, Pays-Bas et Etats-Unis mais jamais en Inde.
A mon arrivée à Paris, je vis le visage de chaque membre de ma nouvelle famille.
J’étais inscrite à des cours de dentelle au fuseau comme je suis en Haute-Loire, ce qui me passionne aujourd’hui encore. Je rencontrai à l’école, en CP, une jeune roumaine, elle aussi adoptée avec son frère.
J’ai été scoute de France pendant 10 ans.
Cette expérience m’a aidé à être autonome et à vivre dans des situations d’inconforts.
Je m'y suis faite de nombreux amis.
A la mort de mon grand père, mes parents m’ont élevé comme un homme, j’ai eu les cheveux courts, m’habiller avec des jeans, je n’ai pas le droit de montrer mes émotions et doit être forte tout le temps et pour tout le monde.
Ce fut à partir de 12 ans, que je commençai à ressentir un manque au fond de moi.
Je n’arrêtai pas de poser des questions : 
«Pourquoi ne suis-je pas comme les autres?», «Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas chez moi?».
Durant cette année-là, l’orphelinat envoya un courrier à mes parents pour annoncer qu’il allait fermer après la mort de la directrice et selon la procédure, ils étaient tenus d’envoyer les documents en leur possession à chaque famille ayant adopté un enfant.
J’ai su que j'étais adoptée en même temps que l’adolescence.
Ce fut une période difficile et douloureuse.
J'ai passée de très bons moments avec ma cousine du même âge.
Nous regardions le feuilleton de « docteur Quinn, femme médecin » quand nous étions chez nos grands-parents.
Nous nous appelions régulièrement mais avec le temps nous nous sommes perdus de vue.
A 15 ans, je fis la rencontre de mon premier amour.
Il était doux, romantique et gentil.
Je subis une grande perte, en 2010, celle de mon grand-père maternelle avec qui les liens étaient forts. Il décéda d’un cancer dans sa maison à 75 ans. Ce soir du 29 mai 2010, j’étais d’anniversaire des 20 ans de ma meilleure amie.
Pépé avait des yeux bleus clairs, il écoutait la compagnie créole dans sa voiture quand nous allions faire les courses, il était un bon vivant et avait du caractère.
J’ai ressenti un mélange de joie pour mon amie et de peine pour mon grand-père.
Cet été là, nous décidions avec une amie de faire partie d’une association pour aider les personnes handicapées.
Nous partîmes à Millau, rejoindre un groupe de 50 personnes : 25 accompagnateurs et autant de vacanciers (personnes handicapées en vacances).
J’ai obtenu mon baccalauréat en 2012.
Ensuite j'ai commencé les leçons de conduite.
Durant l’été 2012, j’ai travaillé pendant trois semaines au Centre Hospitalier de ma ville au mois de juillet. Je reçu mon premier salaire en faisant du ménage.
En août, je partis trois semaines à Castres (Tarn) pour m’occuper de personnes handicapées psychiques avec huit autres accompagnateurs.
Après mon baccalauréat professionnel Accueil, je suis allée à Clermont-Ferrand pour faire une formation de secrétaire médicale.
Ma mère n'est pas une personne franche.
Personne ne m’a soutenu dans mes démarches d'insertion professionnelle.
Cela était nouveau pour moi car nous étions de tout âge.
J'ai été en stage  dans un EHPAD (Établissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes).
J'ai obtenu mon diplôme de secrétaire médicale et mon permis de conduire en 2014.
Mémé ne va pas bien, elle a 93 ans, Alzheimer et est sous oxygène. Nous sommes allés la voir à l’EHPAD.
Elle est morte en 2014 et je n'ai pas fait mon deuil.
J'ai vécu à Clermont Ferrand  pour mon diplôme de secrétaire médicale.
Je suis bénévole à la Croix Rouge et à l’Unicef.
J’ai demandé à Pole emploi de faire un stage pour découvrir le métier d'aide-soignante.
J'ai effectué ce stage aide-soignant dans un Ehpad à Massiac.
Je rêve tant d’avoir un emploi pour pouvoir me financer mon voyage en Inde.
J’ai intégré la prépa concours sanitaires et sociaux en 2015.
J'ai passé les oraux d'entrées en formation d'aide-soignante en 2015.
Ensuite j’ai trouvé un service civique avec des personnes en situation de handicap dans l’allier.
Le 13 août 2015, j'ai eu un accident de voiture et j'ai passé une nuit en observation au centre hospitalier de Thiers alors que je cherchais un emploi de secrétaire médicale.
J’ai repris ma recherche d’emploi début septembre et récemment j’ai préparé 2 oraux aide-soignant en Auvergne et j’attends les résultats. Je passerai un 3eme oral aide-soignant début novembre.
J'étais à la Garantie Jeunes de la Mission Locale pendant l'année 2016, un dispositif dans lequel le sport m'a permis de prendre confiance en moi.
Mon amie d'enfance que j'ai connue au CP m'a abandonnée quand elle a retrouvé sa mère et ses deux sœurs en Roumanie, cela m’a fait souffrir même si je ne le montre pas et que je n'en parle pas.
Le 31 octobre 2015, j'ai fait la rencontre de Stéphane.
J'ai enfin la vie que je voulais et surtout mon indépendance.
J'ai été veilleur de nuit en séjour adapté en juillet dans un gîte.
Nous étions 6 filles. Le séjour s'est bien passé, bonne entente entre nous et avec les vacanciers.
L'année 2017, j'ai préparé mon entretien d'entrée en formation Deaes et j'ai été retenue donc depuis début septembre je suis en formation.
Nous sommes un groupe  solidaire les uns des autres.
Nous avons de bons formateurs et j'ai été contente de mes quatre semaines de stage en Ehpad.
Je vais commencer mon stage à domicile.
Nos principales missions sont l'aide dans la réalisation des gestes de la vie quotidienne, l’entretien du logement et l'accompagnement pour lutter contre l'isolement des personnes.
Durant les vacances de Noël, j'ai ressenti une douleur sous le bras droit.
J'en ai parlé à mon frère aîné et à ma belle-sœur qui m'ont conseillé d'aller aux urgences.
Ce que je fis, le 26 décembre 2017, un docteur m'a fait un curettage sans anesthésie avec une infirmière.
Environ 3 semaines plus tard, le 17 janvier 2018, je dus retourner à l'hôpital pour me faire opérer d'un kyste sous axillaire droit.
Ma meilleure amie est diplômée depuis décembre 2018 et travaille dans une société d’aide à domicile.
A cause de cette opération, mon diplôme est reporté.
J'ai été à Saint Étienne pour me faire réopérer un mois après la 1ère intervention.
Les infirmières à domicile sont venues pour mécher la plaie durant 2 mois.
Ensuite il a fallu brûler les bourgeons au nitrate d'argent et mettre des pansements tous les jours car la plaie n'était pas fermée.
Je me sens seule et vulnérable, avec ma douleur.
Cependant j'ai toujours mal et il y a une boursouflure sous le bras droit.
J'ai travaillé dans une maison de retraite en tant qu'agent polyvalent pendant trois semaines car mon état de santé ne me permettait pas la reprise du travail.
Ma mère veut contrôler ma vie, mais elle n'a jamais été présente dans les moments les plus difficiles de ma vie.
Je remercie mon chéri pour sa présence, son soutien et sa compréhension dans ces moments difficiles passés à mes côtés.
Mon kiné est un bon professionnel, il m'a dit que j'étais une battante car depuis 30 ans qu'il exerce son métier, il n'a jamais vu une personne si jeune se battre autant que moi.
Depuis septembre et après une période d’isolement social, je commence ma renaissance, tout d'abord, personnelle en m'affirmant davantage et avec mes amies.
Je m’habille avec des vêtements plus féminins, laisse pousser mes cheveux, me suis achetée une tenue indienne, porte mon piercing de nez qui a été fait à ma naissance et porte des chaussures de femme et plus des « baskets » sauf pour le sport.
J'ai eu 4 mois de « répit » sans douleur ni opération.
Au mois de décembre, j'ai appelé l'association par lequel j'ai été adoptée en France pour poser mes questions à la directrice et elle m'a remis mon dossier d'adoption.
Ma mère n’a jamais voulu me le remettre et c’est un sujet « tabou ».
Même si je connais mon "histoire" cela n'est pas suffisant pour moi et je dois aller en Inde pour mes 30 ans, ensuite je pense que ma vie sera différente.
J'ai rendez-vous chez un spécialiste à Lyon le 3 janvier 2019 pour trouver un traitement pour mon bras droit et voir si la lésion sous le bras gauche à évoluée.
Le chirurgien a décidé de m'opérer le 11 janvier 2019 et je suis restée 5 nuits à la clinique.
J'ai fait la connaissance d'une autre indienne qui avait un mari « blanc » ainsi qu'une femme qui s'occupait d'une association pour adopter les enfants en Inde et qui doit aller en Inde en mars 2019.
Elle m'a dit que si elle pouvait ; elle ira faire un tour à mon orphelinat et m'enverrai des photos.
Elle m'a laissée sa carte professionnelle pour que je puisse la contacter.
Ma famille (ma mère et mes frères) est absente alors que depuis deux ans, je suis malade et subie quatre opérations.
Je n’ai plus de vie de couple comme j’ai toujours des infirmières qui interviennent chez moi et ne peux pas partir même un week end avec mon fiancé.
Je suis perdue car depuis la maladie, j’ai pris de la distance avec ma famille, essayer de continuer mon projet professionnel, me suis fiancée et malgré tout, je ne suis sure de rien.
Cette vie reste difficile car je n'ai pas encore accepté les changements physiques suite aux deux opérations de mon bras droit et à celle de mon bras gauche mais je dois rester forte pour rencontrer ma belle inconnue et affronter ce que je découvrirais en Inde et savoir qui je suis.
J'ai repris ma formation et me suis intégrée dans ce groupe de 4 filles.
J'ai commencé mon stage d'aide à domicile dans une structure associative.
Les horaires de stage sont de plus de 35h la semaine et parfois nous commençons tôt.
Chaque jour, nous buvons un café avec ma tutrice et une aes pour faire un point sur les personnes dont nous nous occupons à domicile.
Je me suis occupée d'une dame Alzheimer avec qui j'ai fait une aide au repas, de deux ados autistes, d'une dame en fauteuil roulant et d'un homme en fauteuil roulant.
Aujourd’hui, 18 mars 2019, je viens de me faire opérer des dents de sagesse.
Le chirurgien n'a pas assez mis de produits anesthésiants et j'ai tout senti pendant 5 minutes, j'ai vraiment mal et avale mon sang.
Il a mis des fils résorbables.
Je ne peux plus manger normalement et suis fatiguée.
Nous sommes allés à Fontanges (Cantal), mon chéri et moi-même pour deux jours.
Nous avons visité le village, j'ai pleuré devant la photo de mes grands-parents au cimetière et réalisée que ma grand-mère est morte.
Nous sommes allés à Salers le samedi soir puis le dimanche matin nous sommes restés à la maison et sur le chemin du retour, nous avons été au château de Tournemire.
Entre la maladie et le deuil de ma grand-mère que je suis en train de faire, je n’arrive plus à communiquer.
Je travaille en remplacement dans la même société que ma meilleure amie en tant qu’aide à domicile et j’ai trouvé une école à distance pour maintenir mes acquis de formation.
J’ai envoyé mon dossier d’inscription par courrier et j’ai des missions de 2h de ménage / 3 semaines et 45 minutes chez un couple de personnes âgées pour une aide au coucher/3 week end. Nous sommes allés à St Clément, en Ardèche, avec mon conjoint. Je commence à regarder comment organiser mon voyage en Inde. Ma mère biologique me manque beaucoup et la souffrance de l’adoption revient. 
      Pour mes 30 ans, je ferai ce voyage avec mon chéri et une infirmière humanitaire qui a l'habitude d'aller là-bas et je lui ai demandé un mariage symbolique indien mais qui ne soit pas inscrit en Inde car je veux me marier en France.
Maman tu me manques, je t’aime, je ne sais pas si tu es morte ou vivante mais les questions me rongent.
Stéphane et moi nous allons nous fiancer en juillet 2019 pour mes 28 ans. 
J’ai prévenu ma famille et lui la sienne.
J’ai commencé à travailler mes cours avec  l’école à distance pour pouvoir passer mon Deaes.
Nous sommes fiancés, mes parents ont voulu faire un repas chez eux pour fêter ça.
Je suis heureuse que mon fiancé ait osé faire cette démarche.
Je vais travailler un peu dans l’entreprise d’aide à domicile et reprendre ma formation pour passer le Deaes (diplôme d’état d’accompagnant éducatif et social).
Côté santé, je dois passer une échographie pour savoir s’il faut rouvrir ou non sous mon bras gauche.
Je suis en arrêt maladie depuis quelques mois et quand même bien occupée. J’ai des séances de kiné et de sport, une fois par semaine ainsi que les cours et devoirs avec mon école à distance. J’ai le droit de préparer mon oral d’entrée en formation avec une prestation « valoriser son image professionnel » qui débute le 17 octobre 2019 à l’Aformac. J’aimerai passer le Deaes en 2020 mais je dois me faire opérer de nouveau à cause de la maladie.
Il faut aussi que mon amoureux et moi-même nous occupions de demander les documents avant de partir en Inde en septembre 2021. De même que le film « Lion », je retrouverai ma maman biologique vivante pour qu’elle voit comme sa fille « Sminu » est devenue une belle femme.
J’ai été opérée le 12 novembre 2019 et je commence mon Deaes le 25 novembre 2019.
Je dois trouver un stage pour dans 2 semaines en structure.
J’ai commencé mon Deaes à l’Infa lundi 25 novembre 2019.
Depuis jeudi de la semaine précédente j’étais en recherche de stage pour lundi 2 décembre 2019 et je n’ai eu qu’une réponse positive aujourd’hui en cantou.
Je commence mon stage lundi matin à 6h30 et suis de matin et soir cette semaine.
Les matins en stage il y a les transmissions, beaucoup d’aide dans la vie quotidienne (aide au lever, à la toilette, aide et préparation du petit déjeuner, accompagnement aux WC, aide lors du repas de midi) et transmissions.
Les soirs il y a les siestes  jusqu’à 15h30 puis préparation du goûter et distribution, une pause à 16h30 puis la prise du repas du soir, les aides au coucher, le ménage et les transmissions. Travailler en cantou est très difficile pour moi car c’est un lieu de vie fermé, triste, les personnes ont 90 ans et plus et vivent leurs derniers instants. J’essaye de les accompagner du mieux que je peux mais cet environnement m’angoisse et m’oppresse (j’ai un pouls à 120 en plus des douleurs de ma cicatrisation sous le bras gauche depuis mon opération du 12 novembre 2019 et 2 nuits à la clinique à Ecully).
Depuis le 20 décembre 2019, je suis en vacances pour deux semaines. J’ai passé mes vacances à travailler en plus des soins quotidiens à domicile avec les mèches et les pansements. Nous avons été au repas de « famille » de Noël le 29 décembre 2019. Ma belle sœur est enceinte de 6 mois maintenant, mon autre belle sœur a eu son deuxième garçon il y a deux mois. Marius et Malone  sont inséparables comme cousins. J’ai passé un bon moment avec mon frère aîné et ma belle sœur qui vivent à Paris. Depuis la reprise, le 6 janvier 2020, je suis en arrêt maladie pour deux semaines car ma plaie ne se ferme pas et j’ai expliqué la maladie à ma formation. Le 18 janvier 2020, nous avons dû aller à un enterrement avec mon fiancé d’une personne qui était à l’Itep de Pradelles. Je l’ai compris en voyant une voiture du foyer Saint Nicolas. 
Le lendemain nous sommes allés sur la tombe de pépé à Saint Pierre Duchamp.
Depuis quelques jours, j’ai des douleurs inflammatoires sous le bras droit où j’ai été opérée deux fois en plus des douleurs sous le bras gauche. J’ai envoyé un mail au chirurgien qui va surement vouloir me voir en consultation avant d’opérer. Mon corps me fait mal, je n’en peux plus car la douleur fatigue et le manque de sommeil m’épuise. C’est inhumain de souffrir autant, si jeune et active. Je suis à bout, je ne sais pas comment je vais faire en cours, je suis épuisée tout le temps. J’essaie d’accepter les cicatrices sur mon corps, le dégoût qu’elles m’inspirent quand je les vois, le fait de devoir mettre des vêtements larges la plupart du temps, que la maladie est orpheline, héréditaire, incurable et invalidante, que ma vie professionnelle va être un « fiasco » avec les risques d’opérations toutes les années de novembre à avril. Personne ne sait cette souffrance et que les douleurs physiques ravivent régulièrement. 
Je retourne à la clinique du 27 au 29 janvier 2020.
Bien que je sache comment se passe une opération, la veille, tout ira bien puis au moment de l’opération, une anesthésie générale, l’opération et ensuite la salle de réveil où j’aurai mal. Ce sera dur les temps de douche, pour s’habiller/se déshabiller, l’impossibilité de partir un week end en couple, les mèches et changement de pansement plus les douleurs de cicatrisation. J’aimerai pouvoir baisser les armes, me reposer, faire une trêve au lieu de devoir me battre constamment mais je n’en ai pas le droit.
L’opération du 28 janvier 2020 s’est très mal passée. Le brancardier m’a descendue au bloc opératoire et j’ai vu le chirurgien en même temps que l’anesthésie générale. Elle m’a ratée sur la main gauche, la première fois, j’ai un gros bleu qui est toujours douloureux. Elle a piquée en bas du pouce gauche mais je ne m’endormais pas, mon corps restait vigilant donc elle a utilisé le masque. Cinq minutes après l’opération, je me suis réveillée en salle de réveil avec de grosses douleurs. Mon pouls était à 110, la tension très basse et ils ont mis plusieurs produits dans la perfusion pour calmer la douleur. Même deux seringues de morphine ne l’ont pas calmée et je suis restée plus de 2 heures en salle de réveil. Quand je suis remontée en chambre, j’avais toujours mal et me sentais mourir. Le chirurgien est venu me voir et sans même me parler, il a dit au personnel soignant de me garder deux nuits de plus où durant ce temps, je voyais ma vie défiler et que la douleur allait me tuer. Je suis sortie le vendredi matin de la clinique et l’après midi, j’ai porté mon arrêt à ma formation. Le lundi suivant j’ai dû démissionner de la formation initiale pour mon diplôme d’état et rempli un livret de recevabilité pour ma demande de VAE. Trois semaines après, je n’ai pas pu dormir ni me reposer à cause des douleurs, c’est très difficile et à part mon conjoint et mes amies, je suis seule dans la douleur, la souffrance, la convalescence, la dépendance et la perte de confiance en moi et en mon corps abîmé. Je dois faire sectionner le nerf irrité comme me le conseille le chirurgien mais j’ai peur que l’anesthésie se passe mal de nouveau, si je perds la mobilité du bras et comment saurai je si tout va bien à cet endroit ? Je suis à la croisée des chemins, celui en France avec la maladie et la difficulté d’insertion sociale au niveau professionnel et celui de l’Inde avec l’hérédité liée à la maladie et les questions, l’orphelinat et mon souhait de faire un mariage symbolique indien. Je n’ai même pas de certitude de revenir en France après ce voyage.
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foodliners · 4 years ago
नन्द घेर आनंद भयो, जय कन्हिया लाल की॥ In Frame: DHANIYA PANJIRI Dhaniya Panjiri is one of the favorite dishes of Lord Krishna that is prepared on the day of Janmashtami and offered to Kanhaji as Bhog (offering). Panjiri is typically prepared with wheat flour and other ingredients like nuts, lotus seeds and edible gum and is prepared as a Prasad on Satya Narayan Pooja. Wheat flour cannot be consumed during fasting and hence it gets replaced with grounded Coriander seeds powder. Want to see more? Follow us now 👇 @foodliners Use our hashtag #foodliners to get featured. #panjari #prasad #janmashtami #shreekrishna #prasadam #jorrfood #amdavadism (at Ahmedabad, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1brurlXp-/?igshid=ond5m80nevsl
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im-fairly-local · 6 years ago
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
The episode begins to scream the registrar and call everyone. He tells Kunti and others that Nagin was on Kanhaiya ji .. Pratap plays flute. Snakes crawl. Kunti says that my son is watching white things in his ears. Pratibha says that it is cotton. They wake Kannaiya Punjiri says that Ichchhariya Nagin was on our body. Kanhaiya says that it is raining because the snake should have come out. Pratibha says that this is correct. Ichchadhari naagin appear in human form. Kunti told Kanhaiya that the nagin would not go out until he was caught. Kanhaiya says that they have to go. Kunti refused to know him. Kunti told mother about Namaine. Mother said that she should eat first. Kanhaiya thinks that this is at 10 o’clock and thinks he has to go. Panjiri says you will not make a purchase. Kanhaiya says that I am going to take a shower. Pratibha says that they got protection
Locked for him and asks him to wear. Kanhaiya says that before wearing a mother I will wear and think about thinking. He thinks to go from the window. The snake crawls and sits near the coconut. If he has the eyes of the nineteen, then the mother asks the Kunti. Kunti says that there are three eyes in it. Mom asks if she went away from the window. Kanhaiya called Khattar and asked him to buy sweets. She thinks that she has to wear a tie. Mother tells about the strange plan. Prema says that Nagin is in Meerut. Panjiri says that now his security locks will protect them. Mother says that if she flies on it. Panjiri tells the story and says that Nagin has made a human in the form of coconut, Kanhaiya wears the snake as her tie and thinks that there is no Ishqbari serpent. Nagin sees Shiva’s locket Mother Ji asks Kunti to keep a watch from the Kanthi and says that Nagin can make her coconut. Kanhaiya is riding on his bike and stops. When two men see snakes around their neck, they are scared and run. Kanhaiya thinks I am not good, people are afraid of the road. Pratibha, Panjari and Prema Kanhaiya are called. Pratibha says that I will try. Kanhaiya’s scooter does not start. He thinks what happened to everyone. Panjari goes to his room and calls him. She ties on the bed and sees the coconut, screams. She tells them that Nagin made her coconut. Talent does not believe her. Prema and Panaji cry.
Panjjiri weeps and tells other wives that Nagin made them coconut. Pratibha says if anyone knows that they will laugh at you. Panjiri says that she is also your husband and asks him to worry. Kanhaiya asks a man to move the cycle. The man sees the snake and walks. Prema says how I will sew buttons. Prayer asked him to tell Kunti because he can not bear. Panjiri says that Maya’s lal has become coconut. Genius scolds them for foolishness. He raises the coconut and plays with it. Panjiri says that his waist will hurt. Talent throws coconut in the air. Everyone was shocked
The post Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update appeared first on Latest Indian TV Serials Written Episode Updates.
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newsmatters · 4 years ago
A Guilt-free, Healthy Indulgence For All Sweet Lovers: Pinni
A Guilt-free, Healthy Indulgence For All Sweet Lovers: Pinni
ÀIndian cuisine is known for its eclectic dishes. It is famous for its main course meals as much as its variety of desserts. Speaking of delicious desserts, Pinni is one such popular sweet dish which is highly appreciated in winter, not only for its yummy taste but also for its many nutritional values. Originating from the Punjabi household, pinni or panjari is loaded with nutrients. So, you can…
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discovercreate · 7 years ago
Grain Free Almond Flour Granola
Panjari is Indian Granola, a delicious mix of nuts, raisins, fruits and seeds that can make a filling snack when you need energy! from foodgawker http://ift.tt/2vYHgZD
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duendewf-blog · 5 years ago
Hurry up!!! Make your events,meetings,conferences,seminar,expo,exhibition,party & wedding more memorable,amazing and creative with "Duende Inflatable Structure" "Duende Inflatable Temporary Structure" is a future of event structure is very convenient and flexible which is widely used as inflatable air conditioned outdoor arena for exhibition,expo,destination wedding,wedding, party and corporate events. Structures are suitable for:- - Conferences Spaces - Break Out Rooms - Seminar Theatres - Outdoor Use - Wind rated to 55MPH/UV protected to withstand up to 120 degrees in temperature - Sealed Air beam technology -Seating capacity of 1000 to 1200 people -Anywhere setup and easy installed -Safety and secure (CCTV,Fire Extinguisher,Security Guards) -Water Resistant -Flame Retardant -Less time consuming with minimum labour requirement For Structure Availability talk to us on below number:- Amey Bhelekar:- +91 80806 93603 Prashant Panjari-+91 98703 71179 Mangesh Bhuwad:- +91 99201 78160 Email Id:- [email protected] (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4r9pY8lrSm/?igshid=dv60amvor7vb
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bestbdjobs-blog · 6 years ago
Panjari publication will give employment opportunity
Panjari publication will give employment opportunity
Punjari Publications Limited has published the recruitment notice. 'Regional Sales Manager' will be appointed in the post. Interested candidates can apply online through online.
Job Title
Regional Sales Manager.
Postgraduate or MBA pass candidates from any recognized university can apply. However, the candidates of the trade department will get priority. Must have 10 years of…
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Indian restaurant in singapore
Tumblr media
 Kali Mirchi Kebab
Chicken cubes with black pepper and added with tandoor masalas
 Pudhina Chicken Tikka
Chicken cubes marinated mint paste, green chili and spices
 Prawn Tikka
Jumbo prawns marinated with yogurt and cooked with herbs and spices
 Garlic Prawn Tikka
Prawns marinated with garlic paste and spices, cooked in claypot
 Fish Tikka
Fish marinated in yoghurt, aromatic herbs and spices, skewed in claypot
 Fish Panjari Kebab
Cubes of fish marinated in milk, egg, cashew paste and herbs, cooked in claypot
 Vegetable Sheek Kebab
Address Anjappar restaurant, 76,race course road, singapore-218575 +6562965545 http://www.anjappar.com.sg/ https://www.facebook.com/Anjappar-Singapore-887807504640405/ https://twitter.com/anjapparsg https://www.instagram.com/anjapparchettinaad/
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tsunamipatel · 6 years ago
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
The episode begins to scream the registrar and call everyone. He tells Kunti and others that Nagin was on Kanhaiya ji .. Pratap plays flute. Snakes crawl. Kunti says that my son is watching white things in his ears. Pratibha says that it is cotton. They wake Kannaiya Punjiri says that Ichchhariya Nagin was on our body. Kanhaiya says that it is raining because the snake should have come out. Pratibha says that this is correct. Ichchadhari naagin appear in human form. Kunti told Kanhaiya that the nagin would not go out until he was caught. Kanhaiya says that they have to go. Kunti refused to know him. Kunti told mother about Namaine. Mother said that she should eat first. Kanhaiya thinks that this is at 10 o’clock and thinks he has to go. Panjiri says you will not make a purchase. Kanhaiya says that I am going to take a shower. Pratibha says that they got protection
Locked for him and asks him to wear. Kanhaiya says that before wearing a mother I will wear and think about thinking. He thinks to go from the window. The snake crawls and sits near the coconut. If he has the eyes of the nineteen, then the mother asks the Kunti. Kunti says that there are three eyes in it. Mom asks if she went away from the window. Kanhaiya called Khattar and asked him to buy sweets. She thinks that she has to wear a tie. Mother tells about the strange plan. Prema says that Nagin is in Meerut. Panjiri says that now his security locks will protect them. Mother says that if she flies on it. Panjiri tells the story and says that Nagin has made a human in the form of coconut, Kanhaiya wears the snake as her tie and thinks that there is no Ishqbari serpent. Nagin sees Shiva’s locket Mother Ji asks Kunti to keep a watch from the Kanthi and says that Nagin can make her coconut. Kanhaiya is riding on his bike and stops. When two men see snakes around their neck, they are scared and run. Kanhaiya thinks I am not good, people are afraid of the road. Pratibha, Panjari and Prema Kanhaiya are called. Pratibha says that I will try. Kanhaiya’s scooter does not start. He thinks what happened to everyone. Panjari goes to his room and calls him. She ties on the bed and sees the coconut, screams. She tells them that Nagin made her coconut. Talent does not believe her. Prema and Panaji cry.
Panjjiri weeps and tells other wives that Nagin made them coconut. Pratibha says if anyone knows that they will laugh at you. Panjiri says that she is also your husband and asks him to worry. Kanhaiya asks a man to move the cycle. The man sees the snake and walks. Prema says how I will sew buttons. Prayer asked him to tell Kunti because he can not bear. Panjiri says that Maya’s lal has become coconut. Genius scolds them for foolishness. He raises the coconut and plays with it. Panjiri says that his waist will hurt. Talent throws coconut in the air. Everyone was shocked
The post Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update appeared first on Latest Indian TV Serials Written Episode Updates.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2uVePtQ via IFTTT
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r-nico · 6 years ago
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
The episode begins to scream the registrar and call everyone. He tells Kunti and others that Nagin was on Kanhaiya ji .. Pratap plays flute. Snakes crawl. Kunti says that my son is watching white things in his ears. Pratibha says that it is cotton. They wake Kannaiya Punjiri says that Ichchhariya Nagin was on our body. Kanhaiya says that it is raining because the snake should have come out. Pratibha says that this is correct. Ichchadhari naagin appear in human form. Kunti told Kanhaiya that the nagin would not go out until he was caught. Kanhaiya says that they have to go. Kunti refused to know him. Kunti told mother about Namaine. Mother said that she should eat first. Kanhaiya thinks that this is at 10 o’clock and thinks he has to go. Panjiri says you will not make a purchase. Kanhaiya says that I am going to take a shower. Pratibha says that they got protection
Locked for him and asks him to wear. Kanhaiya says that before wearing a mother I will wear and think about thinking. He thinks to go from the window. The snake crawls and sits near the coconut. If he has the eyes of the nineteen, then the mother asks the Kunti. Kunti says that there are three eyes in it. Mom asks if she went away from the window. Kanhaiya called Khattar and asked him to buy sweets. She thinks that she has to wear a tie. Mother tells about the strange plan. Prema says that Nagin is in Meerut. Panjiri says that now his security locks will protect them. Mother says that if she flies on it. Panjiri tells the story and says that Nagin has made a human in the form of coconut, Kanhaiya wears the snake as her tie and thinks that there is no Ishqbari serpent. Nagin sees Shiva’s locket Mother Ji asks Kunti to keep a watch from the Kanthi and says that Nagin can make her coconut. Kanhaiya is riding on his bike and stops. When two men see snakes around their neck, they are scared and run. Kanhaiya thinks I am not good, people are afraid of the road. Pratibha, Panjari and Prema Kanhaiya are called. Pratibha says that I will try. Kanhaiya’s scooter does not start. He thinks what happened to everyone. Panjari goes to his room and calls him. She ties on the bed and sees the coconut, screams. She tells them that Nagin made her coconut. Talent does not believe her. Prema and Panaji cry.
Panjjiri weeps and tells other wives that Nagin made them coconut. Pratibha says if anyone knows that they will laugh at you. Panjiri says that she is also your husband and asks him to worry. Kanhaiya asks a man to move the cycle. The man sees the snake and walks. Prema says how I will sew buttons. Prayer asked him to tell Kunti because he can not bear. Panjiri says that Maya’s lal has become coconut. Genius scolds them for foolishness. He raises the coconut and plays with it. Panjiri says that his waist will hurt. Talent throws coconut in the air. Everyone was shocked
The post Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update appeared first on Latest Indian TV Serials Written Episode Updates.
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kittyterrific · 6 years ago
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
The episode begins to scream the registrar and call everyone. He tells Kunti and others that Nagin was on Kanhaiya ji .. Pratap plays flute. Snakes crawl. Kunti says that my son is watching white things in his ears. Pratibha says that it is cotton. They wake Kannaiya Punjiri says that Ichchhariya Nagin was on our body. Kanhaiya says that it is raining because the snake should have come out. Pratibha says that this is correct. Ichchadhari naagin appear in human form. Kunti told Kanhaiya that the nagin would not go out until he was caught. Kanhaiya says that they have to go. Kunti refused to know him. Kunti told mother about Namaine. Mother said that she should eat first. Kanhaiya thinks that this is at 10 o’clock and thinks he has to go. Panjiri says you will not make a purchase. Kanhaiya says that I am going to take a shower. Pratibha says that they got protection
Locked for him and asks him to wear. Kanhaiya says that before wearing a mother I will wear and think about thinking. He thinks to go from the window. The snake crawls and sits near the coconut. If he has the eyes of the nineteen, then the mother asks the Kunti. Kunti says that there are three eyes in it. Mom asks if she went away from the window. Kanhaiya called Khattar and asked him to buy sweets. She thinks that she has to wear a tie. Mother tells about the strange plan. Prema says that Nagin is in Meerut. Panjiri says that now his security locks will protect them. Mother says that if she flies on it. Panjiri tells the story and says that Nagin has made a human in the form of coconut, Kanhaiya wears the snake as her tie and thinks that there is no Ishqbari serpent. Nagin sees Shiva’s locket Mother Ji asks Kunti to keep a watch from the Kanthi and says that Nagin can make her coconut. Kanhaiya is riding on his bike and stops. When two men see snakes around their neck, they are scared and run. Kanhaiya thinks I am not good, people are afraid of the road. Pratibha, Panjari and Prema Kanhaiya are called. Pratibha says that I will try. Kanhaiya’s scooter does not start. He thinks what happened to everyone. Panjari goes to his room and calls him. She ties on the bed and sees the coconut, screams. She tells them that Nagin made her coconut. Talent does not believe her. Prema and Panaji cry.
Panjjiri weeps and tells other wives that Nagin made them coconut. Pratibha says if anyone knows that they will laugh at you. Panjiri says that she is also your husband and asks him to worry. Kanhaiya asks a man to move the cycle. The man sees the snake and walks. Prema says how I will sew buttons. Prayer asked him to tell Kunti because he can not bear. Panjiri says that Maya’s lal has become coconut. Genius scolds them for foolishness. He raises the coconut and plays with it. Panjiri says that his waist will hurt. Talent throws coconut in the air. Everyone was shocked
The post Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update appeared first on Latest Indian TV Serials Written Episode Updates.
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aichls · 4 years ago
आखिर कियो पोलिटिकल पार्टी नीट एंड जी की परीक्षा को रद्द करवाना चाहती है
 9873005424 , 9873087903
 ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERTIES & SOCIAL JUSTICE (AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate , Supreme Court of India and a dynamic, dedicated , Internationally known Human Rights Defenders , Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of India's foremost voices of Human Rights. All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT . The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighboring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large. It has several branches in India and abroad, having Thousands of dedicated volunteers. AICHLS is a social organization for the ignored, disregarded, over-looked, victimized, oppressed, depressed, tortured people of the society and it cultivates awareness in them with regard to their rights. AICHLS is a highly informative secured Human Rights Agency in the service of the humanity with full Legal status. We have a lofty vision of networking with the nations in the world who solemnly agree with us to promote human values in the globe. We are contemplating to create an innovative and integrated learning network, campus learning and community management network. Our focus is to empower the campus and help reach out to the world to consolidate and deliver knowledge with respect to human rights issues that haunt the world today and to bring about peace, harmony and amity amongst us. All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice a leading social organization, working for the protection of Human rights, liberties and social justice for all people at National & International Level., is pleased to extend an invitation to Every Individual to become a member of our organization. Every Individual outstanding leadership skills and position in the professional community would be an asset to both our society and the country. We are strongly connected nationally and internationally with a membership of people all around the India and Abroad including High profile lawyers ( Supreme Court , High Court , Lower Court , Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Professionals, Journalists, RWA, bureaucrats , Retired from various Govt offices. Etc We firmly believe that ‘INCHES MAKE CHAMPIONS’ and with this belief, we humbly invite Every Individual to join hands with us to become pioneers of change. However little your contribution will help us go a long way in raising issues and bringing justice to our countrymen. There cannot be a more satisfactory feeling than the one you get by doing philanthropic work. However meager your contribution could be towards enriching someone’s life, the satisfaction, emotional or social one derives out of these acts of generosity, is simply unexplainable. Be A PIONEER LEAD THE CHANGE The Journey Never Ends….. Future Plan Aichls Plans For A Massive National & International Campus In India Which Will House A Number Of Independent Wings Working Under The Banner Of Aichls, Relatively In All Fields, Viz., Anti Corruption , Consumer Protection , Police Reforms, Judiciary Reforms, Legal, Environment, Media, Youth, Women, Spiritual, Political, Publication, Health, Film, Trade, Education, Project, Technology, Labour & Culture and many more... Dr. Anthony Raju
Advocate , Supreme Court of India.
Global Chairman , All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice.
Chairman - National Legal Council
International Convener, Universal mission for Peace and Human Rights.
Chairman, National Council of News and Broadcasting.
Secretary General : Asian Human Rights Council
International Peace keeper
www.humanrightscouncil.in ,www.asianhumanrightscouncil.org , www.internationalhumanrightscouncil.org ,www.ncnb.in , www.newsindiatoday.tv
In Public Interest , More Links Of Human Rights Org. In India
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22/12/2017. List of the interns who are the students of different institutions,participated in the Internship programme of West Bengal Human Rights Commission from 04.12.2017 to 22.12.2017 and got certificate after successful completion of their internship ...
Human Rights Act - wbhrc
The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. No 10 of 1994. An Act to provide for the constitution of a National Human Rights Commission. State Human Rights Commission in States and Human Rights Courts for better protection of Human Rights and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Be it enacted by the ...
Procedural & Regulations of WBHRC
... Adhikar Chetana · Yearly list of day to day news Updation · Related Links. Programme Communication. Notice · Order · Contact us. Welcome to West Bengal Human Rights Commission. Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018 5:00:19 P.M.. Copyright (c) 2018 West Bengal Human Rights Commission,. Designed & Developed by WBHRC.
West Bengal Human Rights Commission - Wikipedia
The Government of West Bengal constituted this Commission vide Notification No. 42 HS/HRC Dt: 31-01-1995 to exercise the powers conferred upon and to perform the functions assigned to the State Human Rights Commission under Chapter V of the Protection of Human Rights Act. Section 21(2). The commissions ...
Formed‎: ‎31 January 1995 (Notification: No. 42 & ...
Preceding agency‎: ‎National Human Rights Co...
Agency executives‎: ‎: Justice Girish Chandra G...
Federal agency‎: ‎India
CONTACT - National Human Rights Community of India, West Bengal ...
National Human Rights Community of India, West Bengal, India. -: Central Office :- Andul Purbapara, Andul-Mouri, PS : Sankrail Howrah, Pin : 711 302, West Bengal, India. -: Administration Building :- "Janani", Bidhan Pally, Borobohera, PS : Uttarpara Hooghly, Pin : 712 246, West Bengal, India Contact No : (033) 2673-3336.
Kolkata human rights body seeks volunteers | Kolkata News - Times of ...
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com › ... › Kolkata human rights body seeks volunteers
Feb 23, 2017 - West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) will be appointing human rights volunteers (HRV) for efficient management of violation cases, said Justice.
Website of West Bengal Human Rights Commission | National Portal ...
Jun 20, 2012 - The West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) is responsible for protection and promotion of human rights in the state. Information about the Human Rights Act, procedures and regulations etc is provided. Users can also file an online complaint regarding human right violation by a public servant.
Internship @ West Bengal Human Rights Commission WBHRC, Kolkata
https://www.lawctopus.com › Internship Experiences › Government
Aug 27, 2013 - Name of the organisation. City. West Bengal Human Rights Commission, Kolkata. How big was the office? Team strength? Size of office. The size of the office was not too big not too small; there were elevators but only to used by the officers. The employees were co-operative and helpful, especially the ...
West Bengal Human Rights Commission - Home | Facebook
Candidates who are interested in joining the programme should report with all relevant documents (as stated in our earlier notice on the website) to Sri Nirmal Sarkar, Assistant Secretary, West Bengal Human Rights Commission, Purta Bhavan (2nd Floor), Block – DF, Sector – I, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091 on 1st Decemb.
Application - nhrc of india
REGD- ALL INDIA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE. HEAD OFF-10/1, PANJARI PARA LANE, SALKIA, HOWRAH-711106. KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL INDIA. OPP-NAYAMANDIR. E-mail:[email protected] Mob-09007871619. Rules and Regulations of NHRC OF INDIA. The Members and Officers of NHRC are working on ...
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Online Membership Registration Form. - Human Rights Commission
Online Membership Registration Form. terms and conditions. All payments should be made by D.D/ Cash/ Neft transfer may deposit in our below account (and attach counter slip in Payment Proof) in favor of INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION or 'IHRC' payable at Noida. Membership Fees Rs.1100/- ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 5/5/17
Membership Form - All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties ...
All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice.
You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 9/4/18
Top 100 Human Rights Commission in Kolkata - Justdial
https://www.justdial.com › Kolkata › Human Rights Commission › 22+ Listings
Rating: 3.5 - ‎17 reviews
22 Human Rights Commission in Kolkata. Find ✓Charitable Organisations, ✓NGOS, ✓NGOS For Senior Citizen, ✓NGOS For Sports, ✓Government Organisations in Kolkata. Get Phone Numbers, Address, Reviews, Photos, Maps for top Human Rights Commission near me in Kolkata on Justdial.
West Bengal Human Rights Commission, Alipore - WBHRC - Human ...
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West Bengal Human Rights Commission in Alipore, Kolkata is a top company in the category Human Rights Commission, also known for Government Organisations and much more. Visit Justdial for Address, Contact Number, Reviews & Ratings, Photos, Maps of West Bengal Human Rights Commission, Alipore, Kolkata.
telephone numbers of human right commission - West Bengal Police
West Bengal Human Rights Commission Purta Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Block-DF, Sector - I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700091. Name, Rank, Telephone Nos. with STD Code. Sashi Kant Pujari, IPS, ADG & IGP, WBHRC, 033-2359-7687. Ujjwal Kumar Bhowmik, IPS, SP, WBHRC, 033-2337-1600.
International Human Rights Council Kharagpur membership - West ...
International Human Rights Council · Register IHRC Membership · Home · About us · About us · Our Bankers · Recognition · What We Do · India Tomorrow · Communications and Publications · Campaigns · Counseling · Education · Legal Aid and Public Interest Litigation · Union or ... Kharagpur membership – West Bengal ...
[PDF]Chapter IV West Bengal Human Rights Commission ... - Shodhganga
The Protection of the Human Rights Act was amended in 2006. According to the Human Rights Amendment Act, 2006-No. 43 of 2006, The State. Commission shall consist of three Members including Chairperson. 3. West Bengal was the first State in Indian federation to establish a. Human Rights Commission. The-then ...
West Bengal Human Rights Commission: Latest News, Photos, Videos ...
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Find West Bengal Human Rights Commission Latest News, Videos & Pictures on West Bengal Human Rights Commission and see latest updates, news, information from NDTV.COM. Explore more on West Bengal Human Rights Commission.
West Bengal - Human Rights Law Network
The unit is also working in close collaboration with the groups working on the implementation of the Right to Information Act in the state and is a member of the West Bengal Right to Information Manch. The unit is a part of Griha Adhikar Manch, a state network of CSOs and social activists working extensively for the rights of ...
Members - National Human Rights Council - Non Governmental ...
Official website for National Human Rights Council. NHRC can help the cause of human rights by monitoring the actions of governments and pressuring them to act according to human rights principles. ... Mr. Bidesh Biswas. Executive Member - All India ... Mr. Ujjwal Dey. Secretary, West Bengal ...
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Justice AK Ganguly resigns as chairman of West Bengal Human
https://www.indiatoday.in › India › East
Jan 6, 2014 - Facing mounting pressure, Justice A K Ganguly on Monday resigned as chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) following allegations of sexual harassment by a law intern, highly-placed sources said on Monday night.
SHRC, NHRC, India - National Human Rights Commission
Note: For further details kindly contact National Human Rights Commission, Manav Adhikar Bhawan Block-C, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi - 110023. For Complaints : Tel.No. 24651330, 24663333. Fax No. 24651332 E-Mail: cr[dot]nhrc[at]nic[dot]in नोट: अन्य जानकारी हेतु कृपया संपर्क करे राष्ट्रीय मानव ...
Ganguly's absence makes West Bengal Human Rights Commission ...
Jan 15, 2014 - The West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) is lying defunct since the resignation of its chairperson, retired Supreme Court judge Asok Kumar Ganguly, following allegations of sexual harassment. ... Naparajit Mukherjee, former WB director general of police, is the lone rights panel member now.
Rashtriya Manavadhikar | WEST BENGAL HUMAN RIGHTS ...
Aug 7, 2015 - WEST BENGAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION PURTA BHAVAN, (2ND FLOOR), BLOCK-DF, SECTOR-I, SALT LAKE, KOLKATA-700091. Ph.No. : 033-23597690. PBX : 033-23377707. FAX : 23379633. E-mail : wbhrc8[at]bsnl[dot]in hrcwb2013[at]gmail[dot]com. Website : www.wbhrc.nic.in. (Last updated ...
“Bengal Human Rights Commission silent on violations” - The Hindu
www.thehindu.com › News › Cities › Kolkata
Aug 28, 2014 - Victims of alleged human rights violations in the State including the likes of Jadavpur University professor Ambikesh Mahapatra, arrested for forwarding an ... He also said that SHRC, a three-member team is being run by two members and chaired by a retired IPS officer, against whom there are allegations.
Mr. Navneet Pandey - Bharat Gourav Awardee (UK) Founder ... - IAHR
Member Organization of the Council of Organizations, UNA-USA. Affiliated to ... Navneet Pandey - Either if many other social activities Mr. Navneet Pandey has done a lot in the field of Human Rights. Mr. Navneet Pandey has awaken the people of remote villages of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha, Bihar & Uttar Pradesh.
West Bengal Human Rights Commission: News, Photos, Latest News ...
Find West Bengal Human Rights Commission news headlines, comments, blog posts and opinion at The Indian Express. ... two-member probe team of West Bengal Human Rights Commission on Thursday reached Presidency University to probe the ransacking of the prestigious Baker laboratory allegedly by members of ...
West Bengal establishes human rights courts - News18
Sep 9, 2011 - The WB Law Minister said the district and sessions judge would hear the cases in the human rights courts.
Welcome to Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights
The Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights (CPDR) was set up in Mumbai in the aftermath of Emergency like most Civil Liberties and Democratic Rights organisations in India. It is thus one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the country and the oldest in the state of Maharashtra.
West Bengal Human Rights Commission - Latest News on West ...
West Bengal Human Rights Commission - Get latest news on West Bengal Human Rights Commission. Read Breaking News on West Bengal Human Rights Commission updated and published at Zee News.
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Mar 21, 2017 - FIRST MEMBERS MEET OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND CRIME CONTROL ORGANISATION AT KOLKATA. On 19th march 2017 Human Rights And Crime Control organisation (Regd.at New Delhi) West Bengal Unit organised their first members meet at their Corporate Office area at “WHITE HALL” situated on ...
[PDF]View - MHRD
Short title and commencement: (1) These rules may be called the "West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights Rules, 2012'. ... (2) No person shall be eligible and considered for appointment as the Chairperson or the Member of the ... b) has any past record of violation of human rights or child rights; c) has been ...
West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) - Legally India
Khaitan grows to 127 partners in corp, CM-heavy promo round: 8 new equity, 15 new AP • 4 from SLS; 3 from NUJS, GLC, NLU-J; 2 from HNLU, NLS · 1. All KCO decisions are claimed to be taken by the Exec Committee 2. All current EC members of KCO are ... Facts1 (Yesterday) ...
Human Rights Protection Association
HRPA Mission Sectors. Human Rights Protection Association Protest against Dadri Lynching Case ... Human Rights Protection Associ. ... HRPA NATIONAL COMMITTEE. There are many variations of passages available but majority suffered alteration. View More Members ...
Celebrating Human Rights Day, West Bengal way - Countercurrents
Re: Concern over arrest, torture and repression of political activists, common citizens and APDR activists and gross human rights violations in West Bengal. Sir,. With deep concern, we come here today, the World Human Rights Day and place this memorandum before you to draw the attention of the members of, the West ...
[PDF]government of india ministry of home affairs lok sabha ... - MHA
Dec 15, 2015 - (16)Meghalaya, (17)Odisha, (18)Punjab, (19)Rajasthan, (20)Sikkim, (21)Tamil. Nadu, (22)Telengana (23)Uttar Pradesh, (24)Uttarakhand and (25)West. Bengal. Constitution of State Human Rights Commission in Meghalaya has been notified but the appointment of Chairperson and Members has not been.
Committee Members | Human Rights Council of India (Protection of ...
Bihar State Committee President- Bansidhar Mishra Secretary- Dr.Rameshwer Mishra Working President- Anupam Priyadarshi. Jharkhand State Committee President- Santosh Kumar Srivastwa Secretary- Ramesh Sachdev. Telangana State Committee (Hyderabad) Secretary- Dominic Rodrigues. West Bengal State ...
Members - National Human Rights And Women Child Development ...
National Human Rights And Women Child Development Commission (Non Governmental Organization) main objectives are to establish the Justice in Society & Nation. We think that the Truth is ... Working President. member image ... District President North 24 Parganas ( West Bengal ) North Zone ( Women Cell ) ...
Members Directory - Organization for Human Rights and Social Welfare
www.humanrightsandsocialwelfare.org › Membership
62, Margoob Husain, Ahmedabad. 63, Mohd Rizwan, Sambhal (U.P.). 64, Rejuyan Ali Molla, Hooghly (West Bengal). 65, Anas Mohammadrehan, Sambhal (U.P.). 66, Dr.Fariyad Ali, Ghaziabad(UP). 67, Afzal Nabi Khan [Dist.President-Hapur] (Alpsankhyak), Hapur(UP). 68, Sajid Ali, Joya(UP). 69, Rafik Saiyad, Ahmedabad.
The Ganguly effect: Questions over West Bengal human rights panel ...
www.business-standard.com › News-IANS › Politics
Jan 12, 2014 - Read more about The Ganguly effect: Questions over West Bengal human rights panel on Business Standard. Even as the merits of ... Mishra contended that as per an earlier Supreme Court ruling, a police officer could not be made member of either the state or national human rights panel. With Mukherjee ...
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West Bengal – Antarrashtriya Manavadhikar Sangh
About Us. We are pleased to welcome you at International Human Rights Federation's website. Antarrashtriya Manavadhikar Sangh is an expression of national and international tradition of tolerance in all cultures that form the basics of peace and progress.
Human Rights In West Bengal: Politics of Violence and Domination ...
The history of development of human rights in West Bengal as manifested in its journey of democracy has taken many interesting twists and turns. The politics in West Bengal has always had an ideological orientation to it. The state has been described as a “fortress” of leftism by scholars. One important consequence of the ...
State Human Rights Commission
Jul 20, 2016 - UTTAR PRADESH External website that opens in a new window. WEST BENGAL External website that opens in a new window. JHARKHAND External website that opens in a new window. SIKKIM External website that opens in a new window. UTTARAKHAND External website that opens in a new window.
CHRI: Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
The High Court at Calcutta notified The Calcutta High Court (Right to Information) Rules 2006 which was published in the Kolkata gazette on 2 February 2007 and came in to effect from that day.The West Bengal Government has started implementing the RTI Act 2005. The Government has issued "West Bengal Right to ...
Human Rights Jobs in Burnpur West Bengal - Naukri.com
Apply to 3481 Human Rights Jobs in Burnpur West Bengal on Naukri.com, India's No.1 Job Portal. Explore Human Rights job openings in Burnpur West Bengal Now!
About Us - Human Rights Journalist Association
“Human Rights Journalist Assocation (Of India)” is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. Our supporters are outraged by human rights abuses but inspired by hope for a better world – so we work to improve human rights through campaigning and international ...
Human Rights Welfare Organization :: Online Registration!
Individual Membership Application The executive Committee,. Dear Sir: I wish to become Individul Annual / Life Member of the Human Rights Welfare Organization. I have gone through the rules and regulations of the Association and agree to abide by them.
West Bengal Human Rights Commission Stock Photos and Pictures ...
West Bengal Human Rights Commission Pictures and Images. FILTERS. ED. Ghausia Khan a bride trafficking survivor is a member of the district legal aid authority Mewat. ED. Ghausia Khan a bride trafficking survivor is a member of the district legal aid authority Mewat. ED. Ghausia Khan a bride trafficking survivor is a ...
Committee Strength – National Human Rights Convenor Of India
Committee Strength. COMMITTEE MEMBERS. National President – Mr. B.K. SINGH Gen.Secretary – Mr. ADITYA SINGH. Vice Presidents – Mr. ACCHAY RAJ and Ms. TANUSHREE ROY. STATE IN – CHARGE. Bihar Dr. Shailendra Kumar. West Bengal Mr. Santanu Chatterjee. Uttar Pradesh Er. Nalin Singh. Manipur Mr. L.
Gallery - Welcome to IOHRP
2014 Human Rights Day is Celebrated Every Year on 10th December West Bengal Burdwan. 2014 h, 2014 g, 2014 i. 2014 m ... 3, Kanniyakumari Committe members, 2009 12 10 c. 2009 12 10 b. 2014 ... 2016 World Human Rights Day awareness Rally ( Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Maharashtra. Kerala, Uttar ...
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THE AMAZING WORLD OF HUMAN RIGHTS C.P.D.R. INDIA. (CENTER FOR PROTECTION OF DEMOCRACY & RATIONALISM INDIA). The condition of West Bengal and the whole of India is detoriating day by day. People entrusted with the task of ruling the country are getting involved in various scams and are losing the ...
Institute of Human Rights Education
Jasodhara Bagchi , Former Chairperson West Bengal Commission for Women. West Bengal Commission for Women 10 Rainey Park Kolkata 700 019 ... Dr Kunal Dey, Member Juvenile Court. Directorate of Social Welfare Salt Lake Kolkata 700 0 91. Debayan-2 ... SCHOOLS INVOLVED IN HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION ...
Siliguri Subhaspally Welfare Organisation :: Important Links
The Supreme Court of India (www.supremecourtofindia.nic.in) · Central Bureau of Investigation, India ( www.cbi.gov.in) · Right to Information Act, Govt. of India ... Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India (www.dcmsme.gov.in); Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal (www.wbhealth.gov.in) ...
Ganguly quits Bengal human rights panel | Business Line
Jan 6, 2014 - Former Supreme Court judge, Justice (Retd) A.K. Ganguly has stepped down from his post as West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC), sources said. Ganguly reportedly tendered ... He quit the post after some members expressed their reservation over his continuation. [email protected].
IHRC Telangana State Chapter - International Human Rights ...
President- West Bengal Chapter. International Human Rights Commission-IHRC. Ward No. 0014, Miyapara, P.S. Arambagh, Dist. Hooghly. West Bengal, India, 9093163756. Swapna Basu (Khandakar)-Web. Mr. Surajit Karmakar. General Secretary- IHRC West Bengal Chapter. Vill: Batanal, P.S. Arambag, Dist. Hogly,.
contact - National Anti Crime & Human Rights Council Of India
West Bengal-Bangladesh Border : Human Rights and Humanitarian ...
The workshop had as its participants eminent experts of the field, human rights activists, select members of the media, members from the scholarly community and other members of the civil society. The main purpose was to create awareness and sensitise people on the humanitarian needs for victims of border violence.
Asian Front Of Human Rights vs State Of West Bengal on 6 March, 2009
Mar 6, 2009 - 3981(W) of 2009 Asian Front of Human Rights Vs State of West Bengal Mr. Amal Baran Chatterjee, Mr. P. S. Deb Burman, Mr. Biswarup Chowdhury. .... As indicated above, court must be careful to see that a body of persons or member of the public, who approaches the Court is acting bona fide and not for ...
State Human Rights Commissions Constituted by 20 States - PIB
Dec 20, 2011 - These are Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. 8 States have not constituted the State Human ...
Want to meet West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee for a government job ...
Want to meet West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee for a government job, says Mosul victim's wife. By PTI | Published: 22nd March 2018 02:29 PM |. Last Updated: 22nd March 2018 02:29 PM | A+A A- |. Members of National Human Rights and Crime Control Organization light candles to pay tribute to the 39 Indian workers ...
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National Human Rights Council of India - Social work - National ...
View National Human Rights Council of India's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. National Human has 2 jobs jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover National Human's connections and jobs at similar companies.
team by place - IHRA
TEAM BY PLACE. The core objective of the brand was to recycle these dropped leads with an online engagement marketing program. They had business logic in place catering content and engagement strategy engagement marketing program. IHRA HELPLINE · RED ALERT FOR MEMBERS · DONATE & HELP · BECOME ...
National Human Rights Council of India
To follow our organization is to enhance a universal view of the country. The NHRCI makes you think a progressive thought where the country and citizen compel to indulge for this society at large. We have such special solution that you need please feel free and join this organization.
NCW::List of the State Commissions - National Commission for Women
(The information has been received from various State Women Commissions and subjected to change at any time, if you find any updation required then email us the correct information at ncw[at]nic[dot]in from your official email id.) Andhra Pradesh; Arunachal Pradesh; Assam; Bihar; Chhattisgarh; Goa; Gujarat. Haryana ...
International Human Rights Protectors Group
... profession, Acting Commissioner of Saint John's Ambulance Brigade , West Bengal , A Rastrapati Award Winner and also the Chairman of our organization. ... International Human Rights Protectors Group (IHRPG) is an International as well a National platform of different individuals, group, association from every part of ...
Protection Of Human Rights in Durgapur, Strand Road by Human ...
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Human Rights Council Of India - We offer Protection Of Human Rights in Strand Road, Durgapur, West Bengal. Find here details about ... It has adopted the principle of economic liberalisation and world economy with its New Economic Policy of 1991 and has become the member of World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1995.
International Human Rights Commission-IHRC is a non-profitable International Human Rights Organization. The name of the International Executive Committee (IEC) of IHRC was declared on 24th December 2003 in Geneva, Switzerland, the head quarters of UN. The IEC have been established with 24th Member from 24 ...
::Welcome to Employment News ::| Govt. Jobs, Jobs in India, Vacancy ...
Human rights have become one of the indicators for measuring good governance, development and democracy across the systems and governments in the contemporary ... Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashatra, Manipur, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal.
Cumbersome procedure to remove justice Ganguly | india | Hindustan ...
Dec 17, 2013 - As justice AK Ganguly refuses to resign as the chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission, demands for the initiation of his removal are growing. But the procedure prescribed under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, for removal of the chairman or a member of the National Human ...
Other SHRCs - State Human Rights Commission
Member, Justice Shri P. Ramakrishnam Raju. Tele(o):24601571 Tele(r): ... Tele(o):2337145 Tele(r):2315833, FAX:2337148. E-Mail:kshrctvpm[at]vsnl[dot]net. Member, Prof. S. Varghese, 'Ding Dong' T.C. 24/1824-10-193, Thycaud, Tvm-14. Tele(o):2337147 ..... WEST BENGAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. BHABANI ...
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West Bengal State President of IHRCCO - International Human Rights ...
ihrcco.org › Members
Dec 13, 2017 - ALIPURDUAR DISTRICT PRESIDENT (WEST BENGAL)September 7, 2017In "Members". Prabitra Gogoi Assam State Secretary of IHRCCOSeptember 7, 2017In "Assam". Siliguri meeting with National Chairman and other team members of IHRCCOAugust 28, 2017In "Meetings". Share. Facebook · Twitter ...
Human Rights Commission
Uttarakhand Human Right Commission, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
[PDF]human rights/rights group/ nhrc - 2014 - Indian Social Institute
Mar 16, 2014 - Former DGP joins West Bengal Human Rights Commission office today but has little work (1). KOLKATA: Former DGP Naparajit Mukherjee on Wednesday stepped in the West Bengal Human Rights. Commission's offices, but there is little he can do. Mukherjee, appointed as the non-judicial member in the.
eyeLegal - Violation of human rights in West Bengal
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National Tree Day Celebrated by National Human Rights And Crime ...
Jul 31, 2017 - Today on the occasion of National Tree Day National Human Rights And Crime Control Organisation ( NHRCCO), West Bengal Unit, has organised a tree plantation program ... In the program more than 30 members of NHRCCO and the members of SALASAR SEVA ASHRAM participated in the program.
West Bengal - CII
Gargi Mitra Director West Bengal 6, Netaji Subhas Road Kolkata-700001. West Bengal India Phone : +91-33-22307727 / 28 / 1434 / 22303354. Fax :+91-33-22302711 / 22312700 ...
West Bengal - FIAN India - Defending the Right to Food in India
FIAN India is a non-profit organisation and affiliated to FIAN International, a Germany-based Human rights organisation that works for the implementation of economic, social and cultural human rights (ESC rights), in general and the right to adequate food in particular. FIAN India is a membership-based organisation largely ...
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https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com › ... › Kolkata human rights body seeks volunteers. Feb 23, 2017 - West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) will be appointing human rights volunteers (HRV) for efficient management of violation cases, said Justice. Online Membership Form - National Human Rights Community ...
Chief Minister - Govt. of WB
30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street, Kolkata-700 026, West Bengal Tels. ... 1989, Member, Executive Committee, Pradesh Congress Committee [P.C.C. (I)], West Bengal ... Connected with different social and human rights organisations to promote the welfare of poor, children and women; providing free legal aid to the poor and ...
Dalit Association for Social and Human Rights Awareness (DASHRA)
www.pacsindia.org › Our Partners › Bihar
The Dalit Association for Social and Human Rights Awareness (DASHRA) is a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) that focuses on protecting and promoting the ... 960 CBO members and local Panchayati Raj officials have been reached through 80 trainings on MGNREGA – one per village - helping them to understand the ...
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West Bengal Government - Maps of India
Oct 18, 2014 - The judiciary of the state comprised of the Calcutta High Court, district courts, West Bengal Human Rights Commissions and few others. ... The elected members of the assembly constituencies become members of the Vidahn Sabha or the legislative assembly of the state of West Bengal situated in the ...
West Bengal Human Rights Commission (wbhrc) | Deccan Chronicle
Ganguly previously said he is yet to decide whether to resign as the chairman of the WBHRC. 03 Jan 2014 2:30 AM · Justice A. K. Ganguly. TMC members seek resignation of Justice Ganguly as WBHRC Chief. Ganguly has brought disgrace and we cannot even call him a Justice, says Derek O'Brien. 17 Dec 2013 9:01 PM.
International Human Rights Organizations - India - Human Rights Library
International Human Rights Organizations - India. Human Rights Commissions. Non-profit Organizations. The International Environmental Law Research Center is an independent non-profit research organization established in 1995. It has offices in Geneva, Nariobi and New Delhi, India. It provides policy-relevant research ...
Cpdr West Bengal Human Rights Competitors, Revenue and ... - Owler
Check out Cpdr West Bengal Human Rights's profile for competitors, acquisition history, news and more.
[PDF]Memorandum in Support of Banglar Manabadhikar Surakksha Mancha ...
Aug 16, 2016 - repression unleashed by the State Government of West Bengal against Banglar Manabadhikar Surakksha. Mancha (MASUM), a well-known, reputed human rights organisation working for the protection of human rights in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal. MASUM is a platform of human rights ...
Calcutta High Court-Recruitments
523-A dated 25.01.2018 regarding filling up 2 (two) posts of Judicial Member in West Bengal Taxation Tribunal ... Notification No.6732-A dated 22.12.2017 regarding filling up of one (1) post of Presenting Officer by deputation failing which re-employment/contract basis in National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi.
Why is the West Bengal Human Rights Commission silent on Tapas ...
https://www.thenewsminute.com › News
Jan 17, 2015 - Anuraj Dey | The News Minute | July 20, 2014 | 3.03 pm IST Kolkata: The West Bengal Human Rights Commission, which was hailed last year for setting a ... The Association for Protection of Democratic Rights (APDR), which has approached the high court opposing Mukherjee's membership, cried foul.
Physical Attack on Human Rights Activists - FIDH.org
Aug 26, 2004 - Sanjib Acharya, the Secretary of Hooghly District Committee, and Secretariat Members Sri Bapi Dasgupta, Sri Raghunath Chakraborty, Sri Shankar Nandy, Sri Sukumar Tiwari, Sri Tushar Chakraborty. The APDR ... Justice Shyamal Kumar Sen, Chairman, West Bengal Human Rights Commission Bhavani ...
India - World Report 2018: India | Human Rights Watch
In June, the West Bengal state government's decision to make Bengali language mandatory in all schools triggered protests in Darjeeling district over the .... not to make arrests until complaints are verified by family welfare committees, bodies the court recommended be comprised of members of civil society, not police.
Official Website of University of North Bengal (N.B.U.)
Member of Editorial Board (Editor) Indian Human Rights Law Review) ISSN: 2230-7036, R.Cambray & Co.Privte Ltd. Kolkata, West Bengal. Member of Editorial Board (Executive Editor) Indian International Journal of Juridical Science) ISSN: 2278-3237, Paragon International Publishers, New Delhi, India. Ex member of ...
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The State of the World's Human Rights 2017/18: India - Amnesty ...
https://amnesty.org.in › Publications
Feb 22, 2018 - Amnesty International's report, The State of the World's Human Rights 2017/18, covers 159 countries and delivers the most comprehensive analysis of ... In June, three people were killed in Darjeeling, West Bengal, in violent clashes between police and protesters demanding a separate state of Gorkhaland.
We are independent of political parties, ideologies, and without religious affiliations. FIAN International has consultative status with the UN, the Council of Europe, the African Commission of Human Rights, and as a section we have access to these bodies. Become a Member>> ...
video conferencing enabled for instant human rights issue addressal. ... and managed by International Human Rights Observatory (IHRO) members in every. State ... 1080. Nagaland. 75. 52. 1. 127. Mizoram. 817. 24. 34. 841. 5. Rajasthan. 9188. 239. 38. 9427. Uttar Pradesh. 52000. 820. 63. 52820. West Bengal. 3354. 333.
Jul 22, 2009 - We demand withdrawal of the orders under Sec 144 and demand that Civil Society members .... reversed. In realm of political administrative setup of West Bengal today the least respected things are the human rights. The govt should explain why no stringent action was taken against the police personnel ...
Kolkata | ActionAid India
projects. ActionAid is a global movement of people working together to further human rights and defeat poverty for all. ... Empowerging Muslim women to ensure gender justice in West Bengal ... During 2005 - 2008, G-NESEP was a member of an anti-trafficking network to prevent cross border trafficking supported.
WEST BENGAL | Standup Against Violence
Support Services: State Level. West Bengal Social Welfare Advisory Board; Directorate of Social Welfare; West Bengal Commission for Women; West Bengal Human Rights Commission; State Legal Services Authority; West Bengal Directorate of Mass Education Extension; Women Cell, Cid, West Bengal Police; Rajya ...
[PDF]Untitled - Aihra
All India Human Rights Association (AIHRA) payment is given to them. Membership is. Photo non-transferable and once the payment is. Admn. Off. : "AIHRA" H.Q. 1/24, SF, St.#2, made, it is non-refundable. Lalita Park, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092. Any kind of misbehavior or misconduct may result in rejection of membership ...
District Committee Kolkata (West Bengal) |
Aug 28, 2015 - The population of prostitutes in Sonagachi constitutes mainly of Nepalese, Indians and Bangladeshis. Some sources estimate there are 60,000 women in the brothels of Kolkata. The largest prostitution area in city is Sonagachi. West Bengal was the first Indian state to constitute aHuman Rights Commission ...
[PDF]Here - People's Union for Civil Liberties
Rights. Every member country of the United Nations is a signatory to this declaration, which makes it mandatory for every member country to protect the human rights ... The idea to form such a rights organisation in West ... During this time, the police and the governments of states like Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Kerala,.
Right to Health Facilities, Goods and Services | Icelandic Human ...
Enjoyment of the human right to health as it is widely known is vital to all aspects of a person's life and well-being, and is crucial to the realisation of all the ..... is a member of Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samity [petitioner No.1], an organisation of agricultural labourers, fell of a train at Mathurapur Station in West Bengal at ...
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[PDF]Dr. Manik Chakraborty - The University of Burdwan
Ph.D. in Human Rights from the University of Burdwan, West Bengal. 6. Qualified UGC J.R.F. ... Regime in India”, published in the Book – Human Rights in the Twenty First Century – An. Anthology, Edited .... Nominated as Expert Member of the Board of Studies in Law, West Bengal State University, Barasat. 6. Appointed as ...
Indian Insitute of Cerebral Palsy | IICP | Kolkata (Calcutta), India
She has authored books on innovative teaching and is involved in the boards of schools and organisations working for disadvantaged social groups. She was invited by the Govt. of West Bengal to serve as a Hon'ble member on the West Bengal Human Rights Commission from 1995 to 2000. She has been the Chairperson ...
State Human Rights Commission - UPSC-ONLINE-ACADEMY
State Human Rights Commission : Justice A K Ganguly is chairperson of West Bengal Human Rights Commission and is retired judge of SC. He is now ... Protection of the Human Rights Act, 1993 defines procedure of appointment and removal of members and chairperson of National and State Human Rights Commission.
[PDF]india 2015 human rights report - US Department of State
against women, children, and members of scheduled castes or tribes; and societal violence based on gender, ... United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor overburdened and ..... repatriation of human trafficking victims in West Bengal, frequent access to undocumented migrants ...
Chief Minister's Office - Government of West Bengal - wbcmo.gov.in
West Bengal. Tels. (033) 24753000 ,Fax. (033) 24540880. E-mail : [email protected]. Positions Held. 1977-83, Member, West bengal Youth Congress Working ... Connected with different social and human rights organisations to promote the welfare of poor, children and women; providing free legal aid to the poor and working ...
Soma Sengupta | Ashoka - India
india.ashoka.org › Fellows
Soma Sengupta is devising ways to meet the need for information sharing among mass based organizations and activists in the women's human rights movement in ... base, Sanhita ("Closeness"), in 1996 as part of a post-Beijing initiative of collaborative efforts amongst women activists and organizations in West Bengal.
Jyotirmoy School of Law | About Us | Advisory & Organizing Committee
Dr. Partha Sarathi Ganguli - President- Founder,Trustee and President, Jewf. Ms. Pinky Anand - Member, Prinicipal Advisor- Additional solicitor General of India. Prof. Jiban Mukhopadhyay-Member - Advisor- Academician. Shri Ashok Deb - - Member- Chairman, bar council of West Bengal, Trustee Member Bar Council of ...
Law NUJS Kolkata WB National University of Juridical Sciences India ...
Members: 1. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dipak Misra, Chief Justice of India and Chancellor, WBNUJS Kolkata 2. Prof. (Dr.) P. Ishwara Bhat, Vice Chancellor, WBNUJS, Kolkata 3. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jyotirmay ... Justice Girish Chandra Gupta, Chairperson, West Bengal Human Rights Commission, Kolkata. The Executive Council.
Department of Anthropology - University of Calcutta
First professor in the department, member of the Advisory Board of the Cultural Research Institute of West Bengal, a consultant to the UNESCO Research Centre; a recipient of the prestigious .... Arup Ratan Bandyopadhyay, Forest rights: A study on Santals of Purulia, West Bengal, India [Human Rights], 09/09/2013.
Human Rights Commissions in India-HUMAN RIGHTS NETWORK ...
WEST BENGAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION BHABANI BHAVAN, (2ND FLOOR), ALIPORE KOLKATA-700027. STD CODE : 033. FAX: 2479-9633/7750. E-mail : [email protected]. Website : http://www.wbhrc.nic.in/ ...
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the-apartments · 6 years ago
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 27th July 2018 Written Episode Update
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 27th July 2018 Written Episode Update
The wives of Kanhaiya are afraid to see Kusum and say that they have heard that Nagin can hide in some form. Kusum says that this is her and asks the cross roller because her friend has a party in the house. Cross says that he will get roller and even biscuits for himself. Nagin is hidden as a sales girl. Crosses him and asks who he is. Nagin says that he is a serpent … meaning Naina is. Pari says why he came. Nagin says that he brought soap. Pari says why she is giving her soap. Nagin, this woman feels inflexible and says that she is a sales girl and is selling soap. Cross says that he means he wants to take a bath here. Nagin says that he needs water. Pari says that the water is in the bathroom. Panjgiri comes and asks who he is. Nagin says that she is a salesgirl and needs water. Panjiri goes to bring water. Nanny sees
In Kanhaiya’s picture and anger, his tongue hurts. To get water, Panzi goes to the kitchen. Prema asks whether Ishqdhari Nag can hide in some form. Pajji say yes The pawses go back to the room and see the nagin on the sofa. She is nervous and nervous, and after a little drama the other debate tells that Nagin came to her house. They all panic. In Kanhaiya’s shop, Khatru shows Sari to the customer while Kanhaiya bends on his stomach and drinks milk. Chorasya Mama calls Khatru and asks the customers to take milk instead of money. Khatru asks the customer to bring milk packets. Kanhaiya scolds that he will be hurt. Khatru reminds me of the anger of Nagin. Kanhaiya brings milk and takes sari.
At home, Pangiri takes Bahus to the living room and shows the sofa. They all see the scared couch and look at Naina, who sells it instead. Naina asks if she has brought water. Panjiri screams that he is a nagin. The debate says that it is not. Nagin Naina says that they do not need water and chase them in Panchariyi. Panjiri is very afraid.
In the night, Kanhaiya returns home on the car and says that Kunti Maya Mai Aujiya / Maa came to me. Quinta shout wo agaya … wo..agaya … Kanhaiya asks her to call her puppy because her tongue is reprimanded like a snake after drinking milk all day. Their play continues. Panjiri says that he will give him food. He says that he does not need it because his stomach is full of milk.
After opening the window, Kania falls asleep on her bed. Panjiri brings milk to her and she sleeps, keeps a glass of milk and goes. The serpent goes and sits on his chest. Returns to find Panjari Tray and is shocked to see Nagin on Kanhaiya’s chest.
The post Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 27th July 2018 Written Episode Update appeared first on Latest Indian TV Serials Written Episode Updates.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2LRMgEb
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im-fairly-local · 6 years ago
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 27th July 2018 Written Episode Update
Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 27th July 2018 Written Episode Update
The wives of Kanhaiya are afraid to see Kusum and say that they have heard that Nagin can hide in some form. Kusum says that this is her and asks the cross roller because her friend has a party in the house. Cross says that he will get roller and even biscuits for himself. Nagin is hidden as a sales girl. Crosses him and asks who he is. Nagin says that he is a serpent … meaning Naina is. Pari says why he came. Nagin says that he brought soap. Pari says why she is giving her soap. Nagin, this woman feels inflexible and says that she is a sales girl and is selling soap. Cross says that he means he wants to take a bath here. Nagin says that he needs water. Pari says that the water is in the bathroom. Panjgiri comes and asks who he is. Nagin says that she is a salesgirl and needs water. Panjiri goes to bring water. Nanny sees
In Kanhaiya’s picture and anger, his tongue hurts. To get water, Panzi goes to the kitchen. Prema asks whether Ishqdhari Nag can hide in some form. Pajji say yes The pawses go back to the room and see the nagin on the sofa. She is nervous and nervous, and after a little drama the other debate tells that Nagin came to her house. They all panic. In Kanhaiya’s shop, Khatru shows Sari to the customer while Kanhaiya bends on his stomach and drinks milk. Chorasya Mama calls Khatru and asks the customers to take milk instead of money. Khatru asks the customer to bring milk packets. Kanhaiya scolds that he will be hurt. Khatru reminds me of the anger of Nagin. Kanhaiya brings milk and takes sari.
At home, Pangiri takes Bahus to the living room and shows the sofa. They all see the scared couch and look at Naina, who sells it instead. Naina asks if she has brought water. Panjiri screams that he is a nagin. The debate says that it is not. Nagin Naina says that they do not need water and chase them in Panchariyi. Panjiri is very afraid.
In the night, Kanhaiya returns home on the car and says that Kunti Maya Mai Aujiya / Maa came to me. Quinta shout wo agaya … wo..agaya … Kanhaiya asks her to call her puppy because her tongue is reprimanded like a snake after drinking milk all day. Their play continues. Panjiri says that he will give him food. He says that he does not need it because his stomach is full of milk.
After opening the window, Kania falls asleep on her bed. Panjiri brings milk to her and she sleeps, keeps a glass of milk and goes. The serpent goes and sits on his chest. Returns to find Panjari Tray and is shocked to see Nagin on Kanhaiya’s chest.
The post Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 27th July 2018 Written Episode Update appeared first on Latest Indian TV Serials Written Episode Updates.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2LRMgEb via IFTTT
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