lovebcmbs · 2 years
                                      *      @pangkuphos​​​​​​    .
                                        [  𝘻𝘰𝘺𝘢  +  𝘧𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘺  .  ]
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the  place  has  been  getting  crowded  with  people  zoya  wasn’t  usually  fond  of  ;  a  few  of  them  mutually  blocked  on  twitter  ,  whether  because  they  annoyed  the  fuck  out  of  her  or  she  may  or  may  not  got  into  a  public  argument  with  .  her  high  heels  in  her  hands  ,  as  she  makes  her  way  barefoot  to  the  roof  .  crowded  ,  but  not  as  much  as  inside  of  the  building  and  she’s  not  surprised  ,  because  no  one  in  their  right  mind  would  choose  to  freeze  to  death  while  wearing  the  most  expensive  mini  dress  .  no  one  really  catches  her  attention  ,  she  almost  chooses  to  enjoy  her  own  company  but  almost  ,  as  in  the  very  last  second  ,  her  attention  is  brought  to  an  unfamiliar  figure  .  and  she’s  intrigued  ;  she  always  is  when  she  bumps  into  someone  unknown  .  every  single  time  hoping  that  she  won’t  get  disappointed  .  maybe  they  brought  her  attention  because  unlike  a  few  other  people  gathered  on  the  roof  ,  they’re  not  making  out  with  a  stranger  ,  almost  clotheless  or  maybe  it’s  the  way  they  seem  to  be  lost  in  their  own  thoughts  .  “  damn  ,  you  definitely  bring  fun  to  the  parties  ,  ”  an  attempt  to  start  a  conversation  ,  as  she  grabs  two  bottles  of  beer  ,  placing  one  in  front  of  the  stranger  .  “  who  forced  you  to  come  ?  ”
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antonelaa · 2 years
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if back in college, she would have heaps of homework; her so - called ‘apprenticeship’  (  really, it was just nela shadowing a few theatre directors around town  )  would have menial - seeming tasks like these. she hands out flyers to a musical that’s about to open in a few days. she flashes a half - genuine smile and attempts to hand one out to another as they neared her usual spot.  “ little shop of horrors -- support a local theatre! “ was the go - to line as she holds out a flyer for the show.  (  @pangkuphos​  )
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adelinelives · 2 years
a comprehensive list of scenarios    :    accepting.
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@pangkuphos​ said:     MAKEOVER :   for one muse to help the other with a new outfit or hairstyle.
the warmth of cory’s apartment sticks   to adeline’s skin like condensation.     her temples feel flushed,   skin pulled taut by the clips in her hair.     comfortable habits:   safe discomfort.     something   needy   pulls her to look at the mirror,   the bright dress cory is wearing,   and adeline realises it’s new.     her own new set of clothes rests in a shopping bag,   just outside her own wardrobe.     really,   you’d think she’s an   amateur.     (   it is easier to look at cory’s reflection than her own.     their truest forms drawn from a portrait with no paint or pen,   just their own natural colour.   )     cory’s soft,   artificial light mustn’t do the dress justice,   adeline decides.     “   you’ve got a   good face.   ”     adeline drifts closer cory,   keeping her gaze on their reflections.     in her periphery,   she sees cory’s profile,   her fluttering lashes and her straight back.     “   and posture.     people never have that,   did you do ballet?   ”      she asks absently.     her gaze skirts down to the dress;   her lips purse and cory’s reflection still feels   needy.     “   do you love the colour?     like,   love   love,   like the-colour-is-all-i-see kinda love.   ”
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junipcrs · 2 years
[      CLOSED  STARTER      ]          ››          @pangkuphos​  .
WHO :  juno  &  farley
EVENT :  toy  drive  &  charity  gala  @  rockefeller  center
WHERE :  the  gallery
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         “  you  know  ,  one  of  these  days  we’ll  finally  be  able  to  grab  dinner  that’s  not  at  a  social  event  that  everyone  we  know  is  at  ,  ”  juno  jokes  .  the  corners  of  her  lips  curling  up  into  a  smile  as  she  looks  over  to  farley  .  nose  scrunches  up  lightly  when  she  catches  a  faint  scent  of  his  cologne  and  tries  to  deduce  it  .  “  just  out  of  curiosity  ,  which  cologne  did  you  settle  on  for  the  night  ?  ”
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siadai · 2 years
[tw: toxic relationship dynamics, mentions of suicide]
There are indomitable forces in the universe that are simply beyond explanation. For example — how is it possible that despite the vastness of New York City and the propagation of what must be over a thousand nightclubs, Lightning Surannawat finds himself once more under the same blare of scarlet lights as the demonic bastard who has ruined his life over and over again? He spots them across the hazy sea of inebriated individuals as though knowing they were there by instinct, a figure so unmistakable to him because it has belonged to him for some ten years now. Or, well, it had belonged to him — because according to their last fight it would be their final fight, that Lightning would sooner kill himself than willingly see Farley’s face ever again.
Funnily enough, Lightning would be found half-dead the next day, and really, it was an accident of arrogance more than anything else: an ardent belief that he could always handle more, being himself a god and entirely invincible, fuelled by a gluttonous desire to inundate himself with sensations in order to escape the fear that it might actually actually be their very last fight. And the next few weeks were a blur — he doesn’t know how he got to the hospital, he doesn’t even know how long he was out, but when he awoke his younger sister was there giving him the tongue lashing of a lifetime, telling him that he was to return home the moment he was released by the hospital, and that was when he had snuck out of the hospital and, well, run into hiding. That was a month or two ago, and now he had returned to New York City.
And almost immediately, the inexplicable forces of the universe that have never allowed the two entwined souls to part for too long once more manipulated the paths of their fates, for better or for worse. Lightning doesn’t approach Farley immediately: the right time will come. It always does. This time, it comes when Lightning steps through the door to the terrace to smoke. He never carries cigarettes with him, always reliant on the generosity of drunk fools. He is faced with the ever-piercing gaze of Farley Erskine Corcoran IV, and there is always something about looking them in the eye, because the emotions rush to Lightning’s chest and throat, that intense yet familiar taste of acidic rage and pitless hurt and fiery passion all at once, something that the other has always without fail evoked in him. It is an addicting feeling. He has almost missed it.    
“Did you miss me?” Lightning asks, his tone mocking, without a doubt meant to irritate and provoke, stepping into the space in front of Farley as though this space were his to seize as he desired, as though nothing has happened and the other belongs still to him and him alone. Without caring to ask for permission, he slips his hand into the inner right pocket of Farley’s suit jacket, drawing the ever-familiar cigarette case from within. His tremulous fingers fumble with the clasp, taking several moments to open the case. It is even a struggle to take a cigarette out of the case and bring it to his lips, and both of them are well aware enough of why that is. Lightning waits patiently for the other to light the cigarette that dangles from his lips.
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daydreamsfm · 2 years
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          the  library  was  her  safe  space.  she  only  allowed  certain  people  within  her  safe  space  ,  usually  moving  desks  to  avoid  having  anyone  come  up  to  her  while  she  was  nose  deep  in  one  of  her  textbooks.  farley  was  the  only  person  at  the  moment  that  she  allowed  near  her  ,  mostly  due  to  his  ability  to  keep  up  with  her  questions  and  quizzes.  a  bright  smile  forms  on  her  lips  as  she  finishes  the  last  of  the  cue  cards  ,  for  the  third  time  that  day  ,  shoulders  relaxing  as  she  leans  back  in  her  seat.  “  alright  ,  fine  ,  we’ve  been  here  for  at  least  two  hours  ,  i’ll  allow  us  some  sense  of  fun  for  the  rest  of  the  night.  unless  you  have  other  plans  ,  then  i’m  more  than  happy  to  stay  put  for a  couple  more  independent  quizzes.  ”          [     +   @pangkuphos​     ]
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lolafms · 2 years
      ‘ cory! ‘ lola’s voice is loud enough to be heard over the background noise, impossible to ignore. ‘ did i hear a rumour you’d been cast in that new series about... ‘ she pauses, mind blanking for a moment. ‘ what was it, again? dragons? aliens? something weird like that, right? ‘ 
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nepofm · 2 years
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 due  to  failure  to  make  any  in  character  posts  within  24  hours  of  the  last  activity  warning  or  contacting  the  admins  ,  please  unfollow  :
due  to  mun’s  decision  ,  please  unfollow  .  
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nepoupdates · 2 years
rumor / cory involved in a cheating scandal after being caught with married supermodel
 america’s  darling  involved  in  a  cheating  scandal  ?  sounds  almost  too  good  to  be  true  .  then  again  ,  it’s  always  the  innocent  looking  ones  (  @pangkuphos​  )
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siadai · 2 years
The day that Lightning Suwannarat discovers how to sanely manage his boredom will be the day that the heavens fall to the Earth. Today he dresses himself as surreptitiously as possible — no bright colors, no jewelry, no shiny fabrics: an oversized black hoodie (Brunello Cucinelli, $3,925), plain jeans (AMIRI, $2,188), sneakers (Jordan x Dior, $7,449), and a pair of tinted sunglasses (Cartier, $2,858). Most of which he had to shop for on the spot, but it would all be well and worth it. Well. Once he figures out what exactly the point of today’s endeavor is. He even puts a New York Yankees cap on for good measure. As much as he likes to diss Starbucks, he often comes to this particular location to pick up Farley after their shift, or sometimes to annoy them during. This was another case of the latter. So he goes to the counter with his best slumped posture and his best fake American accent and says: “Yeah, hi, I’ll get a trenta iced americano with six pumps of sugar-free vanilla, eight pumps of sugar-free hazelnut, two pumps of sugar-free caramel, three pumps skinny mocha, one splash of oatmilk, and one splash breve. Oh, and whipped cream on top with mocha drizzle. No water. That’s John with an ‘x’.”
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nepofm · 2 years
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please  ,  unfollow  accounts  below  due  to  failure  to  make  any  in  character  posts  or  post  an  intro  since  joining  . thank  you  for  applying  in  the  first  place  & hopefully  we  will  bump  into  each  .  a  reminder  that  you  can  reclaim  your  role  only  by  reapplying   ,  as  long  as  we’ve  got  free  spots  . with  that  being  said  , never  hesitate  to  ask  for  a  hiatus  /  semi-hiatus  if  you  ever  need  it  , no  matter  the  reasons  .
accounts  below  are  close  to  reaching  activity  limit . if  you’d  need  any  extension  or  hiatus  ,  please  reach  back  to  us &  we  will  happily  give  you  any  time  you  need  or make  an  in  character  post  within  next  24  hours .
currently  on  hiatus  /  extension .
madihas  &  koehls    –  hiatus
flossielfm    –  hiatus
 we’d  also  like  to  note  that  if  picking  up  a  multiple  muses  , those  muses  need  to  stay  active  within  our  activity  limit .  this  is  both  taken  into  consideration  with  mumu  blogs , as  well  as  side  blogs  .
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nepoupdates · 2 years
favorite ships go go go
these  are  all  ships  and  you  can’t  change  my  mind  .
luke  and  his  lord  title
natasha  and  a  good  scandal
ace  and  soccer
alternatively  ,  ace  and  a  good  fight
farley  and  literally  anyone  else  but  lightning
lightning  and  a  good  party
(  @lucashz  ,  @natashasfm  ,  @delicatlueur  ,  @pangkuphos  ,  @siadai  )
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