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allisonscola · 2 years ago
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Today was our annual Saint Joseph's ritual breadmaking workshop. This year, @experiencesicily partnered with @noiaw. This bread making practice is a form of prayer to San Giuseppe. The loaves, which are made in the shape of flowers, doves, fava beans, and carpentry tools, to name a few, are meant to thank this patron of fathers, fatherhood, carpenters, and those who toil for their work for having gotten us through the famine (of winter) and/or asking for protection or abundance for the year ahead. The breads will be placed on our altar for St. Joseph during next Sunday's feast of San Giuseppe luncheon in New York City. Join us to celebrate spring'! Register at link in bio or at ExperienceSicily.com. #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #sicilytravel #italy #italia #saintjospeh #sangiuseppe #panerituale #ritualbread (at Cacio e Vino) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cptmno8si5K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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allisonscola · 4 years ago
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Viva San Giuseppe! Happy Saint Joseph's Day! Buona festa del papà! Pictured is my altar for this powerful patron of fathers, carpenters, the home, and those who toil for their work. The three tiers represent Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the holy family. The greens (traditionally laurel leaves), citrus, and fava beans illustrate abundance after a drought and famine. Each bread loaf has symbolism (such as peace, carpentry in honor of the saint's craft, renewal, abundance). It's a day of thanksgiving for the protection and support the father has given us during difficult times. #experiencesicily #sicily #sangiuseppe #saintjoseph #festadisangiuseppe #stjosephsday #altar #ritualbread #panerituale #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #sicilytour #whatsicilyis #sicilytravel #viverelasicilia (at Experience Sicily) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMmfh2aFiDH/?igshid=rpeebptk6mrw
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allisonscola · 4 years ago
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Join me to recognize St. Joseph's Day on Thursday, March 18 at 8PM Eastern. Register at link in bio @experiencesicily You'll learn more about the feast. Such as, on traditional St. Joseph's Day altars or le tavolate di San Giuseppe, you will see these three types of loaves pictured. On the left is the staff (vastuni), which represents Joseph, the father (the symbol of male fertility), who you will often see carrying a baton in his imagery. In the center is a round wreath (cuddureddi), which illustrates Mary, the mother (the representative of female fertility/the womb/goddess of the grain), and on the right, a palm (parma), which designates Jesus, the son and the martyr (also eternal life/rebirth/spring/life cycle). It's very profound. Then within those forms, you'll see other imagery, such as grapes (wine harvest and prosperity), fish (innocence), flowers (elevated spirituality, detachment from earthly possessions). I hope to see you Thursday night! #experiencesicily #sicily #salemi #trapani #ritualbread #panerituale #sangiuseppe #saintjoseph #festadisangiuseppe #stjosephsday #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #sicilytour (at Salemi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMiYeOGlQOc/?igshid=5j4qrz7wxpuc
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allisonscola · 4 years ago
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Food historians believe grains were introduced to Sicily in approximately 1000 BCE by the Phoenicians. By 150 BCE, during the Roman era, grain became the base of island's cuisine. By 1000 CE, during the Arab era, the majority of Sicily's landscape was dedicated to grain agriculture, and that remains true today. Once you learn the crop's significance, it is not difficult to understand why for Saint Joseph's Day, which is celebrated around the spring equinox, ritual bread loaves are created as an act of prayer and thanksgiving for the protection that Signuruzzu provides. Pictured is the top of an altar in Salemi that dons some examples of ritual loaves. More about this in the next days. Join me for a presentation for Saint Joseph's Day on Thursday, March 18 at 8PM Eastern. Register at link in bio or at https://experiencesicily.com/st-josephs-day-online/ #experiencesicily #sicily #sangiuseppe #saintjoseph #festadisangiuseppe #stjosephsday #altar #ritualbread #panerituale #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #sicilytour #whatsicilyis #sicilytravel #viverelasicilia (at Salemi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMdm_XilHGP/?igshid=dmt49sllihvq
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allisonscola · 5 years ago
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Today we created bread loaves for Saint Joseph to express our gratitude and ask for support for the year ahead. It's amazing how powerful this medicine can be. Viva San Giuseppe! Thank you @cacioevinonyc for hosting our messy @experiencesicily day! See you next Sunday for our prix-fixe lunch feast! Join us in New York City at https://experiencesicily.com/saint-josephs-day-in-new-york-city/ #bread #pane #ritualbread #panerituale #saintjosephsday #stjosephsday #cacioevino #nyc #stjosephnyc #newyorkcity #sangiuseppe #saintjoseph #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #sicilytour #whatsicilyis (at Cacio e Vino) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9f7VI4lTHr/?igshid=elh9o57elhcd
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allisonscola · 5 years ago
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Ritual bread loaves made for St. Joseph (San Giuseppe) that are in the shape of flowers signify elevated spirituality and detachment from earthly possessions. These pictured were made by women in Salemi, Sicily, where San Giuseppe is strongly venerated. Join @experiencesicily this Sunday in New York City @cacioevinonyc to make bread for St. Joseph's Day. More details and reserve your spot at https://experiencesicily.com/saint-josephs-day-in-new-york-city/ #bread #pane #ritualbread #panerituale #salemi #trapani #saintjosephsday #stjosephsday #cacioevino #nyc #newyorkcity #sangiuseppe #saintjoseph #altar #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup (at Salemi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9b0kpnFGBn/?igshid=nbtz2elfvnoz
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allisonscola · 5 years ago
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Bread loaves for St. Joseph made in the form of a peacock symbolize resurrection and the beauty of creation. Those formed as citrus fruits represent the circle of life. Join me on Sunday, March 8 in New York City at Cacio e Vino restaurant to make your ritual bread loaves for Saint Joseph. Reserve your spot at https://experiencesicily.com/saint-josephs-day-in-new-york-city/ #scissors #screws #nails #tools #vivasangiuseppe #saintjosephsday #sangiuseppe #ritualbread #panerituale #salemi #festadisangiuseppe #trapani #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether (at Salemi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Vys7bFUwH/?igshid=f3hsqdqdkvo9
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allisonscola · 5 years ago
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Because San Giuseppe, or St. Joseph, is the patron saint of carpenters, when the women of Salemi in Trapani province, Sicily are creating their loaves for the feast on March 19, they make bread in the shape of tools, like those pictured here: scissors, screws, and nails. On their altars, you'll also see hammers, saws, and pliers made in honor of their protector. Here, also pictured among the laurel leaves that are a standard element of the altar architecture, you'll find an angel. Join me on Sunday, March 8 in New York City at @cacioevinonyc restaurant to make your bread for Saint Joseph. It's a,n act of prayer that will warm your heart. Reserve your spot at https://experiencesicily.com/saint-josephs-day-in-new-york-city/ #scissors #screws #nails #tools #vivasangiuseppe #saintjosephsday #sangiuseppe #ritualbread #panerituale #salemi #festadisangiuseppe #trapani #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily (at Salemi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Qgw4eFdhn/?igshid=wcy9mecvwjfg
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allisonscola · 6 years ago
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Ritual bread making in honor of Saint Joseph (San Giuseppe) in Salemi. NB I'll be on retreat this weekend. Posts will resume on Monday. #bread #pane #ritualbread #panerituale #salemi #trapani #saintjosephsday #stjosephsday #festadisangiuseppe #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #smallgrouptoursitaly (at Salemi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1gUsZdl4QU/?igshid=ec5ssj37hy9r
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allisonscola · 6 years ago
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Live from Sicily! Day 12 of Myths & Mysteries of Sicily: As Above/So Below | Transformation. The town of Salemi (led by @visitborgosalemi) displayed to us its rich culture of ritual bread making for San Giuseppe. The @aziendacucchiara served us an outstanding lunch of products from their farm, including the freshest cannoli ever! Marco guided us through the wild Selinunte archeological park, where we closed our journey with a fire ceremony at the sanctuary of Demeter. And then of course, a farewell dinner. #salemi #trapani #cannoli #selinunte #sangiuseppe #pane #butterfly #farfalle #panerituale #bread #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #smallgrouptoursitaly  (at Salemi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXxMKiFFhP/?igshid=cb7nmmnvq5ia
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allisonscola · 6 years ago
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The chandeliers that line the main corridor of San Biagio Platini's Archi di Pasqua (Arches of Easter) are made with natural materials. Citizens of the town spend months creating these works of art that celebrate the gifts from Mother Earth. #sanbiagioplatani #archidipasqua #archidipane #sicani #valdikam #amuni #bread #pane #ritualbread #panerituale #agrigento #feast #festa #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #smallgrouptoursitaly (at San Biagio Platani) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxG1a9Ynnsk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13qjuc19noe79
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allisonscola · 6 years ago
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The Maria or Madonna brotherhood side of the Archi di Pasqua in San Biagio Platani, Sicily is decorated in blue and features artwork illustrating the legends and myths of Sicily and its saints and ancient divinities. Pictured here is the entrance archway that displays the cuddura circular bread (behind the white, glazed bread loaves) representing the Madonna (but also the ancient mother goddess of the grain Demeter). The Archi di Pasqua or Archi di Pane will be exhibited until June 2. #sanbiagioplatani #archidipasqua #archidipane #sicani #valdikam #amuni #bread #pane #ritualbread #panerituale #cuddura #cuddureddi #kollura #demeter #demetre #divinefeminine #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #smallgrouptoursitaly (at San Biagio Platani) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxDOzlDHLO3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e1775699cow6
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allisonscola · 6 years ago
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Bread loaves created in the form of a circle or doughnut may be found all over Sicily. The name, "cuddura" bread (also called cuddureddi), comes from the ancient Greek word kollura (kuddura), which means crown. The loaves are shaped as such so that shepherds and those working in the grain fields and vineyards could carry them comfortably on a stick while they moved throughout their day, but not only... During Easter, it is typical to prepare it with an egg baked into it. At Christmas, it's made with dried fig paste. Such loaves are also associated with many festivals celebrating saints in Sicily, yet its shape and symbolism date back to pre-Christian times when it was baked for rituals celebrating the abundance of cereals and therefore, bread. It was created to recognize the gifts of the mother goddess Demeter (Greek) (or Ceres (Roman)), the goddess of the grain, harvest, and female fertility. Today, the circular shape represents the Madonna, in addition to abundance. You'll see cuddura loaves pervading feasts for San Giuseppe (for example, in Salemi, where I photographed this loaf), Il Santissimo Crocifisso in Calatafimi, and for Gli Archi di Pasqua currently happening in San Biagio Platani. #bread #pane #ritualbread #panerituale #cuddura #cuddureddi #kollura #demeter #demetre #divinefeminine #salemi #trapani #sanbiagioplatani #archidipasqua #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether (at Kuddura) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw-p8dnloMF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5rfez4w0c2vk
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