#panel thing from an animatic i still dont know if i'll make
stefisdoingthings · 6 days
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sirensea14 · 11 months
The fancomic's title is.... Double Trouble.
I know, lame title right? But thats what i thought of bcoz of some fanworks i have regarding Holly, Mayhem, Cuphead and Not-Cup (sadly, our Cup schmuck aint in the comic) . It was originally called "Holly, Alice, and Cala vs Mayhem", but tho it still has the same content (tried replicating it from my head and realized there's actually so many flaws that i havent noticed lol, so there's some added content to the comic)
What flaws? Flaws like background, the setting and shit
(i might as well explain some things lol)
The comic will have a blank color background cuz it was meant ta be an animatic-kind-of fight, tho i doubt I'll be able to make it b4 Mayhem's identity reveal. So imma made it a comic! (also i wanna see some action for the girls lol)
Also, for the reason why it has blank bg for most of the part is bcoz i thought the fight would happen somewhere in the Labyrinth, cuz yknow, its a fan-imagined fight. But now that i made it into a comic, that didnt make any sense so them fighting in the Labyrinth is totally out of logic. So i just thought theyd fight in a setting of a tower, some questionable things happened in the fancomic tho. Like stairs suddenly appearing, gears only for the show and not actually appearing in the background, (and also the sudden cramping on the last two pages lol) so there you go, im a messy artist so dont expect it to be much clean, nor the contentbe that good either. It was meant ta be an animated fight with no apparent explanation and now im forced to convert it to comics (cuz im still beginning to animate)
Also, the bg colors will change based on the mood? Of the panels, dunno how ta explain it... Like example, Alice appearing, the bg of her panel will be in a dark yellow color. Like that shit. Or for Mayhem, she will have a dark green bg color whenever she activates her magic. Or just plain blue gray for shit. Nah, im just making up these, the real reason why they be gonna have different colors for bg is bcoz the ink is limited XDDDD
But fr tho, it has some connection to the mood. But most are just the most random shitty ass colors youll ever see, possibly painful in the eyes cuz bgcolors change every page (every page, not panel lol)
Im still inking it, possibly tomorrow or by sunday I'll be able ta post it (that is, if the group activities wont block me cuz i have no help)
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