#pandbuns posts
fluffypandabun · 3 months
Important Message
Hey everyone ! It has been....awhile hasnt it??
I'm really sorry about suddenly just up and disappearing without any warning. Some really bad stuff happened at the start of this year and it just kept getting worse as the months went by, I had no motivation to write or even just reblog or send asks to my friends. Frankly it was horrible.
However! I am happy to say that I am now finally in a much safer place and can finally start to breath again. I know ive gotten a couple of asks, asking if I still write or post and yes! I do!
This blog is still active, and I will hopefully be able to start posting again soon! To my friends who sent me asks I do see them and ive kept them with me safe because they helped remind me not to give up on this blog!
However, Ive made the decision to start clean and clear out my inbox of any requests (Minus the one sent by @/jamiesgotchu, since its still half finished and I wanna get it done and posted). I hope none of you take offense to this at all and you are more then free to re send any prompts or requests you may have had!!!!
Hopefully with this fresh start and with new requests coming in, I'll feel much more motivated to get things done. Again, thank you all for staying with me throughout my absence and I look forward to getting to write for you all again soon now with some updated new Fandoms to add to my list >:3
Talk 2 u soon
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fluffypandabun · 1 year
I promise im still into rottmnt but guys.....have any of u heard of welcome home.....im kind of obsessed So if yall have any (platonic) requests, especially with Wally, i would be more then happy to obliged :3.
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