#panaccotta gugo x reader
kindajared · 4 years
La Famiglia || Choose Your Own Adventure
(HERE IT IS GUYS!) 4k words!
Fuck. Your head throbbed. Your eyes were still closed as you pressed your fingers to your forehead. It must have been bruised. Maybe you hit your head? You opened your eyes, blinking to get used to the lighting of the world you. Your vision was blurry. You rubbed your eyes. What you saw was not familiar.
You were in an alley. In the shadow of two buildings. It was daylight out, the sun shone brightly in the sky. It smelled weird, there were a few garbage cans around you. That explained it.
You were sat down on the pavement, leaned up against a brick wall. You rested your hand back on it, feeling its texture. Where were you? You had yet to ask yourself.
You stood yourself up, dizzy. You groaned. Your head hurt like a bitch. You used the wall for support. You had to rest a moment before you pushed yourself off the wall, stepping into the middle of the alleyway. You let out a long breath as you struggled to walk out into the light. You blocked the sun with your palm. What you saw before you was most definitely a place you hadn’t been before. The people seemed different too. You took a moment to take everything in. You then realized they were speaking Italian. Heh? Why are they speaking Italian?
You stepped out onto the sidewalk and were immediately bumped into.
“Watch it, idiota.”
Wait…Scusi? Was that Italian? You meant to apologize in English, but instead that was what came out. Soon enough, the words that people were saying were clear to you. You understood every word. There were so many things you were questioning at this point. It was wearing you out.
You grabbed your forearm where the man bumped you. It was sore. The only thing you could do was continue to walk around. Cars passed you by as you walked, you were looking at your feet, not the best idea. You ended up running into someone else. You looked up just in time to head face first into their chest.
You began to stumble backwards, but strong hands took hold of your biceps. You had to catch your breath as they steadied you. You looked up at his face. His intense blue eyes caught your full attention. You were speechless. He observed you.
“Are you alright?” He asked you. It took you a few moments to reply, you were somewhat hypnotized.
“No, not really.” You were staring at him. It didn’t seem to make him uncomfortable. His black hair shone nicely in the sunlight. His bob-like haircut suited him. You had never seen someone who wasn’t a woman pull it off. He had orange clips on either side of his head above his bangs. You noticed his look of concern then.
“What happened to you?” He asked. He still held your arms. You swallowed.
“I don’t know. I-I have no idea what’s going on.” You began to lose yourself in your uncertainty, you began to hyperventilate. The man gently squeezed your arms.
“Amica, come with me. I can help.” His words caught you off guard, you had been looking away, but you looked back at him. You had an odd feeling that you could trust him. You nodded.
“O-Okay.” He let go of one of your arms but kept ahold of the other one. You could tell he was going to protect you.
He led you a simple Italian restaurant. He took you to a small booth. He sat you down on one side. He sat across from you.
“Tell me your name.”
Was the first thing he said to you at the table. You shyly replied.
“I’m (Y/N).” You felt as though you should give him more information, but you honestly couldn’t remember a single thing about yourself. You knew who you were…but many things seemed to have just left your mind. Where you were from, who you family was. This was getting even scarier. The man could tell you were having a hard time.
“I’m glad to meet you, (Y/N). I am Bruno Bucciarati.” He put his hand to his chest and nodded to you. Putting a name to the face was incredibly helpful. You managed a small smile. A waiter then approached the table.
“Buonjiorno, Amici. What would you like?” He held a pen and notepad in front of him. You shook your head, but Bruno spoke.
“You can have whatever you’d like.” He assured you with a kind smile. You hadn’t even touched the menu, but you were familiar enough with Italian food.
“C-Can I get Spaghetti Bolognese, please?” You asked nervously. The server wrote it down.
“And you, Amico?” He asked Bruno. He just waved his hand and shook his head. The waiter walked away. You looked at the other in confusion.
“I’m not hungry, don’t worry.” His smile remained. It was extremely comforting. You let out a gentle huff.
“Thank you for this. I’m really hungry.” You admitted, reaching for the napkin in front of you. You began to fold it, distracting yourself momentarily before Bruno spoke.
“Do you have anything else to tell me? I don’t see many people wandering around Naples looking like you do.” He asked you, genuinely curious. He seemed to actually be worried about you. You replied.
“I-I don’t know. I woke up in an alley, I-.” You reached for your forehead and touched it, hissing.
“I-I had this, but I don’t remember what happened. I don’t even have the slightest clue.” You reached for the napkin again. Bruno didn’t speak. He wanted you to continue, so you did.
“I suppose I have a concussion. All I know is my name…my age…” You stopped for a moment, trying to think of anything else, but you were at a loss. Bruno took notice.
“If you let me help you, I will try to do so.” He told you. His words calmed you. You might end up being okay after all. Then came your food.
“Here you go, Amica, enjoy. I will bring you some water.” He left once more. You looked at the plate in front of you, taking a deep breath in. How wonderful. It looked delectable; all you did was stare at it for a moment. The man across from you chuckled before saying something.
“Are you going to eat? It is food, after all.” He snapped you out of your trance and you picked up your fork and spoon, spinning a few noodles together before you brought them up to you mouth, taking a bite. You smiled as you chewed. And damn good. It was authentic after all. You went in for another bite. It was a little too big.
“Mmm!” You struggled to chew, and Bruno couldn’t help but start laughing at you.
“Slow down, Amica. You’ll choke.” He reminded you as if you were a child. You certainly felt like one in this moment. You did as he said and swallowed with a gasp. You cleared your throat. You became red in the face. How could you be such a slob in front of someone who was being so kind to you?
You set your fork down, deciding to take a break. Your waiter came back with the water.
“Oh, Grazie. You and Bruno spoke at the same time. You smiled at each other. The waiter died the same and left the two of you. You immediately took a few gulps. You felt so dehydrated. You only hoped this, and the food would help your pounding head. You swallowed before speaking. You had another question.
“U-Uh, am I, am I in Italy? You mentioned Naples…” You asked nervously. You assumed the answer was yes. You were so far from home. You felt so alone.
“Si. We are in Naples.” He replied. He was completely aware that your lack of knowledge in this situation was scaring you.
“O-Oh…” You replied. He had to ask something else though.
“Though I must say, your Italian is near perfect.” One of his brows was lifted. It seemed very strange. He rested his elbows on the table. You decided to pick up your fork and begin eating again.
“Honestly…I haven’t the slightest clue as to how I’m speaking it…I’ve never learned.” You took bite after bite after speaking, but you had slowed down. The other squinted his eyes. How peculiar this was.
“Strange.” Was all he replied with as he watched you eat and drink.
“You’re telling me…” You replied between bites. Soon enough you were finished, clearing your plate. You set your fork down and picked up your napkin, wiping your mouth.
“Do I-have anything on my face?” You had to ask. You didn’t want to walk around with red sauce as lipstick.
“No, you’ve got it all.” He thought your question was rather cute. In fact, he thought you were cute. A smile remained on his face as he thought about that. You spoke again.
“For the food…grazie mille…” You almost felt guilty for letting him pay for your food. You were a stranger. Sure, you were in distress, but still. This had must have been the reason you trusted him you supposed.
“No need. You need to eat.” He told you. He got up from his seat and held out his hand for you to take.
“I’m going to find a safe place for you.” You hesitated to take his hand, looking up at him.
“With you?” You asked. You had hoped he would say yes.
“No. I’m afraid not.” His smile was no longer present. Neither was yours. You took his hand.
“Oh, well…I’d like to stay with you. You’ve done so much for me. You’re the only person I have.” You explained to him. He let go of your hand as you left the restaurant. Your mood wasn’t in tip-top shape.
“I promise you that you are better off elsewhere.” He glanced at you as he led you down the sidewalk. He was taking you somewhere. You had no idea where. You stayed close to him.
“May I ask why that is-.” He cut you off.
“No.” Was all he replied with. You looked down, regretting questioning his answer.
“Midispiace molto, Amica.”. He was the guilty one. He didn’t mean to speak to you in that manner. You looked back at him.
“It’s Ok-,”
Suddenly you felt a sharp pain against your upper back, you’d never felt such pain before. You felt your muscles break open. Your bones felt as if they had shattered. You took in a very deep and sharp breath, crying out. You began to keel over, but Bruno caught you.
“(Y/N)?” He held your shoulders. You couldn’t speak. The searing pain left you unable. Your eyes were wide when you looked at him. You needed help. You needed this pain to leave. Your head fell back. You lost consciousness.
Bruno panicked as he held you. If he had a plan, this certainly wasn’t a part of it. Merda. What was he to do? When people began to stare, he picked you up bridal style. This was certainly not normal. There was something going on here. Something going on with you. He had to figure it out. And there was only one place where he could do that.
You woke up on a couch in an unfamiliar setting. Your eyes fluttered open, you looked over to see six men, one of them was them was the man that helped you. You managed to sit up. Your back was sore, but the pain seemed to have subsided…you couldn’t even begin to guess how that was. You had felt like you had broken your back. Like someone…shot you with an arrow…You cleared your throat. It was dry. The men all looked at you.
“Oh! (Y/N).” Bruno hurried over to you and knelt. His familiar voice and face calmed you. He put a hand on your shoulder.
“How are you? Are you in pain?” He asked you hurriedly. You shook your head. You honestly began to feel fine. You were a little hunched over though. You looked past Bruno at the other men. They all stared at you. Bruno spoke to you.
“Men, this is (Y/N).” He told them. They didn’t say anything back. Two of them were eating donuts. Bruno scoffed.
“Are you going to be mature and say hello, S idioti?” He scolded them. They all stiffened and one by one said hello.
“Hey.” Said one of the men eating a donut. He wore an outfit like something you’d never seen before. He wore a cropped blue and red sweater with striped red pants accompanied by some sort of head gear of the same two colors, an arrow design went down the middle. There were white crises cross patterns on his sweater. His boots were tall and white. He looked to be in his late teens. He was bullt slim but was muscular. You could tell he was a personality. He wasn’t bad looking in the slightest. His dark eyes complimented his tan skin tone.
“Hey there!” This one smiled brightly at you. It was refreshing. He wore black pants and a black top with straps that went up to his collar. He fashioned what seemed to be an orange skirt of some sort. His hair was dark and messy, an orange bandana accompanied it. He must have been a bit younger than the first. Slim as well, sort of lanky, but he definitely did some working out. It was odd to see someone that young with a body like that. He was adorable. His purple eyes seemed to sparkle. He sported a light tan.
These men were already getting extremely hard to describe. You simply couldn’t imagine what their personalities must be like.
“Hey.” This one seemed uninterested. He didn’t even look at you. He had light grey to white long hair, some sort of purple head piece on the top of his head. His outfit was impressive and unique. He wore a long dark, lapel less overcoat. He had purple laces that crossed his chest. Wow. Sexy. Dark bell-bottoms matched his coat. Black shoes. The buckle of his belt has an insignia of an A. He wore purple lipstick. Oh, brave. It looked good on him. He was visible taller than the others, a slim built, but definitely a little bigger. You had yet to get a look at his eyes. This one was pale.
“Mm.” Was all this one’s greeting was. He also didn’t seem to be interested, but he did flash a small smile. He wore a two-piece suit that looked like it had definitely been through a lot. The only button that was clasped was his top one. He was bare underneath. He sported a blue tie that was tucked underneath the first button, it had a few strawberries down the middle. Another cute one if you had anything to say about it. His eyes were a beautiful purpura similar to Narancia’s He had a light skin tone.
“Buongiorno.” He smiled. The last man was the most flamboyant. He had golden blond hair that was pulled back into a braid that looped at the bottom. He had three distinct large looped curs that sat atop his forehead. He wore a two-piece pink suit with varied small designs on it. The back end of his suit had a checkered pattern on it. There was a large heart shaped opening in the chest of what he wore. He had three lady bug broaches around the border of it. Young as well. Moderate stature, Cute of course. Amazing turquoise eyes. Also, light skinned.
Bruno’s attire was also elaborate. You supposed you hadn’t actually paid too much attention beforehand. He wore a white two-piece suit with spoon shaped black emblems all over it. Golden zippers adorned his shoulders and biceps. He also had an opening in the chest area, larger than Giorno’s it was clear to see that he had an intricate black tattoo underneath that started at his chest. You couldn’t place the pattern. He had soft light skin as well, matching his blue eyes like a dream.
Jesus. Talk about putting on a fashion show without a runway. You just wished you had a sense like that. Impressive attire…Bruno breathed in and out, irritated.
“Maybe you want to tell her your names as well…?” He told them, shaking his head in disappointment. He was definitely the parent here. They all told you their names then, introducing themselves in different manners.
Guido Mista.
Narancia Ghirga,
Pannacotta Fugo,
Leone Abbachio.
Giorno Giovana.
And of course Bruno Bucciarati.
Now that that was over with you could relax a little more. Knowing their names was comforting. Knowing that they were Bruno’s friends made it all the better.
“So, these are your friends?” You asked, of course knowing that that was the case.
Bruno looked back at you. Soon Fugo spoke up.
“Does she even know, Bucciarati?” He asked. Of course, you knew not of what he was referring to. You lifted your brows, looking to Bruno. Know what?
“Know what?” You asked, voice unsure. Bruno sighed and looked to you. He had to tell you.
“We are Passione. Part of the Italian Mafia.” He did not admit this lightly. You were silent. The mafia? This wasn’t…you thought Bruno was different. Not some criminal. Your lips parted as you wanted to say something but couldn’t think of anything.
“(Y/N), Listen-.’ He wanted to explain but you stood up.
“I think I should go now. I-I can take care of myself.” You began to walk towards the door, but you turned around to look at Bruno one more time. That’s when you saw it. You saw it in the corner.
It was terrifying. Your eyes widened. No…what the hell was that? You couldn’t quite describe it. It was humanoid and looked…like metal or iron…coated in rust. Chains wrapped around it as if it were mummified, some hung off of it. Its eyes were black. It had no mouth.
You screamed bloody murder, falling back and onto the carpet. The others looked at you. What the hell?
“(Y/N)?” Bruno was scared for you at this point. You pointed to the corner of the room.
“Th-That thing!”
You began to shake. When they saw it, their mouths fell open. They knew exactly what they were looking at.
It was your stand.
They all looked at each other, nearly as shocked as you. Giorno spoke.
Bucciarati you said she-.” He was interrupted.
“I know what this is…” He let out a long breath. Bruno stood so that he could walk over to you, kneeling.
“It’s alright, (Y/N). It’s alright.” He reassured you. His voice did in fact calm you, despite what you had just found out about him. You swallowed.
“W-What the fuck is that?” You nearly yelled. You began to breath heavily.
“It’s a stand.” Giorno spoke. You looked at him.
“A what now?” You asked, Shaking.
“A manifestation of your soul.” He was going to explain, but he knew you wouldn’t listen until you calmed down. He looked at the others.
“Should we show her?” They all had looks of uncertainty on their faces. Narancia spoke.
“Me first.” He stepped forward before calling out.
And out of the blue you saw a miniature fighter plane floating next him. It glowed. You brought your hands up to rub your eyes. You were speechless at this point. Then Mista stepped forward, pulling out a pistol.
“Go, Sex Pistols!”
And then you saw 6 little creatures appear on top of his gun. They looked like some sort of projectiles. They began to speak in high pitched voices.
“Yeehaw! Who’s that?” You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut. This was a dream! It was to weird! No way in hell! When you opened them back up, everything was as it was before you closed your eyes. This was no dream. Fugo was to go next, but he shook his head.
“I shouldn’t. My stand isn’t safe to be around. You are all aware of that.”
He was serious. Everyone nodded, so you did too, a bit disappointed. Abbachio stepped forward closing the silence after Fugo spoke
“Moody Blues!”
His stand appeared, humanoid as well. It was a tall slick lavender-purple figure that was sort of holographic. It had what looked like a countdown timer on its head. You blinked quickly. Then it was Giorno’s turn.
“Gold experience!”
And what you saw was indeed gold and definitely an experience. This one was humanoids like the others, slim, gold as it’s name describes. It had some sort of what looked like a crown for a head piece. Then it was Bruno’s turn.
“Sticky Fingers!”
And his stand appeared. It was white and blue with silver spikes on it’s face and 3 golden zippers across its body.
You were frozen. You had no idea what to think. How to feel. You looked down at the carpet. Your chest rose and fell heavily. It hurt like hell.
“(Y/N).” Bruno spoke your name, but you wouldn’t look. You soon felt a hand on the side of your face. Bruno gently turned your face towards him.
“I know it’s scary, Cara, but you need to accept it. Everything will be okay.” You bit your lower lip. There was no use in feeling the way you were. Acting in this manner. If this was how it was going to be, you had to suck it up. Though you did feel your eyes begin to sting a bit. You felt tears were coming, but you blinked them away. You refused to cry. You would be strong.
“So-So what now?” You looked at Bruno before looking at your stand. It was still terrifying to look at. It looked almost like a movie monster. Why did it have to look like that…and not cool like moody blues? Totally unfair…
Not to mention…a manifestation of your soul? Is that what your should looked like? That was unfortunate. You managed to start composing yourself. Bruno stood and held out his hand. You took it without hesitation.
“These things have names, yes?” You asked, looking to the others. Mista spoke.
“Yup, whatever you wanna name it. Go for it. Make sure it’s something cool though. Like mine.”
His little bullets cheered.
“Yeah, Like us!”
You laughed at the both of their enthusiasm and put a finger to you chin. Chains…Sex Pistols…Chains…You knew exactly what you wanted your stands name to be.
“I got it.”
The other’s looked at you in anticipation. Narancia spoke excitedly.
“Spit it out, Amica!” He wanted to know. You put your hands on your hips. You were in fact declaring something,
“Alice in Chains.”
Mista and Narancia high fived each other. You couldn’t help but notice the others smile.
“A good choice.”
You were incredibly surprised to hear from Abbachio.
“I like it.” 
Fugo spoke next.
Giorno joined in. It was time for Bruno’s reply.
“You seem to be a natural.” 
His smile was wide. He was proud of you.
“Now…” He walked in front of the others so they could all get a good like at him. He stood before everyone.
“You’re going to need some help with your new ability.” He told you.
“I encourage you to choose a partner.”
The others looked surprised at first, but then became intrigued,
“Me me!” Narancia raised his hand. He was totally up for it.
“Forget him, me and pistols got your back.” Mista was sure of himself.
“I’ve got the most experience.” Abbachio spoke, which you didn’t expect. He shrugged, a coy smile on his face.
“I’ll teach you, but I can’t guarantee you’ll see my stand.” He told you matter-factly. You couldn’t deny his small smile. This all seemed to be a competition now.
“I think it’s arguable that I have the most powerful stand, Amica.” Giorno’s arms were crossed and eyes were closed as he spoke. He knew him and his stand were the perfect team. He looked to you, the corner of his upper lip was curled up into a smile.
“And if it suits you. Feel free to choose me.” Bruno had a hand on his hip.
It was going to be hard, but you had to choose.
Who would you pick?
(Welcome, Welcome to my ‘Choose your own adventure’! Over time new chapters will come out based on the choices you make. I will start by publishing the most popular choices! The story can go in different directions! Comment.reply or send an ask on your thoughts!)
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kindajared · 4 years
Fugo x reader headcanons where the reader has bad anxiety? Also really love ur blog homie! :)
(jvrweh Thank you, lovely)
Fugo is super fucking soft. His embraces are so gentle.. He holds you like you are a precious artifact.
When you cry he’s always there to wipe your tears, but he always feels guilty that he doesn’t have some sort of hankercheif so he lets you use his shirt. He doesn’t care.
When yoi’re having a hard time breathing, he holds your face and caresses your cheeks with his thumbs, he always makes sure you’re looking right at hime “Look at me. You’re gonna be okay. Alright?”
He’s not known for giving good advice or being a good listener, but he tries so hard to be for you. 
He traces his fingers oover the palms of your hands to calm you down. His touch is so gentle it almost tickles.
He holds his forehead against yours and caresses your hair when you won’t look at him, He just wants to see your face.
The kinds of kisses he gives you are always on your wrist, He loves everything about your hands and how soft they are
(And there you have it!) @jojo-simp
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