#palletshipping week day 1
inkymkk · 6 months
Palletshipping week: Day 1
Got the prompt from @/shigerussato !!
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im new to this shit BAHHAAHHA
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shigerussato · 1 year
so as it’s been mentioned the past couple of days, palletshipping week 2024 is here! and these are the rules and prompts for this year! 
read carefully and please ask questions and don’t save them for last minute timing if you are participating. thank you. 🤍
Palletshipping Week Start Date : March 29th 
Palletshipping Week End Date : April 4th (Palletshipping Day) 
you can start posting your first fanfic whenever it is March 29th for your timezone. that writing piece must be for Day One of palletshipping week. so please post these as the chronological order i have organized them. 
When posting your fanfics PLEASE specify that it’s for palletshipping week! weather mentioning it on a note or tag under “Palletshipping Week” 
When posting your writing pieces you have two options : 
You may make this as a chapter book, example “Day One - Chapter 1 etc etc.” 
Second Option you may make it as a ‘Series’ Ao3 users you may be familiar with associating a fic to another as a part of a series so that’s a second option! 
other writing platforms are welcome, but since i only use Ao3 i don’t have familiarity with how others work so as you’d like to organize on other platforms is up to your preferences and knowledge. 
When posting your fanfics please specify the fanfics as Ex: “Day One - Childhood Memories” you may just title it with the topic you chose to do for that fanfic. 
NOTE : your fanfics do not have to be named after the specific day topic you may make your own title but just specify (as mentioned) that it’s an entry for palletshipping week and the day the fanfic is associated for. 
ALSO! : you are NOT obligated to do all seven days only the topics you’d like to write for! 
to promote your fics on here or other social media platforms you may use the tag “palletshipping week” to do so. 
these topics aren’t only potential for fics but art as well ! so feel free to post and tag under “palletshipping week” and specify the days the art is for. 🤍 
i will be reblogging and sharing fics, art, edits that are made for palletshipping week!
everyone and anyone who loves palletshipping is allowed to participate. you don’t need to be following me, be moots with me or any way associated with me. you’re allowed to have fun and do this if you’d like, me being the organizer has nothing to do with you not being able to do so. 
feel free to ask questions under this post, inbox or dm’s! thank you and have fun with this, i’m very excited!! 🤍🤍
Topics Listed Below : 
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palletofshipping · 6 months
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palletshipping week day 1- moving in together!
First night in 😴
It always feels nice sleeping after moving into your first home together :)
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kohakhearts · 9 months
7 for palletshipping tho?-
7: we always used to have sleepovers as children, why would it be weird now? wc: 1 731 read on ao3 here
Ash is at his wit’s end.
It has been a long, long time since he’s been truly and properly alone. Even then, he knows so many people in so many corners of the world, it is hardly a surprise when he bumps into a familiar and friendly face on his journeys. They will typically spend a few days to weeks together, and then, eventually—as they always do—part ways again with a spirited promise to meet again soon.
This is how it always is. Ash wouldn’t have it any other way.
Except for one Gary Oak, that is.
Oh, Ash sees him everywhere. They run into each other, quite literally, in Castelia City trying to find a place in line for a Casteliacone. They cross paths a dozen times or more at the docks in Vermilion City, boarding separate ships to faraway regions. They even find themselves two seats apart on an airplane bound from Kalos to Kanto.
But after a few hours of conversation, Gary always steps back again. Says, somehow bracingly, “It was good to see ya, Ash,” “I’ll see ya around,” “Catch ya later”—each new iteration means the same thing: I’m not sticking around this time, either.
Since they were kids on the road for the first time, this is how it has been. One degree of separation, and then a dozen more with each one of Gary’s receding footsteps. Ash cannot trace or follow them, has never known how to catch up to someone whose movements always face away from him. He spent so long trying, he became someone whose footsteps others believe can be followed, too. Sometimes, he even needs to remind himself that the view from up ahead cannot be the reason he refuses to turn around when a friend calls out his name.
It is almost ironic, then, that this should be their position now: caught out in the lush green of northern Hoenn, Ash calling out to the shadowed figure ahead of him, “Gary! Hey, wait up!”
Gary pauses, though he does not so much as turn his head until Ash has jogged up beside him. He offers Gary his best winning smile and says, “Wasn’t expecting to find you out here! What’re you up to?”
“Looking for a Pokémon.” Gary’s eyes turn away from him again, sweeping over the sunlight-dappled shrubbery. “Actually, maybe you could help me out.”
“Sure! What are we looking for?”
Ash blinks. “Did you wanna catch one?”
He shakes his head. “It’s injured. I saw it earlier, but it disappeared before I could get close enough to check it. I doubt it’s gone far. It didn’t look like it was in very good shape.”
Ash’s decision was already made when he saw Gary standing out here alone in the first place, but that is enough to solidify his convictions. With a sharp nod, he says, “I’ll check this way, then. We can meet back here.”
Gary’s gaze still doesn’t reach his, even as he nods his agreement. Ash doesn’t waste any time to do more than notice it; they will return to each other, without a doubt. They always do, at least long enough so that Gary can say good-bye.
The search, however, is long and fruitless. The leaves shudder with the late summer breeze, calling his and Pikachu’s attention, but never once do they encounter anything larger than a skittish Oddish or wide-eyed Zigzagoon peering out from behind tree trunks and bushes. As green begins to glow orange with the final strokes of daytime, Ash trudges back to the place he met up with Gary to wait for Staraptor to report back to him with its findings.
It arrives only a few minutes later, head bowed as it delivers to him one disappointed squawk: nothing.
Ash smiles at his Pokémon and pulls out its ball to recall it. “It’s okay. You did your best. Thanks for the help.”
By now, the last coals of evening are beginning to cool into dark splotches all around him. The wind whispers through the trees; he wraps his arms around his torso, momentarily frozen by the lonely quality of its passage.
But then there is a rustling to his right. His head snaps around just as Gary appears from the late-day shadows. He’s carrying a bundle in his arms, brow pinched. Without even looking up from it, he steps past Ash to get to the clearing behind them and says, “Help me start a fire, would ya?”
Ash doesn’t need to be told twice when there is an injured Pokémon in their midst. He pulls out two Poké Balls and directs Sceptile and Pignite to begin gathering kindling for them. Pikachu hops off his shoulder and scurries away to help them.
In no time at all, the fire is blazing and a small pile of juicy oran and sitrus berries have been gathered nearby it. Ash watches from one side of their makeshift fire pit as Gary mutters reassurances to the tired, feverish Kecleon, then puts his back to the scene and begins pitching his tent. It is twenty parts habit and eighty parts hope that has him throwing out the extra sleeping bag he’s taken to carrying since he realized how often he is pulling his friends away from their day-to-day lives for adventures without them having any time to prepare for the fact.
It is only when he crosses to the other side of their site that he sees Gary is watching him. It is not merely the nighttime shadows that contribute to the darkness of his expression.
“I should take Kecleon to the Pokémon Centre,” he says.
Ash peers down at the now-sleeping Pokémon with a frown. “Is it really that sick? It’s gonna take at least an hour to get there, and that’s if we don’t get lost or sidetracked on the way. ‘Sides, the Pokémon Centre’s gonna be closed soon. We shouldn’t wake Nurse Joy if it’s not an emergency.”
The wind slices between them, much cooler now that the sun has gone away.
And then Gary says, voice tight, “Who said anything about ‘we’?”
“Don’t be stupid,” Ash mutters. “‘Course I’d come with ya.”
A sigh. He watches as some of the tension drifts out from Gary’s body.
“Stay here,” Ash tells him. “I set up the tent for us both. You need to get some sleep too, y’know. You were searching for it all day!”
But just when he thinks Gary is going to acquiesce, he turns around and grabs his bag from the ground. Still not looking at Ash, he says, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
The night seems, all at once to still. Ash stands there for a long moment, heart beating loud and fast, just waiting for Gary to quantify that statement. To give him some kind of reason for his departure, if there ever even was one, but—
He doesn’t.
And finally, the desperate irritation beneath his breast rises and swells. He takes a step forward, demanding, “Why not? You’re always doing this! Can’t you just trust me on this?”
He sees when the tension returns. A familiar weight on Gary’s shoulders.
“It’s not about trust. This is just how it is.”
Gary takes a step away from him.
“But why’s it gotta be how it is? C’mon, Gary, we used to have sleepovers all the time as kids! What’s so different about it now?”
His heart leaps up into his throat when Gary whirls around. The shadows are cast away by the light from the fire, revealing wide, astounded—angry?—eyes.
“What part of this is anything like that?”
Ash swallows. “Well, uh—how is it anything not like that? We share the tent and if you’re really too worried about Kecleon to sleep, then I’ll be here to keep you company. Or, if not, then we can watch each other’s backs if anything happens. Isn’t that a good thing?”
Gary opens his mouth, then closes it again. He blinks once, hard, then laughs. It is not a joyous sound in the slightest; Ash is reminded of sneering taunts, a rivalry he never knew how to play out.
He says, feeling very small, “I just wish you’d stop walking away.”
A beat passes. Gary lifts one hand up to his nose, sighing deeply. When he drops again, the heat in his gaze has simmered down into something less familiar, almost sad.
“It’s different, Ash. We…we’re different. It’s been a long time. Let it go, all right?”
“No. Why should I? You aren’t giving me a reason to!”
Behind him, the fire spits and crackles. Pikachu pads around it in order to sit down by his feet, looking up at Gary quizzically.
“The reason is we aren’t kids anymore.” Gary hoists his bag up higher on his shoulder, determinedly not looking at either of them. “You’re never gonna get it, so why bother wasting time explaining? It was good to see ya, Ash, but—”
Before he can finish the thought, Ash surges forward and grabs hold of his wrist. When Gary’s wide eyes fall down to meet his glare, all he can think to say is, “Stop leaving me behind, you jerk!”
He feels Gary’s hand twitch, but he dares not release his hold now. Gary doesn’t force him to, either.
He just asks, “Is that what you think I’ve been doing?”
And all at once, the anger floods out of him. His grip relaxes, just slightly. He lowers his gaze, and he nods.
The wind picks up again, but Ash doesn’t feel its bite as Gary steps in closer to him again. Gary’s fingers brush against his wrist, then force their way up to his hand, effectively loosening Ash’s hold on him. But just when Ash expects the warmth to disappear, those fingers wrap between his, holding tight.
“Okay,” Gary says, very quietly. He shrugs his shoulder, so that his bag falls down his free arm and back to the ground. His hand squeezes Ash’s. “I’ll stay.”
Ash breathes out, deflating against him. His head falls to rest against Gary’s shoulder. Everything else seems in an instant to disappear.
“I missed you,” he admits at last.
Gary stills. But he does not pull away. And finally, finally, he lifts his free hand up to Ash’s cheek. It is warm, and familiar.
He says, “I missed you too, Ashy.”
bed-sharing prompts!
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deamsgirl · 1 year
Title: Sore Loser (1/1)
Fandom: Pokemon
Pairing: Ash/Gary
Summary: For Palletshipping Week, Day One: Childhood Memories/Rivalry/Bickering/Teasing
“Honestly, I’m kind of surprised Gramps never told me off for vandalizing the local route markers.”
“Yeah, ya always did like to leave me notes,” Ash says, the roll of his eyes belied by the fondness in his voice. “Used to piss me off like ya wouldn’t believe.”
Gary snorts. “That was the point, Ashy.”
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summerandfall · 1 year
Palletshipping Week 2023 Day 1: childhood memories
Gary misses his own grandfather's pokemon camp twice. Both of them feel bad about it, but no worries, Ash has the perfect idea to cheer him up.
He groggily rubs at his blurry eyes, trying to find Ash in the dimness of his bedroom. When he finds him, he squints at how Ash is fully dressed in his hoodie and sneakers. “What…? Ash?” “Wake up, come on! Get ready!” “Huh, why?” “Go on an adventure with me!”
// finally got around to writing palletshipping yay! happy palletshipping week!
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sun-to-sorrow · 1 year
For PalletShipping week day 1. I’ll do better next time. (I think…)
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gaycey-sketchit · 3 years
(Gary anon) And it lead to him being one the most famous Pokemon memes. (Yeah, this site can get pretty brutal when it comes to certain [fandom] opinions; seem quite a few people get exiled here for the silliest of things) Now both parties have big families feel with friends and Pokemon! (Heh, I always pictured Gary being more punctual when it came to giving his grandpa updates. If he and Ash ever traveled together, for Delia if she by the house, he's the closest to a pipeline on getting a)
(Part 2) (consistent status on her son. It's awkward for him on both ends, because he has to give an answer that isn't totally lying but doesn't cause any alarms, while giving Ash not-so-subtle gestures to call his mom) I think I've seen a few get a head-start; we're just 3 weeks away from it. (I still think Gary was intentionally nerfed in that fight. Didn't expect him to really stop anything, but he definitely could have done more, or come back later with the main group) I think it might be
(Part 3) mainly Ash rivals getting physical appearances, but if we were to get to lucky, Zoey and Drew feel like the most likely for non-Ash ones. (I hope so; Paul [and maybe a few other rivals] being here for a possible rematch is making me think it might not happen. Or we'll get something 'smaller' battle-wise than what's planned for Paul) I don't see Gary secretly being in PWC, but I could see them compensate for being the only glaring person who isn't Champion. And it really depends on
(Part 4) what happens after Leon; or rather, how many episodes left) Me and a few others have a theory involving Cynthia and her likely match with Ash, and it might be showcased through Iris on what he's to expect. (A few clips shown for the episode yesterday; I'm already dreading T-tar's debut, which doesn't bold well for Arcanine either since Umbreon is looking to be the final last stand) Tokio has a similar goal to Goh, plus he was unintentionally one of the reasons why Goh had trust
(Part 5) (issues and didn't make friends often) I actually thought he could be the last Chaser; not a lot of choices seem to fit. I expect teamwork on their end similar to Ash and Gary's back then. (Clemont and Bonnie will have a 1-hour special for the anniversary. Clemont is going to helping Ash with training and what looks to be Dracovish and *Sirfetch'd development) *Most are predicting its signature move here. (Drasna is the next Ultra Class opponent and finally debut in the anime)
(Part 6) (Her rank is 12th and Ash is 15th; if he wins I guess he'll be 9-10th. With likely Flint or Paul next; I think we might get another Masters drop or those two being set up for Ash) Mega Altaria being in the match here is making me question if the Syvleon trainer is Lisia; but she had a Keystone in the OP.
Oh, I remember the era of Gary Motherfucking Oak memes. What a time to be alive (and using the internet) that was.
Yeah. There also this really concerning "one strike, you're out" mentality that seems prevalent in a lot of online spaces, and this tendency to just... assume the worst of anyone who makes a mistake. Freaks me out.
Yeah! Good for them!
Oh man, that’s great. Love that.
So soon! I dug up some of my unfinished PalletShipping oneshots and I’m going to attempt to finish at least one in time.
Yeah, it’s unfortunate. He had such a rough time in DP for like... no discernable reason. But at least he’s doing well now.
Oh, I would love to see Drew again. And in my RespectShipping heart I would love for him to see Ash again.
Yeah, I don’t see Gary having any involvement in the PWC--Project Mew probably has him busy enough. I feel like a battle between he and Ash (if it happens) would just be for fun. I guess we’ll have to see what happens.
Oh boy, poor Tyranitar getting felled by an Articuno of all things... ouch. I need to see the clips myself though. (Or maybe I’ll just see when the episode drops the day after tomorrow. Sorry it is taking me so darn long to answer this, DST threw off my sleep schedule and I keep waking up too late to have time to do much before I have responsibilities.)
Yeah, I remember him now! It’s just been. Quite a while since we saw him. I do think it’s nice he’s showing up again with more plot relevance! And it does make sense, yeah; excited to see how all four of them work together.
Oh, good for them! That should be interesting.
Ooh, Drasna. I remember her from the games. Good for her making her anime debut.
Ash has really climbed up the ranks! I can’t believe how close to the end we are.
Hm, I wonder.
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askgarymfoak · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak & Satoshi | Ash Ketchum Characters: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi's Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu Additional Tags: Mild Gore, Rescue, RIP Ash's hat, Sinnoh/Gen 4, fanart inspired, Fluff Summary:
Sometimes, you're just up a creek without a paddle.
In Gary's case, he's down a hole without a ladder OR a leg to stand on.
Happy Palletshipping Day, fuckers. It’s not the story I’ve been working on for a grand total of two-three weeks now, but it’s based on an awesome piece of fanart by @putridpastries, which you can see right here. Just some short fluff, rated for mild blood. Enjoy!~ <3
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inkymkk · 6 months
Palletshipping week: Day 2!!
Got the prompt from @/shigerussato
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shigerussato · 6 months
happy palletshipping day/ and the final day of palletshipping week !! it’s been such a fun week thank you all for the support and love. it’s really appreciated ! 🤍
Chapters: 1/2
Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - Anime 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum 
Characters: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum
Summary: (very inspired by the Celebi movie) Gary and Ash find themselves encountering Celebi and travel into the future meeting with a young boy they feel a sense of familiarity to and a sense of protection to him. 
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shigerussato · 6 months
happy day six of palletshipping week !! sorry for the late upload lol, i was still making some changes to the fic lol. 💌
Chapters: 1/1 
Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - Anime 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum 
Characters: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Hanako | Delia Ketchum, Ookido Yukinari-hakase | Professor Samuel Oak
Summary: Gary and Ash organize dinner at the Oak household to find it in them to tell Delia and Professor Oak about their relationship. 
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shigerussato · 6 months
happy day three of palletshipping week !! 🤍
Chapters: 1/1 
Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - Anime 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum 
Characters: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum
Summary: Gary spots a grey hair in his hair and draws many insecurities of his appearance when meeting a new battle partner of Ash’s.
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shigerussato · 6 months
omg happy first day of palletshipping week !!! 💌💌 so excited to see what everyone who had participated has came up with for this special event, so grateful to be hosting it for another year ! i hope you enjoy what i have whipped up for this week, thank you for the support ! 💌
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - Anime Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum
Characters: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Hanako | Delia Ketchum, Ookido Yukinari-hakase | Professor Samuel Oak
Summary: Gary and Ash take a step into their relationship to move in with each other, with excitement and slight anxiety they both begin their own journey with the real start of their life together.  
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shigerussato · 6 months
hey ! happy day five of palletshipping week !! quite excited with this fic i wanted to do something different and narrate a battle tournament ! it won’t be the best lol i promise but it’s gary who’s gonna battle so i will make an effort !! it’s also gonna possible be two chapters, it got a little long and i’m still revising some things lol but thank you so much for supporting !! 💌
Chapters: 1/2?
Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - Anime 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum 
Characters: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Hanako | Delia Ketchum, Ookido Yukinari-hakase | Professor Samuel Oak
Summary: Ash falls ill before a battle competition causing Gary having to fly over to Sinnoh to care for him. 
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shigerussato · 6 months
happy day four of palletshipping week !! 💌
Chapters: 1/1 
Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - Anime 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum 
Characters: Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Hanako | Delia Ketchum, Ookido Yukinari-hakase | Professor Samuel Oak
Summary: Ash comes home just in wants to surprise Gary on his birthday.  
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