#palkia b like wtf gira why
(Life-of-kalos Morana @ both) The Yveltal noticed the pair arrive and was quite intrigued. She gracefully made her way over to them in hopes of striking up conversation. "My my, you both are quite stunning if you don't mind me saying." She bows her head in greetings. "Where are my manners? My name is Morana. Might I get your names as well? Perhaps even a dance from this lovely lady?" She reaches a hand towards the palkia in anticipation.
[TW: Uncanny Valley/Body Horror Ahead]
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The plead from his younger sister made him chuckle. He knew what she meant, and reluctantly decided to help her out.
“Well, you are quite the smooth talker arn’t you? For a good of destruction I suppose it comes with the territory. Manipulatin your prey right into your arms is quite the impressive feat I’m sure.” Circling the yveltal, he tested the waters to see if she had any bite. Somewhere there must have been abgear to grind.
“Flattery will get you everywhere with the right people of course.” The lilt he had bordered on malicious, yet sweet like the sugar cane he so beloved. “We do look quite stunning don’t we Palkia?” The glare on her face told him to get on with it, to which he responded with a simple grin. Patience.
“And I must say you are quite the show yourself!” He apun around, eyes dancing in pure delight as he faced the fellow legend once more. “My, you are more adorned than I am, I must say I am quite jealous I didn’t have the idea for chains myself! I am quite fond of them you know. I do quite love being shackled to a singular dimension.”
Palkia could sense where this was going, her chest growing tight in anticipation as she watched on.
“Truly you are a marvel yourself. All eyes must be in you, hm?” He took a deep breath, bending down to Morana’s level. “I will say this but once. So listen clearly.”
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An overwhelming pressure filled the small area, threatening to break all affected. The air thick enough you could choke, shadows caving in on the sides of the vision. Palkia watched as the man’s face contorted into something twisted, his fist clutched around dripping shadows. Where his eyes were, left two gaping holes and cracks that connected to his slacking jaw. Not even his clothes stayed pristine, falling into tatters and ruin as he continued the act.
Soon however, the moment ended. The dension dissipated as quickly as the it had come, and the man walked back to his sister as if nothing had happened. Her shocked expression made him laugh, a cold and bitter laughter that did nothing to satiate her terror.
“The name is Giratina, by the by. I would hope you don’t forget it.” Holding an arm out to his sister once more, he gave her a pleasant smile. “Shall we?” He seemed pretty chuffed with himself.
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