#palestinians since way before hamas or even the pflp even existed
chaiaurchaandni · 6 months
in the newest al-Qassam video, after hitting a tank & opening fire on the IOF, the resistance fighter says, “This is revenge for my family! God willing.”
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The resistance fighters live amongst their people, they are experiencing every bit of suffering that their people are suffering. You cannot distinguish or separate the people from their resistance. The fighters are also orphaned, their parents, their wives, their children are also martyred. They’re not immune to the current situation, nor have they abandoned their people but they continue to valiantly defend them and their honor. In the words of Abu Hamza, “we, in the Palestinian resistance, live your conditions and feel your pain."
In the words of an Al-Qassam fighter, the resistance are the sons of the Palestinian people, they are not people who randomly ‘descended down from the moon,’— they are the people, and they have every right to resist the occupation.
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The following is an excerpt from a testimony provided by a former “Israeli hostage” while they were held in captivity by Al-Qassam. The resistance is also offering sacrifices for the liberation of their people, they too, are suffering but continue to be steadfast & fight till martyrdom.
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This very basic fact is oft-overlooked, and the resistance fighters are treated as ones completely detached from the reality and the agony of their people— a false, erroneous, distorted notion. They have experienced every bit of persecution, death, brutality, & oppression under this accursed occupation, and have chosen to offer their sweat, bIood, and tears to resist and defend their people, and inspire the generations to come.
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the-library-alcove · 10 months
One consistent insistence by Antizionists that has repeatedly puzzled and confounded many Jews and Israelis over the last few months since 7/10 is the often-repeated assertion that there are "Jewish Palestinians under attack by Israel in Gaza" in its full formulation, or more concisely, that there are "Palestinian Jews".
At first, most of us waved this off as simply an indicator of complete ignorance of the conflict and history of the region, and assumed that they were referring to A) "Jews who are part of the Palestinian nation-people", who exist in extremely, extremely limited numbers through intermarriage and the like, B) some kind of misconception on pre-1948 Jews who were residents of the British Mandate of Palestine, and before that the Ottoman province, or C) Jewish residents of Gaza who self-identify as Palestinians.
C seemed to be the group that was most understood as correct upon cross-examination of people making these assertions, but, being blunt...
There are no members of Group C.
All Jews were removed from Gaza by Israel in 2006, many by force, and the territory was handed over to the Palestinians entirely. There are approximately 1000-2000 Palestinian Arab Christians in the Gaza Strip, with the remaining 99.8% of the population being Sunni Muslim. The only Jews currently in Gaza are hostages held by Hamas and the IDF soldiers who are deployed there, and none of them identify as Palestinians.
But despite this topic being repeatedly and easily debunked, the claim persists among antizionists. The question is why? Not that there is disinformation in play--this entire conflict has been the subject of concerted disinformation campaigns that can be easily disproven by a glance at Wikipedia without any need for deeper research. The "why" here is "what propagandistic/narrative purpose does this claim serve?"
And the primary reasons we can come up with are less than great.
First, claiming that there are "Palestinian Jews" in Gaza allows for the invention of a perfect ideological victim being persecuted by the "racist, White Supremacist, fascist" state of Israel--i.e. they undermine the Israeli claim that the state exists for the protection of Jews.
Second, related to the first, they allow for the Antizionist promoting the theory to avoid facing the antisemitism endemic in the Antizionist movement--by positioning themselves as acting in defense of or advocacy for a (fictitious) Jewish Palestinian, then they can't be antisemitic, just "antizionist".
Third, by claiming that there are Palestinian Jews, it means that Jews are welcome and free to practice their religion in Palestine (and ties into the belief that Judaism is "just a religion"), meaning that "Zionists" are overly paranoid White Supremacists moaning about "the Great Replacement" and "White Genocide" like all other White Supremacists out there, and their concerns about Jewish survival in a hypothetical post-Israel Palestinian state under the governance of Hamas or the PFLP are unfounded and thus there is no need for Israel.
Fourth, and most disturbingly, if there are Jewish Palestinians in Gaza under Hamas' governance, then that proves, to the antizionist, that Hamas truly are freedom fighters working to expand and free their idealized multi-racial, multi-religious democratic Palestinian State from the White Supremacist Racist Zionists who are oppressing everyone, including Jews. (Instead of, you know, terrorists who oppress Gazans and want to kill all Jews everywhere).
In essence, it's a Big Lie. It seems absurd, outrageous even, to just... make up an entire demographic of people for political/ideological purposes, but the fact is, there are concrete and understandable reasons for why people both make it up in the first place, and spread it afterwards...
And those reasons boil down to, "Because we want to believe it, and it fits with the way we want the world to work."
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psychotrenny · 11 months
I love how the Western Media keeps talking about the conflict in Palestine as if it's a Hamas is the only Palestinian belligerent in this whole thing. Constant talks of "Hamas attacks" even in reference to those undertaken by other groups or just flat out calling the conflict shit like "The Israeli-Hamas War" (this includes fucking wikipedia by the way). I guess they've already spent so long much time and effort towards demonising Hamas that they can't be bothered telling people that say the PFLP exists and is also apparently bad. And I guess when you say "communist" people will think of like China or maybe Russia so they're worried that people's heads will fucking explode if you tell them that the scary muslim world also has commies in it. I mean a lot of the propaganda currently used to justify the genocide of Palestinians is that they're all this mob of bigoted Islamic fanatics so even admitting the existence secular and leftist organisations weakens this point significantly.
It also helps the various cowards who try and "both-sides" this whole thing paint Hamas as somehow utterly detached from the broader Palestinian population; draw a distinction between the "Innocent Palestinians" who deserve some sympathy for getting "caught in the crossfire" of this war but whose deaths are an unfortunate necessity for the eradication of "Hamas Terrorists". Like I guess this focus on Hamas existing in isolation also helps paint the picture of this being an unprovoked attack on a peaceful nation with the Israeli response being mere "self-defence". Reckoning with the broader nature of Palestinian resistance and popular support for it would mean reckoning with the constant violence and oppression Israel has inflicted upon them since before it was even fully a state. Anyway Hamas may be currently the predominant resistance movement in Palestine (thanks to Israeli policy I might add) but it is far from the only one that exists or the only one taking part in the current battles. Any attempts to rhetorically separate Hamas from the rest of the Palestinian resistance movement is nothing more than a craven distortion of truth to serve an imperialist agenda
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eretzyisrael · 5 years
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, ZOA Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq., and ZOA Director of Special Projects, Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement, refuting and debunking antisemitic, Israelophobic Congress members Ilhan Omar’s and Rashida Tlaib’s egregious lies in their press conference this afternoon:
Tlaib/Omar repeatedly falsely claimed that Israel occupies “Palestinian land” and demanded an “end to occupation” – their Orwellian method of calling for Israel’s destruction.  In fact, Israel is not an “occupier” because Israel, Judea/Samaria (a/k/a the West Bank) and Jerusalem are all lands designated for the Jewish homeland, both historically and under binding international law.  There has never been a state of “Palestine,” ever. The only way one can be an “occupier” is to occupy another nation’s sovereign land.  Israel is not, and cannot be an “occupier” of her own land. Additionally, the Palestinians rejected a state 4 times in the last 19 years on virtually all the disputed lands���because it required them accepting Israel as a Jewish State and agreeing to no further claims.
Moreover, the Jewish people are the indigenous people of Israel, Judea/Samaria and Jerusalem. The word “Jew” comes from “Judea” – where the Jewish people lived for over 3,000 years. The Jewish kingdoms existed for hundreds of years. There was always a Jewish presence in Israel.  Jerusalem is the Jewish people’s holiest city and site of the first and second Jewish Temples – the holiest Jewish site. Jewish holy books mention Jerusalem 700 times. The Koran never mentions Jerusalem. Throughout the millennia, Jews always pray for Jerusalem and pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray facing Mecca, and have no prayers for Jerusalem.
By contrast, Arab “Palestinians” are not indigenous to Israel. Most immigrated into Israel from Arab nations (Egypt, Syria, etc.) and from northern Africa (Algeria, etc.) after waves of Jewish communities started rebuilding Israel in the mid-to-late 1800s through mid-1900s. “Palestinian” Arab last names reveal their origin in Egypt, North Africa and elsewhere.
International legally binding treaties, including the San Remo Resolution, the Anglo- American Treaty (a U.S. treaty obligation), Feisal-Weitzman Treaty, and League of Nations Mandate to Britain, designated Israel, Jerusalem and Judea/Samaria for the Jewish homeland. Israel is not an “occupier” because these areas are no other nation’s sovereign land.
Further, despite the Jewish people’s long history in and entitlement to Gaza and all of Judea/Samaria, Israel withdrew from every inch of Gaza and over 40% of Judea/Samaria. Today, 98% of Palestinian-Arabs in Judea/Samaria are ruled by their own terrorist regime – the Palestinian Authority (PA), and have their own parliament, schools, media and institutions. Arabs in Gaza are ruled by the terrorist group Hamas.
Tlaib/Omar misleadingly implied they were excluded from the bipartisan Congressional trip to Israel a few weeks ago, and misleadingly failed to mention that Tlaib rejected the humanitarian visit to her grandmother, approved by Israel, that Tlaib requested: In fact, Omar and Tlaib were invited to the bipartisan trip to Israel, attended by 70 of their colleagues, but refused to attend.  Instead, Tlaib/Omar demanded an anti-Israel trip to non-existent “Palestine,” which did not include meetings with Israeli officials, to promote hatred and boycotts against Israel. And despite the fact that Israel approved Tlaib’s request for a humanitarian visit to her grandmother, Tlaib rejected the very trip opportunity that she requested. In other words, Tlaib/Omar were given plenty of opportunities to see the “reality on the ground” – but instead chose to propagandize against Israel and promote anti-Israel boycotts and Israel’s destruction.
Tlaib/Omar falsely claimed that they were prevented from doing their jobs: In fact, neither Tlaib nor Omar is on the Middle East subcommittee, and thus have no direct role regarding these issues. Tlaib and Omar’s real job is to serve their Congressional districts in Minnesota and Michigan, instead of abusing their positions to bash and spread falsehoods about Jews and Israel. Further, as ZOA has previously explained, Omar and Tlaib should be removed from their committee assignments due to their repeated despicable expressions of Jew-hatred, Holocaust revisionism and bias, and associations with and funding by terror and leading anti-Israel BDS promoters.  
Tlaib/Omar falsely and outrageously compared Israel to apartheid South Africa – while calling for discrimination against Jews: Israel has absolutely no comparison to apartheid South Africa. Israeli-Arabs are full Israeli citizens, Supreme Court judges, and members of the Israeli Knesset (parliament). Israeli Arabs vote in Israel’s elections, serve side-by-side with Jews in every occupation, etc. That’s the opposite of “apartheid.”  
Notably, Tlaib/Omar demanded eliminating Jewish homes (so-called “settlement expansion”). Tlaib/Omar’s demand is the real apartheid and anti-Jewish discrimination.  
Tlaib/Omar falsely called checkpoints and security checks “dehumanizing” “harassment” of Palestinians, when the sole purpose of these is to stop Palestinian-Arab terror attacks:Checkpoints are a part of life throughout the world, to stop terror. Virtually every American airport and major office building has security checks. Similarly, Israel’s checkpoints exist solely to stop Palestinian-Arab terror attacks. Since the Intifadas began, over 12,000 innocent Israelis and many Americans were murdered or maimed by Palestinian-Arab terrorists who blew up pizza parlors, Jewish weddings and Passover Seders, went on stabbing rampages, plowed trucks and cars into Israelis, shot Israelis including pregnant Jewish women waiting at bus stops, and more.  
The real “dehumanization” is the Palestinian Authority’s and Hamas’ demonization of Jews and incitement and payments to terrorists to murder Jews and Americans.
Tlaib/Omar threatened Israel with more boycotts, cutting off aid, etc: Tlaib/Omar demanded that everyone should stop visiting America’s greatest ally Israel, the only human rights loving democracy in the Mideast, and threatened aid cut-offs to Israel. They ignored the fact that U.S. aid benefits the U.S. with technology, security assistance, stopping terror attacks around the world, and more. Notably, long before Tlaib/Omar’s proposed visit, they co-sponsored an anti-Israel pro-BDS House resolution – and absurdly and outrageously likened boycotts against Israel to boycotts against Nazis.  
Tlaib falsely claimed that Trump is pitting Jews and Muslims against one another, when in fact radical Jew-haters Tlaib/Omar are creating the division. ZOA has documented Tlaib’s and Omar’s repeated antisemitic anti-Israel tweets, statements, proposed legislation, and terrorist affiliations.  
Tlaib/Omar misrepresented their itinerary and misleadingly tried to whitewash their terror-connected trip sponsor: Tlaib/Omar falsely claimed that their itinerary included items such as Knesset member meetings that were not in fact in their itinerary. Tlaib/Omar also misleadingly omitted their trip sponsor Miftah’s terror connections and Miftah’s blood libels against the Jewish people. Miftah even spread the false medieval libel that Jews bake matzah with Christian children’s blood.
Tlaib/Omar instead tried to whitewash Miftah’s abominable record by asserting that Miftah sponsored a previous Congressional trip.  Tlaib/Omar neglected to mention that the previous Miftah trip including meetings with a PFLP terrorist. The Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs “Terrorists in Suits” report, which documented the ties between BDS and terror groups, revealed that Shawan Jabarin was a PFLP operative. NGO Monitor similarly reported about the previous Miftah trip:
“In 2016, MIFTAH sponsored a trip for five US Congressmen to visit east Jerusalem and Ramallah. According to the trip’s itinerary, the Congressmen met with Shawan Jabarin, who has alleged ties to the PFLP terrorist organization and as such has been denied exit visas by Israel and Jordan.  Following the trip, one of the congressmen, Hank Johnson, made comparisons between Israeli settlers and termites. After significant criticism, Johnson apologized for his “poor choice of words.”
Tlaib/Omar also invoked falsehood-purveying anti-Israel NGOs: Omar/Tlaib also asserted that they planned to meet with former IDF soldiers to hear about various anti-Israel allegations. This was a reference to notorious anti-Israel NGOs, such as B’tselem (also see NGO Monitor report), which have a long history of disseminating falsehoods against Israel and the IDF. This further demonstrates that the sole purpose of Tlaib/Omar’s visit was to demonize Israel with one falsehood after another. This was never intended to be a legitimate fact finding trip by these two Israelophobic, bigoted, hateful members of Congress, Tlaib and Omar.
For a list of need-to-know facts, click here.
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