#palazzo Bacardi
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cubanonsolorum-blog · 7 years ago
Cosa vedere a cuba
Cuba è un'isola davvero grande, infatti o avete molto tempo oppure girarla in pochi giorni non è possibile. Io e i miei amici abbiamo optato per la capitale L’Avana, passando una settimana per le strade di questa splendida città, tra musei e locali. Per prima cosa abbiamo vagliato la parte storica della città e non potevamo perderci il museo simbolo della rivoluzione. Museo de la Revoluciòn, la cosa incredibile è che solo entrando si respira la storia di questo popolo, un emozione unica davvero. Finito li, siamo passati a visitare un altro fantastico museo, non molto distante. Quello di arte Cubana, dove sono esposti opere d’arte senza tempo, con artisti di spicco come Wifredo Lam, noto amico di Picasso, e Peter Turnley con la sua fantastica mostra fotografica.
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Solo da fuori abbiamo visto il palazzo Bacardi, dicono che da li c’è una vista mozzafiato. Purtroppo non tutti erano d’accordo a salire, quindi abbiamo continuato il tour con qualche fermata per mangiare e rinfrescarci.
Le nostre successive giornate le abbiamo passate al centro della città per lo più. Luogo autentico dell’Avana. Abbiamo visitato Plaza de la Catedral, che rappresenta la piazza principale dove poter visitare la Cattedrale. Una delle attrazioni principali, da li abbiamo fatto capatina in altrettanti musei e gallerie, tra cui Taller Experimental de Grafica. Non ci siamo di certo fatti mancare pranzi nei migliori ristoranti e bar famosissimi, tutti sempre in zona.
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Nel caso andata all’Avana e volete assaggiare il miglior mojito del mondo, allora sosta obbligata e spassionatamente consigliata è Bodeguita del Medio. Proprio il luogo dove è nata questa bevanda così speciale e conosciuta in tutto il mondo. Un luogo che vi consentirà di vivere e respirare la tradizione cubana in pieno. Poi Plaza de Armas, Plaza Francesco de Asis, che si caratterizza per lo stile architettonico tipico europeo. Infine uno dei simboli dell’Havana, il Capitolio Nacional struttura magnificiente di questa città. Un tempo sede del governo cubano. Con la sua cupola alta ben 62 metri, spettacolare a dir poco e difficile da non notare.
Un altro simbolo dell’Havana che non vi sfuggerà di certo è il Memorial José Martí. Si tratta della costruzione più alta della città, 140 metri. Collocata in Plaza de la Revolución. Dedicata alla figura dell’eroe Nazionale José Martí. Dopo una lunga settimana all’Havana, avevamo davvero bisogno di cambiare aria.
Infatti, nonostante la bellezza di questa incredibile città, dopo un po’ diventa troppo caotica e l’aria alcune volte irrespirabile. Quindi dritti dritti verso una settimana di totale relax sulle fantastiche spiagge di Trinidad. Una città dalla bellezza inimmaginabile, con tutti queste case stile coloniale di color pastello. Vi sono anche dei piccoli musei, collocati nella piazza principale, oltre che la casa della musica, dove solitamente la sera dei gruppi suonano la musica tipica cubana.
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Una delle cittadine dove si respira davvero la vita cubana, anche se molto turistica.Le spiagge però sono davvero un’attrattiva unica, avete presente quelle che fanno vedere nelle foto e nelle cartoline. Incredibile ma vero. Noi siamo stati nella spiaggia di Erin Bay e Los Iros Beach, Cumana Beach senza parole, incredibili. Con spiagge bianche, mare cristallino e da fondali mozzafiato. Sono tante le attività che si possono fare sull’isola. Dal diving alle escursioni nella foresta.
Per ulteriori consigli e approfondimenti potete consultare siviaggia.it
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helios7media-blog · 7 years ago
35 Great Things to do in Venice Italy
Ok, you already have the train, plane, bus, boat or donkey ticket in your hand. You are ready to go to the city " dell-Amm more ": Venice. And now you're looking for ideas about what you can see-do, right? Well, here we are! Let's tell you 35 things to do yes or yes in Venice, some very typical (which for some reason will be), and others ... so of our roll. If you are preparing a trip to Venice and you can not find a good, nice and cheap accommodation, we have prepared a list with the best options regarding value for money-location in Venice, just click on the image: 1 - PIAZZA SAN MARCO is the icon of Venice. And a 3 in 1: there you can admire the "Basilica di San Marco," the "Campanile" and the "Palazzo Ducale." Tip: if you have little time available and want to visit the main attractions of Venice, a good idea is to join this tour (in Spanish). It includes tickets without queues to the Ducal palace and the Basilica of San Marcos (with the four museums of San Marcos Square), one-hour excursion to the island of Murano and guides in Spanish. This type of tours is recommended for people who want to make the most of the weather ... but obviously, it is cheaper to do it on your own and to inform you about the history of the city by yourself. 2 - CANAL GRANDE : it would be like the Gran Vía of Madrid or the Diagonal of Barcelona, ​​that is the main way of the city, where you can admire the most beautiful Venetian palaces that at one time belonged to the powerful families, in addition to the Life "aquatic" of the city: Vaporetto, gondolas, boats ... 3 - LOOK FOR THE "NISSIOETI" MORE RARE: they are the signs of which the streets are given the name of the city. There are some curious! 4 - ATIBORRATE OF ICE CREAM: the Italian "gelati" are the best in the world. Good, nice and cheap (just in case you ask the price, but they would have to cost between 1 and 1.50 €). 5 - PONTE DEI SOSPIRI: and the sighs were not of those romantics, rather of those of terror: it is the bridge through which the prisoners of the prison passed before being executed, today it has become a symbol of the city. 6 - "SESTIERI ": step each of the sisters, the neighborhoods of the city. There are 6: Cannaregio, Castello, Dorsoduro, San Polo, Santa Croce and San Marco. Everyone hides treasure. 7 - GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM: with its interesting permanent exhibition dedicated to the best artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Miró, Chirico, Mondrian, Magritte, Kandinsky or Malevich. The entrance fee is € 15. 8 - PONTE RIALTO: the most beautiful bridge in the city that will give you the best view of the Canal Grande. 9 - GHETTO HEBREW: it is the first Jewish quarter built in Europe. In it, you can visit the synagogues of the city and the holocaust memorial, taste the Kosher food, and stroll through the attractive Ghetto Novo. 10 - CRAFTSMEN SHOPS: do not forget to visit a "machete" carnival shop. The prices are not tailor-made for the backpacker, but the look is free! 11 - NAVEGA: depending on the thickness of your wallet you can do it in a gondola or vaporetto. Although there are not so expensive alternatives, you can book a return in Gondola half an hour for about 30 € (per person). Although if you prefer you can try to bargain the price directly with the gondolier, if you take € 50 for 45 minutes you are a bargainer (the price is around € 80 for that time). And if you do it with dinner included and you finish the trip! 12 - ENJOY VENICE IN PARTY: Carnevale, Redentore, Film Festival and other great festivals of the city give a unique atmosphere that makes the trip unforgettable (even more). You can see the dates of the celebrations here. 13 - ENJOY VENICE WITHOUT PARTIES: but if you go on dates without designated parties do not be sad: maybe it's better: prices will not be overcast, and you can enjoy the city with fewer tourists. 14 - PASS ONE OF THE WORST STREETS OF THE WORLD: but do it before eating, or the risk of getting stuck will be high. The street in question is Calletta Varisco and measures only 53 cm! 15 - DISCOVER YOURSELF the best thing to do is to forget the map and guide you by instinct, only so you can discover unique and authentic corners. 16 - GET A TASTE OF MOST POPULAR DRINK: we do not want you to end up drunk under the effects of the alcoholism, but a peeled pipe with a few spritz! It is one of the most popular drinks in northeastern Italy. You can not leave without trying! 17 - ALWAYS ASK THE PRICES: never ask for something without asking the price, depending on where you are the account can go bluff! 18 - LA FENICE: one of the most beautiful Italian theaters that like the bird Fenix always resurges of its ashes. 19 - TAKE CHARGED - REPLACED BATTERY: it will seem silly to you, but you have no idea how many photos you will take, I will always finish the battery of my camera! We go for the number 20, relax, take a breath, and we go for the things to see and do in Venice that is missing! 20 - CICCHETTI E OMBRE: a fun and cheap way to eat in Venice: tapas and wines. Here we leave you a guide of the best Bacardi (tapas bar) in Venice. 21 - VENICE TO BIRD'S VIEW: do not miss the views from the plane! If you arrive by land do not despair: you can climb the campanile of San Marco! 22 - VISIT BURANO: I have fallen in love with their houses of thousands of colors and old women who knit. Look at all that awaits you in Burano. 23 - AND MURANO: very interesting this is lite with its factories to produce the glass and the famous "murrine." Tip: there is a great tour that for only € 20 will take you to discover Burano, Murano, and Torcello ... 3 of the most beautiful islands in Venice !! It is well worth taking into account that only the i - v towards an island costs about 15 €! Here you can find more info and book it. 24 - GASTRONOMY VENETA: not only pasta and pizza lives the Italian man. Do not miss the post of " eating for Venice ." 25 - CASAS Y PALACIOS: each house is a work of art in itself, not to mention typical Venetian palaces with unique Gothic and Byzantine influences such as the Ca d'Or, Ca Rezzonico, Cà Pesaro ... 26 - LOOK FOR A VERY ITALIAN GONDOLIERE: black and white striped t-shirt and to be able to sing "oh sole Mio"! It may be asking too much, but there are some! 27 - MARKET OF RIALTO: among other tourists, you will find cooks looking for the best ingredients and affable old ladies. You will have an authentic Venetian experience in this fish and vegetable market. That yes, go in the morning! 28 - SAN MARCO DE NOCHE: They say it is an almost mystical experience. Surely there is something hypnotic walking through the little squares and alleys under the dim lights of the streetlights and without the thousands of tourists on their way to San Marco. 29 - ITALIAN BREAKFAST: cappuccino and cornetto. (Remember to ask about the prices, I do not want to have the death of your bank account in the conscience! It calculates about 2.50 - 3.50 €). 30 - SYMBOLIC PHOTO: the symbol of Venice is the Winged Lion, look for it all over the city and do not go without a photo with it! It brings so much luck (this I just made it up, but trying does not hurt!). 31 - CRAZY FOR SUNSET: If the sunset is the most special moment of the day, imagine yourself in Venice! Do not go to the hotel before sundown !! 32 - TRAFFIC SIGNALS: you will know that in Venice there are no cars, no bikes, no bikes, but it is full of unique signs in the world. Do not miss them! 33 - KAYAK TOUR: A different way to visit Venice from its canals. It is not the lowest cost there but certainly an original idea! (90 € half-day, more info at www.venicekayak.com ). 34 - BICYCLING: it is forbidden to go on the streets by bicycle ... but in the canals? Look what the rock has invented ( http:--shuttlebike.com- ). 35 - FREE TOUR: a free tour through the streets of Venice, even if you're not a good guy, it always works well. ( Www.freetourvenice.com ). Or, if you want to be calmer and book it with a good web, here we leave you an option. These are the 35 things we can think of to see and do in Venice. Surely we forget many things, if you have more tips or advice do not be vague and leave us a comment! Here we leave our Guide to Venice for Backpackers, with much more useful info that will come to you from pearls to your trip: Click to Post
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