#palace lodon
freshthoughts2020 · 1 year
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homeofthelonelywriter · 6 months
Celebs - Masterlist
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Tom Hiddleston:
🌺 Take the Stage: While once again sneaking out of the Palace, you meet an actor...let’s just say there is something between you two. (Royal! Reader)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31
Romeo to my Juliet: You are a student and a teacher at a college in Lodon, which is the same place a very handsome acting professor is employed. Discontinued for now.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
🌺 New Beginning:
(Part 1) | Part 2 | Part 3
HC - Tom Hiddleston x clumsy!Reader
HC - Tom helps Reader deal with anxiety and stress
HC - Tom loves Reader’s boobs
Forgotten Fears - The Reader had some bad experiences with her ex-boyfriend when he was drunk and is still traumatised by that. What happens when Tom forgets about that fear of hers?
Kinky Surprise - pure smut
Application - When you loose a bet, you are forced to send an application for Loki’s love interest. Who would have thought that they actually want to meet you?
Jealousy - Tom is insecure because of your age gap. What will happen when he sees you with one of your co-workers who is about your age?
Hidden - As an artist, you find a way to tell Tom that you’re pregnant
Bun in the oven - Pregnany reveal and a proposal. What could go wrong?
Drunken Start - After a night out with his buddies, Tom calls you, neither rembering you, nor how he got your number
Trick or Treat - Halloween Special
Best boyfriend in the world - You have trouble sleeping, so Tom decides to help you out
Dance with me - Reader and Tom slow-dance in Paris
Diary - Tom finds your diary while you’re moving and reads it
Christmas Surprise - Christmas Drabble
Let it snow! - Christmas Drabble
Drabble #75
Drabble #3
Imagine while on vacation with your BFF you catch Tom Hiddleston during a photoshoot. Your BFF makes sure he remembers you.
Imagine tagging Tom Hiddleston in a meme and actually getting a reaction.
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Benedict Cumberbatch:
Drabble #69
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Sebastian Stan:
Drabble #46
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Shawn Mendes:
🌺 Better that way: When Shawn’s girlfriend finds out that she is pregnant, she decides that she can’t burden the superstar with a child. She makes decisions which may seem stupid, but she knows that it’s Better that way.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
🌺 Surprise: Walking a Victorias Secret show was an honour already, but being able to see your boyfriend while doing so? Pure bliss. Especially when he has a little surprise for you.
Part 1 | Part 2
🌺 Fan Mail: Writing to Shawn every so often paid off when he asked you to come to one of his shows.
Part 1 | Part 2
When you’re ready - Inspired by his song
Guard my heart - You are a part of the security at one of Shawn’s shows and he notices you
Nervous - Inspired by his song
One more chance - Filming an explanation video why Shawn and you broke up, leads to some interesting realisations
In my Blood - Inspired by his song (Triggers)
Late Late Show - You are present during your boyfriend’s appearance on the Late Late Show with James Cordan. Let’s just say it was disgusting.
Sad song - Shawn finds out you can sing during a very sad occasion
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Tom Holland:
Migraine - rl!friend has a Migraine and Tom wants and tries to comfort her
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
Court Circular | 23rd March 2023
Buckingham Palace
His Excellency Mr Yannis Tsaousis was received in audience by The King today and presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Hellenic Republic to the Court of St James’s. His Excellency Mr Koray Ertas was received in audience by The King and presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Turkey to the Court of St James’s. Mrs Ertas was also received by His Majesty. Sir Philip Barton (Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs) was present. The King this afternoon officially opened the new London Headquarters of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development at Five Bank Street, London E14, and was received by Colonel Jane Davis (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London), the President of the Bank (Mrs Odile Renaud-Basso) and Mr Peter Curwen (the Board Director representing the United Kingdom). His Majesty toured the Bank, escorted by the President, and met Ukrainian and Turkish staff before viewing an art exhibition of paintings from Ukraine and joining a Meeting with the Board of Directors on green transition. Mrs Derek Cross was later received by The King upon relinquishing her appointment as The late Queen’s Diary Secretary. The King was represented by The Duke of Kent at the Service of Thanksgiving for Field Marshal the Lord Inge KG (formerly Chief of the Defence Staff) which was held at St Margaret’s Church, Westminster Abbey, today. The Queen Consort was represented by General Sir Patrick Sanders.
Kensington Palace
The Prince of Wales today undertook the following engagements in Poland. His Royal Highness this morning laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Plac Marszalka Józefa Pilsudskiego, Warsaw. The Prince of Wales afterwards called upon The President of the Republic of Poland at the President’s Chancellery, Warsaw. His Royal Highness this afternoon met Ukrainian refugees who are settled in the Polish community at Hala Koszyki, Koszykowa 63, Warsaw. The Prince of Wales subsequently met Ukrainian staff at Hala Koszyki who have been displaced from the British Embassy in Kyiv. His Royal Highness later arrived at Royal Air Force Northolt from Poland. Mr Jean-Christophe Gray, Mr Lee Thompson and Commander Robert Dixon RN were in attendance.
St James’s Palace
The Duke of Edinburgh, Patron, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation, this morning chaired a Trustees’ Meeting at 7 More London Riverside, London SE1.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal this morning visited Viridor Waste Management’s Dunbar Energy Recovery Facility in Oxwellmains, Dunbar, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of East Lothian (Mr Roderick Urquhart). Her Royal Highness, President, Scotch Chef’s Club, today visited the Monitor Farm Scotland Programme at J. R. B. Wilson and Sons, Cowbog Farm, Morebattle, Kelso, Roxburghshire, and was received by Mr John Jeffery (Deputy Lieutenant of Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale).
Kensington Palace
The Duchess of Gloucester, Royal Colonel, 7th Battalion The Rifles, this evening attended the Rededication Service of Queen Victoria’s Rifles’ Book of Remembrance at the Parish Church of St. George, Hanover Square, Lodon W1.
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aprayerforclarity · 1 year
Card: The Sun - Reversed
The sun was setting on the Thames, and the rays of sun fginted off the Thames,, making Ralegh's eyes tighten. As he loked out over the river, he watched hundreds of wherries bobbing frantically in the crowded waters. The majority of them were samller than his current craft and carried a varied number of cargo and passengers. He watched the wherrymen frantically row, drerssing in sullied rags. Cargo with large crates, ---------
He was headed back from his meeting at the Tower of London. Since he had returned to Lodon, he had been on strict business trying to tie up loose ends of his most recent enterprise. Ships had like earilier this year out of PLymouhth, and he had intended to join with them. The ocean had other plans, and he turned hium back on May 6th.
Ralegh had been dejected. Of ourse he oversaw the venture, secured the funds and favors of investors around the Royal Court, but he felt inclined to join for two main reasons.
The first being that, wITHOUT HIS DERICT INVOLVEMNET IN THE VOYAGE, HE MAY NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SECURE THE TRUST OF HIS INVESTORS. Sure he had been able to talk his way in and out of the favor of the queen, his eloquence was well known, and his investors even knew that. But there came a time when you had to put oyur money where your mouth has- give some legs to the ideas you;ve been pouting in with grandoiusa imagery. By joining on the expedition, his finicaciers knew that he wasn't just the idealist, but the executioneers.
Policital enemies of his would even be inclinded to patron his voyages. Not only from the very solid track record of his exploits, but at the very least they could hope for his very death. Death was a common part of these voyages. If his opponents could not only make a profit, but could win his death as an added bonus, they certainly would sign right up.
But it was with great pain that Ralegh had to return from the voyage. Off the coast of dreaded spain, right off of the contended rock of gibraltor, a storm ahd struck their fleet and killed a few. They had lost a few key members of their trip, along with suastained damage to the hull of a few of their key ships, The GOLD MAID and CenterPiece. The next day they had sailed back to heir launch point in Plymouth, England.
Now Ralegh was back, tradded his seafaring vessel for that of the Durham House Wherry. His ego was knocked, like taking a big horse from a man and then giving him a pony to ride. He knew he was just in his head about this all, but in this very moment, it played in his head. The feeling of being the head of this little wherry seemed a promonition for his recent luck, one he would not let continue to take a downward turn. At least, as he looked out over the crowded Thames, he could find comfort in that his boat stood among the biggest of the peasant's small crafts.
Traveling downrivier on the Thames was a lot quicker than just upward trudge to the tower.
Now on his returnal back to Durham, he felt split between to the things that made London, well, London.
On his right were all the riverside estates of nobles. The lanicasters of Harrowhall, The starks in House Winchester, the carrigans in Longhouse. Each estate known for their lavish furnishings, riverside garden sancutaries and artchetecture of historic reverence. Further down these house, along the river Thames, lied Ralegh's house of DUrham.
Though the other noble houses may have been bigger, or fancier, or held in more historic regard, Ralegh knew his house of Durham was the envy of many others.
While the old house of Durham wasn't the most eloquent, it was one of the houses closer to the Royal Court of the Queen. When she granted him residence of that house, everyone knew why. She had favorewd him, and wanted to keep him close.
All the houses lining the Thames, as if impatiently in line to get the WHitehall palace, and each person in line doing whatever it could take. Whitehall palace had been buitl 100 years ago, and the queen had been residing there for over since hear reign.
Within the past 60 years the palace of Whitehall had expanded to become an asbsaolutel marvel. After the coronation of Henry VII, he expanded upon it to make it an exattraavagant and explansicve. Many nights it wouldn host the members of the royal court with plays, feasts and galas wheere the nobles connected and grew their wealth. If you were admitted entrance to Whitehall, not only were you going to have a good time, but you would mingle upon some of the highest social strata of the time.
So of course, when the Queen granted Ralegh residence of the house almost ten year ago, but a few house down the street from Whitehall, other nobles grew envious.
Every time on the Thames, when Ralegh could see the proximity of Durham to the palace, it filled him with joy. It may have not been the nicest house, but it was certainly one of the most important.
But to the left of Ralegh lied what seemed the opposite of the vying social powers and ridoiculous games the civilized nobles played. To his left lied what many considered the underbelly of the city, the area of SOuthwark.
Southwark was the seedy underbelly of london, wherre the savage side of humanity was let free. It was a district of pleasure and savagery.
In it laid taverns infamous for drinking and gambling. There were the modern day roman colosuems, were many a man would catch a game of bear or dog baiting, and maybe even gamble a bit.
In southwark also lied one of the most famous playhouses in the country, know as the Globe. You but a few pennies you could watch some of the baudiest comedies to dare be performed in public. In the mud-floored theaters filled with the stench of hundreds of peasants, you would be shown the minds of playwrights high and low. Ralegh's good friend Kit Marlowe had had a few plays preformed there, along with Ben Johnson and a guy called William Shakespeare.
Beyond Southwark lied nothing but swampland. A decaying land that hovered just beyong the depravity of civilization. many of the relgioous types loved that image. They claimed that in that district of sin, the ruin beyond would soon reclaim it. The ministers of london thoguht it best that southwark break off from the city, floating into the dcayed wasteland the lied beyond it.
What self-righteous talk, Ralegh thought to himself. He himself had seen a few nobles there themselves, the very ones of defamed and blasphemized that rotted realm. The least the could do was have a bit of honesty about their comings and goings to it.
The boat shuttled along, other wherries recognizing it's noble design and weaving their ways around it. It made a straightway past the realm of the right and debaucherous left straight to the landing dock of it's destination, Durham House.
On the dock stood the estate's high steward, surrounded by a group of lesser butlers and dockworkers to receive Ralegh and his crew. As the wherry approached the docks, the boatworkers stood around the perimeter with ropes in their hands and silent determination before throwing them to the counterparts on the gangway.
Everyone on the docks dutifully caught their ropes and leaned back on them, leveraging all their bodyweight to pull the wherry in. Some shouted commands at their peers as others sweated in labour, and the boat began aligning with the dock. Above it all stood Ralegh, starting directly at the high house steward, who silently smiled back.
When the boat docked, dockworkers came with a small set of stairs and created an east way for Ralegh to exit the boat. He stepped off the boat, making sure not to ruddy his shoes, and walked up the dock to join the high steward, leaving the commotion of the dockworkers on the dock behind him as he ascending through Durham's portgate.
Good evening Lord Ralegh. I trust your business at the Tower went well?
It was fine
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