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xtruss · 3 years
A Muslim Writer on Finding Her Voice in Post-9/11, Post-Trump America
— By Aisha Sultan | 09/01/21 | Newsweek.
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A new generation of Muslim Americans is making its mark. Spencer Platt/Getty
Like most Americans old enough to remember, I know exactly where I was and what I was doing on September 11, 2001 when the first hijacked plane hit the World Trade Center in New York City. I was showering when I heard my husband yelling for me. Dripping wet and wrapped in a towel, I watched in shock, along with tens of millions of others, as the Twin Towers fell, killing thousands of people inside.
Emotions from that day feel so much closer than two decades ago.
My stomach turned in revulsion. My body tightened with fear for my relatives who worked there. Dread settled like a heavy rock on my chest. Like other Americans, I wondered, who was attacking us. But as a Muslim, I had other questions too: Did the attackers claim to be Muslims? And, if so, what would happen to the rest of us?
I quickly got dressed and headed to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, where I worked as an education reporter. I talked to stunned school officials and students while still trying to process what was happening.
That evening, I checked in with my family in Texas. My brother, then in middle school, had been in class when his teacher broke the news. He became nervous and, in the teacher's eyes at least, asked too many questions. "Is this World War III? Did they bomb downtown? Are they going to bomb our town next?" The teacher told him to shut up and leave her classroom, that she couldn't bear to look at his face.
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Riz Ahmed attends the "Mogul Mowgli" press conference during the 70th Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at Grand Hyatt Hotel on February 21, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. Ahmed recently criticized “dehumanizing and demonizing portrayals of Muslims" in films. Andreas Rentz/Getty Images
My mother's co-workers at the department store where she had worked for years suddenly refused to speak to her. Cops escorted my hijab-wearing cousin off her college campus because it was no longer deemed safe for her to be there.
In the immediate aftermath of that day's horror, my grief and anger as an American was so compounded with my fear and anxiety as a Muslim that it compelled me to do something unthinkable for me: I poured my heart out to the readers of the Sunday paper.
Back then, it was unusual for a news reporter to pen a personal response to a national tragedy. This was long before social media made us all performative, confessional animals. I needed my neighbors in the Midwest to know that while Muslim Americans shared their grief and anger, we also feared whether our country would turn on us.
I ended that column with the questions my college-aged sister had asked me: "Will the government come after us like they did with the Japanese? Will other Americans stand up for us?"
I told my readers the same thing I told her: I don't know.
I wasn't sure what to expect but dozens and dozens of readers responded to her question with expressions of support: Yes, we will stand up for you, you and your family are one of us, they said, in one way or another, in message after message. There were just two negative, Islamophobic emails in the bunch.
Such an overwhelmingly positive response seems inconceivable now, given how polarized our discourse is now and how normalized hate speech has become—an irony, when you consider how heightened anti-Muslim sentiment was at the time.
Key moments after 9/11 also feel unimaginable now. Back then, a Republican president, George W. Bush, visited the Islamic Center in Washington D.C. days after the attack to tell the American people that the attacks violated the tenets of Islam—"Islam is peace," he famously said—and to defend Muslims as equal citizens worthy of respect and protection. Our last Republican president, by contrast, touted a "Muslim ban" across the country. Even my state, Missouri, now bright partisan red, was a swing state back in 2001, where Democrats sometimes voted for Republicans and vice versa.
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Coming together after tragedy: U.S. Muslims sing "God Bless America" at an interfaith memorial service in Pasadena, California for 9/11 victims two days after the attacks. Lucy Nicholson/AFP/Getty
It was against this backdrop that I felt moved to share my vulnerability with readers who may never have met a Muslim before.
Their responses reassured and comforted me, but the expressions of support didn't always—or even mostly—translate into action on a national scale. Instead, the Muslim community bore the brunt of the fallout of 9/11 for years. The government targeted Muslim communities with surveillance, questioning and confinement. It seemed law enforcement and the media used the label of "terrorism" for heinous crimes only if the perpetrator was Muslim. The number of anti-Muslim hate crime incidents reported to the FBI rose from 28 in 2000 to 481 in 2001— and those are just the official numbers. Countless incidents are never reported to the FBI.
Yet, in those ensuing years, creative work by Muslims also bubbled up in the country. A trio of Muslim comedians—Preacher Moss, Azhar Usman and Azeem Muhammad—launched the "Allah Made Me Funny" comedy tour in 2003. Writer Laila Lalami's debut novel, Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, was published in 2005. Actor Aasif Mandvi began appearing on The Daily Show in 2006. G.Willow Wilson published her first graphic novel, Cairo, in 2007.
People who had lived as Muslims in America prior to 9/11 became American Muslims, more engaged in its civic, cultural and political institutions. Muslims creatives were reclaiming the narrative and telling our own stories instead of responding to the false dichotomy of victim or villain told about us.
I was among them. Seven years after the attacks, I began lobbying my editors for a features column, a departure from a decade of straight news reporting. I had become a mother with two small children. I was trying to make sense of the confusion and isolation that parenting provokes. My first column in 2008 described a bleak winter day when I was sleep-deprived and frustrated and feeling slightly suffocated by the tight bonds of motherhood.
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The author: St. Louis Post-Dispatch syndicated columnist Aisha Sultan. Elizabeth Wisemen
Again, readers in the heartland responded with overwhelming support and commiseration. I wasn't making any overtly political arguments. As readers got to know me, they appreciated the commonalities in our parenting experiences despite our differences. I wasn't trying to be an ambassador or spokeswoman for my faith or an ethnic community. I was sharing my observations and struggles as a suburban, middle class American mom who happened to be Muslim and of Pakistani descent.
An older, childless white man who lives in a conservative exurban county wrote to say I was the only Muslim he knew besides the attackers on 9/11. He said he had changed his perspective on Muslims in America after reading my column for years. We weren't just a faceless enemy to him anymore. He saw me as a person, my humanity very real to him.
We've stayed in touch for more than a decade.
Over time more Americans have become like that reader, increasingly comfortable with the idea and presence of Muslims—as neighbors and even family members. Yet simultaneously, the conservative right turned Islam into an effective political weapon and used it to bludgeon Muslims who have sought greater representation and political power.
These opposing forces once again became evident in the correspondence I got from readers, The tone and tenor changed notably in the summer of 2016 as the political rhetoric of the presidential campaign came to a boiling point. Public writers have always had our share of angry critics. But the criticism I received turned increasingly vitriolic, with a deep undercurrent of anger. People who disagreed with what I'd written weren't merely looking to dissent but to silence me.
Increasingly, pushback was laced with profanity, racial slurs and calls to go back to where I came from. Anonymous writers called me a 'raghead c*nt' and others told me to "get out of America, you towel head bigot b*tch." One reader mailed a handwritten letter after I wrote about talking to my children about the killing of Travyon Martin, the Black teenager fatally shot by a white member of a neighborhood watch patrol in Florida. She said she would make a point of cutting out my column photo from the paper every weekend so she could put it in the toilet and piss on it.
After the 2016 election, the heightened anxiety about personal safety I'd felt right after 9/11 returned, even stronger and lasted for years. It's not hard to understand why. During the period between 2015 and 2016, the number of assaults against Muslims rose significantly, surpassing the aftermath of 9/11, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of hate crimes statistics from the FBI. Over the following years, disinformation and conspiracies began taking hold in America at a level I'd never seen before. White rage was palpable online and eventually, on the streets.
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The memories and feelings associated with the events of 9/11 continue to play a role in attitudes toward the American Muslim community in some quarters. Here, the annual 'Tribute in Light' memorial in lower Manhattan near One World Trade Center. Spencer Platt/Getty
And yet during this period, Muslims in America continued to create art and cultural capital at an unprecedented level. Playwright Ayad Akhtar produced his Pultizer-winning play Disgraced. Hasan Minhaj reclaimed the title Patriot Act, launching a show that became a cultural touchpoint for a generation of American Muslims too young to know firsthand how that legislation was wielded against the Muslim community. Ramy Youssef won a Golden Globe, Mahershala Ali won two Oscars and Lena Khan is directing Hollywood films. Models, pundits and Olympic athletes came into the spotlight while wearing a hijab.
At some point, I too decided that whatever the costs of speaking out, far greater was the cost of silence. If someone was going to attack me for speaking out against white supremacists, that was a risk I was willing to take. I couldn't back down from writing about controversial issues that I knew would provoke an angry backlash, even when it felt reader abuse could possibly escalate to violence.
What I've observed and experienced over the past 20 years, as a columnist and as a Muslim, perhaps boils down to this: As the politics of exclusion grow more strident, parts of the culture embrace inclusivity. Each force is a reaction to the other.
Certainly this has happened in my own relationship with readers. Even as the negative emails ramped up in intensity and bile, I still have far more readers who send words of kindness and encouragement than hatred. Many reveal their own secrets and most vulnerable stories.
My goal when I began writing a column was to give a voice to parents struggling to raise kids in this digital, social media saturated age. I hope I've done that but along the way something else important happened: I found my own voice too.
My youngest sister, who was in college when I wrote my first personal story in the aftermath of 9/11, decided to attend law school after she graduated. She eventually ran for state judge in the 113th District in Houston and was elected in 2018 as part of the record-setting number of Muslims who won public office that year.
With the benefit of two decades of hindsight and the insights I've gained from my interaction with readers over the years, I realize I could have given her a better answer when she turned to me as a frightened college student in 2001. I could have reassured her: Yes, there will be other Americans who will stand up for us.
More importantly, we will learn to stand up for ourselves.
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— Aisha Sultan is a syndicated columnist based at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
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fashionmiddlefan · 5 years
Zara Shahjahan Winter Velvet Collection 2018-19
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Fashion designer Zara Shahjahan has announced its exclusive winter fabric and digital velvet collection 2018-19. Designer Zara Shahjahan has announced an amazing range of winter Velvet Collection 2018-19 for women.
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The fabric used in the velvet collection is a high quality multiple winter fabric which is particularly velvet during this winter season. Zara Shahjahan became a prominent Pakistani fashion designer in the fashion world. She made the most of her presence with the world's fashion lamp. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});
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pakioutfits · 7 years
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Buy Kalyan Winter Collection 2017 Complete Catalog. To place an order Email at: [email protected] or see our ORDER procedure. PakiOutfits offers a wide range of Pakistani ladies suits that are ideal for casual wear, formal wear, evening wear, party wear and, bridal wear. (more…)
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allineednow · 6 years
<p>'Zero chance of survival' for 36 people trapped inside burning shopping Center</p>
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Philippine firefighters recovered one body from a burning shopping mall on Sunday and there was "zero" chance of survival for 36 other trapped people inside the four-story building in southern Davao town, an official said.
Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio said firefighters told distraught relatives of the 36 trapped employees of a company outsourcing firm at the top floor of the NCCC Mall that nobody can endure the extreme heat and thick black smoke.
"They were told that the chances of survival are" she said, adding that among these trapped may be a Chinese or a South Korean, based on the name.
Rodrigo Duterte claims he once threw a kidnapper from a helicopter
It's uncertain when firefighters can break into many areas of the mall, where the blaze was put under control on Sunday morning although smoke continued to billow in the building. The won't cease until all those reported missing are found, Duterte-Carpio stated.
Researchers will determine the cause of the fire and the prospects of criminal lawsuits against the mall officials and owners would be based on the results of the investigation, said the mayor, who is the daughter of President Rodrigo Duterte.
Duterte, the mayor and Roman Catholic Church officials went to the site and met with relatives of those trapped office employees late Saturday and asked them to pray. The president was photographed wiping his eyes with a handkerchief, his head bowed, at an emotional moment with all the relatives.
The mall's marketing manager, Janna Abdullah Mutalib, said the fire began Saturday morning at the third floor where clothing, appliances and furniture are sold, after a storm hit Davao and flooded parts of the city. Except for a grocery at the ground floor and the company outsourcing firm at the top floor, the shopping places were closed to the public once the fire began mid-morning, preventing a larger tragedy amid the peak buying season.
World news in pictures
World news in pictures
23 December 2017
Policemen evacuate a baby after the Cagayan River swelled caused by heavy rains brought by Tropical Storm Tembin. People have died and others are missing as the storm struck the southern Philippines unleashing floods and landslides across a area of 20 million people.
22 December 2017
Carles Puigdemont gives a thumbs up after the Catalonia Regional Election results
21 December 2017
A white SUV sits in the middle of the road as police and emergency personnel work at the scene of where it ran over pedestrians in Flinders Street in Melbourne.
20 December 2017
This blend of pictures shows Syrians covering one eye with their hands, in the rebel-held town of Douma, as part of a campaign in solidarity with a baby boy, Karim Abdallah, who lost an eye, as well as his mother, in government shelling on the nearby town of Hammouria.
AFP/Getty Images
19 December 2017
South Korean and U.S. Marines take part in a winter military drill in Pyeongchang, South Korea
18 December 2017
Belgian police officers stand guard outside the trial of Salah Abdeslam, one of the suspects in the 2015 Islamic State strikes in Paris, at a courthouse in Brussels, Belgium
17 December 2017
Members of the International Space Station expedition 54/55, Roscosmos cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov (C), NASA astronaut Scott Tingle (R) and Norishige Kanai (L) of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) through the send-off ceremony after assessing their space suits before the launch of the Soyuz MS-07 spacecraft at the Baikonur cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan
16 December 2017
The former wife of the late South African President Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela (R), and the candidate for the African National Congress presidency and ex-wife of the incumbent South African president, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma greet each other as they attend the 54th ANC National Conference at the NASREC Expo Centre in Johannesburg on December 16, 2017. Thousands of delegates from South Africa's ANC party gathered on December 16, 2017 for a five-day assembly to elect their new leader in a divisive race seen as a pivotal moment in the nation's post-apartheid history. He winner will be well placed to be the next president, but the ANC has lost much popularity because Nelson Mandela led it to power in the euphoric 1994 election that marked the end of white-minority rule.
AFP/Getty Images
15 December 2017
Palestinian protesters wave the national flag during clashes with Israeli security forces near the border fence with Israel, east of Gaza City as demonstrations continue over US President Donald Trump's declaration of Jerusalem as Israel's capital
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Hamas supporters take part in a rally marking the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Islamist movement, in Gaza City
AFP/Getty Images
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Democratic candidate for US Senate Doug Jones thanks supporters because he holds his wife Louise's hand
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Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men gather during the funeral service of prominent spiritual leader Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman, who died on Tuesday at Age 104, in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv, Israel.
11 December 2017
A Palestinian protester kicks a flaming tire during clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank town of Ramallah
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Demonstrators put US and Israeli flags on fire during a protest against Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, in Istanbul
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Folks gather to watch the bikers' procession through the funeral service in tribute to late French singer Johnny Hallyday in Paris
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A Palestinian protester uses a sling to hurl stones towards Israeli troops
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Firefighters monitor a section of the Thomas Fire across the 101 freeway, north of Ventura, California.
Getty Images
6 December 2017
Palestinians burn an Israeli and a U.S. flag during a protest against the U.S. intention to move its embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Gaza City
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Former Georgian President, Mikheil Saakashvili, flashes a victory sign after he had been freed by his own supporters in Kiev
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A supporter of Salvador Nasralla, presidential candidate for the Opposition Alliance Against the Dictatorship, puts a balloon on the shield of a soldier in a protest while the country remains mired in chaos over a contested presidential election in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
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A guy dressed as Santa Claus skiis down a mountain throughout the Saint Nicholas Day at the Alpine ski resort of Verbier, Switzerland
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An activist pours gasoline as an effigy of President Rodrigo Duterte and U.S. President Donald Trump burns during a protest action against Duterte's plan to set up a Revolutionary Government, along a road in metro Manila, Philippines
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The Defence Ministry/Yonhap through REUTERS
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27 November 2017
Rohingya refugee Amina Khatun, 55, rests at the bank of the Naf river after crossing it on an improvised raft to reach Bangladesh, in Teknaf. Two of her sons were killed by gun fire when her village was attacked by Myanmar military, she states
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AFP/Getty Images
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32/35 22 November 2017
Former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic shouts at the presiding judge during the verdict hearing in his genocide trial, in The Hague, Netherlands
33/35 21 November 2017
People and soldiers celebrate after the resignation of Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe
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Israeli security forces carry an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish demonstrator as they disperse a protest against Israeli military conscription in Bnei Brak, a town near Tel Aviv
35/35 19 November 2017
Participants crossing the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge as they compete in the 2017 Qingdao International Marathon on the Sea in Qingdao, in China's eastern Shandong province
Duterte functioned as Davao mayor for several years before being elected to the presidency this past year.
It's been a challenging season for the tough-talking, 72-year-old leader, who faced his most serious crisis when countless pro-Islamic State group extremists laid siege on Marawi city, also in the southern third of the Philippines. He declared martial law in the south to take care of the insurrection, which troops crushed in October.
The storm that blew from the southern Philippines on Sunday reportedly left more than 120 people dead with 160 others still missing.
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newtshirtcom · 4 years
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kevingbakeruk · 6 years
More than 220,000 women sexually bothered on French public transportation over 2 years
More than 220,000 women were sexually bothered on public transport in over two years, the nationwide crime statistics firm said in its first report on the subject, explaining it as a “conservative price quote”.
The Harvey Weinstein scandal in the United States has actually accelerated a rethink of mindsets towards sexual harassment in France, a country that cherishes its self-image as the land of seduction and romance.
“Although the general public mostly focuses on domestic violence, sexual violence committed on the street, on public transportation or in other public locations is simply as major, and merits more attention,” the report said.France’s National Observatory of Criminal Offense and Crook Justice(ONDRP)discovered that 267,000 individuals– 85 percent of whom were females– were sexually pestered on public transportation in between 2014 and 2015, consisting of kissing, groping, flashing and rape.It is the first time the ONDRP, which publishes an annual study on insecurity, has actually focused on sexualon public transport.Paris was voted the 3rd most woman-friendly city in a Thomson Reuters Foundation survey published in October, and ranked 4th least risky for sexual violence.But harassment stays prevalent, many stated on social networks.“ I was spat at, called a slut … and one early morning groped by two chuckling males on a congested city,"Siobhán Dowling stated on
Twitter, explaining her time in Paris as a student.
"The level of everyday harassment was shocking."World news in pictures reveal all World news in pictures 28 December 2017 Afghan ladies mourn inside a hospital compound after a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan Reuters 27 December
2017 Pope Francis greets newlyweds during his weekly basic audience at Aula Paolo VI in The Vatican AFP/Getty 26 December 2017
Rohingya refugees walk next to a pond in the early morning at the Balukhali refugee
camp near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh Reuters 25 December 2017 Members of ice swimming club” Berliner Seehunde"(Berlin Seals
)swim in the Orankesee lake in Berlin as part of their traditional Christmas ice swimming session, in Berlin, Germany Reuters 24 December 2017 Mourners carry
the body of 19-year-old Mohamed Sami al-Dahdouh, a Palestinian youth from Jabalia who was killed in clashes with Israeli forces east of Gaza City AFP/Getty 23 December 2017 Policemen leave
a baby after the Cagayan River swelled caused by heavy rains brought by Tropical Storm Tembin. People have died and others are missing out on as the storm struck the southern Philippines letting loose floods and landslides across
an area
of 20 million people.AFP/
Getty 22 December 2017 Carles Puigdemont gives a thumbs up after the Catalonia Regional Election results Rex 21 December 2017 A white SUV sits in the middle of the road as
cops and
emergency situation personnel work
at the scene of where it ran over pedestrians in Flinders Street in Melbourne.AFP/ Getty 20 December 2017 This mix of images reveals Syrians covering one eye with their hands, in the rebel-held town of Douma, as part of a project in uniformity with a child boy, Karim Abdallah, who lost an eye,
along with his mom, in federal government shelling on the nearby town of Hammouria.AFP/ Getty Images 19 December 2017 South Korean and U.S. Marines
take part in a winter military drill in Pyeongchang, South Korea REUTERS 18 December 2017 Belgian policeman stand guard outside the trial of Salah Abdeslam, one of the suspects in the 2015 Islamic State attacks in Paris, at a courthouse in Brussels,
Belgium Reuters 17
December 2017 Members of the International Area Station exploration 54/55, Roscosmos cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov (C ), NASA astronaut Scott Tingle®and Norishige Kanai(L )of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) throughout the send-off event after checking their space matches prior to the launch of
the Soyuz MS-07 spacecraft at the Baikonur cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan Reuters
16 December 2017 The former partner of the late South African President Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela®, and the prospect for the African National Congress presidency and ex-wife of
the incumbent South African president, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma welcome each other as they go to the 54th ANC National Conference at the NASREC Exposition Centre in Johannesburg
on December 16, 2017. Countless delegates from South Africa’s ANC party
collected on December 16, 2017 for a five-day conference to choose their brand-new leader in a dissentious race seen as a turning point in the country’s post-apartheid history. he winner will be well positioned to be the next president, however the ANC has actually lost much popularity considering that Nelson Mandela led it to power in the blissful 1994 election that marked completion of white-minority rule.AFP/ Getty Images 15
December 2017 Palestinian protesters wave the national flag throughout clashes
with Israeli security forces near the border fence with Israel, east of Gaza City as presentations continue over United States President Donald Trump’s statement of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital AFP/Getty 14 December 2017 Hamas fans participate in a rally marking the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Islamist motion, in Gaza City AFP/Getty Images 13 December 2017 Democratic prospect for United States Senate Doug Jones thanks supporters as he holds his other half Louise’s hand AP 12 December 2017 Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men collect throughout the funeral event of prominent spiritual leader Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman, who passed away on Tuesday at the age of 104, in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv, Israel.REUTERS 11 December 2017 A Palestinian protester kicks a flaming tire during clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Ramallah AFP/Getty 10 December
Demonstrators set US and Israeli flags on fire throughout a demonstration versus Donald Trump’s acknowledgment of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, in Istanbul REUTERS 9 December 2017 Individuals gather to view the cyclists'procession throughout the funeral event in tribute to
late French vocalist Johnny Hallyday in Paris EPA 8 December 2017
A Palestinian protester uses a sling to hurl stones to Israeli troops REUTERS 7 December 2017 Firefighters keep track of an area
of the Thomas Fire along
the 101 highway, north of Ventura, California.Getty Images 6 December 2017 Palestinians burn an Israeli and a U.S. flag throughout a demonstration
versus the United States intent to move its embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Gaza City Reuters 5 December 2017 Former Georgian President, Mikheil Saakashvili, flashes a success sign after he was freed by his fans in Kiev REUTERS
4 December 2017
A man workouts in a park on a winter season morning in Kolkata, India REUTERS 3 December 2017 An advocate of Salvador
presidential candidate for the Opposition Alliance Versus the Dictatorship, puts a balloon on the shield of a soldier in a protest while the nation is still
bogged down in
chaos over a contested governmental election in Tegucigalpa, Honduras REUTERS 2 December 2017 A male dressed as Santa Claus skiis down a mountain during the Saint Nicholas Day at the Alpine ski
resort of Verbier
, Switzerland REUTERS 1 December 2017 A nurse takes blood for a HIV test for French
President Emmanuel Macron as he goes to the Delafontaine Health center on World
Aids Day Reuters 30 November 2017 An activist puts gasoline as an effigy of President Rodrigo Duterte and U.S. President
Donald Trump burns
throughout a protest action versus Duterte’s plan to establish a Revolutionary Government, along a street in metro Manila, Philippines Reuters 29 November 2017 South Korea’s Hyunmoo II rocket is fired during a workout at an undefined place in the east coast of South Korea The Defence Ministry/Yonhap via REUTERS
28 November 2017 Individuals fall as cops fire tear gas to try control the crowd aiming to require their way into Kasarani Arena to participate in the inauguration of President Uhuru Kenyatta in Nairobi REUTERS
32/40 27 November 2017 Rohingya refugee Amina Khatun, 55, rests at the bank of
the Naf river after
crossing it on an improvised raft to reach Bangladesh, in Teknaf. Two of her kids were eliminated by gun fire when her town was assaulted by Myanmar military, she states Reuters 33/40 26 November 2017 Mount Agung volcano is seen gushing smoke and ash in Bali EMILIO KUZMA-FLOYD/via REUTERS 34/40 25 November 2017 A Pakistani protester tosses
a tear gas shell back to authorities throughout a clash in Islamabad AFP/Getty Images 35/40 24 November 2017 Zimbabwe’s previous vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa gets here ahead of his
inauguration event to be sworn in as president in Harare Reuters 36/40 23
November 2017 Comrades of missing crew members reveal their sorrow after the Argentine Navy revealed that the sound found in the missing submarine search is
constant with an
explosion AFP 37/40 22 November 2017 Former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic yells at the presiding judge throughout the decision hearing in his genocide trial, in The Hague, Netherlands EPA 38/40 21 November 2017 People and soldiers commemorate after the
of Zimbabwe’s president, Robert Mugabe AFP/Getty 39/40 20 November 2017 Israeli security forces carry away an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish demonstrator as they distribute a
protest against Israeli army conscription in
Bnei Brak, a city near Tel Aviv AFP/Getty 40/40 19 November 2017 Individuals crossing the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge as they complete in the 2017 Qingdao International Marathon on the Sea in Qingdao, in China’s
Shandong province AFP/Getty Sexual harassment on public transport was worst for ladies in the Paris region, with reports of events seven times higher than in the rest of the country, the study found.Most cases of unwanted sexual advances occurred when a train or bus was moving so the victim might not leave, the research study said.“When you have
closed spaces with hundreds of countless individuals and no security agents or police, it’s no surprise that cowardly criminals act in total impunity,”
Ikram Moustaoui stated on Facebook.French females have actually taken to social media to share tales of sexual harassment, outstripping the #MeToo project with a name-and-shame hashtag #BalanceTonPorc
-or"expose your pig". The French President, Emmanuel Macron, revealed measures in November focused on informing the general public and schoolchildren about sexism and violence versus women and improving
authorities support for
victims. He likewise proposed criminalising
street harassment.France’s gender equality ministry declined to comment.Reuters More about: Reuse material
from TAXI NEAR ME http://taxi.nearme.host/more-than-220000-women-sexually-bothered-on-french-public-transportation-over-2-years/
from NOVACAB https://novacabtaxi.tumblr.com/post/170943293816
0 notes
cynthiabryanuk · 6 years
More than 220000 women sexually bothered on French public transportation over 2 years
More than 220,000 women were sexually bothered on public transport in over two years, the nationwide crime statistics firm said in its first report on the subject, explaining it as a "conservative price quote".
The Harvey Weinstein scandal in the United States has actually accelerated a rethink of mindsets towards sexual harassment in France, a country that cherishes its self-image as the land of seduction and romance.
"Although the general public mostly focuses on domestic violence, sexual violence committed on the street, on public transportation or in other public locations is simply as major, and merits more attention," the report said.France's National Observatory of Criminal Offense and Crook Justice(ONDRP)discovered that 267,000 individuals-- 85 percent of whom were females-- were sexually pestered on public transportation in between 2014 and 2015, consisting of kissing, groping, flashing and rape.It is the first time the ONDRP, which publishes an annual study on insecurity, has actually focused on sexualon public transport.Paris was voted the 3rd most woman-friendly city in a Thomson Reuters Foundation survey published in October, and ranked 4th least risky for sexual violence.But harassment stays prevalent, many stated on social networks." I was spat at, called a slut ... and one early morning groped by two chuckling males on a congested city,"Siobhán Dowling stated on
Twitter, explaining her time in Paris as a student.
"The level of everyday harassment was shocking."World news in pictures reveal all World news in pictures 28 December 2017 Afghan ladies mourn inside a hospital compound after a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan Reuters 27 December
2017 Pope Francis greets newlyweds during his weekly basic audience at Aula Paolo VI in The Vatican AFP/Getty 26 December 2017
Rohingya refugees walk next to a pond in the early morning at the Balukhali refugee
camp near Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh Reuters 25 December 2017 Members of ice swimming club" Berliner Seehunde"(Berlin Seals
)swim in the Orankesee lake in Berlin as part of their traditional Christmas ice swimming session, in Berlin, Germany Reuters 24 December 2017 Mourners carry
the body of 19-year-old Mohamed Sami al-Dahdouh, a Palestinian youth from Jabalia who was killed in clashes with Israeli forces east of Gaza City AFP/Getty 23 December 2017 Policemen leave
a baby after the Cagayan River swelled caused by heavy rains brought by Tropical Storm Tembin. People have died and others are missing out on as the storm struck the southern Philippines letting loose floods and landslides across
an area
of 20 million people.AFP/
Getty 22 December 2017 Carles Puigdemont gives a thumbs up after the Catalonia Regional Election results Rex 21 December 2017 A white SUV sits in the middle of the road as
cops and
emergency situation personnel work
at the scene of where it ran over pedestrians in Flinders Street in Melbourne.AFP/ Getty 20 December 2017 This mix of images reveals Syrians covering one eye with their hands, in the rebel-held town of Douma, as part of a project in uniformity with a child boy, Karim Abdallah, who lost an eye,
along with his mom, in federal government shelling on the nearby town of Hammouria.AFP/ Getty Images 19 December 2017 South Korean and U.S. Marines
take part in a winter military drill in Pyeongchang, South Korea REUTERS 18 December 2017 Belgian policeman stand guard outside the trial of Salah Abdeslam, one of the suspects in the 2015 Islamic State attacks in Paris, at a courthouse in Brussels,
Belgium Reuters 17
December 2017 Members of the International Area Station exploration 54/55, Roscosmos cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov (C ), NASA astronaut Scott Tingle(R)and Norishige Kanai(L )of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) throughout the send-off event after checking their space matches prior to the launch of
the Soyuz MS-07 spacecraft at the Baikonur cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan Reuters
16 December 2017 The former partner of the late South African President Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela(R), and the prospect for the African National Congress presidency and ex-wife of
the incumbent South African president, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma welcome each other as they go to the 54th ANC National Conference at the NASREC Exposition Centre in Johannesburg
on December 16, 2017. Countless delegates from South Africa's ANC party
collected on December 16, 2017 for a five-day conference to choose their brand-new leader in a dissentious race seen as a turning point in the country's post-apartheid history. he winner will be well positioned to be the next president, however the ANC has actually lost much popularity considering that Nelson Mandela led it to power in the blissful 1994 election that marked completion of white-minority rule.AFP/ Getty Images 15
December 2017 Palestinian protesters wave the national flag throughout clashes
with Israeli security forces near the border fence with Israel, east of Gaza City as presentations continue over United States President Donald Trump's statement of Jerusalem as Israel's capital AFP/Getty 14 December 2017 Hamas fans participate in a rally marking the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Islamist motion, in Gaza City AFP/Getty Images 13 December 2017 Democratic prospect for United States Senate Doug Jones thanks supporters as he holds his other half Louise's hand AP 12 December 2017 Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men collect throughout the funeral event of prominent spiritual leader Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman, who passed away on Tuesday at the age of 104, in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv, Israel.REUTERS 11 December 2017 A Palestinian protester kicks a flaming tire during clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Ramallah AFP/Getty 10 December
Demonstrators set US and Israeli flags on fire throughout a demonstration versus Donald Trump's acknowledgment of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, in Istanbul REUTERS 9 December 2017 Individuals gather to view the cyclists'procession throughout the funeral event in tribute to
late French vocalist Johnny Hallyday in Paris EPA 8 December 2017
A Palestinian protester uses a sling to hurl stones to Israeli troops REUTERS 7 December 2017 Firefighters keep track of an area
of the Thomas Fire along
the 101 highway, north of Ventura, California.Getty Images 6 December 2017 Palestinians burn an Israeli and a U.S. flag throughout a demonstration
versus the United States intent to move its embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Gaza City Reuters 5 December 2017 Former Georgian President, Mikheil Saakashvili, flashes a success sign after he was freed by his fans in Kiev REUTERS
4 December 2017
A man workouts in a park on a winter season morning in Kolkata, India REUTERS 3 December 2017 An advocate of Salvador
presidential candidate for the Opposition Alliance Versus the Dictatorship, puts a balloon on the shield of a soldier in a protest while the nation is still
bogged down in
chaos over a contested governmental election in Tegucigalpa, Honduras REUTERS 2 December 2017 A male dressed as Santa Claus skiis down a mountain during the Saint Nicholas Day at the Alpine ski
resort of Verbier
, Switzerland REUTERS 1 December 2017 A nurse takes blood for a HIV test for French
President Emmanuel Macron as he goes to the Delafontaine Health center on World
Aids Day Reuters 30 November 2017 An activist puts gasoline as an effigy of President Rodrigo Duterte and U.S. President
Donald Trump burns
throughout a protest action versus Duterte's plan to establish a Revolutionary Government, along a street in metro Manila, Philippines Reuters 29 November 2017 South Korea's Hyunmoo II rocket is fired during a workout at an undefined place in the east coast of South Korea The Defence Ministry/Yonhap via REUTERS
28 November 2017 Individuals fall as cops fire tear gas to try control the crowd aiming to require their way into Kasarani Arena to participate in the inauguration of President Uhuru Kenyatta in Nairobi REUTERS
32/40 27 November 2017 Rohingya refugee Amina Khatun, 55, rests at the bank of
the Naf river after
crossing it on an improvised raft to reach Bangladesh, in Teknaf. Two of her kids were eliminated by gun fire when her town was assaulted by Myanmar military, she states Reuters 33/40 26 November 2017 Mount Agung volcano is seen gushing smoke and ash in Bali EMILIO KUZMA-FLOYD/via REUTERS 34/40 25 November 2017 A Pakistani protester tosses
a tear gas shell back to authorities throughout a clash in Islamabad AFP/Getty Images 35/40 24 November 2017 Zimbabwe's previous vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa gets here ahead of his
inauguration event to be sworn in as president in Harare Reuters 36/40 23
November 2017 Comrades of missing crew members reveal their sorrow after the Argentine Navy revealed that the sound found in the missing submarine search is
constant with an
explosion AFP 37/40 22 November 2017 Former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic yells at the presiding judge throughout the decision hearing in his genocide trial, in The Hague, Netherlands EPA 38/40 21 November 2017 People and soldiers commemorate after the
of Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe AFP/Getty 39/40 20 November 2017 Israeli security forces carry away an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish demonstrator as they distribute a
protest against Israeli army conscription in
Bnei Brak, a city near Tel Aviv AFP/Getty 40/40 19 November 2017 Individuals crossing the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge as they complete in the 2017 Qingdao International Marathon on the Sea in Qingdao, in China's
Shandong province AFP/Getty Sexual harassment on public transport was worst for ladies in the Paris region, with reports of events seven times higher than in the rest of the country, the study found.Most cases of unwanted sexual advances occurred when a train or bus was moving so the victim might not leave, the research study said."When you have
closed spaces with hundreds of countless individuals and no security agents or police, it's no surprise that cowardly criminals act in total impunity,"
Ikram Moustaoui stated on Facebook.French females have actually taken to social media to share tales of sexual harassment, outstripping the #MeToo project with a name-and-shame hashtag #BalanceTonPorc
-or"expose your pig". The French President, Emmanuel Macron, revealed measures in November focused on informing the general public and schoolchildren about sexism and violence versus women and improving
authorities support for
victims. He likewise proposed criminalising
street harassment.France's gender equality ministry declined to comment.Reuters More about: Reuse material
from http://taxi.nearme.host/more-than-220000-women-sexually-bothered-on-french-public-transportation-over-2-years/
from NOVACAB - Blog http://novacabtaxi.weebly.com/blog/more-than-220000-women-sexually-bothered-on-french-public-transportation-over-2-years
0 notes
sameeullah1122posts · 9 years
Winter dresses collection 2015 for women by khaadi .Hello women, hope so you are very fine today. As we realize that wedding season is started ahead. These winter dresses collection 2015 are elegant. These winter dresses collection 2015 are stylish. Every women and young girls want to be pretty at this time. For this purpose she adopted latest fashion brands. Such as dresses, shoes and accessories. Many fashion designer and fashion brand launched many outfits collection according to today trend .Mostly indian and Pakistani designer have same pattern and style. The reason is that both countries have same tradition dresses. winter dresses collection 2015 has best choice for both countries. Indian and Pakistani designer give a tough time to each other in fashion industry. A big competition always remains among them. Indian and Pakistan women are like these types dresses in every event and occasion. So I introduce some great winter dresses collection 2015.
winter dresses collection 2015
Here I introduced winter dresses 2015 for fashion ladies. This collection has phenomenal work on it. It seems to look very delightful and stunning. Winter dresses collection 2015 is ideal dress for party dress and casual dress.  These dresses are launched by khaddi. Khaddi is a very famous fashion brand in Pakistan. The print of these dresses is cool and eye catching. Khadi collection is always unique and trendy. This collection is seems pretty. This collection is according to upcoming winter season.Winter dresses collection 2015 is very unique and latest in fashion.  All of these dresses are looking graceful. These winter dresses collection 2015 designs are so beautiful. All the dresses are consisting of huge embroidery work. These dresses are ideal looking for teen girls and modern women. This winter dresses 2015 is ideal for parties and occasion.  All the dresses are consisting of soft embroidery work. These dresses are ideal looking for teen girls and modern women.
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Winter dresses collection 2015 for women by khaadi
Winter dresses collection 2015 for women by khaadi Winter dresses collection 2015 for women by khaadi .Hello women, hope so you are very fine today.
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pakioutfits · 7 years
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pakioutfits · 7 years
Buy Exclusive Johra Digital Karandi Winter Collection 2017
Buy Exclusive Johra Digital Karandi Winter Collection 2017. To place an order Email at: [email protected] or see our ORDER procedure. PakiOutfits offers a wide range of Pakistani ladies suits that are ideal for casual wear, formal wear, evening wear, party wear and, bridal wear. (more…)
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pakioutfits · 7 years
Rana Arts Premium Embroidered Lawn 2017 For Women
Rana Arts Premium Embroidered Lawn 2017 For Women
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