#lown dress
roosterbruiser · 2 years
Hiiiiii! I was wondering if you had any other deleted scenes you could share from earlier on in SS? 👀
hiii!! yes, I do!!
here's one from when I was writing it in Jake's perspective in first person and Filly was an OC named Sookie!!
Sookie and I are straying behind everyone else, our arms brushing against each other’s as we walk. My hands are shoved deeply in my linty pockets and hers are freely tugging at the hem of her dress, an absent hum in her throat. 
“Winner takes it all,” I repeat softly, furrowing my brows. “Define all.”  
Sookie snorts, grinning. 
“Well, you’re buyin’ me breakfast,” she tells me. “And I’m the winner so I’ll take it all: orange juice, bacon, hotcakes, eggs, hash browns, sausage, grits.” 
I’d forgotten about our plans for breakfast, which we made late last night in Eliza’s driveway as she fruitlessly attempted jumping jacks to aid in her sobriety before having to face her daddy. He always waits up for her.  
“You’re a real pain in my ass,” I grumble, straining to remember how much cash I have in my wallet. It’s at least an even $75 after Mr. Underwood paid me for May a couple days ago. “And you can have bacon or sausage. Not both. Hear me, young lady?”
“Fine,” Sookie agrees, sighing. She hooks her arm in mine, leaning against my shoulder. “You’re a grumpy old man these days,” she says thoughtfully, biting her lip. 
I laugh and she squeezes my bicep.
“We were born the same year,” I argue. 
She ignores this entirely. 
“Maybe you need to get laid,” she says softly--softly enough for only me to hear. She didn’t hesitate before she said it--it just fell from her mouth and floated up to my ears privately like she’d been rehearsing it. 
But it almost stops me in my tracks. She may as well have strapped lead shoes on my feet and cracked a whip in the air. I feel I might keel over in the narrow aisle, falling face first into the creaky wood flooring. She’s not even looking at me, though--her shoulders are squared and she’s staring straight ahead as she pretends that she doesn’t notice my gaze.
I could say anything, really. Wanna help me out with that? I know we’ve been the best of friends since basically the dawn of humanity, but Hell--let’s take a chance! Or I get laid plenty, Sookie-girl, thank you very much, ma’am. Or a more casual Hmm, are you volunteering? You know--just as a one-time thing. Get it out of our systems. Just to see what it’s like before I go. Maybe it would be the perfect moment to confess that I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember and I want nothing more than to lay you down, Sookie-girl. But not like I laid Emmaline Oddette down or Sarah Porter or Wanda Webster or Ruth Lown or Annabelle Raitt or any other girl that I’ve cycled through.  
“That’s what you think?” I ask--my voice is thin. Fuckin’ Hell.
The chattering is too loud for anyone to hear our conversation. But I swear, above all of the clattering and clacking heels and sniffling and coughing and sighing, I can hear Sookie swallow harshly.  
“Maybe it is what I think,” she says, shrugging like this is a conversation we have regularly. She keeps her shoulders impeccably straight, that fabric stretching across her breasts straining. Every step she takes, the hem of her dress dangles dangerously close to her fingertips. 
I don’t know what to say--but I know that it would be worse if I said nothing. 
So I swallow hard now, plastering a grin on my face, shaking my head. She’s peering at me from the corner of her eye now--I pretend not to see.  
“Well,” I sigh, “what’re you gonna do about it?” 
Now she has lead shoes strapped to her feet. She stops dead in her tracks, mouth ajar and eyes wide. Gaping--that’s what she’s doing as she stares at me. And everyone is trying to maneuver around us, patting our shoulders, excusing themselves politely. I have to move closer to her so people can pass--so close that when she inhales, her breasts press into my ribs. 
For some reason, all I can think about is that scar on Sookie’s chest. It’s a little thing, sitting in the middle of her diaphragm, whitened and puffy with age. I was the one that gave it to her; accidentally ashing a cigarette on her when we were thirteen, sizzling her skin. I branded her in a cluster of itty-bitty marks--like a firework exploding. She didn’t tell on me. She’d blistered a little bit, biting her lip hard whenever anything touched them. But she never made me say sorry and I never said sorry--even though I was. I’d pressed cold paper towels against the wounds--which I knew were going to scar--for hours, her shirt pulled off so she was just in a flimsy training bra with the underwire poking through the cotton. I don’t think we’ve ever told anybody about that--those little marks that are just mine and hers, the ones I inflicted. And right now, as we stare at each other, those little scars are pressing against my chest through a measly two layers. I wonder if they’re still warm like they were when it first happened--little infinite embers.  
I don’t know why it’s so hard to swallow right now, but it is. 
Her eyes are swimming with something I’m entirely unfamiliar with; I’m in a leaking dinghy in the stormy brown of her irises, scouting for land through a dense fog. It’s with a cold dread in this hot little church that I suddenly realize that I don’t know what she’s thinking right now. I always know what Sookie’s thinking. But right now, she’s as good as a stranger. This face she’s making--it’s far more delicate than her usual brash grin and narrowed eyes. She looks very open, very innocent. As long as I’ve known her, which is going on a solid fifteen years now, she has never looked innocent. Even when she was innocent, she was precocious and knowing. It makes me want to reach up and swipe the back of my knuckle along the ridge of her cheek, the highest point on her face. It makes me want to suck her bottom lip between mine, makes me want to swallow her whole. It makes me want to hold her body against mine, very pliant and soft.
Maybe I’ve said too much. Maybe I’ve gone too far.
My breaths are bated. Neither of us are willing to submit. 
Heat radiates off her in perfumed waves, engulfing me, inspiring perspiration on my hairline. She doesn’t move closer to me and she doesn’t move further away from me. And she doesn’t take those doe-eyes off mine--not for a minute. I’m sure we’re blinking in utter unison, too.  
My mama turns and looks at us suddenly, a few paces in front of us. She looks just as frazzled and worn as she always does despite having tried to pin her hair in place. She jerks her head towards the door. 
“Quit dilly-dallyin’,” she tells me and Sookie--shooting us a wide-eyed, slack-jawed look. “Idle hands are the Devil’s plaything!”
I finally look away from Sookie, stuff my hands deep in my pockets again. If my face is red, I will say that it’s only because it’s hot outside. Not because I’m thinking about telling Sookie sorry for branding her, not because I’m thinking about the way that puffy skin would feel like in my mouth, not because I’m thinking about her chest grazing mine. No one will ask, though. 
“My hands aren’t idle,” I quip, motioning to them stuffed deeply in my pockets. “I’m countin’ pennies in here, mama.” 
If I was close enough to her, my mama would slap the side of my head. But she just turns on her heel and shakes her head, following closely behind Harper, Brandy, and Callie. They’re not squabbling yet--at least not outwardly. And it’s probably only because Harper’s jackass fiance Curtis is here today, dressed in his stupid linen suit with buckets of sweat rolling off his pasty forehead. He’s older than Harper by about ten years--he looks and acts it, too. She doesn't seem to mind it, though, especially since he’s buying her a big house in Austin just as soon as the deal is sealed.
Sookie silently falls in step with me again. My breath is still caught somewhere between my chest and front teeth. I’m waiting to exhale until I know what just happened, until I’m outside of this musty church. 
“Whatever you want me to.”
tbh I still like some of this stuff I've written so if you see it in SS soon......no you don't
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kmp78 · 1 year
Thinnie smacks of desperation, hanging around just in case Lordy invites her again. Does she realise that's not what a healthy relationship looks like. She can dress it up all she likes to impress her friends but she's very lown down on Lordy's list.
I guess she might suffer from that same unfortunate ailment called Icanchangehimitis that VK also struggled with for almost a decade... 🤷🏼‍♀️
The only known cure is time. 🕰
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arttaler · 4 years
how do make a indiadress design threepice frok and defrient design
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ham ap ko long frok kay barby main is mean hum barbie kay dress design frok kay bary mean beatyia Giay hum frok kay design bany giay is key  cutting kay bary meainhia 
information click here
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How do any of your Jedi girls keep their shenanigans on the down lown?
Bella and Cassie share a quick glance
We ....dont
CASSIE😠: I dont really understand why should I keep my efforts to clear Imperial soldiers on the down low. Or why if I have being neck deep on killer droids all week, I should have to play ball on some reunion or meeting instead of getting railed by Kira!
BELLA👉👈: I.....I just want Nadie to notice me....and she cant when there is so much people shooting at us...so I usually bring down the ceiling or tore a hole in the walls so she can see I'm doing good. On our off time nothing is more important than her so I usually dont oay mind to our masters asking me to get dress or stop moaning....I mean Nadia asked me to do it....
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pakioutfits · 7 years
Exclusive Iznik Chinon Collection Volume 3 2017 For Women
Exclusive Iznik Chinon Collection Volume 3 2017 For Women
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kerbaldevteam · 6 years
KSP Weekly: The Falcon
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Welcome to KSP Weekly! On this day, only 10 years ago, we witnessed the first ever private spacecraft launch into orbit. We are talking, of course, about SpaceX’s Falcon 1, an expendable launch system privately developed and manufactured from the ground up by Elon Musk’s company from 2006 – 2009.
The two-stage-to-orbit rocket used Liquid Oxygen and Rocket Propellant-1 for both stages, the first powered by a single Merlin engine and the second powered by a single Kestrel engine. The vehicle was launched a total of five times. Falcon 1 achieved orbit on its fourth attempt, on September 28, 2008, with a mass-simulator as a payload. On July 14, 2009, Falcon 1 made its final flight and successfully delivered the Malaysian RazakSAT satellite to orbit on SpaceX's first commercial launch (fifth launch overall). Following its fifth launch, the Falcon 1 was retired and succeeded by Falcon 9.
According to SpaceX, the Falcon 1 was designed to minimize price-per-launch for low-Earth-orbit satellites, increase reliability, and optimize flight environment and time to launch. It was also used to verify components and structural design concepts that would be reused in the Falcon 9. SpaceX started with the idea that the smallest useful orbital rocket was the minimum viable product (with about 1000 lbs to orbit), instead of building something larger and more complicated, and then running out of money and going bankrupt. Unlike Falcon 9, the first stage was originally planned to return by parachute to a water landing and be recovered for reuse, but this capability was never demonstrated. The second stage was not designed to be reusable.
One of the keys to SpaceX’s success has been its ability to fail – and move on. Despite setbacks, the company was able to quickly learn from its mistakes, make adjustments, and try again. As a result, within 16 years, SpaceX has gone from conceptualizing privately funded, reusable rockets to launching the most powerful rocket we have seen in nearly half a century. Along the way, SpaceX became the only private company capable of returning a spacecraft from low Earth orbit, which it first accomplished in 2010. The company made history again in 2012 when its Dragon spacecraft became the first commercial spacecraft to deliver cargo to and from the International Space Station. The company also successfully achieved the historic first re-flight of an orbital class rocket in 2017, and the company now regularly launches flight-proven rockets. In 2018, SpaceX began launching Falcon Heavy, the world’s most powerful operational rocket by a factor of two.
Perhaps most importantly, SpaceX has helped to reignite the public’s interest in space. Witnessing their feats and ambitious goals come to fruition certainly has inspired countless people, youth in particular, to pursue math, engineering, aeronautics, and astronomy both academically and professionally. SpaceX has helped leverage efforts by NASA and JPL to enforce the idea that having a career in the space industry – even actually going to space – is as real, tangible, and achievable as any other job that requires focus and hard work.
[Development news start here]
It wasn’t that long ago since Update 1.5 was conceptualized and development began, always with the goal of pushing KSP forward and delivering a substantial new update that will improve the players’ experience. Whether it is with bug fixes, giving existing parts a revamp, or brand new features for both the base game and the expansion, this update has something for everyone. We are far from over with KSP and there’s still plenty to come, but we are now at a point in development where we are confident enough with the development of this update to share with you all that Kerbal Space Program 1.5: Dressed for Success comes out this October.
We improved the burn time indicator by recalculating based on dV and not acceleration. We’ve also added a staging indicator that shows which stages contain the dV needed to complete each part of the maneuver. This will show a red section at the end if there’s not enough dV in the current vessel to complete that maneuver. We’ll continue looking at ways to leverage this dV information going forward. In the extended mode of the burn time indicator two extra lines are shown, allowing you to adjust how much time you want to spend burning before and after the node during the maneuver as well as showing you a countdown for when you need to start burning fuel to do so.
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In other news, we continue with the parts revamp effort and this week it is time to put the Probodobodyne RoveMate Command Module in the spotlight. The artist reworked the geometry of the RoveMate, and created a new texture map using diffuse, normal and specular maps for this part. You can see a comparison between the old and new RoveMate in the image below.
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The RoveMate Command Module will now be available in 3 variants, each of them inspired by different real-life analogues, such as the Curiosity and the Sojourner rovers. Both the gold and silver variants received a new shader that makes their new tin foil shine and interact with light as other parts we’ve shown. However,  if you look closely you’ll notice that despite the obvious similarities, there are some neat differences in the details: the former has a tighter aluminum cloth appearance, while the latter receives a looser tin foil look. Check out these gifs to see the new White, Silver and Gold RoveMate variants in motion.
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Click here to see the high-res images
On top of all of the above-mentioned details, the orientation issue with this part has been corrected and a few new attachment nodes on the sides of this part were added. This will certainly help to expand the creative usage for this part.
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The team is also revisiting some relatively new parts included in the Making History Expansion. Such is the case of the FLOOYD Labs’ SM-18 Service Module, which received a modest makeover. For this part the team made a few corrections to the caps’ texture maps and included the shiny shader to the tin foil cap. Check out this gif to see how the new SM-18 Service Module looks in motion.
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Click here to see the high-res image 
The team also did some good ol’ bug fixing this week, too! You will be glad to hear that with Update 1.5 you will not experience that annoying NullReferenceException that some players got when saving a mission where the craft files used in vessel situations had been deleted. Kerbals will not explode when resuming a test mission either. Additionally, the normal texture maps of the mobile, Woomerang and Dessert launch pads have been fixed.
[KSP Vault]
This week in the KSP Vault…
Forum users kl0buk and Ferrdo_Kerman built one of the best-looking control panels for Kerbal Space Program we’ve encountered and opened this thread to share the development process of making them.
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To celebrate the end of the weekly challenges in the KSP subreddit, Matt Lowne made this video where he talks about his personal experience with the challenges and executes the very first one the subreddit presented.
We encountered this beautiful watercolor depiction of our favorite trio while navigating through the World Wide Web and we wanted to share it with you all. By LazyClock: 
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Have you seen cool KSP-related content that you consider worth highlighting? Share it with us and help us give content creators more exposure. :)
Remember that you can also share and download missions on Curse, KerbalX, the KSP Forum and the KSP Steam Workshop.
That’s it for this week. Be sure to join us on our official forums, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Stay tuned for more exciting and upcoming news and development updates!
Happy launchings!
*Information Source:
(n.d.). Retrieved from https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/educate/college/careers/Entreps/6-17-05.htm
Chang, K. (2016, September 27). Elon Musk's Plan: Get Humans to Mars, and Beyond. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/28/science/elon-musk-spacex-mars-exploration.html
S. (2012, November 28). Company. Retrieved from https://www.spacex.com/about
Falcon Launch Report | Successful launch for Falcon 1 rocket. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://spaceflightnow.com/falcon/004/index.html
Shontell, A. (2013, March 09). Elon Musk Decided To Put Life On Mars Because NASA Wasn't Serious Enough. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musks-started-spacex-because-he-wanted-to-put-life-on-another-planet-2013-3
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agaywadarchive · 6 years
the fact that rachel temperance is a c/lown fucker is wild. like he doesn't dress like a clown in front of her. BUT HE'S A CLOWN. i can't
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Star Club burned bright and fast in the late 10’s, bringing their goofy/spooky dance party rock to just about whoever asked. They sounded and looked great, with singer-guitarist Nate Lown often dressed in white with a white guitar, the shouting ringmaster, set against bassist Marcus Pizotchi, mostly silent, dressed in black with a black guitar, posing as the real power behind the throne. Usually flanked by a pair of female torsos with light bulbs for heads, they seemed to belong in an art gallery as much as a sweaty basement, conveying the nostalgia-fused idea of rock n’ roll as well as the real thing. Neck Romancer is Pizotchi’s post-Star Club project, and it’s still a party, but it’s a much more goth party, dragging Star Club’s drive-in B-movie soundtrack vibes into the VHS era. Their latest release, a self-titled EP, just dropped this week, and it’s terribly fun. This is the music the Crypt Keeper has in his earbuds while he’s doing his dishwashing job—what, did you think he could make enough to live from hosting a horror anthology show? Get real! Pizotchi has abandoned the bass and silence for lead singer/additional percussion duties, and while his appearance would make you expect something like Peter Murphy, he’s got even more Fred Schneider in him. Keyboardist Sam Hancock plays foil, supplying backup vocals and delightfully “spooky” organ sounds. With no guitarist in the band (always a good call), her chirping, Casper the Friendly Ghost keys are the only purely melodic element. Otherwise, Neck Romancer is a strongly percussive act, driven, like with any self-respecting ghosts, by their negative space, which can’t be filled in even by Pizotchi’s amusingly over-the-top caterwauling. The space is there for you to dance in. Essentially, Neck Romancer is committed as a matter of artistic principle to see how far one can push the concept of a “monster mash”. If the B-52s had hung out in the graveyard more they might have taken this path. There’s also a resonance with the early work of the 80’s LA band Radio Werewolf, who also eschewed guitar, and whose classic single ”1960 Cadillac Hearse” set the template for Neck Romancer’s cartoon Halloween mood. True, Radio Werewolf frontman Nikolas Schreck took himself ridiculously seriously and only moreso as time went on, but Neck Romancer don’t seem in danger of such an unfortunate fate. Their sense of humor is lovely and much needed in any music scene. More of this kind of thing, please!
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the-brucest-fan · 7 years
Please, help me with the title!
Please, I want you to help me with something; I've been working on a fanfic, a Modern AU for the movie in which Pennywise is just a normal man but that he used to dress as a clown and attract kids so he could torture, rape and kill them (he's a cannibal), but after that, everyone in Derry were mad at clowns and started to hunt them. Twenty seven years later, he restarts his wave of crimes, and is up to the Losers find out who is the killer and stop him. My problem is that I don't know what could be the title 😩 I was thinking of 《Clowning Down the Town》or 《A Clown Down the Town》, but I don't know if it makes any sense because English is not my native language 😕 So, I would be grateful if you help me with this. Please.
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tasneemshamim-blog · 5 years
Each lady wants to wear garments that will make her look progressively wonderful and up-to-date. Prior to the beginning of the spring, print and electronic media got overwhelmed by planners’ yard advertisements.
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bebofashions-blog · 5 years
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Latest Apparel has been added on https://www.bebofashions.com/portfolio/kalki-fashion-kalki-vol-1-pure-azza-lawn-cotton-dress-material-online-wholesale-rates-bebo-fashions/
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arttaler · 4 years
how do you make dress design shalwar  kameez design2019
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ap ko hum is main do thrah ki shalwaer kay design kay bary  main batyia hum is shalwar ko dosary shlawwar ki nesbat  zaida kapra istamail hota hia is kaly 5 mater istamil hota hia information click here
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pakioutfits · 7 years
Exclusive Junaid Jamshed Eid Ul Azha Pret Collection 2017
Exclusive Junaid Jamshed Eid Ul Azha Pret Collection 2017
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trendpk · 7 years
Introducing by famous women clothing brand of Pakistan, RUNGREZ introducing summer lawn collection for women in sophisticated designs and colors. Rungrez is one of the emerging women clothing brand of Pakistan now offering an exclusive range of designer embroidered dresses for summer season 2017. The dresses have been designed through the state of the art floral patterns to made gorgeous prints. Some dresses for summer 2017 has been designed with aesthetic, artistic and blocks prints. Rungrez nourished summer dresses with modern patterns (outfits) and also embellished through luxurious accessories. Let’s have a look below we are sharing complete RUNGREZ LAWN COLLECTION FOR SPRING SUMMER 2017.
Cotillion Rs.6,490.00
Cotillion Rs.6,490.00
Cotillion Rs.6,490.00
Cotillion Rs.6,490.00
Cotillion Rs.6,490.00
Cotillion Rs.6,490.00 Shirt 3.25m Pure Silk Dupatta 2.5m Printed Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Border 1 Piece Embroidered Lace 1.5m Embroidered Lace for Trouser 0.75m
Enchanted Spring
Enchanted Spring Rs.6,490.00
Enchanted Spring Rs.6,490.00
Enchanted Spring Rs.6,490.00
Enchanted Spring Rs.6,490.00
Enchanted Spring Rs.6,490.00 Shirt 3.25m Pure Chiffon Dupatta 2.5m Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Neckline 1 Piece Embroidered Border 1 Piece Embroidered Lace for Trouser 0.75m
Safari Sunrise
Safari Sunrise Rs.6,490.00
Safari Sunrise Rs.6,490.00
Safari Sunrise Rs.6,490.00
Safari Sunrise Rs.6,490.00
Safari Sunrise Rs.6,490.00
Safari Sunrise Rs.6,490.00 Shirt 3.25m Pure Chiffon Dupatta 2.5m Printed Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Lace Neckline 0.75m Embroidered Lace (Front & Back) 1.5m Embroidered Motifs for Trouser 2 Pieces
Sahara Cloud
Sahara Cloud Rs.6,490.00
Sahara Cloud Rs.6,490.00
Sahara Cloud Rs.6,490.00
Sahara Cloud Rs.6,490.00 Shirt 3.25m Pure Chiffon Dupatta 2.5m Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Neckline 1 Piece Embroidered Border 1 Piece Embroidered Lace for Sleeves 4 Pieces
Blue Nile
Blue Nile Rs.6,490.00
Blue Nile Rs.6,490.00
Blue Nile Rs.6,490.00
Blue Nile Rs.6,490.00
Blue Nile Rs.6,490.00 Shirt 3.25m Pure Chiffon Dupatta 2.5m Printed Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Neckline 1 Piece Embroidered Border 0.75m Embroidered Lace for Trouser 0.75m
Casablanca Rs.6,490.00
Casablanca Rs.6,490.00
Casablanca Rs.6,490.00
Casablanca Rs.6,490.00
Casablanca Rs.6,490.00
Casablanca Rs.6,490.00 Embroidered & Printed Shirt 3.25m Pure Silk Dupatta 2.5m Printed Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Lace for Sleeves 0.75m
Eternity Rs.6,490.00
Eternity Rs.6,490.00
Eternity Rs.6,490.00
Eternity Rs.6,490.00 Shirt 3.25m Pure Silk Dupatta 2.5m Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Neckline 1 Piece Embroidered Border 0.75m Embroidered Lace for Sleeves 0.75m Embroidered Lace for Trouser 1.5m
Fountain of Youth
Fountain of Youth Rs.6,490.00
Fountain of Youth Rs.6,490.00
Fountain of Youth Rs.6,490.00
Fountain of Youth Rs.6,490.00
Fountain of Youth Rs.6,490.00
Fountain of Youth Rs.6,490.00 Embroidered Shirt 3.25m Pure Chiffon Dupatta 2.5m Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Lace 1.5m Embroidered Lace for Trouser 1.5m
Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden Rs.6,490.00
Garden of Eden Rs.6,490.00
Garden of Eden Rs.6,490.00
Garden of Eden Rs.6,490.00
Garden of Eden Rs.6,490.00 Shirt 3.25m Pure Chiffon Dupatta 2.5m Printed Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Neckline 1 Piece Embroidered Border 1 1 Piece Embroidered Lace 2 1 Piece
Heartstrings Rs.6,490.00
Heartstrings Rs.6,490.00
Heartstrings Rs.6,490.00
Heartstrings Rs.6,490.00 Shirt 3.25m Pure Chiffon Dupatta 2.5m Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Neckline 1 Piece Embroidered Border 1 Piece Embroidered Lace for Sleeves 0.75m Embroidered Motifs for Trouser 2 Pieces
Lady Eve
Lady Eve Rs.6,490.00
Lady Eve Rs.6,490.00
Lady Eve Rs.6,490.00
Lady Eve Rs.6,490.00 Embroidered Digital Print Shirt 3.25m Pure Silk Dupatta 2.5m Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Lace 0.75m Embroidered Lace for Trouser 0.75m
Lavender Blue
Lavender Blue Rs.6,490.00
Lavender Blue Rs.6,490.00
Lavender Blue Rs.6,490.00 Shirt 3.25m Pure Chiffon Dupatta 2.5m Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Neckline 1 Piece Embroidered Border 0.75m Embroidered Motif for Trouser 2 Pieces
Modern Mille
Modern Mille Rs.7,990.00
Modern Mille Rs.7,990.00
Modern Mille Rs.7,990.00
Modern Mille Rs.7,990.00
Modern Mille Rs.7,990.00 Digital Printed shirt 2.5m Pure Silk Dupatta 2.5m Jacquard Trouser 2.5m Embroidered Neckline 1 Piece Embroidered Border 0.75m Swarovski Adornments 1 Pack
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