f1crecs · 3 months
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Fic Rec List - Action AUs (Giveaway Winner Post)
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want us to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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hi @onboardsorasora thank you SO MUCH for your request, and congratulations again for winning the giveaway ❤️ we are so sorry that this took such a long time to get to you... unfortunately the mod team have been rather busy with all sorts of things: wedding planning and driving lessons and travelling abroad and writing copious amounts of smut. we hope this was worth the wait ❤️
nsfw: I struck a match and blew your mind by @33max | Not Rated | 4.1k
Max is a getaway driver and starts to work with Daniel on jobs. I loved the pacing of this fic. There's so much detail and progress within this and the author really did a great job of picking which parts to highlight for the plot progression. I loved Max's commitment to Daniel.
“I am, I promise. I think it’s just a broken rib or two.” Daniel says, and his hand comes up to squeeze Max’s shoulder from the backseat. There is blood on his knuckles. “C’mon Maxy, be a good boy and get us out of here.” So Max does. He gets them out of there, but he feels sick. Not because they almost got caught, but because he knows that if Daniel really had needed to go to the hospital he would not have been able to leave him there. He would have let them both get caught over leaving Daniel alone and hurt on a hospital doorstep.
nsfw: strangers by bloodmoonforme | E | 37.9k
Daniel, a detective, is on a not-quite-dead-end murder case when they bring in Max from out of state to help him solve it. They have history and havent seen each other in four years. I loved the tone in this so much. The author has a very coherent narrative that build just right, its really intriguing. I also love how the reader almost solves the case too. Not only the murder case, but the /what happened to Max and Daniel/ case that gets revealed throughout. Its a truly well written fic with a lot of action and feelings!
He gets up, his stomach feeling heavier and colder by the second. There's something creeping all the way from his fingers, up his arms and to his belly, a prickly sick thing. Then he looks towards the center of the room, marked by a well-worn rug. Daniel stands there, alone in Esther’s bedroom, standing in the half-light. He's there, and suddenly he’s not.
nsfw: Bite Down and Taste Red by @mysticalbreadcollective | E | 46.5k
Max works in a bar, and Daniel is the Mafia Boss who keeps buying drinks. This story is absolutely captivating - from beginning to end, it is so beautifully written and paced, with just enough angst to make things truly delicious. Daniel is so much fun here - hot and charismatic and so very head over heels for his bartender!
He finds out that Max speaks several languages, and he’s from a place called Hasselt, which means absolutely nothing to Daniel. He’d looked it up later, on the map on his phone, squinting at it. Compared with the US, its miniscule. He can’t imagine Max being born in a place so small. When Max is so – much.
Carlos/Lando & Daniel/Max
i'll race you for pinks by @chubbydinosaur | M | 30k
Lando is brought on to a heist by professional criminal, Carlos. Sparks fly. This story is such a fun ride - as always, this author perfectly balances humour, emotion, and high stakes action, and it makes for a thrilling read. Lando is so disarmingly charming in this - I adored him!
til the bone crush by @clementiaes | T | 19k
Pacific Rim is perfect for Formula 1 AUs, and this is one of my favourite examples. Daniel and Lando are paired as Jaeger pilots. Both are coming off of other drift partners with baggage - Daniel from Max after Max’s career ending injury, and Lando from something that could have been a relationship with Carlos, had Lando’s insecurities not buried it before it started. Lando is prickly, closed-off and miserable at the start of this story, convinced he is unlovable. This story is about him gently and gradually being opened up to the realisation that people love him, and that he deserves to be loved.
The point is, no one is getting tired of you any time soon,” Daniel says. “Seriously, who even told you that?” Lando looks down at his hands, picking at a hangnail. “No one. I just — I know I’m not easy to get along with.” Daniel frowns. “You deserve to be happy,” he says, finally. “You know that, right?” Lando looks down at his knees. “Look at me, Lando,” Daniel says, but Lando doesn’t. His shoulders are starting to creep back up near his ears again. Daniel’s moving before he quite knows what he’s doing. He gets one hand on Lando’s shoulder and one on his chin, turning his face so that he’ll look at him. Lando sucks in a sharp breath, eyes wide, but to Daniel’s surprise, he doesn’t pull away. “I don’t know how you got it into your head that you’re like, unlovable, or something, but it’s not true,” Daniel says. “Really. You think you can believe that for me?”
He Is All, And He Is More by @effervescentdragon | M | 15k
In this AU of The Old Guard, Sebastian and Charles are immortals that meet on the battlefield during the Crusades. They kill one another over and over, until they reach a tentative understanding. Their relationship deepens over the centuries. It can be difficult to write characters as ancient and make them feel ancient, and Akira really does. I love the tentative way they negotiate one another, and the understanding they gradually come to. Battlefield enemies to lovers is quite the relationship arc.
"And if we only met a thousand of years from now, you would still be wearing red.” “Why?” Sebastian shrugs, a grin evident in the dark. “Your red string dictates it. Fate, or something. Destiny. Red suits you. You look good in red.” Charles bites his tongue. “So do you.”
on golden sands by sionisjaune | T | 6.2k
Lewis Hamilton is planning the heist of the century and he wants Sebastian Vettel on his team. The target - Baron Nico Rosbergs car collection. Sounds simple on paper but reality never is. Oceans Eleven heist!au. Who doesnt love a good heist!au? This author writes some of my favourite sebcedes, the characterisations are spot on and the vibes are at turns wholesome and rancid. Perfection in a fic!
Rosberg greets Seb at the gate, behind the windshield of a pale blue Bentley. The paint job sparkles in the golden sunlight, and the hood ornament gleams chrome. The gates roll open at his whim with an ear-splitting, metallic sound. Rosberg beckons animatedly from behind the wheel, and Seb gets the message that he should leave his car and join Rosberg in the Bentley for the ride up to the house. […] Before Seb can slide into the passenger's side of the Bentley, Rosberg has to shoo a pudgy English bulldog into the backseat. It clambers, ungainly, over the console and waddles into the back, collapsing in a happy, wrinkly lump on the leather seats. “Who’s this?” Seb asks, watching long strings of drool ooze from the dog’s flabby mouth onto the pristine interior of Rosberg’s classic Bentley. Seb once saw an R-type Bentley much like this one go for two and a half million at auction. “This is Roscoe,” says Rosberg, long-sufferingly. “The result of an unfortunate affair.”
Hic Svnt Leones by @cerona10 | M | 32.6k
Charles is different to how Pierre remembers him. The world-building in this fic is second to none - it’s absolutely stunning! The world feels so full and alive, and it’s easy to get completely sucked in. The way they build in exposition is so clever and natural feeling, and the action is exhilirating and fun to read. Perfect!
His shadow isn’t his own, not anymore. It shakes and shimmers, fighting against its own shape. His shadow’s head twists and breaks before mending itself into that of a horse, neighing and trashing, a single horn jutting out from its forehead. Its jaw unhinges and it begins breathing heavily, drool escaping its mouth like a waterfall.
nsfw: Venus Flytrap by @pitconfirm | E | 25.7k (wip)
Professional criminal Fernando Alonso is recruited for a job. His mission: seduce Lance Stroll. This fic is RED HOT. From the very first few sentences, Fernando exudes this confidence that is so much fun to read. Contrasted with Lance - pouty, privileged, and surprisingly vulnerable - the dynamics are gorgeous. This author is so fantastic at dialogue and pacing, and this fic flows so beautifully. I can't wait to read more!
Once they reach the games room, it’s easy to spot him among the crowd. For the past few days, Fernando has been memorising every freckle on Lance’s skin. He could recognise him from just the curl of hair on his tender nape, but the most striking thing about Lance is his demeanour—elbows rested on the roulette table while he boredly holds his head in his hands, huffing in disappointment when he loses again. His carelessness stands out starkly against the opulent golden trims and old paintings covering every wall. A boy like Lance doesn’t belong in a place like this, but money talks.
nsfw: green light, red wine (and i don't feel fine) by @vicsy | E | 18.8k (wip)
Fernando is the Mafia boss who owns the club that Lance Stroll - son of his biggest rival - wanders into. This story is SO HOT. The tension between them is palpable, and they bounce off each other so well. You get the feeling that both of them are underestimating each other, and it makes for so much delicious tension. Amazing!
There aren’t many opportunities Fernando deliberately missed in his life. He wouldn’t be on top if he did. Right next to him, clad in a tight white t-shirt, sits an opportunity for a power move, the one Fernando would take all the way.
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f1crecs · 1 year
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Fic Rec List - George/Pierre
George and Pierre engaging in some heavy-handed flirting over the summer break rewired my brain. if it rewired yours too, have some fic recs. 🤍
If your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and I will remove it immediately, no questions asked. I have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop me a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to my inbox.
don't forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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thank you to the president of the georgierre fanclub, @pinkierre, for the request. love you, boo. 😉
if i pulled you closer, would you mind? by @pinkierre | M | 1k A gorgeous fic, inspired by that video. You know the one. I adore this writer's dialogue - it always feels so natural.
'But if there’s one thing Pierre is good at, it’s worrying. Courtesy of his half a year in that cursed Red Bull seat. He wriggles himself a little loose and turns around in George’s arms, careful that George doesn’t let him go. He isn’t ready for that yet.'
Confession by @alasarys | M | 1.2k Some truly beautiful religious imagery here. Pierre is in deep, he is suffering - and it is so wonderful to read. (Sorry, Pierre!) This is beautifully written.
'God created man in his image, but Pierre has created his god in the image of George. He thinks about George in the vestments of a priest – it isn’t such a stretch to go from the black of a Mercedes race suit to a cassock. He imagines him in a clerical collar, long fingers carefully sliding the band of white plastic into place at his throat. A surprisingly delicate movement for the strength he knows those fingers possess.'
tangina ka! kakainis ka! labyu! by @ruszhou | T | 2.4k Lovely, flirty fun. This flows so beautifully. The author has a gift for writing banter. Such a joy to read.
'Pierre laughs again, that stupid one that edges on sounding like a goose. It makes George feel stupid, even if he's technically right. What the hell, now he feels stupid for feeling stupid about being right.'
nsfw: divine revelation by @ruszhou | E | 2.6k The dynamics here are truly second to none. Pierre thinks he has all the control. George actually has all the control. So hot and so beautifully written. This is a joy.
'To him, Pierre is a perfectly sculpted golden statue. Vibrantly glistening under sunlight; seemingly flawless, seemingly indestructible. But while George knows gold can’t be crushed, he knows that it can dissolve, it can melt.'
take a lesson, every saturday boy by latebrakers T | 3k George and Pierre receive a surfing lesson from Lewis. Gorgeous exploration of mentorship and hero worship and the intense competitiveness that exists between these two. Fantastic characterisation. Delicious.
'But he thinks George knows all of that, anyway. And in any case, Pierre has no interest in exposing the soft underbelly of the reason behind the start of his friendship with Lewis, the real reason: that Pierre was falling apart, and Lewis helped him gather the pieces of himself back up and stick them together again, without condition or judgment. Simple as. That’s not George’s to know. And if Lewis did the same for George, too, Pierre isn’t sure he wants to hear about that either. He’s the youngest of five boys. Sometimes he gets tired of sharing.'
taste of cherries by @juanericvergne | G | 4.3k A fic inspired by that video. I know you know the one. Sinfully hot. Everything I wanted after the flirty boys video. Implied Pierre/Charles.
'If people called George confident, surely there had to be another word to describe Pierre. Perhaps it really was all cockiness, but even if it was the case there was no denying it was infuriatingly attractive.'
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f1crecs · 1 year
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Fic Rec List - Rare Pairings (Part Two)
you might also enjoy : rare pairings (part one)
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and I will remove it immediately, no questions asked. I have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop me a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to my inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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hello, @singsweetmelodies my love. anything for you ❗️ I hope you enjoy these ❤️
leave it all to bloom by @hungerpunch | G | 1.4k Alex and Yuki take a break away from the madness of the Japanese Grand Prix. This is such a beautiful story. Their relationship here is blossoming, and so it is very fitting that they visit gardens! There is a kind of tentative excitement that hums between them, and it is so much fun to read. The world the author has built here is beautiful, and I'd love to live inside of it for a while. Just gorgeous.
'Yuki laughs, knocks his shoulder into Alex’s ribs, and then proceeds to name all the autumnal blooms as they go: tall yet dainty kosumosu in white and red and pink, a crimson swath of spindly spider lilies, the quintessential poofy chrysanthemums in every color. Pink peonies and classic suisen, both of which Yuki tells him are blooming early: “They're winter flowers normally.” Alex doesn't stand a chance retaining any of this information but he wishes, suddenly, that he did.'
nsfw: lost control by venerat | E | 3.1k Carlos and Pierre meet in a club after a fist fight. I'm beginning to think my fic rec lists wouldn't be complete without a venerat recommendation. I love everything this author shares. This fic is hot, the vibes are suitably rancid, and I loved every second of it. This author is fantastic at building tension, and the pay off is always, always, always worth it.
'Pierre hummed. "You know, I dream about your mouth,” he said, and Carlos burned. His fingers trembled'
nsfw: golden boy by @oversteerey | E | 3.5k Mick and Daniel spend time at the ranch. This pairing works so well. The author does a fantastic job at developing their dynamic, and that is thanks in part to the wonderful, natural, easy-flowing dialogue. They are so gone for each other, and it is so hot. Perfect!
'They eat in silence, birdsong and water filling the space. There are two whiteclaws and two beers, for variety, the note attached reads. Cold-cut sandwiches and little treats that they didn't buy. Daniel throws his scraps to the birds.'
cielito lindo by @piastriachios | T | 3.6k Lance and Checo are teammates - Lance pines. Everything this author writes is simply stunning, and this is no exception. The way they use colour and emotion and metaphor to set the tone is just stunning, and the worlds they create are always so rich and so fun to read. This fic is a love letter to Mexico and to Checo and to Lance and to teammates and to love, in all its forms. I loved this so much.
'In this light, there are not enough shadows for any secrets to hide behind. Not enough creases for fond looks to slip between. Too bright to see the quiet glow of embers, too loud for his mind to kindle them into anything more.'
nsfw: whatever people say i am, that’s what i’m not by @clownfairy | E | 6.5k George and Yuki navigate their relationship. This is a fantastic fic - the characterisation and dialogue are on point; natural and funny and so very easy to read. The Yuki characiterisation in particular is superb. This pairing and this story just works. One thing I really, really love about this author's writing is their ability to balance humour with emotion. It hits perfectly every time.
'George drops his façade in favor of eyeing Yuki where he’s leaned over the kitchen counter, weight resting on crossed arms. Yuki’s stomach does its George thing, this flutter of embarrassment combined with something else.'
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f1crecs · 9 months
ooh 4, 5 and 12 for the fic recs ask game :)
thank you for your ask! 🤍
2023 fic rec ask game 💕
4. favourite rarepair fic? answered by @lydia-petze, and immediately followed by several other server members saying - damn it, I was going to choose that one!:
winning mentality by @drivestraight is max/george. I never would have thought of them as a pairing but linearity could get me to read anything. And it works.
5. longest fic you read this year? answered by @boxboxbrioche:
Fool's Gold by @chubbydino (745k, E). A true treasure of the fandom - at 745k, this fic might be the longest I've read ever, let alone this year. What the author has done here is nothing short of a masterpiece- and this New Year's I am raising a glass to their incredible talent, and their mammoth generosity in sharing their time, energy, and wonderful work with us. 🥂
12. fic you want everyone to study in a literature class? answered by @boxboxbrioche:
evocatio by @vicsy. everything she writes is stunning, but this is a step above. it's like every single word, every piece of grammar, every sentence has been put there purposefully, to hurt and to disgust and to ache and to stun and to awe. it is stunning. ethereal, like poetry. I want everyone to study it, to pick apart all of her clever turns of phrases and use of imagery and metaphor. ❤️
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