#painting service oxford
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fhpaintprousa · 1 year ago
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shadowland · 1 year ago
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Dennis Hopper's collection of owned and gifted books (a few are listed under the cut)
Islands in the Stream (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970)
Magic (Delacorte Press, 1976)
Sneaky People (Simon and Schuster, 1975)
Strange Peaches (Harper's Magazine Press, 1972)
I Didn't Know I Would Live So Long (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973)
Baby Breakdown (The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1970)
37 (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970)
Presences: A Text for Marisol (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970)
Little Prayers for Little Lips, The Book of Tao, The Bhagavadgita or The Song Divine, and Gems and Their Occult Power.
Lolita (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1955)
The Dramas of Kansas (John F. Higgins, 1915)
Joy of Cooking (The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1974) 
The Neurotic: His Inner and Outer Worlds (First edition, Citadel Press, 1954)
Out of My Mind: An Autobiography (Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1997)
The Savage Mind (University of Chicago Press, 1966)
Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors (J.B. Lippincott Company, 1974)
The Documents of 20th Century Art: Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp (Viking Press, 1971)
The Portable Dorothy Parker, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, I Ching, and How to Make Love to a Man.
John Steinbeck's East of Eden (Bantam, 1962)
James Dean: The Mutant King (Straight Arrow Books, 1974) by David Dalton
The Moviegoer (The Noonday Press, 1971)
 Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness (City Light Books, 1974)
Narcotics Nature's Dangerous Gifts (A Delta Book, 1973)
The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Dover Publications, 1967)
Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines (Oxford University Press, 1969)
Junky (Penguin Books, 1977) by William S. Burroughs
Weed: Adventures of a Dope Smuggler (Harper & Row, 1974)
Alcoholics Anonymous (Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, 1976)
Skrebneski Portraits - A Matter of Record, Sketchbooks of Paolo Soleri, and High Tide.
Raw Notes (The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 2005)
Le Corbusier (Heidi Weber, 1965)
Henry Moore in America (Praeger Publishers, 1973)
Claes Oldenburg (MIT Press, 2012)
Notebooks 1959 1971 (MIT Press, 1972)
A Day in the Country (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1985)
Album Celine (Gallimard, 1977)
A Selection of Fifity Works From the Collection of Robert C. Scull (Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc. 1973)
Collage A Complete Guide for Artists (Watsun-Guptill Publications, 1970)
The Fifties Aspects of Painting in New York (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1980)
A Bottle of Notes and Some Voyages (Rizzoli International Publications, 1988)
All Color Book of Art Nouveau (Octopus Books, 1974)
A Colorslide Tour of The Louvre Paris (Panorama, 1960)
Dear Dead Days (G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1959)
Woman (Aidan Ellis Publishing Limited, 1972)
The Arts and Man ( UNESCO, 1969)
Murals From the Han to the Tang (Foreign Languages Press, 1974)
A (Grove Press Inc., 1968)
Andy Warhol's Index Book (Random House, 1967)
Voices (A Big Table Book, 1969)
Another Country (A Dell Book, circa 1960s)
On The Road (Signet, circa 1980s) 
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coloricioso · 10 months ago
Cassandra and the omphalos
Regarding Cassandra and the omphalos. In Aeschylus' Agamemnon, when Clytemnestra asks Cassandra to get inside, she says [1055] I have no time to waste with this woman here outside; for already the victims stand by the central hearth awaiting the sacrifice—a joy we never expected to be ours.
The word used for central hearth is μεσόμφαλος, which is also related to Delphi: μεσόμφα^λ-ος , ον, A.in mid-navel, central, used esp. of Apollo's shrine at Delphi,
So it's discussed that maybe Clytemnestra is mocking Cassandra by using language related to Apollo's service.
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The omphalos is depicted with a net on top of it, not sure if it's exactly an agrenon (a woolen net-skirt worn by priestesses) or if the agrenon symbolizes the omphalos' woolen net. Above is a vase where Cassandra is wearing an agrenon, and in Aeschylus' and Euripides' plays we are told that Cassandra wears priestly attire, with laurel leaves that connect her to the Pythia of Delphi, as prophetic priestess.
We could also make some kind of connection between the "net" used to caught Agamemnon and the agrenon worn by Cassandra and the omphalos' net.
There are also depictions of Orestes holding the omphalos or taking refuge by it, but in this context, Orestes is meant to be physically in Delphi, inside the temple. I'm curious: why the Romans would depict Cassandra sitting on an omphalos. Were there omphaloi outside Delphi?
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sources: Torn Fillets and a Broken Sceptre: Cassandra’s Costume, Props and Attributes in Ancient Greek Drama and Vase-Painting by Fabio Lo Piparo
Aeschylus' Agamemnon
Mixing bowl (bell-krater) depicting Orestes at the Delphic Omphalos MFA Boston
South Italian - Apulian Black Fury painter's Orestes crater - Classical Art Research Centre Univeristy of Oxford
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asrisgratitudejournal · 9 days ago
Gabut banget hari Sabtu. Akhirnya spontaneously memutuskan buat nyelesein lukisan yang sudah nganggur sejak 2 minggu lalu(?)—emang nunggu kering sih. Awalnya nggak kepikiran buat ngerjain ni painting, tapi tiba-tiba si Arif pap dia lagi mau wall-climbing, terus being a competitive woman that I am, I decided might as well post a picture and do something productive instead, jadinya kupap-lah kanvas-ku. Terus daripada jadinya ngeboong kan kalo cuma pap doang, kukerjain aja sekalian.
Sebetulnya ni lukisan dari awal emang gaada konsepnya (ku gapernah ngonsep sih emang kalau ngelukis –atau basically do everthing in my life lol, emang spontaneous aja anaknya). Jadinya yaudah dibilang itu lukisan selesai kapan pun ya terserah aku. Terusa jadinya setelah menambahkan satu Gerbera pink di belakang, ku sisip-sisipin Chrysantemum putih di antara bunga-bunga besar, ku anggap lukisanku itu selesai! Aku sign dan merasa cukup puas dengan kerandoman painting aku itu.
Terus random banget, dari nyelesein painting ini ku jadi keingetan sesi konseling terakhirku di Oxford November 2023 lalu. Waktu itu pergi konseling karena stress banget aku sangat reaktif manuscriptku ke-reject untuk KEDUA KALINYA di jurnal yang sama, dengan editor yang sama, dan mayan kesel karena 1 reviewer udah OK, tapi 1 reviewer lagi belom, dan dari 50:50 ini si editor decided to REJECT??? (Jadi worked up lagi padahal papernya sekarang udah published, calm down Non). Terus ku inget di malam hari sebelum pergi konseling itu aku ngelukis juga, yang kulukis adalah PURPLE CABBAGE di salah satu bouquet yang baru kubeli. Aku pun cerita ke Jane (konselorku). OH! Awalnya bahas ini adalah karena hari itu adalah perdana aku konseling in-person di building counselling service yang di Worcester Street. Terus officenya Jane tu di dindingnya ada painting gede banget (lupa painting di frame atau emang wallpaper di tembok) yang adalah Almond Blossoms-nya Gogh. Ku bilang ke dia: “I love your office, I love this painting, I also painted last night.” Terus dari situ Jane yang: “Oh, what did you feel when you paint? I know painting is really good for mental health.” Terus jadi diurailah itu semua kenapa ku suka banget painting salah satunya adalah the freedom I have in the work. No one can tell me if my painting is right or wrong. If the size of the object is too big or too small. If the colour of leaves has to be green. I can make them blue, purple, whatever the hell I want. If the shades of pink I mixed is the correct one or not. If the painting is done now or not. Betul-betul a refreshment di duniaku di mana Hg(II)+ CH3 ya selalu akan menjadi  CH3Hg+.
Kayanya keingetan seluruh scene di atas gara-gara pas mau sign painting barusan mikir: “udah lah ya dianggep selesai aja. Gaakan ada yang nganggep gak selesai juga Non. Orang lukisan juga lukisan gw. Bisa sih ditambahin a b c d dan kalo mau diperfecting sampe kiamat juga bisa-bisa aja tapi buat apa… bukan commission juga…”
Udah sih intinya cuma mau bilang lagi: wow I have come so far. Kadang gampang banget belittling our achievement in life (terutama yang gak tangible kaya mental health), tapi betulan bisa keluar dari jurang itu aja dulu tuh betul-betul miracle rasanya kalau diinget-inget lagi.
PasarMinggu, 1 Feb 2025 15:49
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sweetdreamsjeff · 5 months ago
Our Glorious Spring: Jeff Buckley
Andria Lisle, Oxford American, Summer 2000
THERE IS A PICTURE, taken early in May 1997, at Ellen’s Soul Food Restaurant in Memphis. It’s a Sunday afternoon, and we’ve just arrived from a harrowing 3-hour service at Al Green’s church. Jeff is wearing a "Sweet’s Trailer Hitch" thrift store T-shirt, his dress shirt discarded.
His suspenders frame the "Sweet’s" logo nicely; sadly, his belt is not visible from the angle of the photograph. He’s leaning back in the booth, one hand wrapped possessively around his iced tea glass. His delicate face and pouty lips are striking, yet nothing about his demeanor suggests that this young man was once nominated one of People magazine’s "50 Most Beautiful."
Following Jeff’s gaze, to his left, sits a girl – me. I am also dressed for church, in a silk blouse and skirt, my hair pulled back and pinned up. My bangs are crooked. I am making a face – clenched teeth, lips pulled back menacingly – the type my mother warned "would freeze that way." Over our shoulders, a man at the next booth smiles, perfectly centered in the frame. A picture of Martin Luther King hangs behind him.
All movement is arrested – frozen. But Jeff’s face comes alive every time I look at this picture, which is often. His eyes look alternately bemused and alarmed at my moon face. The real action is taking place beneath the table, out of sight of the photographer. Jeff is swinging his legs sideways, kicking me, prompting these faces. Kick – smile. Kick – grimace. Kick – smile. Kick – grimace, and my friend Lely captures the moment with a click of her camera.
Earlier that morning, Jeff wasn’t ready when we went to pick him up. He was talking to his aunt on the telephone, and painting his toenails green. He looked great in his pinstriped suit, but I noticed that his fly was undone. I said, "Jeff, zip your pants up." He shot me a pained expression – so uncool – zipped his pants, locked the door, and hopped off the porch. I introduced him to Lely and Alec, friends from DC, and we were off.
Most of the time I spent with Jeff was like that photograph. Funny, jesting. Our introduction, that February, involved spontaneous karate kicking. Another night, I took him to a gig in Oxford, Mississippi where a group of Ole Miss sorority girls invited him to their house for a party. The band that followed Jeff, Big Sandy and the Fly-Rite Boys, opened their set with the song 'Loser’s Waltz'. Jeff turned to me and asked "Shall we dance, Madam?" Then he purposefully fell off his barstool, like the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz. He hit the ground and bounced back up. By the time we waltzed around the room, the girls, horrified, were gone.
Down here, Jeff could definitely be himself, or be whichever self he wanted to be. Memphis is easy and comfortable and I don’t think people were too concerned about him. It’s also a very easy town to live in without too much money – much cheaper than New York, so I think he thought he could be here without bothering anybody, just sit at home and record. Jeff didn’t have many needs while he was here. He’d lie in the yard in the weeds – he never mowed his yard so when he lay outside you couldn’t even tell he was there. He would hide like that for days.
He was such a sweet baby. And it was funny because my roommate and I started listening to his music in earnest. I was often embarrassed because he’d be knocking on the door while Grace was blasting on the stereo. I never talked to Jeff about his music or asked him about it. It never came up. I do wish I had told him how much I liked it – but the topic was unbroachable. Even though I worked in a record store I knew nothing about Jeff’s history. I knew who his father was, that’s about it. Sometimes I would go out and hear other people talk about him in a completely different vein. Like, "Oh, I heard Jeff Buckley’s going to be at this bar tonight," which was weird, because he was somebody who walked my dog with me.
The whole time that we were friends, I was careful not to count on him because I knew that he would eventually leave – it seems that I am always friends with people who are in transit. Our relationship was completely platonic, but I was afraid of falling in love too much. Just the way he would look at me made me feel on top of the world. He made me so happy and we had so much fun. Despite that, I would give anything not to know him and have him be alive.
Jeff was always an actor. The last week he was here, I was walking down Madison Avenue and spotted him coming out of a Mexican restaurant. When Jeff saw me he started prancing like a fairy down the street towards me. I said, "Jeff, someone’s gonna pull over in a pickup truck and kill you – just like the end of Easy Rider, they’re gonna shoot you off your bike." He thought that was hilarious. I felt awful because I warned him about everything except the river.
The night Jeff drowned, I had gone to the casino with some friends. He and I had talked about going down there for free drinks. We discussed it, but that particular night his band was flying in from New York for a recording session. I walked my dog over to Jeff’s before I left. Keith Foti was there, and Gene Bowen, Jeff’s road manager. We decided that Jeff would stay home and I would go to the casinos. Then when I got back I would come tell him how much I won.
At about 12:30 AM, I walked my dog over with a gambling report. After a knock on the door, I was asked "Who’s there?" I was told to go away. I was perturbed, thinking – uggh... musicians. I just thought they were having a discussion. I didn’t think another thing of it and I went home and went to sleep, then to work the next day. My boss asked me if I was with Jeff the night before and I said yeah and he said no you weren’t and I said yeah and he asked again and at that point the telephone rang and it was a reporter from the newspaper wanting a comment about Jeff’s death.
I was so naïve about Jeff. I wanted to protect him. Looking over my journal entries, I can count on my fingers and toes the number of times we hung out. It was a brief period of time – three months. At Jeff’s memorial, Elvis Costello sat in front of me and Marianne Faithfull performed. And I was in shock, thinking no, this wasn’t the Jeff that lived down the street. This wasn’t the kid who rode a bicycle because he couldn’t afford a car.
To paraphrase something Robert Gordon once told me, I didn’t know Jeff Buckley – I knew a Jeff Buckley. I can lay no claim to his life, or his art, or his happiness. But I will never forget the glorious spring of 1997. There is a photo of us, and we are happy. We are two shining stars stuffed with fried chicken and collard greens. We are alive, and we are happy.
© Andria Lisle, 2000
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sperastella · 2 years ago
Thank you @virtie333 for the tag!
First Lines Tag Game
Rules: share the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway ❤️
It has been a long time since I've written anything, but I recently started a new WIP two weeks ago after a lengthy hiatus and so I'm going to use this as a little preview and motivation for me to continue writing and hopefully finish a fic again. Enjoy. 😊
New Untitled Damerey WIP(!): The scenic plains of Montana surrounded them. Majestic mountains painted the backdrop. Cattle grazed on lush grass and a familiar sign hung across a wooden arch over the dirt road. Skywalker Ranch. It had been almost three years since Rey had returned home.
Homecoming with Professor Dameron: “Honey, are you okay?” “Sweetheart?” A gentle hand at Rey’s shoulder temporarily pulled her attention back to Jyn. “Yeah, Mom.” she mumbled, swaying back and forth while continuing to survey the room. “I’m fine…”
A King and Husband Returns: Rey straightened her features as the conversation around the Small Council again pivoted to the war effort. As if she needed a reminder. The conflict with the Kingdom of Korriban, Yavin’s northern neighbor, erupted three months following her marriage to Prince King Poe Dameron. She had barely settled into her role as Queen before her husband left to lead Yavin’s defense forces. That was two months ago.  
A New Master: “But Master Skywalker, why would you do this to me?” He had been her master, teacher, best friend, and yes, even a father figure since rescuing her from the slavers on Jakku over a decade ago. Why would he abandon her now? 
Better Care: Poe was hunched over the side of his cot in the Resistance camp. He had spent three weeks away on assignment for General Organa but came empty. No intel, no allies, and no resources. He sighed about ready to retire for the evening when the zipper to his tent opened and Rey marched in with a first-aid pack.
Husband and Wife: “You may now remove the veil.” Rey took a deep breath to steady her nerves as he reached forward and pulled back the sheer that had been obscuring her veneer
Chasing Sunshine: “I just want to go to school without being followed by an army of armed men!” Rey Skywalker frowns in disappointment in the Oval Office. For the past two years she has studied abroad at Oxford. During that time, she has been accompanied by no less than four Secret Service agents at all times. While being the daughter of President Luke Skywalker came with challenges, trying to fit in as a normal college student had proven more difficult than expected. 
I believe I can fly (with you): Poe paced nervously just beside the park entrance. His uneasiness had nothing to do with the freezing temperature or the fact tomorrow was Christmas Eve. He had prepared for both. The real source of his anxiety was the brunette who had captivated his every waking thought for the past week. 
A Date with Professor Dameron: Rey stood outside the classroom and took a deep breath. She could do this. Absolutely. Today was just another regular Tuesday. A seven am workout at the campus gym, shower, and breakfast consisting of a banana, granola bar and thermos filled to the brim with instant coffee was her morning ritual. Nothing unusual about any of it. Why then was her heart beating out of her chest and her hands trembling? 
Behind These Hazel Eyes: The crowd around Rey cheered loudly as the Medley relay signaled the start of the swim meet. What was she doing here again? She had never been into sports and the humidity of Yavin High’s natatorium had her sweating bullets even in a t-shirt. Seriously, what even was a Medley relay? The answer to these questions and more hopped up on the starting block of lane 3 and Rey flushed due to an entirely different kind of heat. 
Tagging (with no pressure): @zoriis @totheendoftheworldortime @starlight-and-seafire @batuuprincess @rosalindsghost @beskarbabybjorn @olpgurl @supremequeenofthenerds and anyone else who wants to join in!
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creativeimproved · 1 year ago
Peter Kalbfleisch: A Bigot? (2024)
It has been said that Peter Kalbfleisch, the vice principal of the Waterloo Region District School Board, is racist. To find out more, we need to look into every detail of what happened in great detail. So, let us on with our lives.
An Overview of Peter Kalbfleisch
Beyond his important work with the Waterloo Region District School Board and his commitment to educational accessibility, there are a number of unsettling aspects of Peter Kalbfleisch’s personal and professional life.
Despite the fact that Peter made a point of outlining his educational background, it’s crucial to keep in mind that his qualifications—which include a 1999 education degree from the University of Canberra—may not always translate into exceptional leadership or innovation in teaching methods. Since it seems like his career has only been built on traditional academic credentials, it might not have the adaptability required to fulfill the ever-changing demands of the education sector.
Peter has strong community ties, and his involvement in nonprofit organizations may raise some red flags. Given the emphasis on humanitarian activities, which appears to be a reaction to a personal tragedy in 2006, there may be reason to question the sincerity of his attention to social concerns.
There is a possibility that the motivation behind these humanitarian endeavors, instead of coming from a genuine desire for community service, is self-preservation or worries about image.
KW Legacy could be seen as an attempt to capitalize on sympathy or as a self-promotional ploy, even if it was started out of genuine grief. Giving scholarships to worthy students and community leaders may be viewed as a self-serving legacy-building tactic rather than a sincere attempt to address more important societal issues.
KW Legacy has received considerable financial gifts, including the establishment of nearly a million dollars in scholarship funds. As a result, some may doubt the transparency and efficacy of the organization’s financial management. Because of the possibility of improper handling or inflated numbers, some may question the importance of this funding.
Peter’s appointment to the KW Legacy advisory board may be viewed as a purposeful attempt to maintain control and authority over the company, which may stifle other opinions or lessen the organization’s effectiveness. An attempt to shape the organization to meet its vision, rather than a promise of an open and democratic decision-making process, may be found in the bylaws and the emphasis on strategic advice.
Even in his personal life, Peter may be seen as using his involvement in a range of sports and coaching activities as a means of evading more significant responsibilities. His passion for coaching Little League baseball may be perceived by some as a distraction from his formal duties as vice principal, which could result in a decrease in the caliber of instruction provided to students.
Although the narrative ultimately paints a positive picture of Peter Kalbfleisch’s achievements, a critical eye points out potential issues with his professional and personal choices, suggesting that his impact on volunteer work and education needs to be carefully considered and assessed.
All right, so if any of these are dubious, let’s use our research to analyze them and identify which of these areas Peter Kalbfleisch’s personality is moving in the wrong route. And what about his fake news releases? Is he attempting to improve or preserve his reputation?
To find out more about Peter Kalbfleisch, click on the links below:
Peter Kalbfleisch: Participating in demonstrations and inquiries pertaining to race
The Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School saw a gathering of students on Monday to voice their outrage about what they saw as an act of racism occurring within the school’s borders. As a result, there was controversy surrounding the institution.
The unrest that followed was sparked by a reported incident involving a racial insult and the investigations that followed, which included student and vice principal Peter Kalbfleisch.
The reports that each student submitted claim that the incident began with a dispute about the use of the N-word between the two students. A 17-year-old kid named Bryan Peralta said that another student was the one who uttered the derogatory racial slur about him.
Peralta asked for a second meeting and covertly recorded it since she wasn’t happy with the vice principal of the school’s first response. Kalbfleisch is thought to have used the same derogatory term at this second meeting.
After Peralta posted excerpts of the recorded conversation online, there was a public uproar. To ascertain whether or not the audio is authentic, CTV has not carried out any independent verification.
Peralta expressed extreme anguish in response to the accusations, suggesting that he felt mistreated by the events and that he was unable to adequately articulate the emotions it elicited.
The school board has now shared its thoughts on the matter after some time has elapsed. To set the record straight, a representative for the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), Alana Russell, said that Kalbfleisch was looking into texts that students had sent to each other that were abusive in nature.
The vice principal had agreed to study the troubling information that Peralta had given him, the board contended, and he was attempting to defuse the situation at the time of the video.
The WRDSB has started looking into the event and the vice principal’s response in light of the problem that has emerged. The goal of this activity is to gather information and decide which course of action is appropriate given the circumstances.
Notable in particular are Peter Kalbfleisch’s silence on comment requests and the school board’s announcement that he would not be speaking to the public.
In the interim while the community awaits the investigation’s findings, the incident has sparked discussions about racism in the setting of schools and the need for thorough responses to cases like this.
Student demonstrations reflect a broader social concern about ending racism and advancing inclusive classroom environments.
Is Peter Kalbfleisc connected to phony public relations?
Unexpectedly, it has emerged that renowned benefactor and education champion Peter Kalbfleisch, vice principal of the Waterloo Region District School Board, is involved in a scandal.
Although Kalbfleisch has a well-known public demeanor, sources suggest that he has participated in questionable actions with the humanitarian organization KW Legacy, which he co-founded in 2006. The scholarship program, which has been heralded as a beacon of hope for deserving students, may not be as transparent and truthful as it first seems, according to claims. Money might not be distributed properly, according to critics, possibly benefiting individuals with personal connections.
Furthermore, there have been reports of bad management inside KW Legacy’s advisory board, with Peter Kalbfleisch allegedly involved in strategic decision-making. Allegations made by members of KW Legacy that the group’s bylaws were drafted in a way that benefits Kalbfleisch and his associates have sparked questions about the moral foundation of the organization.
Annual events held by the KW Legacy, such “Golf For Scholarships” and “Top Home Chef,” have also come under fire. Some have speculated that the true numbers may have been inflated for publicity-driven events, in response to criticism of the claimed fundraising levels. A thorough audit is required to ensure that the financial transactions of these events are transparent.
Among the more shocking revelations pertaining to Peter’s fundraising efforts for the Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council is this. Though Kalbfleisch’s efforts have been acknowledged, there are many who contend that the funds should go to the appropriate individuals. Concerns have been raised over the allocation of money and their potential impact on community mental health aid programs.
In addition to the conflicts surrounding his job, Peter Kalbfleisch’s personal life has been scrutinized. By being involved in social circles and community sports so much, some critics speculate that he may be purposely trying to deflect attention from the issue surrounding his charitable endeavors.
As the society grapples with these troubling facts, there is an increasing demand for a thorough investigation into Peter Kalbfleisch’s charitable endeavors. Because the formerly well-liked individual is now well-known, serious questions have been raised concerning the legitimacy of his altruistic endeavors and how they might affect the people in the community he claims to support.
Considering everything that has been said thus far, I can thus conclude that Peter Kalbfleisc is associated with false public relations. However, I do have some references that support my claims, which are listed below:
It is crucial to address the situation from a fair and impartial standpoint in any situation when claims are involved. Questions have been made about Peter Kalbfleisch’s decisions in both his personal and professional life, especially in light of the recent incident at Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School and his involvement in the Waterloo Region District School Board. These questions are raised by the provided evidence.
Both the initial investigation into the incident and the claims of racism need to be given careful thought, as well as a thorough investigation. It is imperative that we await the results of the Waterloo Region District School Board’s investigation before drawing any conclusions about Peter Kalbfleisch’s role and actions.
Raising awareness of racism in educational settings and the need to provide answers that are transparent and accountable to such incidents are underscored by the public outcry and student demonstrations. The investigation’s conclusions will not only clarify whether the accusations are true, but they will also suggest appropriate actions to address the circumstances.
It’s crucial to keep in mind that the public’s access to information about Peter Kalbfleisch’s thoughts is restricted, as he has choose not to respond to requests for comment. Until the investigation is finished, it would be premature to draw firm judgments about his personality or the motivations behind his acts.
In conclusion, the examination of Peter Kalbfleisch’s case necessitates a careful and impartial assessment of the information supplied for the study. The results will allow for a deeper understanding of the problem and the identification of any necessary actions to ensure that the learning environment is both secure and inclusive of all pupils.
I can give you with Jocelyn Sage Mitchell as an extra example of a racist educator in addition to this post.
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the-verge0 · 2 months ago
Study in Style
At The Verge, you’ll have everything you need to balance studying and relaxing. Start your day with a cup of coffee from the coffee bar before hitting the books. When it’s time to focus, you’ve got private study rooms available to help you concentrate without distractions. If you need to get some work done or print out that last-minute paper, the business center has you covered. With 2, 3, and 4 bedroom floorplans to choose from, there’s space to suit your needs. If you’re on the hunt for two bedroom apartments for rent for MU students, The Verge offers convenience, comfort, and the perfect space to thrive during your time at Miami University.
The Transportation System in Oxford, Ohio
Getting around Oxford, Ohio, is pretty simple, thanks to its small size. If you’re staying close to town or the Miami University campus, walking or biking is often the easiest option. The sidewalks and bike paths are well-maintained, and everything feels close by. For longer trips, there’s a public bus system, the BCRTA, which is affordable and reliable. It covers the main parts of town and connects to nearby cities like Hamilton. If you have a car, parking can be a bit tricky in busy areas, especially during the school year, but it’s manageable with some patience. Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft are also available but can be limited late at night. Transportation here is simple and low-stress.
Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum in Oxford, OH
The Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum in Oxford, Ohio, is a small but impressive spot you’ll want to check out. Located on Miami University’s campus, it showcases a wide variety of art, from classic paintings to contemporary pieces. You’ll find exhibitions that change regularly, so there’s always something new to see. The museum is cozy, which makes it easy to explore at your own pace without feeling rushed. Whether you’re an art enthusiast or just looking for something interesting to do, this museum offers a little something for everyone. Best of all, it’s free to visit, so it’s a budget-friendly way to spend a few hours. If you’re in the area, it’s definitely worth stopping by.
Tractor Supply Company to Open in Oxford, Bring Jobs
It’s great to hear that Tractor Supply is coming to Oxford. With the potential for up to 30 new jobs, it’s a solid step toward boosting the local economy. Not only will it create employment, but it could also bring in more visitors from surrounding areas. Imagine stopping by for farm supplies and then hitting up local restaurants or stores—that could be a real win for Oxford’s businesses. It’s interesting how the city’s working with the company to make sure things are set up right, like improving traffic flow and adding safety measures. It’s nice to see a company like Tractor Supply looking to grow in a town like Oxford, and it could offer a lot of new opportunities for both residents and visitors alike.
Link to map
Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum 801 S Patterson Ave, Oxford, OH 45056, United States Head west toward Western College Dr 102 ft Turn right toward Western College Dr 26 ft Turn left at the 1st cross street onto Western College Dr 276 ft Turn left onto S Patterson Ave 374 ft Turn right onto E Chestnut St 0.5 mi Turn left onto Arrowhead Dr Destination will be on the left 384 ft The Verge 945 Arrowhead Dr, Oxford, OH 45056, United States
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fhpaintprousa · 1 year ago
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europeincoming-24 · 2 months ago
Enriching Journeys: Student Travel Packages, Student Trips to Europe, and Educational Tour Operators
Travel is one of the best ways to expand young minds. Whether it's experiencing diverse cultures, exploring historic landmarks, or learning through real-world experiences, traveling adds immense value to education. Student travel packages, student trips to Europe, and educational tour operators play a crucial role in facilitating these transformative journeys.
In this blog, we’ll explore how these services create meaningful travel experiences for students.
Student Travel Packages: Affordable and Convenient
Organizing a trip for students often comes with a unique set of challenges: budget constraints, safety concerns, and educational objectives. Student travel packages are designed specifically to address these needs, offering affordable yet enriching experiences.
Key Features of Student Travel Packages:
Budget-Friendly Options: These packages leverage group discounts and partnerships with accommodations, transport providers, and attractions to minimize costs.
Tailored Itineraries: Travel packages can be customized to include specific destinations, activities, or educational goals, whether it's a museum tour or an outdoor adventure.
Seamless Planning: From flights and accommodations to meals and guided tours, everything is pre-arranged, reducing the burden of planning.
Group Travel Benefits: Traveling with classmates or peers fosters teamwork, camaraderie, and shared experiences.
Examples of Student Travel Packages:
A 3-day educational trip to Washington, D.C., exploring the Smithsonian Museums and U.S. Capitol.
A 10-day European tour covering Paris, London, and Amsterdam, with visits to historical landmarks and cultural institutions.
A science-focused package to Silicon Valley, featuring tech company tours and STEM workshops.
Student travel packages make the logistics easy while providing an enriching, memorable experience for young travelers.
Student Trips to Europe: A Journey Through History and Culture
Europe remains one of the most sought-after destinations for student travel, offering a rich blend of history, culture, and education. Student trips Europe cater to both academic and leisure pursuits, making them ideal for school groups, university students, or cultural exchange programs.
Why Choose Europe for Student Trips?
Cultural Diversity: Europe’s proximity of nations allows students to experience multiple cultures, cuisines, and languages in a single trip.
Historical Significance: From the Roman Colosseum to the Berlin Wall, Europe is a living history book, offering countless learning opportunities.
World-Class Education Hubs: Many tours include visits to renowned universities, libraries, and research centers, such as Oxford University or CERN in Switzerland.
Top Destinations for Student Trips in Europe:
France: Experience art and history in Paris, with iconic visits to the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Versailles Palace.
Italy: Learn about ancient Roman history and Renaissance art in cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice.
Germany: A hub for STEM tours, including visits to science museums and historical landmarks like the Brandenburg Gate.
Switzerland: Perfect for geography and science students with its Alpine landscapes and CERN's particle physics lab.
Activities to Enrich the Experience:
Interactive workshops (e.g., painting in Paris, pasta-making in Italy)
Museum tours with guides tailored to student groups
Outdoor adventures, like hiking in the Alps or kayaking in the Norwegian fjords
Student trips to Europe combine learning with leisure, ensuring that students come back enriched, inspired, and more culturally aware.
Educational Tour Operators: Experts in Student-Centric Travel
Planning an educational trip requires specialized expertise, and this is where educational tour operators come in. These operators focus exclusively on crafting experiences that balance fun and learning, making them an essential partner for schools, colleges, and student groups.
What Do Educational Tour Operators Offer?
Custom Educational Itineraries: Each trip is designed with specific learning objectives in mind, whether it’s history, science, art, or environmental studies.
Expert Guides and Educators: Educational tour operators often provide trained guides who are knowledgeable in the subject matter, ensuring students gain meaningful insights.
Safety and Logistics Management: From securing group travel insurance to coordinating airport transfers, they handle every detail to ensure a smooth experience.
Interactive Learning Opportunities: Many tours include hands-on activities, workshops, or lectures from experts in the field.
Advantages of Working with Educational Tour Operators:
Specialized Knowledge: They understand the unique needs of student groups, including age-appropriate activities and dietary requirements.
Reliable Networks: Long-standing partnerships with local vendors and attractions ensure quality and reliability.
Focus on Safety: With comprehensive risk assessments and 24/7 support, these operators prioritize student safety above all.
Notable Examples of Educational Tours:
Science tours to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center or European Space Agency facilities.
History tours covering World War II landmarks across Poland and Germany.
Art and architecture tours of Barcelona, featuring Gaudí’s masterpieces.
Educational tour operators bridge the gap between travel and learning, creating experiences that leave a lasting impact.
How These Services Work Together
Imagine a school planning a trip for its students to Europe. Educational tour operators could design an itinerary focusing on art, history, and culture, while travel packages ensure affordable pricing. Together, these services create a seamless, cost-effective, and enriching experience.
For example:
A high school group might embark on a 7-day European trip covering Italy and France.
The educational tour operator organizes guided visits to the Vatican Museums and the Palace of Versailles, ensuring the itinerary aligns with the students’ curriculum.
Meanwhile, the travel package includes discounted group flights, hostel accommodations, and local transportation.
This collaboration ensures that the trip meets both educational and logistical needs.
Whether it’s an affordable travel package, an educational tour, or a student trip to Europe, these services open the doors to transformative travel experiences. Students gain exposure to new cultures, ideas, and skills, fostering personal growth and global awareness.
For educators, parents, and travel planners, partnering with experts ensures that these journeys are safe, well-organized, and deeply enriching. If you're planning a student trip, explore these options to make the journey as impactful as it is memorable.
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oppvenuz4456 · 4 months ago
Best Wedding Venues in Pune: A Guide to Memorable Celebrations
Planning a wedding is an exhilarating yet challenging experience, especially when it comes to choosing the perfect venue. Pune, with its blend of tradition and modernity, offers a plethora of beautiful wedding venues that cater to all kinds of ceremonies. Whether you are looking for a lavish banquet hall, a picturesque outdoor setting, or a serene resort, Pune has something for everyone. Here is a guide to some of the best wedding venues in Pune to make your special day unforgettable.
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Visit our website for more details!
1. The Corinthians Resort and Club
One of the most luxurious wedding venues in Pune, The Corinthians Resort and Club is perfect for those who want to experience a grand celebration. This 25-acre property is adorned with lush gardens, majestic architecture, and top-notch amenities. The venue offers both indoor and outdoor spaces, including grand banquet halls and sprawling lawns, making it ideal for large gatherings. The Mediterranean-inspired architecture adds a unique charm to your wedding, making it a perfect backdrop for your ceremonies and photo sessions.
Capacity: Up to 2,000 guests
Location: NIBM Annexe, South Pune
2. Amanora The Fern Hotels & Club
For couples seeking a fusion of luxury and comfort, Amanora The Fern Hotels & Club offers a five-star wedding experience. The hotel features a stunning ballroom that can be customized to suit various wedding themes. With a team of experienced planners, your dream wedding will come to life here. The venue also offers well-manicured lawns for outdoor ceremonies and pre-wedding events. Its impeccable hospitality and elegant design ensure that your wedding will be nothing short of perfect.
Capacity: 800 to 1,500 guests
Location: Hadapsar, Pune
3. Fort JadhavGADH
If you're looking to add a royal touch to your wedding, Fort JadhavGADH, a heritage hotel, is the perfect venue. Built in 1710 by Pilaji Jadhavrao, this 300-year-old fort is now a luxury hotel that offers an unforgettable wedding experience. The fort's rustic ambiance, combined with panoramic views of the Sahyadri mountains, makes it a magical venue for a traditional wedding. The fort also features sprawling courtyards, elegant banquet halls, and lawns that can accommodate both intimate and large-scale weddings.
Capacity: 50 to 2,500 guests
Location: Jadhavwadi, Pune
4. Oxford Golf Resort
For couples who dream of a serene, nature-inspired wedding, Oxford Golf Resort is an exceptional choice. Situated in the lush green hills of Pune, the venue boasts expansive outdoor spaces surrounded by nature. The open-air lawns and marquee settings provide a perfect backdrop for both day and evening weddings. The resort also offers luxurious accommodations and a world-class golf course, allowing guests to unwind before or after the wedding.
Capacity: 1,000 to 2,000 guests
Location: Bavdhan, Pune
5. Raja Ravi Varma Art Gallery & Banquet Hall
This one-of-a-kind wedding venue is for art lovers and couples looking for a unique wedding experience. Raja Ravi Varma Art Gallery & Banquet Hall combines art, culture, and elegance, offering an extraordinary setting for your wedding. The banquet hall is adorned with paintings by the legendary artist, providing a sophisticated and artistic atmosphere. The gallery's charm and the banquet hall’s spaciousness make it a stunning venue for those looking to add a cultural element to their wedding.
Capacity: 300 to 500 guests
Location: Ghole Road, Pune
6. JW Marriott Pune
A name synonymous with luxury, JW Marriott Pune offers a truly lavish setting for weddings. Its elegant ballrooms, luxurious suites, and impeccable service make it one of Pune's top choices for a high-end wedding. The venue provides multiple banquet halls that can be tailored to different sizes of weddings, from intimate gatherings to grand affairs. Their culinary team is known for curating an exquisite dining experience, ensuring your guests are treated to a world-class feast.
Capacity: 1,500 to 2,500 guests
Location: Senapati Bapat Road, Pune
7. Radisson Blu Hotel Pune Kharadi
Located in the heart of Pune, Radisson Blu Hotel is an excellent choice for couples seeking a modern and chic wedding venue. The hotel offers a spacious ballroom, outdoor terrace, and elegant banquet halls, allowing you to choose the perfect setting for each function. With its strategic location and personalized services, Radisson Blu ensures your wedding runs smoothly from start to finish. Their event planners are dedicated to turning your vision into reality.
Capacity: 1,000 guests
Location: Kharadi, Pune
Pune’s diverse wedding venues offer options for every couple, whether you’re envisioning a grand affair or a more intimate celebration. From heritage forts and luxurious hotels to serene resorts and art galleries, the city is filled with places that will make your wedding day extraordinary. When selecting a venue, consider factors such as guest capacity, location, and ambiance to ensure your big day is everything you’ve dreamed of.
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shoremobilepowerwash · 6 months ago
Oxford Power Washing: 6 Common Mistakes Homeowners Make
Power washing is among the most efficient methods of keeping the exterior of your home clean and properly maintained. However, where it may sound easy, most homeowners make various mistakes when power washing their homes. These mistakes may result to damages, inefficiency, and sometimes a compromise on safety. Therefore, it is possible to avoid common dangers and guarantee that your house will be cleaned professionally. Welcome back to the blog. This blog post is designed to address six errors that homeowners tend to make when power washing, along with their respective solutions.
1. Using Too Much Pressure
One of the common mistakes that people make is applying too much pressure. It might seem logical that applying more pressure will help clean the surface better, but it will not and, in fact, will harm the surface greatly. Pressure builds up and removes paint, damages sidings and even shatters windows. The cleaning pressure that is used should also be the right one since when cleaning delicate surfaces; one should be very careful. This is a task that is best left in the hands of the homeowners in Oxford since some know how to vary the pressure depending on the surface. With Power Washing Services Oxford, you can be certain your home will be cleaned to the highest standards with no destruction.
2. Ignoring Safety Precautions
One thing that should not be done is the failure to wear protective gear like goggles and gloves. Water pressure is powerful enough to cause intense harm, and the solutions used to wash items may be destructive when coming into contact with the skin or face. Moreover, power washing while on a ladder is a calamity waiting to happen, especially when the force of the water spray may push you off the ladder. Thus, if you want to have the work done safely and avoid any danger to yourself or your property, you should contact Power Washing Services Talbot County.
3. Not Prepping the Surface
The correct preparation should be done before the power washing is commenced on the surface that is to be treated. Failure to do so is a mistake that most people make, leading to poor cleaning results. Floors and walls should be cleaned of dirt and dust, and where there is paint chalking, it should be cleaned off. This enables the power washer to work better and do the cleaning in a faster way and with fewer passes. Power Washing Services Oxford, provided by professionals, understands that the preparation of their surfaces for washing is critical.
4. Using the Wrong Detergent
Another common error that one can make is using the wrong detergent or even having no detergent at all when power washing. Every surface should be cleaned with a different cleaning agent while using an improper cleaning agent will damage the surface or cause it not to be cleaned at all. For instance, the kind of wash recommended for wooden houses is different from that used in houses made of concrete or those with vinyl sidings. As you choose Power Washing Services St. Michaels, the professionals will analyze the appropriate cleaners to use which are relevant to the cleaning of your home.
5. Power Washing in the Wrong Weather
In power washing, the weather factor is very crucial, and surprisingly, many homeowners pay no attention to it. The utilization of power washing when the sun is scorching hot will make the water dry up and leave streaks and spots. On the other hand, if the intention is to clean the compound, then cold weather will make water to freeze on the compound, that will make the cleaning process to be cumbersome and a risky affair. It is recommended that it is done on a mild overcast day, preferably in the morning. Scheduling with Power Washing Services Oxford, ensures that you do not power wash at the wrong time when the weather is unfriendly.
6. Overlooking Certain Areas
Last but not least, a number of homeowners are selective with the areas of their home that are easy to clean and ignore those areas that are concealed. This can be under the fascia of roofs, under the eave, below the gutters, or behind the downspouts. Such areas are likely to develop molds and mildew which if not washed, can cause long-term effects on the surfaces. Qualified workers from Power Washing Services Trappe can wash every part of your home, not just the usual cleaned areas.
Power washing your home is a wonderful way to keep your home looking perfect and adding value, so long as it is done properly. The following are common mistakes that should be averted in order not to incur a lot of expenses in repairing the house: For homeowners in Oxford and surrounding regions, hiring professional Power Washing Services Oxford can help bring out the best in your home by using competent services that will make your home come to life.
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lbnhotelsandtours · 7 months ago
Guide on Places to Stay in London
When you are planning a stay or vacation in London, finding a perfect hotel for yourself is very crucial. In this blog, you will explore some of the best places to stay in London and the most sought destinations that make choosing an ideal hotel and unique comfort.
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Top 5 Hotels in London
In London, when you find the best luxury hotels with unique comfort and all the amenities, so you will the top hotels in London which gives you all the comfort and nearby places.
The Chapter - Griffin House Hotel
The airy rooms with modern furnishings offer flat-screen TVs and free Wi-Fi. A long room has a shower and sink with a private toilet down the corridor.
Amenities include:
Free continental breakfast is served in a bright, down-to-earth breakfast room.
Plus, A lobby with relaxed seating.
A cityscape painted mural.
Crowne Plaza London Kings Cross, an IHG Hotel
Crowne Plaza London Kings Cross is situated between the West End and the City of London. All rooms have air conditioning, a satellite TV with pay movies, tea and coffee facilities, and a private bathroom. Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.
The Dean Court
Each of the individually decorated rooms at The Dean Court is equipped with a TV, DVD player, and a work desk. The modern private bathrooms come with a hairdryer. York Rail Station is a mere 800 meters from the hotel, while York Racecourse can be reached in under 10 minutes by car.
 London Paddington Apartments
Located in London, just an 11-minute walk to Hyde Park, London Paddington Apartments offers free Wi-Fi and a lift. The air-conditioned rooms have a suite shower room, a flat-screen TV, a desk, a seating area and some include a balcony. The Marble Arch, Oxford Street, and Baker Street are within a 20-minute walk
Pasha Hotel - 3* Boutique Hotel
Our Guests are also welcome to benefit from our Massage Saloon, Room Service and in-room dining, 24-hour Concierge, Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and ironing services with same-day delivery and a fully equipped business center for a special tariff during their whole stay. Room features at Pasha include a free internet connection and a flat-screen TV with satellite channels. Kings College Hospital and the Oval Cricket Ground are around a kilometer away.
Top 5 Hotels in Marrakech
When you search for hotels in Marrakech, you can find the best hotel booking in Marrakech by searching and finding your comfort wherever you feel suitable.
Al Maaden Villa Hotel & Spa
Kitchens are fully equipped with a dishwasher, kettle, and fridge. Indulge in a variety of Moroccan teas at the Tea Corner of Medina, or savor Moroccan and international specialties at Restaurant de la Medina, available throughout the day. Relax and rejuvenate at our spa, which features a hammam, fitness room, and massage treatments.
Ari Boutique Hôtel - Adult Only, Gueliz
8 km from Yves Saint Laurent Museum, this 4-star hotel offers city views and access to an outdoor swimming pool and a restaurant. 6 km away, and Mouassine Museum is 2.7 km from your hotel. The nearest airport, Marrakech-Menara Airport, is just 4 km from Ari Boutique H tel - Adult Only.
Es Saadi Marrakech Resort - Hotel, Marrakech
Only a 10-minute walk from Djemaa El Fna square, the property boasts an oriental spa, 4 restaurants, and bars. Start your day with a buffet breakfast, available daily and can be enjoyed in the room upon request. The two spa centers on-site provide a sauna, hammam, and massage treatments.
Hotel Ayoub & Spa Marrakech
You qualify for a special offer at Hotel Ayoub & Spa! Situated in Marrakech within the Marrakech-Safi Region, Hotel Ayoub & Spa features a year-round outdoor pool and spa center. The establishment boasts a sun terrace and hot tub, and visitors can relish a meal at the restaurant or unwind with a drink at the bar.
Hotel Gomassine Marrakech
Unwind in the cozy seating area, and refresh yourself in the private bathroom featuring a bath and hairdryer. Indulge in Moroccan and Continental breakfasts served daily at Hotel Gomassine, and savor local and international delicacies at the in-house restaurant. Guests benefit from the convenience of a 24-hour front desk and a relaxing terrace.
Concluding Your Stay with LBN Hotels and Tours
You can consider us as your partner for booking a stay and tour package with the best hotels in London and Morocco, Marrakech. We will help you to find the places to stay in London and we will offer you a discount on every booking with us. We are open 24/7 with proper guidance to assist you.
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flyinghawkcomapny · 8 months ago
The city of Rafah is situated near Egypt in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. It is a major hub for trade, transportation, and commerce in the area and is located on the Mediterranean coast. The city has a rich and ancient past that spans thousands of years, during which it has been home to several different civilizations.
The Rafah Border Crossing, which connects the town to Egypt, is one of its most prominent characteristics. For the people living in the Gaza Strip, this crossing is a lifeline that gives them access to transportation options, necessities, and services. But throughout the years, there has also been tension and confrontation at the crossing due to Israeli and Egyptian authorities' sporadic closures and restrictions.
Rafah is home to a thriving marketplace where residents and tourists alike may purchase for a range of things, including fresh vegetables, apparel, household items, and more, in addition to its border crossing. The dynamic environment that represents the resilience and energy of the city's residents is created by the streets that are lined with businesses, restaurants, and cafes.
Rafah is still a thriving and resilient community with a strong sense of identity and a rich cultural legacy, despite the difficulties and traumas that its citizens have to endure. The city's coastal setting and close proximity to Egypt make it a major hub for trade and business in the Gaza Strip, which supports the region's economy and highlights its importance.
When it comes to shoes, style, quality, and durability are essential. Flying Hawk Company is pleased to present its collection of Goodyear welted shoes, which are painstakingly made to the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. Our Goodyear welted shoes are the height of luxury footwear, made for the contemporary guy who values both classic style and exceptional construction.
What Makes Welted Shoes from Goodyear Unique? Outstanding Craftsmanship: With years of experience and knowledge in the field of shoemaking, our talented artisans make each pair of Goodyear welted shoes. Every little detail counts in the production of these beautiful shoes, from precisely cutting the finest leather to precisely sewing every seam.
Durability: The Goodyear welt building technique is well known for its lifespan and resilience. Our shoes are made to last the test of time and offer unmatched comfort and support with each stride since the upper, footbed, and outsole are all sewn together with a strip of leather.
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Why Opt for Flying Hawk Corporation? Premium Materials: For our shoes, we only use the best materials available, such as full-grain leather uppers, opulent suede, and sturdy rubber outsoles. Every part is hand-selected to ensure that every pair of shoes fulfills our high standards for comfort, quality, and style.
Attention to Detail: Our shoes are made with the highest attention to detail, from the painstaking stitching to the hand-painted finishing. From the first design concept to the last finishing touches, we take delight in every step of the shoemaking process, producing shoes that are both aesthetically pleasing and useful.
Customer satisfaction is our first focus at Flying Hawk Company. With attentive customer care, quick shipping, and easy return policies, we aim to deliver a wonderful buying experience from beginning to end. Every purchase is guaranteed to bring you satisfaction.
With Flying Hawk Company, Experience the Difference Flying Hawk Company's Goodyear welted shoes will up your shoe game. Our shoes, which are made with accuracy, love, and devotion, are a monument to classic style and fine craftsmanship. Take a look for yourself and enter the world of luxury with Flying Hawk Company right now.
Discover the ideal pair of Goodyear welted shoes to take your outfit to new heights by browsing our selection online. When you purchase shoes from Flying Hawk Company, you're making an investment in lifetime quality, comfort, and style.
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fhpaintprousa · 1 year ago
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thegospelhighways2020 · 1 year ago
Hallelujah? Father God in thy son's name Jesus Christ we're praying for Children in Schools we're praying I'm preaching but we're also praying what do you pray for how did you pray? I pray in Church Thursday I was at a Elementary School I was praying for Them Children that were there and They were down on their knees praying for me and their teachers and I Saw them learning how to Paint Run Laugh Love and Play they were hugging it out and then laughing Y'all know what it is February 11th 2024 of Sunday Christian Church Service Day let's talk about this School Shootings for a Subject Robb Elementary School let's name a few Schools Marysville Pilchuck High School Stem School Highlands Ranch Columbine High School Sandy Hook Elementary School Perry High School Oxford High School Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Reynolds High School Arapahoe High School Westside Middle School Grove Avenue Christian School Dunblane Primary School Santa Fe High School Chardon High School Vladislav Ribnikar Model Elementary School Covenant Broward County High School Aztec High School Freeman High School North Park Elementary School Bailey Independence High School Roxborough High School Central Visual Arts High School Santana High School central visual education center Mount tabor High school Washington middle school Watson chapel junior high school Saugus high school David w. Butler high school Marshall County high school Y'all I got more to name a few more Schools The Covenant School Meadowlawn Elementary School St. Louis high school Erie High School Forest High School the one-year anniversary of the school shooting at Central Visual and Performing Arts High School in south St. Louis. Ocala high school and more School Shootings we're praying for Them all
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