volucerrubidus · 2 years
Assorted DKOS Tim Headcanons:
His father was an Earl, his mother a Countess
This means that for a while, he was allowed to use his father’s subsidiary title (viscount), despite being a child at the time
Janet dies in the Mt. Kristoff eruption
The DKOS version of Digger Harkness assassinates Jack
Tim is left as the Earl of the Drakes’ land
He brings this up as little as possible, since he prefers being a Robin over any kind of duties he has a peer
He can’t escape it all the time, though, so sometimes he does have to return to his land to make sure everything is running smoothly
Lady Tam Fox helps sometimes; though this leads to rumors of his involvement with her 
In fact, they were almost betrothed for land and money purposes, though since I headcanon the Foxes to be a Marquess and Marchioness, Tim would have actually been a rank downward for her, so they held off 
Tim is still trans in this AU; he’s on the magic equivalent of HRT
(He’s also still bi)
His best weapon is a quarterstaff
If YJ were to be included in the AU:
- One day, Bartholomew Allen is captured and thrown into the Els’ dungeon-- he and Bart become accidental friends
-He’s also good friends with the Knight Kon-El, and sometimes, Diana brings Donna and Cassandra from the Amazons’ kingdom-- Dick is close with Donna, and Tim is close with Cassandra 
-Tim runs into Cissie, a master archer from another kingdom, on occasion, though she seems content to remain out of the current conflict
-Anita Fite is a warrior-magician that he’s met only once, in a tournament for young fighters which he entered under Bruce’s guidance
-Slobo is a bounty hunter/mercenary; his origins are unknown to most, but his name is not unfamiliar among the kingdoms
He and other young fighters/squires sometimes participate in the jousting tournaments for the Els
The Robins themselves could probably have an annual tournament between the six of them
Tim is not actually loyal to the Els-- the Drakes were loyal to the Waynes, so his only alignment is with Bruce
His pagedom was for his father, until he died and Tim was graduated to a squire for Bruce one year early, at age 13
The green tunic he wears in canon is reflective of his daily wear
He embroiders a very basic version of the Drake coat of arms into most of his clothes, somewhere it won’t be seen, just to keep it nearby
During tournaments, however, it’s painted onto his shield
Using this website, I’ve settled on this for his coat of arms:
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The orange represents ambition; the red represents military strength; the stripe along the top was earned by Jack Drake’s service in the Waynes’ military; the dragon is once again a symbol of strength, but is also an allusion to their last name
He hides out on the Els’ castle roof when he’s thinking sometimes
He does not attend church
He does have proper court attire for appearances as an Earl, but he never wears it and never appears as an Earl, if he can help it
Pears are his favorite fruit; he often looks forward to banquets for their baked pears
Any notes he takes during meetings with Bruce and the other Robins are in code, something I imagine all of the Bat-clan does in this AU
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brassikarts · 5 years
Send me a face claim and I will use that face claim to make an NPC in my muse's life, as well as talk about their relationship, connection, and feelings towards my muse. Kit Harrington!
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Justus’ older brother, Earnest (short for a far longer name he’s very embarrased by) has long since moved out to Elwynn Forest with his wife and children, but comes around the Orchard for holidays and brings the brood with.  Kind, humble, and -true to his namesake, very honest - he’s carried on the family tradition and has invested in the pumpkin growing industry.
Growing up, he and Justus got into a lot of trouble together.  When Justus was taken from the Reeces and put into pagedom, though, Earnest took on a more brotherly role to his siblings.  Ernie, Verity, and Temperance are very close, something that Justus feels a little resentment towards but tries not to let show.
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j216 · 6 years
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unreadiness pagedom by Jared Haer Tempests Unresistedness Study #generativeArt #design #tbt #color #me #love #GIMP #paint
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ladylingua · 7 years
I just saw your post about what kinds of aunts and uncles different tortall characters were to Alanna's kids (which made me laugh it's super accurate imo) and I was wondering what kind of aunt you think Daine would be? And Kel?
Thank you!!! : )
I didn’t include Daine originally because I kind of thought Wild Magic thoroughly covered Daine’s relationship with the kids, and I didn’t think I could improve upon it. Basically she struck me very much as a Cool Older Sister. Mostly responsible, always trying to be responsible, but will let you do/get away with stuff your parents wouldn’t. Like a mentor you look up to, but can still have adventures with.
Kel I think wouldn’t be like an aunt, at least not to Alanna’s kids. Doing the math, I think she’s Thom’s age, so she’s more of an equal. Also according to Tammy, Aly is still jealous of her and avoids her. I feel like I recall Tammy saying somewhere that Alan and Thom don’t have nearly as much dislike for Kel as Aly did (Aly perceived Kel as the daughter Alanna wished she had, and thus Kel threatened Aly’s place in her mother’s love) but that neither of the boys would have been particularly interested in spending lots of time with Kel.
I remember trying to figure out if Kel overlapped with Alan at all in training, and I think just barely (IIRC my calculations he would have been entering pagedom as she was leaving squiredom). And in Trickster’s Queen Alan is Raoul’s new squire, so I wondered if perhaps Alan and Kel began crossing paths more then. I have said before that I don’t think Kel would like Aly (or vice versa) even without the extra emotional baggage, and if Alan is even half as impish as Aly is then I suspect he and Kel would find themselves at odds.
But as for other kids, clearly Kel is the Responsible Other Mom type aunt, based on how she is with Tobe. I don’t connect very well with Kel tbh, so I don’t think I’m a good one to have headcannons for her. I picture her as being much more reserved than is probably fair.
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sunsetfields · 7 years
I learned how to work with asynchronous promises and the Fetch API! And I refactored it to be nice and functional so the actual function at the end is:
fetch(url) .then(checkStatus) .then(response => response.text()) .then(makeDOM) .then((pageDom) => { const askerNamePromise = getUserDataID(pageDom) .then(fetchProfileCard) .then(checkStatus) .then(response => response.json()) .then(getNameFromProfileCard) .catch(error => ( error.name === 'NoUserDataIdError' ? 'Anonymous' : '' )); const questionPromise = Promise.resolve(getQuestionFromDom(pageDom)); const questionDetailsPromise = getQuestionDetailsFromDom(pageDom).catch(''); return Promise.all([askerNamePromise, questionPromise, questionDetailsPromise]); }) .then((promises) => { const [asker, question, details] = promises; return makePageHtml(asker, question, details); }) .then(popupHtml);
Inspired by griffin's continual problems using the website...
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brassikarts · 6 years
DNA. -What was your muses home life like? for JUstus c:
Actually pretty peaceful other than that he had a LOT of adopted siblings and - being the biggest - he was put to work early in the orchards. He generally didn't venture into town alone - his mother and father never let him - and was put into pagedom relatively young due to his size and strength.Of all my characters, Justus' youth was probably least traumatic.Thanks for asking, @shuuhuu
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