annikavelde · 11 months
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.:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Ceylon Body: Ebody - Reborn Hair: Paesia - Gooey Hair Eyes&Face Goo: REVERIE - Tragically Icky HUNT ITEM @ Spookzilla Fingers: Aii&Ego - Demonic Touch - Finger Finger Drips: Ni.Ju - Drippy Layers Torn Limbs: GHOSTED - CandyGore *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale
.:CLOTHING:. Outfit: Voluptas Virtualis - Slimey Bikini *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale
.:SCENE:. Lanterns: KROVA - Tank-o'-Lantern *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale Pose: Dovely - Cathedral
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kniteracy · 1 year
Try Another Route
From Lira: When one thing doesn’t work, we’re told to try another line of inquiry. And it’s not that I didn’t get anything from the tarot cards. I just didn’t understand what I got. So I started another line of inquiry. It’s only logical. It turns out not all sorceresses need to be half naked in order to be in touch with whatever divinatory force they channel. Some of them wear robes. OK, I’d…
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melynafoxclaw · 1 year
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1035 – On The Way!  https://thefoxclawpost.wordpress.com/2023/08/04/1035-on-the-way/   #SecondLife #Abnormality #Tumbleweed #ForestFantasyStore #Paesia #peanut #fantasyskin #GlamAffairSL #BootysBeauty #cactus #desert #flower #blooms #Aluetia #eBodyReborn #LelutkaEvoX #virtualgirls #SLEvents #virtuallife
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cloudycrying · 1 year
Milky Way...
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✧・゚: ✧・゚:Genetics✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧. ┊ Head: Ubon 3.1 ✧. ┊ Body: Ebody Reborn (W/Deformers)
✧. ┊ Ears: Lelutka Ears (W/ Clover deformers)
✧. ┊ Skin: [Heaux] Laurel + Velour (Pink Fairy tone)
✧. ┊ Eyes: [REVERIE] Arcana Eyes
✧. ┊Hair: Gooey Hair - Paesia
✧. ┊ Antennae: Hollow - Outer World
✧・゚: ✧・゚:Extras✧・゚: ✧・゚:
✧. ┊Gun: Sour - Pop Gun
✧. ┊Body Shine: B.E Oil Body Shine
✧. ┊Planets: +Half-Deer+ Candy Galaxy - Planet Sorbet (Lavender Swirl) + (Strawberry Cream)
✧༺♥༻✧Sponsored by✧༺♥༻✧ [:MILKBATH:]
✧. ┊Dress: Invader Dress ✧. ┊Boots: Invader Boots + Soft Thighs
Mainstore Marketplace
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444namesplus · 18 days
Baormĕrzforz Beciă Beescioona Belzsiĕwŏ Bene Benwĕ Berzpĕsiăl Boepĕlĕ Boeszgoonz Bonoe Boolzre Bădal Băxuăr Bĕfălz Bĕlzkăsdĕ Bĕlzweoy Bĕrzreoysiĕ Bĕrzsiĕnzxuoa Bĕsiă Bĕszzioan Bŏkewŏ Bŏlzfĕs Bŏnzlă Bŏszmaszciĕsz Ciaaxuŏlz Ciaoszciŏrle Ciowă Cioziŏpŏs Ciăbŏrz Ciăme Ciănzziĕ Ciăszciĕrbe Ciăyzies Ciĕholjiee Ciĕkŏltŏ Ciĕlzfae Ciĕlzkaalznĕlz Ciĕmayne Ciĕmĕxueon Ciĕrŏlztăy Ciŏbanaa Ciŏbŏhaarz Ciŏnsiaarzge Ciŏszjieoszgŏ Ciŏtaaken Ciŏvĕrzlaas Ciŏziŏ Dade Daelă Daope Deelzqueehoa Deenzcioerz Deesquemee Doafere Doajieedĕ Doalzwa Doazioe Doeskălzmŏrz Dokerznă Dolzsiăy Doojiaa Doosxuĕlmălz Dopa Dowabaa Dăbĕlz Dărzrĕ Dĕdo Dĕnmaaygĕrz Dĕziŏrz Dŏnzquekeo Dŏquă Dŏrzhoa Dŏsioboay Famenzke Fefŏlloosz Fenă Feowŏ Foalzfe Fodŏ Foofănvă Foolfŏ Forzfŏszwao Fosznaehŏ Făma Fănzsiaoy Făxuĕl Fĕxuaayciŏs Fĕyke Fŏnzziŏlz Gaarquaarzziĕrz Ganzrăkao Gaobăl Garkerzioe Geegekŏr Gelzziĕlz Goejie Gonquŏrzponz Gonĕkee Găfoovăl Găfŏhea Gălmeciŏl Gărzfŏrz Gĕhŏ Gĕko Gĕlzbŏssiăn Gĕmeofasz Gĕpequae Gĕxuea Gĕziosioar Gŏrzquas Haakăl Haalŏsdŏlz Helzciapĕ Henwŏtoe Heorzquĕlvaer Hoelmată Howĕy Hănzlanmaa Hărjiĕszwăs Hĕnfavor Hĕroesboa Hĕsiŏrzdŏrz Hŏkaenzdŏ Hŏlzdŏr Hŏmăy Hŏponcial Jiaanteeycioonz Jiaepĕlzbaol Jiaerkĕ Jiakăr Jiakĕ Jianzhŏ Jieeciăn Jieentolzfeelz Jiego Jielciĕ Jieopahe Jieoree Jieorzquŏrzrĕsz Jiobŏzioanz Jionztĕnz Jionzxuoakăr Jioszrĕszzieel Jiănoos Jiăxuoorz Jiĕciee Jiĕlzkaaszsiălz Jiĕlzkalreo Jiĕnquoenz Jiĕvega Jiŏjio Jiŏkay Jiŏnzdĕlz Jiŏrzvărzvăl Jiŏrĕ Kaewoxueol Kalneosiĕrz Kaobĕnz Kaomĕkanz Kasfăsrŏ Kaypŏ Kenzciŏl Kociăhoorz Koojiĕ Kopănhae Kosiărz Kărzvĕl Kĕlzmăszrĕ Kŏlfĕ Kŏpewŏ Kŏrzlookoa Laazionz Laolŏlzbŏl Leabĕda Leeciăr Leenzciaasxuĕ Loaquaeziĕn Lolto Lonma Lotăqueosz Lăswa Lĕbol Lĕnpĕy Lĕnzfaa Lĕsdonbĕ Lŏdĕnŏ Lŏlnŏy Lŏlooxuŏ Lŏnhănnă Lŏsgĕs Lŏvŏwaa Maarnaxua Maoraonzvĕ Maoylaa Meelĕn Meesmŏy Meeszziŏ Melărzba Mervel Moaquĕrzno Măhĕnbă Măkorhĕ Mălzciŏ Măszcioehesz Măwămooy Mĕlquerzziaelz Mĕnzbĕr Mĕto Mŏnĕ Mŏpaorz Mŏrĕrz Mŏvoosiao Naerzrŏkŏ Nafăn Naoboonzkoes Nealla Neermăquĕy Negĕmeo Neohŏlz Nereas Nerzwao Noamăn Noexuae Nohă Nolziărz Noma Norztor Norăfaa Năciŏnzwa Nălvŏr Nălznăner Nălzxuŏl Nĕmeolzwoo Nĕnbŏveolz Nĕnŏnwoer Nĕrenfee Nĕyganz Nŏrznea Nŏtămă Nŏyvĕrvŏ Paenzpojie Paesia Paszdĕjiŏ Payquŏ Penemă Poaszxueesquŏy Poeziasz Ponzieosfos Poofearz Păheel Păjiĕntă Pălzrĕmo Păme Păsiĕ Pĕciŏlmoe Pĕmoe Pŏnzzioa Pŏsdădao Pŏtaaysiŏlz Pŏvaa Pŏwaasbooy Quanzgoesziă Quaszrĕlz Quawĕrdă Queensien Queldŏsbea Quewazio Quorpa Quoveoszlăy Quoxuoalzsiă Quoypaonzloe Quoziŏnz Quănwŏjiĕsz Quărzxuaaciĕ Quăszbĕkĕ Quăypăszper Quĕpŏ Quĕpŏn Quŏfo Quŏgeolĕnz Raeciaowa Raesiangaalz Reamerz Relŏkoa Rexuafărz Rexuĕre Roejiorzzie Roexuă Ronzziărzvĕ Roomao Roonzxuaomĕ Rorzgestăsz Roszre Rovee Răfeosiean Rănzwao Rĕneanznŏ Rĕpĕdeas Rĕquăquaar Rĕszbojienz Rŏsioo Rŏszwŏrz Siaslăs Siessieerenz Siesziolealz Sioalrŏ Sioziaer Siăboszgĕ Siălleasz Siănenzloay Siărtolz Siăxuŏshĕ Siĕpae Siĕszxua Siŏforz Siŏnhĕn Siŏrheemoas Siŏveajiă Siŏxuăr Siŏyzie Siŏyziĕsz Taarzies Talŏ Tanfŏmaelz Tayjiae Tebaquărz Tekeo Teomă Teydada Toasxuehŏ Tolzwoanzrea Toongĕlăn Toonoanzroolz Torlŏlŏ Totŏpĕ Tăba Tămă Tărxuo Tăywŏn Tĕfŏnz Tĕrzxuŏ Tĕszgerz Tŏbamĕl Tŏsjias Tŏyke Tŏysiĕy Vaedŏtŏn Vaehaajiŏ Valvĕn Veasznee Veorsie Voafoapŏl Voarzkĕkŏy Voygolz Vălzjia Vănzpokoel Văybăl Văydaljiĕ Vĕhŏn Vĕlwel Vĕvăsquŏnz Vĕynarz Vĕziĕ Vŏkaen Vŏnee Wardasz Warŏlzhŏrz Wegĕy Weoquĕbĕ Weydelkal Woaziĕquăs Wobebĕy Woetaa Woomŏrrănz Wăfea Wălŏfă Wărztal Wĕnzkobo Wĕrrellĕ Wĕytĕ Wŏciaalz Wŏcie Wŏfĕpărz Wŏnfĕlzjiĕs Wŏrztănz Wŏsquŏy Wŏwŏ Xuaalvălz Xuaaveo Xuabŏfae Xuecioenz Xueolpŏr Xueomăs Xueonzgool Xuepaojioo Xuesmănlŏ Xuoadĕy Xuoersiĕ Xuoeziărvonz Xuonoejiŏ Xuorznaorĕnz Xuosfenjiĕrz Xuănhaasia Xuărmăziĕ Xuărvearesz Xuĕjiee Xuĕkărquŏ Xuĕlan Xuĕlejiŏy Xuĕlsiăve Xuĕlxuowaos Xuĕlzjiăszjiŏlz Xuĕnkĕbĕ Xuĕrĕ Xuĕyxuă Xuŏfŏziĕrz Xuŏjiăsxua Xuŏmeo Xuŏnĕtaorz Xuŏnŏbay Xuŏrbŏzier Xuŏsbĕ Xuŏsjie Ziaagŏl Zialzbenoolz Ziaofŏs Ziaoyfŏlz Zieerzdoavoa Zielaa Zienztearznoa Zieoszvăhŏlz Ziequesz Zioorfaetă Zioszdĕlzdaey Ziăskără Ziăszzienz Ziĕjiaanoa Ziĕmer Ziĕnkeonzziă Ziŏcieosz Ziŏkena Ziŏlsioosz Ziŏnkaen Ziŏtao
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174210 · 2 years
-Scienza dellle relazioni spaziali (perché cosa significa)> la sostenibilita ambientale dimostrare cosa sia con esempi concreti ovvero reali. -SPAZIO esempio strada, orrizonte ha un confine ecc. spazio aperto , studia la relazione con piu spazi,anche quando studiamo, studiamo un fenomeno, lo studiamo in maniera soggetiva ed oggetiva, attraverso delle relazioni tra questi elementi in un determinato spazio, (geografia, aria, ossigeno, geografia) -STUDIA LE DIFFERENZE TRA I TERRITORI -Dei rapporti tra societa e ambiente, scienze dei rapporti tra società e ambiente fisico: studia i caratteri dei territori morfologici e la popolazione in quel territorio, e che si relaziona appunto con quel territorio. Atteggiamenti diversi in relazione agli elementi che costituiscono l'ambiente, (riferimento alla slide) è definito "ambiguo" perche ognuno di noi ha un interpretazione diversa è la vede in maniera diversa, bisogna studiare la duplice cio che è noto /è cio che si immagina, la geografia si fa camminando per via dei cinque sensi, abbiamo determinate percezioni, la vista permette di avere un osservazione ambigua diversa, ma possiamo immaginare pure esempio il mare, relazioni tra lo spazio per mezzo del suono (seconda slide), immaginazione dare forma a quegli spazi, c'è creatività -relazioni locali= --regione fromale predominanza in quello spaizo in quella natura hanno in comune una fusione, aspetto commerciale, regione funzionale, un luogo che serve per spostarsi esempi -regionale=perche si sta definendo la regione -a livello locale -sovra-locale= sopra di me, per esempio regione sicilia il sopra locale e il popolo calabrese, secondo lelemnto di riferimento -i valori, una variabile tempo dei territori, cosa e avvenuto prima, valore tempo guardare indietro. presente e futuro. geografia, valuta la sostenibilità=esite oggi che si sfrutta oggie che deve mantenersi per il futuro e fatto di risorse naturali, riferito anche ad un aspetto economico, sociale, la societa nel suo complesso, non solo per lambiente ma anche istutuzionale la governanza di quella regione, regione sicilia speciale, calabria non speiale, esempio dal unto di vista politico. -studia tra oggettie soggeti con la natura, insieme di questi rapoorti viene definito spazio geografico. -la rete tanti nodi collegaenti i territori sono tra loro collegati/ relazioni, spazio geografico fenomeni che si ossrvano ecc a s econda dei fenomeni spazio geoeconomico, attivta sociali di insegnamento esmepio imparre/ insegnare ed e quindi uno spazio sociale, un negozio econimi -orizzontali relazione/ esmepio studene studente, stessa attività stessa funzione. attivita' che si svolgono in un porto in un paesia via mare-verticale esmepio io consumatore commercente, tu vendita e dio comprare, relazione verticale. -territroio avvengono quetse relazioni ed organizzazioni. -la geografia economica= che singe a caratterizare a quel territorio che produce ad esempio più servizi. -quando parliamo di regione dobbiamo far riferimento al criterio di quello spazio.-​i confini sono divesi. slide 12-​antropiche, luomo che h cambiato quel territorio. -Regione culturale, la cultura,-regione formale slide 17. -regione conomiche
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frankiehinrg · 4 years
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Grazie, a tutte le centinaia di migliaia di paesi di quei 91 Paesi! #spotifywrapped #paesia https://www.instagram.com/p/CIX4JnxF7Ek/?igshid=1li0yk58xxmt0
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eportoghese · 6 years
Vivere è stare svegli e concedersi agli altri, dare di sé sempre il meglio, e non essere scaltri.
Vivere è amare la vita con i suoi funerali e i suoi balli, trovare favole e miti nelle vicende più squallide.
Vivere è attendere il sole nei giorni di nera tempesta, schivare le gonfie parole, vestite con frange di festa.
Vivere è scegliere le umili melodie senza strepiti e spari, scendere verso l’autunno e non stancarsi d’amare.
- Angelo Maria Ripellino, Poesie. 1952-1978
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sitting--waitting · 6 years
Sin destino
Siento que con una caricia tuya, Mi cielo brillaría, Siento que con una mirada tuya. Mi vista del mundo cambiaría. Siento que con un abrazo tuyo, Todo lo roto se reconstruirá, Pero sabes lo peor? Que esto nunca pasará.
Amor de uno, Amor sin destino.
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apenitentialprayer · 2 years
Kind of obsessed with the monk-prostitute saint pairings of the early first millenium of Christian history;  Saints Paësia and John the Dwarf, Saints Thaïs and Paphnutius the Confessor, Saints Maryam and Abraham (both of Qidun), the Gazan prostitutes and Saint Vitalis, etc. (I’m not including Mary of Egypt on this list, because she doesn’t quite fit what I’m talking about; the story of men going into the brothels; men who don’t wait, but seek out these women where they are; a conversion not by public preaching but by personal encounter) And I know that scandal itself is a sinful behavior, and can promote sinful behaviors, but I wonder if fear of scandal crossed any of these men’s minds when they did what they did
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unfinaledifferente · 8 years
Sto imparando Ad amarlo Amandomi.
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anninar · 7 years
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La polvere si posa su ogni superficie. Il tempo nasconde. Il ticchettio delle lancette confonde e quello che prima era luce diventa ombra. Il cuore non fa differenza e quando il manto bianco cade.. non si distingue più ciò che cela.  #venerdìpoesia. L'ispirazione mi sarà dalla polvere da togliere in stanza. 🤔🤣 #paesia #andareavanti #amore #cuore
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kevinscottgardens · 4 years
1 - 7 June 2020
This was an odd week. I am having the same mixed emotions I had at the end of every summer holiday the week prior to school resuming. That combination of excited anticipation and sadness that the bliss of summer’s freedom was coming to an end.
I finished the DIY projects I started in the house; the weather cooled and it even rained; Ann’s birthday present finally arrived, a week late; I continued my daily studying of French; reading; I finally started bingeing on Netflix and discovered some YouTube channels, choosing to have a more relaxed week; and we are working on a 2,000 piece jigsaw puzzle of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
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Because of the weather and several blisters from my last run on Monday, I didn’t manage a second run, though I still have today.
I learned something about chillies this week too:
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Ann is planning to try to get to her home in France on 16 June. Kitty has been told to prepare to return to work from 1 July. Things are changing. I took my first Uber ride yesterday, back from Susie’s birthday party where it was mostly virtual except me.
Tomorrow morning I’ll be back on the last N22 to work which hopefully is still on the same timetable. Evidently the routine at work is completely different too. I’ll report on that next week.
Bruno et Stéphane’s wedding announcement has been posted near Lyon. I’m very excited to be Stéphane’s witness in December and I really hope all goes as planned.
Plant of the week
Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn
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common name(s) - bracken, adder’s spit, brake fern, eagle brake, eagle fern, fern of God, hog brake, pasture brake synonym(s) (51) - Allosorus acutifolius C.Presl; A. aquilinus (L.) C.Presl; A. capensis (Kaulf.) C.Presl; A. tauricus C.Presl; A. villosus C.Presl; Asplenium aquilinum (L.) Bernh.; Cincinalis aquilina (L.) Trevis.; C. gleditschii Gueldenst.; C. lanuginosa Trevis.; Eupteris aquilina (L.) Newman; Filix aquilina (L.) Woyn.; Filix-foemina aquilina (L.) Farw.; Filix-foemina vulgaris Hill; Ornithopteris aquilina (L.) J.Sm.; Onychium capense Kaulf.; Paesia aquilina (L.) Keys.; Polypodium austriacum Jacq.; Pteridium aquilinum subsp. aquilinum; P. a. subsp. atlanticum C.N.Page; P. a. subsp. brevipes (Tausch) E.Wulff; P. a. subsp. fulvum C.N.Page; P. a. subsp. heredia (Colmeiro) Jermy; P. a. subsp. typicum R.M. Tryon; P. a. var. aquilinum; P. a. var. lanuginosum Henriq.; P. a. var. osmundaceum Christ; P. a. subsp. osmundaceum (Christ) P.D.Sell; P. a. f. pubescens Hieron.; P. a. subsp. tauricum (C.Presl) Gureeva & C.N.Page; P. a. var. umbrosum Luerss.; Pteridium ceheginense Joaquin; Pteridium heredia (Colmeiro) Joaquin; Pteridium pinetorum subsp. osmundaceum (Christ) C.N.Page; Pteridium pinetorum subsp. sajanense C.N.Page & R.R.Mill; Pteridium pinetorum subsp. sibiricum Gureeva & C.N.Page; Pteridium tauricum (C.Presl) V.I.Krecz. ex Grossh.; Pteris aquilina L.; Pteris aquilina f. glabrior Carruth.; Pteris aquilina var. lanuginosa Bong.; Pteris aquilina var. transcaucasica Rupr.; Pteris auriculata Goldm.; Pteris borealis Salisb.; Pteris brevipes Tausch; Pteris capensis Thunb.; Pteris firma Wall.; Pteris foemina Gray; Pteris gardneri Ettingsh.; Pteris heredia Colmeiro; Pteris lanuginosa Bory ex Willd.; Pteris nudicaulis Gueldenst.; Pteris recurvata Wall. infraspecific taxa - Pteridium aquilinum subsp. decompositum (Gaudich.) Lamoureux ex J.A. Thomson; Pteridium aquilinum subsp. pinetorum (C.N. Page & R.R. Mill) J.A. Thomson; Pteridium aquilinum var. feei (W. Schaffn. ex Fée) Maxon; Pteridium aquilinum var. lanuginosum (Bong.) Fernald; Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum (Desv.) Underw. ex A. Heller; Pteridium aquilinum var. pseudocaudatum (Clute) A. Heller conservation rating - Least Concern native to - Eurasia and NW Africa location - Richmond Park leaves - semi-evergreen fronds to 2.5m flowers - none habit - large, triangular fronds, divided into three, from a wide-creeping underground rootstock, and may form dense thickets habitat - typically found in woodland and moorland environments growing on the sides of hills pests - generally pest-free disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to -20ºC (H6) soil - well-drained soils but never on marshes or boggy ground sun - part sun propagation - division pruning - none nomenclature - Dennstaedtiaceae - dennstaedtia - for August Wilhelm Denstaedt (c.1818), German botanist; Pteridium - small fern; aquilinum - of eagles, eagle-like (Linnaeus noted that in the obliquely cut rhizome of Pteridium the appearance of the vasculature suggests to some extent the imperial eagle. NB - one of the oldest ferns, with fossil records over 55 million years old; bracken should not be eaten, either by humans or livestock, since it contains carcinogens linked with oesophageal and stomach cancer; when the young fronds are damaged by a browsing animal, bracken produces hydrogen cyanide which quickly poisons the perpetrator. Eating the young fronds, considered a delicacy in Japan and parts of North America, is not recommended; people gathering bracken for composting or eradication purposes are advised not to do so in late summer when the spores are released, particularly in dry weather.
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/73691742/85427115 [7 Jun 20]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/tro-26600295 [7 Jun 20]
Plants of the World [online] http://plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:17210060-1 [7 Jun 20]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?pid=445 [7 Jun 20]
Ibid [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/119104/Pteridium-aquilinum/Details [7 Jun 20]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracken [7 Jun 20]
SARS-CoVid-2 update
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apenitentialprayer · 4 years
One of the things I really like about the story of Saint* Paësia is that her story doesn’t show someone converting after a life of sin, but coming back to the faith after a detour into sin. I mean, Saint Paësia otherwise looks a lot like famous former prostitute saints; Mary of Egypt, Thaïs of Alexandria, etc. But whereas they usually live a portion of their life as prostitutes and then the majority of it as penitent ascetics, that’s not true of Paësia. Paësia starts her life as a pretty well-to-do person; when she’s left a wealthy orphan, she starts up a hospice for elderly monastics, and becomes an important figure for the Desert Fathers. Eventually, though, this eats away her wealth, and she turns to prostitution to support herself - apparently abandoning the hospice while doing so. Eventually, the monks of Scetis send John the Dwarf to visit her; seems she got cynical over the years, because she assumes he’s there as a client, and is kind of excited because apparently the shores where the monks live are known to have a lot of pearls. So she gussies herself up and invites him into the bedroom. But here’s the thing; when John realizes what Paësia thinks he’s there for, the dude straight up starts bawling his eyes out. Maybe they knew each other before the years of separation? Anyway, watching John cry because she thought he would touch her, Paësia asks if it’s too late to change the way her life is heading. John says no, and offers to take her back to Scetis. She dies before they get back, though, and John has a vision of her soul rising as an offering to heaven. In some ways, this is a very typical story; but, like I said, I think what really separates this particular story from the others is the fact that Paësia is saved before dedicating herself to a life of penance. She doesn’t punish her body for the way that she had previously used her body. I’m not saying that what Mary and Thaïs did was pointless; but I think this story does a good job of highlighting that the essential part of redemption is that change of heart; that act of repentance, that perfect act of contrition in which she walked out of her house without even arranging anything before she left, is the essential quality. *I don’t think she’s actually venerated as a saint, but the story makes it clear she went to heaven, so yeah
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1969blog2 · 8 years
Ti hanno insegnato a non voltarti indietro, a correre in avanti, a non fermarti. Ti hanno detto che il passato non merita i tuoi occhi, che il tempo è un filo tra te e i tuoi ricordi. Eppure sei li. Immobile. A guardarli tornare. A guardali scappare.
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