Padre Pio and Sunflowers?HELP NEEDED- RESEARCH DEAD-END. But Popping Up Everywhere!
Padre Pio and Sunflowers?
I am new to this site, it is foreign to me. But, I must try because it is driving me crazy. I love Padre Pio, or I have a special devotion to him. I have never been to San Giovanni Rotunda- Our Lady of Grace Monastery.  But, a few years back, a friend and I took a few hour road trip to go on a silent retreat for the weekend for an order for lay people.We were lucky to be considered, and eventually accepted as we were just considering the order, not made any official vows, or pledged formation. I was dragged by a very pious friend, who knows everything about theology, and had only been a Catholic for about 2 years. She is going to be a nun. We did realize that this weekend was going to be full of those much older than us, but the retreat leader, one my friend really wanted to see, was even older and I didn’t see the thrill to be honest. I was not looking forward to it, the idea of a SILENT retreat, with elderly people (no offense, most of my greatest friends, even best have been elderly) and a bunch of talks by a Msgr. close to 90? It didn’t sound enticing, at all. But the Msgr., as I was told, had encountered many modern day saints, was spiritually advised by them, or spiritually advised those who would become saints. When we pulled in, the people were the age I expected, but very gracious and welcoming, so welcoming- as the silence hadn’t quite begun. But as I looked at the itinerary and saw the charismatic nature of this retreat, or explanation of gifts of the Holy Spirit when my friend and a seminary friend, along with a priest we all love and adored who is a walking saint, have forced me to attend some of the most confusing things I have ever seen that were “Healing and Gifts” or “National Charismatic Conference for Your Prayer for this Gift from the Spirit” conferences, I was ready to leave. And then, the lock-down came, a sniper on the lose, right in that very area decided he was going to hide in the woods from the police. So, while there were lovely stations, a grotto, to beautiful weather outside, we were given St. Benedict Medals and locked in. But, oddly enough, for all my griping (it is a temperament God gave me according to the book with that title and I am trying to come out of it), that was one of the best retreats I ever attended. And the Msgr., who I feared would be old and boring, was not at all- quite youthful! Entertaining! And, according to him, possessed every gift and fruit of the Holy Spirit except raising from the dead. He was a modern-day mystic. And, while I have not known of Padre Pio forever, I knew of him, and that was one of the saints he encountered as a young priest. Imagine that! He has told all about his experience, how Padre Pio stared into his soul, and whatever he did, he surely made that Msgr. a gift to the Church, the world, to future and current priests, organizations, orders and regular people in need. And he still goes strong today. 
But, of the many blessings to come from that retreat was a woman I happened to meet. My friend and I were asked to fit a third person in our room, which we said sure, and thinking she would be elderly, we thought she would need to be close to the bathroom. Walker, oxygen tank, you never know. And I don’t say this jokingly, we were being sincere in our concern. But in walked this beautiful blond woman, in her mid-forties, who was there not because of order, but on an invite from the Msgr. We gave our introductions before the grand silence, and she was anxiously awaiting a call from her daughter who had just interviewed for a job out of college. The retreat began, and we got into it, and we’d go back on breaks in our room to rest, and this woman, she broke the code, well we all did, we had, too. It was too much to digest to yourself. But when you’re lying there and reflecting and she casually says she was writing a musical about....I can’t tell you :) Well, I can, but web page is not up. We became friends immediately, as I wanted to BURST into SONG! Though she lives a few states away, about five hours, I’d be there in a heartbeat for her. Her story is on the Resurrection of Jesus and the World Premiere was in the small town in June 2017. I made sure I was there, every night, and what an accomplishment! It’s an incredible story, I’ve never been so happy, so elated for someone, who went through so much, especially criticism for it being a religious play. They put her through the ringer. But, it was beautiful. I cried with elation for it to be on stage, with pride for my friend that God brought into my life and with tears because of such beauty in every scene.  If there is a private message thing on here by chance, I will tell you the name and FB page if interested. And a website is coming soon, that’s where I come in!
But, I am helping her with marketing and PR, beginning stages. As I am a musical theater fanatic! Plus, you do anything to help people (which by the way, if you are a musical person, know production, directing, actor, or know how to contact big names like Andrew Lloyd Weber as I will get to him for her, but please reach out, as this is a story that needs to be on a bigger stage!). She knows the Msgr.’s connection to Padre Pio and my love of him. But, as I am making up this strategic plan for her these last few weeks, marketing plan, whatever you want to call it, one thing you should know is that her show features a lot of Sunflowers in it- there is a message on the imagery of that. Well, I like to make plans with quotes, and if I remember any lines from the show, which luckily I do, though now she’s sent me a DVD, I’m right back in the front row in June 2017! But, Padre Pio would come up with sunflowers. And I tried finding out, I know that’s what they do in certain countries, or devout ethnic towns in big cities in the U.S. (where I am), Saint Processions for his feast day. But, The Padre Pio Foundation sells coasters that are sunflowers, there is a site called pioprints.com that sells cards of saints quotes, and Padre Pio’s card, or notebook has sunflowers. And I did briefly find a story in a different language, kind of, but I wasn’t sure. 
Is there a connection between Padre Pio and sunflowers? Or have I gone completely mad? Actually, I think it’s how I found this site- it led me to something regarding sunflowers, which is saved somewhere. But, I e-mailed all the foundations and stores, but no one has gotten back to me. I mean, if it’s in a book, I’ll get the book, I just have to know. But if not, fine, I’m crazy, I’m used to that! 
Thank you whoever reads this (if I do it right). And should anyone of you have the gift of seeing Padre Pio in your dreams, or smelling his perfume, I hope you know how blessed you are. And please, give him my thanks. 
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