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Couplet 1 : Dans les rues pavées, il marche tranquille, Sous ses pieds, les claquettes font des vrilles. Quand elles traînent, elles n'ont aucune chance, D'un coup de pied, il les balance avec aisance.
Refrain : C'est le padré, le shooteur de claquettes, Quand elles bloquent son chemin, il les envoie en fête. Un coup, deux coups, elles volent dans les airs, Le padré, maître du trottoir, c'est clair.
Couplet 2 : Les claquettes s'accrochent, cherchent à l'arrêter, Mais il les shoote, rien ne peut le freiner. Elles tourbillonnent, prennent de la hauteur, Mais lui continue, le rythme dans le cœur.
Refrain : C'est le padré, le shooteur de claquettes, Quand elles bloquent son chemin, il les envoie en fête. Un coup, deux coups, elles volent dans les airs, Le padré, maître du trottoir, c'est clair.
Pont : Sous ses pieds, les claquettes se plient, Mais lui, jamais, il ne ralentit. Chaque pas est un acte de défiance, Le padré shoote et continue sa danse.
Refrain : C'est le padré, le shooteur de claquettes, Quand elles osent bloquer, il les fait valser net. Un coup, deux coups, elles volent sans retour, Le padré, légende des rues, pour toujours.
Outro : Il avance, les claquettes dans le vent, Elles savent bien qu'elles n'ont plus le temps. Le padré, roi des pavés, c'est dit, Shooteur de claquettes, à l'infini
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Padré and his dark, strange son
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El padré y el escuadrón. // Father and the squad.
#DADDY#THIS IS SO SEXY JIMMY YOU HAVE COOKED AGAIN ???#holy moly....#never beating the villain allegations#fernando alonso#f1
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﹙ 𝐷����𝐴𝑅𝐼𝑂: 𝐷𝑅𝐴𝐶𝑈𝐿𝐴𝑈𝑅𝐴 ﹚𝄒ㅤ ㅤⓘㅤ 🪽
Diario de Draculaura [N5946] signature lanzada en 2010. Hasta abajo podrás encontrar la versión gráfica.
TAGS: Diario, Draculaura, Monster High.
CR: Mattel.
La traducción fue hecha por mí, NO ES OFICIAL. ♱⎯⎯ 𝑀𝐴𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐼𝐿𝑆𝑇𝑆 𝑀𝐻: 𝐺𝐸𝑁𝐸𝑅𝐴𝐿 | 𝐷𝐼𝐴𝑅𝐼𝑂𝑆 | 𝐶𝑂́𝑀𝐼𝐶𝑆
4 ♡ Julio Hoy fue un gran día para estar viva...okay técnicamente es un gran día para estar no-muerta pero aún así es un gran día y voy a disfrutarlo.
15 ♡ Julio Llovió hoy y eso significa que no tuve que usar mucho bloqueador solar cuando fui a pasear. También es bueno para mi jardín. Mmmm jitomates, zanahorias y lechugas frescas. A Counter Fabulous también le gustan, no las verduras, sino todos los bichos que atraen, es como un buffet de insectos para un murciélago.
21 ♡ Julio Padre me “sorprendió” comprando mi uniforme este año. Adoro a mi padre, pero después de 1,599 años debería haberse dado cuenta de que la moda es algo más que corsés de ballena y capas con capucha forradas de terciopelo negro. Al menos este año dejó las etiquetas en las prendas para que pueda cambiarlas por cosas con un poco más de color. Espero de verdad que esta vez no haya mordido a los dependientes. Me daría muchooo asco y vergüenza.
26 ♡ Julio Tenemos nuevos vecinos humanos hoy, es un poco raro porque mi padre es algo intimidante para ellos... y para los monstruos también, en realidad, pero no parece molestarle a la Sra. Jekyll, y su hijo Jackson Jekyll que es de mi edad... bueno, técnicamente no lo es pero vamos en el mismo salón. Cuando se mude le contaré absolutamente todo sobre Monster High.
7 ♡ Agosto Hoy llevé un pie de arándanos a casa de los Jekyll como regalo de bienvenida de parte de la casa encantada y Jackson abrió la puerta. Es muy lindo y muy dulce. Se me pusieron pelos de punta sólo de hablar con él. No sé lo que es, pero hay algo un poco misterioso en él .... ¡Me agrada!
15 ♡ Agosto Clawdeen Wolf vino a mi casa ayer. Se supone que revisaríamos mis armarios para sacar la ropa que ya pasó de moda para donarla. También tuve la oportunidad de darle algunas a Clawdeen. Tiene una gran familia y yo tengo casi 1600 años de vestuarios-sería egoísta de mi parte no compartir con mi mejor amiga. Clawdeen tiene mucho orgullo así que tuve que tuve que combinar las dos. Después de que sacamos muchas pusimos la música a tope y empezamos a probarnos outfits. Nos lo pasamos tan bien que despertamos a papá. ¡Qué gruñón! De todos modos, no puedo creer que la armaura de malla haya estado de moda. Es tan del siglo XV. Por supuesto que Clawdeen se veía fabulosa en ella.
17 ♡ Agosto Jackson vino a mi casa para regresarme el plato de mi pie. Papá contestó a la puerta antes de que yo pudiera y se puso en modo Transylvania con él. “Buenas tardes. ¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?” Yo estaba tipo “¡Oh, no!” pero entonces Jackson pidió prestado un martillo porque necesitaba clavar una estaca en algo. Mi padré se puso tan nervioso que creo que se veía incluso más pálido. Entonces Jackon dijo “¡Bromeaba!” y mi padre recuperó la compostura, a duras penas. “¡Draculaura, tienes visita!” Más tarde oí a papá murmurar algo sobre que Jackson es más de lo que parece. Yo no sé nada de eso, ¡pero es dulce, divertido, lindo y no le tiene miedo a mi padre! ¡Perfecto!
23 ♡ Agosto Fui al centro comercial con Clawdeen Wolf a cambiar algunas de las nuevas prendas que papá me dio. Conocimos a la Sra. Stein y a su nueva hija Frankie Stein mientras estábamos ahí. Frankie estará en nuestra clase en Monster High y su madre la llevaba de compras por el regreso a clases. La Sra. Stein es realmente dulce pero su sentido de la moda es... no muy actual. Como sea, pudimos rescatar a Frankie por un par de horas y mostrarle lo mejor de lo que este siglo tiene para ofrecer. Nos la pasamos genial y Frankie Stein definitivamente está hecha para la moda. Creo que incluso Clawdeen se puso un poco celosa... ¡Le recomendé a Frankie unirse al equipo de desanimadoras! Ella estaba muy emocionada y creo que seremos muy buenas amigas.
24 ♡ Agosto Cleo de Nile estaba enojada conmigo porque tuve que faltar a la práctica de desanimadoras esta mañana =( pero Count Fabulous se comió un plástico y tuve que llevarlo al veterinario. Le regañé por ser tan glotón, pero se veía tan miserable que no pude estar enfadada con él mucho tiempo. Si no va a ser vegetariano, al menos que se dedique a comer algo más pequeño, como mosquitos o moscas.
25 ♡ Agosto Mis dulces 1600 se acercan y realmente los espero con ansias pero eso también involucra algo que no espero con ansias y es tener “La Charla” con mi padre. Hacemos esto todos los años cerca de mi cumpleaños y suele fastidiarme al menos un par de días. “La Charla” va así, “Draculaura, he sido extremadamente tolerante con tu horario diurno, nuestra amistad con esa manada de sarnosos y tu insistencia en ser feliz Pero creo que es imperativo que vuelvas a tus raíces y abandones esa ridícula idea de que un vampiro puede ser vegetariano. No es natural, no es propio de un monstruo y creo que es hora de que vuelvas a lo que alguna vez fuiste”. Luego se queda de pie con los brazos cruzados muy serio. Antes me enfadaba y le decía que era mi vida y que podía elegir vivirla como quisiera, lo que provocaba una pelea aún mayor, pero simplemente le di un beso en la mejilla y un gran abrazo, lo que le desarmó por completo y no volvió a sacar el tema en un año. Mi padre es el monstruo más aterrador y genial que existe y sé que es duro para él, pero ser mi propio monstruo me hace feliz y nunca volveré a ser como antes.
29 ♡ Agosto Jackson Jekyll preguntó si quería salir a pasear con él hoy, lo cual era bastante escalofriasombroso, ¡hasta que... me pidió que lo mordiera! Pensé qe estaba bromeando, pero hablaba completamente en serio. Cuando le pregunté por qué, dijo que era porque no quería ser el único humano en Monster High y que si se volvía vampiro encajaría y podríamos pasar el rato juntos. Fue muy amable, pero le conté por qué me había hecho vegetariana y que eso significaba que no podía morderle. Me di cuenta de que estaba decepcionado, pero le dije que el hecho de que fuera humano no significaba que no encajara o que no pudiéramos salir juntos. Eso pareció hacerle sentir un poco mejor, pero no creo que abandone la idea de que le muerda.
1 ♡ Septiembre Acabo de terminar un trabajo para el periódico de V.A.M.P. que significa Vampiros Abogando por Menos carne y más Proteínas. He incluido algunas recetas, un relato corto y algo de poesía. Creo que es una grandiosa organización, aunque de momento soy la única integrante. Incluso le di una copia a mi padre, que circuló algunos errores ortográficos y me la devolvió. Bueno, ¡al menos lo leyó con la atención suficiente como para encontrar errores!
5 ♡ Septiembre La familia de Clawdeen Wolf siempre celebra una fiesta de fin de verano y siempre me invitan, incluso si en el pasado nuestras familias no se llevaban bien pero desde que Clawdeen y yo somos mejores mounstruoamigas, siempre me invitan. Por supuesto, todos son carnívoros, así que suelo llevar mi propia comida. Al menos no se burlan... demasiado... de los perritos de tofu y las hamburguesas vegetarianas que llevo =). Este año invité a Jackson Jekyll a venir conmigo y creo que se lo pasó bien, aunque Clawdeen tiene una familia muy grande y pueden ser bastante revoltosos cuando están todos juntos.
6 ♡ Septiembre A pesar de lo bien que me lo pasé ayer en la comida al aire libre, no deja de ser una señal de que el verano se acaba y el colegio está a punto de empezar. Quiero decir que no me disgusta la escuela y me encanta ver a todos mis amigos todos los días, pero no hay nada como el verano y la libertad de ser capaz de hacer lo que quiera cuando quiera.
SOBRE MÍ Nombre: Draculaura Edad: 1,599 (no puedo esperar para mis dulces 1600) Padres Monstruos: Conde Drácula Estilo matador: Me encanta salpicar mis conjuntos negros con un poco de rosa cereza y llevo una sombrilla con volantes para pasear de vez en cuando bajo el sol. Monstruosa Imperfección: Como no puedo ver mi reflejo, tengo que salir de casa sin saber si mi ropa y mi maquillaje son los adecuados. Después de 1.599 años de práctica, se me da bastante bien. Mascota: Count Fabulous es mi BFF, es un murciélago orgulloso pero no puedo evitar vestirlo con ropa linda. Actividad Favorita: Amo sonreir, reír y alentar a mis amigas. Espantoso Fastidio: La falta de selecciones vegetarianas en la cafetería de Monster High es muy triste. Clase favorita: Escritura creativa. Me da la oportunidad de escribir dulces historias sobre mis amigas. Clase Menos Favorita: Geografía. Después de 1.599 años he estado en todas partes... dos veces. Color Favorito: Rosa Comida Favorita: Soy vegetariana, nada de sangre para mí, solo frutas, verduras y muchos suplementos de hierro. Mejores amigos: Frankie Stein y Clawdeen Wolf
ㅤ 𔘓 ﹙ 𝔓HI⎯⎯ 𝐸𝑅𝐴𝐿 ﹚ 🪦 ̸̷ׅ ׄ ㅤ “𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑖” 1 de julio de 2024
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general observations (cyberpunk 2077)
just to preface, i’ve not played through the main story at all since 2021 on my base playstation four and i’m currently replaying on my playstation five. i played as fem!corpo!v both times. this will probably have continued updates as i get further into the endgame. (now beat the campaign as streetkid!fem!v and half-way for nomad!male!v)
“don’t look now, but that’s jenkins’ girl.” i know it’s probably not intentional but that sounds like a loaded statement.
the way kerry calls fem!v “doll” is so fuckin’ cute.
wakako calls her “honey” which again, very cute. also was dying at her “is this the dali lama?” when v sarcastically implies she simply couldn’t fathom murdering for money.
the peralez’s are one of those couples and i cannot get that out of my head.
fuck the voodoo boys. i didn’t pay much attention the first play-through and ended up siding with them because of how much the game makes it clear that you shouldn’t trust corpos and i hadn’t wrapped my head around the evelyn stuff. choose netwatch and felt a little better this time.
joshua still makes my skin scrawl and i dislike those like him irl but i wish we had more interactions like what happened with vasquez - him seeing v as a legitimate dangerous liability. (i’m genuinely surprised they didn’t do that with river, surely he done some digging into v?)
i’m terribly paraphrasing but i’ve noticed there is a couple of thugs in a coronado / arroyo side mission that are like “yo, that’s v.”
i saved brick and royce, kinda disappointed you’re stuck with royce in the totentanz mission - nice to see dum dum remember v by name and how nippy v gets over jackie’s mention. (royce or millitech obviously kill brick because his grave is there).
honestly i just wanted more of the ol’ samurai geezers.
i forgot just how many npc’s hit on fem!v in comparison to male!v like, fingers guards, jacob, the roadie, general population, the bargest guards when leaving the black sapphire (that might be both v’s), they also say “ooh! you little whore!” and also kerry’s “nice rack” dig at johnny. not to mention how many folk call her a bitch, slut, cunt and white during combat.
skippy’s disturbia never gets old, especially considering it’s seventy-years-old at that point.
i still don’t understand why there isn’t an option to give kerry back his guitar - that he clearly wants back - if you’ve met him before the padré side-quest.
really not a fan of having to build quickhacks when you’re essentially buying a blueprint.
“where’s kerry been hiding you?” oh he definitely told them the ‘new output’ shtick.
jesus christ it is so much easier to make money now.
i know it’s the future and things are a little more blasé plus he’s an old, jaded rockstar but i was a little taken aback with just how much kerry calls us cracks “whores, cunts, sluts and bitches” like chill.
a little disappointed aurore had no intention of fucking v.
i can’t stand grimes but i wish we had one more mission for lizzy wizzy
style-wise, phantom liberty is a massive step-up but the clothing in this game is atrocious especially if you want to wear anything girly.
it’s nice to be able to see the colour of v’s hair this time.
i love my little type-66 avenger.
corpo!fem!v is the perfect foil to johnny. also love how some the most notable people in johnny’s life are women. alt, rogue, denny, nancy and depending on your choice, v.
i don’t really ship johnny with v, but the “old married couple” dig was spot-on.
i’m personally conflicted on so-mi, but i’d probably lean towards saving her. that said, i fundamentally believe v wouldn’t. she’s looking for a lifeline and so-mi purposely dangled it over her. she’s not got beef with the nusa, they’re offering what so-mi cannot.
still cannot stand the photo-mode filters.
i’m forever curious about the sobchak cut storyline that was given to river and takemura.
vik’s mocking, “ooOOoooh” towards zetatech and not being allowed drink on the job.
leigh’s acting when johnny simply takes v’s body / tries to give it back in mikoshi after the rogue arasaka mission and just the entire langley section are so well executed. v and river’s farewell’s in langley and in the badlands will always break my heart.
sampson’s grave just read’s “he loved his car.”
fem!v yelling, “rust in piss, shitbot.” goes so fuckin’ hard, also streetkid!fem!v’s first confrontation with hanako.
i know v isn’t trying to blow their cover, but i so wanted to turn around and go, “bitch i have kerry and nancy’s phone number.” to that nippy samurai vendor.
oda is so hot and for what? but the shit-eating grin i have every time he’s pissed at v.
objectively the most fuckable man in this game is default!male!v
misty’s accent has changed so much in the phantom liberty ending.
so has male!v, like i noticed it almost instantly. so much gruffer, which works… if v was still twenty-seven and not rounded back to twenty-three
actually, the age change was so fuckin’ stupid. v works better as twenty-seven, especially corpo!v. the ties music has to the game, to v specifically with the twenty-seven club. v and jackie being eager and dumb enough to accept the job from a disgraced fixer, but competent enough to see it through with ‘years’ of experience. above all desperate enough to finally get their big break.
i’d like to put forward a theory that yes, night city has changed in the two years v is out of the game but not as much as the delamain sequence implies. instead, it’s just a much dire and vulnerable perspective. the perspective of a powerless bystander who isn’t a one person army taking on maxtac with their wits and a pistol, taking out a whole room of gangoons with a mere glance or going toe-to-toe with araska’s most formidable soldiers with ease. v is seeing night city on the other side and it’s fucking petrifying. same goes for the player who’s been running around night-city like a god on a power trip. (it reminds me a lot of what final fantasy xv did in the original chapter thirteen. stripping back noctis’ literal god-like power, his arsenal and taken his support network, leaving a sad little king all alone in a hostile environment ready to make or break him.)
speaking of final fantasy xv… listen, i like river. i do, but i think i was a little less harsh on him because i knew he was a love interest prior to meeting him but he really needed more padding and i know it’s due to river being the remnants of sobchak but even a few missions of him setting up his business with v’s help (which could’ve kept gangs like maelstrom and the mox more relevant in the games later act) prior to the dinner at joss’ (not to mention the lack of a arc kill-switch as i know many lesbian players weren’t keen on his advances - which could’ve been done when johnny picks up on river’s behaviour). also… for how ‘progressive’ this game is giving the straight / bi girlies a ‘family-man’ angle…? how ground-breaking.
fuck meredith, gimmie a one night stand with blue moon!
fumes + afterlife on growl fm are majestic, like growl fm generally is such a great addition.
when johnny says “aware.” and v correct’s with “aggressive” to hellman.
someone’s gotta tell judy she’s got a really shitty taste in women.
listen, maiko’s an a-class bitch but i can’t help but love every scene she’s in. that “yes v, i mean you.” is so good!
as much as evelyn is to blame for the heist, she’s dealt the worst hand as it’s collateral. t-bug, dex, jackie and v to some extent are allowed to comfort of death, evelyn… not so much.
male!v in particular very much feels like judy’s guard dog, fem!v is in it to fuck around and find out in messing with maiko and the claws when it comes to judy’s post-heist arc.
the differences in line delivery are so interesting with each v, i mean it makes even more sense considering they are confirmed to be different people. like a good example is when johnny appears in the peralez’s braindance, male!v says “what are you doing here?” with a genuinely curious and amused tone, fem!v is immediately over johnny’s antics before he’s even begun. however, it’s almost the reverse when johnny comes out with his bullshit “sisters of god” analogy, male!v sounds unconvinced, fem!v sounds sceptical but mildly curious.
i adore the idea that millitech had their grubby fingers in the heist, like the implications that everything relied on two low-level merc is incredible (highly recommend this video for more on that)
i always knew johnny was an unreliable narrator, because he’s johnny but after listening to talsorian game’s line manager it just connects so many missing points - especially of the blackhand variety.
so… i went back and played phantom liberty and honestly, the best outcome is for everyone (perhaps, except v) to honour so-mi’s wish to die. reed lives and eventually agrees with v’s choice, myers’ ego is shot, massacre of innocents avoided and not to mention the access to blackwall weapons. the caveat is obviously alex. now that i’ve done that ending, whilst i don’t forgive her, i understand so-mi’s motive and can sympathise, like fuck the nusa. after evelyn, so-mi’s arc is the most heartbreaking.
guess dino really does know everyone, considering reed is his bouncer.
i wish you could ask viktor about farida.
it’s actually insane that edgerunners is only a year prior to v’s story, i know streetkid!v is aware of david but i’m surprised there’s no comment from corpo!v, considering counter-intelligence was involved (there’s a scene in jenkin’s office) and perhaps not in their life-path role yet but v is undoubtedly working for arasaka during david and smasher’s fight. actually on that, corpo!v doesn’t even comment on smasher when jackie mentions him. like v isn’t a millitech, biotechnica, petrochem or a netwatch corpo, they’re arasaka.
so-mi’s va did such a fantastic job, especially when she and v are in the core.
first time around i play games on easy - so i don’t get spoiled at release), then do my second on hard (which is getting really annoying games are locking it behind beating it on normal) but whilst i prefer this game on hard, easy mode makes you feel like a fuckin god.
fuck that blackwall ai, i love my erebus (both playing and story implication - you can’t convince me that ain’t lilith / night-corp / mr. blue eyes texting v) but it what cost? ‘cause if you know anything about me, then you know i can’t stand horror, especially horror games other than until dawn. i play pseudo-tank in almost everything, not really possible in most horrors. i lack compete tact and i’ll admit that.
speaking of lilith, the implications are amazing. one, it’s why narratively i like so-mi going out on her own terms because trusting blue eyes? i think not. i mean think about it; liilith is attempting to breach the human world and who are her high-profile proxy contacts? promising them life? a ticking time-bomb netrunner or arguably the most dangerous human being to walk the earth. (if you’ve not looked into it, then give this a watch)
telling myers to suck it was excellent, although i fear she got the last laugh with that five-thousand eddies payment.
the parallels between v and reed’s final conversations in ‘four scores and seven’ and ‘who wants to live forever’. which each one explaining to the other how to take on their new life. you can hear the optimism in v’s take and similarly with reed at langley however the player knows how it feels when the shoe is on the other foot, it’s easy to tell reed to move on with his fresh start but it’s so difficult to stomach as v.
as a filmmaker, judy’s passion for braindances hits so much, especially during pyramid song, same with alex and evelyn honestly.
i know half the moniker is in how they die but the idea that v in one lifetime: stole from arasaka, survived a bullet to the brain, killed adam smasher, kurt hansen and maman brigette whilst yes covertly, saved the presidents life, took on maxtac for the most part alone and played samurai’s final gig with the original members, filling in for THE silverhand but still can’t be considered a nc legend if they don’t take down arasaka? *sniffs* hmmm… i’m smelling… shite?
#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#v cyberpunk#johnny silverhand#jackie welles#kerry eurodyne#judy alvarez#panam palmer#rogue amendiares#alt cunningham#goro takemura#river ward
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Padré having an idle chat with his mija :3
#teasing my favorite part of elegy's lore 😈#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077 photomode#cp2077 screenshots#female v friday#fem v friday#fem v#female v#cyberpunk oc#sebastian ibarra#sebastian padre ibarra#.jpg#elegy#vpm#oc: elegy yukimura
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Love and Fury
Epilogue Preview: Somebody approached him on his right, then a soft kiss was placed at the crest of his cheekbone. He turned his head and found Leandra smiling at him.
“I knew you didn’t like parties, but I didn’t realize they made you this sad,” she said.
Ch1 Prev Master List
36. Epilogue: Pepa's Party
Bruno did his best to smile. As far as anyone cared, the day was won. Cicero had left with his parents earlier that morning, never to be seen again. Felípe had officially adopted Julio (albeit he was still planning to take his time dating Rosalie and planning his dream wedding), Pepa and Rosalie both looked lighter than they had in months (or a little over a year in Rosalie’s case), and Bruno had found true love.
He should be happy. Why couldn’t he just be happy.
His grimace stared back at him when he looked down into his glass of wine. He sighed at it, then drained the glass. Bruno knew exactly why he wasn’t happy.
Technically, the village had voted to banish Cicero. But banishment had only won by one vote. One vote!
So, almost half the people in Bruno’s village had been happy to look the other way when they had a violent rapist in their midst. He knew the problem was solved regardless, but… what if something like this happened again?
Somebody approached him on his right, then a soft kiss was placed at the crest of his cheekbone. He turned his head and found Leandra smiling at him.
“I knew you didn’t like parties, but I didn’t realize they made you this sad,” she said.
Bruno snorted, “No, the party is-. It’s not too large, th-there aren’t too many people I don’t know. It’s a good party.”
Pepa and Rosalie had felt like celebrating the victory, and they had invited Cicero’s other victims and their families for a fiesta in Casita. As far as parties went, it was fairly small, Bruno only counted ten people he didn’t already speak to regularly. Everybody else was either a member of Bruno’s own family, or a future in law.
Or Padré. Who had been forgiven for his sermon after he had spoken out against what Cicero had done.
“So? What’s with the pouting?” Leandra asked.
“Pouting? Who’s pouting? I-I’m not…” he tried to deny it, but Leandra just raised an eyebrow at him, he sighed, “can’t we at least call it brooding?”
“Alright, what’s with the very sexy brooding?”
“I-it’s just, something my Má told me, that’s all,” Bruno said, rubbing his arm. His mother had been frustrated by the results, but other than complaining to Bruno about it, had hidden her frustration well. She had, in fact, also hidden how close the vote had been from all but Bruno.
“Must have been quite the doozy,” Leandra said, watching him with gentle concern but not pushing him to tell her.
He opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. No sound came out. Bruno sighed at himself, she was his future wife, he should share this stuff with her, right?
Leandra took his hand, “How about, after the party, you tell me what you need to?”
Bruno nodded slowly, “Alright.”
“Great! Then, for now, would you like to dance with somebody who loves you?” she asked, nodding towards the impromptu dance floor Félix had started.
Bruno laughed quietly, “Did you know-, well of course you don’t. That’s uh, that’s going to be a very popular song in the future.”
“Sí,” he accepted her hand and allowed himself to be led to the dance floor, “it’s uh by this woman, Whitney Houstin. It’s very-. When I first heard it I had it stuck in my head for two weeks.”
“Think you could teach it to Agustín?”
Seeing as Agustín had two left feet, dancing was like an extreme sport for him. He only ever danced a couple songs, but since he didn’t want to be left out of parties, he tended to play the music at a lot of these events.
In contrast, Félix could sometimes be convinced to play a couple songs on his guitar, but otherwise refused to budge from the dance floor. He and Pepa had spent the whole night dancing away, and they weren’t showing any signs of stopping.
Bruno felt a pang of bittersweet happiness for his sisters. Growing up they had insisted that he help them practice any style of dance that had caught their fancy. He had once asked why they didn’t just dance with each other, only for Pepa to roll her eyes and say “Because we’re both girls, duh!”
To this day, Bruno didn’t really get what that had to do with anything.
All the same, now his sisters had both found dance partners, they wouldn’t need him the next time a new dance trend blew through town.
Leandra rested her hand on his shoulder, while he put his on her waist.
Then again, he’d found a dance partner of his own too.
“Do you uh, know how to salsa?” he asked, realizing he hadn’t thought to check before accepting her invitation.
“Sí, Agustín used to make me practice all kinds of dancing with him so he could be prepared to sweep Juli off her feet if he ever got the chance,” she said, falling easily into step with him.
Bruno snorted, “Really? That’s a coincidence.”
“Your sisters made you do the same?”
She chuckled, but otherwise remained silent, focusing on the music. Soon, his worries had slipped away, and he was actually having fun. Him, Bruno Madrigal, having fun at a party! Who would have thunk?
He and Leandra happily traversed the dance floor, flowing from one tempo to another as others requested this song or that from Agustín. Eventually, Bruno missed a step when a loud joyous laugh startled him. He turned and found Félix lifting Pepa off the ground and twirling her around while he laughed happily and rainbows appeared over their heads.
“What’s up with them?” Leandra asked.
Bruno turned to tell her he had no idea, but realized last minute that Juli had drifted closer to watch the scene with them. She beat him to the punch, “Pepa probably just asked him to officially be her boyfriend. She was planning to do that.”
“Oh,” Bruno turned back to look at the pair, then wryly said, “So you think he said yes?”
Leandra and Julieta both laughed quietly, Julieta shook her head, “Who's to say.”
There was a brief pause then Leandra said, “They’re so cute together.”
Juli nodded, “Sí. I don’t suppose I could get you to check if they’ll get married?”
“Uh I-I don’t know, I should maybe stop checking who is going to marry who,” Bruno glanced at Leandra, he was still struggling to wrap his mind around the concept of a happy marriage being an option for him.
“I’m sure they will be,” Leandra said, “Felípe was saying that every time Félix is single for too long he starts pining after Pepa. If he keeps coming back to her like that-.”
“Really? Every time Pepa is single long enough she starts crushing on Félix!” Julieta said, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, “Aw, that is so romantic. Right Bruno?”
Bruno pressed his lips together, was he supposed to know that about Pepa? He smiled and nodded, and both women started giggling.
“It’s too perfect!”
As they watched the brand new couple start dancing again, the piano music trailed off, not that either Pepa or Félix seemed to mind. Bruno looked past Juli’s shoulder expecting to see Agustín also watching the happy couple, or maybe pausing to drink something, but instead he was gone.
Bruno shrugged it off, Agustín had probably just gone to the restroom or something.
“So, did Rosalie tell you guys that Cicero paid her a visit yesterday,” Leandra asked, when she and Juli were done cooing over Pepa and Félix.
“What?!” Bruno hissed.
“Why are you grinning?” Julieta asked slowly. She started to smirk, “Does this have anything to do with Cicero’s broken nose?”
“His nose is broken?” Bruno turned to Julieta, then back to Leandra, both women nodding at him.
“Rosalia broke it with the butt of her revolver,” Leandra said, then mimed bringing the revolver down like she was hammering into somebody, “Pow.”
“Why didn’t she shoot him?” Juli asked.
“Julio was sleeping.”
“Still,” Bruno grumbled. Leandra snorted, and shrugged.
Julieta said, “His Mamí actually came by my stand and tried to get me to heal him before he left town. She was going on about how it was the least I could do since it’s our family’s fault he’s exiled.”
“Ay por favor!” Bruno rolled his eyes.
“Hey, it’s okay, if it makes you feel any better, when Rosalie broke Cicero’s nose it was so loud we heard it through the front wall of her house,” Leandra said in a comforting voice.
“You know, that does actually make me feel better,” Bruno said, wryly.
“Still think she should have shot him,” Julieta said, glancing at Pepa, “he attacked our sister, he deserves to get shot. At least a little.”
“Yeah, but have you ever gotten a baby down for a nap just to have something wake them up five minutes later?” Leandra blew out an exaggerated sigh, “I can see why she wouldn’t want to dignify that scum with that sort of effort.”
“Hm, maybe I’ll understand when I’m a mother myself,” Julieta acquiesced with a shrug.
“What’s that corazon?” Mamá asked as she approached them, Bruno couldn’t help but notice Agustín standing in the doorway of the kitchen behind her, grinning like a mad man.
“Oh, Rosalie had the chance to shoot Cicero, but refrained so she wouldn’t wake Julio from his nap,” Julieta explained.
“Ah, sí, you will definitely understand when you’re a mother,” Má shook her head, chuckling ruefully, “especially if you have triplets like me.”
Leandra, thus far the only one with a great deal of experience caring for a baby, sucked air in through her teeth, “Ay, I never fully considered… three babies at once.”
“Hm yes, it was uh, not easy,” Má shook her head, then she smiled gently at him and Julieta, “it was, however, worth it. I am very proud of all three of you.”
Bruno grinned down at his toes, “Gracias Mamá.”
“We’re proud of you too,” Julieta said, leaning in to kiss their mother on the cheek, “you always seem to know exactly what to do.”
“Hm, perhaps not always,” Má made a beckoning gesture as she backed up a step, “come, there is something I wish to say to you and Agustín.”
Bruno glanced again at Agustín, who was still grinning like he’d won the lottery. When he looked at Julieta, her face was slowly filling with hope. Juli didn’t hesitate, she happily trotted over to Agustín’s side, while their mother followed. Bruno exchanged an excited smile with Leandra.
“Looks like that vision of yours will be coming true sooner than later.”
“Sí, looks like.”
Bruno paused to look around the party again. His worry from before still nagged at him, but something about the smiles on his sisters’ faces and the warmth of Leandra at his side made it easier for him to set those worries aside. He allowed himself to be tugged over to the snack table where Leandra struck up a conversation with Mariana. Usually, Mariana would avoid Bruno, but now she seemed to have warmed up to him. Leandra told the story of the squid vision Bruno had given her and Mariana listened with interest. She even asked if she could see the squid too.
“What do you think Bruno?” Leandra asked.
“That-, I-, sure,” Bruno grinned, thinking fondly of the days when visions of scientific discovery were all anyone asked him for, “I-I could show you the archeological dig we saw too!”
“Oh! That sounds great!” Leandra turned to Mariana, “Doesn’t your little brother love dinosaurs?”
“Sí, he does, I’ll go get him,” Mariana nodded excitedly, rushing off towards her brother.
Leandra smirked at her back, “All according to plan.”
“Sí, the plan to get people to request fun visions again. That way if the reservation system doesn’t work out for you, at least you’ll get to have visions of robots on Mars and mysterious sea creatures again.”
Bruno felt something inside him melt a little. Instead of saying anything, he leaned over and kissed Leandra on the cheek. She turned to him with a wide grin.
“Brilliant, right?!”
“I don’t know about that, b-but I appreciate it,” he shrugged.
“Oh hush, it’s brilliant,” she stuck her nose in the air.
“Bien mí Reina, it’s brilliant,” he chuckled.
She nodded once with a proud smirk on her face, “Thank you, Guapo. I know.”
He shook his head, and opened his mouth to retort, but was cut off when a crowd of excited children appeared seemingly out of thin air, all chattering about squids and dinosaurs. Surprised, he glanced around Casita. Had all these kids been here this entire time? Where were they hiding?
“Sorry, would you mind if our little cousins come?” Mariana asked, her preteen brother at her side, “They overheard me telling Marcus about it.”
“Oh, uh sure! A-as long as their parents don’t mind?” Bruno asked, his eyes checking Casita’s every nook and cranny for disapproving adults.
“You kidding? Mí tios would be ecstatic to have a few minutes of peace,” Mariana said, hooking her thumb over at the door that led out to the side garden. As she spoke, a few men and women were walking through the door and headed straight for the tequila. One of them gave Bruno a grateful smile and a wave.
“Huh.” He waved back. Apparently, the party was a little bigger than he’d thought.
“Ok everybody, clasp your hands under your chin like this, make your eyes real big, and say in your sweetest voice ‘Por favor Tío Bruno!’,” Leandra instructed the kids.
They did as she said, and Bruno found himself looking down at six tiny faces, all calling him Tio. Any lingering protest he had vanished.
“Alright, alright, I’ll show you the dinosaur dig. But I just want everybody to be ready for y’know the uh vision process,” Bruno said, “i-it can get pretty intense. So if at any point you uh, you get scared, l-let me or, or uh Tía Leandra know. Okay?”
The children cheered and agreed. Bruno led them up the stairs, with Mariana and Leandra helping to shepherd them along. Just before he went through his door he glanced back over his shoulder at Leandra and found her smiling warmly at him.
He smiled back, then opened his door.
It was a good thing Pepa and Julieta would apparently be getting married soon. It turned out, “Tío Bruno” has a really nice ring to it.
The End
#bruno madrigal#bruno encanto#bruno madrigal x female oc#bruno madrigal x oc#love and fury#bruno madrigal fanfic#fanfic#encanto
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Since Giorno’s out to see his mother, I won’t asking him much until he gets back. Though I do wish him the best with his meeting.
(On another note, to the rest of the team, who do you think demonstrates the most actions of motherly instincts/love?)
Abbacchio and Padré.
-Pannacotta Fugo
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Y me lanzé!
Pues venga, decidí venirme a vivir con mi ex, claro en plan de amigos, llegamos a un acuerdo, dejarme vivir en una habitación para convivir con mis 6 gatas que tanto adoro y que pudiera hacer uso de todo lo que hay en la casa, a veces siento un bajón cuando veo que sale a ver a su novia, no juzguen, quizá estoy perdiendo mi dignidad, pero también creo en Dios y se que por algo estoy aqui.
Ayer ya me había rendido y estaba a punto de irme a refugiar con mis papás, ellos tan tiernos ya me habían reservado mi habitación de siempre en su casa, porque anoche me ofusqué, me frustré al leer el chat de él con su novia, por eso el dicho, ...el que busca encuentra...
Y encontré que no hay ni una pizca de querer alejarse de su pareja, por eso me dolió porque se que con ella se siente a gusto, se siente feliz y me dije anoche, no más, qué estoy haciendo aquí.
Pero también regresar con mis padres es retroceder de vuelta y es algo que no me lo quiero permitir, con mis padrés me siento sobreprotegida y creo que no podría salir a buscar empleo, aquí nadie me dice nada, solo es que me desespero cuando el se va y me deja con su madre, la cual es una persona muy negativa, que en vez de ayudarme me colma el plato con su negatividad, la he estado esquivando y creo que está dando resultado.
Anoche me cansé de pensar y mi mente se agotó, tomé mis ansioliticos y antidepresivos y me dormí, caí muy cansada, hoy desperté a duras penas, pero me fui al tianguis con mi hermana y la pasamos divino, ella me ha estado apoyando al 100 y me siento muy refugiada con su compañía, es como una madre para mi.
Me siento con fuerza y quiero salir a buscar empleo, Dios siempre escucha nuestras súplicas así que debe de estar trabajando en mis fobias, porque de pronto siento el valor de salir a buscar trabajo.
Ahora estoy tranquila y esta por la noche no me la quita nadie, siempre espero la noche para dormir y es todo, voy a seguir con mi vida aquí, si no aguanto tendré que salirme, pero por ahora estoy tranquila, gracias a mi Dios.
Gracias por leerme.
By Yu "
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Anima Christi - Les Padrés
you ever listen to a song 47 times in a row and every time you’re like wow what a good song. I’m gonna play it again.
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Le Padré et la vocation d'aumônier militaire : Terres de Mission °311 - TVL
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Let me explain this:
You're asked by the local Fixer, Padré, to assassinate Gustavo Orta.
Who's Gustavo Orta? Well, he's the acting head of the Valentinos gang. The actual head being currently in jail.
Who wants him dead? Nolan Frakes, a senior member of 6th Street, a rival gang of the Valentinos that is regularly in conflict with them.
Already, this is a mission that makes me conflicted: I like the Valentinos (generally friendly with V, former gang of your pal Jackie, if you take the Street Kid backstory you're from their neighbourhood), and I generally dislike 6th Street (US Nationalists in a city not part of the US anymore).
But why are you being asked by one gang to assassinate a member of another gang? Don't they usually do that themselves?
Well, they sure tried. Nolan had his people ambush Gustavo on his way home from a party, and riddled his car with bullets, but he got out unscathed.
Who did not get out unscathed was Martha Frakes, Nolan's daughter. She took a hit to the head, and is now currently in a coma.
"Ah," you say. "His daughter was part of the ambush, Gustavo hurt her escaping it, and made it personal."
Nope! Martha's not part of 6th Street. She hates her father, used to wish he'd come home in a body bag. By all accounts, terrible dad.
No, Martha joined the Valentinos and was dating Gustavo. And Nolan blames Gustavo for her being present at the assassination that Nolan ordered.
Oh! And it gets worse!
See, you can actually meet Gustavo and Martha earlier in the game! Have a conversation with them, even.
The memorial service for your dead best friend. He and Gustavo were old friends, and he came to pay tribute to the guy.
Well, now I really don't want to do this murder for hire!
Thankfully, just like many other assassination missions, so long as you get to the target without shooting up the place, you can talk to the target. In several other assassination missions, I've convinced people to skip town instead, which still solves the problem and gets me paid.
So I sneak up to Gustavo, hear his side of the story, and tell him the only way to keep Martha safe is to leave town. And he agrees to do it for her sake, and lets me leave peacefully through the front door.
And then I get a hundred meters down the road, and get a call from Padré, telling me Gustavo killed himself rather than live without Martha.
There is no way to save him. You either do it yourself, hand him over to his enemies alive, he does it himself, or you leave the job unfinished and some other merc does it for the bounty.
Welcome to Night City.
"Bring Me The Head Of Gustavo Orta" is a sad Gig, man.
Even the non-violent option still ends with Gustavo dead, and Martha left comatose without anyone left in the world who cares for her.
Gustavo was a friend of Jackie's. Couldn't save him either.
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Love and Fury
Chapter Preview: A lot of hands went up, then out of the corner of her eye she saw Señor Gutierrez raise his hand, she turned to stare at him. The rest of the village followed her gaze, and slowly every other hand sank until Señor Gutierrez was the only person with their hand raised.
CH 1 Prev Next Master List
33. ...Tribulations
“Alright, we have heard from all witnesses and each of Cicero’s victims, it is time for us to make our decision,” Alma said, standing at the table now placed front and center of the church, “will we allow this man to remain in our village.”
The whole village began talking at once and Alma tapped her gavel a few times to cut through the noise. It wasn’t often the people of Encanto went through this, so she could forgive them for being a bit disorderly, but the fact remained they would get nothing done if they talked over eachother.
“One at a time, we will hear arguments both for and against banishing Cicero, I assure you, but we must do this in an orderly fashion.”
It was like the whole village took one collective breath, and released it as a communal sigh. She looked over the crowd, debating who to give the floor to first. After his outburst, Señor Gutierrez had made Cicero stay home. Similarly, Cicero’s victims had already cast their votes and, with the exception of Pepa, were avoiding the trial.
Pepa sat next to Félix, who had Felípe on his other side. Alma pursed her lips. Everybody already knew how Felípe felt, he wouldn’t bring up anything they hadn’t heard him say down at the cantina. Then again, it was hard to find an argument more convincing than “I don’t trust him not to hurt my future wife and baby.” It would be best to end with that.
Padré raised his finger, and she fought the urge to scowl, she couldn’t ignore people who wished to speak just because she thought they would argue on Cicero’s side, but if this self-righteous boy who had the nerve to call himself a priest said anything about forgiving Cicero, after the sermon he’d given damning Rosalie, Alma just might shove her gavel up his ass.
She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and reminded herself she was a community leader now. She no longer had the luxury of thinking such things.
“Yes Padré? You have the floor.”
“Gracias Señora,” Padré stood, he took a deep breath then looked around at his congregation, “when Señora Rosalie was first found, I gave a sermon on the dangers of alcohol and sex. A sermon I have come to deeply regret.”
He paused as people muttered quietly, apparently marshaling his thoughts.
“It was easier to assume that Rosalie had simply over-imbibed and was trying to save face by pretending to have been taken advantage of, it was less scary than believing her,” Padré continued, “None of us wanted to believe that somebody in our village could be capable of true cruelty. We still don’t, it is still quite tempting to hide behind the fiction that what Cicero has done to Rosalie wasn’t quite that bad. He barely bruised her, after all. And he couldn’t have predicted that her parents would abandon her, surely he didn’t mean to do as much harm as he did.”
A few people were nodding, and if she wasn’t currently acting as a village leader, Alma would have given each of them the stink eye. As it was, she did her best to ignore those who apparently held the opinion that Padré was describing. Instead, when Padré looked at her, she gave him one quiet nod in order to encourage him.
“I was only six when this village was founded, I don’t truly remember what it is like to live without the protection of the miracle. I don’t truly know what it is to fear that men may come and pillage our village, raze our crops, and savage our women,” he paused, “and I don’t want to. I am quite happy to live in a world where women need not fear walking home at night, where might doesn’t make right, where we each treat each other with the grace and compassion that God intended.”
Alma glanced at Señor Gutierrez, then did a double take, his face was crumpled with the effort to hold back tears. She gulped, feeling a split second of sympathy for the man. How must it feel to know your own son has desecrated paradise?
“Ignoring the horror, the cruelty, of what Cicero has done may feel safer, but it does nothing to protect you. We have received a blessing from God, a little pocket of peace and security, our very own Garden of Eden,” Padré held his hands out, palm up, as if begging the villagers to listen to him, “is it not our job to maintain this paradise? To tend to the garden? To keep it safe, protect it as it has protected us? I vote to banish Cicero, for the good of our community, and I implore each of you to do the same.”
Padré sat and Alma clenched her fists to keep from applauding. She took a deep breath to keep the smile off her face as she stood and straightened her skirt.
“Very well put Padré, thank you for those words, who wishes to speak next,” she asked, examining the hands that immediately went up, eventually she chose that of Juan, who worked in the coffee orchard, “what do you have to say, Señor?”
Juan stood, nodding his thanks at her before turning his gaze to the other villagers, “Padré is right, we do live in a paradise. I was also a child when we came to this place, and I neither know nor wish to know the depths of human cruelty. But that is exactly what it’ll be if we kick Cicero out of the only home he’s ever known, cruelty.”
Alma sighed through her nose but otherwise made no indication of her displeasure. She braced herself to hear a lot of stuff she didn’t agree with.
“I’m not arguing that what Cicero did was alright, by all means, I think he needs to face some sort of justice. But exile?! You want to rip the guy away from his friends, his home, his future? His son?”
A few people grumbled angrily at that last point, but nobody interrupted.
“What he did was bad, but it’s not like he killed somebody. And now that we know about it, we can protect the women from him. We don’t need to exile him in order to keep our village safe,” Juan scoffed at the idea, “Encanto hasn’t come as far as it has by turning our back on our own. We are a community of people who love and care about each other, and sometimes loving somebody means turning the other cheek. If we exile Cicero for this, what will be next? Will we exile everybody who has sex out of wedlock? That’s half the town!”
One of the women in the crowd started to say something, only to get shushed by her husband. She gave her husband a shocked look then her face twisted with rage, Alma strongly suspected she had just seen the end of a marriage.
“Again, I ain’t saying we let the guy off the hook, I just think exile is a bit too extreme of a punishment. He made one mistake, why would we ruin his entire life over it?” That said, Juan sat back down, a lot of people began talking at once. Alma banged her gavel until the village quieted back down.
“One at a time, remember, one at a time,” she insisted, then took a few deep breaths as the crowd fully settled, “who is next?”
“That’d be me,” the woman who had been shushed rocketed to her feet, swatting at her husband’s hands when he tried to pull her back down, “hola, in case we haven’t met, I am Lucia. Lovely to be here, truly, I can think of no better way to spend my evening than listening to the bullshit we just heard.”
Her husband groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“One mistake!? He made one mistake?” Lucia directed her argument at Juan, “So he mistakenly slipped a drug in Rosalie’s drink, then he mistakenly left the party and waited for her to do the same, then he mistakenly dragged her into her parent’s barn, and mistakenly took her clothes off. Then by complete accident he had sex with her while she was unconscious. Is that what you’re suggesting?”
Juan tried to say something, but she barreled over him.
“And then! And then he mistakenly slipped the same drug into three other women's drinks over the course of a year. Not to mention how he mistakenly slipped something in Leandra’s drink, dragged her into an alley and mistakenly pinned her against a wall while he undid his belt. That’s your argument?”
Juan glared mulishly up at her, face red. Hopefully he was now aware of how ridiculous he’d sounded.
“He did not make a mistake. Cicero got told ‘no’ one time and went on a rampage. That’s deranged, and dangerous, and not the sort of behavior I want in my community. Not only do I vote to kick him out, if we had a giant catapult we could use I’d load him into it myself,” she finished with a nod, then walked away from her husband, sitting in another pew and crossing her arms.
Whispering started up, as far as Alma could tell, it was mostly about the state of Lucia’s marriage.
“Indeed, thank you Lucia,” Alma reclaimed the village’s attention, “who would like to-, sí Señora? What do you think?”
An elderly woman stood, leaning her weight on her cane.
“I think we are glossing over the most important issue, Cicero’s son. While the way little Julio was brought into this world is most unfortunate, Señorita Rosalie herself has said that he is just an innocent babe. He doesn’t deserve to be punished for the sins of his father, and quite frankly, every child needs their parents. Both parents,” the elderly woman said, apparently not feeling the need to introduce herself, “Cicero must face justice, but more importantly, the child needs a father. I feel we should find a solution that fulfills both requirements.”
A few people nodded as the woman eased herself back onto the pew, Alma opened her mouth to ask for who was next, but didn’t get the chance as Felípe shot to his feet, looking for all the world like he might punch an old lady.
“Julio is not without a father, I am his father, and quite frankly I don’t want somebody as vindictive as Cicero around my son,” Felípe all but shouted, “Rosalie turned Cicero down and he took it as an excuse not just to hurt her, but multiple innocent bystanders. And you want that guy to raise a child? You want to let him raise my child? Absolutely not!”
“He’s not your chil-.” The woman tried to say.
“Like hell he ain’t,” Felípe scoffed, “who do you think bought his crib?! His first blanket and clothes? Rosalie has barely felt safe being alone with me but that didn’t stop me from caring about her or our kid. After her parents kicked her out she needed help, so I did whatever I could. I’ve changed his diapers, I’ve bought any medicine Rosalie couldn’t afford, I’ve read and sang him to sleep. You want to tell me he’s not my son?! You want to give credit to Cicero?”
Felípe paused but the woman didn’t fill the silence.
“Cicero hasn’t done a damn thing to help Rosalie with her pregnancy or care for that boy. Oh sure! He offered! But only if Rosalie agreed to marry him, because she refused, he wiped his hands of the kid. Cicero may have sired the boy, but he ain’t the boy’s Pá, I am. And it will be a cold day in hell before I allow somebody that dangerous around my son.”
With his piece said, Felípe sat. Alma waited a beat to see if anyone else would shoot to their feet, then cleared her throat, “Anyone else?”
Señor Matisse raised his hand, then stood when she nodded, “Just to be clear, I will be voting to exile Cicero, but only because we don’t have a system in place to handle something like this. Juan raises a valid point, what Cicero has done is wrong, but I’m not convinced that exiling him is the best answer. And while Julio is not without a loving father, what if this happens again and the babe does not have a trustworthy backup waiting in the wings?”
Alma pursed her lips, the baker was raising some good points.
“Cicero has proven he’ll commit the same crime again and again, no matter what sort of consequences his victims face, so exile may be our only option, but let’s not fool ourselves. By banishing Cicero from Encanto we are not stopping him from raping innocent women, we are just making sure he does it somewhere else,” Matisse paused sighing deeply, “maybe this isn’t the time to ask all these questions, but it bears thinking about, don’t it? Is banishing the guy really the best way to handle a violent crime?”
Out of the corner of her eye Alma saw a cloud form over Pepa’s head. Thankfully, Pepa stood and left the church before the cloud could turn into a full storm. Some people glanced at her, but the rain falling on her head was all the excuse she needed to leave.
“What? You think we should build a prison?” another man asked, scoffing a little, “Just for one guy?”
Matisse shrugged, “I don’t know. I don’t want that guy roaming free around my kids, but it just doesn’t sit right to kick him out, especially since he’ll likely do the same thing wherever he ends up.”
A few people mumbled, others nodded. Alma allowed the low hubbub to dominate the room for a few minutes, it was an important discussion and one she had been trying not to think about through this whole process.
She was very aware that banishing Cicero just meant sending him somewhere people didn’t know what danger he posed.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, there was nothing she could do about that, her duty was to Encanto. These people were trusting her and her familia to protect them, she had to put them first. When Alma opened her eyes, she lightly tapped the gavel on the table and the discussion died down. As usual, everybody turned to her with expectant eyes, so she steeled herself.
“You are right Señor, there is a very important conversation to be had about our justice system. However, for now we must work with what we’ve got. Is there anything else?”
A lot of hands went up, then out of the corner of her eye she saw Señor Gutierrez raise his hand, she turned to stare at him. The rest of the village followed her gaze, and slowly every other hand sank until Señor Gutierrez was the only person with their hand raised.
“Sí?” she asked.
He stood, and started with a deep sigh, “I-. I do not have a good argument to defend my son. I know what he’s done is… unforgivable.”
Gutierrez stopped talking, his head hanging low. The whole room held their breath, watching him, waiting.
The silence stretched uncomfortably long. If it weren’t for the fact that he were still standing, Alma would have tapped her gavel and asked who was next.
“Por favor, let mijo stay,” Gutierrez eventually breathed, “I know-. Let him stay, I will watch him, I won’t let him leave the winery, he’ll spend the rest of his life doing community service, just please. Don’t send my boy away.”
A tear, then another, escaped from his eyes. His voice creaked over every other word. His hands shook, his shoulders bowed, and he couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes.
He was begging.
Alma gulped, her voice came out gentler than she’d intended when she spoke, “You have known this entire time what he had done to Rosalie, you have known he tried again, and yet you didn’t stop him from drugging Señorita Lopez. Why should we trust you to keep him contained going forward?”
“Leandra baited him into-.”
“She handed him a drink while she went to the bathroom,” Alma cut him off, feeling so tired all of a sudden, “she didn’t make him drug her, she didn’t imply she would sleep with him then revoke the offer, she barely even flirted with him. She just handed him her drink, that was all it took. That was the entirety of the trap she set.”
Señor Gutierrez frowned, but she could see in his face that he knew she was right. Cicero didn’t need to be baited into attacking women, he just needed an opportunity.
In the back corner of the room, Agustín stood, “Disculpe, but… what guarantee can you give us that Cicero won’t sneak away and retaliate on Leandra, Félix, Rosalie, or even one of the Madrigals? Are you going to keep him locked inside?”
Señor Gutierrez’s mouth flapped for a second, he slowly shook his head, eyes wide and lifeless.
For a second, Alma wished she could show mercy if only for his sake. Señor Gutierrez had always been a good man, a loyal one. He was hardworking, kind, responsible, and most of all, a doting father and husband. He did not deserve any of this.
Sadly, however, he was choosing his son over the rest of the village. It was an understandable choice, one Alma might make herself if she couldn’t keep the village’s fear of Bruno from turning to resentment, but that changed nothing.
“Señor, Cicero is a danger to others. He has demonstrated a vindictiveness that almost ruined a young woman’s life, simply because she loved another,” Alma said, not without sympathy, “And now… well we have all seen how enraged he is by Leandra, and everybody else who helped to investigate him. If there were some other way to protect this village from him, I would be happy to discuss it, but… there isn’t.”
For a second the church was silent as they watched Señor Gutierrez crumble. Then, Julietta whispered to Agustín, quiet enough that you wouldn’t usually be able to hear it in the crowded church. But thanks to the silence, the whispered statement carried over the crowd, striking Señor Gutierrez across his face.
“If he really loves his son he’ll take him and run. From what Bruno said, Cicero will probably get murdered if he stays.”
Gutierrez turned and gaped at Julieta, who suddenly found herself to be the center of attention. For a split second she looked embarrassed, then she took a deep breath and stood.
“You heard Bruno’s prophecy, none of us are going to trust him after this. Those of you arguing on Cicero’s behalf? If your daughter or sister or wife comes to you and says she’s been raped and she doesn’t know who did it, who’s gonna be your number one suspect?”
Next to her, Félix started nodding, while others exchanged glances. Nobody disagreed with her.
“We’re sitting here debating whether or not we’ll be safe if he stays, but, well, maybe you should be asking yourself if he’ll be safe,” she continued, “I-I won’t heal him, not just because I hate him for what he tried to do to my sister, but because I don’t feel safe going anywhere near him.”
“We won’t sell to him, or you for that matter, we got cousins to worry about,” Félix said, after exchanging a glance with Felípe and their mother.
“Neither will I,” Señor Matisse admitted, “even if he stays, I won’t want him anywhere near my bakery. That’s where my kids are.”
“I won’t carry your wine if he stays,” Señora Moreno, the owner of Encanto’s finest restaurant said, almost apologetically, “I just-, I don’t think people will buy it after this. I’m already struggling to sell what we have.”
There were a few murmurs of agreement.
Señor Gutierrez sank to the pew, lips pursed and eyes a thousand yards away.
Alma sighed through her nose, she looked around at the rest of the room, waiting for somebody else to put up their hand. Nobody did, most sat there looking contemplative. Whatever arguments people had been about to make before Señor Gutierrez and Julieta spoke, they were silent now.
Just in case, she asked, “Anyone else?”
The silence rang loud and clear.
“Very well, you have until tomorrow evening when the market closes to cast your vote. The ballot box will remain here in the church, as well as the ballots and some pens. Would anyone like to volunteer to guard the box from tampering? There will be six shifts, lasting four hours. I want two guards each, three alternates just in case, for a total of-. Felipe, thank you, but I would prefer if the volunteers were people who are less biased.”
Felipe slowly put his hand down, frowning, and Felix gently patted his back. Meanwhile, Alma chose fifteen volunteers and asked them to stand with her at the front of the church.
“Everybody else, you may go. We will count the votes tomorrow evening, and should have the results by the next afternoon,” Alma turned to look at Señor Gutierrez, “I will tell you and your family first, señor, then I will announce it to the rest of the village.”
Señor Gutierrez nodded stiffly, standing back up and shuffling out of the church. The village waited long enough to watch him go and gossip about how far he’d fallen, then slowly trickled out onto the streets. Alma wished she could hate him the way she hated his son, it would make watching his world fall to pieces so much easier to bear.
She shook her head and turned to her fifteen volunteers. Alma no longer had the luxury of wallowing in sympathy and sentiment. She needed to focus on making sure this vote went smoothly.
#bruno madrigal#bruno madrigal x oc#bruno madrigal x female oc#bruno madrigal fanfic#bruno encanto#love and fury#encanto
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fugo u gotta kill this dude ong
He's still drunk, and they will not be killing anyone.
-Bruno Bucciarati
Hhehaheh... Hi padré!!
Hello, Panna.
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