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🌟🌟🌟🌟BOOK REVIEW🌟🌟🌟🌟 . . . . BOOK :- Rhime of time POET :- @padmaja0011 GENRE :- Poetry FORMAT :- Paperback PAGE :- 75 RATINGS:- 5 STARS Publisher :- Bluerose . . I have read this poem in the morning when I woke up and you can’t believe this made my day solely happy with some positive vibes and some heart touching lines which elucidated my feelings towards enlightening my world with beautiful poems.
The poem of this book are quintessentially written and the language is easy to understand and have a world to say and if you are gay(happy and full of fun) and smart and then you will find the poem first class.
Some poem of the book is with description and I really liked that and the there is also some rhyming in the poem which I liked too.
Most of us leaves a complex meaning poem which we don’t understand but in this book the poetess gave the descriptions of some complex poem and this I liked very much in her book.
I feeled throughout the book that poetess have also shared some part of her life in the form of poetry as she remembers her days of school and with mother shiny sky full of light.
I liked a poem very much which gives us hope to revive once again from the dark nights and wait for the light to make you bright don’t lost your hope. . . Life with wheel chair.. Caged Bird with feathery fair.. Everything will be defined with time…
Have faith in your inner mind.. See negatively turns into positivity…
Like daylight comes after every night… . . #poetrybooks #padmajabharti #rhimeoftime #indianpoetess #bookofpoetry #bookreview #poetryfromtheheart #x_emi #bookblogger #poetrylovers #september2020 #poetryindia #bookof2020 (at Poetry) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFOTW5tgsC2/?igshid=3muu2ayx6zqg
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🗝️🗝️BOOK REVIEW🗝️🗝️ . . BOOK :- wondering of indian international ethics AUTHOR : - @padmaja0011 GENRE :- Non-fiction FORMAT :- Paperback PAGE :- 63 . .
India had a rich moral values that’s show the beautifulness of our country and we should not decimate that values as we have to work on increase on ethical value to live a life with sovereignty.
In my opinion the author of the this book tries to show the mirror to the society which is going in wrong direction.
The author in her essay talks about the moral and ethical values of India which is vanishing day by day and author in this book tries to manifest the vanishing moral and ethical through her writing.
The book have 7 chapters that talks about various topics which can stimulate a new path to the society, if people will follow the true perspectives of the life.
In the book Author talks about the following:-
1 .Budha uprising :- In which there is briefly described about the Budha thoughts which, if we follow them will have a beautiful life.
2. Delegation of yudhishthira Truthfulness:- By taking example of yudhishthira author tries to give a society a new path. If you will speak truth you will feel more energetic and confident and your self esteem will rise. The truth will make you respected in your own eyes and with outside world.
3. Philosophy of on overlapping citizenship:- Talks about Marshall’s view and citizenship.
4. Cultural bicycle :- briefly described about culture
5. Education aid to enemy countries or grants of uni cation:- In this described about aim of the education to the society.
6. Secular motion with non-Alignment movement:- In this secularism is briefly described . Secularism doesn’t mean to leaving one'religion. It means believing the in power of one.
7. Economical sustainable ethos:- In this chapter author talks about the balance in economic.
The language of the book is simple English anybody can read.. . . #indianethics #padmajabharti #bookreadandlike #bookofindia #india #seculartalk #education #educateyourself #philosophy #truthfulness #budha #bookblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CEod8n1Ar2F/?igshid=8acy9lg6879e
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