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El cómic erótico nació como un fenómeno contracultural, una forma de crítica social que se reía de las normas y de la censura. Su intención era provocar, parodiar y divertir. Con el tiempo se ha transformado en género con carácter propio, donde se siguen rompiendo tabúes pero lo artístico y lo sugerente, supera siempre a lo vulgar.
Como en cualquier manifestación artística, el cómic erótico también tiene su élite de artistas reconocidos y consagrados por su manera de impactar con sus obras. El cómic erótico no es un seguido de ilustraciones para adolescentes con las hormonas a tope. Si no que se trata de historias sofisticadas que elevan la imaginación del lector. Podemos destacar verdaderas obras de arte que dan rienda suelta a la fascinación, tras las cuales hay un auténtico trabajo creativo. Hoy les presentamos las 10 que más se destacan:
Sin llegar a los extremos del hentai, U-jin el maestro del manga erótico, despliega su estilo más liviano y divertido en Peach, una comedia en la que el joven y virgen Houshi Saito recibe una inesperada visita: una chica hermosa viene a confesarle que lo ama. Además, su jefa le ha impuesto la misión de seducir a las alumnas de la escuela de inglés donde trabaja para que las muchachas renueven la matrícula.
Clara de Noche nació en las páginas de El Jueves en 1992 de la mano de Carlos Trillo. Ilustrado por Jordi Bernet, cuenta las aventuras de una prostituta entregada al trabajo del oficio más viejo del mundo, ganándose la vida para que su hijo Pablo tenga una educación y una vida digna, conjugando hábilmente comedia y tragedia.
Saga de humor, ciencia ficción y erotismo que narra las aventuras de Lorna, personaje creado en 1980 con guiones de Cidoncha e ilustraciones de Alfonso Azpiri para la revista erótica Mastia, y continuada por este último como autor completo primero en las revistas de Norma Cimoc y Humor a Tope y luego en formato álbum. Las historietas de Lorna y su robot se tradujeron a varios idiomas, publicándose también en revistas extranjeras como Penthouse, Heavy Metal o Lanciostory, y fueron recopiladas en varias ocasiones.
Voyeur es una recopilación de las historietas eróticas de Horacio Altuna para la revista Playboy. Altuna supo captar como nadie la feminidad y elegancia de la mujer. Esta recopilación es una edición especial en la que se reúnen historietas, ilustraciones y hasta bocetos de Altuna publicados en la mítica revista americana.
Vampirella es una especie de heroína del cómic de terror y del género erótico. Fue creada por Forrest J. Ackerman para Warren Publishing y desarrollada por Archie Goodwin con los artistas Frank Frazetta, Tom Sutton, José González y Zesar Álvarez. Su primera aparición fue en 1969 y ahora Vampirella inicia una nueva etapa desde cero.
A lo largo de su carrera, el más famoso de los dibujantes underground se ha visto irresistiblemente arrastrado a incluir sus fantasías eróticas en su obra. Él lo justifica como una catarsis compulsiva; sus admiradores consideran las fantasías eróticas de R. Crumb la máxima expresión de su talento.
En Robert Crumb’s Sex Obsessions, Crumb ha seleccionado las tiras e ilustraciones a página completa más íntimas y reveladoras para crear un viaje enciclopédico de 258 páginas a lo más profundo de su psique sexual.
El imprescindible Alan Moore y Melinda Gebbie firman una obra tan antológica como polémica sobre las travesuras sexuales de tres de los personajes femeninos más importantes de finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX: Alicia de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, Dorothy Gale de El Mago de Oz y Wendy Darling de Peter Pan.
En Lost Girls, se encuentran ya adultas en 1913 donde describen y comparten algunas de sus aventuras sexuales.
Creado por Serpieri en 1985, Druuna es un clásico del erotismo y la ciencia ficción. Su protagonista, una voluptuosa habitante del mundo caótico y peligroso del futuro, tuvo una generosa acogida desde su primer libro, Morbus Gravis, que vendió más de un millón de copias en 20 idiomas diferentes.
Guido Crepax, uno de los maestros del cómic italiano, creó en 1965 a Valentina, un personaje secundario que pronto se convertiría en la protagonista absoluta de historias oníricas y aventuras con pequeñas dosis de erotismo. Un personaje extraordinario, un ángel edificante que no conoce moralismos ni hipocresías.
Provocadora y sugerente, El Clic de Milo Manara es, indiscutiblemente, la gran obra maestra del cómic erótico. Cuatro volúmenes a lo largo de los cuales conoceremos la historia de Claudia Christiani, una bella mujer a la que se le ha implantado un chip por control remoto capaz de desatar sus deseos más ocultos. Solo un clic y Claudia da rienda suelta a sus pasiones más bajas, trastocando todo cuanto le rodea.
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Possible Reasons for Conversion to Christianity Among Medieval Jews
Although we have seen, religious conversion was highly ideologically charged for both Christians and Jews, most actual Jewish conversions to Christianity were motivated neither by theological convictions nor by religious polemics. Moreover, most conversions also bore no clear relation to Jewish-Christian collaborations or friendships, which one might imagine could have led individual Jews to want to join the community of their Christian associates.* [...] No clear link between acculturation and conversion emerges, however, from extant evidence about the vast majority of known conversions [at least 1,500 in the mid-thirteenth century]. Instead, most converts were marginal individuals -socially, economically, or ideologically- who turned to baptism primarily as a means of escaping personal difficulties.
- Paola Tartakoff (“Testing Boundaries: Jewish Conversion and Cultural Fluidity in Medieval Europe, c. 1200-1391″) Among the reasons listed in the article, we have:
Criminals hoping to commute their sentence - Ramon Fuster killed a fellow Jew and converted to Christianity in order to avoid execution.
Individuals seeking political leverage - Elias l'Évêque converted to Christianity when his fellow Jews would not allow him to take on the position of local tax collector.
Individuals seeking to escape hostility - Pablo Christiani converted after a falling out with his local rabbis, “probably in the context of the Maimonidean controversy,” and Simon de Ratel was physically assaulted by some of his coreligionists.
Excommunicants seeking to regain a sense of community and financial stability - Jamila of Aragon and her four children converted rather than endure five years of exile from their hometown.
Women seeking easy divorce - A married woman and her lover both converted to Christianity so they could marry in late thirteenth century Spain.
Poverty - two thirds of the 1,500 figure given above happened in Italy, at a time that “coincided with a spike in royal taxation.”
*Although stated to be rare, some conversions do seem to be the result of relationships with Christians - Herman of Cologne converted after befriending the local bishop and experiencing the communal life of Augustinian friars.
Debtors escaping their obligations - to “a Jew from Valencia who converted in 1327, taking the name Bonanat Ferrari, conversion may have presented a way to evade Jewish creditors.”
The observations about converts’ motivations invite a reassessment of the causes of medieval Jewish conversion. Against Baer’s contentions about the influence of acculturation in general and Greek rationalism in particular on Jewish conversion, in few cases do spiritual or intellectual convictions of any kind appear to have been at play. Moreover, of all voluntary converts surveyed, only three -Peter Alfonsi of Huesca, Alfonso of Valladoild (formerly Abner of Burgos), and Nicholas Donin of La Rochelle in France- have been said to have had rationalist leanings. Even in these three cases, moreover, it is not clear that rationalism led to apostasy. In the case of Nicholas Donin, for instance, excommunication from the Jewish community may have been a more critical precipitating factor. In addition, against scholarly assertions that a thirteenth-century rise in Christian conversionary pressure led to an increase in the number of Jewish conversions, there is no indication that missionary sermons, disputations, or theological arguments produced converts. Instead, we find that across Western Christendom voluntary conversions to Christianity often were born of a personal despair and served as a way of gaining distance from the Jewish community. As such, they could reflect a sense of individual self-determination and constitute a form of resistance to Jewish social or legal norms.
- same article, emphasis added.
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Jerusalem, the divided city… 24.5.2017
Jerusalem, the divided city…I will do the headline in big print for those who have difficult dealing with the “subect” heading
24.5.2017 Last night I went to see Divine Right by Roy Doliner, , a courtroom drama set in the Inquisition between between representatives of Christianity and Judaism regarding whether or not Jesus was the Messiah. It was held at the royal palace of King James I of Aragon in the presence of the King, his court, and many prominent ecclesiastical dignitaries and knights, between Dominican Friar Pablo Christiani, a convert from Judaism to Christianity, and Rabbi Nahmanides (Moshe Ben Nachman). Thank you Google. It was very good and if the gentleman who played Maimonides is the Professor of Jewish Law at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. Amateurs all and as I said good. At the end there was a talk by Nathan Lopes Cardozo which was very interesting. The playwright was also present, I think he found late in life that he was Jewish. He told a joke at the end and I don’t remember it completely but I think if you combined a Habadnik and a Swiss you would get a messiah which would come on time.
When he spoke of how suiting it was that the play fell on the eve of the celebration of the “united” Jerusalem I did not find it pleasing. But then it reminded me that it is important that we have our own country of even though this is not the city and the country we dreamed of. I really needed it as on Sunday I had gone to a discussion on the future of Jerusalem by Ir Amim which was very depressing though two scenarios were given of how things could go. But the basic feeling was one of a divided city where injustice is rife and little hope that anything would change.
Coming back and seeing the thousands of people streaming to the old city to see the lights and join in the “celebration” of the city it made me sick to my stomach. Many of those going to this event would not have the courage to go into the Old City on their own for pleasure. One of my friends to whom I said this started shouting the slogan they are taught that there are neighborhoods in Jerusalem she does not go into…..ignoring the fact that if she had reason to go there she would. But that she is so scared she will not even go there with some friends/ She says I am not a Zionist….at least up to now she has not called me a traitor.
I must remind her that when Sederot was under fire and I went there to buy and try to help their economy and to identify with the inhabitants she would only give me money to buy and said she was too scared to go there. Then she accuses me of not being a Zionist. So who is the Zionist here.
Amongst the those going to this event I am sure there are the sort of people who would go to anything for pleasure whatever their political feelings are…….I have friends who go on hikes with the far right because they say that that is the only way that they can see certain places. But personally I would never join in anything which symbolizes something I cannot agree with.
Anyhow and by the way about Trump and the whole coverage there made me sick to my stomach……Miss Piggie was even more revolting in her saccharine way than ever and I will send a report about that…..I said to my friend Varda Haled that I thought that I would get into bed and not come out again until Thursday morning and that with half a bottle of Arak. The light train was so packed with people that after it did not move for 10 minutes as people were trying to push in and they could not close the doors I decided on taking the full bottle.
This evening we are going to a demonstration against the March of Flags which is more a march of hate of the religious right which amongst others goes into the Old City screaming, “ Death to the Arabs “ "the Temple will be built, the [Al-Aqsa] mosque will be burned," and "Mohammed is dead. Don’t let anyone tell you different and that it was only a few “weeds” because I was there last year and wave after wave came past us shouting the slogan. The Palestinians sit in their houses scared to come out and hoping that their property will not be damaged.
So we will see what happens this evening.
By the way Jerusalem is one of the most impoverished cities in Israel.
And there has just been another attack by Tag Machier in one of the Arab cities.
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Which is the “True Faith”? Judaism vs. Christianity
By Dr. Yeshaya Gruber - September 23, 2018
From ancient times until today, Jews and Christians have lived in constant contact with each other. In a previous post, I wrote about some of their intellectual collaboration during the Middle Ages (“Did Jews, Christians, and Muslims Ever Think Together?”). But what about the conflict between Judaism and Christianity? After all, these religions presented competing versions of “the Truth”!
One manifestation of the conflict between Judaism and Christianity was a series of “disputations” or public debates in various European cities. Two of the most famous such disputations took place in Paris in 1240 and in Barcelona in 1263. In Barcelona the famous mystical scholar-rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Nachmanides) represented the Jewish side. He was opposed by Pablo Christiani (“Paul the Christian”), a convert from Judaism to Christianity whose previous name as a Jew had been Shaul (“Saul”).
The debate could not be an open and equal consideration of ideas, because it took place in an environment of Christian political domination. The Dominican friars who organized the disputation wrote that the event did not allow any questioning of the truth of Christianity – for that, they said, was already certain. Rather, the debate took place specifically for the purpose of showing the Jews the errors of their ways. For his part, Nachmanides, having been summoned by King James I of Aragon, had no choice but to participate and defend his understanding of Judaism as best he could in this rigged situation. He was in fact much more fortunate than some others who found themselves in similar positions, for he managed to secure the right to speak his mind freely (instead of facing harsh punishment should he be regarded as “blaspheming” Christianity during the debate).
Partly as a result, the disputation covered essential differences between medieval Judaism and Christianity in some detail. Moshe and Pablo argued over whether the Messiah/Christ had already come; whether he was divine; why, if he had come, he had not brought peace to the earth; whether the Torah (Instruction/Law) given by Moses remained valid. It is difficult to say who “won” the debate, since the Latin (Christian) and Hebrew (Jewish) accounts give very different impressions on this score!
The conflict between competing “truths” also led to much darker realities in European history, including extreme hostility and violent anti-Jewish persecutions. An already huge body of literature called adversus Iudaeos (“Against the Jews”) continued to grow. It was only in 1965 with the Nostra aetate declaration that the Catholic church clearly departed from such an antagonistic stance. Nowadays much Jewish-Christian dialogue – or even continued debate about the very same questions! – thankfully takes place in a much friendlier environment. This would probably please Gilbert Crispin, the abbot of Westminster in the late 11th century, who wrote about a Jewish acquaintance, “Each time that we would meet, immediately we would have a talk in a friendly spirit about the Holy Scriptures and our faith.”
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