#pa nursing home lawyers
solomon12345 · 3 months
Pottsville PA Nursing Home Neglect Attorneys
PA nursing home lawyers include falls that occur because too many patients are being cared for by too few staff needed care, treatment and medications that are ignored or improperly given and bedsores that become infectious because nursing home personnel were inattentive to a patient.
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wandasaura · 5 days
thinking abt giggly and not-so serious yail wanda makes my heart melt like imagine outside of ur little bubble in westeview shes this scary intimidating woman (well sometimes shes like that with you) but in ur bubble she laughs at her own jokes, ticklish, giggly, CUDDLY
oh my i need my own yail wanda
you thought you’d seen the worst of her stone expressions during the first few months you’d been under contract with natasha, but the first time you go out as a trio, to a quaint little town in PA for apple picking, you’re brutally surprised to see that you hadn’t even scratched the surface. she looks widely unapproachable in soft moments when her attention isn’t focused directly on you. her eyes are sharp, the expensive jewelry on her body is glimmering beneath crisp sunlight, her jaw is set, whether it’s unintentionally or she’s spotted another girl a few rows down checking you out, that much you can’t decipher, but she’s just so far from your wanda in those stolen moments you manage to catch occasionally. it just truly makes you realize how much trust she has in you, and how the rest of the world has no idea that she’s got the softest laugh you’ve ever heard, or that she makes the absolute best pavlovas when natasha’s missing home, or how she loves to hold you in the mornings while she nurses her coffee. the wanda that exists in west view and the lawyer that she steps into being anytime she knows there will be people watching is so different, but it almost makes you appreciate being home and alone with her more.
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englishindubellay · 9 days
ecg 1 phrases avec corrigé
Les 2 passés : -ed vs was/were + -ing
1.    Dis-moi Julia, es-tu allée à la piscine dimanche dernier ? Je crois t’y avoir vu. (Un bassin, plonger, un maillot de bain, a buoy, a life-guard, to crawl)
Tell me Julia, did you to the pool last Sunday ? I think I saw you there. (a pool, to dive, a swimming suit, une bouée, un maître-nageur, ramper)
2. Axel ne s'est pas senti bien quand il s'est fait vacciner l'année dernière. A t'il pleuré ? (Un vaccin, une piqûre, du sang, to test positive for covid)
Axel did not feel too well when he got vaccinated last year. Did he cry ? (a vaccine, an injection, blood, être positif au covid)
3. Maugan n'a-t-il pas travaillé comme serveur dans le bar de son oncle en juillet ? Je crois que oui. (Un pourboire, l'addition, une serveuse, to go pub-crawling, a pint of ale, to play darts)
Didn’t Maugan work as a waiter in his uncle’s bar in July ? I think so. (a tip, the bill, a waitress, faire la tournée des bars, une pinte de bière, jouer aux fléchettes)
 4.    L’été dernier, Pierre-Louis a visité New York mais il n’a pas vu le Grand Canyon. Quel dommage ! (Un paysage, un aventurier, un randonneur, a no-frills airline, to go on a cruise, a cruise-ship, the 3 S, a backpacker)
Last summer, Pierre-Louis visited New York but he did not see the Grand Canyon. What a shame ! (a landscape, a backpacker, a hiker, une compagnie aérienne économique, faire une croisière, un bateau de croisière, soleil, plage, mer, un aventurier)
  5.    Léna dormait quand Lisa S. l’a appelée pour la réveiller. Heureusement, sinon elle aurait été en retard. (Un cauchemar, un somnambule, un réveil-matin, to get up on the wrong side of the bed, an early bird, an night owl, to oversleep)
Léna was sleeping whan Lisa S. called her to wake her up. She did well, otherwise she’d’ve been late. (a nightmare, a sleepwalker, an alarm-clock, se lever du pied gauche, être du matin, un noctambule, avoir une panne de réveil)
 6.    Anissa est arrivée, a demandé 10 euros à Clément, puis est rentrée chez elle à pied. Je crois qu’elle est fauchée. (Une livre, une pièce, un billet, a quid, a buck, a tenner, a fiver, to flip a coin, to foot the bill, it's on me !)
Anissa arrived, asked Clément for 10 euros then walked back home. I think she’s broke. (a poune, a coin, a note, une livre, un dollar, dix livres, cinq livres, jouer à pile ou face, régler l’addition, c’est ma tournée)
  7.    Quand as-tu vu Lauriane pour la dernière fois ? C’était il y a deux jours. Elle était en pleine forme. (Un généraliste, une ordonnance, un infirmier, to feel under the weather, to be in top shape, to recover from)
When did you last see Lauriane ? It was two days ago. She was in top shape. (a GP, a prescription, a male nurse, se sentir patraque, être en forme olympique, se remettre de)
 8.    Quand il était jeune, Célian voulait devenir avocat mais il a changé d’avis l’année dernière. (Un tribunal, libérer sous caution, être condamné, to take someone to court, an ambulance chaser, to be sentenced to)
When he was younger, Célian wanted to be a lawyer but he changed his mind last year. (a court of justice, to free on bail, to be sentenced, poursuivre en justice quelqu’un, un avocat à la recherche de clients, être condamné à)
  9.    Dis-moi Tom, qu’as-tu fait hier à 20 heures. Moi, je suis allé à la BU. (Une étagère, emprunter, un adhérent, don't judge a book by its cover, it's a good read, un roman, the plot, emprunter à, prêter à)
Tell me Tom, what did you do yesterday at 8 pm. I did go to the college library. (a shelf, to borrow, a member, l’habit ne fait pas le moine, un bon bouquin, a novel, l’intrigue, to borrow from, to lend to)
 10.    Dis-moi Lise, que faisais-tu hier à 22 heures. Moi, je dormais. (Un oreiller, une couverture, des draps, sleep tight ! Sweet dreams ! Un cauchemar)
Tell me Lise, what were you doing yesterday at 10 pm ? I was sleeping. (a pillow, a blanket, sheets, dors bien, fais de beaux rêves, a nightmare)
  11.    Colyne s’est endormie pendant qu’elle regardait les J.O sur la BBC. C’est triste. (Une émission, un présentateur, une chaîne, to broadcast live, an anchorwoman)
Colyne fell asleep while she was watching the Olympics on the BBC. How sad8 (a programme, an anchorman, a channel, retransmettre en direct, une présentatrice)
 12. J’ai vu Malo hier au Jardin des Plantes : il mangeait un sandwich et lisait un livre. Cela permet de se détendre. (Un banc, un buisson, une mare, the wildlife, a kitchen garden, a gardener)
Yesterday I saw Malo in the botanical garden : he was eating a sandwich and reading a book. It’s a way to unwind. (a bench, a bush, a pond, la faune et la flore, un potager, un jardinier)
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tombosworthlaw · 8 months
Philadelphia Wrongful Death Lawyer FAQs
The death of a loved one results in unbelievable emotional turmoil and, adding to that, can be extremely expensive as well.
Wrongful death law is intended to shift the financial burden of a wrongful death from the loved one’s survivors to the party that caused the death.
If you’re not sure where to start in your search for a Philadelphia wrongful death lawyer and have questions, see if you can answer yours here.
What Is a Wrongful Death?
In Pennsylvania, a death may be ruled wrongful if it is “caused by the wrongful act or neglect or unlawful violence or negligence of another.”
That is, a death is wrongful when it occurs because of the unlawful actions (or negligence) of another person (or party).
What Are Some Common Causes of Wrongful Death?
There are many causes of wrongful death in Pennsylvania (and elsewhere). Among the most common are motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, workplace accidents, and defective products.
With that said, there are many other common causes, including airplane and train accidents, premises liability/accidents, animal attack, nursing home neglect, and even recreational activities like sports.
Who Can Bring a Wrongful Death Case?
According to 42 PA CSA 8301, only the victim’s spouse, parents, or children can bring a suit for wrongful death; in some instances, even adult children who were dependent on the victim may be able to bring a claim.
What Is the Difference Between Wrongful Death and Negligence?
The two are not mutually exclusive, but they are not the same, either. Negligence is a condition that arises when an individual (or party) does not act in accordance with reasonable care. If negligence causes a death, that death may be considered wrongful.
Are Wrongful Death and Medical Malpractice the Same?
Wrongful death and medical malpractice are not the same, but medical malpractice can arise in wrongful death. As with negligence, the two are not mutually exclusive.
Is There a Statute of Limitations on Wrongful Death in Philadelphia or Pennsylvania?
Yes, there actually is a statute of limitations on wrongful death in Pennsylvania. According to 42 PA CSA 5524, the statute of limitations is two years from the date of the death (with some exceptions, contact a Philadelphia wrongful death lawyer for more details).
How Do Lawyers Prove Damages in a Wrongful Death Suit?
For wrongful death to be proven, attorneys must prove an expected lifespan beyond the date of the death as well as the fault of the party that caused the death.
Must Damages Necessarily Be Financial?
Damages recovered will be in the form of money, but in some cases, the damages incurred might come in the form of emotional pain and suffering that arose as a result of the untimely and wrongful death.
Which Philadelphia Wrongful Death Lawyer Should I Contact?
Consider Tom Bosworth Law. His firm offers free case consultations and Tom Bosworth himself has been recognized by the National Trial Lawyers as one of the “top 40 under 40.”
Get in touch with his legal team today. Help for you and your family may be within reach.
For More Information About Medical Malpractice Lawyer Philadelphia And Birth Injury Lawyer Philadelphia Please Visit:- Tom Bosworth Law
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dolmanlawil · 1 year
Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA
3601 W Algonquin Rd suite 107 Rolling Meadows IL 60008 USA 312-500-2901 https://www.dolmanlaw.com/personal-injury-lawyer/illinois/chicago/ [email protected]
Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, is a nationally recognized and award-winning personal injury and truck accident law firm. Our Rolling Meadows personal injury lawyers have one goal; maximize damages we seek to recover from an insurance carrier. We are not hesitant to take a case to trial if necessary. Our firm represents individuals injured in a variety of situations: car accident (e.g., car, truck, taxi, Uber, Lyft, bus, bicycle, motorcycle accident, etc.) or pedestrian accidents, brain injury, slip-and-fall, trip-and-fall, burn injury, medical malpractice along with wrongful death, nursing home abuse and workers compensation. We only represent plaintiffs. Call us today for a free consultation.
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dale-e-anstine · 2 years
Qualities to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyer in York, PA
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Personal injury cases stem from incidents like:
● Motorcycle accidents
● Truck accidents
● Slip and fall
● Nursing home abuse/neglect
● Dangerous and defective products
● Medical malpractice
● Traumatic amputation
● Wrongful death
● Animal bites
● Social security disability
● Bad faith insurance
If you have a personal injury case in Pennsylvania, a personal injury lawyer in York, PA, can help you get a fair settlement for your losses.
This article examines qualities to consider when hiring a personal injury lawyer alongside their functions.
Read to the end!
Attributes to Consider When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyers?
Before hiring a personal injury lawyer in York, PA, it’ll be best to consider these attributes:
● Experience
Pick a lawyer who has sufficient experience in handling your specific personal injury.
Numerous legal entities abound in York, PA, and you need to perform sufficient evaluation before choosing.
● Availability
Many law firms assign multiple cases to one attorney, making it difficult for them to give maximum attention to one case. Ideally, your attorney should be available to answer your nagging questions.
Thus, validate an attorney’s liability before setting sail with them.
● Track Record and Client Reviews
Past results don’t guarantee future success, However, it boosts your chances of hiring a lawyer with a good track record. Scour online reviews from past clients to ascertain their experience working with the legal entity on your radar.
● Honesty
Some cases are tough to win, and your lawyer should be upfront about what to expect. After evaluating your case, your attorney should tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of your lawsuit so you can precisely gauge your chances.
What Will a Personal Injury Lawyer Do for You?
#1 Explain the Legal Process
After a personal injury, victims may be too traumatized to understand how to proceed. A lawyer explains the process and what you can expect.
The legalities of your case depend on the type of injury and where you reside. Pennsylvania is a no-fault state with a two-year statute of limitations on personal injury cases. It’s your attorney’s duty to help you understand your situation and the process attached to claim filing.
#2 Offer Professional Legal Advice
Your personal injury lawyer will also advise you on dos and don’ts following your injury and for the duration of your case. You may be advised not to speak with the other party’s insurer or attorney. Your lawyer may also counsel you to refrain from posting on social media till the case is settled.
#3 Thoroughly Investigate Your Case
Your personal injury lawyer will go through all aspects of your case to ensure you get the maximum possible compensation. Their extensive investigation covers the full implications of your injury and the circumstances leading to your accident, thereby tendering convincing arguments during negotiations.
#4 Negotiate a Fair Compensation
Negotiations are a vital part of the case, and you want a skilled professional to help you handle the process. A personal injury lawyer won’t only look at the short-term implications of your injuries; they’ll consider its overall impact and the long-term effects on your life.
#5 Represent You at Trial
Personal injury cases are typically settled out-of-court. However, in a rare scenario where both parties cannot reach an agreement, your lawyer will represent you in court.
Your attorney’s ultimate aim is to ensure you receive a fair settlement for your injury.
Contact Dale E Anstine for a Free Consultation Today
If you sustained personal injuries because of another party’s negligence, you can get compensation for your injuries.
Dale E. Anstine, a legal entity with the finest personal injury lawyers in York, PA, has overseen related cases across Central Pennsylvania for over 40 years.
Our lawyers approach your case like it’ll head to trial and will not accept a low-ball settlement on your case.
Talk to us today for a free consultation.
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myonechicagoworld · 4 years
                                            [keys clinking]
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Matt Casey: Thanks, mom.
Nancy Casey: Matt…
Matt Casey: I’ll see you tomorrow morning. We can… talk then.
Nancy Casey: Oh, oh, oh, jeez.
Matt Casey: Mom, why are you hiding from your parole officer?
Nancy Casey: [sighs] I went out last night. If she tests me, I won’t
                        pass. Just please get rid of her
Matt Casey: [stammers]
                                    [sharp knocks at door]
Matt Casey: Ms. Kendrick.
Lady 1 (Kendrick): Hi, Matt. I’m here to check in on Nancy.
Matt Casey: Yeah, you just missed her. She’s out for a walk.
Lady 1 (Kendrick): I can wait.
Matt Casey: Um, my shift is about to start.
Lady 1 (Kendrick): Fine. Try later.
Matt Casey: Thank you.
Clarice: Leslie.
Leslie Shay: Ms. Larocque, so sorry. This is just how it is when I’m
      ��               on shift. My apologies.
Clarice: Um, look…
                                      [kissing sound]
Clarice: Daniel’s rejected her offer. He wants full custody.
Leslie Shay: I thought you said he’d take the deal.
Lady 2 (Ms. Larocque): It was a good deal, but the father has a
                                        strong case.
Leslie Shay: Does he?
Lady 2 (Ms. Larocque): Let’s look at it from his lawyer’s
                                        perspective. We’ve got a switch-hitter
                                        who married a man, conceived a child
                                        with him, then left him, and took the
                                        child to go live with her former lesbian
                                        lover, a woman with a time-
                                        consuming and very hazardous
Leslie Shay: Oh, come on.
Lady 2 (Ms. Larocque): I’m just looking for ways to normalise this
                                        scenario as much as possible.
Leslie Shay: Normalise?
Lady 2 (Ms. Larocque): For instance, you two shacking up with a
                                        skirt-chasing firefighter is not helping our
Clarice: I-I was just trying to tell her how Kelly has been so helpful.
Lady 2 (Ms. Larocque): Ladies, you want me to convince a judge
                                        that you’re serious about being a family?
                                        Then you need to get Clarice and this
                                        baby into a warm, loving, nurturing, and
                                        yes, normal home.
Clarice: [sighs]
Leslie Shay: Okay. We’ll get our own place.
                                 [station alert buzzes & blares]
                                  [siren wails and horn honks]
Chief Boden: (over radio) All companies be aware, we have a
                        lightweight truss construction heavy structure fire
Victim 1: I can’t get down the stairs. It’s too hot.
Chief Boden: All companies, third-floor rescue. Casey, get me two
Matt Casey: Got it.
                                         [indistinct chatter]
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Matt Casey: Keep it flowing. Herrmann, Mills, Cruz, up the second 
Peter Mills: Come on, I got you, man. All right?
                    You’re doing good, man.
Victim 2 (Girl/Child): [coughs]
Leslie Shay: That’s it sweetheart.
Peter Mills: Good job, man.
Victim 1 (Dad): [coughing]
Peter Mills: Okay?
Victim 1 (Dad): Yeah.
Victim 2 (Girl/Child): What about Hudson? You have to get him.
Victim 1 (Man): The dog.
Victim 2 (Girl/Child): Hudson! Hudson!
Matt Casey: Cruz!
Mouch: Stay put, Cruz.
Joe Cruz: Wait a minute! I can hear him.
                 Come here, boy!
Chief Boden: Cruz, get out of there!
Matt Casey: Cruz! Cruz!
Joe Cruz: [grunts]
                  Where are you, boy?
                                            [dog barking]
                                            [dog barking]
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Christopher Herrmann: Come here, come on.
Joe Cruz: Aah!
Matt Casey: (into radio) Man down! (over radio) Man down!
Mouch: I’m going.
                                    [Pass alarm beeping]                                                - title -
                                    [pass alarm beeping]
Matt Casey: Cruz, call out!
                                     [beeping continues]
Matt Casey: Hey, Cruz.
Mouch: You okay, buddy?
Joe Cruz: Uh, yeah, yeah, I think so.
Matt Casey: All right. We got to move.
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Joe Cruz: [groans]
                                   [indistinct shouting]
Matt Casey: Mouch!
Joe Cruz: Mouch! Mouch! Mouch!
Mouch: I’m okay.
Joe Cruz: Mouch!
Matt Casey: This way! Watch your feet!
Joe Cruz: Watch your feet! Gotcha!
                 Let’s go!
Mouch: [panting]
                                [indistinct background chatter]
Gabby Dawson: Mouch, you okay?
Mouch: Yeah.
Joe Cruz: Are you sure, man? Let ‘em check you out.
Mouch: I’m fine.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, Casey, how about you? You all right?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Leslie Shay: You got a second-degree burn here.
Chief Boden: Take him to the hospital.
Joe Cruz: It’s nothing, Chief.
Chief Boden: Take him to the hospital.
Victim 2 (Girl/Child): You okay? Good boy.
Christopher Herrmann: Cruz is out of control.
                                           [dog growling]
                                        [back up beeping]
Kelly Severide: Hey, Whaley, any new updates on Renee?
Eric Whaley: She’s okay physically. They’re going to keep her on a
                       72-hour hold.
                       Psychiatric observation.
Kelly Severide: Did you talk to her?
Eric Whaley: She wouldn’t see me.
                      I, uh, I don’t know what to do.
Matt Casey: Thank you.
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Matt Casey: Hey.
Gabby Dawson: How long are you going to freeze me out?
Matt Casey: I’m not freezing you out.
                     I gotta talk to Boden.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, sure.
Matt Casey: Cruz is still in the ER. He’s telling doctors he wants to
                      come back and finish his shift.
Chief Boden: Did you happen to notice if Cruz’s bunker gear had a
                       cape sewn into it?
Matt Casey: No, Chief. It definitely does not.
Chief Boden: Then please dissuade your man of the notion that he
                        is invincible.
Matt Casey: Sure.
Otis Zvonecek: (recording) And that’s how our fellow firefighter was
                           saved today.
                           56 hits in less than an hour. Just tell me this thing’s
                           not going to go viral.
Gabby Dawson: Glad to see Mouch’s near-death experience can
                            help drive traffic to your podcast.
Otis Zvonecek: The whole point of the podcast is to show people
                           what we really do.
Christopher Herrmann: You’re supposed to be looking up how-to
                                         videos on taping drywall.
Otis Zvonecek: All right.
Christopher Herrmann: We got to get back to fixing up the
                                         Bombadier, all right. We’re behind
Gabby Dawson: Oh, stop calling it the Bombadier. That name has
                            poisoned the well with the locals. We gotta…
                            re-christen it something else.
Otis Zvonecek: May I propose… Moustache Pete’s?
Gabby Dawson: No, you may not. We need something simple. 
                            A single,  evocative word like, uh, Solstice or
                            Perception or uh…
Otis Zvonecek: Pretentious? Or we could call it something fun like
                           Moustache Pete’s.
Christopher Herrmann: You can name it ‘out of business’ if we
                                         don’t get back on schedule.
Otis Zvonecek: Okay, okay, here we go. How to tape drywall, part 1
                           of… 15.
                           Gee, you know who I bet’s really good at drywall?
                           Casey. Too bad somebody got on his bad side by
                           fraternising with one Detective Voight.
Leslie Shay: Hey, uh, listen, I need…
Kelly Severide: Hey, have I thanked you lately for opening your trap
                           about Renee? Because she’s currently in a psych
Leslie Shay: Kelly, she needs help. How fun do you think this is for
Kelly Severide: Yeah. What did you want to talk about?
                                 [station alert buzzes & blares]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61…
Leslie Shay: Tell you later.
(Over PA): Person down, Michigan and Upper Wacker.
Kelly Severide: [sighs]
Matt Casey: Hey, Christie.
                                               [door closes]
Matt Casey: I have a new proposal regarding mom. Give me a call
                     when you can. Bye.
                     Hey, Mouch. You okay?
Mouch: I came to you a while back, about Cruz… how there’s
              something off about him, and you told me to shut up.
Matt Casey: In so many words, I guess.
Mouch: So are you still in charge of our truck, or do I have to go
              around you and talk to Boden?
                                       [ambo door closes]
Gabby Dawson: Watching you and Kelly move back in and out of
                            that place is like watching a ping-pong match.
Leslie Shay: [chuckles] I know, I get it. I just hope he understands.
Lady 3 (Good Samaritan): I tried to get him to come inside a store,
                                            but he won’t move.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, it’s too cold for you to be out here, hun.
                            What’s your name?
Man 1: Mick.
Gabby Dawson: Mick, can you stand up?
                            You think you can walk over to that ambulance?
Leslie Shay: Come on, Mick.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, yeah. We got you.
                            Whoa, 70 over 50. What are you on?
Man 1 (Mick): [grunts]
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Okay, fine. It looks like you might be
                            suffering from exposure, so we’re going to get
                            you to the hospital, all right?
Man 1 (Mick): No.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah.
Leslie Shay: It’s nice and warm at the hospital, Mick. You’ll like it.
                      Lots of pretty nurses.
Man 1 (Mick): Prettier than you two?
Leslie Shay: Come on, be realistic.
Gabby Dawson: Hey. Don’t worry about Severide. He’ll totally
                            understand why you need to move out.
Leslie Shay: I know, it’s just… after all the drama, it just sucks
                      having a lawyer make decisions about your living
                      Okay, Mick, just a little pinch.
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Man 1 (Mick): [grunts]
Leslie Shay: Ahh! [pants]
                                          [curtains drawing]
ER Doctor: We’ll keep trying to convince him to consent to a blood
                    draw, but we can’t force him to. And unless he does,
                    we can only guess at what transmittable diseases he’s
Gabby Dawson: And judging from this cocktail of antivirals, you
                            must think this guy’s a walking petri dish.
ER Doctor: Hep-B’s always a big risk. Also Hep-C. The interferon
                    therapy should protect you against those, but given the
                    tracks on his arms and symptoms, I think we need to 
                    treat you as though you’ve been exposed to HIV.
Leslie Shay: How soon can we test for HIV?
ER Doctor: Not for three months after exposure.
                    Here’s the first one.
Leslie Shay: [exhales]
Gabby Dawson: Hey, you’re going to be fine. The statistics are way
                            in your favour.
Leslie Shay: I mean, it’s like Russian roulette. Large bore needle
                     filled with this guy’s blood. If he has the hiccups, I’m
                     going to catch ‘em.
                                           [tv in background]
Peter Mills: Hey, uh, Lieutenant, I was hoping to ask you a question.
                    Um, I was looking at the list of up and coming classes
                    at the academy, and I’m… I’m trying to figure out which
                    ones to take to, if possible, make a move to Squad?
Kelly Severide: Let me eat my cornflakes first.
Peter Mills: Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Chief Boden: We can finish the exposure paperwork later.
                        Don’t worry, Shay, you’re getting the best care
Leslie Shay: Thanks, Chief.
Kelly Severide: What’s wrong with her?
Gabby Dawson: Needle stick.
Mouch: Ugh. Was he sick?
Gabby Dawson: Yellow, track marks, and he didn’t agree to a blood
                  ��         panel.
Peter Mills: You okay?
Gabby Dawson: I just want this shift to end. Casey hates me, now
                            my partner gets stuck.
Peter Mills: Casey?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, forget it. It’s fine.
Peter Mills: Screw him. He doesn’t understand you, it’s his problem.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah. Yeah, thanks, Mills.
Leslie Shay: Even if it’s just Hep-C, it’s, you know, 80% of infections
                      are chronic, and um, I’d be on disability for months,
                      and if Daniel’s lawyer finds out… [lightly sobs]
Kelly Severide: You’re getting ahead of yourself.
Leslie Shay: [sighs]
Kelly Severide: Wait for the test to come back.
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
                      [sighs] Um… the lawyer said that living with you isn’t
                      normal  enough [voice breaking] So I have to move
                      out. I’m sorry.
Kelly Severide: You do whatever it takes to keep you, Clarice and
                           that baby together.
Leslie Shay: Yeah. Thanks.
                                      [tv in background]
Joe Cruz: Hey, Mouch.
Mouch: How’s the arm?
Joe Cruz: Burned but fine.
                 Hey, man, I wanted to thank you again.
Mouch: It’s in the job description, right?
Joe Cruz: Yeah.
                  Hey, also, I think I owe you an apology.
                                       [knocks on door]
                                           [door shuts]
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Gabby Dawson: [sighs] I realise you may not understand why I went
                            to Voight. 
                            I didn’t have another choice, and it made all the
                            difference in Antonio’s case.
Matt Casey: He threatened me and my fiancé.
Gabby Dawson: He saved my brother, Casey.
                                           [knock on door]
Mouch: Cruz is back, in case you’re interested.
                                              [door closes]
Joe Cruz: I screwed up, Lieutenant. It won’t happen again, believe
Matt Casey: I tried that once already. When you told me you could
                      live with your sins, that turned out to be a lie.
Joe Cruz: Lieutenant, you got to believe…
Matt Casey: This is not a conversation! If you’ve come to hate
                      yourself, if you’ve decided that you don’t deserve to
                      live, well, that’s your problem. Do you wanna stand
                      at the ceremony where we pin Mouch’s badge next
                      to Darden’s because he burned to death trying to
                      save someone who’s already dead inside? If your
                      badge isn’t on Boden’s desk by next shift, I’ll go to
                      the police about Flaco. It’ll mean the end of my
                      career too. But hey, I’ll pound nails for a living.
                      What I can’t do is stand by and watch you
                      endanger one more of my men.
                                               [somber music]
Lady 4 (Real Estate Agent): The kitchen’s just being redone. New
                                               cabinets, new appliances, laundry 
                                               hook-ups are right over there.
Leslie Shay: Okay.
                      Um… school wise, uh, I know Wesley’s young, but…
Lady 4 (Real Estate Agent): Oh, it’s never too early to think about
                                               that. We’re in the very desirable Bell
                                                elementary school district. But I
                                                have to be honest with you. I’ve
                                                got a lot of people interested in
                                                this unit.
Leslie Shay: Okay, can you just give us, like, a second?
Lady 4 (Real Estate Agent): Sure.
Leslie Shay: Thank you.
Clarice: Uh, okay. Thank you.
              So the uh, the lawyer says that Daniel’s attorneys could find
              out about the needle stick during discovery.
Leslie Shay: Look, Daniel’s lawyer can say whatever he wants.
                      What that judge is going to see is a family ready to
                      provide Wesley with a warm and loving home… in
                      a very desirable school district.
Clarice: You’re right [chuckles lightly]
               I’m sorry.
               We’ll take it.
Kelly Severide: [sniffs]
Renee Whaley: [clears throat]
                                         [door closes]
Renee Whaley: What, you expected a straitjacket?
                          Why are you here exactly?
Kelly Severide: Because your brother asked me to come.
Renee Whaley: Poor Eric. He thinks he’s finally cracked the puzzle 
                           that is Renee.
                           All this nonsense about me sleeping with Dean.
Kelly Severide: I’m not here to argue about that.
Renee Whaley: Oh, right, because as my life turned to ashes, you
                          just coasted on and forgot all about me.
Kelly Severide: You don’t know anything about my life.
Renee Whaley: [scoffs] I know that Kelly Severide is doing just fine.
                          We’re done. Take me back.
                          Open the door.
Kelly Severide: Renee.
                                         [keypad beeping]
                                            [door closes]
Otis Zvonecek: Dawson, you have absolutely no idea what you’re
                           doing, huh?
Gabby Dawson: What are you talking about?
Otis Zvonecek: Call Casey.
                                         [metal clanging]
                                    [wall plaster dropping]
Christopher Herrmann: What the hell?
                       [metal clangs & wall plaster dropping]
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Otis Zvonecek: Whoa.
Christopher Herrmann: Stephanidies didn’t say anything about a
Gabby Dawson: What do you think’s inside?
Christopher Herrmann: Nothing good. My luck don’t run that way.
                                              [metal clangs]
Otis Zvonecek: Well, let’s open it and find out. Worst-case scenario,
                           it’s empty.
Christopher Herrmann: What if it contains a decomposed head of
                                         some gangster that went missing in the
                                         ‘20s? Next thing you know, this bar gets
                                         wrapped in crime scene tape, and we
                                         can’t get back in here.
Otis Zvonecek: If there’s a mobster’s head in there, Moustache
                           Pete’s gonna be famous.
Gabby Dawson: We’re not calling it Moustache Pete’s.
Otis Zvonecek: Yes we are.
Christopher Herrmann: Forget it. That safe is bad news.
                                         Look out.
Gabby Dawson: Hey Herrmann!
Matt Casey: Each week my shift moves up a day. Tuesday and
                      Friday this week, Monday and Thursday next
                      week. I’ve drawn up a list of house rules that
                      mom would have to agree to. Uh, curfews, when
                      she can have visitors. You can add whatever you
                      want to the list.
Christie: Matt, no.
Matt Casey: Christie, I need you. Please, at least on the days I’m on
Christie: Will I have to learn how to lie to her parole officer too?
                                         [chair slides back]
Christie: Mom.
Nancy Casey: Christie.
                        You look wonderful.
                        Wow, you realise this is the first time we’ve all been
                        together as a family in, like, 15 years?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Nancy Casey: I guess the real purpose of this meeting is to [sniffs]
                        discuss the mom problem.
Christie: Okay, fine. I’ll talk to Jim.
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Matt Casey: Okay. Now let’s eat.
                      The chicken sandwich is great, by the way.
Christie: I’m a vegan [clears throat]
Matt Casey: Since when?
Christie: [scoffs] Going on ten years, Matt.
Matt Casey: I did not know that. I… wow.
                     Is that like a vegetarian, or is it the eggs thing? You
                     can’t eat anything?
Christie: Oh my gosh.
Matt Casey: What?
Christie: Do I seriously have to explain this to you?
Matt Casey: What? No, that’s fine.
                                     [knock on door]
Kelly Severide: Hey, did you get my message?
Eric Whaley: Yeah. What did she say?
Kelly Severide: Nothing that matters. She’s angry.
Eric Whaley: At me?
Kelly Severide: At me. At… at… at everything.
                          Look, I-I’m sorry, but all this was against my better
                          judgement, and now she’s spinning out, so…
Eric Whaley: No, I get it. I get it. Thanks, Kelly.
                      This is, uh, it’s my last shift at 51. I’m glad we got the
                       chance to work together.
                                          [door shuts]
Mouch: Is Cruz gonna grace us with his presence today?
Matt Casey: I don’t know.
Mouch: You talk to him?
Matt Casey: I did.
Mouch: How’d that talk go?
Matt Casey: Don’t worry about it, Mouch. I talked to him. That’s all
                      you need to know.
                                      [locker door shuts]
Priest: “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the
              coming wrath? Produce good fruit as evidence of your
              repentance. Even now, the axe lies at the root of the
              trees. Therefore, every tree, which does not bear good
              fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. I am
              baptising you with water for repentance, but the one
              who is coming after me is mightier than I. I am not
              worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptise you with
              the Holy Spirit and fire. And do not presume to say
              to yourselves, ‘we have Abraham as our father.’”
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Child 1: Look, mom, a fireman.
Priest: “And raise up children to Abraham with these stones. Then
             Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be
             baptised by him. John tried to prevent him, saying, ‘I need
             to be baptised by you, and yet you come to me?’ Jesus
             said to him… [continues speaking in background]
Otis Zvonecek: I read the whole thing, front to back. There’s no
                           codicil in this deed about any safe.
Gabby Dawson: We bought the bar, lockstock, and barrel. That
                            means the safe rightly belongs to you, me and
Otis Zvonecek: Along with whatever’s inside. Whether it’s an old
                          stamp  collection or bearer bonds or, gold
Gabby Dawson: You’re outvoted Herrmann, two to one.
Christopher Herrmann: We didn’t buy that bar hoping to find
                                        buried treasure. We bought it as an
                                        honest investment. And for the first
                                        time in my life, I feel like I’m onto
                                        something good and real. Now
                                        whatever is in that safe, somebody
                                        put it in there and locked it away for
                                        a reason. Why don’t we leave it alone
                                        and get on with our plan?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, we’re gonna open the safe.
Otis Zvonecek: Seconded.
                                   [station alert buzzes & blares]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25. Bomb squad
                  assist, Wrightwood and Jesse.
Dispatcher: (over radio) CPD be advised, divert all traffic. Bomb
                     disposal unit on site in Lincoln Square.
Peter Mills: So what exactly is our role in a bomb squad assist?
Christopher Herrmann: Nothing. Not unless the bomb tech snips
                                         the wrong wire.
Matt Casey: What’s the story, Chief?
Chief Boden: A tenant committed suicide in his car around back,
                       shot himself in the head. But the police are suspect
                       because the deceased was turned down four times
                       by the CPD, and there is a gasoline smell coming
                       from the inside.
Man 2 (Bomb Tech Squad Lt): Zoom in.
                                                   Our mast camera confirmed the
                                                   place is wired.
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): We should cut our way in.
Kelly Severide: We have access to the apartment above?
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): That’ll do it.
Kelly Severide: Great, we’ll get out of your way.
                             [indistinct radio chatter]
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): Whoa. There’s a woman down there.
                                [suspenseful music]
Leslie Shay: The neighbour say it’s his ex-wife.
Man 2 (Bomb Tech Squad Lt): My guy will go in and see if it’s
                                                   secure and your guys can bring
                                                   her out.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Severide, you sure you want (over radio) to
                        do this?
Kelly Severide: (into radio) We’re here, right? (over radio) Gonna
                           need a jump bag, though.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Copy that.
Kelly Severide: All right. Okay.
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): Carpet’s wet. Gasoline.
                                   She’s been stabbed. Come on down.
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Dawson, Shay, she’s got a steak knife
                          stuck in her abdomen.
Gabby Dawson: (into radio) Pulse?
Kelly Severide: (over radio) Weak.
                          Hey, can you get us out that door?
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): There’s quick, and there’s safe. Which do you
Kelly Severide: I wanna save this woman’s life.
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): Huh.
Kelly Severide: Huh?”W-What huh?
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): A small incendiary device set to spark the
                                   gasoline. This’ll take a few minutes to
Kelly Severide: She doesn’t have a few minutes.
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): I got two more wires splitting here. It’s wired
                                   here too. Headed… Here we go.
                                   I got at least 5 pounds of mixed ammonium
                                   nitrate. Well that plus the gasoline is a
                                   fertiliser bomb.
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Hey, Chief, (over radio) is everyone
Chief Boden: (into radio) You just get yourself down here, Kelly.
Gabby Dawson: (into radio) How’s she doing, Severide?
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Weaker.
Gabby Dawson: (over radio) How much blood’s on the floor?
Kelly Severide: (into radio) Uh, it’s not that much.
Gabby Dawson: (into radio) Then she’s bleeding internally. You
                            gotta move.
                            (over radio) Pack that knife, so it doesn’t shift when
                            you move her.
Kelly Severide: (over radio) Where the hell’s that jump bag?
                           (into radio) Whaley’s here.
Gabby Dawson: (over radio) Use all the gauze and tape he’s got to 
                            keep it secure.
Eric Whaley: Someone’s always got it worse.
Kelly Severide: Ain’t that right.
                          (over radio) Packing around the knife. Hey, we need
                          that door open now.
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): (over radio) Attempting to disarm the door.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Kelly. Kelly.
Man 3 (Bomb Tech): (over radio) We’re good. Door’s open.
Kelly Severide: (over radio) Woman’s coming out.
Eric Whaley: Who says engine only knows how to put out a fire?
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Matt Casey: Okay. I’ll talk to Boden.
                                                [door shuts]
Mouch: [sighs] What happened, Joe?
                                             [knocks on door]
Joe Cruz: I kicked in that door, convinced Leon was in there.
                 I even knew I was too late.
                 But it wasn’t Leon, it was Flaco.
Mouch: Dead. It was Flaco, and you were too late.
Joe Cruz: All I could think was, if I pulled him out of those flames, I
                  might as well throw Leon back in.
Mouch: Ah, you don’t know that.
Joe Cruz: I thought that God was just handing me the answer to my
                 But now I know it was the devil. I thought I could run from
                 him, non-stop. First one in, last one out [shaky breath]
                 And then I almost killed you. I could have killed Otis or
                 Herrmann or Casey, all because I’m weak [sobs]
                 But now I know… I’m the one that has to suffer, not you.
Mouch: Joe, I forgive you.
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Joe Cruz: [sobbing] It’s not right for me to bring my sins into this
                 house and have my brothers sacrifice for what I did.
Mouch: Joe, listen to me. I forgive you.
Joe Cruz: [sobs]
Chief Boden: What can I do for you, Casey?
Mouch: Lieutenant! Can I have a minute?
Matt Casey: Now’s not a good time, Mouch.
Mouch: Yes, it is.
                                   [door closes]
Mouch: You don’t have to do this to him.
Matt Casey: There’s more to it that you know, Mouch.
Mouch: He told me everything. Now I don’t know if he was waiting
              for God or Flaco’s ghost or just somebody to say it, but
              he needed to know what he did was okay. He screwed
              up. He knows it. But he was taking care of his family.
              How far would you go for the ones you love? How far
              have you gone?
                                          [door closes]
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Peter Mills: [chuckles]
                                         [phone rings]
Leslie Shay: Hello?
                      Yes, this is Leslie Shay.
                       He consented to a blood draw.
Gabby Dawson: That’s good isn’t it?
Leslie Shay: Mmhmm, mmhmm.
                      Okay, thank you.
                      He’s clean, he tested negative for everything [sigh of
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                                        [door shuts]
Man 4 (Orderly): Good luck, Renee.
Renee Whaley: Yeah, thanks.
                           For real?
Kelly Severide: Come get in the car. There’s something we need to
Renee Whaley: Go to hell.
Kelly Severide: You’ll full of it, you know that?
Renee Whaley: Oh I am, huh? Is that gonna get me into your car?
Kelly Severide: Ignore everything that’s real, go ahead.
Renee Whaley: Whatever.
Kelly Severide: Your brother was a hero today.
Renee Whaley: That is so low.
Kelly Severide: You stopped, didn’t you?
                           30 minutes. Then I take you anywhere you want to
                                          [saw whirring]
                                        [metal clanging]
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] It’s just a box.
                            We never should have opened this.
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                                   [car door shuts]
Matt Casey: Mom’s just getting her things.
Christie: Okay.
Matt Casey: Thanks for agreeing to this, Christie. I really think it’ll
Christie: Yeah, well, tomorrow morning at 8:01, she’s all yours
Matt Casey: Understood.
Christie: Friend of yours?
Matt Casey: Nope
Nancy Casey: That’s Cheyenne.
Matt Casey: Your old cellmate?
Nancy Casey: Yeah.
                         You two gave me back my freedom, but I don’t want
                          to be your problem anymore. So I’m gonna go stay
                          with Cheyenne until I figure out what’s next.
Matt Casey: Mom, I don’t think your PO is going…
Nancy Casey: Aww, don’t worry I’ll sort things out with Kendrick.
                        But I’m not gonna be the wedge that drives you two
                        apart anymore.
                        Oh, be a brother and sister again, okay? You know,
                        be there for each other.
                        Hey, how’s it going?
Lady 5 (Cheyenne): Hi.
                                        [car door shuts]
Lady 4 (Real Estate Agent): Are we gonna sign the lease or not?
Leslie Shay: Yes, we are. We definitely are, I’m sorry. I can’t get a
                       hold of her. Um…
                       Oh, hey.
Clarice: Hey.
Leslie Shay: Did you get my message?
Clarice: Yeah, that’s, uh… great news.
Leslie Shay: We should sign the lease.
Clarice: Uh, actually, would you mind giving us a second?
              So, um… Daniel offered to settle. You know, split custody, I
              mean, if I move to New York with the baby.
Leslie Shay: Good, that’s great. He blinked.
Clarice: I took the deal
Leslie Shay: What?
Clarice: I just, I can’t keep fighting him anymore, Les. So I’m gonna
              go to, uh, I’m gonna go to New York.
Leslie Shay: No, Clarice. Just stand up to him. We can win this.
Clarice: I’m leaving tonight.
                                    [engine rumbling]
Renee Whaley: Okay, I get it.
Kelly Severide: Come on.
                                  [car door shuts]
Renee Whaley: [scoffs]
Kelly Severide: It’s quieter than I remember.
Renee Whaley: Please don’t.
Kelly Severide: You’re the one who said life never looked simpler
                           than it did from right here.
Renee Whaley: Well, that was crap. Sometimes a view is just a
                           view. [exhales]
Kelly Severide: You know, I never had anything close to a real
                           relationship since you.
Renee Whaley: Really?
Kelly Severide: One girl I liked… really liked… but she left. Or I let
                          her leave. I should have made it work, but
                          sometimes, it’s easier just to let things fall apart.
Renee Whaley: I slept with Dean.
                          And now I see you, and I see my family. And all I can
                          see is what I lost.
Kelly Severide: Sometimes a view is just a view.
Renee Whaley: [chuckles]
Kelly Severide: I’ve missed you.
Renee Whaley: I figured you hated me.
Kelly Severide: Oh I did.
                          But not anymore.
                                        [engine revving]
                                          [door closes]
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                                        [car door closes]
                                          [engine starts]
                                                - end -
Skirt-chasing = A man with amorous intentions who habitually seeks our female companionship
Lightweight truss construction = Consists of top and bottom members that run parallel. These are referred to as chords and are made of wood. These chords are cross – connected for support by wood that forms a web like pattern. The wood members are connected together with a fastener made of stamped sheet metal containing spikes
Hep-B = Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by a virus that’s spread through blood and body fluids. It often does not cause any obvious symptoms in adults, and typically passes in a few months without treatment. But in children, it often persists for years and may eventually cause serious liver damage
Hep-C = Hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) that primarily affects the liver; it is a type of viral hepatitis. During the initial infection, people often have mild or no symptoms. Occasionally, a fever, dark urine, abdominal pain and yellow tinged skin occurs. Hepatitis C can usually be treated with antiviral medicines. These need to be taken for several weeks. You can catch Hepatitis C from contact with blood of an infected person, such as sharing needles. It’s very rare to catch it from having sex.
Interferon therapy = It is a possible treatment for a number of different types of cancer. It is also used to treat conditions other than cancer including Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that damages the cells in your immune system and weakens your ability to fight everyday infections and disease. HIV can be transmitted from 1 person to another. There’s currently no cure for HIV, but there are very effective drug treatments that enable most people with the virus to live a long and healthy life.
Codicil = An addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or part of one.
Ammonium nitrate = Is a chemical compound with the chemical formula NH4NO3. It is a white crystalline solid consisting of ammonium and nitrate. It is highly soluble in water and hygroscopic as a solid, although it does not form hydrates. It is predominantly used in agriculture as a high-nitrogen fertiliser. Ammonium nitrate, which is used in fertilisers and bomb making, is a salt made from ammonium and nitric acid, and is highly explosive. The more ammonium nitrate, the bigger its explosive capacity. Once a reaction is sparked, ammonium nitrate explodes violently.
PO = Probation officer
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lowenthalabrams · 4 years
Lowenthal and Abrams is a Personal injury law firm. We specialize in medical malpractice and workers' compensation along with other personal injuries in Philadelphia and the tri-state area. We give free consolation and will fight for you to get the justice you deserve.
Business Name: Lowenthal & Abrams, PC Injury Attorneys
Address: 555 E City Ave Suite 500, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004, USA
Phone: 610-667-7511
Services: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury Lawyer, Birth Injury, Car Crashes, Dog Bites, Nursing Home Abuse, Product Liability, Slip and Fall, Spinal Cord Injuries, Social Security Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury / TBI, Workers’ Compensation, Wrongful Death.
Business hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 AM–5 PM, Saturday and Sunday Closed
Payment methods: Cash, CC, Billing
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lowenthalabramspc · 4 years
Lowenthal & Abrams, PC
Lowenthal and Abrams are the top personal injury lawyers and attorneys in Philadelphia and have been winning cases for over 40 years. We are tried and true in our ability to win cases that resulted in millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts. We take our time and due diligence in searching for the right answers and the correct justice for you. We are sure to go over the top for our clients, so they don't have to. If you are a loved one have been hurt or seriously injured in an accident resulting in hospitalization, we are here to help you. Our attorneys, lawyers, and paralegals work around the clock to get you the compensation that you deserve for your injury. We tackle Philadelphia medical malpractice cases, worker’s compensation, auto accident, and much more personal injury cases. It can be difficult finding an attorney and a lawyer for a case after you've been hurt. This is why, at our law firm, we listen and talk with you about the incident. Lowenthal and Abrams is a law firm based on justice and doing right by our clients. 
We are passionate and dedicated to getting you the best results you need and you want. We understand you may be in pain and discomfort, so are hands with you every step of the way. Going through an injury or being hurt is never an easy time for anyone, which is why we look at our clients like family and want to do right by them. Our lawyers and attorneys are ready to fight for you If you have been at hurt work or on the job, our Philadelphia worker compensation lawyers and attorneys will make sure you are compensated for your injury. Lawyer and attorney fees can be very expensive, but at Lowenthal and Abrams, we are based on contingency so we don't get paid until you do. If you are ready for Philadelphia attorneys and lawyers to help, you can contact us today for your free consultation, and we will take care of the work for you. If you are looking for a law firm that you wanna trust, and network ever sent you and do their best then we are the firm for you.
Business Name: Lowenthal & Abrams, PC
Address: 1800 John F Kennedy Blvd #300, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA
Phone: (215) 238-1130
Services: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury Lawyer, Birth Injury, Car Crashes, Dog Bites, Nursing Home Abuse, Product Liability, Slip and Fall, Spinal Cord Injuries, Social Security Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury / TBI, Workers’ Compensation, Wrongful Death.
Business hours: Monday to Friday 8AM–6PM, Saturday and Sunday Closed
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Cheap Jerseys china Featuring a flesh coloured strip around the pelvic area, the Colombian women's kit gives the impression that those wearing it could be naked.But it seems the South American country has form for near the knuckle kit as this men's cycling team's outfit from 2010 shows.The female kit has caused controversy in the cycling world, with former British Olympic cycling champion Nicole Cooke saying: "This has turned the sport into a joke. Girls stand up for yourselves say no."And former President of British Cycling and current President of the Union Cycliste Internationale, Brian Cookson, has branded the outfit "unacceptable."He tweeted: "To the many who have raised the issue of a certain women's team kit, we are on the case. It is unacceptable by any standard of decency."Rolf HarrisRolf Harris has spent more than 6million on lawyers and private detectives to clear his name, an alleged victim claimsKaren Gardner, who gave evidence at both trials, has accused the disgraced entertainer of employing investigators to undermine her claimsBrexitNow leavers have got what they want they no longer need UKIP and they're leaving the party in drovesDaily Mirror's Rachael Bletchly visits town of Boston, the most pro Brexit place in Britain, where the tide has started to turnSummer transfer windowTransfer news LIVE: Liverpool end interest in Virgil van Dijk, plus latest on Kylian Mbappe, Hector Bellerin and every dealThe summer sales are on the way as clubs look forward to a busy few months.
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thecovidiaries · 4 years
Day 1
Yeah, instead of being clever, I figured to just label with days because knowing me, I would spend too much time on a title and then never actually getting to the content. So, there you go. 
Hi, everyone, my name is Meredith and I’m an alcoh-- I mean.. (The Office reference for any of you “men of culture.”)
Yes, I talk with a million references and some will be obvious, and some will be very sly. In any case, let the show begin. 
I am no one special. Just your average hoo-man stuck quarantined like the rest of the world. I am sure one of these days there will actually be a TV show about the pandemic, but not for a good 20 years after it’s all calmed down. You did hear that right. We’re in the midst of a quarantine for anyone literally living under a rock -- I am talking to you Jared Leto. 
COVID-19, otherwise known as the corona virus disease or colloquially corona or the ‘rona™, is a nasty little coronavirus with symptoms characteristic of the flu, common cold, or allergies, but much, much deadlier. It is approximated to be the flu on steroids by like 10 times so you would definitely know if you got it... after awhile. It could take up to 14 days for you to show any symptoms so while Karen could be out at Walmart hoarding toilet paper (yes, that happened rock dweller), she could be spreading the virus to each and every Joe and Jane also stockpiling for the apocalypse taking the virus with them to their underground bunker. This virus originated in Wuhan, China, thanks to eating bats once again and has spread to each of every 192 countries and 6 continents. 
Thus, Antarctica is our sanctuary so we, the human race, moved there. Kidding! Really though, much of the world has shut down leaving mutant gorillas to take over lands and claiming this civilization as their own. Okay, this one is real I promise. Stock markets have been bearish, pollution has decreased, and Earth’s vibrations have quieted down. It’s crazy times we are living in. 
The United States is oh so #winning as always leading in number of cases and deaths. This upper respiratory sickness is easily spread, some arguing now that we should all wear masks, and thus containing it has been all but impossible. Hospitals are running out of PPE and ventilators, people are dying, and no one truly knows whether or not we’re going to make it. Therefore, we seriously are quarantined until some future Nobel [insert category here] winner discovers the first vaccine and/or treatment. Where’s House when we need him? Oh, right. He jumped on his motorcycle riding into the sunset. 
Anyways, so here we are. I feel like I just told you the Olaf version of a pandemic. What a world! You might now ask yourself, “So what is the purpose of this blog?” First and foremost, this is not a CDC-affiliated, approved, or recommended blog! If you want serious information, check here. 
This blog is also not affiliated with any government, healthcare provider, or even healthcare insurance. I am not a physician, nurse, therapist, pharmacist, laboratory technician, dentist, phlebotomist, veterinarian, occupational health and safety specialist, optometrist, psychiatrist, psychologist, massage therapist, dietitian, anesthesiologist, chiropractor, podiatrist, obstetrician, speech-language pathologist, MD, DO, PT, PA, RN, CNA, OBG-YN, or any other kind of medical professional you can even loosely affiliate with! 
I am not even another type of essential worker like police, firemen, EMTs, firemen, cooks, grocers, trash collection, custodians, reliability engineers, medical manufacturers, scientists, lawyers, social workers, nursing home staff, steel mill workers or any other essential worker who is potentially exposing themselves to a dangerous world. I am simply a self-isolating individual like many of you. To those who are on the front lines though, I love you and appreciate you. 
This blog is simply a written version of my thoughts, and feelings... gross. There you go again, hiding vulnerability behind a mask of humor and sarcasm! I love me. Seriously though, I am writing this just for kicks, and if someone even just one person, can take away a smile from this, then I know that it has been worth it. 
That’s all for now! Who knows, April has just begun. I am anticipating this month’s disaster to be either the Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake or Yellowstone volcano. The US could seriously be in for it. Okay, bye! 
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BUSINESS NAME : Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Pittsburgh
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myonechicagoworld · 4 years
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Hallie Thomas: Hello? 
Matt Casey: Just checking in.
Hallie Thomas: I’m fine…
                          Really… I should be checking on you.
Matt Casey: Not a care in the world.
                      Turn here.
Hallie Thomas: Some gang cop breaks into our cars, and you  
                           don’t have a care in the world?
Matt Casey: That’s right. Just another day. 
Hallie Thomas: I want it noted for the record that I don’t believe a  
                          word you’re saying.
Matt Casey: Good thing you’re a doctor and not a lawyer, because 
                      I’m just gonna let this blow over. Call you later.
                      I’ll just be a minute.
Peter Mills: Lieutenant.
                                        [truck door shuts]
Lady 1 (lady on the phone): Sir, um, you can’t go in there. Sir?
                                      [door swings open]
Hank Voight: Listen, I have a visitor. I’ll get back to you.
                                         [receiver clicks]
Matt Casey: Stay away from me.
Hank Voight: Excuse me?
Matt Casey: I’m telling you to back off. 
                     I’m telling you and whatever garbage you have   
                     working under you to stay the hell away from 
Hank Voight: Sir, I don’t know what this department did to…
Matt Casey: I mean it. 
Hank Voight: Get your ass out of my office before I throw you  
                       through that window.
Matt Casey: The threats don’t work, Voight. 
                      I’m not some scared banger begging for a look the  
                      other way. Know this…I’m not retracting my 
                      statement. Ever.
                      What, you all afraid of this guy? Huh?
                      Someone tell me why.
Hank Voight: Alright, come on, get back to work. Show’s over.
(Over radio): Truck 81. Factory accident, Ogden and Ash.
                                            [engine starts]
Matt Casey: Drive.
                                          [truck door shuts]
Man 1: He’s over here.
             Move out of the way. Move! Move!
Kelly Severide: How we doing?
Victim 1: [panting] I just need some help getting it out.
Kelly Severide: Okay, well, just stay with us.
Christopher Herrmann: The power’s off, it’s locked out. Holy cow.
Mouch: Bone saw.
Gabby Dawson: What do we got?
Leslie Shay: Excuse me.
Kelly Severide: Trapped arm,
Gabby Dawson: How are you feeling?
Victim 1: Not so good to tell you the truth.
Gabby Dawson: [whispers] That’s a lot of blood.
                            What’s your name, hun?
Victim 1: [clears throat] Garrett.
Gabby Dawson: Garrett, how long you been stuck, hun?
Victim 1 (Garrett): [groans & whimpers] I don’t know.
Gabby Dawson: [yelling] How long’s he been stuck?
Man 1: Going on 15.
Victim 1 (Garrett): [groans]
Firefighter: Here it is.
Leslie Shay: There we go.
Gabby Dawson: Okay, we gotta get him out now.
Kelly Severide: Alright, I loosen it up a little bit.
Victim 1 (Garrett): Good. 
Gabby Dawson: Garrett, we’re just gonna put some morphine in  
                            alright? Give us a minute.
Leslie Shay: You good?
Firefighter: Mmhmm. 
Leslie Shay: Alright sweetie, I gave you some morphine. You 
                     should feel better soon, okay?
Gabby Dawson: Garrett, we’re gonna try to ease your arm out now, 
Victim 1 (Garrett): [whimpering]
Gabby Dawson: Here we go. One…Two…three.
Victim 1 (Garrett): [screams] No! Stop! I can’t! I can’t!
                                           - Title Screen -
Matt Casey: Gear segments come right off. 
Hadley: What do you need?
Matt Casey: Wait. If we get the gears off, we can separate the  
                      casing and travel with it. We need power drills, 
                      ¼ inch hex, an Allen key. 
Capp: Excuse me, Sir.
Matt Casey: Mills, do the gears.
Capp: Here you go, Lieutenant.
Gabby Dawson: Okay?
Victim 1 (Garrett): [grunting]
Kelly Severide: Let me in.
Peter Mills: Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it.
Matt Casey: Okay.
Victim 1 (Garrett): God!
Matt Casey: Come on.
                                           [drill buzzes]
Victim 1 (Garrett): [groaning]
Kelly Severide: Watch out, buddy.
                          Come on, Mills.
                          Support it, support it.
Gabby Dawson: Ready? Gurney’s coming in, guys.
Kelly Severide: Okay.
Hadley: Back up, back up, back up.
Leslie Shay: Behind you.
Peter Mills: Clear?
Firefighter: We’re clear.
Matt Casey: Okay.
Gabby Dawson: You good?
Matt Casey: Take it.
Hadley: Got it.
Victim 1 (Garrett): [screams] Oh God!
Kelly Severide: Watch it, watch it.
Firefighter: Got it, got it.
Leslie Shay: Sit down, sweetie. Sit down. Sit down. 
Kelly Severide: Do his legs. Do his legs.
Peter Mills: Just lay down. Lay down.
Victim 1 (Garrett): [groans]
Gabby Dawson: Alright, let’s get him out of here.
Leslie Shay: Casey, Severide, we need you guys. We gotta get this 
                     rig off.
Matt Casey: Yeah.
                                          [train horn blaring]
Victim 1 (Garrett): [groans]
Gabby Dawson: Grab the I.V., set it to 5 millilitres drip.
                            We need 4x4s to stop this bleeding and call  
                            Lakeshore and tell them…[continues 
Matt Casey: Ugh.
Kelly Severide: You all right?
Matt Casey: I didn’t sleep well.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, let’s go.
                                             [sirens wailing]
Leslie Shay: Possible crush syndrome, gave four of morphine,   
                     heart rate 130, his BP 110  palp, 2 litres of saline.
Victim 1 (Garrett): Call my boss, tell him…tell him that I’ll be there 
                               tomorrow, so don’t worry about… covering my 
Kelly Severide: Dude really loves his job.
Gabby Dawson: Ready on three.
                            One, two, three.
Victim 1 (Garrett): [screams] Oh, God!
Nurse 1: He’s out. 
Hallie Thomas: Tourniquet’s on. 
                           And we’re ready here.
Matt Casey: Alright, let’s get this thing off.
                     Okay. This piece should just slide out.
                     Here. Ready?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Matt Casey: Thank you.
Hallie Thomas: Ease his arm.
Matt Casey: There’s two pieces.
Kelly Severide: I’ll grab it. I got it.
Hallie Thomas: Type and cross four units stat. I need  
                           compression. Get him to O.R. five. 
                           Go, go, go.
                           What a way to start the day.
Matt Casey: Not exactly.
Kelly Severide: Good to see you, Hallie.
Hallie Thomas: You too.
            ��              Well?
Matt Casey: Went to the CPD this morning; talked to Voight.
Hallie Thomas: You two talked it out?
Matt Casey: No.
                     I yelled.
Leslie Shay: Hey.
Kelly Severide: Hey.
                          Don’t suppose you could point me towards the  
                          Toradol? I might have twisted my shoulder again.
Leslie Shay: You’re dreaming.
Kelly Severide: Alright, don’t point. Just look toward it. I’ll do the 
Leslie Shay: Ugh.
                     [grunts in frustration]
Hallie Thomas: You don’t have to do it yourself.
Matt Casey: Then who else is gonna do it?
Hallie Thomas: The system…[continues indistinctly]
Leslie Shay: We ready?
Hallie Thomas: I want you to come home to me, Matt.
Gabby Dawson: Whatever.
Mouch: So wait, this bioactive refreshment can only be found on   
              what, Chebeague Island?
Christopher Herrmann: No, genius, it starts there in a natural  
                                        spring. They infuse it with the protein  
                                        and enzymes after in a laboratory. 
                                        Listen, all I know is this kid that I grew up  
                                        with is making a mint hocking this stuff.  
                                        You should see his status reports on 
                                        Facebook or whatnot. 
Otis Zvonecek: I’m sure he’s got a brand new Mercedes and a hot 
Christopher Herrmann: Something like that.
Chief Boden: Hey, where’s Casey?
Christopher Herrmann: Guy got his arm buried in a machine,   
                                        so he went with Shay and Dawson to 
                                        the hospital to unbury it.
Chief Boden: You guys know anything about a visit to the CPD 
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah, we made a stop coming back from Caldwell, 
                           said he needed to talk to somebody.
Chief Boden: Okay.
Otis Zvonecek: [gulping] That’s pretty good, actually. 
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, sells itself.
                                         I got plenty more, guys. Drink up.
                                            [water running]
Kelly Severide: You were good under there…with that machine.
Matt Casey: Thanks.
Mouch: Dawson.
              A little thank you from the paramedics regulatory board for 
              saving the Madeline girl last month. That’s your copy.
Gabby Dawson: Unbelievable. 
                            [exhales] “This serves as an acknowledgement   
                            that you have read and understood why this 
                            written reprimand was issued.”
Leslie Shay: Dawson, I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. You did the  
                     right thing, you know that. That girl would have died.
Mouch: Hey, it’s barely a slap on the wrist.
              I know Carla over there. I’ll make sure this goes right into  
              her circular file.
Gabby Dawson: Thanks, Mouch.
                            Oh, chives in the eggs. My day is getting better 
Peter Mills: Thank you. Look.
Gabby Dawson: Hot sauce? Ugh, sorry.
Peter Mills: Lieutenant Casey, you eating?
Matt Casey: No.
Peter Mills: Okay.
Chief Boden: Casey, come with me.
Chief Grogan: The allegations are unfounded.
Chief Boden: Unfounded? I’m sorry, Chief Grogan, this has got 
                        Voight’s name written all over it.
Chief Grogan: There are no witnesses that Detective Voight was  
                         anywhere but on the job Halloween night.
                         Do you know how many tires got slashed that day?
Chief Boden: 15 years he worked gang unit. You don’t think he’s 
                        got a few locals who can do his dirty work?
Chief Grogan: And that is exactly why we have Internal Affairs and 
                        the A.S.A.’s office investigating. But I gotta tell you, 
                        without a direct link, what do you suggest we do, 
                        Chief Boden?
Chief Boden: I suggest you handle your precinct.
Chief Grogan: Wait just a damn minute.
Chief Boden: My Lieutenant and his fiancée are being harassed.  
                       Don’t you tell me to wait.
Matt Casey: Forget it, Chief. CPD isn’t gonna help. 
                     I’ll do it my own way.
Chief Boden: Casey, no. 
Matt Casey: Give me a better alternative.
Antonio Dawson: I’ll be the primary.
                              I.A., A.S.A., they got fish frying all over the city. 
                              I’ll take the lead on this. 
Chief Grogan: That’s fine by me.
                         We good here?
Chief Boden: Yeah, we’re good.
                               [phone unlocks, keypad beeping]
Kelly Severide: [grunts] Anna, hey, it’s Kelly Severide. Sorry I  
                           haven’t called you back sooner. I changed 
                           cell phone numbers, and it was a big hassle. 
                           Anyway, look forward to hearing from you. 
                           Um, give me a call back when you have a 
                                               [phone locks]
Kelly Severide: [exhales and inhales sharply]
                                    [alarm sounds, PA buzzes]
Kelly Severide: [sighs]
(Over PA): Squad 3, Truck 94. Construction accident, 6248 South 
                                 [sirens wailing, horns honking]
Victim 2: [screams] Help! 
Victim 3: I can’t hold him!
Victim 2: Hurry! Help me! 
Victim 3: He’s slipping!
Victim 2: I can’t hold out! Help!
Kelly Severide: I’ll need your aerial on the other side of the church. 
                          Do the best you can, we’ll do the rest. 
                          Let’s gear up.
Victim 3: I can’t hold it!
Kelly Severide: Vargas, when they lock it down, have the rope bag   
                           at the ladder ready to go.
Jose Vargas: Got it.
Kelly Severide: Get that truck over there! Let’s go!
                                             [horn blaring]
Victim 3: I can’t…I can’t hold him.
Victim 2: Help! Please!
                                   [chatter on emergency radio]
Kelly Severide: Talk to me.
Victim 3: He’s slipping.
Victim 2: I’m loose!
Kelly Severide: Try to stay still. 
Victim 2 & 3: [whimpering & grunting] Hurry!
Kelly Severide: Coming to you. You hold tight now.
Victim 3: I can’t – I can’t hold him!
Victim 2: Help! Please! 
                                     [indistinct chatter on radio]
Kelly Severide: Alright, hang on me.
Victim 2: I-I can’t move.
Kelly Severide: Can you reach out with your other arm?
Victim 2: I can’t move it, no.
Victim 3: It’s my fault.
Kelly Severide: It’s alright. Just be calm, okay. We’re gonna get  
                          both of you down.
Victim 2 & 3: [whimpering]
Capp: This blue line’s for you. Gonna hook you up, take you down 
Hadley: Line secure!
Kelly Severide: Okay, you can let go of him, we’ve got it.
Victim 2: [grunting]
Capp: No need to push off. Small steps.
           Here we go.
Kelly Severide: Keep it steady up there, Hadley.
Victim 3: He told me not to walk along the top, and I didn’t listen. 
Kelly Severide: What’s your name?
Victim 3: It’s Ty.
Kelly Severide: All right. Well, hold on, Ty.
Victim 3 (Ty): No, don’t, don’t, don’t! My leg! My leg!
Capp: All the way to the pavement. You’ve got it. 
Kelly Severide: Give me your hand.
Hadley: Kelly!
Victim 3 (Ty): [screams] Ahh!
Kelly Severide: Hey, hang on!
                          Hadley, get that rope up here!
Capp: Doing great, doing great.
           (over radio) All clear. Pick it up.
Kelly Severide: Hang on.    
Victim 3 (Ty): [groaning] 
Kelly Severide: Aah! 
                          [groans] Aah!
                          Ty, reach up. In my right leg pocket, there’s a knife. 
Victim 3 (Ty): I can’t.
Kelly Severide: Ty.
                           Hey, listen to me. You have to. Gotta lose that  
                           extra weight.
Victim 3 (Ty): [groaning]
                      Come on.
Kelly Severide: Cut the line.
                          Watch out below!
Kelly Severide: [grunts]
Victim 3 (Ty): [groans]
Kelly Severide: Ty, grab the line. Clamp it to your harness.
Victim 3 (Ty): I got it, I got it, I got it.
Kelly Severide: [yells] Okay, Hadley.
                           Ty, just slow now the rest of the way, alright?
Hadley: [grunting]
Tony & Capp: I got ya, I got ya.
Victim 3 (Ty): Ah, ah.
Kelly Severide: [silently groaning]
                                             [sirens wailing]
Kelly Severide: [breathing heavily & grunting]
Jose Vargas: Hey Lieutenant, just so you know, I’ve completed all 
                       the descent rescue training. 
Kelly Severide: When I think you’re ready, you’ll be the first to know.
Jose Vargas: Right, I just didn’t want you to waste… 
Kelly Severide: Hey!
Jose Vargas: All your resources.
Kelly Severide: Let it go. I’ve got other things to worry about 
                          besides your career track.
Jose Vargas: [sighs]
Phone Operator: Please leave a message after the tone.
Kelly Severide: Hey, Anna, it’s Kelly again.
                          Listen, I really need you to call me back. If I don’t 
                          answer, you can just leave me a message. I’ll get 
                          back to you. Thanks.
                                              [water running]
Christopher Herrmann: Red carpet treatment. I like it.
Cindy Herrmann: Mmhmm.
                                            [car door shuts]
Cindy Herrmann: My dad wants to know when he can put his  
                              snow blower back in the garage.
Christopher Herrmann: Oh, yeah?
Cindy Herrmann: Mmhmm.
Christopher Herrmann: Mm. 
Cindy Herrmann: Mm.
                                               [kissing sound]
Christopher Herrmann: We’ll be running through that water faster  
                                         than a blizzard in December. Trust me.
Cindy Herrmann: Just don’t put too much pressure on this idea, 
                              We’ll be okay.
Christopher Herrmann: We’re getting a house, Cindy. The kids  
                                         need their own space. We need our 
                                         own space, hmm?
Cindy Herrmann: Mmhmm.
                                             [kissing sound]
Christopher Herrmann: Tell your dad to sell that metal lathe.  
                                         There’ll be plenty of room in there.
Cindy Herrmann: Don’t even mention the lathe.
Christopher Herrmann: Your mom uses it as a drying rack. 
Cindy Herrmann: Don’t.
                                           [car door shuts]
Christopher Herrmann: Anyone home?
Cindy Herrmann: No.
Christopher Herrmann: [growls]
Cindy Herrmann: Oh! [laughs]
Christopher Herrmann: Get over here!
                                          [door slamming]
Matt Casey: [grunting]
Masked Men: [grunting & groaning]
Matt Casey: [grunting]
Hallie Thomas: No cracked ribs. You’re next in line for the CT scan.
                          Will you sit up for me?
Matt Casey: Yeah [groaning] 
Hallie Thomas: I need you to take some deep breaths, okay?
Matt Casey: Okay [breathes deeply]
Hallie Thomas: Again.
Matt Casey: [breathes deeply, raggedly] [groans]
Hallie Thomas: It sounds clear. That’s good.
                          You can lay back.
Matt Casey: [whimpers]
Chief Boden: Casey, how are you?
Antonio Dawson: So, no faces for these guys? Markings? Anything
Matt Casey: One of them had a tattoo. Forearm.
Antonio Dawson: Left? Right?
Matt Casey: Left. 
                      Oh, God, maybe right.
Antonio Dawson: Think.
Matt Casey: I am thinking!
Antonio Dawson: [sighs] All right. All right, rest for a few.
Chief Boden: Matt. Matt! Believe me, I know what you’re going  
                       through, and I know what you’re thinking but we 
                       are gonna figure out how to do this the right way. 
                       Do you hear me? 
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Okay.
                       Okay, talk to me. What are you gonna do? 
Antonio Dawson: For starters, we gotta identify at least one of the 
Christopher Herrmann: Doesn’t matter. It was that Detective  
                                         yanking those kids’ strings. 
Antonio Dawson: I’m sure it was. But if I can’t connect the hitters  
                              to Voight, and Voight knows this better than  
                              anyone, we don’t have a thing.
Peter Mills: What can we do now, Chief?
Mouch: Well, I’ll tell you what I’d do. Grab a halligan and ring that  
              son of a bitch’s doorbell.
Chief Boden: You guys, keep your eyes forward, and you stay out  
                       of it. Support your Lieutenant. Have his back, that’s it.
Hallie Thomas: Think the Chief’s right. 
Matt Casey: I am not gonna sit back and take it. 
Hallie Thomas: I’m not saying that you should. But you make one  
            ��             wrong decision, and suddenly you’re the bad guy,  
                          and that’s exactly what he wants. 
Matt Casey: [ragged breathing]
Hallie Thomas: Promise me you’ll be careful. Promise.
Matt Casey: I promise.
                                            [kissing sound]
                                           [razor buzzing]
                                            [door chimes]
Chief Boden: Oh my god, how long’s the wait?
Terrance: [chuckles] What? Did I screw up that do of yours?
Chief Boden: No more than you usually do.
Terrance: Oh, [laughs] now you’re just begging for a long wait. 
Chief Boden: [laughs] 
                       Can I see you for a minute?
                                        [razor stops buzzing]
Terrance: Be right back, DJ.
Chief Boden: I got me a problem with a cop. White cop.
Terrance: Not the first time I’ve heard that complaint around here.
Chief Boden: He’s a dirty cop, Terrance. I need me someone who’ll  
                       wear a wire.
Terrance: Dirty white cop.
                 I’m into it.
Kelly Severide: Hey. 
                                             [kissing sound]
Anna: I about died when your name came up on my phone.
Kelly Severide: Yeah? Well, I’m glad you didn’t.
Anna: Are you still fighting fires?
Kelly Severide: Yeah, most of the time.
Anna: We were good together. Am I right?
Kelly Severide: Yeah, sure. We had our moments. For a while.
Anna: The coat room at the Drake.
Kelly Severide: Definitely a moment.
                           I have a favour to ask you, Anna.
Anna: I knew there was gonna be a catch.
           I’m staying at the Peninsula. Conference B.S. for the next
           three days. Pick a night, and ask me for your favour then.
Christopher Herrmann: [sighs]
Otis Zvonecek: What’s up, Herrmann?
Christopher Herrmann: Nada.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah? You look like your dog just died.
Christopher Herrmann: That’s just insensitive.
                                         Alright, look, it’s just when I…
                                         Hey, Lieutenant.
Mouch: You should take a few more days, Casey. Well within your 
Matt Casey: Eh, I’d just be staring at the ceiling. I’m going to look  
                     at mugshots.
Antonio Dawson: Speaking of, where do you wanna do this?
                              The guys who assaulted you have a record, 
                               guaranteed. Means they’ve been processed,  
                               and we have those tats on file. See if you can 
                               recall one of those.
Matt Casey: [grunts]
Gabby Dawson: Oh, sorry to interrupt. I’m just grabbing my stuff.
                            [whispers] Hey, any progress?
Antonio Dawson: We’ll get there. Unless you got a magic wand on 
GabbyDawson: [laughs]
                                                 [phone rings]
Matt Casey: I gotta…[grunts] I gotta take it.
Hallie Thomas: I, um, I’m just holding to our agreement.  
                          I’m checking in with you. You okay?
Matt Casey: Just looking at photographs of tattoos. 
Hallie Thomas: You never know.
Matt Casey: That’s right. 
Hallie Thomas: I love you.
Matt Casey: I love you too.
Gabby Dawson: [sighs]
Hallie Thomas: Do this the right way, or I may have to come down 
Matt Casey: [chuckles] 
                      So maybe the right way isn’t so right.
Hallie Thomas: Maybe not.
                                   [alarm sounds, PA buzzes]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61, head injury. Northwest corner of Hyde 
Gabby Dawson: Gotta go.
Antonio Dawson: Go get ‘em.
Gabby Dawson: Mmhmm.
Leslie Shay: What’s his name?
Teen 1: What the hell difference does it make? His name’s Vince. 
             Fix him.
Leslie Shay: Vince, can you hear me?
                      All right, if you can hear me, don’t move, blink twice.
Gabby Dawson: C-collar.
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Teen 1: How long are you gonna leave him lying there? Get him in  
             the damn ambulance already!
Gabby Dawson: What happened?
Teen 1: We rode it off down this ramp, we flipped, he hit first.
Gabby Dawson: You on something, huh? What are you on? 
Teen 1: You need to shut up. Fix him, not me.
Gabby Dawson: Come on.
                            Here we go. On three. One, two, three.
Gabby Dawson: We’ll see you at the hospital. Lakeshore.
Teen 1: I’m going with him.
Gabby Dawson: No you’re not. 
Teen 1: This ain’t up to you lady.
Gabby Dawson: On behalf of the Paramedics Association of 
                            America, I offer my sincerest apologies for  
                            the forceful actions I exhibited here today.
                                                 [engine starts]
                                           [onlookers laughing]
                                                [sirens blares]
Anna: My God I missed that.
           [exhales deeply]
Kelly Severide: I need a favour, Anna.
Anna: Can we just order a little room service first?
Kelly Severide: You asked me to meet you here, and I did.
Anna: Fine, go ahead. You want a favour, let’s hear it.
Kelly Severide: I need something…okay? Something strong.
Gabby Dawson: Ah! Whoo.
Peter Mills: What is that?
Gabby Dawson: This is my leftovers. Chicken mac and cheese. 
                            Whoa! Hey! 
Peter Mills: No, no, no. That smell, I can’t be held responsible. 
Gabby Dawson: [scoffs]
Peter Mills: Where’d you get this?
Gabby Dawson: Oh, screw you, Mills. I made it.
Peter Mills: Okay, well, name the ingredients.
Gabby Dawson: [laughs] I’m not gonna tell you that. It’s handed  
                            down from my grandmother – hey! It’s a secret.
Peter Mills: I will figure it out. 
Gabby Dawson: Many have tried, young Peter Mills. All have failed.
Peter Mills: Come on! Let me get one more bite at least.
Christopher Herrmann: (on phone) What? Wha…you accepted the 
                                        No, it-it’s okay. Just don’t open any of
                                        them. I’ll deal with it when I get back. 
                                        Thank you.
                                        In-laws are single-handedly cutting my life  
                                        expectancy in half.
Otis Zvonecek: What is going on with you?
Christopher Herrmann: [sighs] Just hanging on for dear life.
Otis Zvonecek: Spill it.
Christopher Herrmann: I have cases of this damned energy water  
                                         sitting in my in-laws’ garage, and I’m 
                                         never gonna be able to off-load. I’m in for 
                                         a grand already, and they just keep 
                                         coming. They call it multi-level marketing, 
                                         but it’s a pyramid scheme. 
                                         And I don’t know what I’m gonna tell 
Otis Zvonecek: So return it.
Christopher Herrmann: It’s non-refundable.
Otis Zvonecek: Non-refundable is a word made up by lawyers.
Christopher Herrmann: I signed a contract.
Otis Zvonecek: Give me the number.
Gabby Dawson: That is absurd!
                            Well, then, fine. I guess you’ll know where to find 
                            On the job!
Leslie Shay: What was all that about?
Gabby Dawson: That frat kid, he filed a complaint with the city.
Leslie Shay: Oh, the kid’s just embarrassed. No way he’ll ever  
                     follow through on that.
Gabby Dawson: Well, he just did, Shay.
Leslie Shay: Well, that’s ridiculous, and screw them.
                      You know I would have done the same thing.
Gabby Dawson: Well, you didn’t. I did.
                            And…that makes two, for everyone keeping score.
                            County said that they could suspend me this time.
                                [alarm sounds, PA buzzes]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61, Altered mental status. West Madison 
Chief Boden: Dawson, I rerouted that call to 34. 
                       Dawson, I need to see you.
                       Come on.
Gabby Dawson: Reckless infliction of emotional distress? Are you 
                            kidding me?
Chief Hatcher: You have a bit of a track record lately, wouldn’t you 
Mouch: Apples and oranges. 
Gabby Dawson: Except both involve me saving a life; which I did.
Chief Hatcher: Both involve violations in a very short time span. 
Mouch: But…
Gabby Dawson: That…
Mouch: This isn’t enough to warrant suspension, Chief. No way.
Chief Hatcher: Well, be ready for the possibility. And be absolutely  
                          certain that your memory of the event is accurate to 
                          the best of your knowledge. 
Gabby Dawson: Like what? That I kicked the belligerent jackass  
                            with one foot or two?
Chief Boden: Is there a date set for this hearing?
Chief Hatcher: Not at the moment.
Mouch: There won’t be one, Chief. This will be a written warning  
               just like the other. One call.
                                               [phone rings]
Chief Boden: Well, whatever you need to do. You take care of this.
Gabby Dawson: [sighs]
Mouch: [whispers] It’s fine.
Chief Boden: I have someone. 
                       I know a guy who lives in Voight’s neighbourhood   
                       who knows a kid who’s willing to wear a wire.   
                       We’re gonna meet him at the end of the shift.
                                               [siren wails]
                                     [indistinct radio chatter]
                                           [car door shuts]
Hank Voight: Evening, ma’am. Got you rolling through a stop back 
Hallie Thomas: What stop?
Hank Voight: I can let it go with a warning this time. 
                      Just do me a favour. Talk some sense into your man. 
Hallie Thomas: Excuse me?
Hank Voight: I’d really hate to see things get uglier than they 
                      already are.
                      Thank you, Hallie. Have a good night.
Chief Boden: So what’s the process here? 
Antonio Dawson: If the kid’s willing to go on tape, we’ll set up a 
                                              [phone rings]
Matt Casey: Hey baby. 
                     What’s wrong? Everything all right?
                     I get it. Just why didn’t you call me last night when it 
                                            [car door shuts]
Otis Zvonecek: Manager.
Leslie Shay: Come on, let’s get out of here.
                      Where do you…where do you wanna go? Someplace  
                       loud? We can go to Jenson’s? They have good 
                       music. Wanna go someplace quiet, get coffee?   
                       Library maybe? Want to peruse a novel or flip  
                       through some microfilm? [chuckles] Do they 
                       even make microfilm anymore?
Gabby Dawson: I think I already have a plan.
Leslie Shay: Yeah? What?
Gabby Dawson: I’m gonna cook.
Otis Zvonecek: (sighs) Well, the terms of the note are 
                           Why, yes, I am an attorney. Are you?
Christopher Herrmann: [whispers] No…[continues indistinctly]
Otis Zvonecek: Oh, you’re in marketing. Perfect. So you should  
                           know that the basic premise of a pyramid 
                           scheme was found to be illegal in accordance 
                           with the case of Landers versus Holcroft 1985. 
Christopher Herrmann: [mouthing] Stop it…
Otis Zvonecek: And so, if you are illegally refusing my client’s rights 
                          on page one, trust me, [chuckles] it’s not getting  
                          any better on pages 10, 11, or 12, guaranteed.
                          I-I-I do this for a living, sir. All it’s gonna cost me   
                          are the filing fees.
                          That’s right. Small claims, better business bureau.  
                          I can turn this into a real, three-ring circus and not 
                          lose a minute of sleep. 
Christopher Herrmann: [mouthing] Don’t. Stop it.
Otis Zvonecek: I am gonna drain your pockets of 10 grand so fast,  
                          all the fake energy water in the world won’t 
                         rehydrate them.
Christopher Herrmann: [sighs]
Otis Zvonecek: Uh, huh. Yes. 
                           Overnight it, please. 
                           They wanna know where to send the refund.
                            Non-refundable [chuckles]
Christopher Herrmann: Hello? Yeah.
Kelly Severide: You seen Vargas?
Hadley: Yeah, he’s heading in. Oh hey, you got a phone call a few  
              minutes ago, by the way. Some woman, name was Anna?
Kelly Severide: Oh, okay, thanks.
                          Hey Vargas, grab your rappelling gear.
Jose Vargas: What? Shift’s ending.
Kelly Severide: You heard me.
                                         [train passing]
Terrance: This is Darell. 
Chief Boden: This is Detective Dawson.
Antonio Dawson: What have you got for us, kid? 
Darell: Voight bad, man. Whole West Side up and down know to 
            step back.
Antonio Dawson: You done favours for him?
Darell: Yeah. Hell, enough to get tight.
Antonio Dawson: Yeah? What’s he told you?
Darell: Mess with the lady, expect a payday. But go after you? 
            He said he’s take care of all of us. “Anything you need,”  
            he said. ‘Get out of jail free’ passes for me and some 
Matt Casey: So you’ll wear a wire? 
Darell: Hell, yeah.
Antonio Dawson: When did Voight reach out last?
Darell: Two weeks ago.
Matt Casey: Two weeks?
Darell: Maybe a week.
Matt Casey: Which is it?
Darell: A week then. 
Antonio Dawson: Ay-yi-yi.
Darell: Whatever you want it to be, you tell me.
Matt Casey: This guy’s full of it. 
Darell: Look, I get paid, I get you what you want. Everybody makes 
            out. Problems go away. It’s capitalism man.
Chief Boden: Get the hell out of here.
Darell: It ain’t gotta be like that.
Chief Boden: I said get the hell out.
Darell: Right.
Terrance: I thought he was legit.
Chief Boden: Casey!
Gabby Dawson: Sorry for the wait, Peter Mills.
                            Bon appetit.
Peter Mills: Thank you.
                    [sniffs] So good.
Gabby Dawson: Good luck.
Peter Mills: Yeah?
                     Mmm. Chicken…rotisserie?
Gabby Dawson: Mmhmm.
Peter Mills: Bacon, red peppers, sweet onions, a tablespoon of 
Gabby Dawson: Mmhmm.
Peter Mills: Uh huh. Uh, oil…olive oil.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah.
Peter Mills: Uh…[sniffs]
                    Gruyere cheese?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah.
Peter Mills: Yeah?
Gabby Dawson: And parmesan…
Peter Mills: No, please don’t spot me. I can get it.
Gabby Dawson: I gotta spot you ‘cause you’re not gonna get it.
Peter Mills: What won’t I get? What am I missing?
Gabby Dawson: The thing that makes it a family secret.
Peter Mills: Ah.
Gabby Dawson: Ah. 
Peter Mills: Tell me what it is.
Gabby Dawson: No [chuckles]
Peter Mills: Look, I will tell my mom to put it on the menu 
Gabby Dawson: [laughs]
Peter Mills: We can call it “Grandma Dawson’s mac and cheese.”
                    Come on.
Gabby Dawson: Another one bites the dust.
Peter Mills: Ah.
Gabby Dawson: Oh. Bam.
Peter Mills: [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: [laughs]
Peter Mills: All right. 
Gabby Dawson: Nobody ever gets that. Ever.
Peter Mills: Ooh!
                    Yes, yes! 
Gabby Dawson: [laughs] How did you do that?
                            You are lucky.
Peter Mills: Nobody but me, baby.
Gabby Dawson: Oh my God [laughs]
                                            [phone rings]
Gabby Dawson: That’s just…that’s friggin’ luck.
Peter Mills: That is talent. That is all that is.
Gabby Dawson: One sec.
                            Mouch, what do you know?
Mouch: Yeah I’ve got bad news. They’ve scheduled a hearing.
               I tried like hell to fight it off, but that’s the way it stands.  
               I’ll call you later with more.
Gabby Dawson: Mills, where do you keep the liquor?
Capp: There he is.
Kelly Severide: And time!
                          6:42, ladies. He obliterated your old time.
Hadley: [laughs]
Kelly Severide: Get up here.
Capp: I’m not helping his ass up here.
Jose Vargas: [exhales]
Kelly Severide: Now sit your ass down, Vargas. You earned it.
Jose Vargas: [panting]
Kelly Severide: Welcome to the squad.
Jose Vargas: [sighs] Before breakfast?
Kelly Severide: After shift.
                                              [cans clinking]
Kelly Severide: Have a seat.
Jose Vargas: [groans & panting]
Hadley: Did you ever call Anna back?
Kelly Severide: Nah.
Hadley: Oh, now I remember.
              Anna. Yeah, she was a pharmaceutical rep or something 
              like that. 
Kelly Severide: Was she? I don’t…We never talked.
                                          [train passing]
Anna: I know I shouldn’t have called the firehouse.
Kelly Severide: Thank you.
Anna: Be careful with these. Take them only when necessary.
Kelly Severide: I will.
Anna: I’m in town two more days.
Kelly Severide: Cool. I’ll let you know.
                                          [train passing]
                                         [car door shut] 
                                          [engine roars]
                                    [cell phone vibrating]
                                        [car door shuts]
Chief Boden: What?
                       Give it to me.
                       I’m only gonna tell you one more time, Casey. 
                       Give it to me.
                       Go on and get out of here.
                       Go home.
                                            [engine starts]
                                                 - end -
¼ inch hex = Also known as an Allen key, is a small handheld tool that’s used for driving bolts and screws with a hexagonal socket.
4x4s = Emergency first aid 4x4 gauze pads
BP by palp = This means that the systolic (maximum pressure your heart exerts while beating) blood pressure was measured by palpitation rather than auscultation (listening to sounds typically with a stethoscope). You find the radial pulse, inflate the cuff well past the point where the pulse disappears and let air out until the pulse returns.
Type and cross = Blood typing is the process of determining the blood type and rH factor (Rhesus factor is a type of protein found on the outside of red blood cells. This protein is genetically inherited. If you have the protein, you are Rh-positive; if not, you are Rh-negative) of a sample of blood. Cross-matching involves finding the best donor for a patient prior to blood transfusion.
Toradol = Is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Toradol is used short-term (5 days or less) to treat moderate to severe pain.
A.S.A.’s office = Assistant State Attorney
Metal lathe = Originally designed to machine metals; however with the advent of plastics and other materials, and with their inherent versatility, they are used in wide range of applications, and a broad range of materials. Lathes remove material from a rotating work piece via the movements of various cutting tools such as tool bits and drill bits.
Altered mental status = is a broad category that applies to geriatric (refers to medical care for older adults, usually > 65 although most people do not need geriatrics expertise in their case until age, 70, 75, 80) patients who have a change in cognitive level of consciousness (LOC is a measurement of a person’s arousability and responsiveness to stimuli from the environment)
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What Do You Want From Me? Ch 16
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Lance Tucker x Reader
Words: 1998
Warnings: Language
A/N: Lance gets with the program, but is it too late? Enjoy!
Lance watched as her car drove away down the driveway and make its way onto the main road. For some reason he was cemented to that spot; feet deciding not to move.
“Well, that shit show is finally over…shall we get back to us?”
 He heard the voice behind him say with a little too much confidence than necessary. She reached out and places her hand on his shoulder in a seductive touch, and he was immediately thrown back into the reality of what just transpired at his home.  
Lance turned around and met his PA’s eyes with an almost threatening look. “Remove your hand from me now!” Lance demands through clenched teeth.
The woman looks at him shocked at his response to her touch, but does as requested, “Lance? Did I do something wrong?”
Lance walks into the house, bypassing the woman, leaving her standing at the door. She begins to follow him, but the former playboy is not stupid and is having none of it.
“Don't take another step!” He yells at her, walking around the house collecting her things she has scattered around like she owns the place.
“I-I don't understand? Wh-what did I do?” The woman has panic written all over her face and Lance has no fucks left to give.
“I can't believe I listened to you!” Lance grabs her keys and looks for the ones to his house. “How could I have let you inside my head? Fuck!” He's fumbling as he locates the keys and removes them from her key ring.
“Listen to me?! Lance, you can't possibly think any of this is ok?! You're just going to stand here, excusing what she did?!”
The man stops and looks at her like she's just grown two heads. She's obviously still trying to portray him as the victim to gain favor. God, he can't believe how close he was to fucking her!
“Yeah… I am!”  
“B-but, she's nothing but a lying little whore!”
Lance stops dead in his tracks about a foot away from her and deadpans, “says the woman that just had my dick in her mouth! How'd that taste?!”
Her mouth drops wide open and she's shocked at his words.
“Oh, I see you've perfected how to open your mouth. Careful…wouldn't want everyone to get the impression you're a thirsty little slut that loves cock. What was it you said ‘oh Lance, I love to suck cock! I'll make you forget all about her!’ News flash…even Hope Gregory sucks dick better than you!”  
Lance places her things in her arms and ushers her out the door.
“You're fired!”
He's about to shut the door in her horrified looking face but has to make sure she knows who she's fucking with, “Oh, if you get any ideas about lawyering up...I had cameras installed before you even started working here. Every moment, every sound, every fuck you, has been recorded and downloaded. Think anyone will believe I forced myself on you? And I burned my sheets, by the way! I can't believe you fingered yourself on my bed! Didn't know I could make a girl cum without even being in the house! Should probably get you vag checked, they smelled like the fish ladder. Nobody like a dirty snatch!” And with that he slams the door, leaving his former PA standing on his doorstep stunned and devastated.
What the fuck has he done? He can't even begin to grasp how fucked he really is. Not only did he let that woman prey on his emotional state, which ended up in a lousy blow job and he didn't even come, she also somehow got into his head that he needed to go after Y/N for lying to him.
Now, he can admit part of him was upset for that. She should have told him right away, so they could deal with the pregnancy and how to go forward as parents and maybe even a couple. Jase wouldn't have been an issue, and Claire…Claire! How could he forget about her!  
“Fuck!” He yells out into his house. He just fed into Claire’s plan! Jase was right; he and Claire deserve each other. He’s always acting without thinking, and damn anyone that gets hurt in the process. “Shit!”
Speaking of hurt, Y/N was hurt! His mind was now moving on and racing at a hundred miles an hour.
The woman he loved stood on his doorstep, hurt by his words and she yelled at him. In doing so, something was happening with the babies, his babies, and now he felt like the biggest jackass in the world. Lance Tucker, former God of Gymnastics, shall now be known as the King of the Asshats! He may have to have that engraved on his tombstone.  
Grabbing his phone, he had to find her...make sure they were ok. He called her cellphone first, but it went straight to voicemail. That was expected. Y/N probably deleted his number or plans to anyway. She'll never want to speak to him again.
Maybe he could call the hospitals. Jase said he was going to take her there, but which one? Calling would do no good; privacy laws. What if he went to each one? He could do that, beg them, tell him he was a distraught father looking for his pregnant fiancé, they might take pity on him. It's worth a shot.
Two hours later he was standing in the waiting room of the labor and delivery unit. It was late and the young girl at the desk took pity on him and let him know what floor Y/N was on. Even though he knew he wasn't welcome, he had to come. He owed it to her and his babies. If anything, he just needed to know they were alright.  
A nurse came out and greeted him after he had explained he was the father and he just needed to know they were ok.
“I can't give you any information, but...if you promise not to upset her, I'll give you five minutes. I just came from there and she’s awake. She sent her fiancé home to sleep.” 
Lance nodded in understanding, “her boyfriend’s an attorney. Probably has a big case he's working on; and I promise...I won't upset her.”
The nurse gives him a reluctant smile and leads him through the halls to Y/N’s room. Lance passes the nurses station but doesn't look at any of the ladies staring at him. He feels as though he's doing the walk of shame, all eyes on him, and he can't look at them. He's had enough looks of disappointment and disgust this evening to last his entire life…he can't handle any more.  
“Ms. Y/L/N. You have a visitor?”
Lance walks in with the nurse and sees your eyes are almost closed. “I thought I told you to go ho-oh hell no!”
“I told him five minutes, but I can make him leave?” It was more of a question than a statement.
Lance swallow and looks at Y/N, face full of regret. “I promise, five minutes.”
Y/N nods to the nurse but is still seething with anger.
“Good luck?” She says as she walks out, shutting the door behind her.
Lance moves himself closer to the bed, never taking his eyes off the woman he still loves and sits in the chair next to her bed. “I'm sorry.”
Her eyes never soften at his words. “Wow! It only took you a minute. So glad you got that out because I was not prepared to sit here and listen to your bull shit for five agonizingly long minutes. Thanks for stopping…buh bye!” Nope, she's still angry.
Lance let's out a sigh and puts his face in hands. “Ugh, I fucked up!”
It comes out muffled, but he knows she heard it. He peeks out at her through his fingers, trying to hide his eyes like a child caught stealing a cookie before dinner. Y/N doesn't respond sitting there stone faced. The monitors she's hooked up to don't change, beeping staying the same. He knows he's lost her, there's no coming back from it this time.
“Seems to be a common conversation we have. I'm sorry. I fucked up. Your emotions seem to be a driving force for you. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were emotionally unstable.”
How she manages to stay calm is beyond him. He's been on the receiving end of one of her verbal lashings, trying to put him in place. This is very uncharacteristic for her.
“Clearly, you're a horrible judge of character, and you’re quite the man whore. Guess it was only a matter of time before you fell back into old behaviors.”
Lance’s mouth opens to counter but she's too quick, and she raises her hand at him. “I've been around you too long to know when a woman's gotten her way with you.”  
Y/N shakes her head and takes in a deep breath, “I thought you changed, but I was so wrong, and you know what? That's ok! I feel that with all your horrible life choices you continue to make, your way of life is just not conducive to a stable environment for the children. So tomorrow I'll be calling my lawyer and I'll counter your suit. The twins shouldn't be subjugated to the whorish ways of their biological father.” Her face void of all emotions. Lance nearly breaks at the sight. 
This was all his doing. How could he be such a fucking idiot? She was his world...his life! Lance wanted those twins to be his, wanted her to be his so they could be a family. He was nearly there until he went back to his house and let the she devil talk him out of everything he wanted. She made him believe Y/N was just toying with him, playing with his emotions. Why he was he so quick to believe it, he'll never know, but it cost him the most important things in his life. At this point he can only pray Y/N would have a change of heart and help him become the man that he lost only a few hours ago.
“Your time’s up. You need to go, and I need sleep.” Her face was still solemn, and her tone was dry.
Lance gets up from the chair and makes his way to the door.
“Lance…,” she says flatly, “I'll be marrying Jase in a couple of days. Whatever Claire's reasoning, she's almost completed her goal. You single handedly threw me in his arms. Hope she was worth it.”
Y/N turns her head away from the door and tries to get comfortable. There's nothing he can do but watch. Lance Tucker has just officially lost the love of his life.
Opening the door, he walks out of her room hearing nothing but the monitors beep behind him as he closes the door. He moves over to the wall, throwing his back up against it and begins to bang his head.
Lance had a single moment of weakness, and it cost him the woman he loves and the children he’s grown to love. She'll never let him come near her and knows for certain, Y/N won't let him be anywhere near where she delivers the twins. ‘Lance Tucker is incapable of love and I hope you die alone!’ her words filled his head. He’d lost and there wasn't anything he could do now, right. Or was there?
Leaving the hospital, he pulled out his phone and called the one person he despised the most.
Claire answers on the second ring like she was expecting his call. “Hello Lance…bout time you called.” She sounds so self-assured.
He has no interest in small talk. He only needs to say the words and be done.
“You want me, bitch?! Come get me!” he didn't even wait for a response. He hung up the phone and walked to his car. Game on bitch.
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What to Do After a Death
The grief and stress of hearing about a loss can be harrowing, and it can be very difficult to know what to do. Here are the steps you need to follow after you hear of a loved one’s death.
It can be very difficult to know what to do right after you learn of the death of someone you love. There are lots of decisions you will have to make and lots of phone calls, but where do you begin. If this is something that you are going through right now, directors of funeral homes and cremation service providers have some suggestions that can make everything just a little bit easier.  
The moment you hear of someone’s death and it falls on you to start making the needed funerary arrangements, you will need to go get the death certificate. You will not be able to make any arrangements without this certificate, so do not wait. All manner of medical professionals can provide it, including doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians, hospice workers, and many more people. It is always a good idea to get at least ten copies.  
The next thing that providers of cremation services and funeral home directors recommend is that you start making phone calls and letting people know about the death. This can be a tough thing to do and exhausting, so it is a good idea to call a few people you trust first and ask them to start making more phone calls. This can help you start to make other arrangements while they notify people of the death.  
You want to see if your loved one left any kind of arrangements in place. This is important, since it can save you time. If they did not specify whether they wanted to be buried or cremated, it will fall to you to decide. This is something that you want to speak with the rest of the family about. It can also be a good idea to see if your loved one had a will or a lawyer that dealt with the estate things.  
The next thing you have to do is find a cremation provider or funeral home to help you. Ask for recommendations from people you trust and do a good amount of research to ensure that you have chosen the right company for the process. Choosing the right company is essential so do take some time before you decide and ask lots of questions from the experts.  
These are the most important steps you need to remember after you learn of the death of a loved one. You do not want to make everything more stressful for you and your family, so do ask for help from the right funeral home and cremation service provider. To learn more about this and to get started with the necessary arrangements, reach out to us at Walter J. Zalewski Funeral Homes, Inc. We are located at 216 44th St Pittsburgh, PA 15201 or at 3201 Dobson St Pittsburgh, PA 15219. You can also give us a call right now at (412) 682-3445 or at (412) 682-1562 to hear more about how to start making the funerary arrangements for your loved one.  
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missriyochuchi · 5 years
Y'all, I don't think my dad is going to make it to Sunday. The overnight PA took me aside to make sure Mom was asked if she wanted to see him; she consistently says no because she worries that seeing him in such a weakened state will, in turn, weaken her. Then I started asking the PA questions, and the timeline for Dad shortened fast.
I learned about palliative care, in which they stop trying to extend his life and focus on making him comfortable. That means stopping the meds that are keeping his blood pressure up, but medicating him when he looks anxious. I think Mom and I assumed that the DNR would ensure that, but it only ensures that he won't die in pain, which is not necessarily comfort. It means that they'll let his heart continue to beat fast until it gives out. On the other hand, palliative care would mean letting his blood pressure drop until it fades.
I think it's best to switch to palliative care once he reaches the limits of his meds and no longer responds to treatment. However, that's coming up soon; according to his nurse, he's already maxed out on all but one of his meds, and his BP was already around 90s/60s. His heart rate was in the 130s. Keeping him as he is right now would at least give us a little more time to finalize arrangements with the funeral home, but there's no knowing when his heart will give out. Starting palliative care would mean a better sense of when he'll pass, but it would probably happen much quicker then. Mom and I had a tough time making the decision, so I talked with Dad's nurse some more.
As it turns out, we can't switch to palliative care right now because two doctors need to sign off on it. The earliest we could do it is in the morning. Hopefully, I can get in touch with the funeral home first and clarify when Mom will need to sign the form allowing me to handle arrangements. Then we can switch over. (Although reading that now and thinking about it, I'm sure we can sign that release afterwards.)
What worries me now are Dad's assets, his pension and 401k and life insurance if he has it. The lawyer won't be available next week, so the earliest we'll see him is June 12th! (I'm starting to wonder if he's dodging us.) I don't want Dad's assets to languish for a week and potentially lose them, although Idk if that's even possible. Not to mention, do I need to tell his job right away? How about the bank? How quickly do we need to disperse his death certificate? The fuckin' lawyer should be available for these questions, gdi!
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