#p101 bellamy
myxineye · 1 year
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uploading the last batch of my pirate101 ocs, here's my swashbuckler + buccaneer pirates and their companions! quick summary of each under the keep reading section ^_^
Swashbuckler (everyone got together because they all had a grudge and wants revenge):
Hunter Fisher is a swashbuckler, an orphan who was taken in by a small fishing village in Skull Island. However, that village was often targeted by a group of Cutthroat pirates, and while they originally would pay the pirates to leave them alone, a particularly bad fishing season left them short of their usual payment, leading to the village being raided. Because of this, Hunter decided to take matters into his own hands, seeking revenge for his village and going after those responsible. After deciding that his job was over when taking out the captain and a good chunk of the pirates, Hunter decided that the pirate’s life was for him and decided to move on from his home, occasionally returning to make sure his home is still safe and sharing anything of value he might've picked up.
Pell is a privateer and one of the fishers Hunter grew up with. While he initially didn’t approve of Hunter’s quest for revenge, he decided to tag along so that Hunter wouldn’t be alone and also found himself liking the pirate’s life. He often jokes that his life hasn't changed much since becoming a pirate, saying that he’s still a fisherbird, just dealing with bigger fish now.
Evander is a musketeer who had met the fishing duo by chance in Scrimshaw after a particularly bad fight. The two decided to take care of him on a whim and found out that he was also seeking revenge from the same pirates who wronged them. Evander joined their crew as thanks and quickly proved himself useful with the two pistols he had and his network with the rest of the rats in Scrimshaw. 
Buccaneer (everyone got together because it's fun to fight your homies)
Bellamy is a buccaneer who originated from Grizzleheim who left in pursuit of strength, or rather, to figure out what strength meant to her. The idea first came to her when a trade ship she was on was attacked by pirates – though they quickly dispatched the pirates, Bellamy was a bit discouraged because she had only won by a slim margin despite being known as one of the best warriors in her community. She decided she wanted to travel the Spiral and meet more kinds of fighters, half out of curiosity and half because she's always enjoyed fighting and Grizzleheim was getting a bit boring.. She earned the nickname "Bloody Melody" because the machete she uses makes a neat whistling noise when swung.
Hilda is a buccaneer and also from Grizzleheim, though unlike Hunter and Pell, she originally disliked Bellamy, holding a grudge against her for losing a fight when they first met on a trading ship. Hilda and Bellamy were rivals of sorts, but over time, that rivalry grew into a mutual respect as they figured traveling together was better than doing their own thing. The two are on really good terms now, but they still getting into the occasional fight lol -- Hilda can be thought of as a fearless and bold kind of fighter, while Bellamy prefers to think things through first before acting.
Thea is a buccaneer and a well renowned pankratiast who often fought in tournaments. When Bellamy and Hilda first arrived at Aquila and were spectating one of her practice matches, Thea noticed the two and challenged them to an impromptu fight. Despite losing, Thea later admitted that she didn’t care about winning or losing and just wanted to know the two better since they seemed like a new kind of challenge for her. Thea acted as a sort of guide for the two when they stayed in Aquila, and later asked to join their crew.
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