#p008: time to talk.
camilahq · 5 years
time to talk
TAGGING: KJ @itskjapa​, Cami.
LOCATION: Vancouver, BC.
TIMEFRAME: March 15th, 2020
NOTES: Camila and KJ discuss the events of the weekend and establish that they want to be together, but without labels for now.
Cami: Sunday had been miserable. Madelaine had come over with Olive to serve as a distraction to Cami, but her thoughts had never left KJ. Once Mads had left for the night, she'd hardly slept, tossing and turning most of the night. She'd taken a bath at some early morning hour, trying to clear her thoughts and help herself sleep. It had worked, but only for a few hours and by the time 8 o'clock rolled around she couldn't lay in bed any longer. Camila didn't even care to change out of his sweatshirt she had tried to fall asleep in or her black leggings. Pulling her hair up into a ponytail and washing her face, but leaving it free of any makeup, she picked up Truffle and left the apartment complex for coffee. Standing in front of his apartment door now, back inside their complex, she could hardly muster the courage to knock. Truffle was at her feet and she held a drink carrier with a cup of black coffee for him and her usual almond milk latte in her one hand while she raised her other hand to knock at his door. She knew that her eyes still looked slightly red from crying, but she didn't care about any of that right now. All she cared about was KJ.
KJ: Life had a very nasty sense of humor. KJ had felt on top of the world after his date with Camila -- as if for the first time in a very long time, everything had fallen into place. Holding themselves back from any serious conversation the previous weeks, this moment between them had been the complete opposite. There had been minimal physical interaction and the emotional part of their relationship had emerged in a way that had given him hope for something more. Something real. Until it all came crashing down with a handful of texts exchanged that had left the redhead lost and confused regarding the situation. There was an issue he couldn’t pinpoint and Camila had not been eager to help him in the slightest. They needed to talk and any guy on this Earth knew exactly what that led to. Perhaps his feelings were not reciprocated after all. With the same shirt and boxers he had worn the day before, tired features and tousled hair, KJ made his way to the door. Feet dragging on the floor a clear sign he was dreading the moment that would come. There was no word uttered when he finally opened the door; instead, he leaned back against the wall and waited until she would cross the threshold. Avoiding her gaze altogether.
Cami: At the sight of his tired features and tousled hair, Cami almost burst into tears. They both looked about the same and she knew it was all her fault. The silence was deafening as she crossed the threshold into his apartment, Truffle running ahead of her to claim her usual spot on his couch. "I brought coffee," she whispered, barely able to find her voice while trying to keep her tears at bay. Setting the drink carrier on his kitchen counter, the same counter where they had taken those first steps in blurring the lines between friendship and something more, she picked up her latte, taking a sip. Camila knew that she was ignoring the elephant in the room, but she just couldn't find the strength just yet. After a few sips of coffee, she'd be ready to rip off the bandaid, she just wished he would look at her.
KJ: He barely nodded when she mentioned bringing coffee, following her inside the apartment but keeping his distance. KJ knew his actions or lack of thereof were perhaps exaggerated -- though fear was gripping him, anxious that whatever they had been partaking in would end as abruptly as it had started. And perhaps if he kept quiet, it would delay the inevitable. Give him enough time to bask in her presence in an intimate setting for the very last time. Even if nothing about this moment was romantic in the slightest. Reaching for the coffee, the redhead brought it up to his lips and allowed the liquid to glide down his throat. A brief but welcoming warmth that invaded his being. He leaned against the kitchen island and ran a hand through his hair -- trying his best to tame the wild strands and a clear sign regarding how nervous he was. Waiting for the moment when she would finally break the silence and his heart.
Cami: The silence was killing her as he sipped his coffee. She watched him lean against the kitchen island, running his fingers through his hair. “Kaje,” she started, looking at him nervously. Camila wanted to reach out for him, but she knew that she shouldn’t. He was upset and she didn’t want to overstep. “Last night, Jordan came over because he was in town and he wanted to see me,” she continued, biting her lip. “He told me that he had feelings for me,” she trailed off, looking away from him. “It completely took me by surprise, I didn’t really know what to say, so I ran off to my bedroom and he left.” Camila was pacing the kitchen now. “I just needed some time to let it all sink in, I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you sooner.”
KJ: The way she said his name pulled him out of the trance he had been in. And he straightened his form against the furniture, brown eyes intently fixed on the cup he was holding -- feeling as if time was his worst enemy. Until Camila finally explained herself. Jordan’s name elicited a quiet chuckle devoid of any humor and he shook his head; mostly at himself. KJ had seen this coming from miles away, though she had found his reaction ridiculous back then. As if the idea of something more with him was laughable. And yet, he was the sole reason she had pushed him away in the first place the previous day. Surely caught up in old feelings she had forgotten about, thinking they weren’t reciprocated. Just like he had felt the past four years by her side. Which made him the footnote in the grand story they had started. His jaw clenched tightly and he willed himself to speak for the first time since she had stepped inside his apartment. “If you’re gonna do this-- do it fast,” he uttered with a lump in his throat.
Cami: Hearing him scoff annoyed her, but she didn't show any trace of annoyance toward him. Camila watched as his jaw clenched tightly and then she heard his voice for the first time. "Do wha-?" she started, looking at him confused before she realized what he was insinuating. "Kaje... I told Jordan I didn't feel the same way. There's a chance I did feel something for him a couple of months ago, but you've been the only guy on my mind for weeks," she started up again, putting down her cup of coffee and moving to stand right in front of him. She reached out to cup his cheek in her hand. "It broke my heart to hurt Jordan because he's my friend, but you're the one I want to be with," she whispered that last part, tears falling from her eyes as she looked at him with all of the love she could muster. "I'm good with us still just having fun and going on dates, we don't have to put anything in writing right now, but you never have to worry about me falling for someone else." Camila had both of her hands cupping his face now, she knew that she probably looked a complete mess but she didn't care. "I fell for you, Keneti James, hard- like right on my ass," she chuckled, tears still in her eyes. "You're the only person I can see myself being with."
KJ: Brows furrowed in confusion as she spoke once more, KJ didn’t dare move from his spot. The last-minute had been a rollercoaster of emotions he wasn’t sure how to handle. From believing Camila was ending their relationship, to her announcing the complete opposite. It all felt so surreal that his attention was still entirely focused on the cup of coffee currently in his hold as his brain tried to make sense of all the contradictory information it was filled with. The touch of her hand on his cheek was what finally made him move -- his eyes flickering upward and meeting her own. Witnessing the tears rolling down her cheeks while he pondered if the words still falling from her lips were not a figment of his imagination. This was more than he had imagined he would ever hear her say. And the heart pounding in his chest was ready to burst. “Shh, it’s okay,” he whispered, disregarding the coffee behind him and allowing his thumbs to wipe away the tears. His own gaze being overcome with emotions at the sight. “I’m so sorry-- I really thought... I mean, I shouldn’t have...” The redhead had a hard time finishing his sentences and decided to draw her in his arms for a tight hug, burying his head in the crook of her neck. “I was so scared I had lost you. I want this for us so much. And we’ll take it at the pace you want.” he murmured against her skin, peppering it with kisses as he breathed her in. Simple gestures he had believed he’d never get the chance to experience again.
Cami: Once he looked into her eyes she completely melted as he shushed her and whispered that it would be okay, of course, like always, the tables had turned and he was now comforting her. She blushed as he wiped her tears away and frowned slightly as he apologized. "Kaje, you've got nothing to apologize for, it's okay if you had a few moments of doubt, I'm not upset with you," she whispered, burying her face into his chest as he wrapped her up in a tight hug. It was exactly what she needed right now. She smiled at his words, her face still buried in his shirt, breathing in his familiar scent. "You're never going to lose me," she whispered, relaxing even more into his arms as he peppered her skin with kisses. The gesture causing her to hum against him. "I'm sorry I'm such a weepy, snotty mess," she giggled, pulling away from his chest so she could really look at him. "I don't look too hot," she added with a smirk. "But, I want this so much for us too, I just don't think we need to label anything right away. We just have this unspoken agreement that I'm yours and you're mine."
KJ: A light snort escaped him as she pulled away and mentioned her appearance. His brown eyes taking in her tears stained features with adoration. It hurt to know he was partially responsible for the pain she had gone through -- even if only briefly over some kind of miscommunication. KJ promised himself at that moment to never assume anything regarding her feelings and the things she might have shared with other people. Such futile doubts were not worth the tears he had witnessed falling upon her cheeks. “You’re mine,” he repeated in a quiet voice, letting the words roll off his tongue and appreciating the way it filled his ears. Just like the things she had uttered previously, it seemed like a dream. Something he had once pondered on knowing it would never come true. And yet, life had, in the end, decided to not be as cruel. At least for the time being. “Mine,” he said again, this time firmly as a wide smile crossed his lips before he drew her against him for another tight hug. “I’m yours and you’re mine. That sounds like a good plan to me, aye.”
Cami: He wasn’t saying it, but Camila knew he still was feeling bad about being part of the reason for her tears. She wished he wouldn’t do that, feel bad about things out of his control, but she knew it was in his nature. KJ was one of the most sympathetic people she’d ever met. As his gaze situated on her, she couldn’t help but smile. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off her chest after she had said all that she had wanted to say. Now as he was repeating the sentiment she couldn’t help but blush. “All yours,” she added with a grin. She chuckled as he repeated it again, pulling her against him for another hug. “Sounds like a perfect plan,” she whispered into his chest just as her stomach grumbled slightly. “Can we make some breakfast?” she asked, looking up at him with a smile. “Despite being a terrible cook, I can actually make eggs,” she said with a smirk, holding his hand in hers as she dragged him towards the fridge, not wanting to be away from him for too long after the horrible 24 hours she had spent away from him the day before.
KJ: The thick tension between them had finally dissipated to leave a place to their usual banter -- KJ snorted in disbelief at her words, although the expression plastered on his features was one of amusement. “You know how to make eggs?” he inquired in a teasing tone, allowing her to pull him along as she made her way to the fridge. More than ready to put aside for the time being whatever else they needed to discuss regarding that dreadful weekend. Right now all he wanted was to focus on them and make up for his stupidity over the whole thing. Many hours wasted with negative thoughts. “I reckon that’s surely quite the sight. Show me your skills, Mendes.” Taking place on a stool, the redhead kept his gaze on Camila -- the coffee was long forgotten and her simple presence enough to brighten what was supposed to be a gloomy day. The world was still in a crisis around them, but having her by his side made him feel like he could take on everything coming his way. Teeth dragging along his bottom lip, he tilted his head to get a better look at what she was doing. “Maybe you should cook breakfast for me every day. Depending on how good those eggs are going to be, aye. Try not to send us to the hospital.”
Cami: She knew they had more to discuss from their dreadful weekend, but for now she was hungry and she couldn’t have another deep talk on an empty stomach. “Yes, is that so hard to believe?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “Watch and learn,” she teased, grabbing the eggs, milk, and cheese from the fridge. Rolling her eyes at his next comment, she turned to glare at him in a teasing way. “I’d love nothing more than to cook breakfast for you every day - but only if you cook me dinner,” she replied with a smirk. “We won’t end up in the hospital, drama queen,” she added, lightly smacking his chest before she returned to her task. Camila pulled out a bowl, cracking eggs into the bowl and adding milk to the mixture before she poured it into the pan on the stove. Mixing the eggs together, she added cheese before taking the eggs out of the pan so that it would melt. Turning off the stove, Cami got bread and made toast and then she went back into the fridge to find some fruit, cutting it up and putting it on their plates. Adding the eggs and toast after. “Breakfast is served,” she exclaimed, looking at KJ with a twinkle in her eye. She took their plates to his table, shaking her hips as she walked.
KJ: The smile that had appeared on his face earlier was still etched on his features and it was nearly impossible to get rid of it. His entire being felt so light and content now, so far from the sadness it had been submerged with -- all KJ wanted was to bask in her wonderful self and strictly focus on the two of them. Just simply be themselves. “We might be able to find a compromise. Just means you’ll have to be around heaps.” The thought of sharing their mornings and evenings whenever they were able to didn’t sound like a bad idea from his point of view. Especially now that they had cleared up the air regarding what they wanted out of this relationship. But they needed to take their time and the less pressure they had, the better things would be in the end. Following suit when Camila made her way to the living room, his eyes trailed down to her backside, fixated on the motions of her hips. “Tease,” he mumbled under his breath, giving her a playful slap on her cheeks before sitting down on the chair she was going to get for herself. Instead, he patted his lap with a bright grin, inviting her to take place on him. “Someone’s gotta make up for yesterday-- leaving me on my own without anyone to watch Netflix with. Sounds like a good start right here.”
Cami: Now that the tension was mostly gone from the room, Camila felt like she could breathe again. "I'd love nothing more than to be around heaps," she said with a smile. They'd been spending plenty of time with each other anyway so it just made sense to spend most of their time together right now. Camila could feel his eyes on her as she walked, swaying her hips. "Takes one to know one," she whispered, shrieking as he playfully slapped her ass. "Hey!" she exclaimed as he took her chair, but her outburst turned into a fit of giggles as he invited her to sit on his lap. "How are we both going to eat if I'm on your lap?" she questioned, turning to look at him. "I agree this does feel like a good start," she stated with a smile. "I am really sorry about yesterday," she whispered, not wanting to get too sad again. "I'll give you all of the Netflix and cuddles tonight, baby."
KJ mobile: With a swift tug on her arm, KJ pulled her on his lap and snaked one of his arms around her waist to keep her close — his free hand reaching for the fork. “It’s called teamwork, Mendes. I feed you and you feed me,” he answered while holding the utensil up to her mouth so she could have the first taste of the cooked eggs. His grin faltered as Camila mentioned the previous day; the thought of it too depressing to focus on. This was a new day and a new beginning for them. “It’s okay, Cami. I’m not that innocent either. Though, let’s leave this where it is for now. I would like for us to spend the most chill day we’ve ever had, aye. Together.” The redhead dropped a brief kiss on her cheek and directed his gaze back onto the plate. The eggs looked wonderful and he was certain the rest of it too. Although, it didn’t mean he couldn’t tease her about it. “Gimme a taste.“ The innuendo seeped through the words uttered as he squeezed her side playfully and he opened his mouth, waiting for the food she had prepared.
Cami: Squealing as KJ tugged on her arm to pull her into his lap, she grinned as his arm snaked around her waist. "We're feeding each other now? Isn't that so romantic," she whispered, moving her head forward to take a bit off of the fork he offered to her. "Yum," she hummed in response to the taste, satisfied that she'd done a good job. Camila noticed his grin falter and her hand came up to cup his cheek. "I'm happy to leave it where it is, I'd love nothing more than to spend a very chill day with you, Keneti," she replied, blushing as he kissed her cheek. "The last time we were here, I was giving you a taste of something much different," she teased back, putting some eggs on the fork in her hand and feeding them to him. "How's that, baby?" she asked, looking at him with pleading eyes, waiting for a response. She couldn't remember a time in her life when she had ever been this happy, at least not recently. KJ had turned her whole world upside down in the last couple of weeks and she was going to be forever grateful to him for that. He was truly the sweetest man she had ever met and she felt so incredibly lucky to be cared for by him.
KJ: At the mention of their tryst in that very same room when everything had gotten out of control in such an unexpected way, KJ couldn’t help but laugh -- a light blush creeping up his cheeks. It was always so easy to be bold when she was involved. Though, he still couldn’t believe they had been such heathens in the first place. Never in a million years had he ever pondered on the possibility of doing those things for the very first time in his kitchen. “Nothing’s gonna be able to beat that,” he replied with a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, wiggling his eyebrows as Camila turned sideways to feed him. It was no secret that most meals in her apartment were frozen or takeout. So it was carefully that the redhead took the bite she offered, only to be very surprised by the texture of the eggs. And unable to conceal it on his features. “That’s very good.” he hummed in appreciation, nodding his head as he swallowed the food. “I’m impressed. Like-- I didn’t know you could actually do something in the kitchen. Especially not after the pasta mess, aye.” Another laugh tumbled out of his mouth just as he buried his head in the crook of her neck; hiding from any kind of retaliation from his teasing. “Those are the only eggs I wanna eat from now on.”
Cami: Noticing the blush creeping on his cheeks, Camila leaned forward to place a kiss to them. She giggled as he wiggled in eyebrows in response to her turning to feed him. Camila noticed how he carefully took the bite that she offered, smacking him playfully in fake offense. "Don't act so surprised, I'm not completely helpless," she exclaimed. "There are lots of things I can do in the kitchen," she teased, wiggling her own eyebrows at the redhead. At the feeling of his face in her neck, she moved her free hand to the nape of his own, tugging at his hair. "I know we're having a cute and cuddly moment right now, but I just want you to kiss me- like a knock the air out of my lungs kiss," she whispered, tugging on his hair so he would look at her. She wasn't asking for anything more, just a kiss. They at least deserved that after all of the confusion and sadness.
KJ: At her request, KJ looked up from the place where his head had found refuge, his gaze immediately meeting her own. For two people who had been so physical in the first place, it was rather surprising their lips had yet to touch. The emotions from the previous day and the misunderstanding had led them to focus on simple gestures along with the need to be close to one another. Though now that Camila had voiced aloud what she wanted from him, there was strictly nothing else on his mind. His brown eyes trailed down to her mouth as he slowly moved forward -- tentatively moving his bottom lip against her upper one, her warm breath invading his senses. She wanted a kiss that would knock the air out of her lungs and he was more than ready to deliver. The anticipation only adding intensity to the already charged moment. Just as softly, their mouths finally met in endless brushes that were savored as if for the very first time. His hands finding a place on her back and drawing her closer. Allowing the pace to gradually pick up until his tongue darted out and sought entrance.
Cami: When he looked into her eyes, she melted. Dark brown eyes staring back into her own, making her smile so big. She could've just stared at him forever, memorizing every feature of his beautiful face. Camila didn't want to cross the line into anything too sexual today, they'd filled plenty of their time with that, now it was time to focus on each other in other ways, but that didn't mean she didn't want to just grab his face and kiss him as passionately as ever. As his bottom lip came into contact with her upper one, her hands came up to his face, pulling it towards her as his hands found her back and pulled her closer to himself. Arching her back as his hands came into contact with it, Camila's hands fell to the hair at the nape of his neck, playing with it as she always did during moments like these. When his tongue darted out of his mouth, seeking entrance in her own, she happily welcomed it. Her own tongue found his immediately and they began to battle for dominance. She couldn't help the quiet moan that escaped from her mouth at the feeling, pulling herself even closer to his body if that was even possible.
KJ: As always whenever they were sharing such gestures, KJ couldn’t even say where he began and she ended -- her body melting into his and their mouths fitting like two pieces of the same puzzle. Demanding and passionate motions they were both lost into, unaware of how much time had passed as he kept trying to get more of the feeling coursing through their tongues. The sounds muffled by their actions making him grind against the shape of her ass, his hands tightening around her curves. Which is when he knew they needed to take a step back and return to something more playful and innocent. Pulling back from their kiss, shaky and shallow breaths filling his ears, the redhead fluttered his eyes open and studied her beautiful features. Even in a world full of chaos and despair, he was lucky enough to have someone as wonderful by his side. It was something he never wanted to take for granted. “I could eat you up.” he breathed out, a small smirk finding a place on his lips before he swiftly moved forward once more and licked her cheek. One of his hands coming up to the back of her head and keeping her in place.
Cami: In true fashion for the two of them, things got hot and heavy fast. Camila was thankful for KJ’s self-control as he pulled away. Her breathing was heavy as he pulled away and looked deeply into her eyes. Usually, she would shy away at someone looking at her for too long, but when KJ looked at her it was different. Camila continued to look into his gaze, smiling sweetly at him. When he broke the silence with his words about eating her up, she couldn’t help the smirk that met his. Before she could make a joke or say something dirty, he was reaching out to lick her face. Camila shrieked at the feeling, trying to push him away as his hand came up to hold the back of her head. “You’re so stupid,” she giggled, leaning forward to return the gesture, licking his cheek. “Ew. Sweaty,” she grimaced with a laugh. “Do I taste sweet?” she asked, looking up at him with her eyes wide. Turning her attention back to their plates on the table in front of them she picked up his fork and scooped up more eggs for him to taste. “We can’t let this food go to waste,” she whispered, moving the fork towards his mouth like someone would do for a baby. “Open up,” she teased.
KJ: Laughing alongside Camila as she returned the gesture, he simply shrugged at her question -- lips pressed together in order to keep himself quiet. He had stopped himself from going further physically and he didn’t think entertaining things verbally was a safe thing to do either. Not when she was still on his lap and her scent was filling his nostrils. Making him want to bury his face right back into the crook of her neck and let their bodies do the talking. “No, we can’t,” he whispered back, squeezing her side playfully before opening his mouth to take another bite of the eggs. They couldn’t let this food go to waste and they also couldn’t dive into whatever needs were lurking underneath their sweet and cute interactions. But the more they fed each other and uttered sweet nothings in between bites, the easier it became to focus on the simple motions they were bestowing on the other. The ardent passion of their kiss had dissipated and KJ was ready to enjoy the rest of the day cuddled up in her arms as they watched TV. With nothing more in mind than the comfort she always brought him whenever she was near.
Cami: Her lips fell into a pout as he denied her an answer to her question, "I know we can't, you'll just have to tell me another time," she whispered, leaning in to kiss his cheek. She giggled as he squeezed her side, poking his in retaliation. As they finished their meal together, whispering sweet nothings in between bites, Camila couldn't help but feel completely at peace. The past 48 hours had been absolute hell for her, but she was happy to be here with him, enjoying each other's company. Once their food was finished and the dishes were cleaned up, Camila dragged him towards the couch where Truffle sat waiting patiently for them. "Hi baby girl," she whispered to the puppy in her high-pitched, hyperactive mom voice as she waited for KJ to take a seat so she could comfortably fall back into his lap.
KJ: Following suit as Camila led the way to the couch, KJ smiled at the interaction with Truffle before throwing himself carelessly on the other end of the furniture -- laying down and keeping his brown eyes on her form. Everything had been so draining, and they deserved to simply be together without any tears or explanations. Sticking to the plan he had in mind, he simply tilted his head as she looked up, urging her to join him. Arms wide open to welcome her into a tight embrace and eyes fluttering shut as soon as her body was pressed up against his. This feeling of contentment whenever she was with him enveloping his entire being. He could feel Truffle tagging along on his chest and couldn't help but chuckle softly before placing a kiss on Camila's forehead. This moment, right here, was all he needed today and for the ones to come.
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