#p:the talk
tedhaternumber1 · 2 years
P:how's my baby girl?
Tk:wait which of us are you talking to...
P:the baby girl of all babygirls..
Tk:oh good then!
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submissivelynick · 6 years
The Talk | LoVal | 8/28/18
It was rare for Nick that classes dragged on, but that’s exactly what happened on Tuesday. Even glee seemed like it was never going to end. Mateo’s cage around his cock didn’t help; all it did was keep him distracted and wishing for the end of thet day so that he could go talk with Mateo. About them. About their future. 
Finally, it was time, and he rushed from glee to his room to grab his overnight bag. He gave Fang a few pets while he was there, but then he rushed back out to the next building over. His breathing was a little heavy as he got onto his knees in front of Mateo’s room and knocked, waiting as patiently as he could for his boyfriend to come to the door.
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jtrainer21ahsgov · 4 years
Blog Post #2
https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/lawyer-case-black-inmate-set-die-reveals-racial-732109591.     Please find THREE articles that pertain to your civic action issue; one article should be from a liberal leaning source, one should reflect conservative media bias, and one should be objective—from an impartial source. *Please refer to the media bias spectrum chart posted on Canvas as a guide to finding articles. *DO NOT analyze sources from extreme media bias sites or fake news sites.
2.     SACAPS EACH article and provide a link or URL to each article analyzed. Please review the SACAPS template posted on Canvas last week for additional guidance. SACAPS: 
SUBJECT what is the main point the source is trying to convey? What is the central message of the document?     
 AUTHOR who authored the source? Google search the author if needed.  What are their credentials? What social, economic, or political affiliations does the author have which may have an impact on their argument or objectivity? CONTEXT where and when was the source produced? How might this affect the meaning of the source? 
AUDIENCE who published the source and for whom was the source created? How might this affect the reliability and objectivity of the source? 
 PERSPECTIVE is the text objective (neutral or fair point of view) or is it subjective (biased or one-sided)? If the article is objective, identify the competing perspectives presented in the article. Which perspective do you agree with and why? If the article is subjective, identify the author’s claim.  Do you agree or disagree and why?
SIGNIFICANCE what is the evidence used to support the author’s claim or competing perspectives; what verifiable facts are presented?
3.     What are the similarities and differences between these three accounts of your issue?
4.     Finally, which source do identify with most and why?
Article #1: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/lawyer-case-black-inmate-set-die-reveals-racial-73210959 (Liberal Leaning)
S: The main subject about this article is to tell the story of a Black man who murdered a White couple and then ask why didn’t the officers who shot Breonna Taylor didn’t get any charges.
A: The author is Michael Tarm. He is a AP Legal Affairs Writer. He has also written for many different news outlets including Conservative Leaning, Fox News.
C: The article was written for ABC news on September 24th, 2020. It can affect how people react to the shooting of Breonna Taylor, maybe to sway people to call for the death penalty for the cops that shot her.
A: ABC news published the article. The reliability of the source is a 50/50 because after the first half of the article it subtly starts to turn into a opinion article but, steers away from an opinion.
P: The article is very Liberal leaning because, it questions the police force and claims that the legal process to determined who gets put on death row is against black people because the cops that shot Breonna didn’t get any charges but the black man who murdered a White couple got sentenced to death.
S: The sources for the article was the recent execution of a Black man in Indiana. And possibly evidence from the murder scene from when the crime was originally committed.
Article #2: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-executions/u-s-to-carry-out-fifth-federal-execution-after-17-year-pause-idUSKBN25O2JA?feedType=mktg&feedName=topNews&WT.mc_id=Partner-Google (Objective)
S: The main subject of this story is to talk about how Capital Punishment has been given the OK to continue after a 17 year break. It also talks about the legal process of sentencing one to death.
A: The author is Johnathan Allen. He is a book writer and a writer for NBC News it looks like.
C: The article was written for Reuters on August 28th, 2020. It could help give people a better understanding about what legal processes have to be done in order to put someone on death row. The article could be very informative since the Death Penalty has been recently legalized again by President Trump.
A: Reuters has published the article. The reliability of the article is 100%, I was very surprised with how unbiased this article stayed throughout the whole thing. It was packed with information, direct quotes, and facts.
P:The article is very unbiased because, it gives very reliable facts, direct quotes, and lots of background information on the subject. The article does not mention race or whether the death penalty is fair or not. It just talks about the legal process and who got sentenced to death.
S: The sources for this article comes from the Court discussing the persons process to be sentenced and direct quotes from everyone involved in the issue.
Article #3: https://dailycaller.com/2019/12/03/scotus-daniel-lee-death-penalty/ (Conservative Leaning)
S: The main story of the the article talks about how the Trump Administration had asked the Supreme Court to legalize the Death Penalty again, and Continued to kinda justify why is was a good thing to do without directly trying to justify it. 
A: The Author is Kevin Daley, a Republican Senate member in the state of Michigan. 
C: The article was written for the Daily Caller on December 3rd, 2019. It doesn’t have too much significance now, because a lot has happened since then. But when it first came out it probably was a big thing since the decision to reboot the death penalty was recently passed.
A: Daily Caller had published the article. the Reliability is maybe 50/50, it give some good information about the process of bringing back the death penalty and how the Left wing was against it. But, it also hinted towards why this was a good decision by President Trump, kinda turning it into an opinion article.
P: The article is biased because it hints towards Justifying why the Trump foundation was right for rebooting the death penalty and why the Left wing need to back off and how they were wrong.
S:The source of this article comes from the people that was a part of the decision and Mr. Barr.
3) They all are similar because they give the background to Capital Punishment and some of the legal processes that happens behind the scenes. They all are different because two of the three articles almost indirectly give a little bit of their opinion on what they think about what happened.
4) I liked the 2nd Source because it was the most informative source out of the three and I really learned a lot from it. It taught me the most out of the three articles that I read in total.
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Media Assessment of Issue
S: In Hong Kong, riot police officers filled the subway stations and areas near schools due to vandalism and violence.
A: Austin Ramzy from the NY Times
C: People in Hong Kong have defied a police ban, therefore they have been marching through the streets protesting. But the difference is this protesting is very dangerous and some have taken it as far as to say it is an “act of terror.”
A: This is intended for people with a slightly left or liberal look on reading about the controversy in Hong Kong.
P: The bias is slightly shifted to the left and the author used very strong adjectives when describing what the police officers were making people do.
Sig: The meaning of the article is to spread attention to the riots and “terror” taking place in Hong Kong and how Hong Kong is “at the brink of malfunctioning.”
I personally do not agree with a lot of the article because it doesn’t show the hatred the police have to deal with due to riots like these. They are seen as a predator of the people and many disrespect their authority.
S: Police Shooting of a security guard
A: Emily Sullivan from NPR
C: Account of accidental police shooting of security officer who was detaining a suspect of alleged crime.
A: Anyone interested in facts about police shootings, including eyewitness accounts that seem to contradict police statements.
P: Article is very objective and I didn’t notice any bias. Author didn’t express any opinions.
Sig: The meaning is to understand how police officers act in chaotic times and show the importance of being a trained professional, not just coming to conclusions and pulling the trigger.
I enjoyed the article because there was no biased so I feel as though I got a clear and fair understanding of what happened in the case.
S: Fox News is talking about how the Washington Post is unfairly targeting police officers for killing certain groups of people.
A: Ron Hosko, Fox News
C: Showing biased by articles posted by the Washington Post.
A: Audience is for a far right winged American person. 
P:The author Ron Hosko shows a extreme biased towards the right side and discredits all the actions and opinions of people from the left side. 
Sig: To show the “truth” about fatal shootings done by police and to defend law enforcement officers.
I agree with the article but I do believe that it is a little bit to biased and doesn’t even consider anything from the left side.
3.The similarities is that they all are about police brutality, but the differences are that they all look at the brutality in a different way.  The left sided article by the NY Times focused on how police officers unfairly target certain groups. The NPR article doesn’t take either side and instead relied on eyewitness accounts to tell the stories. Lastly the Fox News article targeted the people and left sided press saying the truth about how police officers do not target any specific groups.
4. I identify with the Fox News source the most because I truly believe that police officers do not target any specific groups and instead the attempt to do their best by protecting not only themselves but the rest of society also. We need to pay more respect to these individuals who put their lives on the line daily.
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Executive Action Assessment of Issue
I have checked out the White House website and I was unable to find anything that was relevant to my issue. So I searched up President Trumps views on Gun control. He is a strong believer within the second Amendment. He thinks that there should be a ban on assault rifles and longer background checks. I agree with him that their should be longer background checks.  Checking for criminal records and seeing if the person has had any red flags on his record, is very important. I am still up in the air about the ban on assault rifles. On one side I don't see the need to own a fully auto-matic gun if you are not serving in the military, but if you are very passionate about guns and want to have that sort of weapon within your home then it is your right to own it. The Department that closely relates to my issue would be the department of justice. The Mission of the Department of Justice would be to defend the interests of of the United States, and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans. Yes this  relates to my issue because it deals with the rights of the people, (Second Amendment) and makes sure that the court system will give people fair and just trials. I think the program that would best suit my issue when it comes to Gun Control would be the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. What this program does, is it ensure criminal investigations, and regulates the Firearm and Explosive Industries. An over view some of the websites that included Presidents Trumps view on Gun Control, would be that he is a strong believer within the Second Amendment, and believes that guns do ensure safety for the American People. Within the Presidents Website however I was unable to see anything that dealt with the Civil Rights pertaining to gun control. Looking at the diagrams that were handed out in class as well as on line research it appears that President Trump is cutting from the Department of Justice. After reviewing some of the duties of this department it appears that I am not sure that cutting from the budget would be a good idea. This department deals with the justice system within the united states, which is very important. 
S: The Article that I have chosen deals with the mental health issue behind gun control. And ways of deals with it within your family. 
A: The author of the Article is Michael O. Schroeder 
C: The article talks about how people should not only inform your children about gun control but also talking to your doctor about it. Seeing if you are mentally stable to own a firearm. Also talking to your kids about gun safety, and putting your firearms out of reach of kids or anyone who is unsuitable to have a gun in their hands. 
A: The intended audience for this article is anyone who has purchased a firearm. People should at least look at this article and take one thing out of it and apply it to themselves. People who have kids, or a family. 
P:The perspective of the Article seems to be down the middle of the road. It just informs the people that they should take into consideration of asking your doctor for any sort of clearance. informing your kids or family about guns and how to use them safely and properly. As well as keeping your guns out of reach of children that are much to young to be holding a firearm. 
S: I think that the mental state of the person purchasing a firearm is going to be a great concern for the American people. Figuring out weather the individual is capable of purchasing let alone owning a firearm. This issue will be brought up more and more for years to come. But I do agree with the article itself. 
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impandagrl · 8 years
Four Fandoms
I was challenged to post four of my favorite fandoms and why I love them by @whovian1077. Thank you; this should be fun! Not gonna lie; I’m probably gonna cheat a little. I’m not good at picking my favorite out of things I love. Also, these will be in no particular order.
1) Star Wars-
All the movies (yes, even that one; that one too) and basically all the books (I can’t say I’ve read all of them, but I’ve read a substantial number)
Favorite Characters- Obi-wan, Han and Chewie, Leia, R2, Chirrut, Jyn, Cassian, K2, Rey
Favorite Quotes- Obiwan has some great ones that I quote all the time (Good job; That’s why I’m here; You want to go home and rethink your life), but they’re mostly in the dry delivery. The majority of K2’s dialogue. Leia-”I’d rather kiss a wookie,“ Han-“That can be arranged; he could use a good kiss!”
How long I’ve been a fan- From the first moment I watched Episode IV I was hooked. I’d say I was probably 12-13.
Why I love it- I love how everything feels like it has its own deeper story. Each planet has customs, language, people. You can fall in love with characters that are on screen for a couple minutes tops (do not get me started talking about Zett Jukassa). The expanded universe is basically a bunch of books full of fanfic that was published. I wrote so many stories myself in my early teens that took place in the star wars universe. I made my own planets and wrote and drew about the inhabitants. I will always love Star Wars.
2) Joss Whedon
Okay, I warned you I was going to cheat. Because of this great man, I get to include the Marvel movies (yes, I’m aware he wasn’t responsible for all of them, but like I said, I’m cheating!) and Agents of Shield, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Dr Horrible’s Sing Along Blog as one entry.
Favorite Characters- Iron Man, Captain America, Coulson, Hawkeye, Fitz, Star Lord, Buffy, Willow, Spike, Xander, Zoe, Kaylee, Mal, Wash, Inara, Dr. Horrible, Penny (this was still hard; I feel like I betrayed everyone I left off this list)
Favorite Quotes- Oh, jeeze! “I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you,” “Out. For. A. Walk.- … Bitch.” “It’s a brand new day and the sun is high/All the birds are singin’ that you’re gonna die,“ “B:I wanna be an achiever, like Bad Horse; P:The Thoroughbred of Sin?; B:I meant ‘Ghandi’,” Most of the lines …  
How long I’ve been a fan- I want to say 10 years or so?
Why I love it- They are funny and clever, but also sad and real. The characters are amazing and believable. The dialogue is incredible 
3) Supernatural
Favorite Characters- Sam and Dean, Bobby, Charlie, Cas, Benny, Jody, Donna, Pamela, Crowley, Ellen, Jo, Kevin, Bela, Lisa (shut up), Ruby (both incarnations), Baby
Favorite Quotes- Really? “I think I’m adorable,“ “Fight the fairies,” “Hey, I am your flesh and blood brother … believe in that, believe me … make it your stone number one and build on it,” “Do I look like a ditchable prom date to you?” “It’s okay, boy, that’s why I’m here,” “Don’t ask stupid questions,” “Urination. I understand.” “Dean, always with the scissors!” “No, I’m kidding because clowns are really funny to me,” etc.
How long I’ve been a fan- Since July 3rd, 2016. I was planning on casually watching the first season to satisfy my curiosity and take a much needed break from job and school stress. I was watching the first episode. Dean did something or said something or looked something idk and I said, “I’m in trouble.” Then Sam said/did something and I said, “I think I may have made a terrible mistake.” I was right.
Why I love it- I love so many things about this show, but it all comes down to Sam and Dean. I could tell right from the pilot that these were well done, complex, characters that were also well-casted. Individually, I would have fallen in love with either of them. Together, with the dynamics of their brother relationship, I just don’t see myself getting tired of it. Combine it with the incredible acting ability that only seems to get better (how?), the fantastic side characters, the amazing/crazy fandom, and the actors’ relationship with each other and the fans …  well, I’m just glad I didn’t know when I popped in that first dvd: I probably would have been too scared to sign on for 13 seasons (wow, that’s a lot of emotional trauma)
4) The Chronicles of Narnia
The 7 Books by C.S Lewis. The most recent movies were okay. I watched an old BBC rendition once that was equal parts good and terrible.
Favorite Characters- Lucy, Edmund, Mr. Tumnus, Reepicheep, Shasta, Bree, Hwin, Aravis, Puddleglum, Prince Tirian, Jewel, The Professor, Strawberry -ah, who am I kidding: Peter, Jill, Eustace, Caspian, Susan, and Aslan of course
Favorite Quotes- “(Edmund:)Girls aren’t very good at keeping maps in their brains, (Lucy:)That’s because we’ve got something in them.” “(Narrator:)Edmund or Lucy or you would have recognized it at once, but Eustace had read none of the right books … He never said the word Dragon to himself. Nor would it have made things any better if he had.” “(Aslan:)Courage, dear heart” “(Puddleglum:)I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia,”
How long I’ve been a fan- I believe I was 13 when I first read them
Why I love it- I loved the magic, the adventure, the fact that ordinary kids became heroes. The humor. The love and sacrifice. The Narrator. Lewis’ incredible ability to tell a good story.
Honorable Mentions
Anything by Tolkien or Cornelia Funke, Criminal Minds, Pirates of the Caribbean, House (the show with Hugh Laurie), Anything by Ted Dekker, Lemony Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate Events (the books; I liked the movie, haven’t seen the show), Harry Potter, Psyche, The Mentalist, Justified, Being Human-not the bbc version though I saw the first season and found it funny, Person of Interest, Teen Wolf (I’m hopelessly behind on some of these shows), The Walking Dead (fell behind on that too- no spoilers, please!), Pushing Daisies (thanks to @seenashwrite, I’m almost done and I LOVE it!)
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feckingeigersanction · 10 years
The Talk. || Connie & Murphie
[Continuation from this thread]
The moment that they had turned away from the shop - the smile on Murphie's face was only growing wider with each step that they took closer towards the car. Whatever had just come over her sister in the shop - whatever it was about the mechanic that really just revved her up - Murphie was going to have a field day over it. The amount of shit that Connie had given her for having feelings over Nic - it was only the sisterly thing to do, to dish it right back.
Blue hues danced with amusement, looking over to the familiar form of her twin, as car doors were opened and the pair of them situated within. Murphie took her time with the seatbelt, the seat too close for her to put a boot up on the dash - but she did slouch a bit, just to get more comfortable. Not that it was entirely possible in that particular car. The bobble-head Jesus up on the ceiling, still was very odd to her. She knew that Rome didn't mean it in disrespect, but still.
Finally, after a few moments of silence, Murphie looked back up to the elder twin, a Cheshire grin on her face, "S'ye want him ta check under yer hood, t'en?"
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