Shoshlyn Ep. 4 - Bora Bora
WHO: Brooklyn Evans & Shoshanna Ben Israel @shoshbi
WHEN: Saturday, Jan 14, 2017
WHERE: Bora Bora
WHAT: On the first day of their impromptu trip to Bora Bora, Shoshlyn sit down for a nice dinner (that ends somewhat abruptly) and make their relationship status official as absolutely-girlfriends. 
NOTES: Gets a tad NSFW toward the end, but it’s a whole fade-to-black scenario, so no worries about hiding the kiddies eyes.
Brooklyn catches herself staring at Shoshanna’s profile a little too longingly as she watches the unfairly beautiful sunset on the horizon, a long way off in the distance, while their dinner is prepared somewhere behind the scenes. Her mind is still trying to catch up to all the events that had transpired in such a small timeframe, but she’s happy.
She’s in Bora Bora, with Shoshanna, and she’s happy.
After a beat, Brook clears her throat softly, quickly shaking off the wave of emotions that suddenly hit her and taking a sip of her water.
“You look really beautiful,” she says, voice just loud enough for Shosh to hear. “I know I already said that like a bazillion times but you do. And I kinda regret not bringing my camera to dinner.” It was an oversight, seeing as she was far too distracted earlier by the same woman in question as they were getting ready to be picked up by a boat to take them to the small private island they had gone to for dinner.
Shoshanna: Every compliment from Brook elicits a fluttering in Shoshanna's chest, and it's a feeling she's come to relish over the last month of their arguably unique relationship. Bejeweled fingers seek Brooks across the expanse of the table and lace together, and Shoshanna regards the beautiful blonde with a bashful smile. A light flush blooming on her cheeks.
This impromptu trip to Bora Bora--entirely inspired by one Conrad Porter--had been a Godsend. Shoshanna had been feeling a bit anxious as of late, with school, her precious dog's illness, and people being mean. To be in paradise with someone that genuinely cared for her was exactly what she needed.
Running her thumb idly along the top of Brook's hand, she responds, "I'm kinda glad you didn't bring it here tonight, because you won't be hiding behind the lens, and we can just...you know, enjoy each other. Besides, we'll have time for you to take tons of pics. I mean, how could you not, this place is paradise!" She gives Brook's hand a gentle squeeze.
Brooklyn smiles as she watches Shoshanna’s hand sneak across the table in search of her own, all too happily letting the woman lace their fingers together before she looks back up at her. 
“I don’t really see it as hiding behind the camera, with you, though. It’s more like...putting someone in front of the lens that should definitely be in front of it more often,” she says, her smile only growing wider as she averts her gaze back down to their joined hands. 
“And, to your other point, I’m not sure how much time I’ll get to take pictures of paradise, so long as you’re keeping me locked up in that cabin as your sex slave.” The words are accompanied with a slight smirk as her gaze shifts to meet Shoshanna’s again. 
Shoshanna looks away shyly, blushing at the suggestion, and her free hand waves Brook off. "Obvi I want to have a lot of sex, but...we should probably do other touristy things while we're here, too..."
The waiter brings over their first appetizer, and Shoshanna almost hesitates to loose her fingers from the blonde's, saddened by the impending loss of contact. As though Brook might get up and leave; as most people were wont to do to the Heiress, but Brook does nothing of the sort, only using her hands to fill up her plate with some of the fancy tartare. Shoshanna follows suit. And as she takes that first succulent bite, a thought muses in her mind.
"Isn't it interesting how just a month ago we broke up, and here we are in French Polynesia, dining in a restaurant on the water?"
Brooklyn isn’t able to help but breathe out a small laugh when Shoshanna - someone who is so unapologetically herself all the time - blushes at her comment. She’s quick to nod in agreement to the suggestion, knowing that her own chances of coming back here anytime soon were relatively slim. Even though she could’ve said the same thing not 48 hours ago.
Her fingers give the ones tangled amongst their own a light squeeze and she smiles at Shoshanna before she’s relinquishing her hold on them, for the time being, thanking the waiter before he is off to the back again. It doesn’t take much time after that for Brook to be digging into her food - she has built up quite an appetite after so much physical activity - glancing up when Shoshanna speaks.
“I guess interesting would be one word to describe it... I think most would go with ‘weird’ or ‘confusing’, though,” she says before shoving another forkful into her mouth, a little less gracefully than intended.
Shoshanna taps her chin with the handle of her fork thoughtfully, "Yeah, but those people who say things like that just don't get it, and frankly those people don't matter, you know?" She spears a few pieces of tuna, pointing them at Brook, "So long as it isn't weird or confusing to you or me, that's what matters. And like, I think..." She chews on the morsels for a few moments, then swallows, "I think we should consider changing our not-girlfriend status."
A swell of confidence blooms in her belly, belied by a shyly bitten lip, before Shoshanna poses: "I want to be your girlfriend, Brook...and I want you to be mine."
Brooklyn tilts her head slightly to the side as she mulls over the words. Those people really don’t matter. She likes Shoshanna, and despite the somewhat rocky start to their relationship-turned-friendship-turned-relationship, she genuinely wants to be with her. It is just as much a shock to herself as she is sure it is to anyone who knew of what had transpired between them less than a month ago.
She’s stopped mid-swallow when Shoshanna proposes they make their relationship official, and nearly ends up choking on her food. How does Shoshanna always manage to get her right in that exact moment every time?
“Well, if that hickey you left on me the other day was any indication of that...” Sometimes she hates that she uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism whenever she’s in a somewhat emotional predicament. She waves off the comment with her free hand after a brief moment. “Nothing would make me happier. I really want to be your girlfriend, too, Shosh.”
Shoshanna tilts her head for a brief moment, "I mean, I can leave a lot more on you later tonight if you're doubting my seriousness regarding this relationship."
Brooklyn rolls her eyes playfully at the response, taking another bite of her appetizer, though the small grin toying on her lips never falters. “I don’t doubt your seriousness about anything, babe. But I won’t say no to more hickeys...as long as they aren’t visible to everyone...cause I’m way too lazy to cover them up.” 
It’s only a few more minutes before they’re finishing up their appetizers and being served the main course. Brook’s gaze falls upon Shoshanna and she isn’t able to stop the smile from spreading wide across her face before she’s ducking her head as a faint blush creeps up to her cheeks. “My mom is going to be happy to hear about all of this. She was team Shosh the whole time we were...broken up.”
Shoshanna: The Heiress perks up at this new information, beaming widely. "Oh em gee, really!? She was!?" She doesn't even move to sample her entree yet, far too excited in the moment to eat. Her heart is fluttering within her chest. Lighter than ever. To have feelings reciprocated. Fully and genuinely. Something Shoshanna never once considered to be in her plans. Brooklyn Evans is beautiful, corny, charming, funny, intelligent, and sexy. The whole package. The best investment. But beyond all of that, she cares. Unafraid to care for someone as complex as Shoshanna Ben Israel. And the thoughts have the heiress nearly in tears, she's so utterly happy at this development, all she can manage to say is:
"I am so happy right now."
Brooklyn chuckles at the response, nodding a little to assure Shoshanna that the words spoken were true. Her mom had chosen a side very quickly, after hearing the story of her daughter’s breakup and it was that of the heiress. While the two have mended their relationship since then, Brook has only told her mom that they’re friends and not anything more. Needless to say, the woman was going to find this to be a little bit of a shock.
While Brook is a tad preoccupied with devouring the delicious meal in front of her, she is still able to notice the slight change in the silence lingering between them and she looks up at Shosh just as she speaks. The blonde doesn’t waste any time in setting her fork down and reaching across the table for her girlfriend’s hand. “Just wait until we get back to the cabin,” Brook teases, offering up a playful wink before she lifts the hand placed in her own and brings it to her lips to press a gentle kiss to the back of it. “You make me really happy, Shosh. I mean, who else would’ve taken me on an impromptu trip to the middle of the ocean...probably no one.”
Shoshanna: As Brook kisses her hand, the other immediately goes to splay across Shoshanna's chest, overwrought with emotion at the gesture. She's dreamed of having a handsome prince/princess charming do something like this, and her girlfriend was delivering in spades. Girlfriend. The word alone evokes myriad emotions within the heiress, all of them positive.
She purrs at Brook's suggestion, "Mmm," Glancing from side to side, making sure no one's eyes were trained on the pair, Shoshanna's free hand slips beneath her skirt under the table, and within seconds she holds up a pair of fingers. Both wet and glistening at the tips. "I can't wait to get back to the cabin." And without preamble, she sucks them both clean with a light, teasing pop .
Brooklyn quirks up an eyebrow when Shoshanna quickly sizes up the room only for them both to raise up when the woman’s hand disappears under the table. “Oh my good god,” she mutters under her breath, eyes focused on the scene unfolding before her eyes. 
It takes a moment for her mind to catch up, and her jaw is left hanging slightly and she’s positive she’s died and gone to heaven, at this point. Is this seriously her girlfriend? How is she even real?!
“D-do...we should... Wanna skip dinner? Or, like...take it back with us? Cause I’m suddenly not hungry... Not for this anyway.”
Shoshanna with her gaze locked with Brook's, calls the waiter over with a raised hand. In perfect French she instructs them that their meals should be wrapped, and to go ahead and charge the meal to her account. Darkened eyes remain trained on Brook, lips curling into a predatory smile as the waiter takes care of her request. "I agree...we should move this meal to our cabin." Finger curl around the sweating neck of the wine bottle at their table. "Dessert too."
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