flock-sparrow-blog · 7 years
night’s work || hawk & sparrow
She waited in a tree at the edge of the forest, turned town-wards as the stars began to fade, eyes trained sharply on the footpath that led out of the city. Picking at the mud under her nails---not removing it so much as transferring it from one place to another---she whistled softly to herself every now and again. She wasn’t hiding, she was bored. Late night sounds echoed far away, but it shouldn’t be long now--- after all, she’d only quit about half an hour earlier. Her own sack of loot was hooked over her shoulder. Not a bad night for it.
But she’d gone into town with Hawk, and after a while they’d split. The human would do well enough on her own, and Sparrow wasn’t nervous about her, exactly. Teaming up for so many jobs, it had been interesting for a time to operate with Hawk as a distraction while she worked, but it did slow her down. Sparrow preferred to be a shadow, flickering just out of sight. Unfortunately, with her human blood and that bright hair, Hawk wasn’t great at being unnoticed.
Something like relief warmed her, though, when she spotted a small shape in a blue tri-corn hat edging down the path. Jumping from the branches, she landed lightly, and loped out to meet her friend, throwing a light punch at Hawk’s shoulder. “So late--- better have somethin’ t’show for it. I was beginnin’ t’think you’d been scooped up by slavers or become some fancy lord’s pet.”
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