corndog-patrol · 1 year
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and it went down in history as the fattest bong rip of all time
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Towards the start of Eddie’s popularity on Tiktok, he gets stopped at the park by one those Tiktokers that stop people in public and ask them questions.
Eddie’s game to talk so they’re having a little conversation when a man runs by, slaps him on the ass, and says all breathy, “Looking good, Munson.” Then they’re gone.
The video blows up and people are offended on Eddie behalf that he was assaulted by this jogger. People even slow the footage down to try to see what the guy looked like but he was wearing sunglasses and a hoodie so there’s no good angle.
Eddie responds to it all with a video from his car like. “Guys, relax. It was my husband.”
He then pans the camera over to the passenger seat of the car to what is pretty much just an ass shot because Steve has his top half hanging out the car window so he can argue with Dustin and Mike. Eddie’s just like, “See. Same shorts.”
He has a hold of the waistband of said shorts because he does not trust Steve not to fall out the window. Though he does let go to pinch Steve on the ass. “And now we’re even.”
Steve sticks his hand back in the car and swats at Eddie’s hand, and then just holds it. Eddie turns the camera back to himself and ends the video with a pleased smile on his face.
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blogtodayys · 10 months
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Maltepe'de bulunan Kardelen Tip Merkezi, 2008 yılından bu yana saç ekimi, fizik tedavi, diş sağlığı ve ozon tedavisi başta olmak üzere çeşitli tıbbi hizmetler sunmaktadır. Saç dökülmesi hem erkeklerin hem de kadınların ortak sorunudur ve Kardelen, saç dökülmesi tedavisinde en etkili yöntemlerden biri olarak saç ekimi hizmeti sunmaktadır. Merkezin deneyimli sağlık personeli, her bireyin ihtiyaçlarına ve tercihlerine göre kişiselleştirilmiş tedavi planları sunmaktadır. Ozon tedavisi, Kardelen Tip Merkezi'nde sunulan, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmeye ve çeşitli hastalıkları tedavi etmeye yardımcı olan bir diğer hizmettir. Bu terapi, ozon gazının vücuda verilmesini, dokulara ulaşan oksijen miktarının arttırılmasını içerir. Sonuç olarak ozon tedavisi kronik ağrı, artrit, bağışıklık sistemi bozuklukları gibi rahatsızlıkları olan hastalar için faydalı olabilir. Kardelen Tip Merkezi ayrıca dişlerin görünümünü iyileştirmek için diş beyazlatma hizmetleri de sunmaktadır. Ağız ve diş sağlığı bölümü ortodonti, implant, protez, radyasyon dolgusu, lazerle diş beyazlatma ve kök kanal tedavisini kapsayan bir dizi hizmet sunmaktadır. Ancak kanser tedavisi gören hastalara veya diş minesinde çeşitli problemler bulunan kişilere diş beyazlatma işlemleri önerilmemektedir. Kardelen Tip Merkezi'nin deneyimli diş hekimliği kadrosu, her hastanın kendine özgü ihtiyaçlarını ve tercihlerini karşılayacak kişiselleştirilmiş tedavi planları sunmaktadır.
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baravaggio · 4 months
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mapsontheweb · 3 months
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Maximum Yearly Extent of the Ozone Hole since 1979
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hayaomiyazaki · 4 months
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Melvil Poupaud as Romain TIME TO LEAVE / LE TEMPS QUI RESTE (2005) dir. François Ozon
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dervils · 2 months
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You said you were gonna grow up ྀི 🪩 ꣑   
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Then you were gonna come find me ᭪ 🌫️ ᯓ ⬚
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davidbyrne · 6 months
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Swann Arlaud in Grâce à Dieu (By The Grace of God) dir. François Ozon
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respectthepetty · 2 months
This is what I'm showing up to Battle of the Writers for! THIS!
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I saw hints of them in the trailer and was already hooked!
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The immature popular young writer and the mature agent who is over his shit.
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They are already everything I needed them to be!
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I love them.
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And they love each other.
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I'm going to be unwell about them.
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*bites knuckles*
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This is gonna be delicious.
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sacredwhores · 2 months
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François Ozon - Water Drops on Burning Rocks (2000)
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
but what was the argument about the ozone layer about? was it the danger of Steve’s hairspray? (love this series so much) ❤️
The conversation is basically this:
Steve: Do you want some sunscreen? If you’re going to be at the park all day playing with your rockets than you need to wear sunscreen because, you know. The ozone layer.
Dustin: What about the ozone layer?
Steve, simply: It’s gone.
Mike: It’s gone? Gone where?
Steve: It like, evaporated. Or whatever. What did you think all those ‘save the ozone, stop using hairspray’ campaigns in the nineties were about?
Mike: They were about the holes in the ozone layer but-
Steve: Exactly. Wear sunscreen.
Mike, about to have an aneurysm: The ozone layer is not gone!
Steve, sarcastically: Oh, really, Wheeler? Then where did all the campaigns go? Why do most moisturizers contain sunscreen now? Climate change is irreversible.
Mike: Those are not the same thing
Steve: Hm, yeah. I think they are, dude
Mike: How are you still the dumbest person I’ve ever met? The ozone layer didn’t evaporate
Steve: Then where is it?
Mike: Where is it?!
And then the conversation dissolves into arguing from there like it always does when Mike and Steve disagree (which is always). Eventually, Dustin gets dragged into it because both of them want him to tell the other that they’re wrong.
Dustin, trying to play the middle ground: You’re not wrong, Steve. But you are far from right.
Steve: I got some of the small details wrong, whatever. I got the big picture.
Dustin: No.
All and all. Between being blissfully unaware that half the internet was accusing him of being a creep for a hot second and learning that the ozone layer has repaired itself, Steve had a pretty good day at the park.
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markruffalo · 2 years
“‘Our success in phasing out ozone-eating chemicals shows us what can and must be done as a matter of urgency to transition away from fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gases and so limit temperature increase.’”
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carloskaplan · 8 months
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« Les Amants criminels »・François Ozon
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crispywizardtale · 21 days
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pierppasolini · 2 years
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La petite mort (1995) // dir. François Ozon
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
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what art does for us
john berger and our faces, my heart, as brief as photos \\ larissa pham the limits of the viral book review \\ frantz (2016) dir. françois ozon \\ johann wolfgang von goethe the sorrows of young werther (tr. david constantine)
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