#ozo matli
I had an incredibly crazy dream last night.
I dreamed I was visiting my friend Rose in Dallas. At her house it was filled with art and sculptures and carved things on the walls. A lot of it was Aztec art, lots of animal carvings, it was so filled with art that the house seemed very narrow and hard to get through and cluttered but it was also extremely beautiful and ornate.
I've never been to her house in real life.
In the dream she had a different husband and he was telling me how he wanted to get me a job as an assistant professor at a university but to do that he would have to teach me how to use Macintosh computers.
There were all these other things going on in the dream something about a children's birthday party and then something about going to visit so Pagan ritual where they were having a feast.
But finally I was in the bathroom running water for a bath. The water was turquoise blue. When I got into the tub, all around the tub there were these really fancy and really expensive cosmetics. So I picked up a gold colored eyeliner and decided to try it. When I put it on and looked in the mirror, not only did it line my eyes with gold, it turned my eyelashes completely gold as well. I looked like a living work of art.
Then from somewhere in the house so what started playing OZO Matli's "Who discovered America?"
I got so excited that I started singing along with the song, the song that was playing but it had different lyrics than the actual song and I couldn't keep up with it.
All of a sudden the door to the bathroom open and this man came in he started to lay down on me in the bathtub with his back towards me. He had curly black hair but that's all I could tell about him.
Then from out of nowhere came this witch! She had a shaved head and tattoos all over her head and she was wielding an ax and started shopping the guy up as he lay on top of me!!
I somehow survived but when I looked at the mirror I saw she had turned me into a baby. I was like a toddler only with the same mind that I have now. And I was walking through the house trying to signal to somebody to help me but I couldn't talk and all I could do was away with my arms.
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ssozo · 1 year
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i will not ask you where you came from / i will not ask you, neither should you / honey just put your sweet lips on my lips / we should just kiss like real people do
thank you everyone for attending volo and i's wedding! the rest of the day will be a slow queue of art of him, alongside any fics that ive written. feel free to mingle, eat a snack, and dance with us to our playlist!
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ozomatli · 2 years
i looove going by like seven different names its so cool
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elmexitlyotl · 3 years
bueno... ahora que parece que los humanos no tenemos en concreto un tonali ni xiuhtli lo mas cercano es el mono ozomatli o batz (en maya es ztozt pero aqui se referie a una fecha) ozo en si es mono y matli mano (es como lo de manamana dudu dududu) porque la mano del mono porque es tan especial como la nuestra en el sol 2 los unicos que sobrevivieron al vendabal (de queztalcaotal el que aytrapo a xolotl) fue hue xolotl que es el pavo y asi durante bastante en el 3º sol pero cayo la lluvia y solo sobrevivio el mono y su maneras que es el que evoluciono en el 4º sol este se ahogo en inundacion de donde peces pero el sol de movbimiento se centra o entre guajolote a mono o entre gignate (1º sol) a nada (2º sol) el pez queda colgado porque es de donde viene el humano hace muchos cinco soles completivos eso es con sus 2 pares de soles anteriores, la mano del mono y la nuestra ambas sirven para el cero maya (que es el 1 y 0 en vigesimal) y batz viene explicado en wikiguate que no es un sabio pero en significado es mas que yo
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dean-the-smol-bean · 8 years
🤘🎧🎬🎶 there's a lot cuz Ily ;)
🤘- first concert you went to: it was Ozo Matli at my downtown theater when I was like eight and i feel asleep like 2/3 of the way through because I was a child and it was late and I didn’t know I should be appreciating this experience
🎧- favorite band: Ooh, this is hard. I really love Panic! at the Disco- I think I’m gonna say that. (I saw Brendon not long ago at a music festival in my town IT WAS AMAZING THEY DID BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY BRENDON’S FALSETTOS GOT ME SHOOK)
🎬- favorite movie: I don’t know that I have a single top favorite, but my top two are Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Dead Poets Society (I’m a hipster I know)
🎶- top five favorite songs: SHIT this one’s hard. I listen to a lot of Edgy Indie Hipster Songs™ so there a lot of that (in no particular order)
Fire Escape by Foster the People
Above The Cloud’s Of Pompeii by Bear’s Den
Atlas Hands by Benjamin Francis Leftwich 
The Judge by Twenty One Pilots 
Guillotine by Jon Bellion 
Ily2 babe ;))))))))
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ssozo · 1 year
the proposal
matli/volo, word count: 370. pure fluff :3
it's a quiet morning. both matli and volo had risen only an hour previously, but mornings came easily to the duo. volo sits cross legged in front of matli, who is weaving flowers into his devotee's hair.
matli hums an old song, one he had long forgotten the words for but could never forget the melody, as his fingers twist and plait through volo's long, silken locks.
volo is silent, eyes closed and deep in bliss at the sensation of nails scratching at his scalp, when his god stops humming to speak.
"my love," matli begins, "my disciple. we have lived in domestic comfort for so long. you have laid your darkest secrets at my altar, and i have come undone at your prayers. i know you, i see you, i honor you- and i must ask you a question."
volo twists around to look at matli's face. the grey haired god looks down, a light blush dusting his cheekbones. he raises a hand and caresses matli's cheek, the smaller man leaning into the touch.
"of course, matli. ask me anything."
"i… i know our bond is stronger than anyone can ever put words to. i know that our souls are intertwined. so… even if you say no, i am comforted by these truths."
volo simply tilts his head.
"volo… will you do me the honor of not only being my priest, of being my warrior of hisui, of being my sun and stars, but also… being my husband?"
both of them sit in silence, matli's eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed, as if bracing himself to hear a refusal. the silence stretches onwards, thicker than the stickiest combee honey, and in anxiety matli speaks again.
"i'm sorry. it was a stupid question- i shouldn't have even asked-"
matli is stopped mid-sentence by volo kissing him. the blond man peppers kisses all over his god's face, laughing with joy.
"yes, yes, yes! a thousand, a million times yes! nothing would make me happier!"
he kisses the tears that run down matli's cheeks, kisses the dimples in his smile, runs his hands through his grey hair and touches, touches, touches all over, as if to drink in every sensation of this moment.
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ssozo · 2 years
matli's voice cracks during a really important long sustained note while hes singing and while hes hiding his face embarssed volo slowly pulls his hands away from his scarlet cheeks and smiles. matli puts his hands down and volo tilts his chin up with his own hand to make eye contact.
he kisses matli, a chaste one on the lips that flusters the other man more, and says in his usual chipper voice: "it's okay, my love. you're okay. i thought your voice sounded lovely, and if you want to sing more, you can. dont let one mistake stop you."
and matli is hesitant. he knows volo won't pressure him to sing more if he doesn't want to, but he also recalls how volo's eyes squinted upwards, how he seemed to sway his head to the sound and fall into the rhythm. and matli breaks into song once again
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ssozo · 1 year
If you're still doing them: 🤪🙈🎞️ for Matli!!! -frankmillerturnonyourlocation
thank you emerson!!!! @frankmillerturnonyourlocation
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
that's a good question! i think popular fanon would exaggerate his "i want to be dramatic but i'm actually a mess" and leave out why he's a mess- went cold turkey on his antipsychotics and forgot he took them at all.
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
it's fluffy because these two genuinely care about each other and you can see it every time youre in a room with them. they radiate love with every sappy glance
its problematic because of the nature of their relationship: god and priest, worshiped and worshiper. volo encourages matli's delusions, because he wants it to be true too.
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
there are a few- the first meeting, where matli re-injures his knee running from a wild pokemon and volo helps him catch the pokemon (a shiny eevee) and walks him back to jubilee village; the scene where matli confesses feeling like a god and volo believes him; and the confrontation at mount sinnoh after the player character defeats volo and giratina.
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ssozo · 2 years
"arven wants to be a cook" YEEAAHHHH BABEY THE GAYS KEEP WINNING
i have a thought in my head that matli helps arven start learning how to cook and its something they bond over when turo is working away from home
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ssozo · 1 year
i have to write a fic where matli experiences a psychotic episode. i have to.
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ssozo · 2 years
and maybe 4 and 9 for volo
already done 9 for volo!
injury + volo/matli
content warnings: none
matli hears the cry of the wild pokémon before he has time to react, and he yeets himself ass over teakettle into the nearest bush in a panicked dodge roll. it is only after he finds himself falling through midair that he realizes that it was not a regular bush, but a boundary hiding a cliff ledge.
he's only been in hisui a week, and he's going to die by falling off a cliff. how typical.
well, perhaps the word "cliff" is misleading. it's certainly a high enough distance that one would want to find another path to the bottom, but the slope is gentle enough that it's more of a very aggressive hill.
'very aggressive' my finely sculpted ass, thinks matli as he tumbles downwards. he can feel the bruises and cuts mark themselves on his skin. it was going to be a miserable limp back home, assuming he even would make it back to jubilife village.
as he lands, he hears the tell-tale sound of soft footprints approaching him. sure enough, he sees the cheery yellow-and-blue design of the gingko guild uniform, and a blond man offers him a hand up.
"that was quite a tumble you took, my friend. my name is volo. and you are?"
"i remember seeing you before. you're beni's assistant, yes? you're outside the city gates rather late. do you need an escort home?"
matli swears under his breath, knee buckling over the newfound stress his injuries have given him. the stranger, volo, shifts his grip and holds matli up.
"matli," he mumbles. "my name is matli."
matli, still stunned from his fall, simply nods and accepts volo's assistance on the long, long trip home.
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ssozo · 1 year
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this is matli . btw
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ssozo · 1 year
is it really a self insert of mine if he isnt horrendously self destructive and takes one of my flaws and cranks it up on high
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ssozo · 2 years
Pre relationship 4 and 6!!!
u did not specify a ship so im gonna do it with matli and volo, hope u dont mind!
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
definitely matli! he started sneaking out of jubilife village to follow volo around hisui bc hes a little freak who doesnt know how to process his feelings
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
depends on who you said it to! matli would say something like "oh thank fucking god" but volo would be like "...on god?"
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ssozo · 2 years
"do you ever wear anything besides that merchant uniform?" matli asks, pressing an ear against volo's chest to listen to the tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump of the blond man's heart.
they're laying on the couch, matli resting on top of volo. nobody will bother them in this moment. nobody knows where they are.
volo responds in kind by walking two fingers up matli's shoulders and across his chin before playfully tapping his nose.
"do you wear anything besides that turtle neck and fluffy white boa?"
matli harrumphs, which is admitting defeat.
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ssozo · 2 years
giving your self insert the same psychotic symptoms as you can be something that is soooo personal
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