#oxventure headcanon/fanfic idea rambles
gabbynyssa · 1 month
Oxventure fans keep showing interest in my ramblings about possible headcanons and like... I really wish I had any intent to write a fanfic...
'Cuz... Listen. My concepts for Corazón de Tortuga learning to love his new body and treat the sea better actually slot in really well into my idea for pirate queen "CorazMom Milquetoast" but I'm not a fiction writer... I've only ever had the ambition to make amateurish freeform poetry.
I am not 100% committed to that pun but I'm also not thinking of a better thing to call her at 4:20am.
Like... Imagine finally thinking everything in your life has slotted together. You're better as a person, you finally love yourself, you treat your second home and your friends/found family better(still sassy but all bark no bite). And then there's this person that you thought was gone and whose absence set the course of your life in motion here and she's not only completely unable to recognize you, but she's cooler than you in your own career field???
And then on the other hand... imagine you're, like... Lost in space for decades, slowly working your way up from basically just adrift with your "space comes down at night" oxygen supply hoping that somehow there's something to latch onto all the way up to full-blown queen of the star ocean. You're feared by foes and beloved by a fleet full of pirates. But you're still so listless underneath because you never quite found your way back to that odd disk you fell off of where you just know your awful ex can't have done a good job taking care of poor Percy.
Then there's this cat-man freelance pirate that happens to end up on your ship(let's say he was shot out of a canon onto her ship after Fury of the Black Rose). And he says something about you reminding him of one of his old Captains. A Captain around the age your son would be. A Captain who has a pet named Percy Jr.
When you're done shaking this very polite cat by the shoulders desperately asking where this Captain was he says the name of that disk you fell off of all those years ago, and he knows how to get you there. But then you get there and the guy Captaining his ship is a turtle???
And like... When all the fun drama settles you find out that not only did your ex fail spectacularly at being anything resembling a father, not only did your son find a family in the absence of the one you could've tried to build around him, and not only has that son accomplished so much with that family that they saved the world, but you also kinda missed his entire life and death?
And to anyone asking "but how did she not find a way back to Geth before Rust? There's even the adventurer exchange program that the other cat got to Geth thru, and remember that time intersimensional Amazon kidnapped Corazón and Dob and they were able to be shipped back?" Just remember: "Space," [the Hitchhiker's Guide] says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space." And in D&D "space" pirates actually travel thru something far more complex and big than space as we know it, despite the fact that most source materials only have them visit like ten key settings still.
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